English Identifying The Mood
English Identifying The Mood
English Identifying The Mood
Word Cloud
A word cloud is a visual representation of information or
data. It shows the popularity of words or phrases by
making the most frequently used words appear larger or
bolder compared with the other words around them.
What is an example of
a Word Cloud?
3rd Stage.
Speaker: Kristine Katipunan
Identify the various stages mentioned in the poem
and reflect on it by thinking a catchy hashtag that
is descriptive for each state.
7 Stages
In the 4th stage Soldier: This being the next stage of a
grown man of military age and a man in his drive to
defend his manhood, he is willing to swear to do lots
of things, however odd to common ears.
4th Stage.
Speaker: Ezekiel Maranan
Identify the various stages mentioned in the poem
and reflect on it by thinking a catchy hashtag that
is descriptive for each state.
7 Stages
In the 5th stage Mature man: In this stage, he
become mature and stop worrying about what
other people say to you. In this stage of life we
generally tend to increase our weight.
5th Stage.
Speaker: Ezekiel Maranan
Identify the various stages mentioned in the poem
and reflect on it by thinking a catchy hashtag that
is descriptive for each state.
7 Stages
In the 6th stage Elderly man: It means that the
calf muscles of the legs have weakened and
shrunk due to old age and the legs have
become thin and weak.
6th Stage.
Speaker: Ayellah Adefuin
Identify the various stages mentioned in the poem
and reflect on it by thinking a catchy hashtag that
is descriptive for each state.
7 Stages
In the last stage Death: Due to old age, man
loses control over his senses and forgets
everything about his life's eventful history.
7th Stage.
Speaker: Ayellah Adefuin
THANK YOU! Presenters:
Kristine Katipunan
Presented to: Teacher
Ayellah Adefuin