The Enemy Within - v13
The Enemy Within - v13
The Enemy Within - v13
Expense Price
Bowl of soup/Bread and cheese 3 brass pennies
Small pot of beef stew/Sizeable pie 6 brass
Full plate of daily roast, sausages, vegetables 1 silver shilling
Locally brewed mug of beer 2 brass
Imported bottle of wine 2-6 silver
Cold bath 2 brass
Hot bath 2 silver
Comfortable lodging 1 gold crown
Coach ride 4 silver
Doctor consultation 4 silver
Animal Price
Chicken 5 brass pennies
Sheep 3 silver shillings
Pig 4 silver
Dog 2 gold crowns
Donkey/Mule 5 gold
Pony 10 gold
Draught Horse 4 gold
Heavy Draught Horse 8 gold
Ox 15 gold
Riding Horse (Palfry) 15 gold
Light Warhorse (Hobby)* 70 gold
Heavy Warhorse (Destrier)* 230 gold
*Double or triple in times of war
Weapon Price
Dagger 16 silver shillings
Shield 2 gold crowns
Spear 15 silver
Lance 1 gold
Rapier 5 gold
Flail 2 gold
Halberd 2 gold
Pike 18 silver
Quarterstaff 3 silver
Greatsword 8 gold
Greataxe 4 gold
War Pick 9 silver
Warhammer 3 gold
Blunderbuss 2 gold
Pistol 4 gold
Hochland Long Rifle 100 gold
Shortbow 3 gold
Longbow 5 gold
Light Crossbow 5 gold
Hand Crossbow 6 gold
Heavy Crossbow 7 gold
Whip 5 silver
Sling 1 silver
Dart 2 silver
Javelin 10 silver
Handaxe 1 gold
Bullet 3 silver
Armor Price
Leather Armor 5 gold crowns
Hide Armor 5 gold
Studded Leather 7 gold
Chain Mail 8 gold
Breastplate 10 gold
Splint Armor 21 gold
Half-Plate 27 gold
Plate Armor 33 gold
Chapter 4 (Level 6)
- Brunnhilde Gratten (ghost)
- Crot Scaback (hobgoblin captain), 2 clanrat skaven (gnoll pack lords), 3 skaven slaves (ratfolk
rogue CR1, Tome of Beasts)
o 4,400 XP
- 4 undying soldiers
o 3,600 XP
- Chapter 4 completed: 1,800 XP
Chapter 8 (Level 7)
- 2,600 XP for completing chapter 8
Walter's criminal contact, alias Darien Ashbrow. A fence in Altdorf, and a Dawi-Zharr, associate of the
Hooks Gang
Overarching villains
- Boneripper fires a warpfire cannon in a 90-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that
line must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw, taking 49 (14d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.
o Recharge 5-6
High-Level Endings
28 units of timber