Parts of A Research Paper
Parts of A Research Paper
Parts of A Research Paper
Conceptualization Phase
I. Topic/Problem Identification
2. Review of Literature
3. Hypothesis/Preposition Development
4. Framework Development
5. Objective Formulation
Design Phase
Empirical Phase
7. Data Gathering/Collection
Analytical Phase
9. Conclusion
Dissemination Phase
International Level
Micro Level
Title Page - The Title Page indicates the title ofthe study, the full name of theresearcher/s, the
group of faculty towhom the thesis is presented. The title is encoded in inverted pyramid
Table of Contents - This page shows the part of themanuscript and the correspondingpages
Abstract - This page provides the description of thepurpose of the study, statement of
theproblem, the methodology used in thestudy. It presents the highlights of thesignificant
findings, conclusions andrecommendations. This should be writtenin two pages only.
Chapter 1
Introduction - This part discusses the general problems thatthe researcher wishes to address in
the study
Conceptual Framework - The conceptual framework is that group ofideas, concepts, that give
the overallstructures and coherences of the study
Statement of the Problem - This part indicates the specific questionswhich shall be answered by
the researchstudy.
Hypothesis - The hypothesis states the expected ortentative conclusions that may be reached at
the end of the study.
Significance of the Study - This portion describes which part of thestudy will be beneficial to a
group orindividuals, units or organization.
Scope and Delimitation - This part describes the coverage of the study whichincludes the
discussion of the variables considered inthe statement of the problem, the population or
thenumber of respondents/ participants involved in thestudy, the locale of the place where the
study willbe conducted and the data gathering instrumentand the statistical tools to be used.
Definition of Terms - This part DEFINES terms or words that areambiguous or need a conceptual
oroperational definition. The terms to bedefined are arranged alphabeticallyand written in bold
Chapter 2
RRL and Studies - This chapter consist of two parts: RelatedLiterature and related studies. It
provides thereader with the overview of the significantresearches related to the problem and
thecontextual background information for theresearch problem based on the extensivereview
made by the researcher
RELATED LITERATURE - This part consist of the introduction, the body of the literature review,
and the conclusions of the researcher. This can be local or foreign.
RELATED STUDIES - This part highlights the related studiesconducted. A brief annotation
undereach of the related study is important toshow the relevance of the materials tothe
present study. This can be local or foreign
Synthesis - It's simply a matter of making connections or putting things together. We synthesize
information naturally to help others see the connections between things.
Chapter 3
RESEARCH LOCALE - It describes the research VENUE or site wherethe study will take place or
where the data willbe collected e.gschools, hospitals, churches,offices, homes, barangays/
communities,municipalities, town/ barrios.
RESEARCH POPULATION AND SAMPLE - There are two parts in this section thepopulation which
describes theparticipants/ respondents of the studyand the sampling plan or techniquewhich
explains the process of selectingthe participants or respondents.
DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE - This part describes the step-by-step processon how the data
will be collected whichinclude, requesting the permission from theprincipal.
This part describes how the data will betreated using the statistical tools such aspercentage,
WAM or WeightedArithmetic Mean, T-test, ANOVA andothers
CHAPTER 4 - This chapter contains the following, anintroductory statement about the content
of thechapter, the presentation of the data intabular/ graphic format, the analysis of the
databased on the table/ graphic presentation andthe interpretation of the findings supported
withrelated literature. The analysis of data ispresented according to the statement of
REFERENCES - This portion indicates all the referencescited in the study (e.g) books,
periodicals, journals, seminar paper, speeches,memoranda, annual reports, onlinepublications,
action researches, thesis,dissertations. This is arranged alphabeticallyand written according to
APA guidelines.