Work Immersion Implementation Plan
Work Immersion Implementation Plan
Work Immersion Implementation Plan
C. Discussion of portfolio
1. Portfolio instructions
a. Portfolio content
i, accomplished forms 2. résumé
ii. pictures of work site and non
output/ projects with captions 3. application
iii. illustrations of activities
performed (as
needed) 4. sample clearance
iv. weekly diary (narrative/ documents
account of
learnings and achievements,
issues faced
and corresponding resolutions)
v. sample written output (if any)
vi. Work Immersion highlights
vii. other relevant pictures/
b. When to update content
c. Portfolio packaging
d. Portfolio submission at the
end of Work Immersion
II. Career Guidance The schools will invite March 13-17,2023 (tentative School Head
professionals to conduct a date) Teachers
lecture and give some Students
information about their chosen Invited Guests
field preferably face to face but
in an open area for social
distancing and observation of
safety precaution
III. Immersion Proper February 20- March 3, 2023 Immersion Teachers, Immersion Portfolio
1. Identify a scientific problem
or question
2. Set selection criteria for
studies relevant to a chosen
scientific problem
3. Review, digest, and concisely
stake the relevance of the studies
4. Formulate possible outcomes
of the
investigation, or in the case of
research, conjectures about the
problem or topic
5. Design a strategy or sequence
of steps that will address the
scientific question
at hand
6. Select and apply appropriate
methods of data
7. Analyze the obtained from the
8. Draw a logic conclusion
supported by processed data
9. Make a recommendation that
are relevant to the study
10. Write a complete scientific
Presentation of Output The students will present their February 24-27, 2023 Immersion Teachers,
output face to face with the panel Panel,
and other students Students
Revision and Polishing of Output The students will integrate the February 28-March 2, 2023 Immersion Teachers,
comments and suggestions of the Students
panel on their paper.
Submission of Output The students will submit their March 2-3, 2023 Immersion Teachers, Immersion portfolio
final output. Students
AGRI CROP February 20- March 3, 2023 Immersion Teachers, Immersion Portfolio
1. Introduction of students and
familiarization of surroundings
and discussion of rules and A. Making a scrapbook of farm
regulations; lecture on farm tools and equipments
tools; defects and remedies;
farm tool safety; demonstrate
the use of farm tools in (land b. Making a Farm plan and
CULMINATING ACTIVITY February 20- March 3, 2023 Immersion Teachers, Immersion Portfolio
(HUMSS) Students
1. Formulate a plan that will
demonstrate the key concepts,
and processes of humanities and
2. write a concept anchored on
the prepared
3. generate comments, feedbacks
observations on the feasibility,
appropriateness and relevance of
4. synthesize insights from the
comments, and
recommendations of
peers and/or teachers
5. examine the preparedness and
completeness of the output based
on the
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