Eenm No Idoso Crítico - 2022
Eenm No Idoso Crítico - 2022
Eenm No Idoso Crítico - 2022
Critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) develop muscle atrophy and decreased physical function. Though neuromuscular
electrical stimulation (NMES) therapy has been shown to be effective in preventing this, but its effect on older patients is unknown.
To examine the course of critically ill older patients treated with NMES in the ICU and to define the impact of its use.
A retrospective cohort study was conducted using older ICU patients (≥65 years) categorized into a control group (n = 20) and
an NMES group (n = 22). For subgroup analysis, each group was further classified into pre-old age (65–74 years) and old age
(≥75 years).
The control group showed significant decrease in muscle thickness during ICU and hospital stay. The NMES group showed
lower reduction in muscle thickness and showed decrease in muscle echo intensity during hospital stay, compared to the control
group. NMES inhibited decrease in muscle thickness in the pre-old age group versus the old age group. The decreasing effect of
NMES on echo intensity during hospital stay manifested only in the pre-old age group. We did not find much difference in physical
functioning between the NMES and control groups.
Lower limb muscle atrophy reduces in critically ill older patients (≥65 years) with NMES and is pronounced in patients aged < 75
years. The impact of NMES on the physical functioning of older patients in ICU needs to be further investigated.
Abbreviations: ADL = activities of daily living, CFS = clinical frailty scale, CRP = C-reactive protein, FSS-ICU = functional
status score for the intensive care unit, ICU = intensive care unit, ICU-AW = ICU-acquired weakness, MRC sum score = Medical
Research Council sum score, NMES = neuromuscular electrical stimulation, SOFA = sequential organ failure assessment, SPPB
= short physical performance battery.
Keywords: intensive care unit, lower limb muscle atrophy, muscle thickness, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, older patients,
physical function
This work was partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, of Fukui, Eiheiji, Fukui, Japan, and f Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of
Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) of Japan KAKENHI, https:// Medical Sciences, University of Fukui, Eiheiji, Fukui, Japan., grant number 17K17439. * Correspondence: Tadayoshi Nonoyama, PT, 23-3 Matsuoka-Shimoaizuki, Eiheiji-
The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are not cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui 910-1193, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).
publicly available, but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable Copyright © 2022 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
request. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Supplemental Digital Content is available for this article. Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University
of Fukui, Eiheiji, Fukui, Japan, b Department of Rehabilitation, University of Fukui How to cite this article: Nonoyama T, Hiroko Shigemi P, Kubota M, Matsumine A,
Hospital, Eiheiji, Fukui, Japan, c Division of Infection Control and Prevention, Shigemi K, Ishizuka T. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation in the intensive care
Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, unit prevents muscle atrophy in critically ill older patients: A retrospective cohort
Japan, d Department of Physical Therapy, Graduate Course of Rehabilitation study. Medicine 2022;101:31(e29451).
Science, School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Received: 27 August 2021 / Received in final form: 21 April 2022 / Accepted:
Health Sciences, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan, e Department of 22 April 2022
Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University
Nonoyama et al. • Medicine (2022) 101:31Medicine
loss and ICU-AW due to pre-existing sarcopenia and anabolic appropriate analgesia and sedation management, bedside exer-
resistance.[10] cises, walking practice during ventilatory control, and walking
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is used to treat in the hospital using a wheelchair were conducted. After dis-
skeletal muscle disorders in critically ill patients. Reportedly, charge from the ICU, rehabilitation was continued until dis-
NMES reduces muscle atrophy in critically ill patients,[11–13] charge from the hospital.
decreases the incidence of ICU-AW,[14] improves muscle strength
early, and reduces the duration of mechanical ventilation.[15] The
effects of NMES on older people have been reported, including 2.3. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation
an increase in cross-sectional areas of muscle tissue and muscle For NMES, belt electrode skeletal muscle electrical stimulation
strength[16] and improvements promoting postural control.[17,18] (G-TES; Homer Ion Corp., Osaka, Japan) was applied. Belt elec-
However, there are no reports on its effects on older patients trodes were attached to the patient’s proximal and distal thighs
admitted to the ICU, and such effects are unclear. In addition to and ankles (Fig. 1). The NMES settings were set at a frequency
quantitative assessment, qualitative assessment of muscle mass of 20 Hz, a pulse width of 250 μs, and a duty cycle of 5 seconds
is also attracting attention. Decreased muscle quality in criti- of stimulation followed by 2 seconds of pause. The intensity of
cally ill patients is assessed by enhanced muscle echo intensity electrical stimulation was set at maximum intensity without
on ultrasound images.[19,20] However, no studies have examined pain, and muscle contraction was confirmed by inspection and
the effect of NMES on muscle quality, and the recovery rate palpation. NMES was started within 48 hours of ICU admission
of physical functioning is worse in older persons than in the and applied once a day for 30 minutes, 5 days/wk, and only
young.[5] Although frailty is a major concern in older adults fol- during ICU stay. The inclusion criteria for NMES were patients
lowing ICU discharge, the preventive effect of NMES has not who were expected to stay in the ICU for >48 hours. The var-
been reported. ious contraindications were as follows: wearing a pacemaker,
We hypothesized that NMES in critically ill older ICU use of intra-aortic balloon pumping or support such as percu-
patients effectively reduces lower limb muscle atrophy, pro- taneous cardiopulmonary support, skin damage at the electrode
motes muscle quality and muscle strength, and improves phys- site, administration of muscle relaxants, and presence of deep
ical functioning at the time of hospital discharge. Therefore, vein thrombosis.
as a preliminary study, we retrospectively examined the course
of critically ill older patients treated with NMES in the ICU
to define the effects of NMES on muscle thickness (muscle 3. Outcome Measures
volume), echo intensity of muscle (muscle quality), muscle
strength, and physical function and evaluated its impact on The primary outcome was muscle thickness, and secondary
older patients multilaterally. outcomes were echo intensity of muscle, grip strength, Medical
Research Council (MRC) sum score, functional status score
for the ICU (FSS-ICU), and short physical performance battery
2. Material and Methods (SPPB).
Nonoyama et al. • Medicine (2022)
3.2. Muscle thickness and muscle quality a dedicated ICU physiotherapist who was technically trained
An ultrasound imaging system (Vscan Extend, GE Healthcare) in the use of ultrasound equipment and had >2 years of expe-
was used to measure muscle thickness and echo intensity. The rience performing measurements.
measurement positions were supine, mid-hip, and knee exten-
sion. The measurement site was the midpoint of the line con- 3.3. Muscle strength, basic motor function, and physical
necting the superior anterior iliac spine and the upper patella
(Fig. 2A). A 7.5-MHz linear probe was used to record the trans- performance
verse ultrasound layer images when the deep probe was in per- At the time of discharge from the ICU and hospital, MRC sum
pendicular contact with the skin surface. Excess gel was used score, grip strength (measured twice; and maximum value was
to minimize image distortion due to skin indentation caused used), and FSS-ICU were assessed for muscle strength and basic
by the pressure of the ultrasound probe.[19,20] Muscle thickness movement ability, respectively. SPPB was used to evaluate phys-
was measured from the subcutaneous fat just above the femur ical performance at the time of discharge from the hospital.
(Fig. 2B), and echo intensity was used to evaluate muscle quality. The ICU-AW was defined as an MRC sum score of < 48 points,
Ultrasound transverse layer images of the rectus femoris muscle frailty was defined as an SPPB score of <9 points,[23] and the
were measured with the Image J software (ver 1.53, National onset of ICU-AW and frailty was evaluated.
Institutes of Health, the United States) using the same images
as those used for measuring muscle thickness. The measurement
area was the region of interest (excluding fascia) of the rectus 3.4. Sample size
femoris muscle (Fig. 2C), which was evaluated using an 8-bit The study sample size was calculated by the method described
gray-scale in the range of 0 to 255, and the average value was by Gerovasili et al,[11] who reported that the rate of change in
used. In this connection, the echoes are attenuated in the deeper rectus femoris muscle thickness was −8.0 ± 3.9% in the NEMS
layers of tissue.[21] It is difficult to use the echo intensity of deep group and −13.9 ± 6.4% in the control group. GPower software
muscle as a qualitative evaluation. Therefore, the echo intensity (version 3.1) was used to determine the minimum sample size
of the vastus medialis muscle was not measured in this study. required for the study. An alpha level of 5% with a statistical
For subgroup analysis, to investigate the effect of age on power of 90% was included in the power analysis. Thus, a min-
muscle atrophy and muscle quality, the control and NMES imum of 18 patients were required per group.
groups were further classified into 2 groups, consistent with
the definition proposed by the Joint Committee of Japan
Gerontological Society and the Japan Geriatrics Society on the 3.5. Statistical analysis
definition and classification of older people[22]: a pre-old age
group (65–74 years old) and an old age group (≥75 years). Among the data collected, the Shapiro–Wilk test was used to
In each group, muscle thickness and echo intensity were mea- check continuous variables for normality. Normally distrib-
sured at the time of admission to the ICU, discharge from the uted indicators were expressed as mean ± standard deviation,
ICU, and discharge from the hospital, and the changes were and indicators that did not show normal distribution were
examined. In addition, the reduction rate in muscle thickness expressed as median (interquartile range). Category variables
during ICU stay (from ICU admission to ICU discharge) and were expressed as frequencies (%). The 95% confidence interval
hospital stay (from ICU admission to hospital discharge) were (95% CI) for the percentage reduction rate of muscle thickness
calculated and compared between the control and NMES was also shown. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
groups. The formula for the reduction rate of muscle thick- the Tukey post hoc test were performed to compare the changes
ness was as follows: reduction rate of muscle thickness during in muscle thickness and echo intensity in each group at the time
ICU stay = (ICU discharge − ICU admission)/ICU admission × of ICU admission and discharge from the ICU and hospital. The
100. The ultrasound muscle measurements were performed by unpaired t-test or Mann–Whitney U test compared the reduction
Figure 2. Measurement by ultrasound imagery. (A) Measurement site; (B) measurement of muscle thickness; (C) measurement area of echo intensity.
Nonoyama et al. • Medicine (2022) 101:31Medicine
rate of muscle thickness and echo intensity, muscle strength, and patients; in the NMES group, step 1 included 1 patient, step 2
physical function between the 2 groups. A chi-square test was included 3 patients, step 3 included 3 patients, step 4 included
used for the qualitative variables of patient characteristics. The 3 patients, and step 5 included 2 patients. The subjects were
IBM SPSS software (version 27.0) was used for performing all followed up until they were discharged from the hospital. The
measurements and calculations. A P-value <.05 was considered follow-up period was 39.4 ± 17.7 days for the control group
statistically significant. and 41.6 ± 20.5 days for the NMES group. Age, gender, height,
weight (at the time of ICU admission), CFS before admission,
SOFA score at ICU admission, peak SOFA score, peak CRP,
3.6. Data analysis admission type, surgical/internal medicine, number of days
in the ICU, number of days in the hospital, and number of
The Research Ethics Committee of University of Fukui approved
patients in each group were evaluated. There were no signifi-
the study protocol (Assurance No. 20190136).
cant differences in the number of days in the ICU, number of
days in the hospital, or number of ventilator days. The con-
trol group comprised 7 patients in the pre-old age group and
4. Results 13 patients in the old age group. The NMES group had 10
4.1. Patient characteristics patients in the pre-old age group and 12 patients in the old
age group. Data on clinical and demographic characteristics
A total of 273 subjects were considered for analysis during showed no significant differences for the pre-old age group in
the study period; 231 patients met the exclusion criteria, leav- the control and NMES groups and the old age group in the
ing 42 patients for analysis (Fig. 3). Table 1 presents the clin- control and NMES groups (Supplemental Digital Content 2,
ical and demographic characteristics of the patients. Twenty
patients in the control group (78.0 [72.8 − 81.5] years, 13
men and 7 women) and 22 patients in the NMES group (78.0
[72.0 − 84.0] years, 22 men and 7 women) were included 4.2. Muscle thickness
in the analysis. The number of patients at each stage of the
early mobilization protocol at 48 hours after admission to 4.2.1. Comparison of muscle thickness. Muscle thickness at
the ICU was as follows: in the control group, step 1 included ICU admission, discharge, and hospital discharge showed no
11 patients, step 3 included 2 patients, and step 4 included 7 significant difference between the control and NMES groups
Exclusion Exclusion
ICU stay < 72 hours n=49 ICU stay < 72 hours n=17
Mechanical ventilation < 72 hours n=48 Mechanical ventilation < 72 hours n=41
Not eligible for early mobilisation Not eligible for early mobilisation
and rehabilitation protocols n=13 and rehabilitation protocols n=16
Failed to start NMES within 48 hours n=3
Fewer than 3 NMES sessions n=2
Death n=1
Missing data n= 4
Nonoyama et al. • Medicine (2022)
Table 1
Clinical and demographic characteristics of patients
(control group: admission 24.5 ± 6.1 mm; discharge from ICU stay (−21.8% [95% CI −36.5 to −7.2] vs −4.7% [95% CI
ICU 19.5 ± 6.1 mm; discharge from hospital 17.8 ± 5.7 mm, −13.8 to −4.3], P < .05) and hospital stay (−29.3% [95% CI
NMES group: admission 21.3 ± 6.0 mm; discharge from ICU −42.2 to −16.4] vs −8.1% [95% CI −23.5 to −7.2], P < .05;
19.5 ± 5.9 mm; discharge from hospital 18.0 ± 6.1 mm). Fig. 5B, E). The significantly suppressed reduction rate in muscle
In the pre-old age group, muscle thickness at ICU admission thickness observed in the NMES group was not identified in the
was significantly lower in the NMES group compared to the old age group (Fig. 5C, F).
control group (control group 29.4 ± 4.1 mm vs NMES group
20.4 ± 5.9 mm, P < .05; Supplemental Digital Content 3, http:// 4.3. Echo intensity of muscle
In the control group, no major change in echo intensity was
4.2.2. Change in muscle thickness. A significant decrease was observed (Fig. 6A–C). In the NMES group, the echo intensity
observed in muscle thickness at the time of discharge from the of muscle decreased significantly at the time of hospital dis-
ICU and hospital compared to ICU admission. charge compared to ICU admission (admission 69.3 ± 13.2 AU
vs discharge from hospital 58.0 ± 14.1 AU, P < .05; Fig. 6D).
1. Control group: admission 24.5 ± 6.1 mm versus discharge Notably, NMES reduced the echo intensity of muscle dras-
from ICU 19.5 ± 6.1 mm; P < .05 versus discharge from tically in the pre-old age group; however, the same was not
hospital 17.8 ± 5.7 mm, P < .01 (Fig. 4A). observed in the old age group (admission 69.2 ± 13.6 AU vs
2. Pre-old age control group: admission 29.4 ± 4.1 mm ver- discharge from hospital 51.8 ± 14.2 AU, P < .05; Fig. 6E, F).
sus discharge from ICU 22.5 ± 4.0 mm; P < .05 versus dis- The echo intensity of muscle at ICU admission, discharge, and
charge from hospital 20.7 ± 5.6 mm, P < .01 (Fig. 4B). hospital discharge showed no significant difference between
3. Old age control group: admission 21.9 ± 5.4 mm, dis- the control and NMES groups (control group: admission
charge from hospital 16.2 ± 5.2 mm, P < .05 (Fig. 4C). 66.7 ± 16.0 AU; discharge from ICU 65.1 ± 15.7 AU; dis-
As determined by the one-way ANOVA, no significant dif- charge from hospital 62.8 ± 15.7 AU, NMES group: admission
ferences were observed between the mean values of muscle 69.3 ± 13.2 AU; discharge from ICU 63.6 ± 15.1 AU; discharge
thickness at the 3 assessment time points in the NMES group from hospital 58.0 ± 14.1 AU). In the pre-old age group, echo
(Fig. 4D) or when the subjects were divided into pre-old and old intensity of muscle at ICU discharge and hospital discharge
age groups (Fig. 4E, F). was significantly lower in the NMES group compared to the
control group (Control group 73.5 ± 14.2 AU vs NMES group
4.2.3. Reduction rate in muscle thickness. The reduction rate 51.8 ± 14.2 AU, P < .05; Supplemental Digital Content 3,
in muscle thickness during ICU and hospital stay was −19.8%
(95% CI −27.7 to −11.8) and −26.8% (95% CI −34.6 to −19.0)
in the control group; −7.9% (95% CI −14.1 to −1.0) and −14.5%
(95% CI −23.7 to −5.3) in the NMES group, respectively. The 4.4. Physical function and onset of ICU-AW and frailty
decline in muscle thickness during ICU stay was significantly Table 2 presents details of physical functioning and onset of
lower in the NMES group, compared to the control group. The ICU-AW and frailty. There were no significant differences in the
reduction rate in muscle thickness during hospital stay was FSS-ICU, grip strength, or MRC sum score at the time of ICU
suppressed drastically in the NMES group (P < .05; Fig. 5A, discharge or hospital discharge or in SPPB score at hospital dis-
D). The pre-old age group showed a considerably suppressed charge. In addition, there was no significant difference observed
reduction rate in muscle thickness in the NMES group during in the onset of ICU-AW and frailty.
Nonoyama et al. • Medicine (2022) 101:31Medicine
** ** *
40 * 40 * 40
MT (mm)
30 30 30
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
40 40 40
30 30 30
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
Figure 4. Change in muscle thickness. A significant decrease in muscle thickness was observed in the control group at the time of ICU and hospital discharge,
compared to ICU admission (A). In the pre-old age group (B), a significant decrease in muscle thickness was observed at hospital discharge compared to ICU
admission (C). The NMES group suppressed the decrease in muscle thickness (D–F). (A) All subjects in the control group; (B) pre-old age group of the control
group; (C) old age group of the control group; (D) all subjects of the NMES group; (E) pre-old age group of the NMES group; (F) old age group of the NMES
group; I. ICU admission; II. ICU discharge; III. Hospital discharge. *P < .05, **P < .01. ICU = intensive care unit, MT = muscle thickness, NMES = neuromuscular
electrical stimulation.
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
RR of MT (%)
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
RR of MT (%)
Nonoyama et al. • Medicine (2022)
120 120 120
90 90 90
60 60 60
30 30 30
0 0 0
120 * 120 * 120
90 90 90
60 60 60
30 30 30
0 0 0
Figure 6. Change in echo intensity of muscle. Muscle echo intensity did not change in the control group (A, B, C) during the hospital stay. It decreased during the
hospital stay in the NMES group (D). A significant decrease was observed in the pre-old age group (E) but not the old age group (F). (A) All subjects in the control
group; (B) pre-old age group of the control group; (C) old age group in control group; (D) all subjects of the NMES group; (E) pre-old age group of the NMES group;
(F) old age group of the NMES group; I. ICU admission; ICU discharge; Hospital discharge. *P < .05. EI = echo intensity, NMES = neuromuscular electrical stimulation.
Table 2
Muscle strength, basic motor function, physical performance, and onset of ICU-AW and frailty.
Nonoyama et al. • Medicine (2022) 101:31Medicine
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