What Is Solar Power and Solar Power Plant
What Is Solar Power and Solar Power Plant
What Is Solar Power and Solar Power Plant
Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity.
This conversion is carried out in Solar Power Plants.
Depending on how the energy from sun is converted into electricity, these plants can be of two
Photovoltaic Plants
What is Solar Power Plant?
The solar power plant is also known as the Photovoltaic (PV) power plant. It is a
large-scale PV plant designed to produce bulk electrical power from solar radiation.
The solar power plant uses solar energy to produce electrical power. Therefore, it is
a conventional power plant.
Solar energy can be used directly to produce electrical energy using solar PV
panels. Or there is another way to produce electrical energy that is concentrated
solar energy. In this type of plant, the radiation energy of solar first converted into
heat (thermal energy) and this heat is used to drive a conventional generator. This
method is difficult and not efficient to produce electrical power on a large scale.
Hence, to produce electrical power on a large scale, solar PV panels are used.
Photo Voltaic (PV) Principle
Silicon is the most commonly used material in solar cells. Silicon is a semiconductor
material. Several materials show photoelectric properties like; cadmium, gallium
arsenide, etc.
Electron-holes pairs are created in solar cells. The PV materials have the property to
absorb photons of sunlight. The valance band electrons of semiconductor material
are at lower energy and the electrons of conduction band are at a higher energy
level. The difference between this energy level is known as bandgap energy E g.
When sunlight falls on solar cells, the difference between photon energy E and
bandgap energy Eg is absorbed by the cell. And it excites some electrons to jump
across the bandgap. These electrons move from the valance band to the conduction
band and create holes in the valance band.
Therefore, if the potential difference exists within the cell, the electrons of the
conduction band and holes of the valance band made the flow of current in the
According to Max Plant, the energy of photons is directly proportional to the
frequency of radiation.
EP = Energy of Photon
h = Plank’s Constant = 6.62×10-34 J s = 4.135×10-15 eV s
v = frequency of radiation (Hz)
C = speed of light ≈ 3×108 m/s
λ = Wavelength of radiation (μm)
substituting these values in the above equation;