How To Write Notices

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A notice is written in order to inform people or pupils (in a school) about an event or an activity.

It could be about a competition, an exhibition or inauguration to take place in near future. Or any
other activity especially in school like an excursion, a meeting or a show.

Though the following article gives emphasis on the CBSE pattern, students from other boards
may also borrow important points from this as the underlying idea of notice writing remains the

Characteristics of an effective notice

To the point

A good notice is always to the point and leaves no scope for further enquiries without
compromising on the word limit (50 words).


It should be formal.

Clearly stated purpose

A notice should contain all the necessary details such as:

1. Name of the issuing agency (school, etc)

2. Subject and date of issue/release of the notice
3. Event (what?)
4. Date/time/duration (when?)
5. Place/Venue (where?)
6. Authorized signatory: Name and signature

Important points
1. Do not cross the word-limit to avoid penalty of marks
2. Always enclose the notice in a box. Draw neat lines with a sharp pencil using a ruler.
Never draw the line towards the bottom until and unless you’re done with the content.
3. Word limit – 50 words

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