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News From The Nest

Richard Winn Academy September 5, 2008

From the H.O.S.

Our school year has started off well! We welcome our new students, families, and
teachers! Thanks to all the students, parents, teachers, staff, School Board, Booster
Club and PTO for this exciting start. We look forward to an exciting year academically,
athletically, and with all of our scheduled extracurricular activities. Let’s pray for a safe
year and may this positive enthusiasm continue throughout the entire year! Together,
we can make a difference. -Kenny Atkerson and Tony Caulder

Locked Down in Luxury Sophomore Class Reaches Out

New lockers provide convenience for upper In the last two weeks, RWA sophomores
school students. have truly embodied the sense of community and
The wait was over as of Tuesday, August family that constitutes the spirit of our school. Since
26th, when all upper school students were assigned news of classmate Whitney Muller’s diagnosis of a
their new lockers. brain tumor came last week, the class has quickly
While seventh and jumped into action. They started a fundraising cam-
eighth graders are us- paign on Tuesday, September 2nd, which began with
ing new half-sized the creation of “Whitney bracelets.” Each bracelet,
lockers, the high containing three beads (blue and gold for our school
school lockers are colors and gray for brain cancer awareness), reminds
roughly twice the size the wearer of the hope that each RWA family member
and can hold much has for Whitney’s strength. The class also has tenta-
more than the old tive plans for other fundraisers. All of the proceeds
lockers. “They’re will help offset medical costs. Sophomore class spon-
good because they can sors Wendy McDonald and Missy Taylor are grateful
hold my book bag and to everyone who has supported this cause. “We want
all my stuff,” says to thank everyone for the tremendous outpouring of
senior Joseph Talbert. support. Your generosity is allowing us to help the
Many thanks to the Muller family during this difficult time. Please keep
Class of 2009, whose Whitney and her family in your prayers,” says Mrs.
Junior Rebecca Connor enjoys senior class gift McDonald. For details concerning future fundraisers,
her new full sized locker. helped enhance our please check the RWA website regularly.

Fall Sports in Full Swing

The Eagles’ fall sports are in full swing again as of last week. The beginning of a new
season is always filled with anticipation and excitement. According to the athletes, it seems
that this year is no different. When asked how it feels to be starting the final season, their re-
sponse shows mixed emotions. “It’s kind of sad and happy at the same time, but I’m definitely
going to miss it,” said senior football player Caleb Chapman . After kicking off the season last
Friday against Northwood Academy in North Charleston, the football team suffered another
tough loss to Laurens Academy Thursday evening. Despite these challenges early in our
schedule, Head Coach Ben Porter has a positive outlook for the season. “We’re headed in the
right direction,” he says. “We’ve been working hard, and the team has shown great improve-
ment this week.” Support has certainly not been lacking from the cheerleading squad. “It’s our
job to get everyone excited, and we’re having a great time,” says senior captain Jenna
Burroughs. Both team and squad will take to the road again next week before their first home
field contest on the 19th. Meanwhile, the Lady Eagles have heated up the hardwood, improving
their volleyball record to 2 and 3. “I think our team has grown closer since last year,” says var-
sity setter, Brittany Speagle. “Our goal is to win state this time!” For full details on all RWA
sports, please visit our school website.
PTO News submitted by Kerri Martin, PTO VP
Greetings to all of the RWA family. The PTO has been very busy during the first few weeks of school. We have
been actively seeking families to join the PTO and encourage you to download a membership application from the
Richard Winn website. The PTO is a vital part of our school and your investment yields high returns at every grade
The Sally Foster gift wrap fund raiser is historically the PTO's largest fundraiser of the year. As the sale ended this
week, the PTO began its next mission. Your PTO has taken an active leadership role in organizing the "Adopt a
Classroom" campaign. Letters have been distributed to faculty to identify their needs inside of the classroom. It is
the goal of the PTO to fulfill as many of these wishes, as possible but we cannot do it alone. The PTO will be ask-
ing for your support in fulfilling requests. Some of the wishes to date include computer printers, ink, magnetic dry
and erase board, laptop, and a lecturer/podium. As the lists are completed and compiled, the PTO will publish the
updated list on the website. You may have some of the requested items in your own home. Your involvement is
crucial!! Thank you for helping make RWA a richer learning environment.
Our next upcoming PTO event is Open House. We will be asking for your support as we continue to promote
membership and involvement. For those of you have joined and volunteered to be Homeroom PTO mom's, you will
be contacted soon concerning your role and responsibilities. PTO challenges EVERY family to become involved

A number of middle and high school students have resumed their weekly prayer and fellowship meetings led
by Coach Haltiwanger. The early birds get together at 7:30 am on Wednesday mornings. “It’s a great
way to start off the school day,” says junior Drew Maass. The group invites you to join them for a trip
to Clemson University’s “Rally in the Valley” on September 20. The rally features music by Elevate, guest
speaker Chris Shepherd as well as lunch and tickets to the Tigers’ football game against SC State. A $30
dollar registration fee covers admission to the day’s events and a t-shirt. If interested, please see Coach Halti-
wanger for details by Monday, September 8.

Important Updates for the College Bound: Upperclassmen, espe-

cially seniors, should refer to the bulletin board outside the cafeteria and announcements from Mrs. Bellomy for infor-
mation on scholarships and college info. All of this information can also be found under the guidance portion of the
school website.
SAT Deadline to Register Late Registration
October 4, 2008 September 9, 2008 September 16, 2008
November 1, 2008 September 26, 2008 October 10, 2008
October 25, 2008 September 19, 2008 September 20-Oct. 3, 2008
December 13, 2008 November 7, 2008 November 8-20, 2008

Wendy’s High School Heisman 2008 application is now available.

Deadline is October 1. Details in Guidance office.

Upcoming Events______________________
4– 4:30 JV and V Volleyball match @ Ben Lippen
5– V Football Game @ Laurens The Aerie staff still has
8– JV and V volleyball match @ home 2007/2008 yearbooks
9– JV and V Volleyball match @ home available for sale. To get
11– Open House @ 6:00 pm
your copy while they’re
12– School Pictures. V football game @ Williamsburg
16– JV and V volleyball match @ Greenwood Christian still available,
18– Red Cross Blood Drive. JV and Varsity Volleyball match @ home. JV contact Mrs. Martha
football game @ home. Ladd.
Sept. 19– Varsity football game @ home. [email protected]

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