Cox Cub Weekly News: PTA Reflections Projects Due This Friday, November 20 !

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David M.

Cox Elementary School Achieving Excellence

Cox Cub Weekly News

Volume 5, Issue 10 Mrs. Tara Imboden, Principal [email protected]
Nov 02-13, 2015
Dr. Christine Clayman, Assistant Principal [email protected]

PTA Reflections Projects Due This Friday, November 20th!

Cub Cheers: Congratulations to the students in Ms. Harrys Class, they did our Friday announcements on 11/6 and Mrs.
Beattys Class, they did our Friday Announcements on 11/16 and were fabulous! Congratulations to the following students for
receiving Cox Cub of the Week: Genevieve Oliveros, Ruben Velarde, Ava Dudley, Miguel Hernandez, Favian Garcia,
Leyla Garcia, Alec Imboden, Isabella Carmona, Tri Nguyen, Rylee Rasmussen, TC Fuel, Malaya Villalovos, Joley Meadows,
Troy Harris, Camrynn Newberry, Kara Ballou, Layla Ellis, Jasmitha Basavaraju, Austin Cromwell, Aubrey Fletcher,
Aiden Lattin, Aniyah Hampton, Evelyn Hicks, Lucy Swinger, Mekhi Sadler, Bella Robinson, Brooklyn April,
Desire De Los Santos, Jasmine Ruiz, Niall OToole, and Elizabeth Kryski. Finally, congratulations to Mr. Hale, our
PE Teacher and Ms. Deihl our School Counselor for receiving the Cox Teacher of the Week.
Milers News: Congratulations to the following students whose names were drawn for the Milers Treasure Chest:
Dylan Fuel, Sydney Heyman, Alyssa Ramadan, Max Martin, Aidan Collins, Austin Cromwell, McKenna Fitzpatrick. Keep
working hard to complete your cards!
Harvest Festival: Thank you to all the families who donated items to our auction and raffle baskets, along with our Carnival
Sponsors! The weather wasnt too cold and it was 2 hours of solid fun! Another successful school event! We look forward to
this event each year and are excited for next years carnival! Thank you Families! We are still getting receipts coming in, as
soon as all monies are taken, well put our event profit amount in the newsletter. Thank you for helping us achieve our school
Progress Reports: Parents, we had scheduled last Friday for progress reports to be sent home. However, with all the Harvest
Festival and the shortened week, many teachers requested progress reports to come home today. You should expect a progress
report either today or have already received it last Friday.
International Club News: Thank you to all our families who donated to the International Clubs Trick or Treat for
UNICEF. The club submitted $983.03 to the international organization!
Parent News (2nd posting): Parents our supervision ends at 3:31 pm and our campus closes at that time as well. Please be
respectful of teachers out on playground duty locking the gates at that time. We have after school clubs, sports, and safekey
who utilize our campus and have their own supervision for participants only. Please make sure youre picking up your
child(ren) and exiting the campus.
PTA News: Please remember, there is no PTA meeting for December. November 20th is the deadline for all
Reflections entries to be submitted.
A Look Ahead:
Nov 20
Reflections Entries Due
Nov 24
Bookworm Breakfast 8 am MP Room
Nov 25
Progress Reports Out
Nov 26-27
Thanksgiving Break
Dec 14
No School for Students -Conferences

Dec 14-18
Dec 19-Jan 3
Jan 4

CCSD Parent-Teacher Conferences

Winter Break No School
School Resumes

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