Monitoring Online Tests Through Data Visualization
Monitoring Online Tests Through Data Visualization
Monitoring Online Tests Through Data Visualization
VOL. 21,
NO. 6,
JUNE 2009
and knowledge discovery (KDD) strategies to elicit important insights on the testing activities that can be used to teach learners how to improve their performances. However, it would be desirable to devise noninvasive data collection strategies that do not influence learners behavior during tests, so as to convey more faithful feedbacks on the testing activities. In this paper, we present a solution enabling the recording of learners habits during online tests without informing them of the underlying experiment and, consequently, without asking them to modify their behavior, which potentially yields more realistic results. Regarding the exploration of the collected data, several KDD techniques could be used. Classical data mining algorithms aim to automatically recognize patterns in the data in order to convey knowledge [6], [7]. However, classical data mining algorithms become inappropriate in several situations such as in multidimensional data and data not uniformly distributed. One way to overcome these problems is to use proper visual representations of data in order to stimulate user involvement in the mining process. In particular, information visualization can potentially enhance the human capability to detect structures, patterns, and relationships between data elements while exploring data. Information visualization is defined as the use of interactive visual representation of abstract data to amplify cognition [8]. In the past, information visualization has been successfully used in an e-learning application to measure the participation of the learners to online activities [9]. In this paper, we propose a data exploration approach exploiting information visualization in order to involve tutors in a visual data mining process aiming to detect structures, patterns, and relations between data, which can potentially reveal previously unknown knowledge inherent in tests, such as the test strategies used by the learners, correlations among different questions, and many other aspects, including their impact on the final score.
Published by the IEEE Computer Society
-TESTING systems are being widely adopted in academic environments, as well as in combination with other assessment means, providing tutors with powerful tools to submit different types of tests in order to assess learners knowledge. Among these, multiple-choice tests are extremely popular, since they can be automatically corrected. However, many learners do not welcome this type of test, because often, it does not let them properly express their capacity, due to the characteristics of multiple-choice questions of being closed-ended. Even many examiners doubt about the real effectiveness of structured tests in assessing learners knowledge, and they wonder whether learners are more conditioned by the question type than by its actual difficulty. In order to teach learners how to improve their performances on structured tests, in the past, several experiments have been carried out to track learners behavior during tests by using the think-out-loud method: learners were informed of the experiment and had to speak during the test to explain what they were thinking, while an operator was storing their words using a tape recorder. This technique might be quite invasive, since it requires learners to modify their behavior in order to record the information to analyze [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], which might vanish the experiment goals, since it adds considerable noise in the tracked data. Nevertheless, having the possibility of collecting data about learners behavior during tests would be an extremely valuable achievement, since it would let tutors exploit many currently available data exploration
. The authors are with the Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica, ` Universita degli Studi di Salerno, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy. E-mail: {gencos, vfuccella, mgiordano, gpolese} Manuscript received 28 Jan. 2008; accepted 16 June 2008; published online 25 June 2008. Recommended for acceptance by Q. Li, R.W.H. Lau, D. McLeod, and J. Liu. For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: [email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TKDE-2008-01-0064. Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TKDE.2008.133.
1041-4347/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE
VOL. 21,
NO. 6,
JUNE 2009
Finally, we also present a system implementing the proposed approach. The system logs all the interactions of learners with the e-testing system interface. In particular, it captures the occurrence of question browsing and answering events by the learners and uses these data to visualize charts containing a chronological review of tests. Other than identifying the most frequently employed strategies, the tutor can determine their effectiveness by correlating their use with the final test scores. Moreover, the proposed system helps tutors to detect correlations among questions: if a question contains a suggestion to solve other questions, this is made easily visible in the charts. Last, we give a first glance at the way our system can be used for detecting unethical behaviors from the learners, such as cheating by watching on others screens and gaming-the-system [10] attempts. The system is Web based and relies on the AJAX [11] technology in order to capture all of the learners interactions with the etesting system interface (running in the Web browser). The system is composed of a logging framework that can be instantiated in any e-testing systems and a stand-alone application that analyzes the logs in order to extract information from them and to graphically represent it. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach and of the proposed system, we have used them in the context of a university course offered in our faculty: the framework has been instantiated in an existing e-testing system, eWorkbook [12], which has been used to administer online tests to learners. The grade obtained on the tests has concurred to determine the final grade of the course exam. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides background concepts of information visualization on which our approach is based. The whole approach is presented in Section 3. The logging framework, its integration in eWorkbook and the log analyzer application are presented in Section 4, whereas in Section 5, we discuss experimental results. Several final remarks and a brief discussion on future work conclude the paper.
In the last decade, the database community has devoted particular efforts to the extraction of knowledge from data. One of the main approaches for knowledge extraction is data mining, which applies automatic algorithms to recognize patterns in huge data collections [6], [7], [13]. Alternatively, visual data mining presents data in a visual form to stimulate user interaction in the pattern detection process. A combination of visual and automatic data mining draws together human cognitive skills and computer efficiency, which permits faster and more efficient KDD. Since in this paper, we are interested in a knowledge extraction process in which the tutor plays a central role, in what follows, we will briefly review the basic concepts underlying data visualization and visual data mining.
overview of complex and large data sets, shows a summary of the data, and helps humans in the identification of possible patterns and structures in the data. Thus, the goal of data visualization is to simplify the representation of a given data set, minimizing the loss of information [13], [14]. Visualization methods can be either geometric or symbolic. In a geometric visualization, data are represented by using lines, surfaces, or volumes and are usually obtained from a physical model or as a result of a simulation or a generic computation. Symbolic visualization represents non-numeric data using pixels, icons, arrays, or graphs. A general classification of visualization methods is presented in [15] and [16]. It constructs a 3D visualization space by classifying the visualization methods according to three orthogonal criteria, the data type, the type of the visualization technique, and the interaction methods, as shown in Fig. 1. Examples of 2D/3D displays are line graphs and isosurfaces, histograms, kernel plots, box-and-whiskers plots, scatterplots, contour plots, and pie charts [6], [13], [17]. The scatterplot matrix, the permutation matrix, and its closely related survey plot are all examples of geometrically transformed visualization methods [18]. One of the most commonly used icon-based visualization method is star icons [13], [17]. However, another well-known method falling into this category is Chernoff faces [18], [19]. An example of the pixel-based display method is recursive pattern visualization, which is based on a recursive arrangement of pixels [20]. Finally, examples of hierarchical visualization methods include dendrograms, structurebased brushes, Magic Eye View, treemaps, sunburst, and H-BLOB [21].
2.1 Data Visualization As opposed to textual or verbal communication of information, data visualization provides a graphical representation of data, documents, and structures, which turns out to be useful for various purposes. Data visualization provides an
2.2 Visual Data Mining The process of visual data mining can be seen as a hypothesis-generating process: the user generates a hypothesis about relationships and patterns in the data [13], [20]. Visual data mining has several advantages over the automatic data mining methods. It leads to a faster result
with a higher degree of human confidence in the findings, because it is intuitive and requires less understanding of complex mathematical and computational background than automatic data mining. It is effective when little is known about the data and the exploration goals are vague, since these can be adjusted during the exploration process. Visual mining can provide a qualitative overview of the data and allow unexpectedly detected phenomena to be pointed out and explored using further quantitative analysis [22]. The visual data mining process starts by forming the criteria about which visualizations to choose and which attributes to display. These criteria are formulated according to the exploration task. The user recognizes patterns in open visualizations and selects a subset of items s/he is interested in. The result of this selection is a restriction of the search space, which may show new patterns to the user, some of which s/he might not have been aware of before. The whole process can then be repeated on the selected subset of data items. Alternatively, new visualizations can be added. The process continues until the user is satisfied with the result, which represents a solution to her/his initial problem. The user has full control over the exploration by interacting with the visualizations [13]. Visual data mining has been used in a number of scientific disciplines. Some recent examples include detecting telephone call frauds by a combination of directed graph drawings and barplots [23], a classifier based on a parallel coordinate plot [24], and a visual mining approach by applying 3D parallel histograms to temporal medical data [25].
. data preparation, . data selection, . data cleaning, and . interpretation of results. These steps are essential to ensure that useful knowledge is extracted from data. In what follows, we describe the KDD process used in our approach.
2.3 Combining Automatic and Visual Data Mining The efficient extraction of hidden information requires skilled application of complex algorithms and visualization tools, which must be applied in an intelligent and thoughtful manner based on intermediate results and background knowledge. The whole KDD process is therefore difficult to automate, as it requires high-level intelligence. By merging automatic and visual mining, the flexibility, creativity, and knowledge of a person are combined with the storage capacity and computational power of the computer. A combination of both automatic and visual mining in one system permits a faster and more effective KDD process [13], [20], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32].
In this section, we describe the approach to discover knowledge related to learner activities during online tests, which can be used by tutors to produce new test strategies. In particular, we have devised a new symbolic data visualization strategy, which is used within a KDD process to graphically highlight behavioral patterns and other previously unknown aspects related to the learners activity in online tests. As we know from the literature, KDD refers to the process of discovering useful knowledge from data [33]. In this context, data mining refers to a particular step of this process. Fig. 2 shows all the steps of a typical KDD process based on data mining [33]:
3.1 Data Collection The proposed approach aims to gather data concerning the learners activities during online tests. As said above, a wellknown strategy to collect data concerning learners activities is the think-out-loud method [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]. However, we have already mentioned the numerous drawbacks of this method. In fact, it is quite invasive, which can significantly influence user behavior. Further, it is difficult to use in practice, since it requires considerable effort in terms of staff personnel to analyze tape-recorded data. One way of collecting data with a less invasive method is to track the eyes movements. However, this would require the use of expensive tools, which becomes even worse if large-scale simultaneous experiments need to be conducted, like it happens in the e-learning field. Nevertheless, it has been shown that similar results can also be inferred by tracking mouse movements. In particular, an important experiment has revealed that there is a significant correlation between the eyes and the mouses movements [34]. This means that tracking the trajectory drawn by the mouse pointer could be useful for deriving the probable trajectory of the users eyes, which, in our case, might reveal the strategy the learner is using to answer multiple-choice questions. In light of the above arguments, in our approach, we have aimed at gathering data concerning mouse movements. In particular, the data schema is organized in learner test sessions. Each session is a sequence of page visits (each page containing a question). The following information is relevant for a page visit:
. . . duration of the visit, presence and duration of inactivity time intervals (no interactions) during the visit, sequence of responses given by the learner during the visit, and
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observation. Finally, in each ItemView, the learner can give one or more responses, and for each of them, we store its correctness and time stamp. The events captured during the learners interaction are the following: . . events that occurred in the browser window (open, close, resize, load, and unload) and events that occurred in the browser client area (key pressing, scrolling, mouse movements, and clicks).
estimation of the time spent by the learner in evaluating the stem (the text that states the question) and each of the options for the question. These data are organized according to the schema depicted in Fig. 3. In particular, for each test session, the learners activity is represented by a set of ItemView elements, which in turn are associated to a set of Response and Observation objects. Each ItemView represents the visit of the learner at the web page containing a given question. Usually, during a test session, there is at least one ItemView per item, but in some cases, the learner can skip or revise one or more questions. Each ItemView embodies a set of Observation elements, each of them representing the activity of item evaluation by the learner. With the term evaluation, we mean the mouse activities of the learner on the web page containing the stem and the set of options. For each observation, we store the type of user interactions (i.e., the kind of mouse movements) and the duration of that .
3.2 Data Visualization Once the above-mentioned data are collected, classical data mining algorithms can be used to detect behavioral patterns. However, in this paper, we aim to enhance this evaluation activity by means of data visualization strategies to combine automatically inferred knowledge with that detected by the tutor through observations on graphically represented data. To this end, the data collected during the test execution are processed in order to derive a visual representation of the learners activities. In particular, for each learner, we produce a 2D chart showing a chronological review of the test. An example of this chart can be seen in Fig. 4. The two axes show the time line (horizontal axis) and the questions submitted to the learner (vertical axis), respectively. The entire test execution is represented through a broken line, which is composed by a certain number of segments:
. A Horizontal Segment shows the view of an item for a given time interval. Consequently, the length of the segment is proportional to the duration of the visualization of the corresponding item. A Vertical Segment represents a browsing event. A segment oriented toward the bottom of the chart represents a backward event, that is, the learner has pressed the button to View a previous item.
Fig. 5. Basic elements of the chart. (a) Wrong response. (b) Right response. (c) Browsing event. (d) Item view.
Analogously, a segment oriented toward the top represents a forward event. . Circles represent the responses given by the learner on an item. The progressive number of the chosen option is printed inside the circle. The indication of correct/incorrect response is given by the circles filling color: a blue circle represents a correct response, and a red circle represents an incorrect one. Colors are used also for representing the position of the mouse pointer during the item View. . The Mouse pointer presence in the stem area is represented by coloring the horizontal line in black. If the learner moves the mouses pointer in one of the options areas, the line changes to a color that is specific of the selected option. Different colors have been used for options numbered 1 to 5, respectively. The gray color is used to report the presence of the mouse pointer in a neutral zone. Basic graphics elements composing the chart are shown in Fig. 5. The graphical chronological review of a sample test is shown in Fig. 4. The test is composed of 25 items, and the maximum expected duration is 20 minutes, even if the learner has completed and submitted the test in 17 minutes approximately. The whole View of the chart in the figure shows the strategy adopted by the learner in the test: the test execution is visibly composed of two successive phases. In the first one (nearly 9 minutes), the learner has completed the View of all the items from 1 to 25. Responses to 19 questions have been given in this phase. Several items present more than one response, maybe due to the learners thinking, while a few items have been skipped. The mouse position for each item View is visible through a zoom, performed by using a suitable zoom tool of the analyzer.
In this section, we describe the system implementing the proposed approach. The system is composed of a Logging Framework and a Log Analyzer application. The former, based on the AJAX technology [11], captures and logs all of the learners interactions with the e-testing system interface (running in the Web browser). It can be instantiated in any e-testing system and is further composed of a client-side and a server-side module. The latter is a stand-alone application that analyzes the logs in order to extract information from them and to graphically represent it.
The framework is composed of a client-side and a serverside module. The former module is responsible for being aware of the behavior of the learner while s/he is browsing the tests pages and for sending information related to the captured events to the server-side module. The latter receives the data from the client and creates and stores log files to the disk. Despite the required interactivity level, due to the availability of AJAX, it has been possible to implement the client-side module of our framework without developing plug-ins or external modules for Web browsers. JavaScript has been used on the client to capture learner interactions, and the communication between the client and the server has been implemented through AJAX method calls. The client-side scripts are added to the e-testing system pages with little effort by the programmer. The event data is gathered on the Web browser and sent to the server at regular intervals. It is worth noting that the presence of the JavaScript modules for capturing events does not prevent other scripts loaded in the page to run properly. The server-side module has been implemented as a Java Servlet, which receives the data from the client and keeps them in an XML document that is written to the disk when the learner submits the test. The Logging Framework can be instantiated in the e-testing system and then enabled through the configuration. The information Model used for the log data is quite simple and is shown in Fig. 6. The information is organized per learner test session. At this level, the username (if available), IP address of the learner, session identifier, and agent information (browser type, version, and operating system) are logged. A session element contains a list of event elements. The data about user interactions are the following: event type, HTML source object involved in the event (if present), . mouse information (pressed button and coordinates), . timing information (time stamp of the event), and . more information specific of the event, i.e., for a response event (a response given to a question), the question and option identifiers with the indication of whether the response was right or wrong are recorded. An important concern in logging is the log size. If an experiment involves a large set of learners and the test is composed of many questions, log files can reach big sizes. A . .
4.1 The Logging Framework The purpose of the Logging Framework is to gather all of the learner actions while browsing web pages of the test and to store raw information in a set of log files in XML format.
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configuration system, including the following configuration settings, has been conceived in order to reduce log sizes: list of events to capture, subset of attributes for each event, sections of the web pages (divs or table cells) to be monitored as event sources, . time interval between two data transmissions from the client to the server, and . sensitivity for mouse movements (short movements are not captured). On the client side, everything can be done in the Web browser. The JavaScript modules for event capturing are dynamically generated on the server according to the configuration settings, are downloaded, and run in the browser interpreter. Data are sent to the server through an AJAX request. On the server side, a module called RequestHandler receives the data and sends them to a module called LoggerHandler, which organizes the XML document in memory and flushes it to the disk every time a learner test session finishes. The architecture of the framework is graphically represented in Fig. 7. . . .
Instantiation of the Logging Framework in the eWorkbook System The above described framework has been instantiated in an existing Web-based e-testing system, named eWorkbook [12], which is used for evaluating the learners knowledge by creating (the tutor) and taking (the learner) online tests based on multiple-choice question types. eWorkbook adopts the classical three-tier architecture of the most common J2EE Web applications. The Jakarta Struts framework has been used to support the Model 2 design paradigm, a variation of the classic Model View Controller (MVC) approach. Struts provides its own Controller component and interacts with other technologies to provide the Model and the View. In our design choice, Struts works with JSP for the View, while it interacts with Hibernate [35], a powerful framework for object/ relational persistence and query service in Java, for the Model. The application is fully accessible through a Web browser: no plug-in installations are needed, since it only delivers fully accessible HTML code and the included client-side scripts conform to the standard ECMAScript language [36]. It is worth noting that the system has been tested on recent versions of most common browsers (i.e., Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, FireFox, and Opera). The integration of the Logging Framework in the eWorkbook system has been rather simple. For the integration of the
server-side component, the Java ARchive (JAR) file containing the framework classes has been imported as a library in the system. Furthermore, a modification to the systems deployment descriptor has been necessary. For the integration of the client-side component, it has been necessary to consider the structure of the eWorkbook system interface. The test is launched in a child browser window of the system web page. This window displays a timer to inform the learner of the time left to complete the test and contains the controls to flow (forward and backward buttons) between the questions and the button to submit the test. The stem and the form containing the options are loaded in an iframe window placed in the center of the page. A screenshot of the web page showing the test interface is shown in Fig. 8. The JavaScript modules for capturing the events have been included in both the external window and the internal iframe, while the modules for communicating with the server have only been included in the main page. In order to identify the source element of the events, the HTML code of the eWorkbook interface has been slightly modified by adding HTML element identifiers to several elements (form interactive elements such as labels and radio buttons).
4.3 The Log Analyzer Application The data analysis and test visualization operations are performed by a Web-based stand-alone application, optionally hosted on the same server of the Logging Framework, which takes as input the XML log files. The Log Analyzer Application is composed of two modules: the Query Engine and the Chart Generator. The Query Engine module performs queries on the log files in order to obtain the desired data as an instance of the data model shown in Fig. 6. Since the log files are in XML format, the queries necessary to perform the above operation have been expressed in the XQuery language [37] and have been performed on the log files by using an implementation of the JSR 22XQuery API for Java [38]. Once the data in the format shown in Fig. 6 are obtained, these are given as input to the Chart Generator module. This module has been implemented through a Java Servlet, which takes the identifier of the learner whose test is going to be analyzed as a parameter. The module dynamically generates the chart and returns it in the PNG format. To produce the charts, the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) API has been used. The choice of dynamically constructing charts reduces the
space necessary for the storage of the images: for caching purposes, only images obtained within the browser session are saved on the server and are deleted at the end of the session. With this approach, the computation necessary to construct each visualized chart is executed once per test analysis session, even when the same chart is visualized more times during the same session.
TABLE 1 Extract of the Data Matrix and Results of the Response Changing Analysis
In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach and of the proposed system, we have used them in the context of the Web Development Technologies course in our faculty: the eWorkbook system [12], equipped with the new module for tracking the learners interactions, has been used to administer an online test to learners. They have not been informed of the experiment; they just knew that the grade obtained on the tests concurred to determine the final grade of the course exam. The test, containing a set of 25 items to be completed in a maximum of 20 minutes, was administered to 71 learners, who took it concurrently in the same laboratory. The assessment strategy did not prescribe penalties for incorrect responses, and the learners were aware of that. The logger was enabled, and an approximately 4-Mbyte-sized XML log file was produced. The logging activity produced no visible system performance degradation. Then, the Log Analyzer has been used for analyzing the logs in order to extract information from them and to graphically represent it in order to trigger a visual data mining process where the tutor plays a central role. In the case of the mentioned experiments, the visual analysis of charts enabled a tutor to infer interesting conclusions about both the strategies the learners used to complete tests and the correlation between questions. In the former case, the objective was not only to understand the learners strategies but also to detect the most successful of them under the circumstances explained above and, possibly, to provide learners with advice on how to perform better next time. On the other hand, question correlation analysis aims to improve the final quality of the test by avoiding the composition of tests with related questions.
experiment focuses on the strategies used by several learners with different abilities (A, C, and F students) to complete the tests [5]. In particular, the frequency of several habits has been recorded and then correlated to the learners final mark on the test, such as the habit of giving a rash answer to the question as soon as a plausible option is detected, often neglecting to consider further options; the habit of initially skipping questions whose answer is more uncertain, in order to evaluate them subsequently; and so on. The above experiments only consider some aspects of the test execution. We have found no study in the literature that considers the learner behavior as a whole. By using our approach, we have replicated several experiments performed for traditional testing in an online fashion. In particular, we have analyzed the effects of response changing and question skipping. More importantly, we have tried to put these aspects together, obtaining a more general analysis of the strategies used by the learners to complete the tests. As for response changing, we have obtained the average number of response changes, including wrong-to-right and right-to-wrong ones, and their correlation with the final score. The results obtained in our experiments are summarized in Table 1. The table reports the following measures: UserName. This measure refers to the name used by the e-testing system to uniquely identify a learner. . R2W. This measure refers to the number or right-towrong changes made by the learner during a test session. . W2R. This measure refers to the number of wrong-toright changes made by the learner during a test session. . NOC. This measure refers to the total number of changes made by the learner during a test session. This number also includes wrong-to-wrong changes not considered in the previous measures. . Score. This measure refers to the number of questions correctly answered by the learner during the test session (out of 25). Even in our experiment, wrong-to-right changes are slightly more frequent than right-to-wrong ones, as shown by the average values for these measures. As for question skipping, we have analyzed its correlation with the final score: we have divided the learners participating in the experiment into three groups .
5.1 Strategies for Executing Tests Some of the experiments found in literature, aiming to analyze learners behavior during tests, have regarded the monitoring of the learners habit to verify the given answers and to change them with other more plausible options [1], [2]. These experiments try to answer the following two questions:
Is it better for learners to trust their first impression or to go back for evaluating the items again and, eventually, for changing the given answers? . Are the strongest or the weakest learners those who change ideas more frequently? In the experiments, right-to-wrong and wrong-to-right changes have been recorded, and their numbers have been correlated to the learners final mark on the test. Similar experiments have been carried out by correlating the time to complete the test with the final mark [3], [4]. An interesting .
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As for the strategies, from the analysis of the charts obtained through our experiment, the following strategies have been discovered: . Single Phase. This strategy is composed of just one phase. By the term phase, we mean the time necessary to browse and eventually answer all the items in the test. The time available to complete the test is organized by the learner in order to browse all the questions just once. The learner tries to reason upon a question for an adequate time and then gives a response in almost all cases, since s/he knows that there will not be a revision for the questions. Possible phases subsequent to the first one have a negligible duration and no responses. A sample of this strategy is shown in Fig. 9a. Active Revising. This strategy is composed of two or more phases. The learner intentionally browses all the questions in a time shorter than the one available, in order to leave some time for revising phases. The questions whose answer is uncertain are skipped, and the response is left to subsequent phases. A general rule that has been discovered is that the first phase lasts longer, whereas subsequent phases have decreasing durations. A sample of this strategy is shown in Fig. 9b. Passive Revising. This strategy is composed of two or more phases. During the first phase, the learner browses and answers all the questions as fast as possible (the main difference with Active Revising lies in the lack of question skipping during this phase).
according to their score. The first group contains 27 learners with a low score, the second group contains 27 learners with a medium score, and the third group contains 26 learners with a high score. The results obtained in our experiments are summarized in Table 2. The table reports the following measures: Score. This measure refers to the group to which the score belongs. . Mean. This measure refers to the average number of questions initially skipped by the learner during a test session. . SD. This measure refers to the Standard Deviation of questions initially skipped by the learner during a test session. The high-score group has the lowest average number of skipped items. This suggests that strong learners are less likely to skip questions than weak ones. .
Fig. 9. Sample of test execution strategies. (a) Single Phase. (b) Active Revising. (c) Passive Revising. (d) Atypical.
Fig. 10. Strategy comparison. (a) Strategy usage. (b) Avg. score. (c) Score tendency.
The remaining time is used for one or more revising phases. While in Active Revising, the learner has the active role of answering the previously skipped questions, in Passive Revising, s/he only checks the previously answered questions. Also, in this case, we discovered the same general rule regarding subsequent phases: the first phase lasts longer, and subsequent phases have decreasing durations. A sample of this strategy is shown in Fig. 9c. By visually analyzing the data of our experiment (Fig. 10), it came out that the most frequently adopted strategy is Active Revising, which was used by 40 learners out of 71 (56.5 percent), followed by the Passive-Revising strategy (20 learners out of 71, 28.2 percent) and by the Single-Phase one, used only in 9 cases out of 71 (12.7 percent). Only two learners have adopted an atypical strategy (see Fig. 9d), which cannot be classified in any of the previously described patterns. The best results have been achieved by learners who adopted the Passive-Revising strategy, with an average score of 17.6 exact responses out of the 25 test questions. With Active Revising, on the other hand, an average score of 16.4 has been achieved. Last, the Single-Phase strategy turned out to be the worst one, showing an average score of 15.1. Therefore, it appears that a winning strategy is one of using more than one phase, and this is confirmed by the slightly positive linear correlation (0.14) observed between the number of phases and the score achieved on the test. For both strategies using more than one phase (active and passive revising), the score is often improved through the execution of a new phase. The improvement is evident in the early phases and tends to be negligible in subsequent phases: starting from a value of 14.3 obtained after the first phase, the average score increases to 16.2 after the second phase. The presence of further phases brings the final score to an average value of 16.5. The average duration of the first phase in the Passive-Revising strategy (1450) is longer than the one registered for the ActiveRevising strategy (1151). This result was predictable, since
by definition, the Active-Revising strategy prescribes the skipping less reasoning of the questions whose answer is more uncertain for the learners. Another predictable result, due to the above arguments, is that the Passive-Revising strategy has less phases than the Active one on the average (2.55 and 3.2, respectively).
5.2 Detection of Correlation among Questions By visually inspecting the charts, we can also be assisted in the detection of correlated questions. In some cases, a visual pattern similar to a stalactite occurs in the chart, as shown in Fig. 11. The occurrence of such a pattern says that while the learner is browsing the current question s/he could infer the right answer by a previous question. In the example shown in the figure, while browsing question "2", the learner understood that s/he had given a wrong response to question 1 and went back to change the response, from option 5 to option 1.
Fig. 11. A Stalactite in the chart shows the correlation between two questions.
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our system, could be useful to prove that the learner has cheated, by looking on the screen of his classmate. Copying from the colleague set in front of someone is not the only frequently encountered cheating exploit: in some cases, several attempts of gaming the system have been reported [10]. This exploit consists of executing a large number of tests with the only scope of having as many correct responses as possible from the e-testing feedback system. When some suspicious cases are detected from the frequency of self-assessment test access and the strange scores achieved, our system can confirm the cheating attempts, by revealing atypical patterns of test execution.
Fig. 12. Two strongly correlated question items.
To give the reader a more precise idea of what happened, the two correlated items have been reported in Fig. 12. For question 1, the learner initially gave an erroneous response, selecting the option number 5 (JavaBeans) as correct. About 7 minutes later (see Fig. 11), the learner has browsed question 2 and, by excluding the less plausible distractors (I18N, TLD, RMI, and Javascript), succeeded in providing the correct response (option C: JavaBeans). At the same moment, s/he remembered s/he had given the same response to question 1. In a short time, s/he sequentially browsed all of the items until reaching question 1 and revised it by providing the correct response (option A: JSP). The stalactite in the chart indicates the rapid sequence of backward events followed by a response and a rapid sequence of forward events. The learner, yet having a bad preparation about the subject, achieved a full score on the two questions concerning the MVC Model, due to the presence of two strongly correlated questions. Starting from the observation of the charts, we detected the correlated questions and derived that the test could have had a better quality if it included just one of the two items shown in Fig. 12.
5.3 Detection of Cheating As proven by several studies in the education field, many learners cheat during exams, when they can [39], [40]. Cheating detection in assessment tests is not an easy task: most of the techniques employed so far have been based on the comparison of the results obtained in the tests [41]. These techniques cannot give the certainty of the guilt, since a high similarity of two tests can be due to coincidence. Furthermore, as in all fraud detection systems, the task is complicated by several technological and methodological problems [42]. It could be useful to gain information on the learners behavior during the test. Analysis on these data can be integrated to results comparison in order to have a more comprehensive data set as input for a data mining process aiming at detecting cheating. For example, let us consider the following situation: during the test, learner A answers true to a question, and learner B, who is seated behind the former, answers the same few instants later. The tracking of this information, available through the charts of
The data gathered in years of use of e-learning systems contain knowledge that can provide precious information for improving the approach to online educational methodologies. To this end, several methods and tools for data visualization have been frequently applied to e-learning in recent years, since they can rapidly convey information to the user. The same information is often incomprehensible if provided in tabular or other formats [9]. Many aspects related to online learning can be rendered in a suitable graphical format. Several works found in the literature are aimed at understanding the learners behavior through the analysis of the data tracked during learners activities, such as communication in discussion forums and other tools [9], [43], [44] and accesses to the e-learning system pages, with particular emphasis on the accesses to online lecture material [9], [45]. Some of the above papers have also focused on the data analysis of assessment tools but only in relation to the participation of the learner to the online activities and to the results achieved in online tests. Although it has roused a remarkable interest in the classical forms of learning, the analysis of the learners behavior during tests has no precedents in the e-learning literature. More aspects of e-learning treated using data visualization techniques include the structure of learning material [46] and the use of 3D animation graphics in educational activities [47]. Other more ambitious projects, leading to more debatable results, focus on the visualization of the relations among the e-learning systems data. In one case [48], the relations are shown in order to better understand the structure of the system interface. In another approach, the visualization is generalized to all the aspects related to learning, letting the user choose the data of interest [49]. Another important work focused on the use of Data Visualization in e-learning is the one underlying the CourseVis system [9]. This system analyzes and visualizes data regarding the social, cognitive, and behavioral factors of the learning process. We have considered the evaluation of multiple aspects as an extremely interesting feature, and the example of this work has induced us to analyze both the aspects of learner behavior and test quality in our work. The study proposed by Mochizuki et al. is also noteworthy [44]. In this work, the learners (primary school young learners) visualize a chart in order to understand their level of involvement in the main arguments treated in the discussion forums and modify their behavior accordingly. For the above reasons, the authors have made the interpretation of the visual metaphor as simple as possible. The interactive
visualization of information regarding the activity in the discussion forums is also a concern of the work presented by May et al. [43]. Particular attention in the paper has been devoted to the description of technological aspects such as the integration of the data tracked on the client side with those recorded on the server side and the possibility of instantiating the data logging framework on many elearning systems, as we have done in our work too. The technique of tracking client-side events has also been employed by Hardy et al. [45], in reference to the paths followed by the learners in the browsing of learning material. Typical data gathered in this activity are the frequency and the duration of the accesses to online material. Another activity performed by the authors is the analysis of the correlation between the behavioral data and the results achieved in the exams. The same thing has been done in our work. Nevertheless, while the learners behavior during test execution seems to be correlated to the final score of the tests, the authors have not found any interesting result about the correlation of the data on the browsing of courseware material with the score achieved on the final exam of the course.
[7] [8]
We have presented an approach and a system to let tutors monitor learners strategies during online tests. The approach exploits data visualization to draw the data characterizing the learners test strategy, in order to trigger the tutors attention and to let him/her discover previously unknown behavioral patterns of the learners and conceptual relationships among test items. In this way, the tutor is provided with a powerful tool that lets him/her review the whole assessment process and evaluate possible improvements. We have extensively used the implemented system experimentally to evaluate online test strategies in the courses of our faculty, in order to assess the whole approach. This lets us discover several relevant patterns regarding the test quality, the characteristics of used strategies, and the impact on the final score. In the future, we would like to devise new visual representations and perform further experiments, possibly in combination with classical data mining algorithms. Moreover, since the approach lends itself to the application to other application fields such as e-commerce, in the future, we would like to evaluate its use in these contexts. Finally, we wish to explore more deeply the problem of cheating detection, which we just treat in broad terms here, since we believe that an approach based on logging and visualization can be promising and effective to this aim.
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Gennaro Costagliola received the laurea de` gree in computer science from the Universita degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano, Italy, in 1987. Following four years postgraduate studies, starting in 1999, at the University of Pittsburgh, ` he joined the Faculty of Science, Universita degli Studi di Salerno, where in 2001, he reached the position of professor of computer science in the Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica. His research interests include Web systems and e-learning and the theory, implementation, and applications of visual languages. He is a member of the IEEE, the IEEE Computer Society, and the ACM. Vittorio Fuccella received the laurea (cum laude) and PhD degrees in computer science from the University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy, in 2003 and 2007, respectively. He is currently a research fellow in computer science in the Dipartimento di Matematica ed Informatica, ` Universita degli Studi di Salerno. He won the Best Paper Award at ICWL 07. His research interests include Web engineering, Web technologies, data mining, and e-learning. Massimiliano Giordano received the laurea ` degree in computer science from the Universita degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano, Italy, in 2003. Currently, he is a PhD student in computer science in the Dipartimento di Matematica ed ` Informatica, Universita degli Studi di Salerno. His research interests include access control, data mining, data visualization, and e-learning.
Giuseppe Polese received the laurea degree in computer science and the PhD degree in computer science and applied mathematics from ` the Universita degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano, Italy, and the masters degree in computer science from the University of Pittsburgh. He is an associate professor in the Dipartimento di ` Matematica ed Informatica, Universita degli Studi di Salerno. His research interests include visual languages, databases, e-learning, and multimedia software engineering.
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