Formular LOP Sun
Formular LOP Sun
Formular LOP Sun
, ,
Date __/__/____ Lat. = ◦ Long. = ◦
Chronometer time C= h m s d sign:
Chronometer error + CE = □ m s +if Dec. increasing
Universal Time UT = h m s - if Dec. decreasing
Finding the meridian angle and the declination of the Sun d =□
Daily pages → UT = h GHA = ◦ ,
Dec. = ◦ ,
+for Eastern Long. / - for Western Long. + Long.=□ ◦
±360◦ if required LHA = ◦ , if LHA<180◦; tW=LHA
Meridian angle t □= ◦ , if LHA>180◦; tE=360◦-LHA
Finding the calculated altitude (HC) and the azimuth (Az)
Lat. = ◦ Dec.= ◦ , t □= ◦ ,
if Lat. and Dec. same names sin(Hc) = sin(Lat.)∙sin(Dec.)+cos(Lat.)∙cos(Dec.)∙cos(t)
sin(HC)= if Lat. and Dec. diff. names sin(Hc) = -sin(Lat.)∙sin(Dec.)+cos(Lat.)∙cos(Dec.)∙cos(t)
HC=sin-1(value) = ◦ ,
, ,
Index error + IE = Index error + IE = □
, ,
Dipression of Sea Horizon -Dip = Apparent altitude H = ◦
Apparent altitude H= ◦ , Correction + Corr.= □ ,
, ,
Refraction - Ro = Month correction +Month Corr.= □
, ,
Sun’s parallax +PA = True Altitude HO= ◦
Semi Diameter +SD=
True Altitude HO= ◦ ,
Astronomical line of position (LOP)
True altitude HO = ◦ ,
Calculated Altitude - Hc = ◦ , Az = ◦. is a line of bearing drawn thrue geographical position
Intercept p= □
if p>0 LOP is ploted perpendicular on the azimuth to the geographical position
LOP if p<0 LOP is ploted perpendicular on the azimuth from the geographical position