Fertilizer Panchagavya (PDFDrive)
Fertilizer Panchagavya (PDFDrive)
Fertilizer Panchagavya (PDFDrive)
Master of Science
B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri.
My Grandparents,
Respected Guide
Effect of fertilizer and panchagavya on yield and quality of summer
greengram (Vigna radiata L.) under middle Gujarat conditions
ANAND – 388 110, GUJARAT
A field experiment was carried out on loamy sand soil at Bidi Tobacco
summer season of the year 2015. The soil of the experimental field was loamy
sand in texture. The soil was low in organic carbon, medium in available nitrogen
(75% RDF) and F3 (100% RDF) and four levels of panchagavya viz., P0 (Water
flowering) were tried under RBD with factorial concept with three replications.
The result revealed that different levels of fertilizer failed to reflect their
The growth and yield attributes viz., plant height (at 30, 45 DAS and at
harvest), weight of dry root nodules plant-1, number of branches plant-1, number of
pods plant-1, number of seeds pod-1, pod length and test weight were significantly
(20-40-00 NPK kg ha-1) recorded significantly higher values of all the growth and
yield attributes.
higher seed and stover yields over 50% RDF and control. However, harvest index
(100 % RDF) but it was remained at par with 75 % RDF (F2). While, significantly
content and uptake by seed and stover as well as available N, P and K status of
Maximum value of net realization of 37083 ha-1 along with CBR value
significantly higher values of all the growth attributes viz., plant height
(at 45 DAS and at harvest), weight of dry root nodules plant-1and number of
plant-1, number of seeds pod-1, pod length and test weight an application of
protein content (%). On the contrary, treatment P0 (Water spray at flowering) had
these nutrients after harvest of the crop was recorded significantly higher under
11291 ha-1 along with CBR value of 1:1.25 were recorded under treatment P1
concluded that for higher yield and net profit/realization or return from summer
urea) and 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 (250 kg Single Super Phosphate) as basal application
Dr. K. M. Gediya
Associate Research Scientist (Agron),
Bidi Tobacco Research Station,
Anand Agricultural University,
Anand- 388 110, Gujarat
supervision. The thesis has not previously formed the basis for
thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master
done by undersigned under the direct guidance and supervision of Dr. K. M. Gediya,
Agricultural University, Anand-388110 and no part of the research work has been
Place: Anand
Counter signed by
(K. M. Gediya)
Associate Research Scientist (Agron.),
Bidi Tobacco Research Station,
Anand Agricultural University,
Anand-388 110
Towards the end of my endeavour, it’s the right moment to prie-dieu to extol my
profound etiquette to all those who have directly or indirectly helped me to accomplish this job
because research work and their documentation cannot be a single person’s job, it needs
assistance from all quarters of scientific community to keep oneself updated. It is difficult to
mention all who were helpful to me and therefore, I start with expressing my indebtedness for
everyone who generously imparted their help without any faltering.
As an amateur investigator, it is a matter of great pride and pleasure to present this
thesis which is the climax of my dedication, devotion and ardor to my field of interest.
Sometimes words are not enough to express one’s emotions and expressions. At this
point of time, I am unable to express my gratitude and reverberated reverence to my guide
Dr. K. M. Gediya, Associate Research Scientist (Agronomy), Bidi Tobacco Research Station,
AAU, Anand. I am immensely self-satisfied to mention that he accorded all his intellectuality
and expertise towards his field which enabled me to design a painstaking plan and moving
forward to materialize that. All types of shortcomings proved too much short as compared to the
help and guidance provided by him. Hence, sincerely my first and foremost thank to him.
At this auspicious juncture, I am wordless to thank my advisory committee
members, Dr. G. J. Mistry, Assistant Research Scientist, Micronutrient Project (ICAR), AAU,
Anand, Dr. G. J. Patel, Research Scientist (Agronomy), T. R. C. T. C. Devgadh Baria and
Dr. V. B. Darji, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Statistics, B. A. College of
Agriculture, AAU, Anand who have taken great care of mine in all ups and downs in my
research work.
I acknowledge with thanks for the facilities provided by Dr. H. R. Patel, Head of
Bidi Tobacco Research Station, AAU, Anand.
I owe my profoundest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to Dr. K. P. Patel,
Principal, B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU, Anand, Dr. M. V. Patel, Professor and Head
(Department of Agronomy), Dr. V. R. Bhatt, Professor and Head (Department of Agricultural
Chemistry and Soil Science), Dr. M. R. Patel, Dr. B. D. Patel, Dr. A. C. Shadhu, Dr. A. S.
Bhanvadiya, Dr. S. N. Shah, Dr. P. M. Patel, Dr. M. B. Viradiya and other staff members for
their ever willing co-operation. I express my sincere thanks to Dr. J. C. Chavda, Research
Scientist (Physiology).
I am thankful to Jalpa Panchal, Chunibhai, Rambhai, Hajabhai, Harmanbhai and
other field staff of Bidi Tobacco Research Station Farm for providing me all necessary facilities
and kind co-operation during the period of investigation.
I cannot resist myself to homologate my enthusiastic senior Sagar Kadu, Gaurav
Karad, Aniket Umale, Manoj Dohat, Ravindra Prajapati and Bharat Chaudhary who were
with me throughout the course of my study and research work.
In this hour of affluence, I overwhelm with ardour to talk about my admirable,
good natured and good humoured pals Jayesh, Vaibhav, Siddharth, Shiddhav, Margesh, Anand,
Janak, Shakti, Kirthana, Mitresh, Jaymin, Velji, Pragnesh, Arjun, Sonaka, Nilesh, Nikhil and
Dilip because caring friends like them add so much ecstasy and exultation in day-to-day living. I
just wanted to let them know how grateful I am, for their moral encouragement and arousal in
many an area of life, has paved the way meanest shattering hurdles to materialize my notion.
I extend my special thanks to Pranav nayee, Nirav Vyas, Rahul Kharadi and
Mahendra Chaudhary.
I owe a deep and endless sense of reverence towards my Grandparents Late. Shri
Govindbhai, Late. Smt. Laliben my father Shri Yogeshbhai, mother Shardaben, my uncle
Kanubhai whose love, constant encouragement, their blessing and moral support and inspirational
guidance helped me immensely in realizing my goal.
I am overwhelmed with the love, care and affection showered on me by my sister
Anju, Janki and Kinjal,brothers Dharmesh, Jay, Raju, Rashmin, Harsh and Ayush, my bhabhi
Bhoomiben and Uravshiben, my cute newphew Priyansh who had done a lot to bring me to this
level are inexpressible in words.
Lastly, I am thankful to the “GOD” and “GOODNESS” and all who so ever have
helped in making this mission for the study a success.
Table Page
No. No.
Meteorological data recorded during crop season for the year
3.1 38
2015-16 (Weekly mean)
3.2 Physico-chemical properties of the experimental field 39
3.3 Cropping history of the experimental site 39
3.4 Characteristics of greengram variety (Meha) 40
3.5 Details of treatment combinations 42
Calendar of important field operations and cultural operations
3.6 44
carried out during the course of investigation
3.7 Parameters studied during the field investigation 49
3.8 Plant chemical analysis 51
Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on plant population of
4.1 55
summer greengram
Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on periodic plant height
4.2 57
of summer greengram
Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on weight of dry root
4.3 nodules plant-1 and number of branches plant-1 of summer 60
Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on number of pods
4.4 62
plant-1 and number of seeds pod-1 of summer greengram
Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on pod length and test
4.5 65
weight of summer greengram
Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on yield and harvest
4.6 68
index of summer greengram
Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on protein content of
4.7 70
summer greengram
Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on nutrient content in
4.8 73
seed and stover of summer greengram
4.9 Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on nutrient uptake by
seed and stover of summer greengram
4.10 Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on available nutrient
status of soil after harvest of summer greengram
4.11 Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on economic of summer
Figure After
No. page No.
Meteorological data recorded during crop season for the
3.1 38
year 2015-16 (Weekly mean)
3.2 Layout plan of field experiment 43
Sr. No. Title
I Cost of cultivation of summer greengram and economics I-II
Analysis of variance for growth and yield attributes, quality
II parameter of summer greengram and chemical parameters of III-VI
plant and soil
/ Per
% Per cent
@ At the rate
C Degree Celsius
AAU Anand Agricultural University
Anon. Anonymous
BCR Benefit Cost Ratio
B. T. R. S. Bidi Tobacco Research Station
C. D. Critical Difference
C. V. Co-efficient of Variance
CV Cultivation
cm Centimeter
cm2 Square Centimeter
DAS Days After Sowing
dS m-1 Decisiemens per meter
EC Emulsifiable concentration
EC Enriched compost
EC Electrical conductivity
EMO’s Effective Micro-organisms
et al. Et allii; and co-workers
etc. Etcetera and rest, so on
Fig. Figure
G Gram
GA Gibberellic Acid
GLM Glyricidia Leaf Manure
Ha Hectare
hr. day-1 Hour per day
IAA Indole Acetic Acid
IIPR Indian Institute of Pulses Research
INM Integrated Nutrient Management
K Potash
km Kilometer
Km hr.-1 Kilometer Per hour
i. e. That is
K2 O Potassium oxide
Kg Kilogram
kg ha-1 Kilogram per hectare
L Liter
M Million
Max. Maximum
Min. Minimum
M Meter
Mg Milligram
Mm Millimeter
m2 Square meter
N Nitrogen
N North
No. Number
NS Non Significant
O.C. Organic Carbon
P Phosphorus
P = 0.05 Probability at 0.05 %
P2O5 Phosphorus pentaoxide
PB Pair of Bullock
PGPR Plant Growth Promoting Substances
pH Potential of hydrogen ion
Ppm Parts per million
PSB Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria
q ha-1 Quintal per hectare
R.H. Relative humidity
RDF Recommended Dose of Fertilizer
S. Em. Standard Error of mean
Sig. Significant
Spp. Species
SSP Single Super Phosphate
Sr. No. Serial number
Std. Met. week Standard Meteorological week
t Tone
viz. Namely
is one of the most important and extensively cultivated pulse crop of the Indian sub-
continent. Pulses are important food crops occupying a unique position in every
known system of farming as main, catch, cover, green manure, intercrop and mix
crop. Its inclusion in the rotation keeps the soil alive and productive. Pulse crops
enrich the soil fertility adding organic matter and nitrogen through biological fixation
Greengram (Vigna radiata L.) is one of the important pulse crop and
cultivated in the India, since ancient times. Greengram is a native of India and central
Asia and grown in these regions since prehistoric times. It is widely cultivated
throughout the Asia, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand,
Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia and South China. The cultivation of greengram
Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Orissa covering 4.40, 2.30,
5.28, 6.71, 0.72, 10.60, 1.71 and 2.55 lakh hectares, respectively (Anon., 2014).
Banaskantha, Mehsana and Panchmahal in kharif season under inadequate and erratic
rainfall. However, it is grown on large area during summer season in Kheda, Baroda
and Panchmahal districts. With the availability of irrigation water through Narmada
project, area under greengram increased in the middle and north Gujarat. Greengram
matures in 65 to 70 days and due to photo and thermo insensitivity, it can be grown
during kharif, rabi and summer seasons. The yield level of summer greengram is
higher as compared to kharif crop because of minimum biotic and abiotic stresses
(Anon., 2004). Because of short duration of the crop and adjustability under different
cropping systems or situations, greengram has enormous potential for the future,
Despite of significant importance of this crop, the yield is very low in india
as well as in Gujarat probably due to the fact that, its cultivation is mainly confined
under rainfed conditions and in poor fertility soils. To meet the increasing demand of
pulses, a time has come to give a serious thought for increasing either area or yield
almost three times that of cereals. Legume crops are not only used as human diet but
also for improving soil fertility through biological nitrogen fixation. Its seed is more
palatable, nutritive, digestible and non-flatulent than other pulses grown in the
country. Greengram is primarily consumed in the form of dal. Green pods are also
used as vegetable and haulms as green fodder. Its seeds contain 24% protein, 1.2%
fat and 62% carbohydrates. The lysine, methionine and cystine (mg g-1) are 436, 75
Among the various factors affecting crop production, fertilizer plays a vital
the form of organic or inorganic is one of the best established techniques for
increasing crop production. Among the major nutrients, nitrogen plays key role for
plant growth. It imparts green colour to leaves/stem and enable to them for efficient
amino acids which contribute to the building unit of protein and thus, growth of
plant. Greengram is a pulse crop, so required less amount of nitrogen and it can be
the yield, it imparts hardiness to suit, improves grain quality, regulates the
Majority of Indian farmers who are mostly marginal and small are using
maintaining soil health due to build-up of soil organic matter, beneficial microbes,
enzymes, besides improving soil physical and chemical properties. To achieve soil
fertility and productivity in a sustainable manner, the role of organic manures and
other nutrient management practices like use of fermented liquid organic nutrient
addition to nutrients, these fermented liquid organics have microbial load/count and
plant growth promoting substances (PGPR) which help in sustaining the plant
growth, yield, metabolic activity and resistance to pest and diseases. Presence of IAA
Azospirillum and PSB in panchagavya could have created stimuli in the plant system
and increased the production of growth regulators in cell system and the action of
growth regulators in plant system stimulated the growth and development of crop
Panchagavya, an organic product is the potential source to play the role for
promoting growth and providing immunity in the plant system. Presence of naturally
Azospirillum and Phosphobacterium were detected which have the beneficial effect
especially in improving soil quality, growth and yield of crops (Xu and Xu, 2000).
and plant. This eventually has led to high demand for organic farming to protect soil
and plant health. In India, organic farming was well developed and systemized
agricultural practice during the past such as „Vedas‟ which has specified the use of
products obtained from cow viz., dung, urine, milk, curd and ghee (Sugha, 2005).
Keeping the above facts in view, the present experiment entitled “Effect of
radiata L.) under middle Gujarat conditions” was under taken during summer
1. To find out the effect of fertilizer and panchagavya on growth, yield and
of natural resources. Keeping this in view the present study was planned to find out
greengram. The efforts are, therefore, being made here to review the research work
Chemical fertilizers have played a key role in ushering the green revolution.
It has been established that there is a positive correlation between fertilizer usage and
agriculture productivity. Among all the nutrients, nitrogen has vital importance for
the highest production and good start of the crop growth and production.
thereby increases the productivity of greengram crop. The results available on this
the year 1991 at Experimental Farm, Culcutta University, Baruipur (West Bengal).
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
A field experiment was conducted by Patel et al. (1992) during kharif season
nitrogen and phosphorus. They found that application of nitrogen @ 20 kg N ha-1 and
over control.
the year 1990 at Junagadh (Gujarat), to study the response of nitrogen and
phosphorus on growth and yield of green gram. The results revealed that significantly
higher plant height and branches plant-1 were obtained at 30 N kg ha-1 along with 60
A field experiment was conducted on clay loam soil during kharif season of
the year 1991 at Dharwad (Karnataka) on pigeonpea Cv. DT-7. Chittarpur et al.
(1994) recorded higher plant height, number of branches plant-1 and leaves plant-1 by
seasons of the year 1989 and 1990 at Instructional Farm of university, Faizabad (U.P)
to find out the response of greengram to phosphorus levels. They observed that
seasons of the year 1992 and 1993 at Gwalior (U.P), with four levels of phosphorus
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
(0, 20, 40 and 60 kg P2O5 ha-1). The results indicated that plant height and number of
control. Application of 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 registered maximum values for plant height
Pradesh during the year 1989 and 1990 and they reported that application of 40 N
Ram and Dixit (2000) carried out an experiment at Faizabad (U.P.) on silt
phosphorus during summer season of the year 1987. They observed that application
(2000) at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi during kharif seasons of
the year 1997-98 and 1998-99, to study the effect of fertilizer on sandy loam soil.
They reported that application of 75% of the recommended dose of fertilizer i.e.
viz., plant height, number of branches plant-1 and leaf area index of pigeon pea.
Baboo and Mishra (2001) carried out a field experiment on sandy loam soil
spring season of the year1996-97. They found that each successive increase in
Dharwad (Karnataka) to study the response of nitrogen (0, 12.5 and 25 kg ha-1) and
phosphorus (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg ha-1) levels on green gram. The results indicated that
significantly higher total dry matter and leaf area index were realized with
kharif season of the year 1999 on sandy loam soil at the Student's Farm, College of
the year 2003 at Agriculture Research Farm, Lakhoti (UP) and reported that
application of 20 kg N ha-1 increased the nodules plant-1, root length and dry weight
of root.
phosphorus on greengram during kharif seasons of the year 1995 and 1996 at Central
Agricultural University, Imphal (Assam). The results revealed that plant height,
number of branches plant-1 and dry matter production were recorded maximum with
season of the year 1999 at Hisar (Haryana). They reported that application of 20 kg N
ha-1 in the form of Urea at the time of sowing produced the tallest plants.
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
nitrogen ha-1 recorded significantly higher plant height, number of nodules plant-1 and
Sasode (2008) conducted a field experiment during kharif seasons of the year
greengram and found that application of 37.5 N: 90 P2O5 :5.0 Zn kg ha-1 increased
(Rajasthan) to study the effect of organic sources and chemical fertilizers on kharif
vermicompost + 50% RDF ha-1 (10:20 kg NP ha-1) produced significantly higher dry
2004 and 2005 at Hisar (Haryana) and reported that 20 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 (RDF)
significantly increased leaf area, number of branches plant-1 and dry matter
accumulation, number of branches plant-1 and nodules plant-1 and nodule weight
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
years (2004and 2005) with blackgram to study the effect of levels of phosphorus on
growth, yield and nutrient content of blackgram. They reported that an application of
60 kg P2O5 ha-1 gave significantly higher plant height and number of leaves plant-1
over control.
of the year 2011 to find out the effect of different levels of phosphorus
the year 2007 and 2008 to find out the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on black
gram at Baraut (UP). They recorded significantly higher plant height, number of
branches plant -1, number of leaves plant-1 and dry matter under an application of
Manoj et al. (2014) conducted field experiment during summer season of the
year 2011 to evaluate the effect of irrigation and nitrogen applications on growth,
yield and quality of green gram (Vigna radiata L.). They found that application of
gave maximum number of plant m-2, plant height, number of branches plant-1 and
of the year 2011 to find out the effect of phosphorus on yield of green gram at
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
Kalyani (WB). The results revealed that an application of 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 gave
significantly higher plant height and number of branches plant-1 over rest of the levels
of phosphorus.
year 2011-12 to study the effect of spacing and fertilizer levels on growth and yield
ha-1 gave significantly higher plant height, number of branches plant-1 and total dry
growth, yield and nutrient content of mungbean in response to INM in Eastern Uttar
trifoliate, SPAD value of green leaf chlorophyll and dry matter accumulation of
mungbean were recorded due to application of 75% RDF + 2.5 t ha-1 vermicompost
RDF + 2.5 t ha-1 VC and 100% RDF + Rh + PSB (Dhakal et al., 2015).
season of the year 2013 at Sardarkrushinagar (Gujarat), to find out the effect of
radiata (L) Wilczek] in north Gujarat. They observed that integrated application of
recommended dose of nitrogen (20 kg N ha-1) through organic and inorganic sources
of nitrogen like, 25% RDN from FYM +75% RDN from urea significantly enhanced
plant growth and growth attributes like, plant height, dry matter accumulation and
branches plant-1, dry matter production, number of root nodule plant-1 and number of
From the result of field experiment, Subramanian et al. (1978) reported that
Cajanus cajan, Cv. Co-2 out yielded with an application of 12.5 kg N and 25 kg
produced significantly higher seed and stalk yields of arhar crop over 20 kg N + 40
A field experiment was conducted by Pal and Jana (1991) during summer
seasons of the year 1982 and 1984 at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya,
Mohanpur (West Bengal). They found that significant increase in number of pods
plant-1, stover yield and test weight up to 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 whereas, number of seeds
pod-1 and seed yield of greengram were significantly increased up to 30 kg P2O5 ha-1
Sarkar and Banik (1991) conducted an experiment during summer season of the
year 1991 at Experimental Farm, Calcutta University, Baruipur (West Bengal). The results
increase in seed and stover yield, pods plant-1, pod length, number of seeds pod-1 and test
weight of greengram.
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
the year 1989 and 1990 at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat (Assam) to assess
the effect of sources and levels of phosphorus on summer greengram. They observed
that seed yield, pods plant-1 and 1000 seed weight were increased significantly upto
20 kg P2O5 ha-1.
the year 1990 at Junagadh (Gujarat) to study the response of nitrogen and phosphorus
on growth and yield of green gram. The results indicated that significantly higher
pods plant-1, seeds pod-1, test weight and seed yield were obtained at 30 kg N ha-1
season of the year 1989 at Navsari to ascertain the effect of phosphorus on summer
greengram. The yield attributes viz., number of pods plant-1, pod length, test weight,
seed and stover yields were significantly higher with 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 as compared to
A field experiment was carried out on sandy loam soil at Dholi (Bihar)
during summer 1991 on greengram and blackgram. The different treatments were
seed inoculated and not inoculated by rhizobium associated with the treatments of 20
K2O ha-1. Inoculation increased seed yield and N and P uptake. The maximum
number of pods plant-1, pod length, test weight, seed and stover yields were
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
kharif season of the year 1991 at Dharwad (Karnataka) on pigeonpea Cv. DT-7. The
results revealed that application of 50 kg ha-1 each of N and P2O5 gave maximum
number of pods plant-1, seed weight plant-1, test weight, seed and stalk yield as
Patel and Patel (1994) tried a field experiment at Navsari (Gujarat) during
summer seasons of the year 1990 and 1991. They concluded that the basal
application of 20 kg N ha-1+ 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 to greengram gave the highest seed yield
phosphate @ 0.5 % twice at 30 and 40 days after sowing. Foliar applications of urea
and diammonium phosphate also increased the number of pods plant-1, seeds pod-1
and length of pod and ultimately, resulted in higher seed yield than the control.
Patil and Jadhav (1994) found out the response of phosphorus and Rhizobium
on greengram at Raigarh (Maharashtra) during summer seasons of the year 1986 and
1987. They concluded that application of 50 kg P2O5 ha-1 significantly increased the
Bhalu et al. (1995) conducted an experiment during kharif season of the year
1990 at Junagadh (Gujarat) to study the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on yield of
blackgram. They observed significantly higher stover yield and seed yield at
30 kg N ha-1 and 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 along with Rhizobium inoculation over the
remaining treatments.
seasons of the year 1988 and 1989 at Kanpur (U.P) to study the effect of phosphorous
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
seasons of the year 1989 and 1990 at Instructional Farm of university, Faizabad (U.P)
to find out the response of greengram to phosphorus levels. They found that seed and
P2O5 ha-1.
year 1992 and 1993 by Mishra and Baboo (1999) to study the effect of nitrogen on
An experiment was conducted during summer seasons of the year 1994 and
1995 on greengram to study the effect of phosphorous levels (0, 20 and 40 kg P2O5
ha-1). The results revealed that an application of 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 was significantly
superior to 20 kg P2O5 ha-1 and control in respect of seed yield (Soni and Gupta,
Ram and Dixit (2000) carried out an experiment on silt loam soil to study the
Singha and Sharma (2001) carried out an experiment during summer season
of the year 2001 at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Diphu (Assam). The soil
was sandy clay loam with pH 6.1. They observed that application of 45 kg P 2O5 ha-1
An experiment was carried out during summer season of the year 1999 and
2000 on sandy loam soil of Hisar (Haryana) by Rajendrakumar et al. (2002). The
treatments comprised two genotypes (MH-85-111 and T-44) of mung bean and four
levels of nitrogen (0, 10, 20 and 30 kg ha-1) as main plot treatment and four levels of
phosphorus (0, 20, 40 and 60 kg ha-1) as sub plot treatments in split plot design with
three replications. The interaction between N and P was found significant in pooled
analysis with all the levels of nitrogen; the seed yield was significantly increased up
Dharwad (Karnataka) to study the response of nitrogen (0, 12.5 and 25 kg ha-1) and
phosphorus (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg ha-1) levels on green gram. The results indicated that
significantly higher number of pods plant-1, number of seeds pods-1, test weight, grain
yield and haulm yield were realized with application of 12.5 kg N ha-1 and 25 kg
Hyderabad during kharif season of the year 1999. They reported that application of
20 kg nitrogen ha-1 significantly increased leaf area ratio, number of pods plant-1 and
seed yield.
A field experiment was carried out by Patel and Thakur (2003) during kharif
seasons of the year 1997 to 1998. They observed significant increase in yield
attributes of greengram viz., length of pods, number of pods plant-1 and 100 seed
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
the year 2000 to 2002 at Main Pulses Research Station, Gujarat Agricultural
kg N ha-1 gave significantly higher seed and stover yields of cowpea being at par with
20 kg N ha-1.
determine the effect of different levels of nitrogen (0, 25 and 50 kg ha-1) and
phosphorus (0, 50, 75 and 100 kg ha-1) on yield and quality of mungbean. The results
seed yield, test weight, number of seeds pod-1 and number of pod plant-1 over control.
Singh et al. (2003) carried out an experiment during kharif seasons of the
year 1999 and 2000 on sandy loam soil having pH 8.3 to find out the effect of
(U.P). The levels of phosphorus showed significant increase in seed yield over
control. The seed yield was increased by 12.5, 52.3 and 51.2 %, respectively with 30,
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. They observed that application of
with phosphorus fertilization was found to be ideal for achieving higher productivity.
phosphorus on greengram during kharif seasons of the year 1995 and 1996 at Central
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
Agricultural University, Imphal (Assam). The results revealed that pods plant-1, pod
length, seeds pod-1 and seed yield were recorded maximum with 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 over
An experiment was carried out by Anjum et al. (2006) during spring season
that the seed inoculation + 15 kg N ha-1 recorded significantly higher number of pods
plant-1, number of seeds pod-1, test weight and seed yield plant-1 over control.
Faizabad (U.P) during kharif season of the year 2003-04. They reported that
plant-1, pod weight, pod length and seed index over control.
Sasode (2008) conducted a field experiment during kharif seasons of the year
1998 and 1999 at Research Farm of the College of Agriculture, Gwalior (U.P). They
found that application of 37.5N: 90 P2O5 : 5.0 Zn kg ha-1 increased number of pods
plant-1, pod length, number of seeds pod-1, seed and stover yield (kg ha-1) of
during summer season of the year 2007 on loamy sand soil and reported that
seeds pod-1, 100-seed weight and seed yield of summer greengram var. (SML 668).
Kumar et al. (2012) conducted field experiment during kharif seasons of the
year 2009 and 2010 at Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University,
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
Varanasi (U.P) to investigate the effect of phosphorus on yield attributes and yield of
mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek). They observed that 45 kg P2O5 ha-1 gave
levels of phosphorus on growth, yield and nutrient content of blackgram for two
consecutive years (2004 and 2005). They found maximum number of nodules plant-1,
seed yield and haulm yield under an application of 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 over control.
University, Mymensingh during October to January, 2011 to find out the effect of
different levels of phosphorus (0, 20, 40, 60 kg P2O5 ha-1) on yield of mungbean.
number of total pods plant-1, length of pod, number of seeds pod-1, seed weight
plant-1, 1000 seed weight, seed yield, stover yield and harvest Index (%) over
seasons of the year 2007 and 2008 to find out the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus
on black gram at Baraut (UP). They recorded significantly higher number of pods
plant-1, pod length, seed pod-1, 1000-seed weight, seed yield and stover yield under an
A field experiment was carried out during summer season of the year 2011 to
evaluate the effect of irrigation and nitrogen applications on growth, yield and quality
of green gram (Vigna radiata L.). The results showed that 30 kg N ha-1 as basal + one
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
irrigation at flower initiation stage gave significantly higher number of pods plant-1,
number of seeds pod-1, yield plant-1 and seed yield over control (Manoj et al., 2014).
year 2011 to find out the effect of phosphorus on yield of green gram at Kalyani
(WB). The results revealed that an application of 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 gave significantly
higher number of pods plant-1, 1,000 Seed weight, harvest index and yield over rest
year 2011-12 to study the effect of spacing and fertilizer levels on growth and yield
ha-1 gave significantly higher seed yield and biological yield over control.
evaluate the growth, yield and nutrient content of mungbean in response to INM in
Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The results revealed that the highest seed yield of mungbean
was obtained with an application of 75% RDF + 2.5 t ha-1 VC + Rh + PSB followed
by 100% RDF + 2.5 t ha-1 VC and 100% RDF + Rh+ PSB (Dhakal et al., 2015).
season of the year 2013 at Sardarkrushinagar (Gujarat), to find out the effect of
radiata (L) Wilczek] in north Gujarat. They recorded significantly higher number of
pods plant-1, number of seeds pod-1, 1000-seeds weight, seed and stover yields over
other combinations and sole application of organic and inorganic sources of nitrogen.
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
(20-30 kg ha-1) and phosphorus (40-60 kg P2O5 ha-1) significantly increased the
yield and yield attributing characters like, pods plant-1, seeds pod-1, test weight, pod
Bhalu et al. (1995) conducted an experiment during kharif season of the year
1990 at Junagadh (Gujarat) to study the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on yield
significantly higher protein content at 30 kg N ha-1 and 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 along with
Singh et al. (1998) conducted a field trial at Lakhoti (U.P.) during the kharif
seasons of the year 1992 and 1993 on pigeon pea and reported that application of 30
kg N ha-1 and 80 kg P2O5 ha-1 significantly increased the protein content of pigeon
An experiment was conducted during summer seasons of the year 1994 and
1995 on greengram to study the effect of phosphorous levels (0, 20 and 40 kg P2O5
ha-1). Application of 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 was significantly superior to 20 kg P2O5 ha-1 and
Ram and Dixit (2000) carried out an experiment at Faizabad (U.P.) on silt
phosphorus during summer season of the year 1987. They found that application of
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
(0, 50, 75 and 100 kg ha-1) on yield and quality of summer mungbean cv. NM-98 in
Sasode (2008) conducted a field experiment during kharif seasons of the year
1998 and 1999 at Research Farm of the College of Agriculture, Gwalior (U.P). They
found that application of 37.5N: 90 P2O5 : 5.0 Zn kg ha-1 increased protein content of
green gram.
2009 on loamy sand soil of Jobner (Rajasthan) and reported that protein content of
seed and protein yield of greengram (Cv. RMG 268) were increased significantly
with application of 0.7 t vermicompost along with 10:20 kg NP ha-1 (50% RDF).
summer season of the year 2007 on loamy sand soil to study the effect of nitrogen
The results revealed that significantly higher protein content was produced with
year 2010 and 2011 on sandy clay loam soil of Durgapur (Rajasthan) and reported
levels of phosphorus on growth, yield and nutrient content of blackgram for two
consecutive years (2004 and 2005). They found the highest protein content (22.64%)
of the year 2011 to find out the effect of phosphorus on yield of green gram at
Kalyani (WB). The results revealed that an application of 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 gave
significantly the highest protein content over rest of the other levels of phosphorus.
season of the year 2013 at Sardarkrushinagar (Gujarat) to find out effect of integrated
nitrogen management on growth, yield and quality of greengram [Vigna radiata (L)
Wilczek] in north Gujarat. They observd that significantly higher seed protein
content over other combinations and sole application of organic and inorganic
sources of nitrogen.
and phosphorus (40-75 kg P2O5 ha-1) significantly increased protein percentage and
Bhalu et al. (1995) conducted an experiment during kharif season of the year
1990 at Junagadh (Gujarat) to study the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on N and P
uptake by seed and stover at 30 kg N ha-1 and 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 along with Rhizobium
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
An experiment was carried out during rainy seasons of the year 1992 and
1993 at Lakhoti (U.P.) to study the response of pigeon pea to fertilizers. Rana et al.
(1998) reported that N and P content in seed and stover as well as their uptake were
significantly increased with an application of N (0-30 kg ha-1) and P2O5 (0-80 kg ha-1)
over control.
Ram and Dixit (2000) carried out an experiment at Faizabad (U.P.) on silt
phosphorus during the year 1987. The results revealed that an application of 50 kg
(2000) at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi during the year 1997-98
Singha and Sharma (2001) concluded that all the levels of phosphorus (25,
Dharwad (Karnataka) to study the response of nitrogen (0, 12.5 and 25 kg ha-1) and
phosphorus (0, 25, 50 and 75 kg ha-1) levels on green gram. The results indicated that
nitrogen and phosphorus uptake was significantly higher with application of 12.5 kg
Singh et al. (2003) carried out an experiment during kharif seasons the year
1999 and 2000 on sandy loam soil at R. B. S. College Research Farm, Bichpuri, Agra
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
(U.P) on summer greengram with four levels of phosphorus (0, 30, 60 and 90 P2O5
ha-1). The results inferred that application of 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 increased N, P and K
season of the year 2000 at West Bengal to evaluate the response of phosphorus to
greengram on clay loam soil. The results revealed that application of phosphorus @
60 kg P2O5 ha-1 recorded the highest N, P and K available in soil and uptake by
Sasode (2008) conducted a field experiment during kharif seasons of the year
1998 and 1999 at Research Farm of College of Agriculture, Gwalior (U.P). They
(Gujarat) during kharif seasons of the year 2008-09 and 2009-10 and reported that
of the year 2011 to find out the effect of phosphorus on yield of green gram at
Kalyani (WB). The results revealed that an application of 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 gave
significantly higher phosphorus uptake by green gram over rest of the other level of
evaluate the growth, yield and nutrient content of mungbean in response to INM in
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The results revealed that significant improvement in nutrient
content of mungbean was recorded due to application of 75% RDF + 2.5 t ha-1
nutrient content and nutrient uptake by seed and plant over control.
2.1.5 Economics
greengram on medium black clay soil of Junagadh using three levels of nitrogen
(0, 20 and 40 kg ha-1) and phosphorus (0, 40 and 80 kg ha-1). Experimental results
indicated that the applications of 20 kg N ha-1 and 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 was significantly
found the best for securing the highest net return (Tank, 1988).
varying levels of nitrogen (0, 25 and 50 kg ha-1) and phosphorus (0, 50, 75 and 100
kg ha-1) on yield and quality of summer mung bean, Cv. NM-98 in 2001. A fertilizer
University, Vadodara (Gujarat) on sandy loam soil during the summer seasons of
1995 to 1998 to specify the response of mung bean to date of sowing and levels of
fertilizers. Among the different treatment combinations, the highest net return
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
(Rs.18240 ha-1) was recorded when the crop was sown on 1st March and fertilized
(37.5 kg N + 90 kg P2O5 ha-1) recorded higher net return and BCR over 25 kg N + 60
kg P2O5 ha-1).
mung bean (Cv. SML 668) was studied at five location of Punjab having loamy sand
soil during summer 2007. Singh et al., (2011) reported higher economic return with
during kharif 2008-09 and 2009-10 and reported that higher net return and BCR of
photosynthetic bacteria and certain fungi besides beneficial and proven fertilizers
the beneficial effect especially in improving soil quality, growth and yield of crops
(Xu and Xu, 2000). Balasubramanian et al. (2001) reported that dipping of rice
season of the year 2002 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (T.N) to
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
A filed experiment was conducted by Britto and Girija (2006) during the year
2002-03 to investigate the effect of organic and inorganic farming method of black
gram and green gram at Palayamkottai (TN). They concluded that organic farming
(Panchagavya 3%) gave significantly higher plant height, number of leaves plant-1,
length of leaves, breadth of length, area of leaves and number of branches plant-1
Department of Botany, Puducherry during kharif season of the year 2008 to study the
root, number of nodules, fresh and dry mass of the plant over control.
seaweed based panchagavya on leaves of seedling of the pulses viz., Vigna radiata,
effect of panchagavya and sanjibani on the yield of greengram. They found that
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
A field experiment was conducted during summer season of the year 2011 at
higher plant height, number of branches plant-1 and dry matter production of
season of the year 2011 under irrigated condition at Kanpur (U.P) to study the effect
of foliar applied panchagavya with and without mixing leaf extracts of neem and
parthenium on the growth and yield of green gram. They observed that an application
of panchagavya + NLE recorded higher plant height, root nodules plant-1, dry root
nodules wieght plant-1, dry matter accumulation and branches plant-1 over control.
Annamalainagar (AP). The results revealed that plant height was favourably
growth parameters like, plant height, number of branches plant-1, dry matter
season of the year 2002 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (T.N)
The results of study proved that panchagavya @ 3% spray ranked at top in respect to
number of seeds pod-1, 100 seed weight and seed yield of green gram.
A filed experiment was conducted by Britto and Girija (2006) during the year
2002-03 to investigate the effect of organic and inorganic farming method of black
gram and green gram at Palayamkottai (TN). They concluded that organic farming
plant-1, length of cluster and weight of 100 seed over inorganic farming.
invigorated seeds on field productivity in black gram (Vigna mungo (L.)). Among the
treatments, 4% foliar spray of panchagavya recorded higher seed yield than control.
effect of panchagavya and sanjibani on the yield of green gram. They found that
number of pods plant-1, pod length, number of seeds plant-1 and yield plant-1 over
A filed experiment was carried out during kharif season of the year 2006-07
on light textured soil of CAZRI, Jodhpur (Rajasthan) to study the effect of foliar
application of panchagavya and leaf extracts of neem, datura and tumba in 1:1 ration
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
leaf extract at branching and flowering produced higher dry matter production, seed
(Gujarat) during summer season of the year 2011 on loamy sand soil and reported
setting stage) recorded significantly higher pods plant-1, pod length, test weight as
season of the year 2011 under irrigated condition at Kanpur (UP) to study the effect
of foliar applied panchagavya with and without mixing leaf extracts of neem and
parthenium on the growth and yield of green gram. They observed that an application
of panchagavya + NLE recorded higher number of pods plant-1, seeds pod-1, test
the year 2012 to study the effect of liquid bio-nutrients along with inorganic
flowering + soil application of Jivamrut @ 500 l ha-1 at 20 DAS along with 75%
RDF gave significantly higher seed and stover yields over rest of the treatments.
Based on the above citrd review on effect of panchagavya on yield and yield
attributes of greengram clearly indicates that foliar spray of panchagavya 3-4% with
sanjibani 10% significantly increased yield attributes parameter like, number of pods
plant-1, number of seeds pod-1, pod length, plant yield, seed and stover yields over
season of the year 2011 at Sardarkrushinagar (Gujarat). They found that application
(Phaseolus vulgaris). They observed higher ascorbic acid and riboflavin content
Desai et al. (2014) conducted a field experiment to study the effect of liquid
bio-nutrients along with inorganic fertilizers on yield, quality and uptake of nutrients
application of Jivamrut @ 500 l ha-1 at 20 DAS along with 75% RDF gave
A field experiment was conducted during summer season of the year 2011 at
higher N and P content in seed and stover as well as uptake of these nutrients by seed
on loamy sand soil during summer season of the year 2011 and reported higher N and
P content and uptake of both the nutrients by cowpea (GC 5) crop with foliar spray of
Sardarkrushinagar (Gujarat) on loamy sand soil and reported that application of RDN
higher total N, P and K uptake by greengram crop. It also improved the N status of
the year 2012 to study the effect of liquid bio-nutrients along with inorganic
flowering + soil application of Jivamrut @ 500 l ha-1 at 20 DAS along with 75%
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
RDF improved N and P content in seeds and stover and total uptake of N and P by
summer cowpea.
increased nutrient content and nutrient uptake by seed and stover over control.
2.1.5 Economics
foliar spray on 15, 25 and 40 DAS on black gram under irrigated condition recorded
(Gujarat) on loamy sand soil. Chaudhari (2012) reported that application of RDN
30 DAS recorded higher net realization and BCR of greengram (Cv. GM 4).
year to study the effect of FYM and fermented liquid manures on yield and quality of
chilli (Capsicum annuum L.). The results revealed that interaction effect of manures
and liquid manures did not show significant at all the stages of crop growth and all
yield attributes.
……………………………………………………………….…………Review of literature
A field experiment was conducted by Patil et al. (2012) to study the effect of
organics on growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in vertisols. They
found that interaction effects of organic manures and liquid organic manures
parameters on chickpea. The combined soil application of 100 per cent RDN with EC
1/3 + VC 1/3 + GLM 1/3 and foliar spray of panchagavya @ 3% at flower initiation
and 15 days after flowering (OM2LM1) recorded significantly higher plant height,
DAS, dry weight of root nodule, higher seed and haulm yield, number of pods plant-1
and 100-seed weight as compared to RDF, water spray and other treatment.
yield and quality of summer greengram (Vigna radiata L.) under middle
Gujarat conditions” was carried out during summer season of the year 2015. The
description of materials used and methodology adopted during the course of the
In order to achieve the pre set objectives of the present investigation, a field
experiment was conducted in plot No. 7 A at Bidi Tobacco Research Station, Anand
Agricultural University, Anand (Gujarat) during summer season of the year 2015.
longitude at an elevation of about 45.1 metres above the mean sea level. Anand is
about 70 km away from the Arabian Sea Coast and hence this region enjoys a
typical sub-tropical climate with dry and hot summer, fairly cold and dry winter and
and retreats by the middle of September with an average annual rainfall of 864.5
mm which is realized entirely from the South-West monsoon currents. The July and
August are the months of heavy rainfall. Winter is fairly cold and continues till the
except, occasional sporadic light showers. December and January are the coldest
months, while April and May are the hottest months of the year. The temperature
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
University, Anand (Gujarat) are presented in Table 3.1 and graphically depicted in
Fig. 3.1. The data showed that the maximum temperature ranged from 32.2 0C to
42.5 0C and minimum temperature ranged between 16.0 0C and 28.0 0C during the
crop season of the year 2015. There was unseasonal rainfall received during the
crop season. Due to the normal season, no attack of any disease and pest was
observed on the crop. The other weather parameters were normal during the year of
The experimental fields were having gentle slope and good drainage. The soil was
representative of the soils of the region popularly known as “Goradu” soil. The
Goradu soil is of alluvial in origin and belongs to the Entisols. The texture of the
soil is loamy sand. The soil is very deep and fairly moisture retentive. The soil
tropical and sub tropical regions. The composite soil samples were collected from
the experimental plots to a depth of 0-30 cm before sowing of the crop and they
The details regarding the cropping history in respect of crop grown and
fertilizer applied to the experimental plot (7- A) for preceding three years are
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
Table 3.1: Meteorological data recorded during crop season for the year 2015-
16 (Weekly mean)
Temperature °C (Max) Temperature °C (Min) BrightSunshine
25 40
0 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Standarad Week
Fig. 3.1: Meteorological data recorded during crop season for the year 2015-16 (Weekly mean)
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
Rabi Sorghum 80 40 00
Summer Sorghum 80 40 00
Kharif Fallow -- -- --
Rabi Sorghum 80 40 00
2015-16 Summer Present investigation As per treatment
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
The present investigation was carried out on green gram cv. “Meha”
(IPM 99-125) which was released from Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR),
AMP 36. It is a yellow mosaic virus resistant, shiny seed luster, seeds dark in colour
and yields about 14 q ha-1. This variety having the following important characters
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
(0% RDF), F1 (50% RDF), F2 (75% RDF) and F3 (100% RDF) and four levels of
panchagavya were incorporated in the study. Details of the treatments with their
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
Treatment combinations
Sr. Symbol Fertilizer (kg ha-1)
No. Panchagavya
Nitrogen Phosphorus
1. F0 P0 00 00 Water spray at flowering
Panchagavya drenching (500 lit ha-1)
2. F0 P1 00 00
at first irrigation
Panchagavya spray @ 3% at
3. F0 P2 00 00
Panchagavya spray @ 6% at
4. F0 P3 00 00
5. F1 P0 10 20 Water spray at flowering
Panchagavya drenching (500 lit ha-1)
6. F1 P1 10 20
at first irrigation
Panchagavya spray @ 3% at
7. F1 P2 10 20
Panchagavya spray @ 6% at
8. F1 P3 10 20
9. F2 P0 15 30 Water spray at flowering
Panchagavya drenching (500 lit ha-1)
10. F2 P1 15 30
at first irrigation
Panchagavya spray @ 3% at
11. F2 P2 15 30
Panchagavya spray @ 6% at
12. F2 P3 15 30
13. F3 P0 20 40 Water spray at flowering
Panchagavya drenching (500 lit ha-1)
14. F3 P1 20 40
at first irrigation
Panchagavya spray @ 3% at
15. F3 P2 20 40
Panchagavya spray @ 6% at
16. F3 P3 20 40
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
3.7.5 Replications : 3
After the harvest of the previous crop, the experimental field was cultivated
were collected and removed and the field was leveled. The sequences of operations
carried out in the field during crop season are presented in Table 3.6.
The experiment was laid out in this investigation was Randomized Block
Design (Factorial) with three replications. The treatments were assigned at random
to each plot in each replication. The plan of layout is depicted in Fig. 3.2 and field
The greengram crop was fertilized with four levels of fertilizer applied
through Urea and Single super phosphate (SSP) in basal application and four levels
The fertilizers were applied in each plot as per treatment in opened furrows as basal.
24 m2 N
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
4.5 m
Name of operations Frequency Date
1. Pre-sowing operations
a) Tractor cultivation (cross-wise) 1 06-03-2015
b) Soil sampling to the depth of 0-30 cm 1 09-03-2015
c) Field layout 1 09-03-2015
d) Preparation of beds and irrigation 1 10-03-2015
channels and opening furrows
e) Application of fertilizers in opened 1 11-03-2015
2. Sowing and post-sowing operations
a) Sowing 1 11-03-2015
b) Thinning 1 23-03-2015
c) Inter culturing (One) 1st 06-04-2015
d) Hand weeding (Two) 1st 07-04-2015
2nd 18-04-2015
e) Irrigation (Five) 1st 11-03-2015
2nd 31-03-2015
3rd 22-04-2015
4th 10-05-2015
5th 25-05-2015
3. Application of panchagavya
a) Drenching of panchgavya 1 31-03-2015
b) Spraying of panchgavya 2 28-04-2015
4. Plant protection measures
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
with certain other ingredients (as given below) incubated for specific duration in an
12-Ripped banana
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
The ingredients were incubated for twenty five days, after that preparation
was filtered through double-layered muslin cloth and stored in transparent bottles in
a refrigerator.
Chemical composition
Ph : 5.45
EC dSm2 : 10.22
Total N (ppm) : 229
Total P (ppm) : 209
Total K (ppm) : 232
IAA (ppm) : 8.5
GA (ppm) : 3.5
Microbial load (CFU ml-1)
Fungi : 38800 ml-1
Bacteria : 1880000 ml-1
Lactobacillus : 2260000 ml-1
Totalanaerobes : 10000 ml-1
Acidformers : 360 ml-1
Methanogen : 250 ml-1
(3 and 6%) were given at first irrigation and at flowering stage, respectively. Water
The seeds were evenly dry sown by line sowing (drilling) in opened
furrows of 30 cm of two rows with seed rate @ 25 kg ha-1. Later, seeds were
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
After twelve days of sowing, thinning was carried out to maintain intra row
The first irrigation was given immediately after dry sowing and remaining
Two hand weedings and one inter culturing were carried out in the field
with objective to keep the crop free from weed infestation during the early crop
Trizophos 40% EC and Quinalphos 25% EC were sprayed for control of caterpillar
and pod borer. Pyriproxifen 10% EC was sprayed for control of mite. (Table 3.6)
tagged from each net plot were first harvested for recording necessary biometric
observations and then the produce was added to the respective net plots. The border
lines were harvested first and were removed from the experimental area. Then the
net area was harvested separately. The harvested produce was weighed just before
threshing to record the biological yield. Thereafter, threshing was carried out in the
afternoon by manually. Seeds per net plot thus collected were winnowed, cleaned
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
The biometric observations were recorded from five randomly selected and
tagged plants within each net plot. The details of various growth characters, yield
attributes and quality parameters studied during the course of investigation are
given in Table 3.7 along with the size of samples and time of recording. Details of
After the establishment of the plants, five plants was selected randomly and
tagged from the net plot area of each plot for studying all the individual plant
characters in the present study. The details of the procedure followed for recording
Plant population was recorded per meter row length from each net plot and
counted in the initial stage and recorded separately. Final plant population per meter
row length per each net plot was also recorded before harvesting of crop.
For this observation, the height of the main stem from randomly selected
and tagged five plants was measured from ground level to top of the main shoot in
centimeter. The mean plant height was calculated and recorded at 30, 45 DAS and
at harvest. The selected plants were also used for other observations.
All the effective branches from the selected five plants in each plot were
recorded at harvest and average value was worked out and recorded separately.
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
From the roots of five plants uprooted, nodules were removed and dried at
room temperature for 4 days. Dry weight of root nodules was recorded in milligram
Five randomly tagged and selected plants from each plot were used for
The total numbers of pods picked from five tagged plants were counted and
average value per plant was worked out and recorded from each treatment.
Developed seeds from each pod were counted from five tagged plants and
then the average number of seeds per pod was worked out and recorded for each
The length of pod (cm) from five randomly selected plants from each plot
was measured from the base to tip of the pods. The mean pod length for each
A sample was drawn from the seed yield of each plot after winnowing and
one thousand seeds were counted by seed counter and their weight was recorded in
The produce from each net plot area was threshed separately. After
threshing and winnowing, seeds from each net plot were weighed separately and
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
recorded as seed yield in kg per net plot. Thereafter, the yield was converted in to
hectare basis.
Stover, a part left after removal of seeds from the harvested plants was also
weighed and recorded in kg per net plot separately for each treatment. It was
Harvest index (%) is the ratio of economic yield to the biological yield per
plot. It was calculated by using following formula (Donald and Hamblin, 1976).
Methods are used for chemical analysis of plant samples for total nitrogen,
Representative samples of seed and stover were drawn from each net plot
for chemical studies. They were oven dried at 70 oC for 24 hour and were powdered
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
in a willey. Samples prepared were analyzed for nitrogen, phosphorus and potash
content. Seed and stover samples were digested by Micro Kjeldahls method and
phosphorus and potash, the digestion of plant samples was done and phosphorus
(Jackson, 1973).
stover ha-1 were calculated by using the following formula. The uptake of nitrogen
analysis as per the procedure of Randomized Block Design (in factorial nature) at
(Gujarat). Significance of difference between means for different factors was tested
……………………………………………………………….……………Materials and methods
through „F‟ test and least significant differences were calculated whenever variance
ratio was found significant at 5 percent level for treatment effect. The value of
worked out in terms of net profit, so that the most effective and remunerative
The CBR was calculated on the basis of the formula given below:
The present investigation was conducted to find out the “Effect of fertilizer
L.) under middle Gujarat conditions” during summer season of the year 2015 at
and yield attributes and yield of greengram are presented in this chapter along with
statistical interferences. The data pertaining to growth and yield attributes, yield,
quality and chemical parameters were subjected to statistical analysis in order to test
the significance of the results. The data on all mean effects and only significant
A perusal of data provided in Table 4.1, the results indicated that different
treatments tried in this experiment did not exert their significant effect on plant
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
CD (0.05) NS NS
Levels of panchagavya (P) - Four levels
CD (0.05) NS NS
Interaction (F x P) NS NS
CV % 5.35 5.76
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
The mean data on plant height (cm) recorded at 30, 45 DAS and at harvest
Data furnished in Table 4.2 indicated that fertilizer application showed its
recorded significantly higher plant height (18.10 cm) at 30 DAS. However, it was
effect between fertilizer and panchagavya on plant height recorded at 30 DAS was
non significant.
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
Interaction (F x P) NS NS NS
30 DAS 45 DAS At harvest
Perodical plant height (cm)
F₀ F₁ F₂ F₃ P₀ P₁ P₂ P₃
Fertilizer Panchagavya
Fig. 4.1: Periodical plant height of summer greengram as influenced by different treatments
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
but it was remained at par with treatment F2 (75 % RDF). Whereas, shorter plants
(31.21 cm) were recorded due to treatment F0 (0 % RDF) which was remained at
(35.88 cm) and shorter (33.29 cm) plants of greengram, respectively. Even though
both the treatments were remained at par with treatment P1 (Panchagavya drenching
effect between fertilizer and panchagavya on plant height recorded at 45 DAS was
non significant.
Data presented in Table 4.2 revealed that fertilizer application showed its
significantly higher plant height (45.85 cm). However, it was remained at par with
treatment F2 (75 % RDF). While lower plant height (36.23 cm) was recorded under
treatment F0 (0 % RDF) which was statistically at par with treatment F1 (50% RDF).
(38.92 cm) but it was remained at par with treatment P1 (Panchagavya drenching
Statistical analysis of the data presented in Table 4.2 revealed that plant
height recorded at harvest was not influenced significantly due to interaction effect
The mean data on weight of dry root nodules plant-1 (mg plant-1) as affected
by different levels of fertilizer and panchagavya are presented in Table 4.3 and
higher weight of dry root nodules plant-1 (34.98 mg) as compared to treatment
(34.90 mg) only over treatment P0 (Water spray at flowering). Whereas, lower
weight of dry root nodules plant-1 (32.48 mg) was registered under treatment P0
(Water spray at flowering) which was remained at par with P1 and P2 treatments.
fertilizer and panchagavya could not exert their significant effect on weight of dry
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
dry root
dry nodules
root per
nodules plant
plant -1 (mg)
weight of dry root nodules per plant
F₀ F₁ F₂ F₃ P₀ P₁ P₂ P₃
Fertilizer Panchagavya
Fig. 4.2: Weight of dry root nodules plant-1 of summer greengram as influenced by different
Number of branches plant¯¹
Number of branches plant-1
F₀ F₁ F₂ F₃ P₀ P₁ P₂ P₃
Fertilizer Panchagavya
Fig. 4.3: Number of branches plant-1 of summer greengram as influenced by different treatments
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
The results set out in Table 4.3 indicated that there was an increase in
the lowest number of branches plant-1 was recorded under treatment F0 (0 % RDF).
statistically at par with treatment P1 (Panchagavya drenching (500 lit ha-1) at first
Data presented in Table 4.3 showed that interaction effect between fertilizer
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
Number of Number of
pods plant-1 seeds pod-1
Levels of Fertilizer (F) - Four levels
F0: 0 % RDF 36.42 5.80
Interaction (F x P) NS NS
CV % 8.23 7.25
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
(100% RDF) produced significantly higher number of pods plant-1 (48.12) but it
was statistically at par with treatment F2 (75% RDF). While lower number of pods
plant-1 (36.42) was recorded under treatment F0 (0 % RDF) which was remained at
plant-1 (39.48) was recorded under treatment P0 (Water spray at flowering) which
was remained at par with treatment P1 (Panchagavya drenching (500 lit ha-1) at first
Data illustrated in Table 4.4 showed that number of pods plant-1 was non
panchagavya application.
A perusal of data given in Table 4.4 showed that there was an increase in
(7.48) it’s having at par with treatment F2 (75% RDF). While treatment F0
registered significantly higher number of seeds pod-1 (7.09). While, significantly the
lowest number of seeds pod-1 (6.24) was noted with treatment P0 (Water spray at
fertilizer and panchagavya could not exert their significant effect on number of
seeds pod-1.
The results showed that there was an increase in pod length with increase in
significantly higher pod length (6.02 cm). However, it was statistically at par with
treatment F2 (75% RDF). Whereas, significantly the lowest pod length (4.14 cm)
@ 6% at flowering) registered significantly higher pod length (5.61 cm) but it was
Significantly the lowest pod length (4.83 cm) was noted under treatment P0 (Water
spray at flowering).
between fertilizer and panchagavya could not exert their significant effect on pod
length of greengram.
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
Table 4.5: Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on pod length and test
weight of summer greengram
Interaction (F x P) NS NS
CV % 7.31 6.15
No. of pods per plant No. of seeds per plant Pod length (cm) Test weight (g)
Yield attributes
F₀ F₁ F₂ F₃ P₀ P₁ P₂ P₃
Fertilizer Panchagavya
Fig. 4.4: Yield attributes of summer greengram as influenced by different treatments
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
The mean data on test weight as affected by fertilizer and panchagavya are
Data given in Table 4.5 indicated that test weight was remarkably
significant effect on test weight of green gram. Among the different levels of
(35.78 g) but it was statistically at par with treatment F2 (75% RDF). Whereas,
treatment F0 (0 % RDF) recorded significantly the lowest test weight (30.74 g).
(34.97 g) only over treatment P0 (Water spray at flowering). Whereas, lower test
compared to P3 treatments.
Statistical analysis of the data presented in Table 4.5 revealed that test
weight was influenced non significantly due to interaction effect between fertilizer
and panchagavya .
The results showed that seed yield was increased with increase in levels of
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
(75% RDF). It was increased to the tune of (43.8%) over control. Whereas, the
lowest seed yield (716 kg ha-1) was recorded under treatment F0 (0 % RDF).
yield (982 kg ha-1). It was increase to the tune of (30.9%) over control. Where
significantly the lowest seed yield (750 kg ha-1) was recorded under treatment P0
Data presented in Table 4.6 showed that seed yield of summer greengram
was non significantly influenced due to interaction effect between fertilizer and
panchagavya .
Data pertaining to stover yield (kg ha-1) as influenced due to different levels
of fertilizer and panchagavya are presented in Table 4.6 and presented graphically
in Fig.4.5.
stover yield. Treatment F3 (100% RDF) being at par with treatment F2 (75% RDF)
spray @ 3% at flowering). While significantly the lowest stover yield (1367 kg ha-1)
Table 4.6: Influence of fertilizer and panchagavya on yield and harvest index
of summer greengram
Treatments Yield (kg ha-1) Harvest
Seed Stover (%)
SEm ± 26 50 1.07
CD (0.05) 74 143 NS
SEm ± 26 50 1.07
CD (0.05) 74 143 NS
Interaction (F x P) NS NS NS
Seed yield (kg ha¯¹) Stover yield(kg ha¯¹)
Yield (kg ha-1)
F₀ F₁ F₂ F₃ P₀ P₁ P₂ P₃
Fertilizer Panchagavya
Fig. 4.5: Seed and stover yields of summer greengram as influenced by different treatments
Plate 2. Performance of summer greengram under control condition
fertilizer and panchagavya could not exert their significant effect on stover yield of
panchagavya did not exert their significant effect on harvest index of summer
interaction effect between fertilizer and panchagavya could not exert their
of fertilizer and panchagavya are presented in Table 4.7 and depicted graphically in
It is clearly seen from the data presented in Table 4.7 that treatment F3
(100% RDF) produced significantly higher protein content (21.43 %). However, it
was statstically at par with treatment F2 (75 % RDF). Whereas, significantly lower
protein content (19.55%) was obtained under treatment F0 (0 % RDF) which was
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
SEm ± 0.42
CD (0.05) 1.22
Levels of panchagavya (P) - Four levels
SEm ± 0.42
CD (0.05) 1.22
Interaction (F x P) NS
CV % 7.12
Protein (%)
Protein (%)
F₀ F₁ F₂ F₃ P₀ P₁ P₂ P₃
Fertlizer Panchagavya
Fig. 4.6: Protein content of summer greengram as influenced by different treatments
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
(Panchagavya drenching (500 lit ha-1) at first irrigation) treatments. On the contrary
lower protein content (19.72%) was recorded under treatment P0 (Water spray at
Statistical analysis of the data presented in Table 4.7 revealed that protein
content (%) was not influenced significantly due to interaction effect between
affected by fertilizer and panchagavya are presented in Table 4.8 and graphically
illustrated in Fig.4.7.
registered higher nitrogen content in seed and stover (3.43 and 0.85%, respectively).
content in seed (3.43%) whereas, in stover nitrogen content was recorded non
nitrogen content in seed (3.16%) which was statistically at par with treatment P1
Statistical analysis of the data presented in Table 4.8 revealed that nitrogen
content in seed and stover was not influenced significantly due to the interaction
affected by fertilizer and panchagavya are presented in Table 4.8 and graphically
showed in Fig.4.7.
Data presented in Table 4.8 indicated that phosphorus content in seed and
phosphorus content in seed and stover (0.46 and 0.24%, respectively) only over F0
(0 % RDF) treatment.
panchagavya did not exert their significant effect on phosphorus content in seed and
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
CD (0.05) 0.19 NS NS NS NS NS
Interaction (F x P) NS NS NS NS NS NS
N content Seed (%) P content Seed (%) K content Seed (%)
N content Stover (%) P content Stover (%) K content Stover (%)
Nutrient Content (%)
F₀ F₁ F₂ F₃ P₀ P₁ P₂ P₃
Fertilizer Panchagavya
Fig. 4.7: N, P and K content in seed and stover of summer greengram as influenced by different
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
affected by fertilizer and panchagavya are presented in Table 4.8 and graphically
illustrated in Fig.4.7.
registered significantly higher potash content in seed and stover (0.57 and 1.54%,
respectively) but it was statistically at par with treatment F2 (75% RDF). Whereas,
treatment F0 (0 % RDF) recorded significantly the lowest potash content in seed and
panchagavya did not exert their significant effect on potash content in seed and
Data pertaining in Table 4.8 regarding potash content in seed and stover
indicated that interaction effect between fertilizer and panchagavya did not showed
affected by fertilizer and panchagavya are presented in Table 4.9 and graphically
showed in Fig.4.8.
registered higher nitrogen uptake by seed and stover (35.44 and 15.44 kg ha-1,
Whereas, treatment F0 recorded the lowest nitrogen uptake by seed and stover
P0: Water spray at flowering 23.74 10.34 2.87 2.57 3.88 19.03
Interaction (F x P) NS NS NS NS NS NS
N uptake by seed (kg ha¯¹) P uptake by seed (kg ha¯¹) K uptake by seed (kg ha¯¹)
N uptake by stover (kg ha¯¹) P uptake by stover (kg ha¯¹) K uptake by stover (kg ha¯¹)
Nutrient Uptake (kg ha-1)
F₀ F₁ F₂ F₃ P₀ P₁ P₂ P₃
Fertlizer Panchagavya
Fig. 4.8: N, P and K Uptake by seed and stover of summer greengram as influenced by different
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
uptake by seed and stover (33.85 and 14.20 kg ha-1, respectively) was recorded
Statistical analysis of the data presented in Table 4.9 revealed that nitrogen
content in seed and stover was not influenced significantly due to the interaction
affected by fertilizer and panchagavya are presented in Table 4.9 and graphically
despite in Fig.4.8.
Data presented in Table 4.9 indicated that phosphorus uptake by seed and
phosphorus uptake by seed and stover (4.80 and 4.27 kg ha-1, respectively) as
uptake by seed and stover (4.16 and 3.70 kg ha-1, respectively) was recorded under
affected by fertilizer and panchagavya are presented in Table 4.9 and graphically
despite in Fig.4.8.
registered significantly higher potash uptake by seed and stover (5.87 and 27.80
kg ha-1, respectively) but it it was statistically at par with treatment F2 (75% RDF).
uptake by seed and stover (5.35 and 25.89 kg ha-1, respectively) was recorded under
(Water spray at flowering) recorded significantly the lowest potash uptake by seed
Data pertaining in Table 4.9 regarding potash uptake (kg ha-1) by seed and
stover indicated that interaction effect between fertilizer and panchagavya did not
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
nitrogen status of the soil after crop harvest are presented in Table 4.10 graphically
despite in Fig.4.9.
It is discerning from the Table 4.10 that available nitrogen status of the soil
after crop harvest was increased with increase in each level of fertilizer. It is also
observed from the Table 4.10 that significantly higher value of available nitrogen
(353 kg ha-1) in the soil was registered under treatment F3 (100% RDF). However, it
was remained at par with the treatment F2 (75% RDF). On the contrary treatment F0
(0 % RDF) recorded significantly the lowest available nitrogen in soil after harvest
the crop.
From the data presented in Table 4.10 indicated that higher value
(318 kg ha-1) in the soil was noted under treatment P0 (Water spray at flowering)
which was remained at par with treatment P1 (Panchagavya drenching (500 lit ha-1)
at first irrigation).
between fertilizer and panchagavya on available nitrogen status of soil after harvest
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
Interaction (F x P) NS NS NS
Available N (kg ha¯¹) Available P (kg ha¯¹) Available K (kg ha¯¹)
Available Nutrients (kg ha-1)
F₀ F₁ F₂ F₃ P₀ P₁ P₂ P₃
Fertilizer Panchagavya
Fig. 4.9: Available N, P and K status of soil after harvest of summer greengram as influenced by
different treatments
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
P, status of the soil after crop harvest are presented in Table 4.10 and graphically
showed in Fig.4.9.
The data presented in Table 4.10 indicated that available phosphorus status
of the soil after crop harvest was increased with increasing fertilizer levels.
(40 kg ha-1) in soil after crop harvest. However, it was statistically at par with
phosphorus (37 kg ha-1) in soil after crop harvest was registered under treatment P3
available phosphorus (34 kg ha-1) in the soil was recorded under treatment P0
available phosphorus status of soil after crop harvest was not influenced
potash, status of the soil after crop harvest are presented in Table 4.10 and
The data presented in Table 4.10 indicated that available potash status of
the soil after crop harvest was increased with increasing fertilizer levels. Treatment
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
F3 (100% RDF) recorded significantly higher available potash (313 kg ha-1) in soil
potash (271 kg ha-1) in soil after crop harvest but it was statistically at par with
potash (305 kg ha-1) in soil after crop harvest was registered under treatment P3
(283 kg ha-1) in the soil was noted under treatment P0 (Water spray at flowering)
available potash in soil after crop harvest was not influenced significantly due to
4.7 Economics
summer greengram crop are presented in Table 4.11 and graphically despite in
A perusal of data given in Table 4.11 revealed that maximun net realization
of 37083 ha-1 along with CBR value of 1:2.17 were recorded under treatment F3
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
(0 % RDF) recorded minimum net realization of 18452 ha-1 with CBR value of
It is clearly seen from the data presented in Table 4.11 that treatment P3
and maximum CBR value of 1:2.43 was registered under treatment P2. Whereas,
minimum net realization of 11291 ha-1 along with CBR value of 1:1.25 were
……..……………………………………………………………….………….Experimental Results
Net realization (Rs ha¯¹)
Net realization(Rs ha-1)
F₀ F₁ F₂ F₃ P₀ P₁ P₂ P₃
Fertilizer Panchagavya
The present study was conducted to find out the optimum levels of fertilizer
and panchagavya whereby a farmer can harvest good greengram yield as much as
attributes, yield, quality parameters and soil chemical properties under the influence
of different treatments. It has been attempted to establish their cause and effect
For the better convenience in the discussion, this chapter has been divided
Among the various factors responsible for affecting the crop yield and its
performance, the weather conditions play a key role. The various weather parameters
pertaining during the crop season of the year 2015 are presented in Table 3.1 and
graphically depicted in Fig. 3.1. It is evident from the data that all the meteorological
parameters were congenial for normal crop growth and development. The maximum and
minimum temperature was also normal. As a result, the crop growth was normal and
hence the entire effects of the crop were assigned to the treatment effect only.
The overall soil conditions (Table 3.3) at the time of sowing of seeds were
favourable for good establishment of plants. None of the treatments had significant
growth and yield attributes were mainly due to the treatment effects.
Initial and final plant population (at harvest) was not affected due to
different treatments (Table 4.1). It is ascertained from the data that the population in
all the treatments indicating that variations in growth and yield attributes as well as
yield were obtained due to treatment effects and not due to plant population.
increased the periodical plant height with increasing levels from 0 to 100% RDF.
Treatment F3 (100% RDF) recorded higher plant height at 30 DAS, 45 DAS and at
harvest to the tune of 18.10, 38.11 and 45.85 cm as against 14.15, 31.21 and 36.23
cm under 0% RDF, respectively. The performance of the treatments ranged F0< F1<
F2< F3 in case of plant height. The increase in plant height could be attributed to
formation of new cells, promotes plant vigour and hastens leaf development which
attributes toward higher plant height. These findings are in accordance with those
The data analysed in Table 4.3 indicated that dry weight of root nodules
weight of nodules plant-1 was noted with treatment F3 (100% RDF). Phosphorus
biological N fixation and also higher number of nodules plant-1at higher levels of
fertilizer application and might be stemmed from better root growth, which
facilitated more root surface area for nodule formation. Similar results were
observed by Mishra (2003), Singh et al. (2007) and Jat et al. (2012).
It is apparent from the data (Table 4.3) indicated that fertilizer application
helped in uptake of nitrogen and other nutrients from the soil which in turn, might
have increased number of branches plant-1. These results are in agreement with the
The statistical analysis of the data (Table 4.4) results revealed that fertilizer
application increased the number of pods plant-1 and number of seeds pod-1. Higher
and the lowest values of number of pods plant-1 and number of seeds pod-1 were
observed under treatments F3 (100% RDF) and F0 (0% RDF), respectively. Thus,
higher fertilizer level F3 showed its superiority over control. Response of fertilizer
in good number. These findings corroborate the reports of), Singh et al. (1993),
Patel and Patel (1994), Rudreshappa and Halikatti (2002) and Singh et al. (2011).
The results presented in Table 4.5 showed the similar trends that obtained
from number of pods plant-1 and number of seeds pod-1 (Table 4.4). Wherein,
significantly higher pod length (6.02 cm) and test weight (35.78 g) were obtained
due to treatment F3 (100% RDF). On the other hand, treatment F0 (0% RDF)
registered the lowest pod length (4.14 cm) and test weight (30.74 g). Increase in
levels of fertilizer increased growth and nodulation resulting into profuse growth
which resultantly contributed for development of bold seeds. Present results are in
conformity with those reported by Singh et al. (1993), Patel and Patel (1994),
Rudreshappa and Halikatti (2002) Malik et al. (2003), Patel and Thakur (2003),
With regard to yield presented in Table 4.6 it was indicated that different
levels of fertilizer gave significant effect on seed and stover yield (Table 4.6) of
greengram. Seed and stover yields were remarkably enhanced due to fertilizer
application. Significantly higher seed (1030 kg ha-1) and stover yields (1808 kg ha-1)
were found with treatment F3 (100% RDF). The seed and stover yields advantage
was contributed due to positive association with growth and yield attributes viz.,
plant height (Table 4.2), number of branches plant-1 (Table 4.3), pods plant-1
(Table 4.4), seeds pod-1 (Table 4.4), pod length (Table 4.5) and test weight
(Table 4.5). Greengram yield was also increased due to better availability of
nutrients which had also provided higher uptakes of nutrients (Table 4.9). These
results are conformity with those of Patel and Patel (1994), Rudreshappa and
The mean data on harvest index presented in Table 4.6 indicated that
various levels of fertilizer tried in this experiment did not exert their significant
The results presented in Table 4.7 showed that protein content of greengram
RDF). This could be attributed to enhance the uptake of nutrients (Table 4.9) and
greengram (Table 4.8). These results are in conformity with those of Bhalu et al.
(1995), Soni and Gupta (1999), Malik et al., (2003) and Saini et al., (2015).
crop was observed with fertilizer application (Table 4.8 and 4.9). Significantly
higher uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash were noted with treatment F3
height (Table 4.2) as well as seed and stover yields (Table 4.6) were increased due
higher uptake of nutrients (Table 4.9). These findings are in accordance with those
reported by Rana et al. (1998), Singha and Sharma (2001), Rudreshappa and
(Table 4.10). Application of fertilizer provide higher quantity of nutrient for the
crop which might be resulted into higher concentration of nutrient in the soil
The data presented in Table 4.1 indicated that Initial and final plant
and at harvest of crop. Plant height was increased with increase in panchagavya
higher plant height of 35.88 and 42.67 cm at respective stages which was remained
at par with treatments P1 (Panchagavya drenching (500 lit ha-1) at first irrigation)
with the growth due to improvement in biochemical properties of the soil and
Similar findings have been reported by Somasundaram et al. (2003), Ali et al.
dry weight of nodules plant-1 (34.90 mg) over treatment P0 (Water spray at
availability of nutrients. Higher weight of nodules with foliar spray was attributed to
root nodules. Increased allocation of food materials to roots in turn enhances the
root volume and thereby weight of nodules increased concomitantly. These finding
Data presented in Table 4.3 indicated that there was significant difference
nutrient availability for longer period and thus beneficial effects on growth
number of pods plant-1 and seeds pod-1 (Table 4.4). Wherein treatment, P3
registered increase in pods plant-1and seeds pod-1 over treatment P0 (Water spray at
flowering). An increase in number of pods plant-1 and seeds pod-1 was attributed due
like, panchagavya which might have improved the biochemical properties of the
longer period and thus, beneficial effects on growth and yield parameters of
greengram. The overall improvement of crop growth reflected into better source-
sink relationship, which in turn to enhance the yield attributes. The present findings
al. (2009), Avuduithai et al. (2010), Ali et al. (2011), Kumar et al. (2011), Matai
Significantly higher pod length and test weight of greengram (Table 4.5)
organic sources like, panchagavya might have improved the biochemical properties
of the soil and increased the activities of beneficial micro-organisms which resulted
for longer period and thus, beneficial effects on growth and yield parameters of
greengram. The overall improvement of crop growth reflected into better source-
sink relationship, which in turn to enhance the yield attributes.The present findings
Avuduithai et al. (2010), Ali et al. (2011), Kumar et al. (2011) and Matai (2012).
biochemical activities which modify plant anatomy and morphology of the growing
(1758 kg ha-1) over treatment P0 (Water spray at flowering). Higher yield with
improvement in plant height (Table 4.2), number of branches plant-1 (Table 4.3),
dry weight of root nodules plant-1 (Table 4.3), pods plant-1 (Table 4.4), seeds pod-1
(Table 4.4), test weight (Table 4.5) and pod length (Table 4.5) having significant
positive association with seed yield. These findings are in line with those reported
(2010), Kumar et al. (2011), Matai (2012) and Desai et al. (2014).
treatment P0 (Water spray at flowering), but could not reach the level of
over P0 (Water spray at flowering) and P1 (Panchagavya drenching (500 lit ha-1) at
first irrigation) treatments. This might be due to supply of the phyto hormones with
foliar sources might have increased the NR activity in functional leaves of the plants
Data presented in Table 4.9 showed that nutrient uptake was increased with
ha-1) at first irrigation) treatments. This might be due to quick build up of soil micro
flora and fauna which has consequently increased the enzymatic activity and helped
available in the soil for plant uptake. The present findings are accordance with those
earlier reported by Kumawat et al. (2009), Matai (2012), Patel (2012) and Desai et
al. (2014)
The data analyzed in Table 4.10 indicated that available soil nutrient viz.,
in panchagavya improved the soil quality. These findings are in line with earlier
The interaction effect between fertilizer and panchagavya was not observed
on growth and yield attributes, yield as well as quality and chemical parameters.
The data on economics presented in Table 4.11, the results revealed that
treatment F3 (100% RDF) resulted in maximum profit 37083 ha-1 along with
CBR value of 1:2.17 than that of obtained under rest of all the three levels. This
might be due to higher seed yield under the treatment F3 (100% RDF) (Table 4.6).
Contrarily, the lowest profit 18452 ha-1 as well as CBR value of 1:1.63 was
recorded under level F0 (0% RDF) as compared to all other levels. There was no
application of fertilizer under the treatment F0 resulting into the lowest seed yield
(Table 4.6) and ultimately the lowest profit and CBR. than all other fertilizer levels.
36792 ha-1 over an application of panchagavya drenching (500 lit ha-1) at first
irrigation (P1) with the lowest values of 11291 ha-1 as well as CBR value of
drenching resulting into the lowest CBR than all other treatments.
A field experiment was conducted on loamy sand soil at Bidi Tobacco
greengram (Vigna radiata L.) under middle Gujarat conditions” during summer
The experiment was laid out in RBD design with factorial concept and
fertilizers viz., F0 (0% RDF), F1 (50% RDF), F2 (75% RDF) and F3 (100% RDF) and
The results which have been presented and discussed in the preceding
45 DAS and at harvest but it was remained at par with application of 75% RDF (F2).
Whereas, significantly shorter plant was recorded under F0 (0% RDF) treatment.
.….………………………………………………………………. …Summary and conclusion
Results revealed that weight of dry root nodules plant-1 and number of
(100 % RDF) registered significantly higher weight of dry root nodules plant-1 and
(75 % RDF). On the contrary, treatment F0 (0% RDF) recorded lower weight of dry
Among the different fertilizer levels, 100 % RDF (F3) level emerged out
superior effect on number of pods plant-1 and number of seeds pod-1 but it was
statistically at par with treatment F2 (75 % RDF). Whereas, the lowest number of
pods plant-1 and number of seeds pod-1 recorded under treatment F0 (0% RDF).
significantly higher pod length and test weight. However, it was statistically at par
with treatment F2 (75 % RDF). While, treatment F0 (0% RDF) registered the lowest
(100 % RDF). However, it was comparable with treatment F2 (75 % RDF). On the
contrary, treatment F0 (0% RDF) recorded the lowest seed and stover yields.
Results revealed that harvest index (%) was not affected due to different
fertilizer treatments.
Higher protein content (%) was recorded under treatment F3 (100 % RDF)
but it was statically at par with treatment 75 % RDF (F2). While, significantly lower
content and uptake by seed and stover as well as available N, P and K status in the
.….………………………………………………………………. …Summary and conclusion
soil after harvest of crop. However, it was statistically at par with treatment F2
(75 % RDF). While, significantly the lowest N, P and K content and uptake by seed
and stover as well as available N, P and K status in the soil after harvest of crop was
The maximum value of net realization of 37083 ha-1 along with CBR
value of 1:2.17 was recorded under treatment F3 (100% RDF). On the contrary,
Plant population initial (20 DAS) and at harvest of greengram did not vary
recorded significantly higher weight of dry root nodules plant-1 and number of
branches plant-1 which was remained at par with treatment P2 (Panchagavya spray
recorded lower weight of dry root nodules plant-1 and number of branches plant-1.
number of pods plant-1 and number of seeds pod-1 but it was remained at par with
pods plant-1 and number of seeds pod-1 were noted under treatment P0 (Water spray
at flowering).
Recorded significantly higher pod length and test weight were under
Results revealed that harvest index (%) was not affected due to different
panchagavya treatments.
protein content (%) but it was remained at par with treatment P2 (Panchagavya
(P3) treatment. But, it was remained at par with treatment P2 (Panchagavya spray @
3% at flowering).
treatment P2. While, the minimum net realization of 11291 ha-1 along with CBR
From foregoing discussion, it can be concluded that for getting higher yield
and net profit/realization or return from summer greengram Cv."Meha". The crop
should be fertilized with 20 kg N ha-1 (43.5 kg urea) and 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 (250 kg
1. The experiment should be repeated for two or three seasons for evaluating
Ahlawat, K. S., Singh, M. K., Avtar Singh, Lathwal, O. P. and Singh, V. K. (2012).
Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus levels on physiological, biochemical
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Cost of cultivation of summer greengram and economical details
Appendix-I (A): Details of common cost of cultivation practices of summer
Sr. No. Particulars Cost ( ha-1)
A. Land preparation
1. Tractor cultivation (2hrs.) 1000
2. Harrowing and planking (1 PB, 2 L) 750
3. Field layout and opening of furrows (4 L) 600
4. Bunds and channel preparation (3 L) 450
B. Greengram sowing
5. Cost of seed (25 kg) 3750
6. Cost of sowing 375
C. After care
7. Irrigation charges : 5 irrigation (10 L) 3000
8. Thinning (2 L) 300
9. Weeding two time ( 14 L) 2100
10. Interculturing 750
D. Plant protection measures
11. Dimethoate 30 % EC (1 liter) 320
12. Dimethoate application charge (4 L) 1200
13. Triazophos 40 % EC (1 liter) 430
14. Triazophos application charge (4 L) 600
15. Quinalphos 25% EC(1 liter) 430
16. Quinalphos application charge (4 L) 600
17. Pyriproxifen 10 % EC (0.25 lit) 500
18. Pyriproxifen application charge (4 L) 600
E. Harvesting (15 L) 2250
F. Land revenue @ 300/ha/annum 100
Total common cost (A to F) 20105
G. Supervision charges @ 10 % (for four months) 503
H. Interest on working capital @ 12 % 618
Total common cost 21226
Note: L= Labour; PB= Pair of bullock
Panchagavya (P)
P0 500 lit 00 1800 1800
P1 500 lit 21000 900 21900
P2 15 lit 1260 1800 3060
P3 30 lit 2520 1800 4320
Analysis of variance for growth and yield attributes and yield of summer greengram
Source of Degree Mean sum of square
variance of
freedom Plant population Plant height Weight of dry No of branches
root nodules plant-1
At 30 At 45 At
Initial Final At 30 to 40 DAS At harvest
DAS DAS Harvest
Analysis of variance for yield attributes, yield and quality parameters of summer greengram
Total 47 - - - - - -
Replication 2 0.36 0.52 0.14 0.37 0.0038 1.28 343.76 4.067 118.66
Factor F 3 432.93* 115.62* 18.49* 12.31* 17.015* 273.23* 5639.77* 282.02* 4673.37*
Factor P 3 230.01* 33.54* 3.71* 2.98* 5.1343* 110.25* 1918.01* 15.78* 1155.69*
FxP 9 9.40 1.59 0.25 0.21 0.25037 8.91 24.05 0.45 49.43
Error 30 11.92 2.43 0.27 0.15 0.3342 8.36 347.50 4.33 250.26
Total 47 - - - - - - - - -
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