Epikote 828 Tech Data
Epikote 828 Tech Data
Epikote 828 Tech Data
EPIKOTE Resin 828 is a medium viscosity liquid epoxy resin produced from
bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin. It contains no diluent. EPIKOTE 828 provides
good pigment wetting and good resistance to filler settling and a high level of
mechanical and chemical resistance properties in the cured state. However, as
an unmodified pure bisphenol A resin, EPIKOTE 828 is prone to crystallise on
storage, particularly in cold conditions. Note: EPIKOTE 827, 828 and 828LVEL
are unmodified resins of similar type and performance; they offer the formulator
a choice of viscosity.
Electrical and electronics industries (potting, casting, impregnating). Building and
civil engineering industries (floorings, adhesives, mortars, grouts). Filament
winding for composites. Solvent-free and high-solids coatings.
Sales specification
Property Test method Unit Value
Epoxy group content SMS 2026 mmol/kg 5260 - 5420
(Epoxy molar mass* g 184-190)
Viscosity at 25°C ASTM D445 Pa.s** 12.0 – 14.0
Colour ASTM D1209 Pt-Co 100 max
* no. of grams of resin containing 1g-equivalent of epoxide. (Weight per equivalent,
WPE, is an alternative term).
** 1 Pa.s = 10 poise
Typical properties
Property Test method Unit Value
Density at 25°C ASTM D4052 kg/L 1.16
Flash point (PMCC) ASTM D93 °C >150
20°C Pa.s 32
30°C Pa.s 6.0
40°C Pa.s 1.5
50°C Pa.s 0.55
60°C Pa.s 0.24
70°C Pa.s 0.12
SMS methods mentioned are available from Resolution Europe BV, .Information
on a number of SMS methods is given in Bulletins in the EK 1.5 series and can
be found under www.resins.com.
EPIKOTE 828 should be stored at room temperature in conditions such that
moisture is excluded, in the original containers kept tightly closed. Under these
conditions the shelf life should be a minimum of three years from date of
certification. If EPIKOTE 828 develops a haziness or crystallises on storage,
this can be dispersed and the resin restored to its original condition by warming
to 45-50 C, with stirring.
Handling precautions
Reference must be made to the Safety Data Sheet for these products and to the
following Bulletins: