CPS MT69 - Manual
CPS MT69 - Manual
CPS MT69 - Manual
Molecular Transformator
Operational Manual
The effects of ambient temperature and elevated tank pres-
MT69 sures on the speed of the refrigerant recovery process are
in many cases more important than the speed of the recov-
ery machine itself. As the ambient temperature increases,
the pressure in the recovery cylinder increases, significantly
reducing the recovery speed and in many cases can lead to
a high pressure shutdown as the recovery equipment and
tank pressure limits are reached.
Danger- The recovery tank used in conjunction with this product contains liquid refrigerant. Overfilling of the
recovery tank may cause a violent explosion resulting in severe injury or even death. Recovery tank weight should
be continuously monitored using a scale specifically designed for this purpose.
Danger- Avoid breathing refrigerant vapors and/or lubricant mist. Exposure may irritate eyes, nose, throat, and
skin. Breathing high concentration levels may cause heart arrhythmia, loss of consciousness, or even cause suf-
focation. Please read the manufacturers Material Safety Data Sheet for further safety information on refrigerants
and lubricants.
Caution- Contact with refrigerant may cause frostbite or other related injuries. Wear proper personal protective
equipment such as safety goggles and gloves. Hoses may contain liquid refrigerant under pressure use extreme
caution when disconnecting any hose.
Caution- This device is not a storage vessel for refrigerant. It must have its contents removed after each use.
Mixing of different refrigerants will cause your recovered supply of refrigerant to become contaminated .This unit
should be evacuated after each use.
Caution- Read and understand the refrigerant recovery unit manufacturer’s instructions. Always follow the manu-
facturers recommended safety procedures.
Using refrigerant hoses equipped with ball valves on one end (CPS P/N HP5YE), proceed to connect the non-ball valve end
of the hoses to the inlet and outlet ports of the MT69. Evacuate the MT69 with hoses attached to remove contaminants and
expedite the recovery process. Install the MT69 between the outlet port of the recovery unit and the vapor valve of the recovery
cylinder. Submerse the MT69 into a container with cool water (the cooler the water, the more heat it can absorb during the
recovery process). Connect the system to be serviced to the inlet of the recovery unit as shown. Ensure that the recovery
cylinder is placed on a scale for continuous weight monitoring. Open all hose, tank and recovery unit valves in the flow path.
Start and run the refrigerant recovery unit per the manufacturer’s directions. As the temperature & pressure of the recovery
tank increases, the water surrounding the MT69 will become warmer as it absorbs heat from the compressed refrigerant. It
may become necessary to replace the warmed water with cooler water in extreme ambient conditions to keep the tank tem-
perature & pressure safely below high pressure limits. Once the refrigerant has been completely recovered from the system,
turn the recovery unit off and close all hose, tank and recovery unit valves. Recovery is now complete. WARNING: The MT69
will contain high pressure refrigerant upon completion of the recovery process. Proceed to recover the residual refrigerant
from the MT69 per the instructions below.