Food and Safety Training

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 Active Managerial Control

1. Create policy
a. Standard operating procedures (SOP)
b. Identify risks in establishment
2. Train
a. On the job, training meetings, online courses, casual training
b. Positive reinforcement, explaining consequences
3. Follow up
a. Observing to ensure all is well
b. See what is still needed
c. Direct/indirect monitoring
d. Make any changes
 Hazard analysis: identify food hazards
 Critical control points: identify where hazards can be
1. Perform hazard analysis
2. Determine CCPs
3. Set critical limits: measurable/observable parameter that
much be achieved to control a hazard
4. Establish monitoring system
5. Establish corrective system
6. Establish corrective action
7. Establish verification procedures
8. Establish record keeping
 Worker health and hygiene
 Wet hands, soap, at least 15 seconds, rinse, dry, water 100F
 Double
o System
 Reportable symptoms (most likely to spread)
 Asymptomatic (doesn’t spread as much)
 Exposed (carry the least risk)
o If they’re sick…
 Excluded
 Restricted
 allowed
o Getting a wound
 Apply first aid
 Report
a. Communicate
 Wash
 Cover with bandage
 Cover bandage with waterproof stuff
a. Double barrier
 Discard any food you were working with
 Clean any areas
o Reportable exclusions
 Vomiting (exclude) 24 hours
 Diarrhea (exclude) 24 hours
 Jaundice (exclude)
 Sore throat WITH fever (restrict)
 Lesions containing pus (restrict)
a. Reported/required restricted
 To remove restrictions… DOCTORS NOTE
a. E.coli & shigella = 7 days
b. Norovirus = 48 hours
c. Nontyphoidal salmonella = 30 days
d. Salmonella typhoidal = doctors note
 Preventing Contamination/Food Safety
o Hazards…
 Physical: any item that can hurt them
 Chemical: sanitizers, etc.
 Biological: organisms
o Fecal-oral route
o Allergies…
 Milk, eggs, shellfish, nuts, wheat, soybeans
 Reaction signs: tingling mouth, rash/flushed skin, antiphallic shock (dizzy,
bluish, confused), children: hands in mouth, tongue hot
o Germs…
 Bacteria: inside us, bad when they end up somewhere they shouldn’t be
 Parasites: live inside host (causes harm)
 Viruses: invades cells to multiply, 10 to infect (can be asymptomatic)
o Source contamination: before it gets to your establishment
o Cross contamination: getting it in your establishment
o Deliberate contamination: doing it on PURPOSE, spitting in drink, poison (food
o Growth  harvesting  processing  packaging
 Fish must be FROZEN
o Food…
 Eggs GRADE B
 Milk GRADE A
o Inspect deliveries!
 Faulty packaging
 Pest
 Abnormal coloring
 Odors
o Thermometer food
o Recall
 Stop serving, do not discard but LABEL
o Keep RAW foods away from essentially everything
 Different foods separate
 Animal products: meat, poultry, eggs
 Shelf order: pathogen food on the bottom, ready to eat on the top
o Foods that have shells or covering don’t need to be covered
o Food must be LABELED
o Unpackaged ice should not be a cooler
 Unless whole raw fruit veggies
o Reserving: can only reserve packaged individuals, dispensed in a container, not
temperature controlled
o Self-serve is always a risk
o Do not allow animals in, unless required by law (pets with jobs)
o Issues…
 Imminent health hazard: AN IMMEDIATE PROBLEM
 Power outage, floods, recalls
 Multiple people calling  report the issue
o Cleaning: removing dirt
o Sanitizing: chemicals or heat
 When switching food products/types

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