Brand Image of Maggi Noodles Before and After Re-Launch With Special Reference

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International Journal of Applied Research 2017; 3(3): 346-350

ISSN Print: 2394-7500

ISSN Online: 2394-5869 Brand image of Maggi noodles before and after re-
Impact Factor: 5.2
IJAR 2017; 3(3): 346-350 launch with special reference
Received: 03-01-2017
Accepted: 04-02-2017 Dr. A Sivakumar and Ms. S. Shyamala
Dr. A Sivakumar
Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College Abstract
of Arts And Science This study focuses on perceptions of Brand Image of Maggi Noodles before and after Re-Launch with
(Autonomous), Thudiyalur, Special Reference to Coimbatore City. In May 2015, food safety regulations from barabanki,
Saravanampatti Road, utttarpradesh, India reported the samples of maggi 2 minutes noodles had unexpectedly high level of
Chinnavedampatti post, monosodium glutamate as well as up to 17 times the permissible limit of lead. FSSAI ordered a recall
Coimbatore Tamil Nadu. India of all nine approved variants of maggi instant noodles and oats masala from India. Many states of India
banned maggi after the FSSAI decision. June, 2015 the central government of India banned nationwide
Ms. S. Shyamala
sale of maggi products. The nationwide ban was struck down by the Bombay high court. All the
Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College
of Arts And Science samples of the maggi have been cleared with led much below permissible limit. Maggi come back to
(Autonomous), Thudiyalur, the shelves in India from November 2015 after the high court order to nestle to manufacture and sell the
Saravanampatti Road, newly manufactured products. Data for the study has been collected from the 200 responded from
Chinnavedampatti post, structured questionnaire and the statistical tool like percentage analysis, chi-square, ranking analysis
Coimbatore Tamil Nadu. India and ANOVA was used for analysis.

Keywords: FSSAI, Monosodium glutamate, Nestle, Maggi noodles, High court, Manufacture

1. Introduction
The Maggi brand was launched in India in the year 1982. Maggi Noodles faced problems in
selling to consumer as the Indian consumers prefer only traditional Indian when Maggi was
launched. The Noodles tasted at working women’s but also the sales has not increase as no
one trough the noodles and so they started to advertise their product through various media to
increase their sales, later with the help of advertise people was attracted and started to buy
Noodles and the sales have been increased in an higher preparation and become a favourite
to many people later on June 2015 the Maggi Noodles was banned. The reason for Maggi
banned is the use of MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) chemical using, result is weight gain,
brain damaged and liver inflammation. Then the Maggi was taken to lab test. The result was
favour to Maggi as the MSG used in Maggi is limited and so it was re-launched in Nov 2015.

1.1 statement of the problem

The well renowned Swiss based nestle company’s Maggi 2 minute noodles has defaulted on
FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Act) regulations owing to the presence of lead detected in
product in excess of the maximum permissible levels of 2.50 parts per million (ppm),
misleading labeling information on the package reading ‘No added MSG’, and thirdly, the
release of a non-standardized food product ‘Maggi oats Masala Noodles with Taste maker’ in
the market, without risk assessment and grant of product approval. It has led to the
imposition of ban on 9 variants of Maggi product and shuffle in the whole food industry and
Indian economy.
Nestle’ India has re-launched Maggie Noodles in the market after five months ban. The
Correspondence present measures, study tends to evaluate the Brand Image of Maggi Noodles before and
Dr. A Sivakumar after Re-launch among consumers with special reference to Coimbatore city.
Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College
of Arts And Science 1.2 Objectives of the Study
(Autonomous), Thudiyalur,
Saravanampatti Road,
 To study the history of Nestle and its beginning in India.
Chinnavedampatti post,  To identify the impact of brand image on Maggi Noodles.
Coimbatore Tamil Nadu. India  To examine the consumption frequency of Maggi Noodles before the ban
 To evaluate the consumption frequency of Maggi Noodles after the Re-Launch.
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International Journal of Applied Research

1.3 Scope of the Study and well established brand and the recent controversy of
The study aim to analyse the Brand Image of Maggi noodles Maggi and its effect in the market and on the consumers.
before and after Re-launch. The result of the study helps to 2. Ratna bhushan & sagar malviya, (29 Jun, 2015) [10].
the children and the public at large. The whole study and its Portrayed that the food industry is calling it the Maggi
conclusions are totally depended on the both primary and effect-a masala mix of heightened concern about food safety
secondary through schedule questioner method. Books, and the prospect of being able to benefit from the paranoia
magazines, internet, it restrict in Coimbatore city. The study that's gripped companies since Nestle was forced to
findings and results based on the statistical techniques like withdraw its noodles because they contained excessive lead
percentage analysis, garret ranking technique etc. and mislabelling of monosodium glutamate (MSG) content.
Attempted to measure customer satisfaction as well as
1.4 Limitation of the Study contributing to the commercial efficiency by the way of
 The survey is done among the respondents of suggestions to improve its profitability in a long term
Coimbatore city. So the result can be confined to business. The studies give about the factors which influence
Coimbatore city only and not generalized for other customer to purchase Nestle Maggi noodles in each
areas. dimension of CBBE.
 Respondents opinion are dynamics, they keep changing
time to time. 3. Data Analysis and Interpretation
Simple Percentage Analysis
1.5 Research Methodology
Data collection Table 1: Know About ‘Maggi Noodles’
The study is based on both primary and secondary data. The Know about No. of the respondents Percentage
primary data is collected through the statement Newspaper 50 25.0%
questionnaire with the Maggi Noodles users in Coimbatore Radio 25 12.5%
City. The secondary data is collected through the various Television 89 44.5%
secondary published sources like books, journals, Word of mouth 9 4.5%
magazines, newspapers, websites etc. Magazines 15 7.5%
Wall advertisement 12 6.0%
Sampling Design Total 200 100.0%
In the study a set of 200 respondents were selected to collect Source: Primary Data
the data with the applicability of Non-random sampling
method is used. Interpretation
The above table 1 implies that know about Maggi Noodles
Non - Random Sampling wise classification of the respondents. It indicates that
These samples focus on volunteers, easily available units, or Newspaper 50 having 25.0 per cent where as the Radio were
those that just happen to be present when the research is 12.5 with per cent 25 respondents where as the Television
done. Non- probability samples are useful for quick and was 44.5 per cent with 89 respondents where as the Word of
cheap studies, for case studies, for qualitative research, for mouth was 4.5 per cent with 9 respondents where as the
pilot studies UN for developing hypotheses for future Magazines was 7.5 per cent with 15 respondents where as
research. the Wall advertisement was 6.0 per cent with 12
Tools to be med
The statistical tools used for the study is
 Simple percentage analysis
 Chi – square analysis
 Ranking analysis

2 Review of Literature
1. DR. Moloy Ghoshal, Ms. Megha Vohra, (January, 2016)
, have suggested that the Marketing and Promotional
strategies that are adopted by Nestlé India Limited for Chart 1: Know About ‘Maggi Noodles’
Maggi over the years. And also to know about the market
position of Maggi as a Brand, how they survived in the past, 3.1 Chi-Square Test
what all strategies they adopted to become a well-known

Table 2: Association between Gender Vs Know About ‘Maggi Noodles’

H0 There is no association between gender and know about Maggi Noodles
H1 There is association between gender and know about Maggi Noodles

Result of chi-square test

Value Degree of freedom Sig value Remark
Pearson Chi-Square 21.290a 5 .001 .0-S
Likelihood Ratio 22.155 5 .000 .0-S

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International Journal of Applied Research

Linear-by-Linear Association .010 1 .919 .1-NS

N of Valid Cases 200
NS-Not Significant, S-Significant

a. 2 cells (16.7%) have expected count less than 5. The significance. Hence the null hypothesis is accepted for
minimum expected count is 4.14. Pearson Chi-Square. Therefore there is no significant
association between gender and know about ‘Maggi
Interpretation Noodles’.
The above table 2 implies chi-square test between genders
and the represents know about ‘Maggi Noodles’. The P. 3.2 Ranking Analysis
value of 0.001 is lesser then table value 5% (0.05) level of

Table 3: Rank for Consuming Maggi Noodles

Particulars Mean Rank Rank
Brand Image 4.32 II
Ready to eat 3.74 V
Convenient 3.65 VI
Quality 3.33 VII
Low Price 3.79 III
Availability 3.76 IV
Taste 5.42 I
Source: Primary Data

Interpretation Availability was ranked fourth with the mean rank 3.76 up
The above table 3 clearly indicates that the survey to 7 followed by Ready to eat was ranked fifth with the
respondents reason for consuming Maggi Noodles: The mean rank 3.74 up to 7 come next followed by Convenient
factor taste was ranked first with the mean rank of 5.42 up was ranked sixth with the mean rank 3.65 up to 7 and last
to 7. Next one is Brand Image was ranked second with the one is Quality ranked seventh with the mean rank 3.33 up to 7.
mean rank 4.32 up to 7 followed by Low Price was ranked
third with the mean rank 3.79 up to 7 come next followed by 3.3 Anova Analysis

Table 4: Comparison between Marital Status Vs Consumption Frequency before Maggi Noodles Was Banned
H0 There is no relationship between marital status and consumption frequency before Maggi Noodles was banned
H1 There is relationship between marital status and consumption frequency before Maggi Noodles was banned

Oneway anova analysis.

Sum of Squares Degree of freedom Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 3.539 4 .885 3.715
Within Groups 46.441 195 .238 .006
Total 49.980 199

Interpretation  The majority of respondent’s 44.0 per cent to 1 Times a

The above table 4 represents the analysis of variance week.
between marital status and consumption frequency before  The majority of respondent’s 45.0 per cent are spending
Maggi noodles was banned. The table show that the F value to Rs. 250 – Rs.500.
obtains is (3.715) with the P.valu of (.006) which is lesser  The majority of respondent’s 50.0 per cent are spending
than 5% (0.05) level of significance hence the Null to Panic about health.
Hypothesis is accepted and found that there is a no  The majority of respondent’s 58.0 per cent are no.
significance relationship between marital status and  The majority of respondent’s 39.5 per cent are Happy.
consumption frequency before Maggi noodles was banned.  The majority of respondent’s 56.5 per cent are yes.
 The majority of respondent’s 43.0 per cent to Missing.
4 Findings and Suggestion
 The majority of respondent’s 45.5 per cent are Remain
4.1 Findings
the same.
4.1.1 Simple Percentage Analysis
 The majority of respondent’s 56.0 per cent to 1 Times a
 Majority of the sample respondents are in the
Occupation group are Private employee.
 The majority of respondent’s 39.5 per cent are spending
 The majority of respondent’s 23.0 per cent Above
Rs.250 – Rs.500.
 The majority of respondent’s 55.0 per cent are yes.
 The majority of respondent’s 44.5 per cent to
4.1.2 Chi-square test analysis
 The majority of respondent’s 44.5 per cent to Yes.
 The analysis implies chi-square test between genders
 The majority of respondent’s 40.0 per cent to Missing.
and the represents know about ‘Maggi Noodles’. The
 The majority of respondent’s 45.5 per cent to Moderate. P.value of 0.001 is lesser then table value 5% (0.05)
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International Journal of Applied Research

level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis is verdict in favour of Nestle and withdrawn the ban after the
accepted for Pearson Chi-Square. Therefore there is no testing has been conducted various different laboratories.
significant association between gender and know about The brand image which is shattered because of the
‘Maggi Noodles’. controversy before the ban and its resurrection is the first
target and it also aims to bring back the trust of the
4.1.3 Ranking analysis customers and improve the brand image. It is expected to
The clearly indicates that the survey respondents reason for have more than 50 per cent of the consumers will be back on
consuming Maggi Noodles: The factor taste was ranked first consuming Maggi Noodles after being re-launched with
with the mean rank of 5.42 up to 7. Next one is Brand Image approval from FSSAI as the addiction continues because of
was ranked second with the mean rank 4.32 up to 7 followed greater impact on the consumers.
by Low Price was ranked third with the mean rank 3.79 up
to 7 come next followed by Availability was ranked fourth 5. Reference
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