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AC 11.5.


Item No. 4.180


Revised syllabus (Rev- 2016) from Academic Year 2016 -17

Information Technology
Second Year with Effect from AY 2017-18

Third Year with Effect from AY 2018-19

Final Year with Effect from AY 2019-20

As per Choice Based Credit and Grading System

with effect from the AY 2016–17

Co-ordinator, Faculty of Technology’s Preamble:
To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in engineering education, the issue of quality needs to be
addressed, debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is the principal means of quality
assurance in higher education. The major emphasis of accreditation process is to measure the outcomes of the
program that is being accredited. In line with this Faculty of Technology of University of Mumbai has taken a
lead in incorporating philosophy of outcome based education in the process of curriculum development.

Faculty of Technology, University of Mumbai, in one of its meeting unanimously resolved that, each Board of
Studies shall prepare some Program Educational Objectives (PEO’s) and give freedom to affiliated Institutes to
add few (PEO’s). It is also resolved that course objectives and course outcomes are to be clearly defined for
each course, so that all faculty members in affiliated institutes understand the depth and approach of course to
be taught, which will enhance learner’s learning process. It was also resolved that, maximum senior faculty
from colleges and experts from industry to be involved while revising the curriculum. I am happy to state that,
each Board of studies has adhered to the resolutions passed by Faculty of Technology, and developed
curriculum accordingly. In addition to outcome based education, semester based credit and grading system is
also introduced to ensure quality of engineering education.

Choice based Credit and Grading system enables a much-required shift in focus from teacher-centric to learner-
centric education since the workload estimated is based on the investment of time in learning and not in
teaching. It also focuses on continuous evaluation which will enhance the quality of education. University of
Mumbai has taken a lead in implementing the system through its affiliated Institutes and Faculty of Technology
has devised a transparent credit assignment policy and adopted ten points scale to grade learner’s performance.
Credit assignment for courses is based on 15 weeks teaching learning process, however content of courses is to
be taught in 12-13 weeks and remaining 2-3 weeks to be utilized for revision, guest lectures, coverage of
content beyond syllabus etc.

Choice based Credit and grading system is implemented from the academic year 2016-17 through optional
courses at department and institute level. This will be effective for SE, TE and BE from academic year 2017-
18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively.

Dr. S. K. Ukarande


Faculty of Technology,

Member - Academic Council

University of Mumbai, Mumbai

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 2

It is an honor and a privilege to present the revised syllabus of Bachelor of Engineering in Information
Technology (effective from year 2016-17) with inclusion of cutting edge technology.
Information Technology is comparatively a young branch among other engineering disciplines in the University
of Mumbai. It is evident from the placement statistics of various colleges affiliated to the University of Mumbai
that IT branch has taken the lead in the placement. The branch also provides multi-faceted scope like better
placement and promotion of entrepreneurship culture among students, and increased Industry Institute
Industries views are that, only 16 % graduates are directly employable. One of the reasons is a syllabus which is
not in line with the latest technologies. Our team of faculties has tried to include all the latest technologies in the
syllabus. Also the first time we are giving the choice of elective from fifth semester such that students will be
master in one of the IT domain.
The syllabus is peer reviewed by experts from reputed industries and as per their suggestions it covers future
trends in IT technology and research opportunities available due to these trends.
I would like to thank senior faculties of IT department of all colleges affiliated to Mumbai University for
significant contribution in framing the syllabus. Also behalf of all faculties I thank all the industry experts for
their valuable feedback and suggestions.
I sincerely hope that the revised syllabus will help all graduate engineers to face the future challenges in the
field of information and technology

Program Outcome for graduate Program in Information Technology

1. Apply Core Information Technology knowledge to develop stable and secure IT system.
2. Design, IT infrastructures for an enterprise using concepts of best practices in information
Technology management and security to enterprise processes.
3. Manage IT projects using written and oral communication skills in collaborative environments by
Participating on teams that address solutions for IT management challenges.
4. Identify and discuss professional, individual, organizational, societal, and regulatory implications of
Information systems and technology.
5. Assess Security of the IT Systems and able to respond to any breach in IT system
6. Ability to work in multidisciplinary projects and make it IT enabled.
7. Ability to propose the system to reduce carbon footprint.
8. Ability to adapt the lifelong learning process to be in sync with trends in Information Technology

Dr. Deven Shah

Chairman (Ad-hoc Board Information Technology)

University of Mumbai)

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 3

University of Mumbai

Program Structure B.E. Information Technology, (Rev. 2016)

S. E. Information Technology (Semester-IV)

Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
Course Course (Contact Hours)
Code N a me TW/
Theory Pract Tut Theory Tut Total

ITC401 Applied Mathematics-IV 4+1@ - - 5 - - 5

ITC402 Computer Networks 4 - - 4 - - 4

ITC403 Operating Systems 4 - - 4 - - 4

Computer Organization
ITC404 4 - - 4 - - 4
and Architecture

ITC405 Automata Theory 3+1$ - - 4 - - 4

ITL401 Networking Lab - 2 - - 1 - 1

ITL402 Unix Lab - 2 - 1 - 1

ITL403 - 2 - - 1 - 1
Programming Lab
ITL404 Python Lab - 2+2* - - 2 - 2
21 10 - 21 5 - 26

Examination Scheme
ourse Course Theory
Code Name Internal Assessment End Exam Oral Oral &
TW Total
Sem. Duration Pract
Test 1 Test 2 Avg.
Exam ( in Hrs)

ITC401 Applied Mathematics-IV -

20 20 20 80 3 - - 100

ITC402 Computer Networks -

20 20 20 80 3 - - 100

ITC403 Operating Systems 20 20 20 80 3 - - - 100

Computer Organization -
ITC404 20 20 20 80 3 - - 100
and Architecture

ITC405 Automata Theory 20 20 20 80 3 -- - - 100

ITL401 Networking Lab - - - - - 25 25 -- 50

ITL402 Unix Lab - - - - - 25 -- 25 50
Microprocessor 25
ITL403 - - - - - 25 -- 50
Programming Lab
ITL404 Python Lab - - - - - 50 -- 50 100
Total 100 100 100 400 - 125 50 75 750

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 41

@ 4 hours shown as theory to be taken class wise and 1 hour to be taken tutorial as class wise

$ 3 hours shown as theory to be taken class wise and 1 hour to be taken tutorial as batch wise

*2 hours shown as practical’s to be taken class wise lecture and other 2 hours to be taken as
batch wise practicals in Lab.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 42

Course Course Name Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Oral & Tutorial Total
Code Practical
Applied 04 -- 01 04 -- -- 05
ITC401 Mathematics IV

Examination Scheme

Theory Marks
Course Course
Internal assessment
Code Name End Term Oral &
Oral Total
Avg. of Sem. Work Practical
Test1 Test2 Two Exam

ITC401 Mathematic 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100
s IV

Course Objectives: Students will try to learn:

1. The concepts of Number Theory by using different theorem.

2. The concepts of probability and study PDF.
3. The concept of sampling theory and correlation.
4. The concept of graphs and trees.
5. The concept of groups theory.
6. The concept of Lattice theory.

Course Outcomes: Students will able to:

1. Apply the Number Theory to different applications using theorem.
2. Apply probability and understand PDF.
3. Understand sampling theory and correlation.
4. Apply the graphs and trees concepts to different applications.
5. Understand group’s theory.
6. Understand the Lattice theory.

Prerequisite: Applied Mathematics III

Detailed syllabus:

Sr. Module Detailed Content Hours CO

No. Mapping

0 Prerequisite Basic of Set, Permutations, 02

Combination and Probability .
I Elements of Modular Arithmetic, Divisibility 06 CO1
Number Theory I and Euclid Algorithm, Primes and
the Sieve of Eratosthenes, Testing
for primes, Prime Number

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 43

II Elements of Euler’s, Fermat’s Little theorems, 06 CO1
Number Theory II Congruences, Computing Inverse
in Congruences, Legendre and
Jacobi Symbols, Chinese
Remainder Theorem
III Probability Statistics: Formal concept, sample 08 CO2
space, outcomes, events
Random Variables: discrete &
continuous random variables,
expectation, Variance, Probability
Density Function & Cumulative
Density Function
Moments, Moment Generating
Probability distribution: binomial
distribution, Poisson & normal

IV Sampling theory Test of Hypothesis, Level of 10 CO3

significance, Critical region, One
Tailed and two Tailed test, Test of
significant for Large Samples:-
Means of the samples and test of
significant of means of two large
Test of significant of small
samples:- Students t- distribution
for dependent and independent
Chi square test:- Test of goodness
of fit and independence of
attributes, Contingency table.
Scattered diagrams
Karl Pearson’s coefficient of
Spearman’s Rank correlation
Regression Lines

V Graph & Groups Introduction to graphs, graph 12 CO4

theory. terminology, representing graphs
and graph isomorphism, CO5
connectivity, Euler and Hamilton
paths, planar graphs, graph
coloring, introduction to trees,
application of trees.

Groups, subgroups, generators and

evaluation of powers, cosets and
Lagrange's theorem, permutation
groups and Burnside's theorem,
isomorphism, automorphisms,
homomorphism and normal
University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 44
subgroups, rings, integral domains
and fields.
VI Lattice theory Lattices and algebras systems, 08 CO5
principles of duality, basic
properties of algebraic systems
defined by lattices, distributive and
complimented lattices, Boolean
lattices and Boolean algebras,
uniqueness of finite Boolean
expressions, prepositional calculus.
Coding theory: Coding of binary
information and error detection,
decoding and error correction.

Text Books:
1. Cryptograph and Network Security by B. A. Forouzan & D. Mukhopadhyay, 11th edition,
McGraw Hill Publication.
2. Network Security and Cryptograph byBernard Menezes, Cengage Learning Publication.
3. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Grewal B. S. 38th edition, Khanna Publication 2005.
4. Probability and Statistics for Engineering, Dr. J Ravichandran, Wiley-India.
5. Mathematical Statistics by H. C Saxena, S Chand & Co.
6. C. L. Liu: Elements of Discrete Mathematics, 2nd edition, TMH

1. Elementary Number Theory and its applications by Kenneth H. Rosen, 5th edition, Addison
Wesley Publication.
2. Abstract Algebra by I. N. Herstain, 3rd eition, John Wiley and Sons Publication.
3. Discrete Mathematics by Norman Biggs, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press.
4. Advanced Engg. Mathematics by C. Ray Wylie & Louis Barrett.TMH International Edition.
5. Mathematical Methods of Science and Engineering by Kanti B. Datta, Cengage Learning.
6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Kreyszig E. 9th edition, John Wiley.
7. Probability by Seymour Lipschutz, McGraw-Hill publication.


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting of Two Compulsory Class Tests
Approximately 40% to 50% of syllabus content must be covered in First test and remaining 40% to
50% of syllabus contents must be covered in second test.

End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are as:
 Weightage of each module in end semester examination is
expected to be/will be proportional to number of respective lecture
hours mentioned in the syllabus.
 Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each
carrying 20 marks.
 Q.1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of
the syllabus.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 45

 Remaining question will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2
has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any other
module. (Randomly selected from all the modules.)
 Total four questions need to be solved.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 46

Course Code Course Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Oral & Tutorial Total
Name Practical
ITC402 Computer 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Examination Scheme

Theory Marks
Course Name
Code Internal assessment End Term Oral &
Oral Total
Sem. Work Practical
Avg. of
Test1 Test 2 Exam
two Tests

ITC402 Computer
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Course Objectives: Students will try to:

1. Study the basic taxonomy and terminology of the computer networking and enumerate the
layers of OSI model and TCP/IP model.
2. Acquire knowledge of Application layer and Presentation layer paradigms and protocols.
3. Study Session layer design issues, Transport layer services, and protocols.
4. Gain core knowledge of Network layer routing protocols and IP addressing.
5. Study data link layer concepts, design issues, and protocols.
6. Read the fundamentals and basics of Physical layer, and will apply them in real time

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

1. Describe the functions of each layer in OSI and TCP/IP model.
2. Explain the functions of Application layer and Presentation layer paradigms and Protocols.
3. Describe the Session layer design issues and Transport layer services.
4. Classify the routing protocols and analyze how to assign the IP addresses for the given
5. Describe the functions of data link layer and explain the protocols.
6. Explain the types of transmission media with real time applications.

Prerequisite: COA, Logic Design

Detailed syllabus:

Sr. Module Detailed Content Hours CO

No. Mapping

0 Prerequisite Von Neumann model, Modulation, 02 --

Demodulation, encoding, Decoding.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 47

I Introduction Network Criteria, Physical Structures, 04 CO1
Network Types: LAN, WAN,
Switching, OSI Reference model,
TCP/IP suite, Comparison of OSI and
TCP/IP, Network devices.

II Application layer Introduction: Providing Services, 10 CO1

and Presentation Application layer Paradigms, Client-
layer Server Paradigm: Application CO2
Programming Interface, Using Services
of the Transport Layer, Standard Client
Server applications: World Wide Web
and HTTP, FTP, Electronic Mail,
TELNET, Secure Shell (SSH), Domain
Name System (DNS), Compression:
Lossless Compression, Lossy
Compression, Multimedia data: Text,
Image, Video , Audio ,Multimedia in
the Internet: Streaming Stored
Audio/Video, Streaming Live
Audio/Video, Real-Time Interactive
Audio/Video, Optimal Compression
Algorithms, Huffman Coding, Adaptive
Huffman Compression, Dictionary
Based Compression, Speech
Compression, LZW, RLE, Image
Compression – GIF,JPEG.

III Session layer and Session layer design issues, Session 10 CO1
Transport layer Layer protocol - Remote Procedure Call
(RPC), Transport layer services, CO3
Transport Layer Protocols: Simple
Protocol, Stop-and-Wait Protocol, Go-
Back-N Protocol (GBN), Selective-
Repeat Protocol, Bidirectional
Protocols: Piggybacking, Internet
Transport-Layer Protocols, User
Datagram Protocol: User Datagram,
UDP Services, UDP Applications,
Transmission Control Protocol: TCP
Services, TCP Features, Segment,
Segment, A TCP Connection, State
Transition Diagram, Windows in TCP,
Flow Control, Error Control, TCP
Congestion Control, TCP Timers,

IV Network Layer Introduction: Network-Layer Services, 12 CO1

Packet Switching, Network-Layer
Performance, Network-Layer CO4
Performance, Network-Layer
Congestion, Structure of A Router,
Network Layer Protocols: IPv4
Datagram Format, IPv4 Addresses,

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 48

Forwarding of IP Packets, ICMPv4,
Unicast Routing: General Idea, Routing
Algorithms, Unicast Routing Protocols,
Multicast Routing : Introduction,
Multicasting Basics, Intradomain
Routing Protocols, Interdomain Routing
Protocols, Next generation IP: Packet
Format , IPv6 Addressing , Transition
from IPv4 to IPv6, ICMPv6, Mobile
IP: Addressing , Agents , Three Phases
, Inefficiency in Mobile IP.

V Data Link Layer Wired Networks; Introduction: Nodes 09 CO1

and Links, Two Types of Links, Two
Sublayers, Data Link Control: Framing, CO5
Flow and Error Control, Error Detection
and Correction, Two DLC Protocols,
Medium Access Protocols: Random
Access, Controlled Access,
Channelization, Link Layer Addressing,
Wired LANS: Ethernet Protocol; IEEE
Project 802, Standard Ethernet, Fast
Ethernet (100 Mbps), Gigabit Ethernet,
10-Gigabit Ethernet, Virtual LANs,
Other Wired Networks: Point-to-Point
Networks, SONET, Switched Network:
ATM, Connecting Devices: Repeaters
or Hubs, Link-Layer Switches, Routers,
Sliding Window Compression.

VI Physical Layer Data and Signals: Analog and Digital, 05 CO1

Transmission Impairment, Data Rate
Limits, Performance, Digital CO6
Transmission: Digital-to-Digital
Conversion , Analog-to-Digital
Conversion, Analog Transmission:
Digital-to-Analog Conversion, Analog-
to-Analog Conversion ,Bandwidth
Utilization: Multiplexing, Spread
Spectrum, Transmission Media:
Guided Media, Unguided Media:
Wireless, Real Time Interactive
Protocols: Rationale for New Protocols,
RTP, Session Initialization Protocol
(SIP), H.323, SCTP.

Text Books:
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Forouzan Mosharrat , Computer Networks A Top down Approach, Mc
Graw Hill education.
2. Andrew S Tanenbaum, Computer Networks -, 4th Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Ranjan Bose, Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, Ranjan Bose, Tata McGrawHill ,
Second Edition.
University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 49
4. Diane Teare, “ Authorized Self- Study Guide Designing for CISCO Internetwork
Solutions(DESGN), Second Edition.

1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data communications and Networking, Fifth edition TMH 2013.
2. James F. Kurose, K. W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the
Internet, 3rd Edition, Pearson Eduction.
3. L. L. Peterson and B. S. Davie, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 4th Ed, Elsevier
4. S. Keshav, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networks, 2nd Edition, Pearson Edication.
5. W. A. Shay, Understanding communications and Networks, 3rd Edition, W. A. Shay, Cengage
6. Khalid Sayood, Introduction to Data Compression, Third Edition, Morgan Kaufman.


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting of Two Compulsory Class Tests
Approximately 40% to 50% of syllabus content must be covered in First test and remaining 40% to
50% of syllabus contents must be covered in second test.

End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are as:
 Weightage of each module in end semester examination is
expected to be/will be proportional to number of respective lecture
hours mentioned in the syllabus.
 Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each
carrying 20 marks.
 Q.1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of
the syllabus.
 Remaining question will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2
has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any other
module. (Randomly selected from all the modules.)
 Total four questions need to be solved.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 50

Course Code Course Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Oral & Tutorial Total
Name Practical
ITC403 Operating 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04

Examination Scheme

Theory Marks
Course Course
Internal assessment
Code Name End Term Oral &
Oral Total
Avg. of Sem. Work Practical
Test1 Test 2 two Exam

ITC403 Operating
System 20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

Course Objectives: Students will try:

1. To understand the main components of an OS & their functions.

2. To study the process management and scheduling.
3. To understand various issues in Inter Process Communication (IPC) and the role of OS in IPC.
4. To understand the concepts and implementation Memory management policies and virtual
5. To understand the working of an OS as a resource manager, file system manager, process
manager, memory manager and I/O manager and methods used to implement the different parts
of OS
6. To study the need for special purpose operating system with the advent of new emerging

Course Outcomes: Student will be able to

1. Describe the important computer system resources and the role of operating system in
their management policies and algorithms.
2. Understand the process management policies and scheduling of processes by CPU
3. Evaluate the requirement for process synchronization and coordination handled by
operating system
4. Describe and analyze the memory management and its allocation policies.
5. Identify use and evaluate the storage management policies with respect to different
storage management technologies.
6. Identify the need to create the special purpose operating system.

Prerequisite: Programming Language C

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 51

Detailed syllabus:

Sr. Module Detailed Content Hours CO

No. Mapping

0 Prerequisite Programming Language C. Basic of Hardware i.e. 02


I Overview of Introduction: Operating System Structure and 07 C01

Operating operations, Process management, Memory
System management, storage management, Protection and
security, Distributed and special purpose Systems;
System Structure: Operating system services and
interface, System calls and its types, System
programs, Operating System Design and
implementation, OS structure, Virtual machines, OS
debugging and generation, System boot.

II Process Process concept: Process Scheduling, Operation on 09 C02

Management process and Interprocess communication;,
Multithreading, Process: Multithreading models and
thread libraries, threading issues; Process Scheduling:
Basic concepts, Scheduling algorithms and Criteria,
Thread Scheduling and Multiple Processor
III Process Synchronization: The critical Section Problem, 09 CO3
coordination Peterson’s Solution, synchronization Hardware and
semaphores, Classic problems of synchronization,
monitors, Atomic transactions; Deadlocks: System
Model, Deadlock Characterization , Methods for
Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock
Avoidance , Deadlock Detection, Recovery from
IV Memory Memory Management strategies: Background, 10 C04
Management Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging ,
Structure of the Page Table, Segmentation; Virtual
Memory Management: Demand Paging, Copy-on-
Write, Page Replacement, Allocation of Frames,
Thrashing, Memory-Mapped Files, Allocating Kernel
Memory, Other Considerations.
V Storage File system: File Concept , Access Methods, 09 C05
Management Directory and Disk Structure, File-System Mounting,
File Sharing, Protection; Implementing file System:
File-System Structure, File-System Implementation,
Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free-
Space Management, Efficiency and Performance,
Recovery, NFS; Secondary Storage Structure:
Overview of Mass-Storage
Structure, Disk Structure, Disk Attachment, Disk
Scheduling, Disk Management, RAID Structure,
Stable-Storage Implementation, Tertiary-Storage
Structure, Swap-Space Management; I/O systems:
Overview I/0 Hardware, Application I/0 Interface,
Kernel I/0 Subsystem, Transforming I/0 Requests to
University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 52
Hardware Operations, STREAMS, Performance

VI Distributed Distributed operating System: Network based OS, 06 C06

Systems Network Structure and Topology, Communication
Structure and Protocols; Distributed File system:
Naming and transparency, Remote file access, Stateful
Versus Stateless Service, File Replication; Distributed
Synchronization: Mutual Exclusion, Concurrency
Control and Deadlock Handling,

Text Books:
1. Operating System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Greg Gagne, Peter Baer Galvin, 8th edition
2. Modern Operating System, Tanenbaum, Pearson Education.
3. Operating Systems: Internal and Design Principles: William Stallings, PHI

Reference Books:
1. Operating System Design and Implementation, A Tanenbaum, Pearson
2. Real Time Systems Design and Analysis, Wiley, IEEE Press
3. Principles of Operating Systems: Naresh Chauhan, Oxford Higher Education


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting of Two Compulsory Class Tests
Approximately 40% to 50% of syllabus content must be covered in First test and remaining 40% to
50% of syllabus contents must be covered in second test.

End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are as:
 Weightage of each module in end semester examination is
expected to be/will be proportional to number of respective lecture
hours mentioned in the syllabus.
 Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each
carrying 20 marks.
 Q.1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of
the syllabus.
 Remaining question will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2
has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any other
module. (Randomly selected from all the modules.)
 Total four questions need to be solved.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 53

Course Code Course Name Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Oral & Tutorial Total
Computer 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04
ITC404 Organization

Examination Scheme

Theory Marks
Course Name
Code Internal assessment End Term
Oral & Practical Total
Sem. Work
Avg. of
Test1 Test 2 Exam
two Tests
ITC404 Organizatio 20 20 20 80 -- -- 100
n and

Course Objectives: Students will try to:

1. Conceptualize the basics of organizational and architectural issues of a digital computer.

2. Analyze processor performance improvement using instruction level parallelism.
3. Learn the function of each element of a memory hierarchy.
4. Study various data transfer techniques in digital computer.
5. Articulate design issues in the development of processor or other components that satisfy
design requirements and objectives.
6. Learn microprocessor architecture and study assembly language programming.

Course Outcomes: Students will be able to:

1. Describe basic organization of computer and the architecture of 8086 microprocessor.
2. Implement assembly language program for given task for 8086 microprocessor.
3. Demonstrate control unit operations and conceptualize instruction level parallelism.
4. Demonstrate and perform computer arithmetic operations on integer and real numbers.
5. Categorize memory organization and explain the function of each element of a memory
6. Identify and compare different methods for computer I/O mechanisms.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Computer, Digital Logic Design

Detailed syllabus:

Sr. Module Detailed Content Hours CO

No. Mapping

0 Prerequisite basic combinational and sequential logic 02

circuits, binary numbers and arithmetic,
basic computer organizations

I Overview of Introduction of Computer Organization and 07 CO1

Computer Architecture. Basic organization of computer
Architecture & and block level description of the functional
University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 54
Organization units. Evolution of Computers, Von
Neumann model. Performance measure of
Computer Architecture.
Architecture of 8086 family, 8086 Hardware
Design, Minimum mode & Maximum mode
of Operation. Study of bus controller 8288 &
its use in Maximum mode.

II Programming 8086 Addressing modes, Instruction Set, 10 CO2

Assembly Language Programming, Mixed
Language Programming, Programs based on
Stacks, Strings, Procedures, Macros, Timers,
Counters & delay.

III Processor CPU Architecture, Register Organization, 11 CO3

Organization and Instruction formats, basic instruction cycle.
Architecture Instruction interpretation and sequencing.
Control Unit: Soft wired (Micro-
programmed) and hardwired control unit
design methods. Microinstruction sequencing
and execution. Micro operations, concepts of
nano programming. Introduction to parallel
processing concepts, Flynn’s classifications,
pipeline processing, instruction pipelining,
pipeline stages, pipeline hazards.

IV Data Representation Number representation: Binary Data 10 CO4

and Arithmetic representation, two’s complement
Algorithms representation and Floating-point
representation. Integer Data arithmetic:
Addition, Subtraction. Multiplication:
Unsigned & Signed multiplication- Add &
Shift Method, Booth’s algorithm. Division of
integers: Restoring and non-restoring
division, signed division, basics of floating
point representation IEEE 754 floating
point(Single & double precision) number
representation. Floating point arithmetic:
Addition, subtraction

V Memory Organization Introduction to Memory and Memory 07 CO5

parameters. Classifications of primary and
secondary memories. Types of RAM and
ROM, Allocation policies, Memory
hierarchy and characteristics. Cache
memory: Concept, architecture (L1, L2, L3),
mapping techniques. Cache Coherency,
Interleaved and Associative memory.

VI I/O Organization Input/output systems, I/O modules and 8089 05 CO6

IO processor. Types of data transfer
techniques: Programmed I/O, Interrupt
driven I/O and DMA.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 55

Text Books:
1. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic and Safwat Zaky, “Computer Organization”, Fifth Edition, Tata
2. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance”, Eighth
Edition, Pearson.
3. 8086/8088 family: Design Programming and Interfacing: By John Uffenbeck (Pearson Education)
4. Microprocessor and Interfacing: By Douglas Hall (TMH Publication).

1. B. Govindarajulu, “Computer Architecture and Organization: Design Principles and Applications”,
Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Dr. M. Usha, T. S. Srikanth, “Computer System Architecture and Organization”, First Edition,
3. John P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, McGraw-Hill.,Third Edition.
4. K Bhurchandi, “Advanced Microprocessors & Peripherals”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting of Two Compulsory Class Tests
Approximately 40% to 50% of syllabus content must be covered in First test and remaining 40% to
50% of syllabus contents must be covered in second test.

End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are as:
 Weightage of each module in end semester examination is
expected to be/will be proportional to number of respective lecture
hours mentioned in the syllabus.
 Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each
carrying 20 marks.
 Q.1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of
the syllabus.
 Remaining question will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2
has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any other
module. (Randomly selected from all the modules.)
 Total four questions need to be solved.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 56

Course Course Name Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Oral & Tutorial Total
Code Practical
ITC405 Automata Theory 03 -- 01 03 -- 01 04

Examination Scheme

Theory Marks
Course Name Internal assessment
Code End Term Oral &
Oral Total
Avg. of Sem. Work Practical
Test1 Test 2 two Exam

ITC405 Automata
20 20 20 80 -- -- -- 100

$ 3 hours shown as theory to be taken class wise and 1 hour to be taken tutorial as batch wise

Course Objectives: Students will try:

1. To learn fundamentals of Regular and Context Free Grammars and Languages

2. To understand the relation between Regular Language and Finite Automata and machines.
3. To learn how to design Automata’s and machines as Acceptors, Verifiers and Translators.
4. To understand the relation between Contexts free Languages, PDA and TM.
5. To learn how to design PDA as acceptor and TM as Calculators.
6. To learn how to co-relate Automata’s with Programs and Functions.

Course Outcomes: The students will be able to:

1. Understand, design, construct, analyze and interpret Regular languages, Expression and
2. Design different types of Finite Automata and Machines as Acceptor, Verifier and Translator.
3. Understand, design, analyze and interpret Context Free languages, Expression and Grammars.
4. Design different types of Push down Automata as Simple Parser.
5. Design different types of Turing Machines as Acceptor, Verifier, Translator and Basic
computing machine.
6. Compare, understand and analyze different languages, grammars, Automata and Machines
and appreciate their power and convert Automata to Programs and Functions

Prerequisite: Basic Mathematical Fundamentals: Sets, Logic, Relations, Functions.

Detailed syllabus:

Sr. Module Detailed Content Hours CO

No. Mapping

I Introductio
Languages: Alphabets and Strings. 06 CO1
n and Regular Languages: Regular
Expressions, Regular Languages,
Regular Grammars, RL and LL
University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 57
Languages grammars, Closure properties

II Finite Finite Automata: FA as language 09 CO2

Automata acceptor or verifier, NFA ( with and
and without ε) , DFA, RE to NFA, NFA to
machines DFA, Reduced DFA , NFA-DFA
equivalence, FA to RE.
Finite State Machines: m/c with output
Moore and Mealy machines. M/c as
translators. Melay and Moore m/c
III Context Context Free Languages: CFG, 08 CO3
Free Leftmost and Rightmost derivations,
Grammars Ambiguity,
Simplification and Normalization (
CNF) and Chomskey Hierarchy ( Types
0 to 3)
IV Push Down Push Down Automata: Deterministic ( 05 CO4
Automata single stack )PDA, Equivalence
between PDA
and CFG.
V Turing Turing Machine: Deterministic TM , 07 CO5
Machine Multi-track and Multi-tape TMs,
concept of UTM and idea of system
program. Issue and concept of Halting
VI Application 1.Power and Limitations of Regular and 04 CO2
s of Context Free Grammars and Machines
Automata CO4
2.Designing Functions: CO5
FA: Acceptor and Verifier.
FSM: Translator CO6
PDA: Simple Parser for WF parenthesis,
palindromes etc.
TM: Basic bit wise calculator(+ /-
/AND/OR) and Translator
( Note Added)

Text books
1. J.C.Martin, “Introduction to languages and the Theory of Computation”, TMH.
2. Kavi Mahesh, “Theory of Computation A Problem Solving Approach”, Wiley India

1. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages and Computation”, Pearson Education.
2. Daniel I.A. Cohen, “Introduction to Computer Theory”, John Wiley & Sons.
3. Theory of Computation - By Vivek Kulkarni from Oxford University.
4. N.Chandrashekhar& K.L.P. Mishra, “Theory of Computer Science, Automata Languages &
Computations”, PHI publications.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 58

Sample Example for Tutorial: Applications of Automata
An automata can be easily converted to functions by converting States to functions and Transitions to
function calls or gotos begining with Starting state and Accepting in a terminating state.

A simple example of DFA is:


S( x )
{ if( x == 'a') goto A(next);

else print("Error"); }

A( x ) { if( x == 'a') goto A(next);

else if( x == 'b') goto B(next);
else print("Error"); \}

B( x )
{ if( x == 'a') goto A(next);
else if( x == 'b') goto B(next);
else if( end ) print("Accept");

else print("Error"); \}

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 59

Suggested Tutorials:

Sr. Module Detailed Content


I Introduction and 1 Tutorial on design of RE, RG, RLG and LLG for given Regular
Regular Language.

II Finite Automata 3 Tutorials for converting RE to NFA, NFA to DFA to Reduced DFA,
and machines FA to RE.
1 Tutorial on design of Moore and Mealy machines.
III Context Free 1 Tutorial on design of CFG and Leftmost and Rightmost derivations.
Grammars 1 Tutorial for converting CFG to CNF.

IV Push Down 1 Tutorial on design of Push Down Automata.


V Turing Machine 1 Tutorial on design of single tape Turing Machine.

1 Tutorial on design of Multi-track and Multi-tape TMs.
VI Applications of 2 Tutorials for converting Automata to Functions:
Automata a. FA to Acceptor / Verifier.
b. FSM to Translator.
c. PDA to Simple Parser for WF parenthesis, palindromes etc.
d. TM to Basic bit wise calculator(+ /- /AND/OR) / Translator


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting of Two Compulsory Class Tests
Approximately 40% to 50% of syllabus content must be covered in First test and remaining 40% to
50% of syllabus contents must be covered in second test.

End Semester Examination: Some guidelines for setting the question papers are as:
 Weightage of each module in end semester examination is
expected to be/will be proportional to number of respective lecture
hours mentioned in the syllabus.
 Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each
carrying 20 marks.
 Q.1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of
the syllabus.
 Remaining question will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2
has part (a) from module 3 then part (b) will be from any other
module. (Randomly selected from all the modules.)
 Total four questions need to be solved.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 60

Course Code Course Theory Practical Tutorial Theory TW/Prac Tutorial Total
Name tical

ITL401 Networking -- 02 -- -- 1 -- 1

Examination Scheme

Theory Marks
Course Name Internal assessment
Code End Term Work Oral Total
Test Avg. of 2 Sem.
Test 2 Exam
1 Tests

ITL401 Networking
-- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Lab Objectives: Students will try:

1. To get familiar with the basic network administration commands.

2. To install and configure network simulator and learn basics of TCL scripting.
3. To understand the network simulator environment and visualize a network topology and
observe its performance
4. To analyze the traffic flow and the contents of protocol frames.
5. To implement client-server socket programs.
6. To design and configure a network for an organization.

Lab Outcomes: Student will be able to

1. Execute and evaluate network administration commands and demonstrate their use in different
network scenarios
2. Demonstrate the installation and configuration of network simulator.
3. Demonstrate and measure different network scenarios and their performance behavior.
4. Analyze the contents the packet contents of different protocols.
5. Implement the socket programming for client server architecture.
6. Design and setup a organization network using packet tracer.

Hardware Requirement: Software requirement:

PC i3 processor and above NS2.34, Protocol Analyzer ( eg. Wireshark),

Packet tracer (Eg. CISCO packet tracer)

Prerequisite: C Programming Language

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 61

Detailed syllabus:

Sr. Module Detailed Content Hours LO

No. Mapping

0 Prerequisite Programming Language (C/java), 02

Basic commands of windows and
unix operating system, editor
commands (eg nano/vi editor etc)

I Fundamentals of Understanding Basic networking 02 LO1

Computer Commands: Ping, Tracert,
Network traceroute, ipconfig, ifconfig,
nslookup, netstat

II Basics of Network Installation and configuration of 03 LO2

simulation NS2

Introduction to Tcl Hello


III Simulation of Implementation of Specific 05 LO3

Network Topology Network topology with respect to

1. Number of nodes and

physical layer configuration
2. Graphical simulation of
network with Routing
Protocols and traffic
consideration (TCP, UDP)
using NAM.
3. Analysis of network
performance for quality of
service parameters such as
packet-delivery-ratio, delay
and throughput
4. Comparative analysis of
routing protocols with
respect to QOS parameters
using Xgraph/gnuplot for
different load conditions.

IV Protocol Analyzer Installation of Wire shark 04 LO4

Analysis of Packet headers,

V Socket Socket Programming with C/Java 04 LO5

1.TCP Client, TCP Server

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 62

2. UDP Client, UDP Server

VI Case study on A case study to design and 06 L06

designing network configure any organization network
topology eg. College network or campus
network, using any packet tracer or
network topology design software
based on infrastructure
requirements, servers and clients,
traffic consideration and application

Text Books:

1. Computer Network: Top Down approach, Behrouz Forouzan, Firoz Mossharraf. MGH
2. Packet analysis with Wire shark, Anish Nath, PACKT publishing

Reference Books:
1. NS2.34 Manual
2. Introduction to Network Simulator NS2, 2nd Edition, Teerawat Issariyakul, Ekram Hossain,

Term Work:
Term Work shall consist of at least 10 to 12 practical’s based on the above list. Also Term work
Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
Term Work Marks: 25 Marks (Total marks) = 15 Marks (Experiment) + 5 Marks (Assignments) + 5
Marks (Attendance)

Oral Exam: An Oral exam will be held based on the above syllabus.

Course Code Course Theory Practical Tutorial Theory TW/Prac Tutorial Total
Name tical

ITL402 Unix Lab -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1

Examination Scheme

Theory Marks
Course Name Oral & Practical
Code Internal assessment End Term
Sem. Work
Test Avg. of
Test 2 Exam
1 two Tests

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 63

ITL402 Unix Lab
-- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Lab Objectives: Students will try:

1. To introduce Basic Unix general purpose Commands

2. To learn network Unix commands.
3. To learn C programming in Unix editor environment.
4. To learn shell script and sed concepts.
5. To learn file management and permission advance commands.
6. To learn awk, grap, perl scripts.

Lab Outcomes: Student will be able to:

1. Identify the basic Unix general purpose commands.
2. Apply and change the ownership and file permissions using advance Unix commands.
3. Use the awk, grep, perl scripts.
4. Implement shell scripts and sed.
5. Apply basic of administrative task.
6. Apply networking Unix commands.

Prerequisite: C Programming Language and Operating System

Hardware requirement:
PC i3 and above.

Software requirement:
Unix, Editor, Bash shell, Bourne shell and C shell.

Detailed syllabus:

Sr. Module Detailed Content Hours LO

No. Mapping

0 Prerequisite Programming syntax, Installation of 02 --

Unix, concepts of operating system
I Basic Commands A brief history of UNIX, Unix 04 LO1
Architecture. Logging into (and out
of) UNIX systems, Changing your
password, General format of UNIX
a) Installation of Unix operating
b) User management in Unix.
c) Study of Unix general purpose

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 64

utility command list obtained from
(cd, cp, ps, ls, mv, rm, mkdir,
rmdir, man, who, cat, echo, more,
date, time, kill, history, chmod,
passwd, who am i, who, time, bc,
history, clear, man, lost, chown,
finger, pwd, cal, logout, shutdown)
II Advance a) Study of Unix networking 04 LO1
Commands commands (ifconfig, ping, LO2
traceroute, netstat, nslookup, whois,
hostname, tcpdump).
b) Study of Unix file system (tree
c) Study of .bashrc, /etc/bashrc and
Environment variables.
d) Study File and directory
e) Study of Editor Vi/other editor.
f) Study of Bash shell, Bourne shell
and C shell in Unix operating
III Basic System Process management 04 LO1
administrative task Memory management LO2
File system management
User management
IV Shell scripts a) Write a shell script program to 04 LO1
display list of user currently logged LO4
b) Write a shell script program to
display “HELLO WORLD”.
c) Write a shell script program to
develop a scientific calculator.
d) Write a shell Script program to
check whether the given number is

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 65

even or odd.
e) Shell script Program to search
whether element is present is in the
list or not.

V Shell scripts and a) Shell script program to check 06 LO1

sed whether given file is a directory or LO4
b) Shell script program to count
number of files in a Directory.
c) Shell script program to copy
contents of one file to another.
d) Create directory, write contents
on that and Copy to a suitable
location in your home
e) Use a pipeline and command
substitution to set the length of a
line in file to a variable.
f) Write a program using sed
command to print duplicated lines
of Input.

VI grep, awk, perl a) Write a grep/egrep script to find 04 LO1

scripts the number of words character, LO2
words and lines in a file.
b) Write an awk script to develop a
Fibonacci series.
c) Write a perl script to compute the
power of a given number.
d) Write an awk script to display
the pattern of given string or
e) Write a perl script to check a
number is prime or not.
f) Write an egrep script to display
University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 66
list of files in the directory.

Text Books:
1. Unix, concepts and applications by Sumitabha Das, McGraw-Hill
2. Mastering Shell Scripting, Randal. K. Michael , Second Edition, Wiley Publication

1. Unix Shell Programming by Yashwant Kanetkar
2. Unix shell programming by forozun

Term Work:
Term Work shall consist of at least 10 to 12 practical’s based on the above list. Also Term work
Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
Term Work Marks: 25 Marks (Total marks) = 15 Marks (Experiment) + 5 Marks (Assignments) + 5
Marks (Attendance)

Oral & Practical Exam: An Oral & Practical exam will be held based on the above syllabus.

Course Code Course Name Theory Practical Tutorial Theory TW/Prac Tutorial Total
Microprocessor -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
ITL403 Programming

Examination Scheme

Theory Marks
Course Name
Code Internal assessment End Term
Oral Total
Sem. Work
Avg. of
Test1 Test 2 Exam
two Tests

ITL403 Programming -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Lab Objectives: Students will try to:

1. Learn assembling and disassembling of PC.

2. Get hands on experience with Assembly Language Programming.
3. Study interfacing of peripheral devices with 8086 microprocessor.
4. Understand techniques for faster execution of instructions and improve speed of operation and
performance of microprocessors.
5. Learn fundamentals of designing embedded systems
6. Write and debug programs in TASM/MASM/hardware kits

Lab Outcomes: Students will be able to :

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 67
1. Apply the fundamentals of assembly level programming of microprocessors.
2. Build a program on a microprocessor using arithmetic & logical instruction set of 8086.
3. Develop the assembly level programming using 8086 loop instruction set.
4. Write programs based on string and procedure for 8086 microprocessor.
5. Analyze abstract problems and apply a combination of hardware and software to address the
6. Make use of standard test and measurement equipment to evaluate digital interfaces.

Prerequisite: Logic Design, Programming Languages(C, C++), COA

Hardware Requirement:
 Motherboard, RAM, Processor, Connectors, Cables, SMPS, HDD, Monitor, Graphics card
(optional), Cabinet.
 8086 microprocessor experiment kits with specified interfacing study boards.

Software Requirement:
 Microsoft Macro Assembler (TASM)/Turbo Assembler(TASM)

NOTE: Programs can be executed on assembler or hardware boards,

Detailed syllabus:

Sr. Module Detailed Content Hours LO

No. Mapping

I PC Assembly 06 LO1
1. Study of PC Motherboard
Technology (South Bridge and
North Bridge).

2. Disassembling the System Unit

& Identifying Internal
Components and Connections.

3. Study of various connections and

ports used in computer
II Arithmetic and 1. Program for 16 bit BCD addition 04 LO2
logical operations
in 8086 Assembly 2. Program to evaluate given LO6
language logical expression.
programming 3. Convert two digit Packed BCD
to Unpacked BCD.
(any two)

III Loop operations in 1. Program to move set of numbers 06 LO3

8086 Assembly from one memory block to
language another. LO6
2. Program to count number of 1’s

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 68

and 0;s in a given 8 bit number
3. Program to find the
smallest/largest number from a
given set of numbers.
4. Program to search for a given
(any three)

IV String and 1. Check whether a given string is 04 LO4

procedure in 8086 a palindrome or not.
Assembly LO6

V Procedure in 8086 1. Compute the factorial of 02 LO4

Assembly a positive integer ‘n’ using
language recursive procedure. LO6
2. Generate the first ‘n’ Fibonacci
(any one)

VI Interfacing with 3. Interfacing Seven Segment 04 LO5

8086 Display
microprocessor LO6
4. Interfacing keyboard matrix
5. Interfacing DAC
(any two)

Text Books:
1. Scott Mueller,”Upgrading and repairing PCs”, Pearson,
2. John Uffenbeck, “8086/8088 family: Design Programming and Interfacing:”Pearson Education

Reference Books:
1. K Bhurchandi, “Advanced Microprocessors & Peripherals”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education

Term Work:
Term Work shall consist of at least 10 to 12 practical’s based on the above list. Also Term work
Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
Term Work Marks: 25 Marks (Total marks) = 15 Marks (Experiment) + 5 Marks (Assignments) + 5
Marks (Attendance)

Oral Exam: An Oral exam will be held based on the above syllabus.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 69

Course Code Course Name Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Tutorial Total
ITL404 Python lab
-- 2+2* -- -- 02 -- 02

Examination Scheme

Theory Marks
Course Name Internal assessment Oral & Practical
Code End Term
Avg. of Sem. Work
Test1 Test 2 two Exam

ITL404 Python lab

-- -- -- -- 50 50 100

*2 hours shown as practical’s to be taken class wise lecture and other 2 hours to be taken as batch wise
practicals in Lab.

Lab Objectives: The course will help the students to get familiar with:

1. Basics of Python programming

2. Decision Making and Functions in Python
3. Object Oriented Programming using Python
4. Files Handling in Python
5. GUI Programming and Databases operations in Python
6. Network Programming in Python

Lab Outcomes: Upon Completion of the course the learner should be able to:
1. Describe the Numbers, Math functions, Strings, List, Tuples and Dictionaries in Python
2. Express different Decision Making statements and Functions
3. Interpret Object oriented programming in Python
4. Understand and summarize different File handling operations
5. Explain how to design GUI Applications in Python and evaluate different database operations
6. Design and develop Client Server network applications using Python

Hardware & Software Requirements:

Hardware Requirements Software Requirements Other Requirements

PC With following 1. Windows or Linux Desktop OS 1. Internet Connection for

Configuration 2. Python 3.6 or higher installing additional packages
1. Intel PIV Processor 3. Notepad ++
2. 2 GB RAM 4.Python IDEs like Pydev,
3. 500 GB Harddisk Netbeans or Eclipse
4. Network interface card 5. Mysql

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 70

Prerequisite Subjects: Structured Programming Approach & Java Programming

Detailed Syllabus:

Sr. Module Detailed Content Hours LO

No. Mapping

0 Prerequisite Basic Programming syntax of Java/C. 02

Installation and configuration of python.

I Basics of Python Theory: Numbers in Python, Basic & Built-in 10 LO 1

Math functions, Number Formats, Strings,
Quotes, print() Function, Assigning Values to
Names & Changing Data Through Names,
Copying Data, Tuples — Unchanging
Sequences of Data, Lists — Changeable
Sequences of Data, Dictionaries — Groupings
of Data Indexed by Name, Special String
Substitution Using Dictionaries , Arrays,
Treating a String Like a List, Special Types,
Ranges of Sequences, Working with Sets,

Lab Experiment:

Write python programs to understand

Expressions, Variables, Quotes, Basic Math
operations, Strings: Basic String Operations &
String Methods, List, Tuples, Dictionaries,

(Minimum Three Programs based on math

operations, Strings and List/Tuples/

II Decision Making and Theory: If statement, if-elif-else, Repetition 10 LO 2

Functions using while loop, for loop, break statement,
Handling Errors- try: statement, except:
statement, Functions-Grouping Code under a
Name, defining a Function, describing a
University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 71
function in the function, Checking & Setting
Your Parameters, Calling Functions from
within Other Functions, Functions Inside of
Functions, Layers of Functions

Lab Experiment:

Write python programs to understand

different decision making statements and

(Minimum Three Programs based on

Decision making, Looping Statements and

III Object Oriented Theory: Creating a Class, Self Variables, 10 LO 3

Programming using Constructors, Types of Methods, Inner
Python programming Classes, Constructors in Inheritance,
Polymorphism,, The super() Method, Method
Resolution Order (MRO), Operator
Overloading, Method Overloading &
Overriding, Interfaces in Python. Exceptions
Handling: Errors in a Python Program,
Exceptions, Exception Handling, Types of
Exceptions, The Except Block, The assert

Modules and Packages: Creating Modules and

Packages, Documenting & Viewing Module,
Basics of Testing Your Modules and
Packages, Importing & exporting Modules.
Lab Experiment:

Write python programs to understand

different Object oriented features in Python

(Minimum four programs based on

a) Classes & objects,

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 72

b) Constructors,

c) Inheritance & Polymorphism,

d) Exception handling

IV Files Handling Theory: Types of Files in Python, Opening a 07 LO 4

File, Closing a File. Writing Text Files,
Knowing Whether a File Exists or Not,
Working with Binary Files, Appending Text
to a File, Reading Text Files, File Exceptions,
The with Statement

Pickle in Python, Lambda and Filter, Map &

range functions.

Lab Experiment:

Write python programs to understand

different File handling operations

V GUI Programming and Theory: GUI Programming - Writing a GUI 07 LO 5

Databases with Python: GUI Programming Toolkits,
Creating GUI Widgets with Tkinter, Creating
Layouts, Radio Buttons and Checkboxes,
Dialog Boxes.

Database Access - Python’s Database

Connectivity, Types of Databases Used with
Python, Mysql database Connectivity with
Python, Performing Insert, Deleting & Update
operations on database

Lab Experiment:

Write python programs to understand GUI

designing and database operations

(Minimum Three programs based on

GUI designing using Tkinter, Mysql database

creation & Database connectivity with DML

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 73

operations using python

VI Web Programming Theory: Understanding Protocols, 06 LO 6

Introduction to Sockets, TCP/IP Server,
TCP/IP Client, UDP Server, UDP Client, File
Server, File Client, Two-Way Communication
between Server and Client, Multithreaded
Client-Server Chat Application

Lab Experiment:

Write python programs to understand TCP

and UDP Sockets in Python

(Minimum One programs based on TCP or

UDP Sockets)

Text Books:

1. James Payne, ”Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1”,Wrox Publication
2. Dr. R. Nageswara Rao,”Core Python Programming” , Dreamtech Press, Wiley Publication.
3. Magnus Lie Hetland,”Beginning Python From Novice to Professional”, Second Edition”,
Apress Publication.

Reference Books:

1. Wesley J Chun,” Core Python Applications Programming”,Third Edition, Pearson

2. E. Balguruswamy,” Introduction to Computing and Problem Solving using Python”,
McGraw Hill Publication
3. Learn to Master Python, from Star EDU solutions , by ScriptDemics

Term Work:
Term Work shall consist of at least 12 to 15 practical’s based on the above list. Also Term work
Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
Term Work Marks: 50 Marks (Total marks) = 40 Marks (Experiment) + 5 Marks (Assignments) + 5
Marks (Attendance)

Oral & Practical Exam: An Oral & Practical exam will be held based on the above syllabus.

University of Mumbai, B. E. (Information Technology), Rev 2016 74

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