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Zhang et al.

Journal of Orthopaedic
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:270
https://doi.org/10.1186/s13018-023-03668-x Surgery and Research


Intraoperative electrical stimulation

promotes the short‑term recovery of patients
with cubital tunnel syndrome after surgery
Xuelei Zhang1,2, Xiaolei Xiu1, Ping Wang1, Yaxin Han1, Wenli Chang1 and Jianyong Zhao1*

Background This study was designed to investigate whether intraoperative electrical nerve stimulation has effects
on the short-term recovery of cubital tunnel syndrome patients after ulnar nerve release.
Methods Patients diagnosed as cubital tunnel syndrome were selected. At the same time, they received conven-
tional surgery treatment. The patients were divided by a randomized digits table into two groups. The control group
underwent conventional surgery, and the electrical stimulation (ES) group underwent intraoperative electrical stimu-
lation. All the patients were tested for sensory and motor functions, grip strength, key pinch strength, motor conduc-
tivity velocity (MCV), and maximum compound muscle action potential (CMAP) before operation and 1 month and 6
months after operation.
Results In patients treated with intraoperative ES, the sensory and motor functions and the strength of muscle were
significantly improved after 1-month and 6-month follow-up than the control group. After the follow-up, the patients
in the ES group had significantly higher grip strength and key pinch strength than the control group. After the follow-
up, the patients in the ES group had significantly higher MCV and CMAP than the control group.
Conclusion Intraoperative electrical stimulation of nerve muscle can significantly promote the short-term recovery
of nerve and muscle functions after the surgery in cubital tunnel syndrome patients.
Keywords Intraoperative electrical stimulation, Ulnar nerve, Cubital tunnel syndrome

Introduction syndrome is the enduring, repetitive flexion of elbow that

Cubital tunnel syndrome is a common neuropathy [1]. raises the pressure inside the cubital tunnel and strains
Cubital tunnel is lined with the ulnar nerve and relative the ulnar nerve, affecting the microcirculation within
vessels [2]. The ulnar nerve is a multifascicular trunk and the nerve and causing ischemia and hypoxia resulting in
the roof of the cubital tunnel showed the presence of nerve damage [4]. Chronic compression leads to demyeli-
superimposed layers [3]. The main cause of cubital tunnel nation and the distortion of axonal structures, followed
by undesirable remyelination [5]. The motor symptoms
include dyspraxia and weakness of the hand and the sen-
*Correspondence: sory symptoms include pain, hypoesthesia or anesthesia,
Jianyong Zhao
[email protected] and cutaneous dysesthesias [5]. For patients with mild
Department of Microsurgery, The Hebei Cangzhou Hospital symptoms, they can heal spontaneously without surgery
of Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, No. 31 [6]. Early cubital tunnel syndrome can be treated con-
Huanghe West Road, Cangzhou 061000, Hebei, China
Hebei Key Laboratory of lntegrated Traditional and Western Medicine servatively, but cases with more than 3 months often
in Osteoarthrosis Research (Preparing), Cangzhou, China require surgical release, such as endoscopic cubital tun-
nel release [7, 8].

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Zhang et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:270 Page 2 of 7

Electrical stimulation is attracting increasing attention The exclusion criteria were: 1. having previous elbow
due to its promising role in promoting neuromuscular injury or other secondary associated pathologies; 2. hav-
movement and facilitating peripheral nerve regeneration ing previous peripheral neuropathy; 3. having metallic
[9]. Numerous studies have demonstrated that electrical implants or non-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) safe
stimulation of the muscles innervated by injured periph- active implants; 4. having diabetes mellitus, vascular dis-
eral nerves can promote nerve function recovery [10]. ease, or other polyneuropathies.
Electrical stimulation promotes peripheral nerve axon Of the 207 patients included in the eligibility assess, 25
regeneration may by the upregulation of intracellular were excluded. A total of 182 patients were randomized
cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels, which into the two groups. Participants were followed up for
causes enhanced neurotrophic factor expression [11]. 6 months. Finally, 87 cases in the control group and 89
Neurotrophins such as neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) and brain- cases in the ES group were analyzed. Study flow diagram
derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) contribute to nerve was shown in Fig. 1. Researchers who conduct detec-
recovery [11]. In both animal and human studies, elec- tion and data collection and analysis were blind to the
trical stimulation can enhance axonal regeneration after grouping.
the surgery [12]. Another research has demonstrated that
intraoperative electrical stimulation improves the scores Surgical procedures
of Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) All surgeries were performed by the same surgical team
questionnaire in severe cubital tunnel syndrome patients and under general anesthesia. The ulnar nerve was
[13]. Herein, this research aimed to explore whether released at all common sites of compression around
intraoperative electrical stimulation has beneficial effects the elbow. An in-situ decompression was performed
on the short-term recovery of cubital tunnel syndrome in the majority of cases. Intraoperative electrophysi-
patients. ological monitoring was performed before and after the
decompression. The compound muscle action poten-
Methods tials (CMAP) amplitudes of the abductor digiti minimi
Participants (ADM) muscle and the motor nerve conduction veloc-
Participants in this randomized clinical trial were cubi- ity (MNCV) in the ulnar nerve were recorded. After the
tal tunnel syndrome patients who required surgical decompression, patients in the ES group received elec-
treatment after ineffective conservative treatment at our trical stimulation. In this study, alternative high- and
hospital from June 2018 to June 2021. The patients were low-frequency electrical stimulation was used (100 mA,
divided by a randomized digits table into two groups. 2 Hz/15 Hz, 15 min). After the decompression, patients
The control group underwent conventional surgery, and in the ES group received electrical stimulation on the
the electrical stimulation (ES) group underwent intraop- most severely compressed site. In this study, alternative
erative electrical stimulation. The study was approved by high- and low-frequency electrical stimulation was used
the ethics committee of the Hebei Cangzhou Hospital of (100 mA, 2 Hz/15 Hz, 15 min). Electrical stimulation was
Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western performed by Grass SD9 stimulator (Grass Technologies,
Medicine, and all the participants signed informed writ- Warwick, Rhode Island). The proximal wire electrode
ten consent. was connected to the cathode and the distal to the anode.
The patients were diagnosed with cubital tunnel syn- The conservative treatments included oral analgesics,
drome through physical examination, electromyography, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and neurotrophic
and ultrasonography, and the conservative treatment was drugs; in addition, the patient has a history of treatment
ineffective. The preoperative physical examination met related to acupoint application of traditional Chinese
all the criteria: 1. numbness of ulnar nerve innervation medicine for promoting blood circulation and reducing
region; 2. dorsal interosseous muscle atrophy; 3. clini- swelling.
cal Tinel’s sign or positive for the elbow flexion test; 4.
clawhand deformity; 5. fractioned measurement of the Outcome assessment
nerve conduction velocity with stimulation of the ulnar Motor and sensory functions were evaluated according
nerve at the wrist, distally and proximally to the cubital to the British Medical Research Council (BMRC) scale.
tunnel (with a distance of more than 10 cm). Excellent: Complete recovery of muscle strength on the
The inclusion criteria were: 1. diagnosed with cubital affected side and complete recovery of superficial pain
tunnel syndrome; 2. ineffective conservative treatment; 3. and tactile sensation. Good: Incomplete recovery of mus-
having paresthesia, numbness, muscle weakness, or pain cle strength on the affected side and incomplete recovery
in ulnar nerve distribution; 4. having positive electromy- of superficial pain and tactile sensation. Muscle contrac-
ography and Tinel’s nerve percussion test results. tion can still move joint against week resistance. Fair:
Zhang et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:270 Page 3 of 7

Fig. 1 Study flow diagram

Incomplete recovery of muscle strength on the affected Incorporated, San Carlos, USA) through the most widely
side. Partial recovery of superficial pain and tactile sensa- used methods with good reliability [12]. The positive pole
tion. Muscle strength is further reduced. Poor: No recov- was placed 6 cm above the elbow on the projection of
ery of muscle strength on the affected side and superficial the cubital tunnel of the affected limb, and the negative
pain and tactile sensation. pole was placed on the ulnar side of the hand at the ADM
The strength of muscle was assessed by the Lovett scale. muscle. MCV and the maximum CMAP were recorded.
V: Muscle contracts normally against full resistance. IV:
Muscle strength is reduced but muscle contraction can Statistical analysis
still move joint against resistance. III: Muscle strength SPSS 17.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was
is further reduced such that the joint can be moved only used for statistical analysis. Values were shown as n
against gravity with the examiner’s resistance completely (percentage, %) or mean ± SD. The differences between
removed. II: Muscle can move only if the resistance of each group were derived from Mann–Whitney test or
gravity is removed. I: Fasciculations are observed in the Two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple com-
muscle or only a trace or flicker of movement is seen or parisons test. Fisher’ s exact test or Chi-square test was
felt in the muscle. used for assessing distribution of observations between
Key pinch strength was evaluated by pinch gauge (B&L two groups. p value < 0.05 was considered statistically
Engineering, Santa Ana, California). Grip strength was significant.
evaluated by Jamar dynamometer (Sammons Preston
Rolyan, Bolingbrook, Illinois). Results
Table 1 showed the baseline characteristics of patients.
Electromyography The age, body mass index (BMI), gender, the site of dis-
Electromyography examination was performed by a ease, and the duration of symptoms in the two groups
standard EMG system (Nicolet Synergy, Natus Medical had no significant difference (all p > 0.05).
Zhang et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:270 Page 4 of 7

Table 1 Baseline characteristics of cubital tunnel syndrome Table 3 Comparison of Lovett muscle grading of cubital
patients treated with intraoperative electrical stimulation (ES) tunnel syndrome patients treated with intraoperative electrical
and control stimulation (ES) and control
Characteristics Study groups p value Study groups p value
Control (n = 87) ES (n = 89) Control ES
(n = 87) (n = 89)
Age (years) 52.35 ± 8.94 53.13 ± 9.07 0.184
BMI (kg/m2) 22.58 ± 3.59 22.27 ± 3.91 0.208 1 months after the operation
Gender I 6 (6.9%) 2 (2.2%) 0.008
Male 51 (58.6%) 48 (53.9%) 0.547 II 23 (26.4%) 14 (15.7%)
Female 36 (41.4%) 41 (46.1%) III 30 (34.5%) 20 (22.5%)
Cubital tunnel syndrome side IV 20 (23.0%) 37 (41.6%)
Left 19 (21.8%) 15 (16.8%) 0.444 V 8 (9.2%) 16 (18.0%)
Right 63 (72.4%) 65 (73.1%) 6 months after the operation
Both 5 (5.8%) 9 (10.1%) I 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0.048
Duration of symp- 16.85 ± 5.26 17.12 ± 6.07 0.227 II 15 (17.3%) 9 (10.1%)
toms (months) III 31 (35.6%) 21 (23.6%)
Values were shown as n (percentage, %) or mean ± SD. p values for each group IV 20 (23.0%) 22 (24.7%)
were derived from Mann–Whitney test. Fisher’s exact test or Chi-square test was V 21 (24.1%) 37 (41.6%)
used for assessing distribution of observations between two groups
Values were expressed as n (percentage, %). p value was derived from Chi-
square test
The sensory and motor functions of cubital tunnel syn-
drome patients after 1-month and 6-month follow-up
were evaluated by the BMRC scale. As shown in Table 2, The key pinch strength and grip strength of the cubi-
in patients treated with intraoperative ES, the sensory tal tunnel syndrome patients were also evaluated. Before
and motor functions were significantly improved after the surgery, both key pinch strength and grip strength
1-month and 6-month follow-up than the control group. showed no significant differences between the two
The strength of muscle was assessed by the Lovett groups (Fig. 2A and B). At 1 month and 6 months after
scale. As shown in Table 3, in patients treated with intra- the surgery, the key pinch strength and grip strength in
operative ES, the strength of muscle was significantly the ES group were significantly higher than the control
enhanced after 1-month and 6-month follow-up than the group (Fig. 2A and B).
control group. Before the surgery, both MCV and CMAP showed no
significant differences (Fig. 3A and 3B). In the ES group,
the MCV and CMAP of the patients were significantly
higher than the control group at 1 month and 6 months
Table 2 Comparison of sensory and motor functions of cubital after the surgery (Fig. 3A and B).
tunnel syndrome patients treated with intraoperative electrical
stimulation (ES) and control
Study groups p value
A large number of researchers have carried out studies
Control ES related to the repair function of electrical stimulation in
(n = 87) (n = 89)
nerve injury, proving effectiveness and reliability from
1 months after the operation a practical point of view [14]. The relevance of adding
Excellent 6 (6.9%) 15 (16.9%) < 0.001 some electrical stimulation to the process of regeneration
Good 25 (28.7%) 46 (51.7%) of nerve axons has also been proved within rat model
Fair 36 (41.4%) 16 (17.9%) [15, 16]. The application of electrical stimulation has a
Poor 20 (23.0%) 12 (13.5%) positive effect on the recovery of muscle nerve damage
6 months after the operation [17]. The application of electrical stimulation can effec-
Excellent 21 (24.1%) 32 (35.9%) 0.029 tively delay muscle atrophy caused by nerve loss. The
Good 33 (37.9%) 41 (46.1%) corresponding mechanisms are focused on the follow-
Fair 26 (29.9%) 13 (14.6%) ing aspects: 1. regulation of the target tissue metabolism
Poor 7 (8.1%) 3 (3.4%) after denervation, which accelerates blood circulation in
Values were expressed as n (percentage, %). p value was derived from Chi-
the muscle; 2. delaying the degenerative changes in mus-
square test cle proteins and reducing the loss of muscle glycogen; 3.
Zhang et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:270 Page 5 of 7

Fig. 2 Comparisons of Grip strength (A) and Key pinch strength (B) before the surgery and 1 month, 6 months after the surgery between cubital
tunnel syndrome patients treated with intraoperative electrical stimulation (ES) and control. Box plot was used to present the data. *p < 0.05,
***p < 0.001 and ns means no significance. Two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons tests

Fig. 3 Comparisons of motor conductivity velocity (MCV) (A) and maximum compound muscle action potential (CMAP) (B) before the surgery and
1 month, 6 months after the surgery between cubital tunnel syndrome patients treated with intraoperative electrical stimulation (ES) and control.
Box plot was used to present the data. ***p < 0.001 and ns means no significance. Two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons tests

delaying the process of denervation atrophy and reduc- of nerve recovery by electrical stimulation includes: (i)
ing the ATP level; 4. increasing the efficiency of glycogen promotion of nerve growth factor expression and its
protein synthesis and increasing the total amount of non- neurotropic effect; (ii) current effect: under the effect of
collagenous proteins. positive and negative electric field, the positively charged
Despite the potential of damaged peripheral nerves nerve growth factor starts to move gradually toward the
to regenerate axons, functional recovery after severe negative electrode (distal to the nerve injury), and this
nerve injury in humans remains poor [18]. When axons condition can effectively accelerate the regeneration
regenerate, the regenerated nerve fibers are unable to of the nerve itself; (iii) reduction of calcium ion levels,
locate the correct innervation target and misorientation which has a positive effect on improving the blood flow
is detrimental to nerve repair, which can lead to uncoor- inside the injured nerve.
dinated movements [19]. Koppes has demonstrated that In this study, we applied an electromyograph to inter-
the speed and success of nerve repair can be improved by vene in the postoperative recovery of patients with cubi-
directly promoting axonal growth and directional effects tal tunnel syndrome in the form of electrical stimulation,
after the application of appropriate electrical stimula- and two tests were applied to assess the patient’s neuro-
tion, as a way to increase the release of neurogenic fac- logical recovery, i.e., electromyographic indices, and sen-
tors 11-fold [20]. Gordon suggested that in the process sory and motor functions to assess the patient’s clinical
of nerve transection and surgical repair, some electri- recovery. The electromyograph allows the adjustment of
cal stimulation for the denervated muscle has a posi- stimulation parameters and treatment time, as well as
tive impact and can effectively enhance the rate of nerve the postoperative assessment of all electrophysiological
regeneration in the muscle itself [11, 21]. The promotion aspects of the muscle, thus providing better objectivity.
Zhang et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:270 Page 6 of 7

In this study, sensory and motor functions were evalu- Availability of data and materials
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the cor-
ated at 1 and 6 months of postoperative follow-up. The responding author, Lei Chen, upon reasonable request.
ES group showed a significantly faster motor and sen-
sory function recovery compared to the control group. Declarations
The performance of intraoperative electrical stimulation
enhanced motor and sensory function recovery in cubital Ethical approval and consent to participate
The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Hebei Cangzhou
tunnel syndrome patients. Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine,
The Lovett muscle strength grading was used to eval- and all the participants signed informed written consent.
uate the finger muscle strength of the patients at 1 and
Consent for publication
6 months postoperative follow-up. The comparison Current study is available from the corresponding author on reasonable
showed that the recovery of muscle strength in the ES request.
group was also superior to the control group. The perfor-
Competing interests
mance of intraoperative electrical stimulation enhanced The authors declare no competing interests.
the recovery of muscle strength after surgery.
The key pinch strength and grip strength were com-
Received: 8 December 2022 Accepted: 1 March 2023
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