Content Analysis of The Vocabulary Items in Action

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Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies ‫مجلة جامعة القدس املفتوحة

لألبحاث والدراسات التربوية والنفسية‬

Vol. (13) - No. (39) - August 2022 ‫م‬2022 ‫ آب‬- )39( ‫ العدد‬- )13( ‫اجمللد‬

Content Analysis of the Vocabulary Items in

“Action Pack” for Sixth Grade in Jordan

Action Pack6 ‫حتليل حمتوى ملفردات كتاب اللغة االجنليزية‬

‫للصف السادس األساسي يف األردن‬

Salameh Fleih Obeiah ‫سالمه أفليح العبيه‬

Educational Supervisor/Ministry of Education/Jordan
‫ األردن‬/‫ وزارة التربية والتعليم‬/‫مشرف تربوي‬
[email protected]

Received: 16/ 11/ 2021, Accepted: 1/ 3/ 2022. .‫م‬2022 /3 /1 :‫ تاريخ القبول‬،‫م‬2021 /11 /16 :‫تاريخ االستالم‬
DOI: 10.33977/1182-013-039-015 E-ISSN: 2307-4655
https: // P-ISSN: 2307-4647

Content Analysis of the Vocabulary Items in “Action Pack»
for Sixth Grade in Jordan Dr. Salameh Fleih Obeiah

‫وحللت و�أظهرت نتائج‬

ُ ‫ ُجمعت البيانات‬.‫التحليل هي الكلمة‬
‫الدرا�سة منا�سبة حِ مل املفردات مل�ستوى الطلبة ومنا�سبتها‬
‫ و�أظهرت نتائج الدرا�سة‬.‫�أي�ضا ملوا�ضيع الوحدات الدرا�سية‬
Content Analysis of the Vocabulary Items in “Action
‫�أي�ضا �أن املفردات املوجودة يف كتاب الطالب لل�صف‬
Pack» for Sixth Grade in Jordan
‫ال�ساد�س الأ�سا�سي كانت منا�سبة لل�سياق واحلياة الواقعية‬
Abstract .‫للطلبة‬
This study aimed at investigating the extent ،‫ حتليل املحتوى‬،Action Pack :‫الكلمات املفتاحية‬
of suitability of the new vocabulary items to the .‫املفردات‬
main topic of each unit and the extent of presenting
these new vocabulary items in appropriate background and Introduction
contexts and situations in the Jordanian “Action
Acquisition and teaching of vocabulary are
Pack 6” Pupil’s Book. The researcher analyzed the
the main substantial concerns in teaching English
content of the 20 units of “Action Pack 6” Pupils’’
as a Foreign Language (EFL hereafter), is under
book by identifying the criteria of the analysis
examination. The role of vocabulary instruction
which is based on the load suitability and the
in an EFL context has been for decades a major
appropriateness of the vocabulary items presented
debate for students and teachers alike. Researchers
in “Action Pack 6” to the level of the students. The
have debated whether vocabulary should be taught
categories of analysis which included the selection
deductively or inductively. Traditional or even
of vocabulary items suitable for the topic of the
novice teachers have adopted the view of teaching
lesson and the presentation of the new vocabulary
vocabulary deductively due to the fact that they
in appropriate contexts and situations, while the
lack the necessary training on the most up-to-date
unit of the analysis was the word. After collecting
methodologies and strategies in TEFL or they just
the required data, frequencies and the percentages
attempt to teach vocabulary as they were taught.
of these categories were calculated. The findings
of the study revealed that the vocabulary load is Before the 1980s, the Jordanian EFL teaching
suitable to the students’ level and to the topics was dominated by the Grammar-Translation
of the units. Furthermore, the findings revealed Method (GTM hereafter). What was emphasized
that the vocabulary presented in “Action Pack 6” in the GTM is grammar and lexical accuracy,
Pupils’ book is appropriate to the students’ real attention was given to form rather than meaning,
life and context. explanation and memorization of individual words
and their usage. For vocabulary teaching, a direct
Keywords: “Action Pack”, content analysis,
method was usually adopted, generally focusing
on spelling, meaning, and usage with little or no
‫امللخص‬ attention paid to pronunciation (Prator & Celce-
Murcia, 1979).
‫هدفت هذه الدرا�سة �إىل البحث يف مدى مالءمة‬
‫املفردات املوجودة يف كتاب ال�صف ال�ساد�س الأ�سا�سي‬ Textbooks are the most regularly used in
the teaching process. They are valuable sources
‫) للموا�ضيع الرئي�سة املطروحة يف‬Action Pack 6( of knowledge which are considered to be the
‫الوحدات الدرا�سية يف كتاب الطالب ومدى مالءمة عر�ض‬ easiest to obtain and they become dispensable
‫هذه املفردات اجلديدة يف ال�سياق ويف املواقف مل�ستوى‬ aids to help students in obtaining clear concepts
‫ وقام الباحث بتحليل حمتوى وحدات‬.‫ه�ؤالء الطلبة‬ of the subject matter. The textbook also plays an
important role in teaching; it facilitates students’
‫الكتاب الع�رشين من خالل معيارين �أ�سا�سيني وهما مدى‬ learning activities because a course book offers
‫منا�سبة حِ مل املفردات ومدى منا�سبة املفردات مل�ستوى‬ advantages which constitute useful resources
‫ وتكونت فئات التحليل‬.‫طالب ال�صف ال�ساد�س الأ�سا�سي‬ (Jakovos, 2000).
‫ وتقدمي‬،‫ اختيار املفردات املنا�سبة ملو�ضوع الدر�س‬:‫من‬ Berelson (1952) states that content analysis is
‫ وكانت وحدة‬،‫املفردات يف ال�سياق واملوقف املنا�سب‬ a systematic, replicable technique for condensing

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies - Vol. (13) - No. (39) - August 2022

many words of a text into less content categories contributing to the level of learning vocabulary.
based on overt rules of coding. It makes inferences Some researchers, for example, lack evidence
which can then be corroborated using other of students’ success on vocabulary learning and
methods of data collection. other language skills where vocabulary is needed
(Sothan, 2015).
In the 1990s, the communicative approach
greatly impacted Jordanian EFL teaching. This Educators in the field agree that the acquisition
approach focuses more on the language use than of vocabulary is essential for successful foreign
language form and more on language fluency than language use and plays an important role in
language accuracy (Brown, 1987). Following the formation of complete spoken and written
this approach, EFL teachers taught vocabulary texts (Laufer and Nation,1997; Nation, 2001;
in context and usually instructed students to Maximo,2000; Read, 2000; Gu, 2003; Marion,
guess the meanings of new words in context. 2008; Susanto, 2016). Learning vocabulary plays
Zimmerman (1997, p.17) declared that although a dynamic role in all language skills (Nation,
the lexicon is arguably central to language 2001). Furthermore, al-Qahtani (2015) , pointed
acquisition and use, vocabulary instruction has out that the acquisition of adequate vocabulary
not been a priority in second language acquisition is crucial for successful foreign language use
research and methodology. Supporting this because without an extensive repertoire of
notion, Nation (2001) discussed the main points vocabulary, learners will not be able to use the
in designing the vocabulary component of a language communicatively. Nation (2001) and
language course and focuses on the importance of Alqahtani (2015) argue that second language
learner autonomy in vocabulary learning (pp. 394- learners rely heavily on vocabulary knowledge
406). Folse (2004, p.viii) suggested that students and the lack of that knowledge is the main and
appreciate good instruction in vocabulary, which the largest hurdle for learners to overcome.
includes teaching words that students need to Maximo (2000) explained that a large vocabulary
know, giving many good examples of the words, repertoire is vital for the mastery of a language
and holding students accountable for the words since language learners carry dictionaries with
through appropriate practice activities and them, not grammar books, and regularly report
systematic testing. Furthermore, Nation (2001) that the lack of vocabulary is a major problem
stated that foreign/second language learners need for them. Similarly, Meara (1980) reported that
an ample repertoire of vocabulary in order to be vocabulary has been acknowledged as language
communicatively competent. Decarrico (2001, p. learners’ greatest source of problems. Berne
285) stated that vocabulary acquisition is central & Blachowicz (2008) reported that teaching
to language acquisition, whether the language vocabulary may be challenging because many
is first, second, or foreign. Similarly, Decarrico teachers are not confident about the best practice
(2001) and Nation, (2001) emphasized the idea in vocabulary teaching and learning. Similarly,
that, if learners lack vocabulary knowledge, they Thornbury (2002) and Walters (2004) agreed
soon discover that their ability to understand or that teaching words is a central part in learning a
express themselves clearly is imperfect. language as languages are based on words.
Vocabulary acquisition plays an important Magableh (2000) revised the functional
role in mastering a language. A learner with a English language of first commercial secondary
reasonable repertoire of vocabulary will not class. The results revealed lack of grammar, role-
perform well in all aspects of the language. Yang play, punctuation, spelling, phonetic transcription
(1997) concluded that many college students still of the vocabulary, tests, visual aids and dialogues.
encounter difficulties in reading their English The results also indicated that the materials were
textbooks because of their limited repertoire of stimulating and reasonably sequenced.
vocabulary. Thus, improving vocabulary skill
between English language learners is a problem Zawahreh )2012( analyzed the content
faced by many schools. Several problems and of Action Pack7 to find out to what extent that
limitations have been related to the factors vocabulary items meet the criteria proposed

Content Analysis of the Vocabulary Items in “Action Pack»
for Sixth Grade in Jordan Dr. Salameh Fleih Obeiah

compared to those criteria proposed by Al- Supervisors may utilize the findings to make
Momani )1998( which included a ten-item scale. decisions about how teachers are successful in
The findings of the study revealed that most of applying the appropriate vocabulary teaching
the new vocabulary items in Action pack7 met the strategies. Finally, it may help curricula decision
criteria of the analysis with a percentage ranged makers to decide to what extent “Action Pack 6”
between 100% - 82 and there was no balance in is suitable to pupils’ level.
the distribution of the new vocabulary items and
the parts of speech within the modules analyzed. Objectives
Islami )2019( qualitatively analyzed the extent of
This study aims at analyzing “Action Pack
using authentic materials in Action pack .12 He
6” Pupil’s book which is considered as a main
concluded that the content of Action Pack 12 was
textbook for teaching English language as a
highly authentic having a reliability of .79.50% Al
foreign language in the public schools of Jordan.
Khazaleh )2020( analyzed the authenticity of the
Questions of the study
reading texts of the student’s book in Action Pack
.7His study that revealed that the reading texts This study tries to answer the following
of the student’s book in Action Pack 7 had a high questions:
degree of authenticity.
1. To what extent is the vocabulary load of
Al-Smadi, Batineh & AlHawamdeh (2021) “Action Pack 6” suitable for each lesson in
analyzed the pronunciation and spelling activities each unit?
presented in Action pack 10. They concluded
that Action Pack 10 includes pronunciation and 2. To what extent are the vocabulary items of
spelling activities in a separate section with one “Action Pack 6” introduced in appropriate
activity in each unit for teaching pronunciation, contexts?
and each activity focuses on meeting one
pronunciation outcome. Limitations of the study
This analysis is only devoted to the Jordanian
Reviewing the related literature, this study
“Action Pack 6” Pupils’ Book.
may be one of the few in Jordan that analyzed the
vocabulary items in the Action Pack series, Action
Pack 6 in particular. Thus, the study is meant to Definition of terms
provide EFL teachers and textbook writers with 1. “Action pack”: It is a series of twelve books
insights into the frequencies, and percentages prescribed by the Jordanian Ministry of
of vocabulary load and suitability presented in Education from first to twelve grade students.
Action Pack 6. It includes student’s book, activity book,
teacher’s book and cassettes.
Significance of the Study
2. Load suitability: the number of the new
Hopefully, the findings of this study would
words introduced in every lesson seems to be
be beneficial for the four interested groups of
reasonable for the students.
the Jordanian Action Pack 6 comprising pupils,
teachers, supervisors and the curricula decisions 3. Appropriateness of context: The vocabulary
makers. Pupils may benefit from knowing the items are introduced in appropriate contexts
amount of vocabulary items which are suitable to and situations.
the topic of each lesson in each unit and to what
extent they are appropriate to their level, values, Criteria of analysis
and relevance to their real life and environment.
The criteria of the analysis were the load
Teachers may benefit from the findings in suitability and the appropriateness of the
making plans to select the best teaching strategies. vocabulary items presented in “Action Pack 6” to

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies - Vol. (13) - No. (39) - August 2022

the students of Grade 6. in Table 1.

Table 1
Categories of analysis Intra-rater reliability (agreement percentage)
This study adopts two categories of analysis Intra-rater Selection of Presentation Average
based on Skierso (1991): Textbook Selection and percentage vocabulary of the new Percentage
Evaluation. items vocabulary in
suitable for appropriate
The categories of this study were the the topic of contexts and
the lesson. situations.
95.4 98.6 97
1. Selection of vocabulary items suitable for the
topic of the lesson.
Table 1 shows that the reliability coefficient
2. Presentation of the new vocabulary in of the whole analysis was 97 which is considered
appropriate contexts and situations. appropriate for the purpose of the study.

Unit of analysis Data

The word is used as a unit of analysis in this The data under analysis is the Pupil’s Book
study. of “Action Pack 6” which consists of 20 units.

Reliability of the content analysis Findings and Discussion

In order to establish the reliability of the Findings related to the first question of the
content analysis, the analysis was repeated after study: To what extent is the vocabulary load of
one week by using the same definitions, criteria, “Action Pack 6” suitable for each lesson in each
categories and unit of analysis to calculate the unit?
intra-rater reliability co-efficient (agreement To find out the extent of the appropriateness
percentage) between the two analyses as shown and the selection of the load of the new vocabulary
items presented in the first ten units of “Action
Pack 6”, frequencies and percentages were

calculated as shown in Table2.

Table 2
Frequencies and percentages of vocabulary items in units 1-10
Unit 10
Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9



Selection of new vocabulary items

18 17 16 0 16 15 15 0 15 15 127
suitable for the topic of the lesson.
Presentation of the new vocabulary in
18 15 15 0 14 15 13 0 15 15 120
appropriate contexts and situations.
Total 36 32 31 0 30 30 28 0 30 30 247

14.6 12.9 12.5 0 12.1 12.1 11.3

the total number of the new vocabulary items
12.1 12.1 100
which are presented in appropriate contexts and
situation is 120 with frequencies ranging between
Table 2 shows that the total number of new 0 to 18. The total number of both categories is 247
vocabulary items suitable for the topic of the lesson with frequencies ranging between 28 to 36. The
is 127 with frequencies ranging between 0 to 18

Content Analysis of the Vocabulary Items in “Action Pack»
for Sixth Grade in Jordan Dr. Salameh Fleih Obeiah

percentages of both categories range between 0 of “Action Pack 6” introduced in appropriate

and 14.5. contexts?
Findings related to the second question of To find out the extent of the appropriateness
the study: To what extent are the vocabulary items and the selection of the load of the new vocabulary
items presented in the last ten units of “Action
Pack 6”, frequencies and percentages were calculated as shown in table3.
Table 3
Frequencies and percentages of vocabulary items in units 11-20

Unit 12

Unit 13

Unit 14

Unit 15

Unit 16

Unit 17

Unit 18

Unit 19

Unit 20
Unit 11


Selection of new vocabulary items

16 17 16 0 16 14 17 0 17 16 129
suitable for the topic of the lesson.
Presentation of the new vocabulary in
17 15 17 0 16 15 18 0 14 16 128
appropriate contexts and situations.
Total 33 32 33 0 32 29 35 0 31 32 257

12.8 12.4 12.8 0 12.4 11.3 13.6

pertains to the selection of new vocabulary
12 12.4 100
items which suits the topic of the unit is 254. This
Table 3 shows that the total number of new result seems very reasonable taking into account
vocabulary items suitable for the topic of the lesson that Grade 6 students still need to build on their
is 129 with frequencies ranging between 0 to 17 repertoire of new vocabulary items in order to use
while the total number of the new vocabulary items the language communicatively later on in higher
which are presented in appropriate contexts and levels. This fact also goes with the general goals
situation is 128 with frequencies ranging between of the “Action Pack 6” which explicitly sates
0 to 18. The total number of both categories is 257 the importance of adopting the communicative
with frequencies ranging between 32 to 35. The approach, an eclectic blend of complementary
percentages of both categories range between 0 methodologies which emphasizes the use of
and 13.6. language in order to communicate in culturally
significant contexts.
The findings of the current study are in line
with those of Magableh (2000), Zawahreh (2012), Analyzing “Action Pack 6”, revealed that the
and Al-Smadi, Batineh & AlHawamdeh (2021). It textbook introduces a number new of vocabulary
seems that “Action Pack 6” Pupil’s Book presents items which are suitable to the topic of each
an ample amount of new vocabulary items which unit. For instance, the words; turn (it) on, laptop,
is actually predictable at this early level of learning light, battery, mouse, store, touch, click(on) and
English as a foreign language since Grade 6 (the) Internet which are introduced in unit 1,
pupils are native speakers of Arabic who have page 4 are very much related to the main topic
already spent five years of their 12 years journey of the unit;” Buying a computer”. The words;
of studying EFL in the government schools of keyboard, screen, press, button, and printer which
Jordan. Moreover, this actually goes with “Action are introduced in lessons 2 and 3, page 9 which
Pack 6” authors’ early announcement that this consolidate and build on the materials introduced
textbook aims at presenting EFL through using in lesson 1 are also suitable to the main topic of
the Total Physical Response approach, in which unit 1 which is “Buying a computer”.
pupils were asked to understand and respond to the
new language without actually using it. Thus, they As a matter of fact, the researcher found that
need this reasonable number of new vocabularies there were not any new words presented in unit
in order to respond and understand the language. 4 on the pages 16-18. This is actually due to the
fact that unit 4 is a revision of units 1,2 and 3 and
Therefore, we notice that the total number this unit is dedicated to recycling the vocabulary

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies - Vol. (13) - No. (39) - August 2022

learnt in the previous units. To support this idea, Internet are suitable to the pupils of Grade Six real
we observe that the words; battery, child, click life, level and values since most pupils nowadays
(on), icon, (the) Internet, laptop, light and screen have laptops or computers at their homes taking
are suitable to the main topic of unit 1 which is into account that they have already spent five years
“Buying a computer”, while; the word; tomorrow of studying English as a foreign language and they
refers and suits the main topic of unit 2 “Writing might have been familiar with these words from
emails and letters”. The words sew, teach, and their computer classes. In unit 5, lesson 1, page
type refer to and suit the main topic of unit 3, 19 we notice that the words; comfortable, fact,
“The past and the present”. Another example, half, hill, hour, incredible, lake, meter, narrow,
the words; century, family, important, merchant, nearly, over, thousand and top are presented either
museum, rich, souvenir, tourist and village which through a story frame or by using flashcards. This
are introduced in lesson 1, page 23 are related way of introducing new vocabulary items is very
to the main topic of unit 6 “how people used to much appropriate to the pupils’ real life, level and
live”. On the other hand, in unit 8, page 31 the values.
researcher did not find any new words, and this is
due to the fact that unit 8 is a revision of units 5, Accordingly, the researcher assumes that
6 and 7 and this unit is also dedicated to recycling since these vocabulary items are taught in a story
the vocabulary learnt in the previous units. For frame, they will be very easy to be understood
instance, the words; hill, incredible, kilometer, by the pupils, for example, the story which is
nearly and over are related to the main topic of introduced in unit 5, lesson 1, page 19 starts with
unit 5, “Describing a place”, and they have already the question How far is it from Amman to Salt?
been introduced earlier in unit 5, lesson 1, page 9. Which indicates that the context is very much
The words; century, merchant, sick and souvenir related to the pupil’s real life and values because
are related to the main topic of unit 6 ; “How they are already familiar with the cities “Amman
people used to live”, and they have already been and Salt”.
introduced earlier in unit 6, lesson 1 at page 23. So, In unit 5, lesson 2, page 20, the teacher tells
there is no need to introduce any new words since the class that they are going to hear a dialogue
unit 8 is just a revision. One more example, the and decide the correct answer, then he teaches
words; basketball, binoculars, borrow, bring, busy, the vocabulary from the context. In unit 19 lesson
camera, community, compete, free, pity, plastic, 4, page 78, the teacher asks pupils to look at the
spotty, stripes and stripy which are presented in pictures and then listen carefully to the cassette
unit 10, lesson 1, page 38 are related to the main to decide which picture the speakers are talking
topic of the unit; “Arranging a weekend”. about. The pupils guess the meaning of the new
On the other side, we notice that the total vocabulary items through pictures. The pictures
number of vocabularies that pertain to the issue which are introduced in this activity are pictures
of presenting new vocabulary items in appropriate of a doctor, playing tennis, shopping and having
contexts and situations is 240 which is also dinner with the family. Apparently, all these words
reasonable at this early stage of learning EFL. All are very much related to the pupils’ real life, level
these new items were introduced in a form of a and values.
short story and presented around story frames. The
language is presented by English native speakers Conclusion
on the cassette and in speech bubbles on the page. The aforementioned discussion indicates
For example, in unit 1, lesson 1, page 4, pupils that “Action Pack 6” presents a wide variety of
listen to the story about computers and laptops new vocabulary items which are related to the
and follow the text in the speech bubbles as they main topic of each unit. This fact actually goes
listen. Moreover, the teacher shows the pupils a with Action Pack 6 pupil’s Book design. Action
flashcard of a computer or point to the relevant Pack 6 Pupil’s Book consists of twenty units. This
picture on the wall chart and then he elicits some level focuses on the family in levels four and five,
suggestions. The words turn( it) on, laptop, light, and in particular the brother and sister characters
battery, mouse, store, touch, click (on) and the
Content Analysis of the Vocabulary Items in “Action Pack»
for Sixth Grade in Jordan Dr. Salameh Fleih Obeiah

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