Rober Son 2018
Rober Son 2018
Rober Son 2018
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Background: Muscle strength may be one indicator of readiness to mobilize that can be used to guide
Received 17 December 2016 decisions regarding early mobility efforts and to progressively advance mobilization.
Received in revised form Objectives: To provide a synthesis of current measures of muscle strength in the assessment of early
18 September 2017
mobilization in critically ill adult patients who are receiving MV therapy.
Accepted 4 October 2017
Methods: Research studies conducted between 2000-2015 were identified using PubMed, CINHAL,
MEDLINE, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews databases using the search terms “muscle
strength”, “intensive care”, “mechanical ventilation” and “muscle weakness”.
Muscle strength
Results: Nine articles used manual muscle testing, the Medical Research Council scale and/or hand-held
Intensive care dynamometer to provide objective measures for assessing muscle strength in the critically ill adult
Mechanical ventilation patient population.
Muscle weakness Conclusions: Further research is needed to examine the application of standardized measures of muscle
Early mobility strength for guiding decisions regarding early and progressive advancement of mobility goals in adult
ICU patients on MV.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0147-9563/$ e see front matter Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 A.R. Roberson et al. / Heart & Lung 47 (2018) 1e9
team members are often hesitant to initiate early mobility in- The peripheral neuromyopathy weakness component of CINM,
terventions for patients who require MV because of perceptions which has come to be described as ICU-acquired weakness (ICU-
that they may put the patient at increased risk of accidental AW),10 has raised awareness of its clinical significance in the criti-
extubation or injury. In recent years, several research studies cally ill adult. The prevalence of muscle weakness in patients who
have concluded that mobilizing patients on MV therapy is safe, regain normal consciousness after greater than one week of MV
feasible and minimizes the long-term effects of immobiliza- therapy is 25%e60%.10 These patients have demonstrated muscle
tion.2,6,19,28 Muscle strength is often assessed in other patient waste peaking during the first three weeks of ICU stay, indicating
populations to guide the delivery of activity interventions and early physical activity in this patient population can benefit overall
determine rehabilitation needs. Less attention, however, has muscle health and minimize muscle deconditioning.14 Patients
been focused on identifying the influence of muscle strength on experiencing ICU-AW often have a diagnosis of sepsis leading to
early mobilization in the critically ill adult patient on MV ther- multiple organ and respiratory failure requiring prolonged MV
apy. Equally important is determining how muscle strength can therapy.22 Patients exhibiting both limb and respiratory weakness
be measured in this patient population at the bedside. Under- are at risk of experiencing clinically significant decline in their
standing and recognizing the influence of muscle strength on muscle strength, requiring purposeful interventions to support
decreasing muscle deconditioning has the potential to increase early mobility. While there has been a significant focus on respi-
early mobilization in this patient population. Muscle strength is ratory muscle weakness, less emphasis has been placed on
an important measure for predicting and evaluating early measuring limb strength as a potential influence of mobility
mobilization in the critically ill adult patient on MV therapy. readiness.
Therefore, a literature review was performed to provide a syn-
thesis of current measurements of muscle strength used in the Methods
assessment of readiness to mobilize in critically ill adult patients
who are receiving MV therapy. The questions guiding the sys- Eligibility criteria and sources
tematic literature review were:
Using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and
(a) What measurements have been used to assess muscle strength meta-analyses (PRIMSA) guidelines,18 the PubMed/MEDLINE,
in adult critically ill patients receiving mechanical ventilation CINAHL, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews data-
therapy? bases were searched to access research studies published between
(b) Which measurements demonstrate readiness for early mobi- the years 2000e2015 to reflect current best practice. The articles
lization in adult critically ill patients receiving mechanical were primary research conducted in an adult ICU setting on pa-
ventilation therapy? tients receiving MV therapy, assessing muscle strength and re-
ported in the English language. This literature review was
Muscle strength in the critically ill adult patient conducted from May 2014eNovember 2015 using the search terms
“muscle strength”, “intensive care”, “mechanical ventilation” and
Despite the dissemination of literature promoting the impor- “muscle weakness”. Although this literature search started in May
tance of early mobilization in the critically ill patient receiving MV 2014, it was not completed until November 2015 due to time
therapy, there is a lack of research that has explored the influence constraints in completing the search.
of muscle strength on early mobilization in this patient popula-
tion. Numerous patients admitted to an ICU setting acquire a Search and study selection
syndrome described as a neuromuscular dysfunction, which is
characterized as generalized limb and respiratory muscle weak- Using the PubMed database, the above-mentioned search terms
ness.5 This syndrome, which has come to be known as critical were used with a search date range of “01/01/2000 through 11/14/
illness neuromyopathy (CINM), occurs in critically ill patients 2015”, “humans”, “English language”, and “adults: 19þ years” as
without previous neuromuscular disease, indicating its simulta- additional limiters. The results yielded a total of 97,848 articles.
neous development with the critical illness and/or treat- Each search term was added to the search builder section of the
ments.11,21,22 CINM has a respiratory neuromuscular weakness and advanced search method using the “AND” operator, yielding (34)
peripheral neuromyopathy components.9 The respiratory neuro- articles. This same process was used for each of the other database
muscular component of CINM has been shown to be a predictor of searches. Screening of the articles was independently performed by
delayed weaning in patients receiving MV therapy as well as the primary author. Using the inclusion and exclusion criteria,
associated with peripheral myopathy weakness.9 Although the initial screening included a review of each article’s title, which
respiratory component of CINM is not the focus of this literature eliminated (17) articles due to the title having a different patient or
review, it is a vital assessment area in the overall outcome of disease foci, such as red blood cells, neurologic disease, electrical
critically ill adults being able to perform activities during and stimulation and heart transplantation. An additional (11) articles
following their ICU stay. were eliminated after reading the title, full abstract, introduction
Table 1
Literature search inclusion and exclusion criteria.
and methodology sections of the articles due to alternate focus of included in the analysis were evaluated as low bias. Criteria for
research, to include rehabilitation therapy, glycemic control and inclusion are listed in Table 1 and were identified based on desired
MV weaning. The remaining (6) articles were read in their entirety patient population (adults greater than 18-years old), location of
based on meeting the inclusion criteria and were included in this the patient (ICU setting), patients receiving MV therapy during the
systematic review. Ancestry searches (review of references in study, study was focused on assessing muscle strength, patients
selected articles) were performed on the six publications acquired comprehended the English language and the study was an original
and two additional publications were identified that fit the inclu- study. Exclusion criteria, also listed in Table 1, included patients not
sion and exclusion criteria and were added to this systematic re- in the ICU setting during the study and patients with pre-existing
view. One additional article was included in this review upon neuromuscular disorders, any missing limbs, unable to ambulate
receiving this article in a journal subscription as it, too, also met the upon ICU admission with or without an assistive device, any nerve
inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of nine articles were stimulation needs and patients not awake, sedated or paralyzed at
included in this literature review. Risk of bias was determined by the time of the study. Refer to Fig. 1 for a descriptive flowchart of
evaluating the methodological quality of all articles that met the the literature search in the PubMed database.
inclusion criteria to the extent to which these studies could be
replicated. Publication bias was minimized by using a variety of Data collection process and data items
databases to search for relevant research articles. All articles
Using Garrard’s Matrix Method13, a table was developed to sys-
tematically summarize the eight articles. Topics for abstraction from
each article included: (a) the authors’ name and year of publication;
97,848 articles (b) the research design, which included the timeframe of the study;
(c) sample and setting; (d) method(s)/devices used to measure
initially found strength; (e) statistical analysis, and; (f) the main outcomes of the
using limiters study. The principal summary measures reported in each manu-
script were identified and include descriptive analysis and tests of
significance. A summary of this process can be found in Table 2.
(34) articles found using Nine publications between the years 2008e2015 were included
in this systematic review. Eight were prospective design studies
search terms and one was a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design. The age
range of the subjects was 23- to 93-years and 56% of the studies had
more male than female subjects. In four of the studies (44%), there
were more female patients enrolled than male patients.1,7,20,29 The
settings for the studies varied between Medical ICUs (MICU), Sur-
gical ICUs (SICU), and a Medical-Surgical ICU. Three articles did not
specify the type of ICU setting their study was conducted4,7,29 and
one study identified using only surgical ICU patients.16 Seven arti-
(17) eliminated due to patient cles reported MV measurements using median and interquartile
ranges (IQR) for the days spent on MV.1,3,4,7,9,16,20 With the excep-
population diagnosis tion of one publication,6 articles included subjects with sepsis or
infection and respiratory disease as a diagnosis. One study included
subjects with a diagnosis of sepsis but not respiratory disease3 and
another study identified a history of cardiac and respiratory dis-
ease6 in its subjects.
All the studies assessed the patients’ ability to focus their
attention to perform simple commands following enrollment.
Three studies1,3,4 used the Attention Screening Exam, a valid
(11) eliminated due to alternate method for ICU patients and two studies used a screening method
research focus for assessing awakening and comprehension.9,16 One study used
both methods to assess attention to commands. Another study
enrolled patients who received intravenous sedation and/or
neuromuscular blocking agents in the ICU, however, did not assess
the participants’ ability to follow commands. Two studies did not
identify a specific method for determining comprehension or
ability to follow simple commands.
There were two measures predominately used in the nine
(6) articles + (2) ancestry articles + studies to determine muscle strength. The Manual Muscle Test
(MMT), as measured by the Medical Research Council (MRC) 0e5
(1) printed article included in summated score was used in seven studies.1,3,4,9,16,20,29 The MMT
compares the patient’s muscle strength in six different muscles
groups in the upper and lower extremities bilaterally and is
measured to determine the Medical Research Council (MRC) 0e5
summated score, which has been deemed a reliable and valid test
Fig. 1. Systematic literature search in PubMed database flowchart. to assess muscle strength.11 The lower MRC scores, grades 0e3,
Table 2
Studies using influential factors of muscle strength in critically ill adults on mechanical ventilation.
Research study Research design Sample and setting Methods/devices for Statistical analysis Main outcomes
Ali, N.A., O’Brien, J.M., Hoffman, Prospective, multicenter, cohort (5) medical ICUs in academic Muscle strength measured with Spearman’s r ¼ 0.90, p- Hospital mortality higher in
S.P., Phillips, G., Garland, A., study medical centers (AMC) affiliated Medical Research Council (MRC) value<0.001 between ICU- patients with ICU-AP than
Finley, J.C., Almoosa, K., . May 2005eApril 2007 with the Midwest Critical Care scale acquired paresis (ICU-AP) and without weakness, per MRC
Midwest Critical Care Consortium Dominant hand-held device MRC exam and HHD
Consortium, 20081 174 subjects enrolled and 136 (HHD) using the JAMAR device Using sex-specific thresholds for HHD may provide rapid, simple
Objective: (a) ICUAP is in- completed study Assessments repeated next day handgrip, handgrip strength had alternative to MRC exam for ICU-
dependently associated with Adults 18 years old, on MV Maximum total MRC score and good test performance when AP diagnosis
increased mortality; (b) for 5 days handgrip from either compared with an ICU-AP Number of ICU- and hospital-free
determine if HHD is a concise day ¼ subject’s strength diagnosis by MRC (sensitivity days were significantly reduced
measure of global strength and 80.6%, specificity 83.2%) in ICU-AP subjects per MRC
is independently associated Odds of hospital mortality higher exam, with strong correlation
with mortality in subjects with ICU-AP Odds with handgrip strength
Ratio (OR) ¼ 7.8, 95% confidence No reference to mobility; perfect
interval (CI), 2.4e25.3, p ¼ 0.001 agreement of interobservers for
12 pts but didn’t state timing or
location of evaluations (all in
Baldwin, C.E. and Bersten, A.D., Prospective, cross-sectional with 16 subjects for both critically ill HHD used to determine isometric Mean (SD) or median (IQR), (13) subjects limited to limb
Table 2 (continued )
Research study Research design Sample and setting Methods/devices for Statistical analysis Main outcomes
Lee, J.L., Waak, K., Grosse- Prospective, observational study (95) patients in the 20-bed SICU Manual Muscle Testing (MMT), Multivariant logistic regression MMT reliably predicted in-
Sundrup, M., Xue, F., Lee, J., July 2011eOctober 2011 in a large tertiary AMC, who had JAMAR handgrip dynamometry used to identify which hospital mortality, number of
Chipman, D., Ryan, C . surgery and relatively low (Sammons, Illinois), sum score on independent variables (MMT and vent days, SICU length of stay
Eikermann, 201216 disease severity level the MRC scale to quantify MMT HHD) were associated with (LOS) and hospital LOS.
Objective: (a) evaluate the MV days varied from median 1.5 MMT completed in 95 patients mortality Logistic regression demonstrated
predictive value of strength (IQR, 0 to 4.5) to 3 (IQR, 1.5 to 8.4) (88.8%), 44 (46.3%) met cutoff for Spearman’s correlation used to as strength increased, mortality
measured by MMT and HHD at 18 years old ICU-AP (MRC < 48) median ¼ 48 identify indepen-dent variables decreased
ICU admission for in-hospital (IQR, 39.8 to 56.6) associated with SICU LOS, Grip strength and MMT-derived
mortality, SICU LOS; (b) MMT 80/94 patients (85.1%) ¼ ICU-AP hospital LOS and MV days strength measurements r ¼ 0.55,
and handgrip strength (12) muscle groups measured Lower level of disease severity p < 0.0001, but grip strength
measurements would be and lower grip strength than Ali didn’t predict patient outcomes
associated with hospital LOS study and in SICU
and MV days Sedation paused for exams for Handgrip strength was not
how long? independently associated with
Median time until strength mortality, LOS, MV days
testing could be reliably Global muscle weakness predicts
performed ¼ 3days (IQR, 2e5 mortality and MV duration in the
days) ICU
SICU and MICU data differ,
Coefficient; FTSST ¼ Five Times Sit to Stand Test; AMC ¼ Academic Medical Center; TUG ¼ Time Up to Go; 2MWT ¼ 2-Minute Walk Test; RN ¼ Registered Nurse; RT ¼ Respiratory Therapist; MD ¼ Medical Doctor; SB ¼ Sitting
Abbreviations: SD ¼ Standard Deviation; SICU ¼ Surgical Intensive Care Unit; IQR ¼ Interquartile Range; MICU ¼ Medical Intensive Care Unit; CI ¼ Confidence Interval; PT ¼ Physical Therapy; ICC ¼ Intraclass Correlation
only MIP parameter for T1 and T3
studies.1,3,4,16,29 The MRC score was not used in two studies, how-
ever, the HHD measure was used in these studies.6,7 Three studies
and T2 and T1 and T3
ing the Berg Balance Scale), and quadriceps force in critically ill
hyperinflation and bronchial
hyperinflation, bronchial
the treatment group (1.83 0.91 N kg1 vs. 2.37 0.62 N kg1,
p < 0.01) than in the control group (1.86 0.78 N kg1 vs.
2.03 0.75 N kg1, p ¼ 0.11).
There was one study that used three measurements, MMT, MRC
and HHD, to determine muscle strength in the SICU setting.16
Recognizing data from the SICU varied from findings in the MICU
examination score < 48 points.
in other studies, this study suggested that the HHD was a viable tool
for predicting mortality in the ICU setting.16 Another study used
MRC physical strength
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