Science Process Skills Activity I

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Science Process Skills Activity I(August 22-26)

Activity 1: A Beautiful Plant (Observing)

1. The students will be asked to go to their garden and choose one specific plant.
2. Students will observe various characteristics of the plant using their senses. (Caution: Make
sure that you do not harm the plant by picking some leaves. Do not attempt to taste or swallow
any part as some may contain poisonous substance).
3. Fill in the table.

Senses Characteristics Observation

Leaf color green
Eyes Flower color White
Touch Leaf texture Glossy
Eyes Leaf length Short
Eyes Leaf color Green

4. Answer the guide questions:

a. What is the name of your sample plant?

The name of the plant that we chose is White Angel.

b. What senses did you use in observing the characteristics of the plant?
While observing the characteristics of the plant, we used the sense of sight and touch.

c. Which senses were mostly used in your observation?

In our observation, we mostly used the sense of sight.

d. Which characteristics were not observed due to some limitations and precautions that you
need to follow? Explain your answer.
The characteristic that were not observed due to some limitations and precautions is the
characteristic of its taste. We weren’t able to observe this characteristic because we
weren’t allowed to taste or swallow any part as some may contain poisonous substance.
Activity 2: Reasonable Estimate (Measuring)

1. The students will be asked to visit their garden. Choose 2 plants together with the sample
plant that was used in Activity 1.
2. Use ruler to measure the length (cm) of each part of the plant being identified. Compare
and actual measurement.

Plant Plant Estimate Actual Difference

Herb a. height of Ex. 50 cm 60 cm 10 cm.
the plant 101 cm 80 cm 21 cm
b. biggest leaf 17 cm 15.2 cm 1.8 cm
c. main
trunk/stem 40 cm 30.48 cm 9.52 cm
Shrub a. height of
49 cm 50.8 cm 1.8 cm
the plant
b. biggest leaf 4 cm 3.30 cm 0.70 cm
c. main
12 cm 17.7 cm 5.7 cm
Trees a. height of
250 cm 230 cm 20 cm
the plant
b. biggest leaf 20 cm 20 cm 0 cm
c. main
160 cm 150 cm 10 cm

3. Guide Questions:
a. What are the names of the plants used in the activity?
The names of the plants that were used in the activity are oregano, buxus plant and palm
b. How close is your estimated to the actual measurement of the plants?
Our estimated measurement was mildly close to its actual measurement.
c. Based on your findings, how would you compare the three classifications of plants in
terms of the measurement in height, leaf size, and stem size.
Based on our findings, we could obviously see that the stem size is much more larger
than the leaf, but of course, the height of the whole plant is much more bigger compared
to the two measurements (biggest leaf size and main trunk/stem).
Activity 3: Garden Mapping (Classifying)

1. Investigate the plants in your garden. Group each plant based on the growth habit
(appearance, shape, height, and form of growth of plant species).

Plant Herbs Shrubs Trees Why?

Long leaves, simple and has
Snake plant /
different colors
Round, oval to oblong
Buxus plant / leaves, simple and smooth
Round to oval leaves and
Oregano /
woody branches
Tall main trunk and spikey
Palm Tree /
Tall main trunk and round
Narra Tree /
to oval spikey leaves

2. Guide Questions:
a. What are your groups/classifications of plants?
My groups or classification of plants are herbs, shrubs and trees.
b. What is your basis in your groupings/classifications?
My basis are their leaves, height and simplicity.
c. Based on your findings, what are the most common plants in your garden? Describe
Based on our findings, rhere are more shrub plants rather than herbs and trees. Most of
the herbs there are simple just like a normal bush and plants.

Activity 4: Observation, Prediction, or Inference

I. Identify the following statements as observation, prediction, or inference.

Inference 1. the plant will bear more fruits because it receives enough water and nutrients.
Observation 2. The plant is 2 inches tall.
Inference 3. Maybe the plants grow tall because it is planted in healthy soil.
Prediction 4. The plant will bear fruits 2 months from now.
Observation 5. I saw children picking mangoes in our backyard yesterday.

II. Look around your garden. Write 1 observation, 1 inference based on your observation, and 1

Observation: We have observed that the plants are placed where they can receive sunlight.

Inference: Based on where they are placed, they receive sunlight which helps them do

Prediction: Some plants might die due to too much sunlight.

Activity 5: My Garden (Communication)

1. Draw/Sketch your garden on the space provided. Show in your drawing the characteristics that
you have observed, classified, measured, predicted, and inferred.

2. Based on your drawing, be ready to communicate your investigations by writing all your
findings in 100-150 words.
Based on our drawing, we have investigated the common similarities and differences of
the 3 classification of plants called shrubs, herbs and trees. Shrubs are commonly simple and
they have small flowers that compliment their simple look and eventually, make them look nicer
and cuter. Herbs commonly have wooden branches and vine-like structure and their smell are
unique compared to the other 2 classifications of plants. Trees are commonly have tall and strong
main trunks and many branches and leaves, palm tree on the other side only have a main trunk
and leaves, but it is still considered as a tree.

Scientific Drawing – Self Assessment

Student Expectation Possible Points Self Teacher

Drawing looks similar to what was 15
Drawing includes many details 20
(measurements, shapes, sizes, etc.)
Drawing is accurately labelled 20
Drawing has title that helps explain the 10
Drawing include written portion that 15
explains what the drawing is intended to
Drawing is legible enough to see all the 20

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