Transient Stability Analysis of The IEEE 14-Bus Test System Using Dynamic Computation For Power Systems (DCPS)
Transient Stability Analysis of The IEEE 14-Bus Test System Using Dynamic Computation For Power Systems (DCPS)
Transient Stability Analysis of The IEEE 14-Bus Test System Using Dynamic Computation For Power Systems (DCPS)
Abstract Transient Stability Analysis (TSA) is a major The aim of this investigation is to analyze the transient
analysis in the operation of power systems, due to the stability of the system by analyzing the characteristics of
increasing stress on power system networks. One of the main the machine states, including machine speed, rotor angle,
goals of this analysis is to gather critical information, such as output electrical power and terminal voltage with respect
critical clearing time (tCCT,) of the circuit breakers for faults to fault clearing time after the three-phase fault occurs in
in the system. tCCT is defined as the maximum time between the system. Section II provides a brief overview of the
the fault initiation and its clearing, such that the power Dynamic Computation for Power Systems (DCPS)
system is transiently stable. This paper presents a transient software package. Section III describes the Differential
stability analysis of the IEEE 14 bus test system using
Algebraic Equations (DAEs) of the power system
Dynamic Computation for Power Systems (DCPS) software
package. This C++ based software package has the ability to
dynamic device, including the synchronous machine,
handle systems up to 1000 buses and 250 generators, turbine-governor and exciter. Section IV describes an
providing an alternative to expensive commercial software overview of transient stability analysis. The results of the
packages. To analyze the effect of the distance of the fault case study using the IEEE 14-bus test system are
location and critical clearing time on the system stability, a presented in section V. Section VI concludes the paper.
three-phase fault has been applied at five different locations
in the system. The stability of the system has been observed II. DYNAMIC COMPUTATION FOR POWER SYSTEMS
based on the simulation graphs of terminal voltage, (DCPS)
machines rotor angle, machines speed and output electrical The Dynamic Computation for Power Systems
power. The simulation results showed that tCCT decreases as program was created by the late of Dr Sallehhudin Yusof,
the fault location becomes closer to the main generator. the former managing director of Advanced Power
Solutions Sdn Bhd, for the purpose of research. There are
KeywordsTransient Stability Analysis; DCPS; Improved
three simulation programs embedded in DCPS: (i) LF for
Euler Method; Critical Clearing Time
load flow, (ii) TS for transient stability and (iii) CG for
I. INTRODUCTION coherency grouping. As a pre-requisite to transient
stability analysis, the load flow program must be run to
The two major areas in stability studies are steady- provide the steady-state operation points. There are three
state stability and transient stability. Steady-state stability load flow calculation methods employed in DCPS,
refers to the ability of the electrical power system to including (i) Gauss- Seidel, (ii) Decoupled Newton, and
regain synchronism after encountering slow and small (iii) Fast Decoupled. Each method has its own approach to
disturbances, such as gradual power. Transient stability solving the non-linear algebraic equations. Although each
analysis of a power system refers to the system's ability to method points to equal objectives for load flow solution,
remain in synchronism when subjected to a large the answers obtained from each method is likely to be
disturbance, such as a three-phase fault and the sudden different. The speed of convergence of the three methods
outage of a transmission line or the sudden addition or is extremely important in achieving cost effective
removal of the loads [1, 2]. Studies regarding these types simulations. From experience in using the DCPS, the
of stability are helpful in determining crucial metrics such Decoupled Newton method gives the most satisfactory
as critical clearing time (tCCT) of the circuit breakers and results [7].
the voltage level of the power system. In the study of
transient stability, the critical clearing time is one III. THE IMPROVED EULER METHOD FOR SOLVING
significant factor for maintaining the transient stability of DIFFERENTIAL ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS (DAES)
the power system [3]. The definition of tCCT is related to
transient stability. tCCT is defined as the maximum time An electrical power system consists of multiple
between the fault initiation and its clearing, such that the individual dynamic devices connected together to form a
power system is transiently stable. The clearing time is the large and complex dynamic system. The three most
time duration from the instant the disturbance occurred important dynamic devices are synchronous machine,
until all three poles of the circuit breaker are completely exciter and turbine-governor. The relationship between
open. The critical clearing time is obtained by increasing these devices is illustrated in Figure 1.
the fault time interval until the system loses its stability.
Increasing the tCCT can reduce the protection system rating
and its cost and can increase the reliability of the
protection system [4].
Figure 1. Relationship Between Machine States & Controller States
dy/dt f y, t (1)
where y(t) is a time-varying function subject to the initial Figure 2. Graphical Depiction of Improved Euler Method; (a) Predictor
condition: y(0) = y0. This initial value problem must be and (b) Corrector
solved numerically, since there is no closed solution. The
objective of solving (1) is to determine y0, y1, y2, ,yi at A. Synchronous Machine Model
time t0, t1, t2, ti. The solution must take into In DCPS, there are three synchronous machine
consideration these three aspects, including accuracy, models that can be used for transient stability analysis,
stability, and efficiency. The solution methods for DAEs including:
can be divided into implicit and explicit numerical a) gen0 a classical machine model.
integration techniques. Under the implicit technique, the
b) gen2 a transient level machine model.
Trapezoidal method is the most popular choice. Under the
c) gen5 a detailed machine model
explicit technique, both Runge-Kutta and Euler Methods
have been used extensively. In this paper, the Improved In this paper, only a detailed synchronous machine model
Euler Method, also known as Predictor-Corrector Method, (gen5) has been used in transient stability analysis. This
is chosen to represent the explicit numerical integration model, also known as round rotor machine model, is
technique that was developed in DCPS. The Improved shown in Figure 3. The gen5 model presumes an electric
Euler Method is depicted graphically in Figure 2. The transmission network with a positive sequence source
Improved Euler Method is a Runge-Kutta based method voltage where instantaneous amplitude and phase are
for approximating the solution of the initial value problem known and current is to be determined. For clarity, the
[5]. In this method an initial estimate value is calculated magnetic saturation and the stator resistance are excluded
by using the following Predictor Formula: from the model. The stator flux is derived from stator
currents and the exciter voltage [8]. The parameters of this
yP y hf y , t (2) model are shown in Appendix section. The equations
which describe this model are:
The time-step, h is given by (t = ti+1 - ti), which can be
constant or variable. Using the result in (2), the final d/dt 2f (4)
estimate value can be determined by applying the d/dt PMECH PE 2f D / M (5)
following Corrector Formula:
dE /dt EFD E X X I /T (6)
yC y 0.5h f y , t f yP , t (3)
dE /dt E X X I /T (7)
dE /dt E E X X I /T (8)
dE /dt E E X X I /T (9)
X q X 'q Iq
X 'q X 'q'
( X 'q X q ) 2 1
X 'q' X
1 + sTR K1
' ''
1 1 X X
q q
tct tct
Figure 9. Plots of terminal voltage for all buses (tct=0.14). (Stable) Figure 13. Plots of terminal voltage for all buses (tct=0.15). (Unstable)
Figure 10. Plots of machines rotor angle (tct=0.14). (Stable) Figure 14. Plots of machines rotor angle (tct=0.15). (Unstable)
Figure 11. Plots of machines speed (tct=0.14). (Stable) Figure 15. Plots of machines speed (tct=0.15). (Unstable)
Figure 12. Plots of machines output electric power (tct=0.14). (Stable) Figure 16. Plots of machines output electric power (tct=0.15). (Unstable)