IFY Physics - Laboratory Practical Guide
IFY Physics - Laboratory Practical Guide
IFY Physics - Laboratory Practical Guide
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Practical work is important for science students as it allows them to see science theory in action. They are
able to investigate ideas and develop their understanding through observing their own results. It also
allows students to develop their practical skills, such as confidently and safely handling equipment and
materials. This is particularly important for those students intending to continue to study science at
university. Carrying out experiments and producing laboratory reports also builds key transferrable skills
for students such as identifying hypotheses, reporting and evidencing ideas, analysing and evaluating data,
and understanding strengths and weaknesses in their own work.
This full document should not be shared with students as it contains Teacher Notes related to each
practical. For each practical, the first page should be printed and given to students when completing the
practical as this outlines the required equipment and procedure.
Practicals should be completed in small groups of 2 or 3 students. This will enable the students to develop
team working and communication skills. Further information about requirements for summative
assessment can be found in the Summative Laboratory Practicals section below.
a laboratory
equipment as specified for each practical
safety equipment
teaching aids and hardware / software
be well-ventilated
have appropriate safety features
be equipped with for example first aid boxes; eyewash shower; fire blankets; fire extinguishers;
alarm sensors; gas and electricity controls.
Safety in experimental work is essential. Students should be given instructions for each practical on how
to carry it out safely.
Format: the lab report should be written up using word processing software e.g. Microsoft Word
Number of Words: 800-1000 (plus calculations, diagrams, references etc.)
Presentation: your report should be professionally laid out, with all diagrams and tables clearly
labelled. You should structure it appropriately with subheadings. A good academic style of writing
should be used and the report should not contain grammar or spelling errors.
The report should focus on the presentation, interpretation and analysis of the experimental results
achieved in the laboratory practical. The report should include the following sections:
3. Results
5. References
References should be cited and a reference list in Harvard style should be provided
In experimental work, errors are always likely to be present. Errors could be either systematic or random.
It is the experimenter's duty to try and eliminate or allow for systematic error before the experiment and
to assess the effect of random errors after the experiment.
You may find it useful to refer to Section 5, pp 242- 251 of the core textbook for IFY Physics (Breithaupt,
2015) which provides a useful discussion on the treatment of both random and systematic errors, along
with analysis and evaluation of results. (Breithaupt, J. (2015), AQA Physics, 2 nd Ed. Oxford University Press).
You should mark the laboratory reports using the marking criteria given in Appendix A of this document.
Detailed feedback should then be given to students using the feedback form given in Appendix B. It is
important that students understand how they can improve their performance for the summative laboratory
assessments that they will undertake in Semester 2.
Students should be guided on how to set up a lab notebook in which to record results and
observations during the practical. This will provide a record of all practicals taken throughout the
Practicals should be completed in groups of 2 or 3 (in order to allow students to develop and use
team working skills).
Students should be given a copy of the equipment list and procedure for the practical.
The ‘Teacher Notes’ section of each practical in this guide must not be shared with students.
Students should read the equipment list and ensure that all equipment is in place and is in good
working order.
They should thoroughly read and understand the procedure for the practical before beginning any
Students should record their own set of results – i.e. one set of results per student, not per group.
Each student should complete their own lab report independently; this must not be completed as
a group.
Students should research as necessary in order to understand the theory behind the practical from
course notes and relevant textbooks and/or online resources.
1) Place the tray on a level surface and fill with clean water to overflowing.
2) Pull the metal booms slowly from the middle to the ends of the tray to clean off any debris.
With the thin wire bent in a V shape, dip it into the olive oil so that a small droplet of oil hangs
from the point of the V.
5) Estimate the diameter of the drop using the graduated scale and the magnifying glass.
Dip the oil drop into the water and use the metre rule to measure the maximum diameter of
the patch produced.
If it is assumed that the oil drop is initially spherical, then its volume can be calculated. When
8) the oil drop spreads out on the surface of the water it can be assumed to be a cylinder, one
molecule thick. Calculate the volumes using the results you obtained.
Equating the two volumes means that the thickness of the oil molecule can be determined.
Calculate the thickness of the oil molecule.
Prior to the experiment, the tray should be painted with a layer of melted paraffin wax on the bottom,
sides and the top rim. The booms should also be coated with the wax. This is best done at least a day
prior to use.
The wire, in its V shape should be mounted between two pieces of card, so that it is easy to hold it in
front of the graduated scale. A drop of oil around 0.5 mm is a reasonable size to use.
Equipment List
linear air track with gliders or dynamic trolley
rubber bands or repelling magnets
and runway
To investigate elastic collisions, fit either rubber bands or repelling magnets to the front of the
Arrange the light gates, motion sensors or ticker tape timers so as to enable the motion of the
vehicles to be measured.
4) Set the vehicles in motion from opposite ends of the air track or runway.
5) Determine the velocity of the vehicles before and after they collide.
To investigate inelastic collisions, fit either blu-tack or plasticine to the front of the vehicles,
6) or fit a pin to one of them and a cork to the other, so that the vehicles will stick together on
7) Proceed as in steps 2 to 5.
Determine the kinetic energy of the vehicles before and after the collisions to determine
8) whether the collisions are elastic or inelastic. You can also determine the momentum before
and after the collisions to check that momentum is conserved.
Either an air track with gliders of dynamics trolleys and a runway are suitable for this investigation.
There are also various methods suggested for calculating the velocity of the vehicles, dependent in the
apparatus available.
An alternative to having rubber bands (one horizontal and one vertical) fitted to the front of the vehicles
is to have a rubber band fitted to the front of one vehicle and a pointed end on the other vehicle. An
almost perfectly elastic collision should be obtained in this experiment.
Equipment List
copper calorimeter beaker
500 g brass weight (mass mb) heating block or Bunsen burner and stand
2) Half fill the calorimeter with water and re-weigh to obtain the mass of water (mw).
Tie a length of thread to the brass weight and lower it into a beaker of boiling water. Leave it
in the water for several minutes.
Place the calorimeter on its insulating base (or in the insulating jacket) and take the
temperature of the water inside the calorimeter (ϴ i).
Take the temperature of the boiling water (ϴw) and quickly transfer the hot brass weight (mass
m b) into the calorimeter.
6) Stir the water and take the highest temperature (ϴ f) reached of the calorimeter and contents.
Assuming no heat is lost to the surroundings, the heat lost by the brass weight on cooling will
equal the heat gained by the calorimeter and water on warming, so
mcCu(ϴ w - ϴ f) = mw cw(ϴ f - ϴ i) + mbc b(ϴ f - ϴi)
Using the values of the specific heat capacities of copper (cCu) and brass (cb) (you may need to
look these up in a textbook or online), calculate the specific heat capacity of water.
Safety issues will require care to be taken with the heater and boiling water to avoid burns or scolds .
Equipment List
copper calorimeter beaker
2) Half fill the calorimeter with water and re-weigh to obtain the mass of water (mw).
Tie a length of thread to the metal block and lower it into a beaker of boiling water. Leave it
in the water for several minutes.
Place the calorimeter on its insulating base (or in the insulating jacket) and take the
temperature of the water inside the calorimeter (ϴ i).
Take the temperature of the boiling water (ϴw) and quickly transfer the hot metal block (mass
m b) into the calorimeter.
6) Stir the water and take the highest temperature (ϴ f) reached of the calorimeter and contents.
Assuming no heat is lost to the surroundings, the heat lost by the metal block on cooling will
equal the heat gained by the calorimeter and water on warming, so
mcCu(ϴ w - ϴ f) = mw cw(ϴ f - ϴ i) + mbc b(ϴ f - ϴi)
Knowing the values of the specific heat capacities of copper (c Cu) and water (cw), calulate the
specific heat capacity of the brass.
A metal can of known specific heat capacity could be used in place of the calorimeter. You may wish
to add a metal stirrer to the list of apparatus or the thermometer used may be suitable for stirring
Safety issues will require care to be taken with the heater and boiling water to avoid burns or scolds.
Equipment List
ball bearing camera with slow speed shutter
2) Illuminate the metre rule with a stroboscope, set to flash at 20 flashes per second.
With the stroboscope flashing, open the camera shutter and drop the ball bearing alongside
the metre rule.
From the image of the ball bearing on the photograph, the time of descent of the ball and the
distance fallen can be obtained directly.
Using s=ut + ½at2, use the results to plot a straight line graph. Use the graph to determine the
acceleration of gravity, g.
There are various changes that can be made to this experiment, dependent on the apparatus available.
The camera and stroboscope could be replaced by a video camera, used to record the fall of the ball
bearing. The video clip can then be run at a slow speed, with the time displayed, in order to obtain the
experimental results.
Alternatively, instead of using a camera, timing gates could be set up to measure the time taken for the
ball bearing to fall a measured distance.
Equipment List
pendulum bob length of thread
Put the thread in between the two pieces of wood and fix these in the boss and clamp so that
the bob and thread hang vertically to form a pendulum.
4) Set the pendulum in motion with a small amplitude and measure the time for 20 vibrations.
Use a graph of the pendulum length, l, against the periodic time squared, T 2 to obtain a value
for the acceleration of gravity, g.
An alternative experiment to find g would be using a spiral spring. The spring constant, k needs to be
determined by suspending a small mass from the spring and measuring the extension produced. The
spring is then pulled down a further small distance, the static extension measured and the mass released
so that the mass vibrates with simple harmonic motion. The time period can then be determined by
measuring the time for a number of vibrations. This measurement can then be repeated for different
masses on the spring and g determined from the gradient of the graph of the static extension, l against
T 2.
Equipment List
G clamp metre rule
Clamp one end of the copper wire between the wooden block and the G clamp to the end of
an at least 3 m long bench.
3) Attach a pulley to the other end of the bench and pass the wire over the pulley.
4) Attach the slotted weight hanger to the free end of the wire.
5) Stick a marker (e.g. a piece of pvc tape) to the wire around 1 m from the pulley.
6) Measure the length of wire from the wooden block to the weight hanger.
7) Position the metre rule so that it is between the marker and the pulley.
Add a 100 g weight to the hanger and measure the extension produced by recording the
movement of the marker.
9) Continue adding 100 g weights to the hanger, recording the extension each time.
Plot a graph of load against extension which can be used to obtain Young’s modulus for the
10) wire. You should also be able to observe the elastic limit and possibly the breaking stress of
the wire, provide the weights don’t reach the floor before this happens.
It is essential that the students wear safety glasses, as the wire might break before the weights reach
the floor. If thinner wire is used, then the wire would break earlier, but using thicker wire would mean
that the elastic limit might not be reached.
If the experiment is carried out using fishing line, you would need to find out the thickness of line
needed to give a reasonable set of results.
Equipment List
D.C. power supply milliammeter (or multimeter)
Connect the first resistor to the power supply and milliammeter in a series circuit and connect
the voltmeter in parallel with the resistor.
Connect the three resistors in series with each other, with the voltmeter across the series
combination and once again repeat steps 1 to 3.
Connect the three resistors in parallel with each other, with the voltmeter across the parallel
combination and once again repeat steps 1 to 3.
Plot graphs of voltage against current for each of the five sets of readings and determine the
resistance in each of the circuits.
8) Check if the combined series and parallel resistances agree with theoretical values.
You can schedule the summative laboratory practicals as best suits your teaching plan for Semester 2.
Laboratory reports should be marked by teachers using the marking criteria given in in Appendix A of this
document, and detailed feedback should be given to students using the feedback form given in Appendix
The practical session should last long enough for students to comfortably complete and repeat the
experiment as detailed in the procedure.
Students must not see the instructions for the practical ahead of the scheduled assessment. A copy
of the equipment list and procedure should be provided to each student at the start of the practical
assessment session.
The ‘Teacher Notes’ section of each practical in this guide must not be shared with students.
The practical should be carried out in groups of 2 or 3, and under examination-style conditions.
Groups should be sufficiently spaced out in the laboratory so as not to interfere with e ach other.
This may mean using more than one laboratory at a time or staggering the time of the assessed
practical for different groups depending on available space and staff .
Students should not communicate with other groups throughout the practical .
Students should record their own set of results – i.e. one set of results per student, not per group.
Each student must complete their laboratory report independently; this must not be completed as
a group. The report should be completed after the lab session and should not be completed under
exam conditions.
Equipment List
D.C. power supply 2-way switch
1) Connect the capacitor to the power supply via the two-way switch.
2) Also connect the capacitor to the resistor via the other connection on the two-way switch.
Starting with the capacitor connected to the power supply, charge the capacitor to around
10 V.
Move the switch over so that the capacitor is connected to the resistor and at the same time
start the timer.
6) Record the voltage across the capacitor every 20 seconds for 3 minutes.
Use the graph to obtain the value of the time constant of discharge circuit and, knowing the
value of the resistor, calculate the value of the capacitor.
Also use your results to plot a straight-line graph from which you can also obtain the time
constant of the circuit and the value of the capacitor.
Equipment List
resonance tube metre rule
Hold the tuning fork, or loud speaker connected to the signal generator, a few centimetres
from the open end of the resonance tube so that a constant frequency note is emitted.
Adjust the length of the air column in the resonance tube until the first position of resonance
is heard.
Continue to increase the length of the air column until the second resonance position is heard
and again measure the length of the air column.
By subtracting the resonance length for the 1 st position from that for the 2 nd position, the
velocity of sound can be calculated for each of the frequencies and an average value obtained.
Use your results for the 1 st resonance position to plot a straight-line graph from which the
velocity of sound and the end correction of the resonance tube can be obtained.
If tuning forks or a signal generator are not available, students should be able to download an app to
their mobile phones that enables notes of a known frequency to be generated. Frequencies in the
range 200 Hz to 500 Hz should be appropriate for this experiment.
Equipment List
diffraction grating low power laser
1) Place a piece of white card a metre or more from a diffraction grating. Measure this distance.
Arrange the laser so that the light is incident normally on the diffraction grating , enabling a
diffraction pattern to be observed on the card.
Knowing the spacing of the lines on the grating, calculate the wavelength of the laser light for
each of the diffraction orders and obtain an average.
Plot a straight-line graph of sinϴ (y axis) against diffraction order (x axis) from which the
wavelength of the light can also be determined.
Students should be told that they must not look directly into the laser.
Choose a diffraction grating to give reasonably spaced diffraction orders. The students will need to
know the spacing of the lines on the grating.
You could use a piece of white paper mounted on a board instead of the white card.
It may be necessary to reduce the lighting in the laboratory, although a darkroom is not required for
this investigation.
Equipment List
Young’s double slit metre rule
1) Place a piece of white card a metre or more from the double slit. Measure this distance.
Arrange the laser so that the light is incident normally on the double slit so that an interference
pattern is observed on the card.
Measure the distance across several of these bright fringes and obtain the spacing between
adjacent bright fringes.
Use this distance, along with the double slit spacing and the distance from the slits to the
screen, to obtain a value for the laser light wavelength.
Students should be told that they must not look directly into the laser.
The students will need to know the spacing of the lines on the Young’s double slit.
You could use a piece of white paper mounted on a board instead of the white card.
It may be necessary to reduce the lighting in the laboratory, although a darkroom is not required for
this investigation.
Equipment List
Around 100 dice or wooden cubes of a
Beaker to hold the dice
similar size with one painted face
1) Count the total number of dice and place them in the beaker.
3) Remove the “decayed” dice showing “6” (or the wooden cubes showing the painted face).
4) Record the number of dice removed and calculate the number of dice remaining.
5) Repeat the steps 2 to 4, with the remaining dice, removing the “decayed” dice after each throw.
Use your results to plot a graph of Number of dice remaining (y axis) against Throw number (x
8) Use your graph to obtain a value for the ”half-life” of the dice.
9) Use your results to plot a straight-line graph from which the “half-life” can also be obtained.
This is a very safe experiment which mimics radioactive decay without any of the safety issues
associated with the real thing.
Equipment List
low voltage D.C. power supply 1 kΩ resistor
crocodile clips
Connect the first LED in series with the resistor, milliammeter and power supply, in a forward
biased circuit.
Gradually increase the output voltage from the power supply until the LED begins to conduct.
3) At this voltage, called the threshold voltage, current will flow through the LED and light will be
emitted. Record the voltage across the LED when this happens.
A number of LEDs emitting wavelengths across the visible spectrum and possibly either side of it can
be used in this experiment. The 1 kΩ safety resistor should protect the LEDs from damage that might
be caused by too high a current.
If a LED emitting either IR or UV radiation is used, no emitted light will be seen, but the current flow
will be observed on the milliammeter when the threshold voltage is reached.
In exceptional circumstances, where a Study Centre does not have access to laboratory facilities,
coursework assessment for this module may be completed using a non-laboratory based practical. You
must contact your NCUK Academic Development Manager to discuss the situation and receive approval
to conduct non-laboratory practicals for this module prior to students undertaking assessment.
Some of the practicals listed in this document are suitable for completion in a normal (non -lab) classroom.
These are:
Determining the acceleration of gravity using either a simple pendulum or a spiral spring
Investigating elasticity
Investigating resistance
Determining the capacitance of a capacitor from a discharge curve
Determining the wavelength of laser light using either a diffraction grating or a Young’s double slit
Determining the “half-life” of “radioactive” dice
Determining the Planck constant
Alternatively, where it is not possible to undertake any labs within the Study Centre or the student is
studying remotely, students may use either a virtual lab (such as those here https://phet.colorado.edu/ or
may base their laboratory report on a video of a suitable practical being undertaken, a number of examples
taken from A levels are available on YouTube and other similar video streaming websites.
Coursework Title:
Marker Marker
Criteria Weighting Section Feedback
1 2
Methods & Safety
Results 20%
Interpretation & 40%
Presentation &
TOTAL 100%
Additional Feedback
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