Work Immersion Implementation Plan

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Cabucbucan National High School

Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija


School Year 2022-2023

I. Pre-Immersion The teacher: The parents will sign the

A. Understanding Work 1. conducts the Pre-Immersion February 6, 2023 Parents, Teachers Memorandum of
Immersion by orientation via online platforms Understanding and parental
discussing: to the parents of Grade 12 consent.
1. Expected behavior students.
a. Work ethics 2. Organizes the Pre-Immersion
b. Safety in the workplace orientation via online platforms
c. Workplace rights and to the students.
responsibilities 3. prepares materials for
d. Confidentiality in the learners' guides in securing and
workplace accomplishing sample forms
e. Effective conflict resolution 4. validates the accomplished
and sample forms
teamwork skills 5. provides a checklist
2. Work immersion rules and containing things to do and February 7-10, 2023 School Head, Teachers,
regulations documents needed for pre- Students
B. Appreciating the importance Immersion, during, and after
of Immersion.
credentials by: 6. prepares mechanism in 1. essay on the how to
1. Writing a résumé conducting a job interview February 13-17, 2023 Immersion Teachers, conduct oneself inside the
2. Filling out application forms training and portfolio Students company/ business
3. Visiting the concerned offices preparations like online, phone, establishment/working
where the following could be module etc. environment during the
secured: Immersion period.
a. Barangay clearance
b. Police clearance
c. Mayor's clearance
d. Medical certificate
4. Job Interview skills training

Address: Brgy. Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

School ID: 300793
Facebook Page: Cabucbucan National High School
Username: @cabucbucan300793
Cabucbucan National High School
Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

C. Discussion of portfolio
1. Portfolio instructions
a. Portfolio content
i, accomplished forms 2. résumé
ii. pictures of work site and non
output/ projects with captions 3. application
iii. illustrations of activities
performed (as
needed) 4. sample clearance
iv. weekly diary (narrative/ documents
account of
learnings and achievements,
issues faced
and corresponding resolutions)
v. sample written output (if any)
vi. Work Immersion highlights
vii. other relevant pictures/
b. When to update content
c. Portfolio packaging
d. Portfolio submission at the
end of Work Immersion
II. Career Guidance The schools will invite March 13-17,2023 (tentative School Head
professionals to conduct a date) Teachers
lecture and give some Students
information about their chosen Invited Guests
field preferably face to face but
in an open area for social
distancing and observation of
safety precaution
III. Immersion Proper February 20- March 3, 2023 Immersion Teachers, Immersion Portfolio
1. Identify a scientific problem

Address: Brgy. Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

School ID: 300793
Facebook Page: Cabucbucan National High School
Username: @cabucbucan300793
Cabucbucan National High School
Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

or question
2. Set selection criteria for
studies relevant to a chosen
scientific problem
3. Review, digest, and concisely
stake the relevance of the studies
4. Formulate possible outcomes
of the
investigation, or in the case of
research, conjectures about the
problem or topic
5. Design a strategy or sequence
of steps that will address the
scientific question
at hand
6. Select and apply appropriate
methods of data
7. Analyze the obtained from the
8. Draw a logic conclusion
supported by processed data
9. Make a recommendation that
are relevant to the study
10. Write a complete scientific

Presentation of Output The students will present their February 24-27, 2023 Immersion Teachers,
output face to face with the panel Panel,
and other students Students
Revision and Polishing of Output The students will integrate the February 28-March 2, 2023 Immersion Teachers,
comments and suggestions of the Students
panel on their paper.
Submission of Output The students will submit their March 2-3, 2023 Immersion Teachers, Immersion portfolio
final output. Students

Address: Brgy. Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

School ID: 300793
Facebook Page: Cabucbucan National High School
Username: @cabucbucan300793
Cabucbucan National High School
Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

ICT February 20- March 3, 2023 Immersion Teachers, Immersion Portfolio

1. Formulate a plan that will
demonstrate the key concepts,
and processes of ICT
2. write a concept anchored on
the prepared
3. generate comments, feedbacks
observations on the feasibility,
appropriateness and relevance of
4. Showcase their ability in
trouble shoot and any other
activities involving the ICT
5. Create a plan and program for
the school to organize the
records or any other school
related paper works

AGRI CROP February 20- March 3, 2023 Immersion Teachers, Immersion Portfolio
1. Introduction of students and
familiarization of surroundings
and discussion of rules and A. Making a scrapbook of farm
regulations; lecture on farm tools and equipments
tools; defects and remedies;
farm tool safety; demonstrate
the use of farm tools in (land b. Making a Farm plan and

Address: Brgy. Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

School ID: 300793
Facebook Page: Cabucbucan National High School
Username: @cabucbucan300793
Cabucbucan National High School
Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

preparation, cultivation, plant computation of Fertilizers

propagation and harvesting)
activity of the day

2. Parts and function of

equipment; safety practices
during operations of farm
equipment; preventive
maintenance of farm
equipments; computation for
the quantities of materials and
resources required to complete
a work task; estimating farm
inputs and labor requirements;
and perform calculation, system
of measurement, unit of
measurement, percentages and
ratios, computation of fertilizers
and amount of fertilizers

3. Farm plans and layouts;

lecture on planting system in
crop productions; crops
arrangement, planting system
and practices lecture on proper
planting based on field/farm
plan; and layout plan of
irrigation system; types of
irrigation system, different
designs of irrigation system

4. Applying safety measures in

Address: Brgy. Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

School ID: 300793
Facebook Page: Cabucbucan National High School
Username: @cabucbucan300793
Cabucbucan National High School
Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

farm operations; and hazards,

risk and exposure in the farm

5. Farm works that involves

using chemicals personal
protective equipment (PPE) used
in farms; basic first aid, farm
emergency procedures
regarding safety work
environment; and cleaning,
storing and waste management;
and technique in storing
materials and chemicals.

COOKERY February 20- March 3, 2023 Immersion Teachers, Immersion Portfolio

1. Create a budget plan for the A. Making a scrapbook of meal
meal in a week with a specific Plan
basis on nutrition and
b. Budget Plan
2. Always apply basic and safety
procedures in the kitchen.

3. Assemble kitchen tools

necessary for the required
cooking procedures; and
Performing best execution with
regards to plating and garnishing

4. Usage of relevant terms in

cooking and perform kitchen
techniques; and Conducting

Address: Brgy. Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

School ID: 300793
Facebook Page: Cabucbucan National High School
Username: @cabucbucan300793
Cabucbucan National High School
Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

necessary personal hygiene and

proper grooming while in the
kitchen premises

5. Attentive when it comes to

kitchen commands or tasks;
Good social skills when it comes
to handling costumers; and Can
explain the different procedures
when it comes to cooking

CULMINATING ACTIVITY February 20- March 3, 2023 Immersion Teachers, Immersion Portfolio
(HUMSS) Students
1. Formulate a plan that will
demonstrate the key concepts,
and processes of humanities and
2. write a concept anchored on
the prepared
3. generate comments, feedbacks
observations on the feasibility,
appropriateness and relevance of
4. synthesize insights from the
comments, and
recommendations of
peers and/or teachers
5. examine the preparedness and
completeness of the output based
on the

Address: Brgy. Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

School ID: 300793
Facebook Page: Cabucbucan National High School
Username: @cabucbucan300793
Cabucbucan National High School
Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

key concepts, principles and

processes of humanities and
social sciences
6. showcase their understanding
of the key
concepts, principles, and
processes of
humanities and social sciences
through an
BUSINESS SIMULATION February 20- March 3, 2023 Immersion Teachers, 1. Strategic Plan
(ABM) Students 2. Marketing Plan
1. The learners scan the market 3. Operating/Business Plan
and identify 4. Financial Plan
potential business opportunities
2. use appropriate analysis
framework and
methodology in choosing a
product that is
feasible in terms of the market,
and financials
3. The learners prepare a
strategic plan
outlining the competitive
and focusing on the appropriate
competition strategy.
4. The learners prepare a
marketing plan
that will describe the product
the value, it brings to the
consumer, and

Address: Brgy. Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

School ID: 300793
Facebook Page: Cabucbucan National High School
Username: @cabucbucan300793
Cabucbucan National High School
Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

the subsequent tactical plan on

how to
reach consumers (4Ps), and
conclude with
a sales forecast.
5. The learners design an
operating plan to
ensure that the inputs and
required to deliver the product or
are identified and estimate the

Prepared by:


Principal IV

Address: Brgy. Cabucbucan, Rizal, Nueva Ecija

School ID: 300793
Facebook Page: Cabucbucan National High School
Username: @cabucbucan300793

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