New-Password B2 TN
New-Password B2 TN
New-Password B2 TN
Teaching Notes
WHAT IS THE LESSON ABOUT? Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the text
below (worksheet activities page 69). Then ask students
Grammar past tenses; used to to work in pairs and find four mistakes in the use of past
Reading an article about popular YouTubers
forms. If you are working with a stronger class, you may
decide not to tell students how many mistakes there are.
Matura topics Kultura; Znajomość środków językowych After 4–5 minutes, elicit answers and discuss them as
and tasks Transformacje zdań (zadanie otwarte) a class, concentrating on the context for the use of the
IF YOU NEED A QUICK REVIEW … (3–4 minutes) Last night I visited my cousin Ann. She lives quite near,
Say the sentence beginnings and ask selected students to in a house at the end of the road, but I haven’t seen her for
finish them so that the sentences are true about them. Ask a few months. It was because she was away as her company
3–4 students to finish the same sentence to give students had sent her to work in its branch in Edinburgh. The evening
a chance to compare their answers and revise the use of was lovely. We spent time chatting and recollecting the good
present tenses. old times. When we were kids, we would be so carefree and
I have never … full of joy. When I had been leaving, Ann gave me a small gift –
I’m currently … a Scottish tartan scarf.
I hardly ever …
Tomorrow, I’m … Key
Last night I visited my cousin Ann. She lives quite near,
EXTRA ACTIVITY retranslation in a house at the end of the road, but I haven’t seen hadn’t
seen her for a few months. It was because she was had
after exercise 4 page 7
been away as her company had sent her to work in its
Write the sentences below on the board: branch in Edinburgh. The evening was lovely. We spent
1 Zoe pracowała jako stażystka w firmie dekoratorskiej, time chatting and recollecting the good old times. When
kiedy postanowiła założyć bloga, w którym pisze o modzie we were kids, we would be used to be so carefree and full
i urodzie. of joy. When I had been was leaving, Ann gave me
2 W tym czasie pracowała również w znanej brytyjskiej a small gift – a Scottish tartan scarf.
sieciówce odzieżowej, co tylko pomogło jej w karierze.
3 Jego rodzice przez jakiś czas filmowali jego recenzje zanim HOMEWORK
postanowili pomóc mu założyć własny kanał.
4 Mieli oni pewne wątpliwości związane z typem kariery Students write a short story (a paragraph, about 6–7
swojego syna, ale teraz chłopak ma ponad 17 milionów sentences) containing one of these two sentences from
subskrybentów! exercise 7: Joe and I had been friends before we went to the
Explain that the sentences are translations of four university or We had been driving for ages before we found
sentences from the text about YouTubers. Ask students the right hotel. Remind students of using the past tenses.
to work in pairs and translate these sentences back
into English, with their books closed. After 4–5 minutes,
elicit the translations from students and refer them back
to the text. Help students in noticing any similarities
between their sentences and the sentences from
the text, concentrating on the correct use of the past
tense forms.
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (2–3 minutes) Students prepare a short presentation about a contemporary
artist of their choice. Tell them to include the following:
Discuss the following questions with the class. • a few biographical details
• Did your art lessons at school make you more or less • their greatest achievements
interested in art? Why?
• what they think about this artist
• When was the last time you went to an art gallery? Did you If possible, students may bring copies of the artist’s work
enjoy it? Why? / Why not? to the next class to illustrate their presentation.
friends and family • (worksheet activities page 72). Ask students to match the
VOCABULARY phrasal verbs phrases with their definitions.
1 bring up 5 be related to sb
WHAT IS THE LESSON ABOUT? 2 grow up 6 be connected to sb
friends and family 3 make friends 7 look like sb
phrasal verbs 4 remain friends 8 take after sb
dialogues: three dialogues between friends a to belong to the same family
or family members b to look or behave like an older relative
pairwork: c to look after a child until he or she is an adult
• discussion about relationships d to become friends
• describing a romantic story from a film e to change from being a baby or young child to being
or a book an older child or adult
Życie prywatne; Znajomość środków f to continue to be friends
Matura topics
and tasks
językowych Transformacje zdań (zadanie g to be similar in appearance to someone else
otwarte) h to have a social, business or family relationship
EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes EXTRA ACTIVITY future continuous and future perfect
Challenge section, unit 2, exercise 2 page 108 after exercise 5 page 19
Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the Ask students to make a short to-do list for today, this week
sentences below (worksheet activities page 72). Ask or this month, e.g. this week: I have to read ‘The Master and
students to translate the Polish parts of the sentences Margarita’ / write an essay for Polish / tidy up my room, etc.
in brackets into English using the phrases from the Then, ask students to work in pairs and make dialogues
exercise. Check the answers as a class. about the things on the list, using both future tenses, e.g.
1 I don’t like Lucy because she always (mówi okropne A By the end of next week I’ll have read ‘The Master and
rzeczy za moimi plecami). Margarita’.
2 I didn’t come to the meeting (z powodu B Will you be reading the book at 8.00 p.m. tomorrow?
A Well, I am not sure. I am going to the cinema tomorrow.
3 My mum always (wspiera swoją siostrę w trudnych
czasach). Ask a few pairs to present their dialogues to the class.
4 I’m sorry, but I’m (odnoszę wrażenie) that you’re not
telling me the truth. EXTRA ACTIVITY future tenses
5 (Wiem z doświadczenia) that dating your sister’s best after exercise 9 page 19
friend isn’t a very good idea.
Prepare slips of paper with the prompts for dialogue
6 Please, don’t (porównuj mnie do) your father.
building below (worksheet activities page 73). In pairs,
students improvise short dialogues (3–4 lines), which
Key must include the prompts provided (tenses and time
1 says horrible things behind my back expressions). Other students in the class listen and provide
2 due to a misunderstanding feedback on the use of tenses.
3 supports her sister through difficult times 1 A this time tomorrow + future continuous
4 under the impression
B present simple
5 I know from experience
2 A in five years + future perfect
6 compare me to
B future simple
3 A by the year 2050 + future perfect
B present simple
‘Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad Reading
an opinion essay about social networking
actions in the past.’ sites
Tryon Edwards
Matura topics Życie prywatne; Wypowiedź pisemna
‘If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.’ and tasks Rozprawka wyrażająca opinię
Students choose one of the quotes below and write
job mobility • employability • job market • a short paragraph (5–6 sentences) explaining why they
career • word formation agree or disagree with it.
‘I like to reinvent myself – it’s a part of my job.’ (Karl
exchange programmes for students ‘Find a job you enjoy doing and you will never have to work
Vocabulary job market and career development a day in your life.’ (Mark Twain)
word formation
Students write an advertisement for a temporary job
of their choice. WRITING a covering letter
VOCABULARY 1 I couldn’t talk to the surgeon because he was still in the
addictions • eating disorders • health care system operating theatre.
2 The emergency unit is in the other part of the building.
WHAT IS THE LESSON ABOUT? 3 We must take an X-ray to check if the leg isn’t broken.
Matura topics
Zdrowie; Mówienie Rozmowa na podstawie
materiału stymulującego • Znajomość
WRITING a letter of enquiry
and tasks środków językowych Transformacje zdań
(zadanie otwarte) WHAT IS THE LESSON ABOUT?
Writing a letter of enquiry
EXTRA ACTIVITY describing pictures
Functional starting and ending a letter
before exercise 2 page 46 language requesting further information
Divide students into three groups, and within these
groups into smaller groups or pairs. Assign each of the Matura topics Zdrowie; Wypowiedź pisemna
and tasks List z zapytaniem
three groups one of the pictures from exercise 2, and ask
students to brainstorm language and ideas they associate
with it. Allow the groups to work for one minute, and then EXTRA ACTIVITY direct and indirect questions
elicit the ideas and write them on the board. Finally, ask before exercise 7 page 47
each small group to write one sentence either describing
their picture or related to the picture. Ask students to look at the letter in exercise 3 again and
change the following indirect questions from paragraph 2
Key (possible answers + students’ own sentences) of the text into direct questions. Point out to students that
if an indirect question consists of two clauses, they will
Picture 1: yoga, beach, seaside, relax, dawn, peacefulness,
probably need two separate direct questions to render the
time for yourself, me-time, focus on yourself
Picture 2: massage, relaxation, candles, dim lights, spa,
me-time, calm down 1 Firstly, I would like to know what criteria you apply when
selecting the participants for the event, and whether or not
Picture 3: spa, sauna, sweating, dim light, hot, steam,
people who are minors, like myself, are allowed to enter the run.
wooden desks, measuring time, high temperatures
2 I also wonder what the cost of the application is and if it is
possible to receive some funding.
EXTRA ACTIVITY giving arguments
3 Additionally, it would be useful to learn whether or not I am
after exercise 4 page 46 required to produce a valid medical certificate and if so,
Dictate the following sentence fragments to students. Ask what it should include.
them to work individually to translate them into English
and complete them with their own ideas. Key
1 Z tego, co wiem, sauna nie jest odpowiednia dla … 1 What criteria do you apply when selecting the
2 Szczerze mówiąc, nigdy nie byłem fanem / nie byłam fanką … participants for the event? Are people who are
3 Z mojego punktu widzenia dynamiczne ćwiczenia, takie jak minors, like myself, allowed to enter the run?
aerobik, … 2 What is the cost of the application? Is it possible
4 Osobiście sądzę, że spędzanie czasu samemu … to receive any funding?
3 Am I required to produce a valid medical
5 Zazwyczaj wolę spokojniejsze zajęcia, ale tym razem …
certificate? If so, what should it include?
Key (possible answers + students’ own ideas)
EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
1 As far as I know, sauna is not appropriate for …
2 To be honest, I’ve never been a fan of … exercise 8 page 47
3 From my point of view, dynamic exercise such as aerobics … Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the
4 Personally, I think that spending time on your own … sentences below (worksheet activities page 77). Ask
5 I tend to prefer calmer activities, but this time … students to decide which three sentences should not be
used in a letter of enquiry described in the instructions for
HOMEWORK the writing task in exercise 8. Students should also explain
Students transform the sentences below using concession why they have rejected the sentences.
Students write two sentences which could be used Students choose one of the statements below and write
in a letter of enquiry about each of the events presented a paragraph explaining whether they agree or disagree with it.
in exercise 1 page 47 (a sailing course, a marathon, 1 Mental health is physical health. Both are of equal value
a parkour competition). to people.
2 People shouldn’t hide their feelings. It’s better to express
them, get them off your chest.
Reading a text about a famous psychiatrist
EXTRA ACTIVITY vocabulary review
pairwork: talking about mental problems at the beginning of the lesson
and mental well-being
Ask students to work in pairs and revise vocabulary from
Zdrowie; Znajomość środków językowych the unit according to the alphabet. Say the alphabet aloud,
Matura topics Wybór wielokrotny, Transformacje zdań stopping at each letter for 10–15 seconds, allowing allow
and tasks (zadanie otwarte), Gramatykalizacja, pairs to work together and brainstorm words beginning
with this letter. Keep a fast pace of the activity. Make sure
students keep the books closed, but after the activity allow
EXTRA ACTIVITY mental well-being advice them to look at the wordlist on page 49 again and check
after exercise 1 page 48 the words they did not remember.
Write on the board I keep active, get enough sleep and EXTRA ACTIVITY a story
use relaxation techniques to retain my mental well-being.
and ask the students to express their opinion on ways to after exercise 5 page 50
retain mental well-being. Then ask them to work in groups Ask students to work in pairs or groups of three and
of four and think of 3–4 other ideas helping to achieve write a funny, interesting or shocking story entitled At the
it. After 2–3 minutes, ask the groups to read out their doctor’s. Explain that the stories should be quite short
advice, and other students in the class to report on what (up to ten sentences) and should contain reported speech
they have heard, e.g. Magda suggested doing sports. Jasiek and at least ten words or expressions from the wordlist on
advised us to take a short walk in the evening. page 49. After 5–6 minutes, ask selected pairs/groups to
read out their stories and provide feedback on content and
EXTRA SUPPORT open cloze language use.
exercise 2 page 48
EXTRA ACTIVITY sentence translation
Ask students to cover the answer options below the
text and try to fill in the blanks. You can do it as a class, after exercise 6 page 50
asking students to decide for each of the blanks what part Dictate the sentences below to students or write them
of speech is needed, what meaning should be expressed on the board. Ask students to work individually and
or what type of verb is required (e.g. a phrasal verb). Once translate the sentences into English. If necessary, refer
students have an initial idea concerning the content of the students back to the table with reporting verbs on page 43.
blanks, allow them to uncover the options and choose the After 3–4 minutes, elicit answers and provide feedback.
correct answers. 1 Kasia nalegała, żebyśmy poszli na warsztaty o utrzymaniu
dobrego stanu emocjonalnego.
1 Kasia insisted on us going to the workshop about
retaining emotional well-being.
2 Noah denied taking his brother’s backpack without asking.
3 My sister offered to go to the doctor’s with me this
4 The dietician agreed that eating carbohydrates in the
evening may influence your weight.
5 The receptionist explained to us that the surgery was /
is on the first floor.
1 Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman to obtain
a medical degree. She was born in Britain, but she
received her education and diploma in America. She was
also the first woman introduced to the British Medical
Register. Apart from her professional achievements,
Blackwell was also a feminist who promoted medical
education for women.
2 IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome, AIDS – Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome, CFS – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
WHAT IS THE LESSON ABOUT? Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the
sentences below (worksheet activities page 79). Ask
politics students to translate the Polish phrases in brackets into
Vocabulary state system English.
public offices
1 The only American president to (sprawował urząd
Reading a quiz about British politics przez więcej niż dwie kadencje) was Franklin D. Roosevelt.
2 The political party which wins the majority of seats
pairwork: a discussion about voting and in the House of Commons (utworzy rząd).
political issues
3 In our country, (organizujemy wybory prezydenckie)
Matura topics Państwo i społeczeństwo once every five years.
and tasks 4 The Government announced that Parliament (będzie
obradować w tej sprawie) on 12th October.
EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes 5 The Police Commissioner David Jamieson (będzie
ubiegał się o drugą kadencję) next May.
after exercise 2 page 54 6 MPs (niedawno uchwalili ustawę) to reform
Write the following on the board: the health care system.
POLITICS: people, actions, situations, events.
Ask students to work in pairs and brainstorm ideas Key
connected with the topic on the board. After 2–3 minutes, 1 serve more than two terms of office
elicit ideas from the class. Ask if they know anything about 2 will form the government
the differences between the political systems in Britain 3 we hold presidential elections
and Poland. 4 would debate the issue
Then write these Polish words on the board: głosować, izba 5 will stand for re-election
(w parlamencie), premier, kanclerz, partia, okręg wyborczy, 6 have recently passed a law
program wyborczy, mniejszość. Ask students to work in small
groups and provide English equivalents of the words. For HOMEWORK
more difficult words, allow them to use online dictionaries
Students think of a real person or a fictional character
on mobile devices.
from a book or film who they would like to become the
country’s next president. They prepare a short speech
Key in which they justify their choice and explain why this
part 1 (possible answers): politician, president, prime person would make a good president.
minister, government, vote, rule, party, policy, win,
elections, parliament, campaign; differences between
Polish and British political systems: Britain is a constitutional
monarchy, Poland is a democratic republic, the Queen GRAMMAR 1 comparatives and superlatives
is the head of state in Britain, in Poland – the president
is the head of state, the Parliament in Britain has two
chambers called Houses, in Poland, there are also two –
the Sejm and the Senate. Grammar comparatives and superlatives
part 2: vote, chamber (house – British Parliament), prime
Reading a website comment about online bullying
minister, chancellor, party, constituency, manifesto, minority
Państwo i społeczeństwo; Znajomość
EXTRA ACTIVITY qualities of a good president Matura topics środków językowych Tłumaczenie
and tasks fragmentów zdań (zadanie otwarte),
after exercise 5 page 54 Transformacje zdań (zadanie otwarte)
In pairs, students make a list of the qualities they would
expect from the ideal presidential candidate. Elicit some ideas EXTRA ACTIVITY adverbs
from students and encourage them to justify their answers. after exercise 4 page 55
Key (possible answers) Prepare cards with the phrases below (worksheet activities
page 80). Additionally, write the adverbs used in each
• trustworthy, reliable, honest, tolerant, fair, open-minded,
phrase on the board and make sure students understand
kind, brave
their meanings. Invite volunteers to come to the front
• do what they say; fulfil their promises; have the courage
of the class, take a card and mime the activity. The class
to do the right thing; solve conflicts; listen to people;
has to guess the activity and choose the correct adverb.
obey the law; help protect the environment
1a … you are simply not supposed to make friends with
your worst enemy, not unless you are brave enough
to break this rule.
Students visit the UK government website and find Ask students to say what they think about the rules in
answers to questions 1–2. British schools. Then they answer the following questions:
1 When can a child miss school in the UK and what should Describe some rules at your school. Which rules do you agree
parents do if they want to take their child on holiday during with and why?
term time? Which rules do you find unnecessary? Why?
2 How can a student be punished when he/she behaves
Web headlines:
• School attendance and absence
• School discipline and exclusion
VOCABULARY threats to the environment
Students choose one of the opinions below and prepare
a presentation in which they state why they agree or
WHAT IS THE LESSON ABOUT? disagree with the statement they have chosen.
threats to the environment • The production of bottled water harms the environment,
easily confused words so we should all start drinking tap water instead.
• Eating meat is both unethical and bad for your health.
six people commenting on environmental
• Ecotourism disturbs the wildlife and should be banned.
1 When will you have to take your next exam? READING AND VOCABULARY
2 Did you need to do any housework last weekend?
reading for gist and detail • distinguishing fact
3 Will you need to study much?
and opinion • food waste
4 Have you ever had to go to school on Saturday?
5 Will you be able to go out this weekend?
6 How many times a week do you need to tidy your
bedroom? food waste
verbs with prepositions
EXTRA ACTIVITY personalisation Reading an article about dumpster diving
Challenge section, unit 7, exercise 2 page 112
Żywienie, Państwo i społeczeństwo;
In pairs, students answer the following questions using Matura topics
Rozumienie pisanych tekstów Wybór
and tasks
could, was able to, had to or needed to. Write the questions wielokrotny
on the board.
When you were seven, EXTRA ACTIVITY phrase completion
1 what were you able to do? after exercise 4 page 83
2 what did you have to do?
Give each pair of students a copy of the worksheet with
3 what did you need to do every day? the sentence openings and endings below (worksheet
4 could you ride a bike? activities page 88). Alternatively, you may write the task
on the board. Explain that all of the sentences can be
HOMEWORK found in the text in exercise 4. Students have to match the
Give each student a copy of the text below (worksheet openings and endings. Encourage them to explain what
activities page 87). Students translate the Polish parts the phrases mean in their own words.
of the sentences into English. 1 I thrive on a for thought.
All of us know that certain foods are healthier than others, 2 I was in b new culinary experiences.
but many people go to extremes in an attempt to improve their 3 It was a c believe my eyes.
diets. The trouble is, eating 1 (dużej ilości jednego rodzaju 4 I couldn’t d for a big surprise.
pokarmu) and 2 (niewystarczającej ilości) of another type 5 Larry’s words struck e huge eye-opener.
doesn’t usually lead to a balanced diet. Yes, eating 3 6 It was food f a chord.
(dużej ilości cukru) is not good for us, but having 4 (kilka
kawałków czekolady) makes us feel good and probably causes Key (suggested answers)
(mniej) harm. It’s a similar situation with meat. If you are 1 b I always get excited about new recipes.
served an enormous steak in a restaurant, it’s better not to eat 2 d I was going to get a big surprise.
(całej) thing in one go. But eating 7 (trochę steku 3 e It made me realise something I hadn’t previously been
z mnóstwem warzyw) should be perfectly fine. The point I’m aware of.
making is an old one: 8 (trochę tego) whatever makes you 4 c I didn’t believe what I saw.
happy does you good, but too much of one type of food will 5 f I could really relate to Larry’s words.
upset your organism. So go ahead – eat 6 a It made me think.
(dużo jarmużu) and other vegetables, eat
(trochę mięsa) if you feel like it, and have 11 (kilka EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
cukierków) when you’re in the mood. Just don’t think that the
exercise 5 page 83
‘all or nothing’ approach is going to solve
(którykolwiek z twoich problemów zdrowotnych). Tell students to look at question 1 in exercise 5. Ask
Moderation is the key to health and happiness. So don’t eat students: Which answer is correct? (c) Which parts of the
(całego ciasta). Enjoy a slice or two, and save reading text show that this answer is correct? Then ask
(trochę) it to share with your friends. students to work in pairs and find the parts of the text
1 calories 4 a picture of health
ENGLISH IN USE 2 lose weight 5 research
3 wristband 6 offset with
verbs and phrases to express ability,
necessity and permission Tell students to find some information online about
celebrity chefs in Poland and write a short paragraph about
Reading a text about health and diet their background and famous dishes they have made.
pairwork: Useful search words:
• – a discussion about dieting • top chefs Poland
Żywienie, Zdrowie; Znajomość środków • celebrity chefs Poland
Matura topics językowych Transformacje zdań (zadanie • most famous Polish chefs
and tasks otwarte), Gramatykalizacja, Słowotwórstwo,
Sety leksykalne (trzy zdania)
1 Rose apple – an Asian fruit indigenous to Malaysia,
Indonesia and India
2 In Brazil.
3 1,164.2 kg (prepared in Pilsting, Germany, on 9 July 2017,
according to Guiness World Records)
4 In Sardinia (Casu marzu, which literally translates into
English as ‘rotten cheese’, contains live insect larvae/
5 The death cap (half of just one mushroom contains
enough toxins to kill an adult)
WHAT IS THE LESSON ABOUT? Tell students to keep their books closed. Write
the following jumbled-up phrases from exercise 5
giving instructions on the board. Students match 1–8 with a–h to unscramble
phrasal verbs the phrases. Tell them to check their answers
dialogues: three conversations about in the Student’s Book.
different devices 1 before a to do is
2 the first b is
pairwork: a discussion about buying and
using devices
3 the first/next c this process
4 while you are d doing this
Matura topics Nauka i technika; Rozumienie ze słuchu 5 during e step is
and tasks Zdania z lukami 6 after f you start
7 the last thing g thing to do is
IF YOU WANT A LEAD-IN … (3–5 minutes) 8 the last stage h you have
Write the following list of devices on the board and ask
students to put them in order of usefulness (where 1 Key
is the most useful and 8 is the least useful). Encourage 1f 2g 3e 4d 5c 6h 7a 8b
students to give reasons for their answers.
dishwasher vacuum cleaner EXTRA ACTIVITY discussion
washing machine TV set Challenge section, unit 8, exercise 1 page 112
hairdryer iron
hair straightener sewing machine Write the six questions below, which include the phrasal
verbs from exercise 1 from the Challenge section, on
EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes the board for students to discuss in pairs. Alternatively,
you may divide students into groups of three and give
exercise 4 page 90 each group a copy of the worksheet with the questions
Copy the table below onto the board and ask students (worksheet activities page 90) as well as a dice. Students
to listen to three conversations about different devices and take turns to roll the dice and answer the question which
answer the questions on the board about each dialogue. corresponds to the number they have rolled. Encourage
Play the recording in exercise 4. Check the answers students to give an extended answer to each question.
as a class. 1 Have you ever messed up your bedroom? How did
it happen?
What is the name of What is the problem 2 Do you think that bringing up children nowadays is more
the device? concerning the device? difficult than in the past? Why? / Why not?
1 3 Who stands out in your family as the most organised
person? Why?
4 Who do you think will end up being the most popular
3 teacher at your school this year? Why?
5 Who would you be if you could become someone famous?
Key Why?
What is the name of What is the problem 6 How difficult do you find it to come up with an original
idea? Why?
the device? concerning the device?
1 a scooter It won’t start. HOMEWORK
2 a hairdryer It doesn’t work. Tell students to draw the device they described in exercise
3 a cash machine It took the woman’s card. 5 and prepare a short presentation about it. Explain
that they should use the phrases from exercise 5 in the
After students have finished exercise 6, tell them to close EXTRA CHALLENGE listening gap fill
their books. Students rewrite the passive sentences
in exercise 6 in active voice. Check the answers as a class. after exercise 3 page 92
Give each student a copy of the worksheet with the
Key sentences from the recording in exercise 3 (worksheet
1 Our school is setting up a new computer lab right now. activities page 90). Play the recording again for students
2 The user cannot turn down the volume on this device. to listen and complete the sentences with the missing
3 You should pay for tickets with a debit or credit card. words. Tell students to check their answers with the
4 The plumbers turned off the water and started repairing transcript on page 155.
the pipe. 1 I’m Janet Mason, and my guest today is the youngest
5 This factory produced video cassettes before it closed. of the Young Achiever’s Award, Dan Carson.
6 My brother broke my hairdryer when he dropped it on 2 “So, you’re only fifteen and you’ve won this award.”
the floor yesterday. “I guess it’s because of my project, which is an idea for
7 Two turns of the key can unlock the door. a new kind of portable water system.”
3 I’m actually quite musical, so I play the and the violin,
and I also love doing sports like tennis and golf.
EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
4 The cool thing about my parents is that they’re very .
Dictate the sentence openings below or write them on 5 But both my parents love messing about with mechanical
the board. Students complete the sentences using either inventions, and that’s where it does get unexpectedly .
gerunds or infinitives in the passive, e.g. I was dissapointed 6 Another funny one was my dad’s face-recognition
not to be invited to my friend’s party last year. Students read system.
out their sentences in pairs. Monitor the activity to ensure 7 So many just don’t work out – but we always learn
that correct verb forms are being used. something new from the failures, and that’s what creativity
1 I hate it when friends … 4 I was disappointed is all about – learning as much as you can from everything
2 I don’t like being … not to be … you do.
3 I don’t mind being … 5 It was amazing to be …
Students research some British or American newspapers
online to find an interesting article. They then read
it and write a short summary or respond to it in a short
» exercise 1 page 11 Students write a short report summarising the results of
the survey they have done in exercise 6.
The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market
(popularly called ACTA 2, mainly by its opponents)
is a European Union directive which was adopted by
the European Parliament on 26 March 2019 to ensure
‘a well-functioning marketplace for copyright.’ All EU
CULTURE 2 stages of life
member states are obliged to pass appropriate legislation
regulating the introduction of the directive within two WHAT IS THE LESSON ABOUT?
years from this date. The directive is to ensure that family members
copyrights for digitally published materials are protected. stages of life
Although most publishers and media groups support the
introduction of the directive, some institutions and many Grammar reflexive pronouns
Internet users still find it controversial. They claim that Listening an interview about happiness
the law will introduce censorship and limit the freedom
of using the Internet, e.g. sharing content created by pairwork:
someone else on popular sites such as Facebook or Speaking • talking about photos
YouTube. • discussing what makes people happy
Interviewer: I see. Thanks, Ted. I’m looking forward to my 70s EXTRA SUPPORT weaker classes
then … if I live to that ripe old age, that is.
exercise 5 page 106
Ask students to read the questions, paying special
attention to the words and expressions in bold. Play the
recording from exercise 3 again. Ask students to read
the transcript on page 157, find the expressions in bold,
CULTURE 3 and underline the sentences containing them. Then get
students to work in pairs and translate the sentences into
social and international organisations •
Polish so as to make the meaning of the expressions clear.
children’s rights
Finally, students answer the questions in exercise 5.
Key (sentences from the transcript)
social and international organisations
Vocabulary 1 The other reason is a report on children’s rights I recently
children’s rights
read compiled by an NGO − that is, a non-governmental
Listening a podcast about children’s rights organisation.
2 What is more, a lot of organisations promote
pairwork: the well-being of children worldwide.
• discussing and interpreting children’s
3–4 About twenty per cent of children are clinically
Speaking obese, some percentage suffers from malnutrition
• answering questions about children’s
rights and NGOs and some children coming from racial minorities
• agreeing/disagreeing with quotations are discriminated against.
5 Some other reasons why I became worried are that there
preparing a presentation about a social or are places with high CO2 emission which violate the
Project work
international organisation
right to live and grow up in a clean environment.
Matura topics Państwo i społeczeństwo 6 Last but not least, the report mentions the freedom of
and tasks expression and opinion and states that a child’s opinion
is sometimes ignored and that parents tend to
exercise absolute parental authority.
EXTRA ACTIVITY rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli Elicit some of the advantages of using ebooks from
students. Write some answers on the board. Give each
before exercise 2 page 116 pair of students a copy of the worksheet with the ideas
Ask students to look at Student B’s role in the speaking below (worksheet activities page 95). Tell students to work
task and elicit some language to discuss each point. Then, in pairs and choose the three arguments which they find
distribute copies of the worksheet with the sentences most convincing. Encourage them to give reasons for their
below (worksheet activities page 95) and ask students to answers.
match two of the sentences with each discussion point in • It is possible to purchase an ebook at any time of the
Student B’s role. Check the answers as a class. day, and receive it immediately.
1 Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea. • No trees need to be cut down to produce ebooks.
2 I’d rather not organise the party on a weekday. • Ebooks do not need bookcases.
3 What do you mean exactly? • Ebooks do not take up much space in your suitcase.
4 Are you sure it’s a good idea to invite the neighbours? • Ebooks can be interactive.
5 Let’s not invite so many people. It’s too expensive. • Ebooks often have a built-in dictionary, which is useful
6 I’m not sure about that. What if some people don’t eat meat? when you are reading a book in a foreign language.
7 I’m afraid I’m available only at the weekend. • You can change the size of the font in an ebook.
8 Why do you think that weekend is the best time to organise • You can read an ebook on your mobile phone.
the barbecue? Ask students: In what way can television educate people?
Elicit some ideas from the class. Now write the statements
Key below on the board, which describe the educational
• Poproś ucznia o dokładniejsze objaśnienie jakiejś kwestii: role of television. In pairs, students think of different TV
3, 8 programmes which illustrate the views expressed.
• Uprzejmie nie zgódź się z uczniem A tak, aby musiał 1 Television shows us remote places and introduces us to
podać kolejne argumenty lub zaproponować inne people from around the world: their customs and cultures.
rozwiązanie: 1, 6 2 Television can teach us about new ways to prepare food,
• Nie akceptujesz zaproponowanej listy gości: 4, 5 DIY, and other ways to improve our lifestyle.
• Masz czas jedynie w weekendy: 2, 7 3 Television shows us what life in the past was like.
4 Television provides us with information about current affairs.
EXTRA ACTIVITY rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji
before exercise 3 page 116 Key (possible answers)
1 Boso przez świat; Kobieta na krańcu świata; Galileo
Brainstorm vocabulary that is useful for completing the
2 Okrasa łamie przepisy; Makłowicz w drodze; Zielona
speaking task in exercise 3. Write the categories below on
rewolucja Marty Dymek; Dorota was urządzi!
the board and ask students to suggest some words for
3 Sensacje XX wieku; Podróże z historią; Czas honoru
each category.
4 Wydarzenia, Wiadomości, Fakty, Czarno na białym,
1 things you can see in an art gallery Kropka nad i
2 people who work in an art gallery
3 places in an art gallery
4 things you can do in an art gallery
Then read out the words below and ask students to add SPEAKING TEST 2 Units 3–4
the words to one of the categories on the board. Check
the answers as a class: admire the art, attendant, café, EXTRA ACTIVITY rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli
cloakroom, curator, drawings, exhibition, gift shop, go on an
before exercise 2 page 117
audio tour, learn interesting facts, listen to an audio guide,
modern/fine art, paintings, photography, posters, take photos, Write these words and expressions on the board:
tour guide, walk around. apply for the post, be shortlisted, flexitime, full time, good
communication skills, holiday job, job interview, leadership
Key skills, paid overtime hours, part-time employment, post of
1 things you can see in an art gallery: drawings, exhibition, a manager, salary expectations, think out of the box, valuable
modern/fine art, paintings, photography, posters team member, wage, work as ..., work overtime. Ask students
2 people who work in an art gallery: attendant, curator, to group the words into the four categories in exercise 2
tour guide (wynagrodzenie, stanowisko, okres zatrudnienia i czas pracy,
3 places in an art gallery: café, cloakroom, gift shop mocne strony kandydata). Some of the expressions do not
4 things you can do in an art gallery: admire the art, go on match any of the four categories, but they can be used in
an audio tour, learn interesting facts, listen to an audio the task. After 2–3 minutes, allow students to check their
guide, take photos, walk around answers in pairs and then check as a class.
advantages disadvantages
• usually has a permanent • sitting behind a desk all
contract day
• communicates with • working under pressure
different types of people • sometimes no
• possibility to work in opportunity for
almost any field promotion
advantages disadvantages
• usually well-paid • monotonous and repetitive
• easy to find employment • work in an office all day
• stressful • easy to make a mistake
(Jej główną zaletą) is the possibility of a Is there anything that you always try to follow?
(pracy z dziećmi i młodzieżą). b What activity or hobby are you going to take up this
5 c Do you think that is a talented
(Największą wadą bycia nauczycielem ?
jest) the unnecessary paperwork. d What are many people worried about nowadays?
Dialogue 2
Student B: Zapytaj Ucznia A, co robi dziś wieczorem.
Student A: Odpowiedz, że właśnie skończyłeś coś robić (sprecyzuj, co), i powiedz, co planujesz.
Student B: Zareaguj na wypowiedź Ucznia A. Jeśli nie ma on żadnych planów, zaproponuj wspólne spędzenie czasu.
Jeśli ma, powiedz, co ty zamierzasz robić.
1 I don’t like Lucy because she always TEST IT! Examiner’s questions:
(mówi okropne rzeczy za moimi 1 Who do you think started the argument and why?
plecami). 2 Who do you admire most in your family? Why?
2 I didn’t come to the meeting 3 Tell us about the last time you had to apologise to
(z powodu nieporozumienia). someone for something you had done.
3 My mum always (wspiera swoją
siostrę w trudnych czasach).
4 I’m sorry, but I’m (odnoszę
wrażenie) that you’re not telling me the truth.
5 (Wiem z doświadczenia) that
dating your sister’s best friend isn’t a very good idea.
6 Please, don’t (porównuj mnie do)
your father.
(tymczasowego zatrudnienia).
5 You may hate doing
(wszystkich tych nudnych zadań), but the truth is they
can teach you a lot.
6 Working in different types of jobs can help you
EXTRA ACTIVITY don’t translate, just report EXTRA ACTIVITY from answers to questions
at the end of the lesson exercise 5 page 45
1 Nie zamierzam z nim rozmawiać, dopóki mnie nie 1 The author of Text A may be a teenager. You may
przeprosi. see a text like this in a blog. The author of Text B
may be a doctor or a psychologist. You may see
a text like this in a magazine or on a web page.
2 Zauważyłem ją, jak wchodziłem do centrum
2 Anxiety, body pain, insomnia, feeling jittery,
shaking, dizziness, increased blood pressure,
feeling hot, sweating, tension headaches,
3 Czy mógłbyś pomóc mi z tym zadaniem?
panic attacks, acne breakouts, weight gain.
4 Zapytam go, czy chciałby dołączyć do naszego 3 In order not to see the negative in everything.
2 I need some more information about your course because its topic fascinates me.
3 I would also appreciate more information about the diets you are advertising.
4 I would be grateful if you could send more details about the workshop.
6 I would also be interested in obtaining information regarding the date and venue of the workshop.
speak quietly
jump happily
sing sadly
eat hungrily
2 You wouldn’t want to see him after what he’d done, would he?
3 This is one of the biggest ports in the world. Fascinating, isn’t this?
4 If our neighbour told us he was going on holiday, we 3 Możesz zostać detektywem, jeśli nie tracisz szybko
would take care of his garden. zimnej krwi.
5 If the weather were good yesterday, we would go 4 To praca dla ciebie, pod warunkiem, że jesteś
swimming. cierpliwy.
3 I always order more than I can eat. 2 There’s great amount of food left after the wedding
party – we should share it, otherwise it’ll go off.
4 I didn’t use to like sushi, but I have since got used
to it and I like it now.
3 I’m afraid we have a little chance of finding a table
5 I feel sick when I smell grilled meat. anywhere at that time.
important competitive educated rise 1 baked
profitable spirited off made 2 roast
3 fried
4 steamed
highly well- self- high-
5 grilled
6 boiled
a cooked in hot oil
b cooked over a fire on a flat frame of metal bars
c cooked in hot water
d cooked over hot water
e cooked in a dry oven
f cooked in an oven with some liquid in the pan
6 to continue:
4 had / to / ever / you / to / school / Have / on /
Saturday / go / ?
All of us know that certain foods are healthier than others, but many people go to extremes in an attempt
to improve their diets. The trouble is, eating 1 (dużej ilości jednego rodzaju pokarmu) and
(niewystarczającej ilości) of another type doesn’t usually lead to a balanced diet. Yes, eating
(dużej ilości cukru) is not good for us, but having 4 (kilka kawałków
czekolady) makes us feel good and probably causes 5 (mniej) harm. It’s a similar situation with
meat. If you are served an enormous steak in a restaurant, it’s better not to eat 6 (całej) thing
in one go. But eating 7 (trochę steku z mnóstwem warzyw) should be perfectly fine. The point
I’m making is an old one: 8 (trochę tego) whatever makes you happy does you good, but too much
of one type of food will upset your organism. So go ahead – eat 9 (dużo jarmużu) and
other vegetables, eat 10 (trochę mięsa) if you feel like it, and have 11 (kilka
cukierków) when you’re in the mood. Just don’t think that the ‘all or nothing’ approach is going to solve
(którykolwiek z twoich problemów zdrowotnych). Moderation is the key to health and happiness.
So don’t eat 13 (całego ciasta). Enjoy a slice or two, and save 14 (trochę)
it to share with your friends.
MATURA SPEAKING TASK rozmowa na podstawie EXTRA ACTIVITY vocabulary from the essay
at the end of the lesson materiału stymulującego after exercise 2 page 85
EXTRA ACTIVITY phrases from the recording EXTRA ACTIVITY vocabulary from the text
after exercise 7 page 92 after exercise 3 page 94
1 a crystal breakthrough organ skull error
2 the love of your neurologist setback withdrawal shape
3 a worldwide
4 quality of 1 a synonym of ‘mistake’:
5 future 2 a noun for the bone that is found in the head:
6 changes taking
7 a threat to 3 a medical specialist who studies the brain:
8 modern
4 an important discovery in science:
9 play a bigger and bigger
our daily
5 a synonym of ‘removal’:
6 a general word for some of the parts inside the body:
1 The topic of the interview is tolerance / generation 1 has been practising / had been practising / has
gap. practised
2 Adam’s opinions are rather conservative / progressive. 2 will get used to eating / will be getting used to eating /
3 Adam has a positive / negative attitude towards the will get used to eat
society he lives in. 3 could become / could have been becoming / could
have become
4 taking up judo / take up judo / to take up judo
5 is likely to cost / is likely costing / will likely cost
6 avoiding eating / to avoid eating / to avoid to eat
7 have followed / had been following / have been
8 must be waiting / must have been waiting / must
have waited
Negative influence on
the environment and human
EXTRA ACTIVITY rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli EXTRA ACTIVITY rozmowa na podstawie materiału
before exercise 2 page 116 before exercise 4 page 116 stymulującego
1 Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea. • It is possible to purchase an ebook at any time of the
2 I’d rather not organise the party on a weekday. day and receive it immediately.
3 What do you mean exactly? • No trees need to be cut down to produce ebooks.
4 Are you sure it’s a good idea to invite the neighbours? • Ebooks do not need bookcases.
5 Let’s not invite so many people. It’s too expensive. • Ebooks do not take up much space in your suitcase.
6 I’m not sure about that. What if some people don’t • Ebooks can be interactive.
eat meat? • Ebooks often have a built-in dictionary, which is useful
7 I’m afraid I’m available only at the weekend. when you are reading a book in a foreign language.
8 Why do you think that weekend is the best time • You can change the size of the font in an ebook.
to organise the barbecue? • You can read an ebook on your mobile phone.
accuracy algorithm artificial intelligence cylinder evidence glitch humanoid industry
information processing lab coat liquid solution pressure problem solving programming
protective goggles research robotics scientific advances tubes
Unit 1 Interviewer: One last question. If you historical fiction ever since I was
were to be appointed to the post of a teenager. Many of them are biographical
MP3 01 novels and though most of the dialogues
Chief Film Critic, would you expect other
Interviewer: Please have a seat, Mr reviewers on the paper to take the same and descriptions of characters and their
Marsden. As you know, we’re currently approach as you? feelings are made-up, it enables you to
interviewing candidates for the post of Evan Marsden: Not at all. I believe better imagine the parts that really did
Chief Film Critic for the newspaper and that individual voices and approaches happen. Plus it makes them so much
I’m happy to say you are on our shortlist. to criticism are vital. At the same time, more engaging. And the basic storyline is
Evan Marsden: It’s a privilege to have I would expect all the reviewers to be true, just not every word of it. I remember
made it so far. knowledgeable and unbiased. The one when I realised that you can’t expect
Interviewer: Firstly, I would like to ask thing I consider to be totally unacceptable the author not to be biased against some
you how you first became a film critic? is a personal attack by a critic against an characters once he or she decides who
Your CV says you started out as a reporter. individual director or actor. That sort of their protagonist is and who, therefore,
Evan Marsden: Yes, I was working for criticism is of no use to anyone. I believe needs to be painted in a good and who
a small local newspaper in the North, a critic’s first duty is to be useful to his or in a bad light. I had to revisit everything I’d
and I was covering the making of a film her readers. learned so far! But if you stick to writers
that had been shot locally. I was meant to who conduct thorough research, you
MP3 02
be writing just about the event – which can still gain plenty of knowledge about
stars were there, what they were wearing 1 the past and enjoy yourself in the process.
and so on – but I found myself critiquing I used to be addicted to history lessons.
the film, too. Evidently, a lifetime of After school, I would indiscriminately My parents are firm believers
being addicted to films and television watch and read everything with history in educational channels, so from time
had trained me to notice all the details in the title. Then, at some point, I found to time we turn on some historical
of cinematography, like the choices the myself disappointed with the time I was documentary, especially biographical.
director made and the quality of the wasting on the made-up stuff. I mean Unfortunately, even educational channels
acting. I also think that watching both historical fiction is mostly that – fiction. do not guarantee good quality material.
classic and contemporary works had Now I prefer well-researched academic Of course some films are brilliant, visiting
made me a more objective viewer, so biographies. People accuse them of being places the events were set, often gaining
I could analyse the elements of a film in dry, but some authors have an engaging access to places closed to the public or
an impartial way. style, and I find they can be as thought- using visualizations. But too many focus
Interviewer: That would mean you provoking as any other source or more. on aspects I don’t care to get insight into.
haven’t got any academic background in Especially if the author manages to stay For instance, one series on English kings
film studies, wouldn’t it? impartial and invites you to form your own devoted so much time to their illnesses,
Evan Marsden: That’s true, though judgement. For a reader who, like me, is explaining them in detail that it was just
I’ve certainly done some very intensive keen on 20th century leaders, the original gross. Or the ones about ancient rulers,
studying on my own. Seeing a new work documents, letters and pictures, as well as which provide more questions than
by an unfamiliar director, for example, has theories about these leaders’ motivations answers. Maybe it’s supposed to make
always made me curious about what else and secrets are the most intriguing. me curious about things and do my own
they have done and how they’ve evolved 2 research, but they bore me out of my
as an artist. We’re all experts on history these mind instead. What a let down!
Interviewer: From your reviews, it seems days, thanks to the historical dramas
that you don’t distinguish between so- we watch. What people don’t get is Unit 2
called high art and popular entertainment. that these are often no closer to reality
MP3 03
Is that a fair interpretation? than fantasy novels. The producers are
Interviewer: Welcome to Talk Time on
Evan Marsden: Absolutely! I believe it so focused on entertaining that they
Radio 500! Today we have author and
takes a huge amount of skill to produce forget to be educational. Or don’t care
psychology lecturer from Abercorn
an entertaining sitcom, an educational to be. An average viewer hears real
University, Melody Camber. Her latest
documentary or a serious, thought- historical names and forgets to see
book, What are Friends For?, explores
provoking drama. What I like to bring out the difference between a documentary
the roots of friendship, the importance
in my criticism is how effectively those and a Hollywood production. But these
of maintaining friendships, and the
skills are applied, whatever the film or films and TV series shape common
challenges we face later in life. And these
show and, of course, if the result is worth knowledge about history, although
are the subjects we will try to discuss
the viewer’s time and effort. they’re sometimes fundamentally wrong.
today with Ms Camber. Melody, welcome
Interviewer: With so much media I mean the famously ginger Henry VIII
to Talk Time!
available to viewers nowadays, what being black-haired? Please! Not to
Melody: Thank you so much for having
do you consider the role of the critic to mention locations that have nothing to
be? do with where things actually happened
Interviewer: So, how did you first
Evan Marsden: I believe it has become or situations and meetings that never
become interested in the subject of
more important than ever. As you say, took place. Shouldn’t there be some sort
we’re currently overwhelmed with of a disclaimer at the end? Melody: Well, I was studying changes in
options, so a reliable and objective critic 3 family dynamics, in particular how families
is responsible for helping viewers make I’ll take a book over a film any day function after difficult life changes, such
intelligent choices about what to see. of the week and I’ve been collecting as divorce, for example. In my studies
many, dozens of, much, a great amount a lot of, plenty of, lots 4 Age 3
numerous, a number of of, a great deal of of, loads of, a whole He had to avoid any unfamiliar food
lot of products. He couldn’t/wasn’t able to
a couple of, a few, a little some eat store-bought cakes or sweets.
several Now
few little He can/is able to eat tiny amounts
of nuts. He has to/needs to/must
0% neither (of) no, none of visit the doctor regularly. He has to/
needs to/must avoid products with
4 1 a few 6 plenty, a lot of 5 1 highly recommended lots of nuts.
2 couple 7 none 2 Modern-day Future
3 Several 8 none, both, 3 high-risk He will have to/need to carry
neither emergency medication for allergies.
4 most 4 high-energy
He won’t have to/need to continue
5 little 9 the entire 5 well-known to see the doctor every week. He will
5 1 few 6 open-minded be able to be less careful about what
2 many / a lot of / lots of; a few of / 7 self-confident he eats.
some of 6 Students’ own answers 5 1 Henry had to/needed to drink lots
3 None of; many of / most of / some 7 1 c 2 c 3 d of milk when he was younger.
of 2 Janna could/was able to eat
8 close to as many as
4 most of / all of whatever she wanted when she
one in four one in five
5 each was growing up.
government food programmes food
6 a few 3 Kelly couldn’t/wasn’t able to eat
banks and other charities
7 little; some/a little; a few/a couple sweets when she was a child.
a hundred dollars a few hundred
of/some 4 Misty has to/needs to/must avoid
8 little milk products because they make
the same amount less than that amount her sick.
to spend on food to spend
7 1 edible 5 go off 3 The author summarises the main 7 Students’ own answers
2 excess 6 bin / dispose of points of the essay: restates the key
3 leftovers 7 sell-by date
advantages and disadvantages. REVIEW 7
4 salvage 8 gourmet 3 1 The main advantage of … 1 1 tender, bland 5 bin, salvage
2 Another argument in favour 2 soggy 6 gourmet,
8 foodie: someone who enjoys eating
(of this) is that … 3 excess, go off savoury
or cooking different types of food,
and who talks a lot about food 3 The major disadvantage of … is 4 moreish
the fact that …
food bank: a place where food 2 1 tasty, sickly
collected from shops or individual 4 It cannot be denied that …
2 advantageous
people is given for free to other people 5 Those against the idea often add
3 highly, spicy
feast on: eat a lot of (a particular) that …
4 revolting, smelly, disgusting
food with enjoyment 6 All things considered, …
3 Student A
9 1 going off 4 1 The greatest disadvantage of eating
out is the considerable cost. 1 He/She may eat out, cook
2 bin, edible something special at home or
3 leftovers 2 Some people point out that
at least talk about food.
restaurant meals are not always
4 sell-by date, dispose 2 chips, bread, lettuce
5 excess 3 roast meat, poultry
3 It cannot be denied that eating out
10 Students’ own answers can be a fantastic social activity. 4 pizza, crisps
Critical thinking 4 Another argument in favour 5 Students’ own answers
Students’ own answers of eating out is that making a meal Student B
can be quite time-consuming. 1 sauce, cottage cheese
SPEAKING 5 1 despite / in spite of 2 bake a cake/bread/fish, roast
2 however/nevertheless meat/potatoes
1 Students’ own answers
3 While/Whereas 3 Students’ own answers
2 Students’ own answers
4 Although/Though 4 cake, mashed potatoes
3 1b 3a 5a 5 fish, vegetables, meat
6 Students’ own answers
2a 4b 6b
4 1 for a whole lot of reasons.
4 I firmly believe that … ENGLISH IN USE 2 How much luggage
I am wholly in favour of … 3 I will be able
1 Students’ own answers
The problem with this argument is 4 we had to order a takeaway
that … 2 1 verb + infinitive: manage
5 Did you need
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