Gas Turbine Packaging Options and Features Klaus Brun, Ph.D. Marybeth G. Nored
Gas Turbine Packaging Options and Features Klaus Brun, Ph.D. Marybeth G. Nored
Gas Turbine Packaging Options and Features Klaus Brun, Ph.D. Marybeth G. Nored
Dr. Klaus Brun is the Director of the Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the
Machinery Program at Southwest Research University of Texas at Austin and her Master’s degree in M.E.
Institute. His experience includes positions in from Georgia Tech.
engineering, project management, and
management at Solar Turbines, General ABSTRACT
Electric, and Alstom. He holds four patents, This tutorial provides an overview of typical packaging
authored over 100 papers, and published a options for gas turbines in industrial applications. Applicable
textbook on gas turbines. Dr. Brun won an R&D 100 award in standards are discussed. The requirements for different systems,
2007 for his Semi-Active Valve invention and ASME Oil Gas such as air filtration, and fuel systems are explained. Off shore
Committee Best Paper awards in 1998, 2000, 2005, 2009, requirements, especially on floating systems are highlighted.
2010, and 2012. He was chosen to the "40 under 40" by the San
Antonio Business Journal. He is the chair of the ASME-IGTI INTRODUCTION
Board of Directors and the past Chairman of the ASME Oil & Industrial and aeroderivative gas turbines are commonly
Gas Applications Committee. He is also a member of the API employed in oil and gas applications where high power to
616 Task Forces, the Fan Conference Advisory Committee, and weight ratio, low emissions, and high availability requirements
the Latin American Turbomachinery Conference Advisory are very advantageous compared to other drivers. Industrial gas
Committee. Dr. Brun is an editor of Global Gas Turbine News, turbines are frequently used as mechanical drivers for natural
Executive Correspondent of Turbomachinery International gas centrifugal compressors. Due to their operational flexibility,
Magazine, and an Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Gas low maintenance requirements, and good speed match with the
Turbines for Power. driven equipment, they are ideally suited for this service. As
Rainer Kurz is the Manager, Systems Analysis, with any machinery, gas turbines require a significant number
at Solar Turbines Incorporated in San Diego, of on-skid and off-skid (also known as ancillary and auxiliary)
California. His organization is responsible for equipment, such as lube oil systems, controls and
analyzing compression requirements, predicting instrumentation, fire-detection and suppression systems, fuel
compressor and gas turbine performance, for forwarding and filtration systems, starter and crank motors, and
conducting application studies, and for field inlet/exhaust systems for their safe and efficient operation.
performance testing. Dr. Kurz attended the Given a specific application, an optimal set of ancillary and
Universitaet der Bundeswehr in Hamburg, Germany, where he auxiliary equipment options must be selected. This selection is
received the degree of a Dr.-Ing. in 1991. He has authored not just based on the type of application and utilities available
numerous publications about turbomachinery related topics, is at the site, but the operator’s requirements for operating profile,
an ASME fellow, and a member of the Turbomachinery reliability, and/or availability, and the environmental conditions
Symposium Advisory Committee. at the site must also be considered.
Ms. Marybeth Nored is a member of the gas For many compression applications, gas turbines are
monetization team at Apache Corporation. She located in unmanned stations with limited service access and
provides machinery engineering support and are required to operate over wide ranges of loads and speeds
natural gas metering/ allocation expertise for while providing high availability and reliability. Air, fuel, and
Apache downstream projects including two lube oil quality maintenance and monitoring are very important,
ongoing LNG developments in Western but can be a challenge for these applications. The proper
Australia and British Columbia. Previously, selection of ancillary/auxiliary equipment is critical to assure
Ms. Nored worked as a manager of the Fluid Machinery operation within the required operating parameters of output
Systems group at Southwest Research Institute. While at SwRI, power, efficiency, reliability, availability, and emissions.
she supported the rotating machinery, pipeline station design, This paper will describe the standard ancillary/auxiliary
and flow measurement groups. Ms. Nored obtained her equipment options for gas turbine driven compressor systems
unheated fuel line will drop, because the pressure drop due to Pipeline
140 by a specific gas fuel is determined by the gas composition
(including the moisture content), its mass flow, and its heating
Gas dew point
value. Performance representations for gas turbines are usually
10 degF superheat gas
50 deg F superheat gas
based on the lower heating value of the fuel gas, because the
810 760 710 660 610 560 510 460 410 360 310 260
exhaust temperatures are always high enough to keep the water
Gas pressure psia
vapor in the exhaust from condensing.
Figure 2: Schematic of a Gas Fuel System Showing the A gas analysis alone may not be entirely sufficient for the
Pressure Drop in Various Devices. If the Gas is not detection of heavy hydrocarbons, because it may only include
Superheated Sufficiently, its Temperature Will Eventually the gases but not the liquids in the stream. Also, it is common
Fall Below the Dewpoint Temperature. practice to lump all hydrocarbons from Hexane and heavier into
Interception determine the acceptable pressure loss and efficiency for their
60 application. Studies have shown that a higher pressure loss due
Diffusion to using a high efficiency filter has a lower effect on gas turbine
40 power degradation than poor inlet air quality.
Inertial Impaction
Electrostatic The efficiency of a filter cannot be stated as a general
characteristic. The filter efficiencies vary with particle size,
typically being lower for small particles and higher for large
0 0.1 1 10 particles. They also vary with operational velocity. Filters
Particle Size (micron) designed for medium and low velocities will have a poor
performance at higher velocities and vice versa. Therefore, a
Figure 9. Combination of Filtration Mechanisms to Obtain particle size range and flow velocity must be associated with
Filter Efficiency at Various Particle Sizes the stated efficiency. For example, a filter may have 95 percent
(Kurz and Brun, 2007) filtration efficiency for particles greater than 5 microns at a
volumetric flow rate of 3,000 cfm, but the efficiency could be
Another mechanism not shown in Figure 8 is electrostatic reduced to less than 70 percent for particles less than 5 microns
charge. This type of filtration is effective for particles in the or at a volumetric flow rate of 4,000 cfm.
0.01 to 2 micron size range (Figure 9). The filter works through
Filters are rated for performance based on standards
the attraction of particles to a charged filter. In gas turbine
established in the United States of America and Europe. These
applications, this charge is applied to the filter before
filter ratings are based on the results of standard performance
installation as a result of the manufacturing process. Filters
tests. In the United States, ASHRAE standard 52.2-2007
always lose their electrostatic charge over time because the
outlines the requirements for performance tests and the
particles captured on their surface occupy charged sites,
methodology to calculate the efficiencies. In this standard, the
therefore, neutralizing their electrostatic charge. As the charge
efficiencies are determined for various ranges of particles sizes.
is lost, the filter efficiency for small particles will decrease. On
The filter is given a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value
the other hand, as the filter is loaded, the filtration efficiency
(MERV) rating based on its performance on the particle size
increases, thus, counteracting the effect of the lost charge to
ranges (particle count efficiency) and the weight arrestance
some extent. This will offset some of the loss of filtration
(weight efficiency). The weight arrestance is a comparison of
efficiency due to the lost charge. Figure 9 shows a comparison
the weight of the dust penetrating the filter to the dust feed into
of a filter’s total efficiency based on the various filtration
the flow stream. In this standard, a filter with a MERV of 10
mechanisms that are applied. The figure shows the difference
will have 50 to 65 percent minimum efficiency for particles 1–3
between the filter’s efficiency curve before and after the charge
microns in size and greater than 85 percent for particles 3–10
is lost. The performance of the filter should be based on the
microns in size.
discharged condition.
The European standards used to determine performance are
EN 779:2002 and EN 1822:2009. The EN 779:2002 is used to
Distribution (%)
Anti-icing protection is used in climates with freezing
weather. Freezing climates with rain or snow can cause icing of 15
inlet components that can result in physical damage to inlet
ducts or to the gas turbine compressor. This ice can also affect
the performance of the gas turbine. If ice forms on filter 10
elements, then ice on those filters will be blocking the flow
path, which will cause the velocity at the other filters to
increase. This causes a decrease in filtration efficiency. Also, 5
the filter elements with ice can be damaged. Figure 12 shows
an example of ice formation on filters due to cooling tower
drift. Heaters or compressor bleed air are often used in the inlet 0
system in frigid environments to prevent the moisture in the air
from freezing on the inlet bell mouth or filter elements. 0 10 20 30
Particle Size (micron)
Figure 13. Coalescer Droplet Formation Distribution
(Wilcox et al, 2011)
The air has a mixture of large and small particles. If a one-
stage high efficiency filter is used, the buildup of large and
small solid particles can quickly lead to increased pressure loss
and filter loading. Prefilters are used to increase the life of the
downstream high efficiency filter by capturing the larger solid
particles. Therefore, the high efficiency filter only has to
remove the smaller particles from the air stream, which
increases the filter life. Prefilters normally capture solid
particles greater than 10 microns, but some prefilters will also
Figure 12. Cartridge Filters with Frost Buildup Due to capture the solid particles in the 2–5 micron size range. These
Cooling Tower Drift filters usually consist of a large diameter synthetic fiber in a
disposable frame structure. Bag filters are also commonly used
Inertial Separators for prefilters. These offer a higher surface area, which reduces
Inertial separation takes advantage of the physical the pressure loss across the filter. In many installations, the
principles of momentum, gravity, centrifugal forces, and prefilters can be exchanged without having to shut the engine
impingement, and the physical difference between phases to down.
cause particles to be moved out of the gas stream in such a way High Efficiency Filters
that they can be carried off or drained. The higher momentum As discussed above, there are filters for removing larger
of the dust or water particles contained in the air stream causes solid particles that prevent erosion and FOD. Smaller particles,
them to travel forward, while the air can be diverted to side which lead to corrosion, fouling, and cooling passage plugging,
ports and exit by a different path than the dust. There are many are removed with high efficiency filters. These types of filters
types of inertial separators, but the ones commonly used with have average separations greater than 80 percent. Three
gas turbine inlet filtration are vane and cyclone separators common types of high efficiency filters are EPA, HEPA and
Moisture Coalescers ULPA. EPA and HEPA filters are defined as having a
In environments with high concentration of liquid moisture minimum efficiency of 85 percent and 99.95 percent,
in the air, coalescers are required in order to remove the liquid respectively, for all particles greater than or equal to
moisture. The coalescer works by catching the small water 0.3 microns. ULPA filters have a minimum efficiency of
droplets in its fibers. As the particles are captured, they 99.9995 percent for particles the same size or larger than
combine with other particles to make larger water droplets. 0.12 microns. Often, these names are used loosely with the
Coalescers are designed to allow the droplets to either drain discussion of high efficiency filtration. However, the majority
Pulsed Air
Filtered Air
Figure 14. Rectangular High Efficiency Filters
Most modern gas turbines employ duplex lube oil filters Starter Motor Drive AC
with a continuous flow transfer valve. The media inside these Pre/Post Lube Oil AC
filters can range from paper cardboard to synthetic matrix Pump
fibers. Multi-layer filter cartridges with a high flow, high
efficiency media are typically provided by the manufacturer Lube Oil Cooler Motor AC
when the units are shipped. Special care should be taken to
Enclosure Ventilation AC
follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when replacing the
original filters with third-party filters. Differential pressure
transducers to monitor the pressure drop across the filter media Lube Oil Tank AC
should also be mounted with electronic signals and alarms to Immersion Heater
the unit control system for trending purposes.
Enclosure Lighting AC
Fuel gas heating is generally employed to ensure that the
fuel that enters the gas turbine is in entirely the gaseous state. Space Heaters AC
To ensure that the fuel gas does not develop liquid drop-out as Back Up Lube Oil DC
a result of the ubiquitous pressure drop in the fuel system, it has Pump
to be superheated to (typically) 28°C (50°F) above its dew
point. However, the natural gas’ dew point is a strong function Gas Fuel Control Valve DC
of its hydrocarbon composition; the higher the percentage of Bleed Valve and Guide DC
heavy hydrocarbons in the fuel, the higher the dew point. Vane Actuators
Consequently, swings in the composition of the natural gas
supplied from the producer fields can easily move the average Control System/Control DC
dew point of the gas significantly. If the fuel constituents into Console
the gas turbine combustion system vary significantly from the
Air Inlet Self Cleaning Compressed Air
design point, liquids may form in the gas turbine’s fuel system
and combustor damage will rapidly result.
To ensure that a gas turbine’s fuel is free from liquids, a