Nature in Code

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Nature in Code

Biology in Javascript - Learning programming while

discovering the rules that govern life

Marcel Salathé
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This version was published on 2016-12-07

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© 2014 - 2016 Marcel Salathé

To Rahel, Jonas, and Elina

3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Randomness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Randomness of Finite Populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Visualizing Drift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance
In the previous chapter, we have established that under Hardy-Weinberg assumptions - infinite
population size, random mating, no mutation or selection, etc. - nothing ever changes. Allele
frequencies stay the same forever, and if the genotype frequencies are not currently at Hardy-
Weinberg frequencies, they will get there in a single generation, and then remain there forever.
It’s now time to relax some if these assumptions. The first assumption that we are going to relax is
that of the infinite population size. We are now going to assume that populations are finite. It turns
out that this has enormous effects for evolution. When populations are finite, chance effects will
start to play a role. These chance effects are stronger when populations are smaller. It is intuitively
easy to understand this. Suppose you toss a coin - you know that on average, it will come up heads
half of the time, and tails the other half of the time. However, if you only toss the coin a few times,
you can get very non-even distributions of heads and tails. Say you toss it ten times. It may end
up tossing 5 heads and 5 tails (5:5), but you will often find yourself tossing 6:4, or 7:3. Sometimes
you’ll even get 8:2 or 9:1; and even a 10:0, although very rare, wouldn’t be totally unexpected. If you
now increase your coin tossing efforts by one order of magnitude, and toss your coin 100 times, you
would notice that it’s very rare to get beyond a 30:70 ratio, and you would hardly ever hit 20:80 or
below. And in fact, getting tails or heads 100 times in a row is so unlikely, it’s hard to come up with
a comparison. The best I can come up with is that it’s about as likely as winning the lottery four
consecutive times. Increase your coin tossing efforts again by a order of magnitude (1000 tosses),
and anything less equal than 450:550 becomes highly improbable.
You get the idea: The more often you toss the coin, the closer you will get to the perfect equilibrium
that you would expect. The implication of this is that small population sizes will be more prone
to random chance effects than large populations. However, all finite population sizes are prone to
chance effects, and over evolutionary timescales, even large population sizes where random chance
effects are weak in the short term may eventually show signs of these effects. When allele frequencies
change over time (i.e. when evolution occurs) due to these random effects, we call it genetic drift.
This is an important chapter. It’s important because it introduces the concept of randomness, a key
concept in all of biology. One could even argue that the main difference between the dynamics of
living systems (biological systems), and the dynamics of non-living systems (chemical and physical
systems) is randomness. The science of evolutionary biology has been dominated for a long time
by the perspective of natural selection. Nowadays, we understand that natural selection is not the
only process affecting evolution. Which force is more important for evolution - natural selection
or genetic drift - is one of the great debates in contemporary evolutionary biology. But even those
favoring natural selection would agree that randomness, and genetic drift, is a major force. In this
chapter, we will shed some light on this force, and on its consequences.
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 2

Randomness is the idea of events occurring at random, by chance. If they happen by chance, it’s
impossible to predict them. The more sophisticated term for randomness is stochasticity - random
events are said to be stochastic.
While random events cannot be predicted, we can still say something about their probability of
occurring. This is the main idea behind the theory of probability. For example, a fair coin comes
up heads half of the time, and tails the other half of the time. While we can’t predict the outcome
of a single coin toss, we still know that the chance, or probability, that the coin comes up heads,
is exactly 50% (in reality, no coin is exactly fair, and the probability of heads is probably slightly
lower or higher than 50%, but in a fair coin, the probability is 50% by definition). Because we know
that each coin toss comes up 50% heads and 50% tails, we can calculate the probability that ten
coin tosses come up heads 80% of time, and tails 20% of the time, for example. For any ten coin
tosses, it is completely impossible to predict exactly how many will come up heads; but because we
can calculate the probability of any outcome, we can at least get a good sense of what to expect.
For example, we can calculate that the probability of 80% heads 20% tails is 4.39% like so: 2210 =
0.0439 (don’t worry about how to calculate this, but if you are interested, here is a good explanation:¹). An outcome like this isn’t unlikely, but you
wouldn’t want to bet the farm on it either.
Before we get to the biology of randomness, I want to jump straight to code. The great thing about
having fast computers is that we can simulate randomness over and over again, in a very short
amount of time. This allows us to run millions of coin tossing experiments in a computer in a split
In JavaScript, the quintessential method to produce randomness is Math.random(). It takes no
arguments, but produces a random number between 0 and 1. Let’s try it out. Create a new HTML
document with a <script> element, and log the output of the method like so:


Save and load the file in the browser, and take a look at the console output. Indeed, a random number
between 0 and 1 has been generated. Verify this by reloading the page over and over again. You’ll
notice that the number is different, every time you reload the page, as it should be.
Let’s go ahead and verify the claim I made. I claimed that Math.random() produces a random number
between 0 and 1. I’m going to clarify this further by saying not only will it generate a random
number between 0 and 1, but that each number is equally likely to be generated. If that is true, then
the average output of Math.random() should be 0.5. To verify that, let’s use a for loop to create
many random numbers, and then calculate the average of these numbers:

3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 3

var sum = 0;
var repeats = 100;
for (var i=0; i<repeats; i=i+1) {
sum = sum + Math.random();
var average = sum / repeats;
console.log("The average is", average);

If you followed the examples in the previous chapters, this should now look familiar. At first, we
are declaring two variables, sum and repeats. Then, we’re using a for loop to add to sum whatever
Math.random() returns, summing up the random numbers. We do this exactly as many times as
defined by the variable repeats. Then, we simply calculate and print the average.
When I do this, I’m getting an average of


Upon reload, I’m getting


Another reload gives me


and so on. This isn’t very precise, so let’s maybe increase the number of repeats. You should be able
to increase repeats to 100,000 without having your browser breaking a sweat. With 100,000 repeats,
I’m now getting


when I reload the document three times. Already much closer!

Try increasing your repeats by a factor of ten, for as long as your browser can handle it (stop when
it takes a few seconds). On my laptop, I can go up to 1 billion repeats before I have to wait a few
seconds, and then I’m getting
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 4


As you can see, the more repeats, the closer we get to 0.5. However, keep in mind that floating point
numbers have a limited accuracy, as discussed in the previous chapter. Usually, you won’t ever
notice this, because the inaccuracy occurs at insignificant digits, but if you keep adding numbers,
for example, the inaccuracy can potentially add up too. The point of this exercise was not to lead
you astray with floating point accuracy, which you will probably never encounter as a problem. The
point was to introduce you to Math.random() - and to demonstrate how powerful our computers
are nowadays. In just a few seconds, my laptop computer generated a billion numbers and added
them up!

A note on Math.random()
Above, I introduced Math.random() as a method that produces a random number between
0 and 1. If you now think that this does neither include 0 nor 1, you could be forgiven, and
indeed, for the purposes of this book, it wouldn’t matter. But I want you to know that while
it is correct that 1 is not included, 0 is technically included. In other words, it is in principle
possible to get a perfect 0 by calling Math.random(), while it is entirely impossible to ever
get a 1.

Now let’s go back to the previous coin tossing example. I mentioned that if I tossed a fair coin ten
times, the probability of 80% heads and 20% tails is 4.39%. How can we verify this in JavaScript? By
actually running the coin-tossing experiment in the computer! This is a so-called simulation, where
you simulate a process from the real world in the virtual world of a computer.
First, let’s implement the coin tossing. Create a new HTML file and have it execute the following

var coins = 10;

var heads = 0;
var tails = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < coins; i = i + 1) {
if (Math.random() <= 0.5) {
heads = heads + 1;
else {
tails = tails + 1;
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 5

This should give you an output like 4 “heads” 6 “tails”, and on reload, the output should change
(although not always - by chance you might get the same outcome two times in a row).
Let’s go through this code in detail, because it introduces a new concept we haven’t met yet: that of
control flow. The code setup is straightforward - you initiate three variables, and then implement
a for loop throwing the coins using Math.random(). The variables heads and tails should act as
counters, so that whenever the coin comes up heads (i.e. when Math.random() returns a value that
is smaller or equal to 0.5), we increase the heads counter by one, and whenever the coin comes
up tails (i.e. when Math.random() returns a value that is greater than 0.5), we increase the tails
counter by one.
In other words, the execution of some of the code (e.g. increase heads counter by one) is conditional
- the code should only be executed if a given condition is met. As you can imagine, this is a key
concept in programming. The way this concept can be implemented in JavaScript is as follows:

if (condition) {
else {

This is easy to read: if the condition is true, then execute statement1, otherwise execute state-
ment2. Sometimes, the otherwise statement is simply to do nothing, in which case you can omit the
else altogether and simply write:

if (condition) {

Finally, there is also an else if, in case you have multiple conditions:

if (condition1) {
else if (condition2) {
else {

If condition1 is true, then only statement1 is executed. If condition1 is false, but condition2 is
true, then statement2 is executed. If both conditions are false, then statement3 is executed.
Sometimes, you see this type of code:
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 6

if (condition)

This is technically correct - if the statement is only one line of code, you can theoretically omit the
curly brackets. Don’t ever do this - it will almost certainly introduce nasty errors down the line. You
may for example want to add a second statement later on, and may end up doing something like

if (condition)

You might think that statement2 will be executed only if condition is true, but that would be
wrong. The code above is equivalent to:

if (condition) {

This means that statement2 will always be executed, which is not at all what you wanted. There’s
a simple rule to avoid this danger: always use curly brackets when you use if and else statements.
We need to understand one more thing about control flow - that of the condition itself. A condition
must always evaluate to be either true or false. Like all programming languages, JavaScript provides
a special type called boolean, which can either be true or false (the other two types you have
encountered so far were numbers and strings). You can use this type in normal variables, like so:

var is_ready = false;

A condition, on the other hand, is not a variable that you set yourself - it’s an expression that is
either true or false. I’m going to show you a few examples of expressions that evaluate to true or
false, and while there are many more, these are the ones you need when dealing with numbers.
Smaller than:
3 < 4 evaluates to true
4 < 3 evaluates to false

Smaller or equal than:

4 <= 4 evaluates to true
5 <= 4 evaluates to false
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 7

Greater than:
4 > 3 evaluates to true
3 > 4 evaluates to false

Greater or equal than:

4 >= 4 evaluates to true
4 >= 5 evaluates to false

4 == 4 evaluates to true
4 == 5 evaluates to false

This last expression is the source of most beginner’s mistakes. To compare two values and test their
equality, you use the == operator. This operator is deceptively similar to the assignment operator =
that we have used many times before, when assigning a value to a variable.
Now back to our coin tossing example - the code should be easy to understand now. It basically says
that if Math.random() returns a number that is smaller than or equal to 0.5, the counter for heads
will increase by 1. Otherwise, the counter for tails will increase by 1.
At the moment, our code simply tosses a coin ten times and then prints how often it came up heads or
tails. What we want to do, however, is to figure out whether my original claim - that the probability
of 80% heads 20% tails is 4.39% - is correct. What we need to do, then, is to repeat our code thousands
of times, and count how often we get exactly 8 heads and 2 tails. So the first thing I’m going to do
is to wrap the coin tossing functionality into a function that I’m going to name throw_coins():

function throw_coins() {
var coins = 10;
var heads = 0;
var tails = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < coins; i = i + 1) {
if (Math.random() <= 0.5) {
heads = heads + 1;
else {
tails = tails + 1;
if (heads == 8) {
return true;
else {
return false;
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 8

You’ll recognize the first part of the function - it’s an exact copy of the code that we developed
above. But then I’ve removed the line with the console.log method, since there is no need to print
the outcome every time we throw the coin 10 times. However, what we need instead is for the
function to somehow tell us what happened. So what I added there at the end simply says if heads
comes up 8 times, then return true, otherwise, return false.
Now I can call this function however many times I want to, and then count how many times the
function returns true, which indicates that the 10 coin tosses resulted in exactly 8 heads and 2 tails.
Here’s how I do this:

var repeats = 10000000;

var counter = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < repeats; i = i + 1) {
var desired_outcome = throw_coins();
if (desired_outcome) {
counter = counter + 1;
console.log("Getting 8 heads, 2 tails " + (counter / repeats) * 100 + "% of the \

Be sure to set the repeats variable to a value that allows your computer to execute the code in
just a few seconds. It’s best to start with a small value like 1000 and then increase it by an order of
magnitude, as we have done before. In my case, the sweet spot seems to be 10 million.
The setup here should look familiar - you initialize the number of repeats in a variable called repeats,
then initialize a variable counter at 0, and then iterate using a for loop. In the loop, I call the function
throw_coins(), and whatever it returns gets stored in the variable desired_outcome. If that happens
to be true - which means that the 10 coin tosses resulted in 8 heads and 2 tails - I am going to increase
the counter by 1. Once the loop has run its course, I’m simply printing how often, in percentage, 10
coin tosses resulted in 8 heads and 2 tails.
Thus, our full code is as follows:

function throw_coins() {
var coins = 10;
var heads = 0;
var tails = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < coins; i = i + 1) {
if (Math.random() <= 0.5) {
heads = heads + 1;
else {
tails = tails + 1;
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 9

if (heads == 8) {
return true;
else {
return false;

var repeats = 10000000;

var counter = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < repeats; i = i + 1) {
var desired_outcome = throw_coins();
if (desired_outcome) {
counter = counter + 1;
console.log("Getting 8 heads, 2 tails " + (counter / repeats) * 100 + "% of the \

When I run this code three times (i.e. reload the page three times) I’m getting the following output:

Getting 8 heads, 2 tails 4.39729% of the time

Getting 8 heads, 2 tails 4.39629% of the time
Getting 8 heads, 2 tails 4.38968% of the time

Thus, 4.39% is indeed correct.

The Randomness of Finite Populations

So how is life random, in the biological sense? Think about the circle of life in most animals -
new life is conceived, a single fertilized egg (the zygote) multiplies and the animal grows to the
reproductive age, reproduces, and eventually dies. Its offspring goes through the same cycle, and so
does its offspring, and so on. Randomness can hit the animal at any stage from the fertilized egg
(the zygote) to the moment it reproduces, and a new zygote is created. Which genes get passed on
will be largely random. When a single cell grows into billions of cells forming an adult capable of
reproduction, a lot can go wrong due to randomness. At any time, an animal can be struck by a
deadly disease, be eaten by a predator, die of hunger and thirst, etc.
Life is complicated, and if we would set out to simulate life in all its details, we would end up with a
very complicated model. But just as we have done in the previous chapter, we can again reduce the
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 10

complexity into a simple model that captures the essence of these random processes. Once again, the
model is named after the two originators, Sewall Wright and Ronald Fisher: it’s called the Wright-
Fisher model.
Before we go on, it’s important to remind ourselves that the only assumption we are relaxing from
the Hardy-Weinberg model is that of the infinite population size. We still have random mating, we
still have no selection, etc. We are only interested in the effect of a finite population size.
The complexity of the scenario described above can be reduced to a simple sampling process. Imagine
that we have a finite population of N individuals. Once again, let’s zone in on one gene, with two
alleles. If we have N diploid individuals, that means we have 2N copies of the alleles in the population
(because every individual has two copies). Once again, we assume that individuals produce infinitely
many allele copies from which the next generation is formed. However, this time, we don’t form
infinitely many offspring individuals - we stick to our population size of N individuals.
This process can be thought of as having a jar with 2N marbles in it (the marbles being the actual
allele copies of the N individuals). To generate the next generation, we sample - we simply pick a
marble at random (representing a randomly picked allele), and then put it back into the jar. This
“replacement” step ensures that we are sampling from an infinitely large pool of allele copies. To
generate an individual, we need to repeat this process, because each individual consists of two alleles.
Once we have picked two marbles in that fashion, we will have generated one offspring genotype.
Great! But in order to produce the next generation, which should have a population size of N, we need
to keep repeating this procedure, until we have picked (or sampled) 2N allele copies, representing
the next generation.
This random sampling process can have profound consequences. Let’s go through an example, with
N = 10. This is arguably an extremely small population, but it helps us keep the example manageable.
Let’s also assume that we start with p = q = 0.5, which means that the frequencies of both alleles, A1
and A2, are equally 50%. Starting with this population, what will the next generation look like? Let
us remind ourselves here what we have established in the previous chapter: in an infinite population
under the same conditions (i.e. Hardy Weinberg conditions), the allele frequencies would not change
- they would stay at 50% for ever. In other words, no evolution would occur.
Starting from 10 individuals, we have 20 allelic copies in the population, half of them are A1, and
half of them are A2. We don’t care about the genotype frequencies at the moment - this chapter is
all about allele frequencies. In order to generate the next generation of 10 individuals, or 20 allelic
copies, we need to randomly sample, with replacement, from the marble jar representing the infinite
pool of allele copies.
Let’s get started. We grab the first allele - it’s an A1! (Recall that the chance is 50/50, given the allele
frequencies in the parent generation.) Ok, let’s copy this A1 allele, put it back in the jar, and grab
another one. Again an A1! Let’s copy it again, put it back in the jar, and grab another one. An A2!
And so on.
After we have done this 20 times, we assess our new allele pool. Let’s say we have drawn allele A1
12 times, and allele A2 8 times. In other words, p, the frequency of the A1 allele, is now 0.6, and q,
the frequency of the A2 allele, is now 0.4.
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 11

Let me repeat this. p is now 0.6, and q is now 0.4.

Ok, let me repeat this again. p is now 0.6, and q is now 0.4.
Mind blown? It should be.
Let’s consider what just happened. In a single generation, we went from p = q = 0.5 to p = 0.6 and q
= 0.4. That is, in absolute terms, a dramatic change of allele frequencies, in a single generation. And
since you now know that a change of allele frequencies is pretty much the definition of evolution,
another way of saying this is that we have just observed a dramatic evolutionary change in a single
generation. “Fair enough”, I hear you say, “but we are talking about a very small population of 10
animals. Certainly these effects are much weaker in larger populations.” That is true - but the effect
is still there. And keep in mind, we have observed only a single generation. What happens over
evolutionary timescales? Thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of generations? Even small
changes in allele frequencies will add up.
And here is where we go back to code. We can, in fact, simulate the dynamics of larger populations
over many generations. We will be using the exact same approach that we’ve taken above in the
coin tossing example. Our goal is to simulate the allele frequencies over time, starting from p = q =
0.5, in a population of 1,000 individuals. Here is the code:

var p = 0.5;
var N = 1000;
var generations = 1000;

function next_generation() {
var draws = 2 * N;
var a1 = 0;
var a2 = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < draws; i = i + 1) {
if (Math.random() <= p) {
a1 = a1 + 1;
else {
a2 = a2 + 1;
p = a1/draws;

for (var i = 0; i < generations; i = i + 1) {

console.log("generation "+i+":\tp = " + round_number(p,3) + "\tq = " + round\
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 12

(Note that I’m omitting the round_number() method for brevity - you can just copy it from the
previous chapter).
The function next_generation() is almost identical to the function throw_coins() from above,
with a small but important difference. Instead of saying

if (Math.random() <= 0.5)

we are using

if (Math.random() <= p)

The first line is correct if you want to do something 50% of the time. However, when the frequency
of allele A1 is p, then the second line is correct. Imagine for example that the frequency of allele A1
is 0.8. This means that when you randomly sample from the allele copy pool, you will pick an A1
allele 80% of the time. Because p will be 0.8, the line

if (Math.random() <= p)

is equivalent to

if (Math.random() <= 0.8)

which is saying “80% of the time” (because indeed, 80% of the time, Math.random() will return a
number smaller than or equal to 0.8).
This is an important line, make sure you understand it. It’s your key to programming stochastic
With the code saved in a new HTML document, reload that document and look at the output in the
JavaScript console. It will output one thousand lines, representing the allele frequencies over 1000
generations (i.e. evolution). When I run this a couple of times, I’m getting the following frequencies
at generation 999:
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 13

generation 999: p = 0.886 q = 0.114

generation 999: p = 0.585 q = 0.415

generation 999: p = 0 q = 1

generation 999: p = 0.953 q = 0.047

generation 999: p = 0.124 q = 0.876

and so on. If you scroll through the generations, you can see that the allele frequencies are changing
wildly. In other words, there is a lot of evolution going on, despite the complete lack of natural
selection. This is genetic drift - evolution due to chance.
The third simulation from my examples above has a pretty remarkable outcome: the allele A1 has
completely disappeared from the population, and all alleles are A2. In fact, when I scroll back through
time in this simulation, I find the following:

generation 771: p = 0.003 q = 0.997
generation 772: p = 0.002 q = 0.998
generation 773: p = 0.001 q = 0.999
generation 774: p = 0 q = 1
generation 775: p = 0 q = 1
generation 776: p = 0 q = 1
generation 777: p = 0 q = 1
generation 778: p = 0 q = 1
generation 779: p = 0 q = 1
generation 780: p = 0 q = 1
generation 781: p = 0 q = 1

At generation 774, the allele A1 is completely lost from the population, and after that, it will never
come back into the population again (because our assumptions say we have no mutation and no
migration). This is what loss of genetic diversity looks like in mathematical terms.
Now go ahead and change your code to say that the simulation should run for ten thousand
generations, not just for a thousand generations. That is, change this line

var generations = 1000;

3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 14

var generations = 10000;

and run the simulation again. Because we increased the number of generations by an order of
magnitude, the simulation will now take longer, but did you notice the pattern in the results? I’m
sure you did, because it’s really hard to miss: in (almost) all cases, one of the two alleles will disappear
entirely from the population. There might be the rare simulation where you still have both alleles
after 10,000 generations, but in my 50 runs or so, one of the alleles had always disappeared by the
end of the simulation.
This is a remarkable result, and it is perhaps one of the key insights about genetic drift, which is
this: genetic drift reduces genetic variation. This may sound a little counterintuitive at first, because
we’re accustomed to think that randomness, or stochasticity, leads to more variation, not less. But
you can observe the pattern very clearly in the results of your simulations. Why is that?
Fundamentally, genetic drift cannot add more variation - it is simply a random sampling process,
unable to generate variation on its own. At the same time, because it is a random sampling process,
alleles can eventually be removed, thus reducing variation.
As we have established in the beginning of this chapter, stochastic effects are strongest when
population sizes are smaller. Extreme results, like throwing only heads, are much more likely when
you are throwing the coin only a few times. In the same vein, when the population size is small,
loss of an allele is much more likely, and will thus occur much sooner, than when the population
size is big. Recall from above that at population size N=1000, only rarely was an allele lost within
1000 generations, typically. Go ahead and change your population size to 100 (also be sure to set
the simulation to run for 1000 generations only), and you will see that in practically all cases, one
of the alleles will be lost.

Visualizing Drift
These simulations are a great tool to examine the dynamics of genetic drift, but it’s a bit cumbersome
to scroll though hundreds or thousands of lines of allele frequencies. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had
a way to visualize the allele dynamics? Let’s start visualizing things to get a better overview about
what’s going on here.
Before we get to it, a word of warning: Data plotting in the browser isn’t trivial. What I’m going to
do here is to give you some plotting code that I’m simply asking you to copy and paste into your
documents. The code that we will continue to write focusses on generating the data, and we then
hand the data over to a plotting function. There’s no need for you at this stage to understand how
plotting works, and it would be a significant distraction at the moment. Feel free to examine the
plotting code, of course, but I won’t explain it, nor do I expect you to understand it.
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 15

Copying Code
Just as a reminder: all the code, including the plotting code below, is available at the book
website www.natureincode.com². I recommend copying the plotting code from the website
- some ebooks readers introduce weird characters that the browsers don’t like.

First, add this line to your code, at the beginning of your <head> element:

<script src=""></script>

This line loads an external JavaScript library called D3.js, which is the most advanced data plotting
library available for the browser to date. Note that you need to be connected to the internet for this
library to be loaded!

A note on D3 versions
D3 is an external library, which means things can change outside of our control. The current
version is 4, as you can see in the URL above (d3.v4.js). However, many people still use
version 3, and the “Nature, in Code” videos (see website www.natureincode.com³) also
were created when version 3 was the latest version. But no need to worry - the plotting
code below works in both versions.

Next, you will need to add the plotting code to your document.
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 16

So far, it didn’t matter whether your JavaScript code was located in the <head> or the
<body> of the document. However, for the visualizations in this book to work, the JavaScript
code that generates the visualizations needs to be located in the <body>. I recommend you
use the following HTML structure as a template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Nature, In Code</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// your code

You will need to have the following plotting code in your document:

function draw_line_chart(data,x_label,y_label,legend_values,x_max,y_max_flex) {
var margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 50, left: 50},
width = 700 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 400 - - margin.bottom;

var version = d3.scale ? 3 : 4;

var color = (version == 3 ? d3.scale.category10() : d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schem\

if (!x_max) {
x_max = data[0].length > 0 ? data[0].length : data.length

var y_max = data[0].length > 0 ? d3.max(data, function(array) {

return d3.max(array);
}) : d3.max(data);

var x = (version == 3 ? d3.scale.linear() : d3.scaleLinear())

.range([0, width]);
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 17

var y = y_max_flex ? (version == 3 ? d3.scale.linear() : d3.scaleLinear())

.domain([0, 1.1 * y_max])
.range([height, 0]) : (version == 3 ? d3.scale.linear() : d3.scaleLinear\
.range([height, 0]);

var xAxis = (version == 3 ? d3.svg.axis().scale(x).orient("bottom") :


var yAxis = (version == 3 ? d3.svg.axis().scale(y).orient("left") :


var line = (version == 3 ? d3.svg.line() : d3.line())

.x(function (d, i) {
var dat = (data[0].length > 0 ? data[0] : data);
return x((i/(dat.length-1)) * x_max);
.y(function (d) {
return y(d);

var svg ="body").append("svg")

.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");

.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("x", width / 2)
.attr("y", 6)
.attr("dy", "3em")
.style("fill", "#000")

.attr("class", "y axis")
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 18

.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
.attr("x", -height / 2)
.attr("dy", "-3.5em")
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.style("fill", "#000")

if (legend_values.length > 0) {
var legend = svg.append("text")
.attr("text-anchor", "star")
.attr("y", 30)
.attr("x", width-100)
.append("tspan").attr("class", "legend_title")
.append("tspan").attr("class", "legend_text")
.attr("x", width-100).attr("dy", 20).text(legend_values[1])
.append("tspan").attr("class", "legend_title")
.attr("x", width-100).attr("dy", 20).text(legend_values[2])
.append("tspan").attr("class", "legend_text")
.attr("x", width-100).attr("dy", 20).text(legend_values[3]);
else {
.attr("x1", 1)
.attr("x2", width)
.attr("y1", function(d){ return y(d);})
.attr("y2", function(d){ return y(d);})
.style("fill", "none")
.style("shape-rendering", "crispEdges")
.style("stroke", "#f5f5f5")
.style("stroke-width", "1px");

.attr("x1", function(d,i){ return x(d);})
.attr("x2", function(d,i){ return x(d);})
.attr("y1", 1)
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 19

.attr("y2", height)
.style("fill", "none")
.style("shape-rendering", "crispEdges")
.style("stroke", "#f5f5f5")
.style("stroke-width", "1px");
}"body").style("font","10px sans-serif");
d3.selectAll(".axis line").style("stroke","#000");
d3.selectAll(".y.axis path").style("display","none");
d3.selectAll(".x.axis path").style("display","none");

if (data[0].length > 0) {
var simulation = svg.selectAll(".simulation")
.attr("class", "simulation");

.attr("class", "line")
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("d", function(d) { return line(d); })
.style("stroke", function(d,i) { return color(i); });
else {
.attr("class", "line")
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("d", line)
d3.selectAll(".line").style("fill", "none").style("stroke-width","1.5px"); \

Like I said, let’s not bother to understand this code. All we care about is that it defines a function
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 20

called draw_line_chart() with a number of parameters: data, x_label, y_label, legend_values,

x_max, and y_max_flex. The data corresponds to the data that we generate in the simulation, i.e. the
frequencies of the A1 allele over time. x_label and y_label simply correspond to the labels that we
want on the axes. The parameter legend_values contains the values that we want to show in the
legend. We will use the two remaining parameters x_max, and y_max_flex, later. At the moment,
simply note that if you don’t provide these last two parameters when calling the function, their
value in the function will be undefined.

The function draw_line_chart() is quite generic: indeed, it will be the only function you’ll
need to use to plot line charts throughout the book. The only other plotting function that
we’ll use later in the book will be used to plot spatial dynamics.

With the plotting code in place, we are now ready to plot our simulation results.
Let’s take our simulation code form above, and modify it slightly:

var p = 0.5;
var N = 500;
var generations = 1000;
var data = [];

function next_generation() {
var draws = 2 * N;
var a1 = 0;
var a2 = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < draws; i = i + 1) {
if (Math.random() <= p) {
a1 = a1 + 1;
else {
a2 = a2 + 1;
p = a1/draws;

for (var i = 0; i < generations; i = i + 1) {

draw_line_chart(data,"Generation","p",["Population Size:",N,"Generations:",gener\
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 21

I’ve made a few changes, which I’m going to explain next. First, after I’ve played around with various
values for N and generations above, I’ve set them to 500 and 1000, respectively.
Next, I initialized an empty array called data. with the following line:

var data = [];

Arrays are the most important data structures in JavaScript, and I’ll talk more about arrays below.
For now, simply note that you can store multiple values (e.g. multiple numbers) in an array. We’ll
use it to store the values of p over time.
In the function next_generation(), I’ve added this line at the end:


which simply adds p to the data array. Next, I’ve removed the line that prints the values of p and q
to the JavaScript console, but you can leave it in there if you want to. Finally, I’ve added this line:

draw_line_chart(data,"Generation","p",["Population Size:",N,"Generations:",gener\

This is the line that calls the function draw_line_chart() to plot the data. Note that I’m calling
the function at the end of the code - at that point, the array data is not empty anymore, but in
fact contains all p values over the 1000 generations. It’s that set of values that we hand over to the
function, and the function then plots the data visually.
Save the document and reload the browser. You should see a nice line chart showing the change of
p over time:
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 22

In this particular simulation run, the allele A1 went to fixation around generation 800, which is
another way of saying that its frequency reached 100%. This also means that the allele A2 was lost
at the same time (whenever an allele goes to fixation, all other alleles are lost). Reload the page and
watch different evolutionary dynamics unravel. As you can observe, the dynamics are completely
random, as we expected. Sometimes, one of the alleles goes relatively straight to fixation. Other
times, the frequencies fluctuate widely, with one allele almost driven to extinction, only to make a
dramatic comeback, and then still being lost 200 generations later.
With this code in place, let’s focus on the effect of the population size N. Change the population size
to 10 by setting the corresponding variable to 10:

var N = 10;

and reload the page. You should see something like this:

Again, yours will look different every time you reload the page, but you’ll note that one of the
alleles will go to fixation very rapidly, sometimes within just a few generations. Now increase the
population size to 50, and you’ll get a result like this:
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 23

With N = 50, the time to loss / fixation is a little longer, but it’s still shorter than with N = 500.
If you play around with different numbers, you’ll notice the general pattern that we already
observed earlier: that the random effects are much stronger when the population is smaller, and
as a consequence, allele loss / fixation happens sooner.
Rather than reloading the page and seeing a single simulation run its course, I want to modify the
code so that we can run a number of simulations and plot them all at once. In order to do this though,
I first need to explain in more detail the concept of an array. I mentioned above that we are using a
JavaScript array that we call data, and that we initialize it as an empty array, like so:

var data = [];

So what is an array? An array is simply a list-like object that contains any number of so-called
elements. For example, this is an array with five elements:

var arr = [4,2,6,8,3];

The data array that we used above contained zero elements - it is an empty array. Arrays use
brackets, i.e. [ and ], to wrap the elements which are themselves separated by commas.
Why are arrays important? The variable types that we encountered so far - numbers, strings, and
booleans - can only ever hold one single value, like 123, "hello there", or true. But whenever you
are dealing with data, you have many values, and you need a way to store them somehow in code.
That’s where arrays come in. The array arr in the example above holds 5 values, which happen to
be numbers. An array can store any other type, and even mix them, so you could have an array like
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 24

var b = [4,"hello there",6,true,false];

Now that you know what an array is, how to do you manage it? How do you add data to it, and
how do you retrieve the data later on?
There are numerous ways by which you can add data to an array. One way is by initializing the
array, as we’ve done with array arr above. Another way is to push data into an existing array, as
we’ve done in the genetic drift code example above, like so:


This line adds the number five to the list of numbers in the array. Importantly, it will be added at
the end of the list, so that the new array will contain the values 4, 3, 6, 8, 3 and 5, in that order.
You can retrieve elements by using the concept of an index. If you want the nʰ element of the array
arr, you retrieve like so:


However, there is one major gotcha: like in almost any data structure in almost any programming
language, JavaScript arrays are zero-indexed. This means that the first element has index 0, not index
1. If you are new to programming, this is going to be a major source of bugs, and probably hours
of desperation. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is quite true. Perhaps this dramatic warning will at least
remind you what to look for when your code behaves strangely.
Thus, in order to retrieve the first element in the array arr, you would use arr[0]; in order to retrieve
the second element, you would use arr[1]; and so on.
Here’s where it gets interesting: I mentioned above that you can store any type of variable in an array.
What that means is that you can also store other arrays, allowing you to create multi-dimensional
arrays. Imagine you want to store three sets of five numbers in an array. You could do it as follows:

var set1 = [1,2,3,4,5];

var set2 = [10,11,12,13,14];
var set3 = [33,44,55,66,77];

var data = [set1, set2, set3];

Alternatively, you could initialize the data array directly, like so:

var data = [[1,2,3,4,5], [10,11,12,13,14], [33,44,55,66,77]];

3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 25

If you need to access the subsets, you would then do it as before: data[0] accesses the first element
in the array, which is the array [1,2,3,4,5].
If you want to access a specific element in one of the arrays, you would first have to access the
corresponding array, and then access the element that you want from that array. For example, in
order to get the number 33 from the data array, you would have to write data[2][0].
Multidimensional arrays sound complicated, but they are very simple, as you’ve just learned. They
are also very handy when you deal with more complex datasets. For example, when we want to store
the dynamics of multiple simulation runs, rather than just one, we can simply use a multidimensional
array. The main array would then contain all the arrays for each simulation run, and those in turn
would contain the allele frequencies for each generation.
There’s one more thing I want to mention about arrays. If you want to know how many elements
an array currently holds, you can just use the following syntax:


This often comes in handy when you need to set up a loop to iterate over an array, and you need to
know how many elements you have in the array.
Going back to our code, let’s go ahead and change our simulation slightly to allow for multiple
simulation runs.
Here is the new code:

var p;
var N = 20;
var generations = 200;
var data = [];
var simulations = 10;

function next_generation(simulation_data) {
var draws = 2 * N;
var a1 = 0;
var a2 = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < draws; i = i + 1) {
if (Math.random() <= p) {
a1 = a1 + 1;
else {
a2 = a2 + 1;
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 26

p = a1/draws;

function simulation(simulation_counter) {
p = 0.5;
for (var i = 0; i < generations; i = i + 1) {

for (var i = 0; i < simulations; i = i + 1) {


draw_line_chart(data,"Generation","p",["Population Size:",N,"Generations:",gener\

Let’s go through the changes here. First, I define the global variable p, but don’t assign it a value
any more. That’s because every simulation should start again with a new value, so it’ll be the
responsibility of the simulation() function to set p to 0.5 every time a new simulation begins.
I’m also introducing a new variable simulations that defines how many simulations we’re going
to run.
The function next_generation() has one subtle but important change. It now has an argument
called simulation_data, and in the last line, the allele frequency p is added to simulation_data.
(i.e. simulation_data is expected to be an array). I’ll get back to that in a second.
The loop where we call the next_generation() function is now encapsulated in a function called
simulation(). This function is also where we make sure to (re)set the value of p to 0.5 every time
we start a new simulation. It also has one argument, simulation_counter, which we use as an index
for the data array.
All of this should become clear on the next few lines, where we have a loop that iterates as many
times as we have simulations. In each iteration, we add an empty array to the data array. This empty
array is the array that will contain all the A1 allele frequency values for one simulation run. Then,
we call the function simulation(), with the value i as an argument, which is our current counter for
the simulations (starting at 0). So when the function simulation() is called, simulation_counter
will be set to whatever i was, and data[simulation_counter] thus corresponds to the array for a
given simulation. It’s that array that we pass as an argument to the function next_generation().
At the end, we call the draw_line_chart() function as before - but importantly, this time we will
be passing it a multidimensional array (unlike in the example before, where we passed it a one-
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 27

dimensional array containing only the results of a single simulation run). Thankfully, draw_line_-
chart() is already prepared to handle two-dimensional data, so no need to change anything there!

Go ahead and save your HTML file, and then reload the page. You will see 10 simulation runs at the
same time.
With that in place, let us run this code three times for 200 generations, with three different population
sizes: N = 20, N = 200, and N = 2000.
Here is what these three sets of simulation will look like:

3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 28


These figures are telling. They show that the smaller the population, the more pronounced the
random evolutionary swings in each generation. Because of that, alleles will go to fixation in smaller
populations much faster.
Now that we have a good intuition from the simulations, let’s see if we can develop a mathematical
model that captures this process. Don’t worry, the math is going to be easy, and I will be explaining
3. Genetic Drift: The Power of Chance 29

every step in great detail.

You’ve reached the end of this sample chapter (part of chapter 3 in the book). Please be sure
to check out the website www.natureincode.com⁴ where you can find all code examples
that are developed in the book.
I hope you have enjoyed this sample chapter, and would be delighted if you decided to
purchase the full book for $19.95 at the Leanpub website⁵. If you buy a Leanpub book you
get all the updates to the book for free. All books are available in PDF, EPUB (for iPad) and
MOBI (for Kindle), and there is no DRM on any of the formats.


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