Abstract— This paper proposes a time series based semi- This method focuses on creating a numerical solution of the
analytical solution (SAS) which can approximately represent the nonlinear differential algebraic equations and takes a
solution of dynamical power system equations within a short moderate amount of time to complete. Although it is often
period of time. All system parameters and initial conditions are
represented by symbolic variables such that different system
accurate, it does not provide much information about the
operating conditions and contingencies can be completely stability margin of the system.
considered in the evaluation of any power system. The proposed The second method is known as the energy function
SAS is accurate at the initial point while its error increases over method or in other words the direct method [2]-[5]. This
time. It is observed that using the SAS for approximating the method focuses on evaluating a predefined energy function
fault-on trajectory is fairly accurate. Since faults in a power for a power system and works almost in real time. This
system are cleared after a short period of time, i.e 5 or 6 cycles
(.08 to .1 seconds), then the proposed SAS can be integrated with
allows for a screening of the stability of a power system to be
any direct methods to access the transient stability of the system. quick and somewhat accurate. Although it is not as accurate
A decoupling based direct method is used in this paper along as the time-domain method, it does determine a stability
with the proposed SAS for demonstration purposes. Case studies margin with a low error index and can be quite reliable in
performed on the IEEE 9-bus system and the simplified WECC many cases. Conducting continuous TSA’s requires fast
179-bus system show the accuracy of the proposed SAS and its processing and real-time calculations to determine the
application in transient stability analysis using direct methods.
stability of the system during a disturbance. The benefit of
Index Terms—Semi-analytical solution (SAS), time series, using the direct method is that its real-time speed allows for
simulation, direct method, linear decoupling, transient stability, online applications of TSA that are as fast as real-time
stability margin, transient energy function. monitoring. This will help monitor a power system using an
online program without any delays in the determination of the
system’s stability.
I. INTRODUCTION The basic idea behind a traditional direct method is to
Power systems must work under stable conditions in order compare the initial energy and the critical energy of the
to be able to function securely. Whenever a fault occurs, the system based on a pre-defined energy function. The critical
system’s stability begins to fluctuate. If the stability reaches a energy of the system defined at a specific point on its
point of no return, then the system completely loses its boundary, also known as controlling unstable equilibrium
stability and blackout may take place [1]. In order to take point (CUEP), is a point that the system cannot exceed or else
action and prevent the system from losing its stability, a it will completely lose its stability and never return to the
power system transient stability assessment (TSA) is used to post-fault stable equilibrium point. If the critical energy of the
guarantee both security and stability when operating the system is greater than its initial energy, then the system is
power system. stable and the stability margin can be determined by their
When monitoring a power system, a constantly running difference. Otherwise, the system is unstable. Still, there is
TSA must be conducted to determine whether or not the one step in a direct method that requires time-domain
system is going to remain stable or cause problems under simulation, i.e. the simulation of the fault-on trajectory.
credible contingencies in the near future. Therefore, TSA is Instead, if the semi-analytical solution (SAS) is acquired,
an extremely important routine in safety and security of the then it can be used for simulating the behaviors of a
power system and can be conducted using two different dynamical system [6]-[9]. This enables a possibility for
methods that measure the stability of a power system. replacing the time-domain simulation for fault-on period
The first method is known as the time-domain method. found in the direct method and also increasing the speed.
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
x (t ) a + a t + L + a2 mt m ⎟ where i ∈{1,2,…,m}, δi, Pmi, Pei, Ei, Hi and Di respectively
x(t ) = ⎜ 2 ⎟ ≈ ⎜ 20 21 (2)
⎜ M ⎟ ⎜ M ⎟ represent the absolute rotor angle, mechanical power,
⎜ ⎟ ⎜⎜ m⎟
⎟ electrical power, field voltage, the inertia constant and
⎝ xn (t ) ⎠ ⎝ an 0 + an1t + L + anmt ⎠ damping constant of machine i, and Gi, Cij, and Dij represent
network parameters including loads; ωs represents the
Then, the derivative of x is calculated and shown in (3).
synchronous angular frequency, i.e. 50Hz or 60Hz.
Substitute (2) into the vector field f and calculate the Taylor
Following the procedures introduced in section II, the final
series in t up to the order m and obtain (4), where each b is a
equations set corresponding to (5) has such a characteristic
function of a.
(note that n=2N): the equation set consisting of the k-th row of
each equation set in (5), as shown in (8) where a=0 when k=m,
⎛ x&1 (t ) ⎞ ⎛ a11 + 2a12t + L + ma1mt m −1 ⎞ can always be solved as a linear problem with the solution of
⎜& ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ x2 (t ) ⎟ ⎜ a21 + 2a22t + L + ma2 mt m −1 ⎟ (3)
(8) for k-1, k-2, …, 2 and 1. Such characteristic guarantees the
x& (t ) = = solvability of the problem in (5) for power systems. In
⎜ M ⎟ ⎜ M ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟
m −1 ⎟
addition, this characteristic also allows the symbolic SAS.
⎝ x&n (t ) ⎠ ⎝ an1 + 2an 2t + L + manmt ⎠ ⎧b1, k +1 − ka1k = 0
⎛ a10 + a11t + L + a1mt m ⎞ ⎛ b10 + b11t + L + b1mt m ⎞ ⎪ 2, k +1 − ka2 k = 0 (8)
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎨
⎜ a20 + a21t + L + a2 m t m ⎟ ⎜ b20 + b21t + L + b2 mt m ⎟ (4) ⎪M
f ( x) = f ≈ ⎪⎩bn ,k +1 − kank = 0
⎜ M ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜⎜ m⎟
⎟ ⎜⎜ m⎟
⎝ an 0 + an1t + L + anmt ⎠ ⎝ bn 0 + bn1t + L + bnm t ⎠ The following will use the derived symbolic SAS for
simulating the fault-on dynamics of power systems. Note that
Substitute (3) and (4) into (1), equate the terms on both
for power systems under different fault conditions, the only
sides by term in t and obtain (m+1)×n equations as shown in
difference is found in the parameters Gi, Cij and Dij in (7). This
does not impact the derived symbolic solution at all. Thus, for
different faults the only thing we need to do is to use their
⎧a12 = D1δ&10 / ωs + G1 E12 + C12 sin δ120 + C13 sin δ130
corresponding parameters for Gi, Cij and Dij, while everything ⎪ + D12 cos δ120 + D13 cos δ130 − Pm1 ) ⋅ ωs 4 H1
else remains the same. ⎪
Since a short-circuit event, or usually called fault, in a
⎪a13 = 2a12 D1δ&10 / ωs + C12δ120 cos δ120 + C13δ130 cos δ130
power system is always cleared by the protection system no
later than 5-6 cycles, i.e. 0.08s-0.1s, after its occurrence, the
⎪ − D δ 0 cos δ 0 − D δ 0 cos δ 0 ) ⋅ ω 12 H
⎪ 12 12 12 13 13 13 s 1
SAS should be valid within that period and can be directly
used for determining any point on the fault-on trajectory. With ⎪ 22
⎪a = D δ& / ω + G E + C sin δ + C sin δ 0
2 2
s 2 2
21 23 23
the last system state and the decoupling based direct method, ⎪ + D cos δ 0 + D cos δ 0 − P ) ⋅ ω 4 H
the transient stability of the system under this fault can be ⎪ 21 21 23 23 m2 s 2
evaluated. Such application will be demonstrated in the next
( &
⎪a23 = 2a22 D2δ 2 / ωs + C21δ 21 cos δ 21 + C23δ 23 cos δ 23
0 0 0 0 0
⎪ − D21δ 21 cos δ 21 − D23δ 23 cos δ 23 ) ⋅ ωs 12 H 2
0 0 0 0
⎪ + D31 cos δ 310 + D32 cos δ 320 − Pm3 ) ⋅ ωs 4 H 3
⎪a33 = 2a32 D3δ&30 / ωs + C31δ 310 cos δ 310 + C32δ 320 cos δ 320
⎪ − D31δ 310 cos δ 310 − D32δ 320 cos δ 320 ) ⋅ ωs 12 H 3 (10)
where δij0 = δi0 - δj0.
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