Sample Test
Sample Test
Sample Test
Re: Warranty Claim for Injectors, Chassis SK045386 (PC87U). Mileage: 180,861 km.
Tan Puay Tze <[email protected]>
Thu 8/4/2022 10:57 AM
To: SCM Customer Care <[email protected]>;Htun Lin Soe <[email protected]>
Cc: Than Than Aye <[email protected]>;Yeo Oon Hoe <[email protected]>
Hi Kyaw and Htun Lin,
This is the sample of how I have written a mail to DAF for warranty claim.
Hope both of you understand why i needs all these important details for claim.
Cc: Than Than Aye <[email protected]>; Yeo Oon Hoe <[email protected]>; Irin
Chen <[email protected]>; Rachel Lee <[email protected]>; Yian Lee
<[email protected]>; Kaung Pyae Sone <[email protected]>
Subject: Warranty Claim for Injectors, Chassis SK045386 (PC87U). Mileage: 180,861 km.… 1/4
8/31/22, 10:17 AM Mail - SCM Customer Care - Outlook
4. Found injector No. 1 and No. 2 were having low compression pressure rate during
Compression Test and also observed that the UBD – Un-Balanced Data Values fell on
Cylinders’ 1, 2 and 6. Managed to swap Injector No. 1 with No. 6 for testing and injectors
were programmed in sequence. Compression test done found not issues with new injector
installed on No. 6 injector – Vehicle has returned to customer.
5. On 11th May’ 22, Driver complained again on similarity of loss of power and has sent back
for diagnosis.
6. Compression test was conducted and observed – Injector No. 2 was found with under-
rated compression rate and with under-rating UBD values fell on Cylinders 1 & 3. Since
last replacement of injector was no. 6, workshop team decided to replace the rest of the 5
Injectors.… 2/4
8/31/22, 10:17 AM Mail - SCM Customer Care - Outlook
7. Replacement of 5 injectors done and completed sequential programming. Tested on
Injectors’ Evaluation, with results shown as below. No abnormalities of under-rated (
negative rpm values) spikes of rpm were found after the replacement of injectors. ( Total
no. of Injectors replaced: 6 for 2 occurrences )
8. Vehicle went out for Test drive about 40 minutes – no occurrences of loss of power being
observed. DTC faults were all cleared and vehicle has returned to the customer.
Henceforth, we would like to seek your kind support in providing us a Goodwill claim for which,
we are not able to claim under the normal warranty as, the 2 years warranty period has expired
since 26th March 2018.
Thank you very much, sir.… 3/4
8/31/22, 10:17 AM Mail - SCM Customer Care - Outlook
Pat.… 4/4