Talisman Unofficial Faq

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TALISMAN 4th Edition (Revised)

UNOFFICIAL FAQ Version 1.01 June 2010

The source of information for each entry originates as follows: Official : From the Official Faq or collected somehow from official sources (for example, direct answer from Fantasy Flight Games). Not official. These answers came from people involved in development and / or seem sensible enough to represent the game as it should be played. They could be overruled by subsequent official answer, but can be considered reliable. Clarification. These are more to be meant as clarification or reminders rather than answers. They could be overruled: in this case it means there was a problem with the writing of the rules as written (or with my brain...) House Rule. Not only they are unofficial, but they can also be miles apart from the vision of the designer. Included here for the sake of providing a way to interpret the rules. Each topic is followed by a list of four-letters tags, like #ABCD, so you can look up in the index the matter that you'd like to know more about. For example, if you are unsure if you can cast Teleport while having the Poltergeist as a follower, you can look for Teleport and Poltergeist in the index and then make a text search for their tags (TPRT and POLT), putting a '#' character before the tag.

Generic Gameplay Issues

Crossing from Outer to Middle Region (and vice versa) [#CROS]

Building a raft works like this: on turn 1, you land (and encounter) a Woods space. On turn 2, you declare you are building a raft (and take the raft card from the Purchase deck that's all you do in that turn). On turn 3, you cross the river OR roll a dice for movement (and discard the raft). The Raft counts toward the Object limit. It can be stolen and used between the end of your turn 2 and the beginning of yor turn 3. You may use a Raft to cross the Storm River to any space of your choice directly opposite the one you are in (any space which would be intersected by the border lines of the space you are in, if those lines were extended): 1. If you are in the Woods nearest to the Village, you may only move to the Hidden Valley; 2. If you are in the Woods nearest to the City, you may move to either the Runes or Warlock's Cave; 3. If you are in the Woods nearest to the Tavern, you may move to either the Desert or Oasis; 4. If you are in the Forest, you may move to either the Castle or Portal of Power. 5. and so on. This applies to all other spaces when using a Raft.

You can build a raft in a Wood space in the Middle region to cross the river to the Outer region.

Combat & Encountering Spaces [#VAOF #DSRT #CSGD #BOSP #PVPX #DTCH #RUIN]

When a character encounter another character on spaces like the Desert or the Cursed Glade, that character ignores the instructions on the space, so for example he doesn't lose 1 life in the Desert. The Valley of Fire requires a character to have a Talisman before he lands on the space even if he the character entering wants to encounter another character there. When a character attacks another character and the attacker decides to reroll with fate, the defender must choose if he's using one fate too before both of them reroll. The defender can't wait to see the outcome of the attacker's roll to decide whether to reroll or not If a character encounters a draw 2 cards space, like the Ruins, he can ditch an Object or Follower after drawing the first card to avoid drawing the second card. Remember that if a character ditches Objects or Followers he cannot take them back during the same turn. During combat, any bonuses, modifiers, or penalties must be applied before the dice are rolled. See step 2 in the "Resolving Battles vs. Characters" on page 11 of the rulebook for more details. When encountering a non-draw space which contains face-up cards that can be taken (Objects, Followers), you can pick them up only before resolving the board space itself.

Fate [#FATE #REGE]

You cannot pay a fate token to reroll the die to see if the Cave Troll or Hydra regenerate. It is a direct effect of the creature and not a direct effect on your character. You can use a Fate token to reroll one of the two dice rolled for Dice With Death space. You

can't spend fate tokens to reroll Death's dice.

In combat you can use fate only to reroll your own dice.

Events [#EVNT]

If you draw 2 cards and the one with the highest encounter number is an Event, and resolving the one with the lower encounter number causes you to be unable to resolve the Event (for example, because you lost your turn, or you were teleported), the Event remains on the space and is triggered when someone encounters the space. Untriggered Event cards on a space, or Events that last one or more turns, count for the total number of cards on Draw spaces.

Mules and Carts [#MULE]

Mules, and other similar Followers/Objects, just increase your Object carrying limit. There is no such thing as My character is carrying X and Y and my mule is carrying Z and W, unless otherwise explicitly stated by the card. If you have a mule and you are carrying 6 Objects and another character steals your Mule, you DON'T have to give him 2 items along: instead, he takes the mule, your Object limit gets back to 4, and you have to immediately choose two objects to drop on the space.

Quests see Warlock's Cave and Quests (QST1) Spells : miscellaneous [#SPLL #WRLO #SAGE #TPRT #PVPX]

A player cannot cast a Spell unless he has a legal target. For example, you cannot cast Mesmerism if your opponents do not have any Followers. Some characters have abilities that make them draw spells at the start of the turn, and some spells are to be cast at the beginning of your turn: in this case, the spell-drawing comes BEFORE the spell casting. Spells that are cast "instead of rolling the die for movement" cannot be used unless you are able to roll a die for movement following the standard rules for movement. For example, a character cannot cast the Teleport Spell in the Inner Region because players do not roll a die for movement in the Inner Region (see also Blizzard (BLIZ) and exceptions for Crown of Command (CRWN). These can be referenced in this document as ATD Spells. As a general rule, any effects or abilities that allow a character to evade must be resolved first, before any other Spells or abilities are used. You cannot for example, cast Finger of Death on your opponent and then cast Cloak of Shadows to evade him. If you are instructed to gain a Spell and you already have all the Spells you're allowed, the correct procedure is not to draw anything (i.e. you DON'T draw and discard). Don't forget the limit to spells that can be cast by a player during his turn: the number of spells he has at the beginning of his turn (see also Sage (SAGE)) , and only one during other players' turn.

Adventure Cards in the dungeon [#ASCO #FISL #MADA #PHSY #BLAU #COLO #MULE #HORS #RIHR #UNIC #WARH
#FOLL #BLIZ #STRM #FLCA #HERU #CROS] (everything here is )

The Astral Conjunction, Fiend Slayer, Market Day, and Prophecy do affect characters in the Dungeon.

The Black Unicorn, Colossus, Horse and Cart, Mule, Riding Horse, Unicorn, Warhorse, and Enemy Followers may be taken into the Dungeon. The Blizzard and Storm do not affect characters in the Dungeon. The Flying Carpet and Hearth Rune may be used in the Dungeon. A Raft may not be taken into the Dungeon.

Spells in the dungeon

The Alteration, Destruction, Displacement, and Divination Spells may be cast on Dungeon Cards. The Barrier, Hex, and Summon Storm Spells may be cast on Dungeon spaces. The Gust of Wind, Misdirection, and Slow Motion Spells do affect characters in the Dungeon. The Speed, Teleport, and Transference Spells may be cast in the Dungeon. The Water Walking Spell may not be cast in the Dungeon.

Board Spaces
City and Village [#CITY #VILL #DOCT #ALCH #MYST #ENCH #BOSP]

Players must choose options that can be fulfilled. They can't choose options that would end up without any effect (i.e. a character with no object can't vist the Alchemist).

Crown of Command [#CRWN #TMPW #VRTX #MAPO]

You can use the Vortex spell or Temporal Warp spell at the start of your turn if you are standing on the Crown of Command. You cannot cast Magic Portal if you are standing on the Crown of Command.

Tavern [#TAVE #MATX]

If a character rolls a 3 in the Tavern and that character has no gold, he suffers no penalty. If a character rolls a 5 in the Tavern and he has to miss his next turn, he can teleport when he has next move.


If you fight multiple enemies at the same time, the total bonus of the enemies is just +2 for all of them, and not + (2 times the number of enemies).

Temple [#TMPL #TOAD]

If a Toaded character gets enslaved in the Temple, he is granted a roll to break free, but he will move anyway of only 1 space. If a character rolls a 10 in the Temple and he doesn't want a Talisman, he leaves it face up on the Temple.

Warlock's Cave and Quests [#WRLK #QST1 #BLIZ]

When a character completes his quest, he's teleported back to the Warlock's Quest, he gains the Talisman and his turn immediately ends (no further encounters). Teleporting to Warlock's Quest after quest completion happens also if a Blizzard (Event) is in effect. Gaining a Talisman while on a Warlock's quest doesn't complete the quest. It must still be completed. Being killed makes you lose the quest. Quests must be completed as soon as the conditions for being fullfilled can legally apply: for example, if the Quest you have demands you to discard a Follower and you have just one that you find particularly useful, you can't decide not to discard him because you want to find a worse one to discard! If a quest requires you to travel to a certain board space, the quest is completed and you are teleported back as soon as you land on the space. You don't encounter the space. All other rules governing Warlock Quests continue to apply when Warlock Quest Cards are used: only one quest can be accepted at a time, quests must be completed as soon as possible, characters who have accepted a quest are prevented from opening the Portal of Power until the

quest is complete, and so on. Completed quests are not considered to be "in play" and only serve as reminders for how many quests a player has completed during the "Warlock Quests" Alternative Ending Card. Note that completed quests are not discarded even if the character is killed.

Amazon [#AMAZ]

She may use her special movement in the dungeon too.



You can assassinate more than one enemy at the same time if they fight together. You can assassinate regardless of whether or not it is drawn from the Adventure deck, or already faceup on the space when he encounters it. (Yes, you can assassinate the Sentinel or the Lord of Darkness or any other 'board' creature).

Dark Cultist

If the Dark Cultist defeats another character in battle, she receives a gift from the Forces of Darkness only with a Succesful 'Life Taking'. If two Enemies with the same encounter number fight as one during battle or psychic combat,the Dark Cultist receives only one gift from the Forces of Darkness if she kills them both.

Druid and Knight and other alignment issues [#DRUD #KNHT #DRST]

If the Druid draws an Event which affects alignment, he can immediately alter his alignment to gain benefit from the card. The Druid's 'gain his full complement of Spells...' ability is a Land On Ability. If the Knight lands on the same space as the Druid with an evil or neutral alignment (or an evil or neutral character with the Druid Staff) and declares that he is attacking him , the other character CAN'T evade the Knight by changing his alignment to good. He CAN switch alignment as soon as the Knight enters the space but before the Knight's player declares the attack. You can't change alignment more than once per turn, but this is not a limit for forced / involuntary alignment changes.

Ghoul, Necromancer, Ogre Chieftain and Minstrel followers [#GHUL #OGCH #NECR #MNST]

The followers of all these characters are Special Followers. The Ghoul can only raise Enemies.

Gladiator [#GLDT #COLO #MERN]

The Gladiator can train Followers that already add their strength to him in battle (like Colossus or the Mercenary).


The Gypsy can take Spells from the discard people also in the case they were cast by the Genie or the Spell Ring. The Gypsy can pick up a spell from the discard pile only when its effects have been completely

resolved (and so have any spell or effect played as an immediate response to that same Spell).
Leprechaun [#LEPR]

The ability that grants you gold in the Woods is a Land On Ability.

Merchant [#MERC]

The Merchant can trade only one object in his turn in the Village board space, and he can buy and sell as much as he likes.

Minstrel [#MNST]

If the Minstrel fails to charm an animal/dragon, the animal/dragon DOESN'T attack him, but the Minstrel can't attack the animal /dragon either. If the Minstrel chooses NOT TO attack the animal/dragon, he can't collect Objects in the spaces (by the rules, all enemies must be killed or evaded to take Objects).

Prophetess [#PTSS]

She may discard and redraw Dungeon cards in the Dungeon.

Philosopher [#PHIL]

He may discard and replace Dungeon cards in the Dungeon.

Sage [#SAGE]

If the sage gains a spell at the beginning of a turn, he can cast it during that turn. He always knows what the top card is on the Dungeon deck in the Dungeon.

Swashbuckler [#SWBK #REGE]

If the Swashbuckler defeats the Cave Troll in battle and it regenerates, the Swashbuckler is NOT entitled another Turn. The Swashbuckler is entitled one extra turn PER ROUND. (He doesn't get additional turns for winning multiple battles during his regular and/or extra turn).

Thief [#THIF #VILL]

He can steal and buy/visit in the same turn when encountering the Village board space.

Valkyrie [#VALK]

Her resurrection power applies to any follower, not just hers. The resurrection power applies to followers that were killed / eaten / fallen in the chasm /etc. and not to followers that were discarded (for example, you can't resurrect a 'used' St. Josephine nor a follower 'offered' at the Vampire's Tower)


The Grim Reaper is moved on a natural roll of 1.

If a character uses the Riding Horse to determine his move, the Grim Reaper ISN'T moved even if a 1 is rolled on one of the die. The Amazon may move the Grim Reaper only if she chooses to use the 1 result for her movement. It seems reasonable to extend the above two official rulings to, respectively: (1) Any circumstance in which you add two dice to determine your movement (2) Any circumstance in which you roll more than one dice for movement and you have to choose one. If a player uses a fate token to reroll his movement, he moves the Grim Raper ONLY if the rerolled value is a natural 1. If a character rolls a 5 for the Grim Reaper, he can teleport to a different Region (but not the Inner Region, not even during a Danse Macabre ending). The Grim Reaper may enter and leave the Dungeon Region according to the normal rules for a character entering and leaving the Dungeon, with the following exception: When the Grim Reaper reaches the Treasure Chamber space, he must immediately move to any space in any Region (except the Inner Region) and end his movement in that space. The player who moved the Grim Reaper chooses which space he is moved to.

Cards - Adventure, Dungeon, Treasures and Relics

Academy and Instructor [#ACAD #INST #EQKE #DTCN #DISP]

The correct sequence for encountering the Academy (or Instructor) is as follows: 1. Pay the chosen amount of gold for your training, in advance (3G, 6G, 9G, etc), 2. Miss your next turn, 3. Gain 1 point of Strength or Craft, at the end of your missed turn, 4. Repeat steps 2+3 for every 3 gold you paid for your training.

You can mix strength and craft training during the same interaction. If the Academy is destroyed by the Earthquake or the Destruction or Displacement Spell is cast on the Academy, any further missed turns and Strength or Craft gains are forfeited, along with all of the gold you paid for the training.


The only time you cannot turn an Object into gold with the Alchemist, is when you have just been defeated in battle or psychic combat by another character or the Merchant or Thief have announced which Object they will take from you (you may change an Object into gold before this occurs). The same rule also applies to the Acquisition, Gust of Wind, or Shatter Spell the moment they are cast.

Amulet [#AMUL]

A characters Objects, Followers, Spells, and gold are unaffected by Spells if he has the Amulet. A character with an Amulet can still be evaded if he attacks another character who casts Invisiblity.

Anointed Robe [#ANRO #KNHT #MONK #PRST]

Its effect is cumulative with the praying bonuses of Knight, Priest and Monk.

Arnkell and Cloak of Feathers [#ARNK #CLOF]

They can be used in the Inner Region to teleport on the Crown of Command.

Blizzard [#BLIZ #TPRT]

You cannot cast the Teleport spell during a Blizzard.

Cerberus [#CERB #LOTP #POPW #DISP]

If Cerberus is on the Portal of Power, a character has to land exactly on the Portal of Power to be able to fight Cerberus. If Cerberus is killed, the character may attempt to cross the Portal of Power on his next turn following the normal rules, if he so chooses. If a character casts the Displacement Spell on Cerberus and moves the card to another space, the character doesn't have to defeat Cerberus anymore before he is allowed to enter the Portal of Power, because Cerberus is no longer guarding the Portal of Power if this occurs.

If a character defeats the Lord of the Pit, he can still teleport to the Plain of Peril even if Cerberus is guarding the Portal of Power. Cerberus only prevents a character from entering the Inner Region through the Portal of Power doorway.

Clockwork Owl [#CLWL]

A character CAN'T use the Clockwork Owl during movement if he uses a Riding Horse or casts the Speed Spell.


The Concealed Pouch, or the Object stored inside,is affected by the Whirlwind or the Gust of Wind, Shatter, or Transmute Spells. If the Shatter spell makes a character lose the Concealed Pouch, he must leave any surplus Object of his choice on the space he is in. The Merchant can't trade an Object with another character and take the Concealed Pouch from him or the Object stored inside. If you have the Golden Statue stored inside the Concealed Pouch, it can't be taken by a character that has defeated you.

Crypt Keeper and Prophetess [#CRKE #PTSS #OROK]

If the Prophetess, or a character with the Orb of Knowledge, kills the Crypt Keeper and searches his tomb for treasure, he can she still use her special ability to discard one card of her choice and draw one more card to replace it. In this case she has not to encounter that card because it isn't a standard card draw.

Dark Denizens [#DKDZ #PTSS]

The Prophetess can use her ability if the Dark Denizens Event is in effect. After the Prophetess draws a Dungeon Card, she may discard it and draw another Dungeon Card to replace it.

Demigod [#DGOD]

The Demigod remains on the table until he grants a spell to someone.

Dryad [#DRYD]

The dryad stays on the board until someone rolls a total equal or less than his Craft.

Fountain [#FONT

Characters can encounter places like Fountain, Pool of Life, Magic Stream in the same turn they draw them.

Ghost [#GHST]

If the Ghost appears on the space where a character draws it, he does have to encounter it that turn.

Earthquake [#EQKE]

If you draw two cards and one of them is an Earthquake, the other card is unaffected. The Earthquake only affects cards which are already faceup on the board when it is drawn.

Ekor [#EKOR #MCOM]

The Ekor is on a space with another Enemy that has the same encounter number, so they fight together during battle. If a character with Strength higher than 2 encounters them, the Ekor still flees 1 space clockwise instead of fighting. The Ekor doesn't flee if you don't encounter the space (i.e. you encounter another character there).

Evil Darkness [#EVDK]

The alignment to which to refer is the one you have when the card is resolved. Characters who can (and want to) alter their alignment should do it at that time, not later.

False Grail and Lodestone

They can be alchemised (there are various effects called alchemy in the game that turn objects into gold, for example the Alchemist in the City or the Alchemist follower).

Fiend Slayer [#FISL #PHSY #DTCH]

If a character has the Fiend Slayer and lands on a Draw 1 Card space with a faceup Adventure Card already there, he HAS to draw another Adventure Card if he encounters the space. If you have the Fiend Slayer as a Follower and the Prophesy event is in effect, you have to draw the 2 more cards than required. The Fiend Slayer ability is NOT optional. (You can ditch him if you don't want this ability).

Gathering, The [#GATH]

You have to encounter the summoned Spirits immediately.


His spells are unaffected by Magical Vortex or Nullify. He can't cast his spells if you have the Amulet or Destroy Magic spell is in effect. The Prophetess can't look at his spells. IF the Genie is ditched, he keeps his current spells. If he is later taken as a follower, he DOESN'T draw spells to replenish to 3. The Genie ability is not related to the character's Craft. Spells cast by the Genie don't count against a characters Spell limit. Note that the phrase treat the Spells as though you had cast them is only taken into account if an effect refers to a character who cast the Spell (such as the Reflection Spell).

Goblin King [#GOKI #GHUL]

If the Ghoul raises the Goblin King from the dead and uses him in battle, other Goblins and Hobgoblins still add to the Goblin Kings Strength.

Goblin Trapsmith [#GOBS #GOBTR #TRPR #WARR]

If you fight the Goblin Trapsmith and the Trapper together in the same battle, you are NOT entitled to throw a dice in combat because Trapper's ability overrides that of the Goblin Trapsmith. If you fight the Goblin Trapsmith and the Goblin Sniper together in the same battle, you are NOT entitled to throw a dice in combat because Goblin Sniper 's ability overrides that of the Goblin Trapsmith. The Warrior can't use his ability when fighting the Goblin Trapsmith. He must roll two dice and choose the lower result.

Haunt and Jester ...[#HANT #JEST]

Their bad ability can cumulate if both follow you at the same time (for a total -2 to Attack Rolls)

...Jester and Hag and Poltergeist [#JEST #HAGX #POLT #TMPL]

You can't sacrifice the Jester / Hag / Poltergeist at the Vampire's Tower, or to complete a Warlock's Quest. The Chasm or The Reaper may force you to discard the Jester / Hag / Poltergeist. Rolling a 4 on the Temple board space can get rid of Jester / Hag / Poltergeist as long as it is your only follower.

Hermit [#HERM]

If the Hermit appears on the space where a character draws it, the character can gain a Talisman if he encounters him that turn.

Idol [#IDOL]

If a character is enslaved by the Idol and the card is moved or discarded, that character is automatically set free.

Lake of Visions [#LOVI]

A character can't take another quest from the lake if they have already an open one, unless the Replacing Quests variant is being used.

Leper [#LEPE]

The leper can move multiple times in a single turn, once for each character encountered.

Living Statue

If the Living Statue is fought together with another Enemy, the attack still results in a stand-off if the chracter is not using a Weapon that is a Magic Object.

Market Day [#MADA]

It affects characters in the Dungeon.

Orb of Knowledge [#OROK #PHIL #PTSS]

If the Philosopher chooses to replace a faceup Adventure Card, he can use the Orb of

Knowledge to replace the new card that he draws. If the Prophetess chooses to replace a just drawn Adventure Card, she can use the Orb of Knowledge to replace the new card that she draws.

Poltergeist [#POLT #MESM #TPRT]

Being teleported across the river doesn't get rid of the Poltergeist. You can't cast Teleport if you have a Poltergeist Follower because you aren't entitled rolling a dice.

Prince [#PRNC #PRNS #CSTL]

A can a character use the Prince or Princess to heal up to 2 lives for free at the Castle and then exchange the Follower for 3 gold during the same turn.

Prophesy [#PHSY]

If a character encounters a Draw 1 Card space when Prophesy is in effect and there is a faceup Adventure Card already there, the character has to draw another Adventure Card. It affects characters in the Dungeon.

Runesword and other similar weapons [#RNSW #PLOL #MCOM #SPWD #ICES #WARR #FATS]

If a character uses the Runesword (or similar) to defeat another character in battle, he gains a life only upon a Successful 'Life Taking' . Fighting multiple enemies at once and defeating them allows you to gain ONLY one life. These rules above apply as guidelines to all similar weapons (including those worded in a slightly different manner, e.g. Spellsword or Ice Sceptre). If a Warrior is wielding two weapons of this type, he can gain two bonuses with a single combat.. For example, if the Warrior defeats an Enemy in battle with the Fate Stealer and Runesword, he would gain both 1 fate and 1 life.

Staff of Mastery [#STSL #DOPP]

The Staff of Mastery will keep its content also if it is dropped / ditched. You CAN enslave the Doppelganger with the Staff Of Mastery. When the Doppelganger is enslaved, it has same total Strength as the opponent you attack in battle. You then add the Doppelgangers Strength to your own Strength.

Shrine [#SHRN]

If you roll a teleport effect, you can't teleport on the same space.

Tinker Imp [#TIMP #BOHL #CNCP]

The Tinker Imp can discard a random Object that is inside the Bag of Holding or the Concealed Pouch.

Torch [#TRCH]

A character can't use the Torch to roll 2 dice for movement in the Hall of Darkness.

Warhorse [#WARH #PLOL]

If a character is defeated in battle but prevents the loss of life with Armour or the Preservation Spell, he doesn't have to discard the Warhorse.

Wand [#WAND #WZRD]

It is not cumulative with the Wizard special ability.

Wand of Dragonfire [#WODR #MCOM]

It can be used only once per turn, and it targets only ONE enemies if you are fighting many at the same time. It uses your current Craft (excluding combat bonuses, i.e. Weapons), not starting Craft.

Barrier [#BARR]

You can't move on the barriered space in ANY way, not even if you are forced.

Counterspell [#CTSP #TPRT]

You can counter your own spells. If a spell being countered involves a die being rolled, you CAN'T wait to see the outcome of the roll before deciding to counter it or not. If you counter the Teleport spell being cast by a character, that character gets to roll a dice for movement instead.

Destroy Magic [#DTMG #CMMD #TSMN]

The Command Spell cannot be cast while Destroy Magic is in effect. The Valley of Fire CAN be entered with a Talisman while Destroy Magic is in effect.

Destruction [#DTCN]

If a character just completed his move on a Draw 1 Card space and casts the Destruction Spell on a card in his space, does he have to draw another Adventure Card? Yes, but only if he chooses to encounter the space. You can Destroy cards in the Dungeon from the main board.

Enchant Blade [#ENBL]

It can be cast on a Object that is already a Magic Object. If you drop / ditch an 'enchanted' weapon, it remains enchanted.

Fireball and Finger of Death [#FRBL #MTOM]

If you kill a Enemy with a Fireball, you can keep him as a trophy. If you have to fight multiple creatures at the same time, you can fireball or finger of death just ONE of them, because it happens before combat.

Gust of Wind [#GUOW]

If you lose any Objects to the Gust of Wind Spell in the Inner Region, don't count the Crown of Command as one of the 6 spaces when determining where your Objects are blown. For instance, if you are on the Mines your Objects are blown to the Crypt or if you are on the Crown of Command your Objects are blown to the Mines.

Healing [#HELS]

You can't cast this spell if you lose your last life. A character must have at least one life remaining in order to heal or gain life.

Hydra Spell [#HYDR #TOFY #TPRT #TMPW]

It can affect the Toadify spells. The player who casts Hydra decides which other players are affected by Toadify (probably not himself!). The player who cast Toadify then rolls a die for each other player nominated by the player who cast Hydra. The Teleport and Temporal Warp Spells are also affected by the Hydra Spell. These Spells are cast on a character at the start of his turn. Treat the Teleport and Temporal Warp Spells as though they are cast at the start of each characters turn affected by Hydra.

Misdirection [#MDTN]

You can cast Misdirection on a character in the Inner Region (the character can't be on the Crown Of Command and he must not being turning back). The player who cast Misdirection on a character in the Inner Region can either move his opponent forward to the next space or back one space towards the Plain of Peril. If the player chooses to move his opponent back one space towards the Plain of Peril, the character does not encounter the space and this is not considered to be turning back. In this case, the character may continue advancing toward the Crown of Command on his following turn as normal.

Nullify [#NULL]

You can cast Nullify on yourself, as long as you have at least one spell at the time Nullify is cast. You can't cast Nullify on a character who has no spells.

Psionic Blast [#PSBL #PTFN #MONK]

If cast during the fight with the Pit Fiends, it helps you only on ONE of the fights. Each Pit Fiend counts as a separate battle. Its effect can cumulate with the Monk's ability.

Reflection [#RFCT

You can use Reflection to negate the effects of an Immobility spell.

Transference [#TNSF #CRWN #TSMN #VAOF]

You can cast Transference on a character in the Inner Region (as long as you are in the Inner Region, of course), even on a character who is on the Crown of Command. In the latter case, you don't need a Talisman to switch spaces with that character. You do need one to swtich spaces with a character in the Valley of Fire, though. You can't cast Transference with a character in the same space as yours.

Alternate Endings
Danse Macabre [#DANS]

As long as Danse Macabre is revealed, characters must subtract 1 from their result on the Reaper's chart. So if you start the game with the card revealed, the Reaper is deadlier for the entire game. A character alone on the Crown of Command can't send the Reaper to visit another player in the Inner Region. This means that there is no way for that character to hurt another character in the Inner Region, except for Spells.

Academy [#ACAD] Acquisition [#ACQT] Alchemist (on the City board space) [#ALCH] Alchemist (follower) [#ALCF] Alternate Endings [#ALTN] Armour (keyword) see Preventing loss of life [#PLOL] Arnkell [#ARNK] Amazon [#AMAZ] Amulet [#AMUL] Anointed Robe [#ANRO] Assassin [#ASSN] Bag of Holding [#BOHL] Barrier (spell) [#BARR] Blizzard [#BLIZ] Board Spaces [#BOSP] Castle [#CSTL] Cave Troll see Regeneration [#REGE] Cerberus [#CERB] City [#CITY] Cloak of Feathers [#CLOF] Clockwork Owl [#CLWL] Command Spell [#CMMD] Concealed Pouch [#CNCP] Counterspell [#CTSP] Crossing from Outer to Middle Region [#CROS] Crown of Command [#CRWN] Crypt Keeper [#CRKE] Cursed Glade [#CSGD] Danse Macabre (alternate ending) [#DANS] Dark Cultist [#DKCT] Dark Denizens [#DKDZ] Demigod [#DGOD] Desert [#DSRT] Ditching [#DTCH] Displacement [#DISP] Destroy Magic [#DTMG] Destruction [#DTCN] Doctor (on the City board space) [#DOCT] Doppelganger [#DOPP] Druid [#DRUD] Druid Staff [#DRST] Dryad [#DRYD] Earthquake [#EQKE] Eastern Dragon [#ESTD] Ekor [#EKOR] Enchant Blade [#ENBL] Enchantress (on the City board space) [#ENCH] Events [#EVNT] Evil Darkness [#EVDK] False Grail [#FAGR] Fate [#FATE] Fate Stealer [#FATS] Fiend Slayer [#FISL] Finger of Death [#FIOD] Fireball [#FRBL] Fountain [#FONT] Genie [#GENI] Ghost [#GHST] Ghoul [#GHUL] Goblin King [#GOKI] Goblin Sniper [#GOBS] Goblin Trapsmith [#GOBT] Golden Statue [#GLST] Gladiator [#GLDT] Grim Reaper [#GREP] Gypsy [#GYPS] Gust ot Wind [#GUOW] Hag [#HAGX] Haunt [#HANT] Healing (spell) [#HELS] Hermit [#HERM] Hydra see Regeneration [#REGE] Hydra Spell [#HYDR] Ice Sceptre [#ICES] Idol [#IDOL]

Immobility [#IMBL] Instructor [#INST] Jester [#JEST] Knight [#KNHT] Lake of Visions [#LOVI] Leper [#LEPE] Leprechaun [#LEPR] Living Statue [#LIST] Lodestone [#LODE] Lord of The Pit [#LOTP] Magic Portal [#MAPO] Magic Stream [#MAST] Magical Voretx [#MAGV] Merchant [#MERC] Mesmerism [#MESM] Minstrel [#MNST] Misdirection [#MDTN] Missing a Turn [#MATX] Monk (character) [#MONK] Mule [#MULE] Multiple Combat [#MCOM] Mystic (on the City board space) [#MYST] Necromancer [#NECR] Nullify [#NULL] Objects : generic [#OBJS] Ogre Chieftain [#OGCH] Orb of Knowledge [#OROK] Player Versus Player [#PVPX] Philosopher [#PHIL] Pit Fiends [#PTFN] Poltergeist [#POLT] Pool Of Life [#POLF] Portal of Power [#POPW] Preservation (spell) see Preventing loss of life [#PLOL] Preventing loss of life [#PLOL] Priest [#PRST] Prince [#PRNC] Princess [#PRNS] Prophesy [#PHSY] Prophetess [#PTSS]

Psionic Blast [#PSBL] Reflection [#RFCT] Regeneration [#REGE] Riding Horse [[#RIHR] Ruins [#RUIN] Runes (board space) [#RUNE] Runesword [#RNSW] Sage [#SAGE] Shatter [#SHTT] Shrine [#SHRN] Spell Ring [#SPRI] Spells (generic) [#SPLL] Spellsword [#SPWD] Staff of Mastery [#STSL] Swashbuckler [#SWBK] Talisman [#TSMN] Tavern [#TAVE] Teleport (spell) [#TPRT] Temple [#TMPL] Temporal Warp (spell) [#TMPW] The Gathering [#GATH] Thief [#THIF] Tinker Imp [#TIMP] Toadify (spell) [#TOFY] Toads [#TOAD] Torch [#TRCH] Transference [#TNSF] Transmute [#TRNM] Trapper [#TRPR] Valkyrie [#VALK] Valley Of Fire [#VAOF] Village [#VILL] Vortex (spell) [#VRTX] Wand [#WAND] Wand of Dragonfire [#WODR] Warhorse [#WARH] Warlock (character) [#WRLO] Warlock's Cave [#WRLK] Warlocks's Quests [#QST1] Warrior [#WARR] Wirlwhind [#WWND]

Wizard [#WZRD]

Glossary and Keywords

ATD Spell (Alternative To Dice). Keyword used to indicate Spells that are to be cast in place of a movement roll, and ONLY if you are entitled to do such a roll (not in the Inner Region, for example). Enemy (this is just a reminder, this keyword is used in the official Rules book) An Enemy is any Adventure Card with the word Enemy in the card type box. Land On Ability. These abilties, which trigger upon landing on a particular space, are resolved before encountering the space (i.e. before choosing to encounter the space or characters on it) and don't interfere with the encounter. Special Followers A character that has these followers in his play area treats them as normal followers in all regards, except he cannot choose to ditch them. All other characters treat these cards as if their text boxes were blank. Example: A character cannot cast Mesmerism to take one of the minstrels charmed Animals because it is only considered a Follower to the minstrel, not to any other characters. If a character is forced to ditch or leave a card that has become a Follower on a space (such as the Cell space in the Dungeon, getting turned into a Toad, or because the character is killed), the Follower must be discarded instead. Successful 'Life Taking' Used to indicate when you choose to take a life as a reward for PvP combat and the opponent fails to (or decides not to) prevent it with armor or Preservation Spell or similar effects.

I am really interested in any kind of help: Official Rulings you have information about (i.e. rules questions answered by FFG Customer Service) Rule corrections / disagreement (please provide source) Layout suggestions for this file Language corrections Everything else

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Thanks to
John Goodenough and FFG Jon talismanisland New, Elliot talismanamsilat Eastoe, and other guys at BGG and FFG forums.

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