1 6 Biochem

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Name: Comandante, Stiffe Prite L.

Rating: ____________

Year and Section: BSN1 F-6 102 Date: 10/28/2022


Laboratory Activity No. 1


Recall that physical properties can be observed without producing new substances. Chemical
properties describe how a substance interacts with other substances to produce new substances.
Extensive properties depend upon the amount of matter in the sample; intensive properties do not.

Directions, Part 1: Classify each of the properties listed below as extensive or intensive. Then classify
each property as physical or chemical. Write the word out to earn full credit.

Property Extensive or Intensive Property Physical or Chemical Property

color Intensive Property Physical Property

combustibility Intensive Property Chemical Property

hardness Intensive Property Physical Property

density Extensive Property Physical Property

mass Extensive Property Physical Property

melting point Intensive Property Physical Property

ductility Intensive Property Physical Property

volume Extensive Property Physical Property

reactivity with acid Intensive Property Chemical Property

odor Extensive Property Physical Property

weight Extensive Property Physical Property

malleability Intensive Property Physical Property

tendency to corrode Intensive Property Chemical Property

Directions, Part 2: Some measurements or descriptions of properties are listed below. Write which
property is being described in each case. Select properties that are listed in the table from Part 1.

A. 15 dm3 A. Volume

B. can easily be hammered into sheets B. Malleability

C. 2.8 g/cm3 C. Density

D. burns when heated in the presence of O 2 D. combustibility

E. shiny metal forms a chalky white layer on its surface E. Tendency to corrode

F. can be scratched by a diamond F. Hardness

G. 500oC G. Melting Point

H. can easily be drawn into a wire H. Ductility

Name: Comandante Stiffe Prite L. Rating: ____________

Year and Section: BSN 1 F6 102 Date: 10/28/2022


Laboratory Activity No. 2


Classify each of the materials below. In the center column, state whether the material is a pure
substance or a mixture. If the material is a pure substance, further classify it as either an element or
compound in the right column. Similarly, if the material is a mixture, further classify it as homogeneous
or heterogeneous in the right column. Write the entire word in each space to earn full credit.

Material Pure Substance or Mixture Element, Compound,

Homogeneous, Heterogeneous
Concrete Mixture heterogeneous

sugar + pure water Mixture homogeneous

(C12H22O11 + H2O)
iron filings (Fe) Pure Substance Element
orange juice (w/pulp) Mixture Heterogeneous

Pacific Ocean Mixture Heterogeneous

air inside a balloon Mixture Homogeneous

aluminum (Al) Pure Substance Element

magnesium (Mg) Pure Substance Element

acetylene (C2H2) Pure Substance Compound

tap water in a glass Mixture Homogeneous

soil Mixture Heterogeneous

pure water (H2O) Pure Substance Compound

chromium (Cr) Pure Substance Element

Chex mix Mixture Heterogeneous

salt + pure water Mixture Homogeneous
(NaCl + H2O)
benzene (C6H6) Pure Substance Compound

muddy water Mixture Heterogeneous

brass (Cu mixed with Zn) Mixture Homogeneous

baking soda (NaHCO3) Pure Substance Compound

Name: Comandante, Stiffe Prite L. Rating: ____________

Year and Section: BSN 1 F6 102 Date:10/28/22


Laboratory Activity No. 3

Complete the following chart and answer the questions below.

Element Name Atomic Number Number of Number of Mass Number

Protons Neutrons
Carbon 5 6 6 12

Oxygen 8 8 8 16

Hydrogen 1 0 1what 1

6 14

Hydrogen 1 2

Nitrogen 7 14

1 2

Uranium 92 146

Cesium 82

Sodium 11 12

47 108

Tungsten 110

45 80

24 52

89 152

Silver 107

Osmium 76 114
1. How are the atomic number and the number of protons related to each other?

2. How do the number of protons, number of neutrons, and the mass number relate to each other?

3. What is the one thing that determines the identity of an atom (that is, whether it is an oxygen atom
or a carbon atom, etc.)?

Name: ____________________________________________________ Rating: ____________

Year and Section: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________


Laboratory Activity No. 4

PART A: Express each of the following in standard form.

1. 5.2 x 103 5. 3.6 x 101

2. 9.65 x 10–4 6. 6.452 x 102

3. 8.5 x 10–2 7. 8.77 x 10–1

4. 2.71 x 104 8. 6.4 x 10–3

PART B: Express each of the following in scientific notation.

1. 78,000 5. 16

2. 0.00053 6. 0.0043

3. 250 7. 0.875

4. 2,687 8. 0.012654

PART C: Use the exponent function on your calculator (EE or EXP) to compute the following.
1. (6.02 x 1023) (8.65 x 104 ) 8. (5.4 x 104 ) (2.2 x 107 ) 4.5 x 105

2. (6.02 x 1023) (9.63 x 10–2 ) 9. (6.02 x 1023) (–1.42 x 10–15) 6.54 x 10–6

3. 5.6 x 10–18 10. (6.02 x 1023) (–5.11 x 10–27) 8.9 x 108 –8.23 x 105

4. (–4.12 x 10–4 ) (7.33 x 1012) 11. (3.1 x 1014) (4.4 x 10–12) –6.6 x 10–14

5. 1.0 x 10–14 12. (8.2 x 10–3 ) (–7.9 x 107 ) 4.2 x 10–6 7.3 x 10–16

6. 7.85 x 1026 13. (–1.6 x 105 ) (–2.4 x 1015) 6.02 x 1023 8.9 x 103

7. (–3.2 x 10–7 ) (–8.6 x 10–9 ) 14. (7.0 x 1028) (–3.2 x 10–20) (–6.4 x 1035)

Name: ____________________________________________________ Rating: ____________

Year and Section: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________


Laboratory Activity No. 5

Ion OH-1 I- CO²‫־‬ PO³‫־‬ SO² ‫־‬ O²‫־‬



H +1




Name the following acids:

1. H2O2_________________________

2. HI ___________________________

3. H2SO4 ________________________

4. HNO3 ________________________

5. H3PO4 ________________________

Write the chemical formula of:

1. Hydrobromic acid _________________

2. Nitrous acid ______________________

3. Periodic acid _____________________

4. Hypoiodous acid __________________

5. Bromous acid ____________________

Activity No. 6

Common Laboratory Apparatus and Operations

Work Sheet

Name ______________________________ Score: __________

Section Code ______________________________ Date: __________

Part 1. Common Laboratory Apparatus

Solve the crossword puzzle below. Shaded boxes represent space.


1. It is used for accurate measurement of volumes of liquids

2. It is used to measure volumes of liquids, though not very accurately

3. A device for measuring temperature

4. A porcelain dish with 9 to 12 burrows where small crystals or chemicals can be placed for testing

5. Used as cover for beakers or as container for evaporating volatile liquids at room temperature

6. Used as container for evaporating the liquid portion of a mixture

7. Used for high-temperature ignitions

8. Used as support for filter paper during filtration

9. Used as support for test tubes, flasks, etc.

10. Used to introduce additional liquid into gas generators without dismantling the set-up


1. A type of flask used in the preparation of solutions

2. Used as reaction vessel or as a gas generator

3. It is used as a support during heating of beakers, flask or evaporating dish

4. It is used as a support stand for the iron ring, clamp, or buret holder

5. An apparatus with handle used as container for evaporating the liquid portion of a mixture

6. Used during the process of titration

7. Used to transfer solid samples from one container to another

8. It is used as a reaction vessel for experiments involving small quantities of reactants

9. Used as a support on the iron stand for wire gauze during heating

10. Used to even up the distribution of heat and protect the glassware against breakage

Part 2. Common Laboratory Operations

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the reason why stoppers should be placed on the table upside down?
2. How do you remove fine solid powder from the reagent bottle?

3. What should be carefully observed when transferring liquids from one container to another?

4. What is the main function of stirring rod when transferring liquids from one container to another?

5. What precautions should you carefully observe when heating in a test tube?

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