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How many times can you recall a child saying to you, “Tell me a story”?
Children understand that stories are fun ways to learn about the world around
them. Developmental researchers are also beginning to appreciate the power
of stories in teaching about children and adolescents, although they often use
more sophisticated terms, such as case studies, autobiographies, life stories, or
narratives, to describe their stories. A growing number of researchers are look-
ing to qualitative methods as ways of both studying and teaching about human
development (Bruner, 1990; Corcoran, 1996; Jessor & Colby, 1996; Mayo,
2002; Vitz, 1990). In part, this reflects dissatisfaction with the overly quanti-
tative methods frequently used to study development. Mishler (1996) has
argued that developmental research that primarily studies variables in large
populations has lost sight of the individual person and the importance of
unique “deviations” from general patterns by individuals. Bruner (1990) has
described how he began his professional life as a developmental researcher
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using mostly quantitative methods, but gradually came to value stories or

narratives as a “mode of knowing” used by children to understand their own
lives and to find their place within their culture. More recent researchers have
used ethnographic methods, including interviews, observations, and narrative
analysis, to more fully represent the experiences of youth and their perspec-
tives on a wide variety of social issues (Carger, 1996; Fine & Weiss, 2003;
Kozol, 2000).


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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
Perspectives From Youth, Parents, and Teachers
Account: s1135407
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This book was written to help persons taking or teaching courses in human
development reassert the importance of studying and understanding individual
children and their stories by using qualitative methods, specifically case studies,
as teaching and learning tools. Case studies have a long history as research
methods in studying human development (e.g., Erikson, 1968; Freud, 1963;
Maslow, 1970), although the use of cases to teach about development is a more
recent trend. When we started to use cases in teaching about development, we
struggled with the question of what type of cases could help students understand
the full context of children’s lives, including the influences of family, commu-
nity, and culture. As professors of educational psychology, we wanted students
to think about the complex array of factors that influence development over the
course of a child’s or adolescent’s life. Development is a complicated process
that occurs within a large social context. In order to fully understand that social
context and its influence on development, we felt that students needed to con-
sider perspectives from the youth themselves as well as other significant indi-
viduals in their social setting. Available cases were typically written only from
one perspective (the youth or a teacher) or were very brief with little background
or contextual information.
Therefore, we decided to write case studies of children and adolescents
from a variety of settings and backgrounds that included the perspectives of the
youth, their parents, and their teachers. In this book, these different perspectives,
which may or may not be in agreement, give you an opportunity to see and ana-
lyze development using a variety of windows. The cases presented in this book
are all life histories, in that they include information from all parts of the youths’
lives. Some of the cases are detailed portraits of many events and relationships
in the youth’s life and others are briefer accounts of a few critical incidents and
relationships with just enough contextual information to understand these par-
ticulars. For clarity and to avoid unnecessarily creating new jargon, we have
used the term “case study” to apply to all of the stories in this book.
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This introduction will describe how these case studies were developed
and how they can be used in classes on human development. In addition,
it will identify the organizational aids included in this book and suggest strate-
gies for reading and analyzing cases in human development courses.

How the Case Studies Were Developed

As noted above, our initial goal in writing this book was to develop case
studies of children with diverse backgrounds who represented the full range of

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
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Account: s1135407
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Introduction xv
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ages covered in courses on child and adolescent development. The youth and
families were selected based on referrals from teachers and colleagues who
worked closely with families in a variety of settings. We used a criterion-based
purposive sampling method, asking our contacts to identify families with
children and parents from different family structures and sociocultural back-
grounds who would be willing to talk about their personal histories. As we com-
pleted each case study, we looked for families who were different in some way
from the ones we had completed (e.g., based on the child’s age, gender, family
background, or personal challenges faced by the youth).
Another consideration was that the cases would allow discussion of many
of the issues included in these development courses, such as nature versus
nurture, teenage pregnancy, death of a loved one, academic difficulties, self-
esteem, living with a disability, establishing peer relationships, finding one’s
identity, parenting styles, child abuse, and domestic violence.
We met with each youth and parent to talk about the nature and goals of
the project. Specifically, they were told that we had three goals: (1) to create
stories or case studies about the lives of children and teenagers in the United
States today, (2) to produce a book containing these stories that would be used
by students who were studying about children or preparing to become class-
room teachers, and (3) to use this book to help these students understand what
is important in the lives of children and teenagers. The potential participants
were told that they would have a chance to review and make corrections to
transcripts of their interviews and give their approval for us to use this infor-
mation in the final case study write-up. For the younger children, transcript
and case study reviews were done by the parent. In the final case studies,
names of the participants and the name and location of the school at which the
observations occurred were changed to maintain confidentiality. However, all
of the cases depict real youth in real-world settings.
For each case study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a
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youth, parent, and teacher in order to obtain a variety of perspectives. The loca-
tions and times of the interviews were set up to be convenient and comfortable
for the participants. At least two interviews were conducted with the youth, and
typically one with the teacher and the parent or guardian. Informal conversa-
tions with youth, teachers, and parents or guardians provided additional infor-
mation summarized in field notes, which was sometimes used in the cases. The
cases included youth from urban, suburban, and rural areas in midwestern,
northeastern, and southeastern states. We developed a set of broad questions

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
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that were posed to all youth (the language was adapted to be appropriate to the
age of the youth), asking them to tell us about significant relationships that they
had formed with others and the events and activities in their lives that they felt
were important. The questions focused on specifics about each child’s life,
including the child’s interests, activities, goals, relationships with others, school
and academic experiences, happy and sad times, and other issues, events, or
problems. A similar set of questions was designed for their parents and teachers
to provide multiple perspectives on similar issues and events. In all interviews,
the questions formed a starting point for discussion and the participants were
encouraged to talk freely about whatever they felt was significant in their lives.
Participants were told that they had the right to decline to answer any question
and withdraw from the project at any time. While no participants declined to par-
ticipate, many youth did redirect the course of the interview by focusing on par-
ticular events and relationships that had a powerful impact on them. At the end
of each interview, participants were invited to share anything that they felt was
important that had not been discussed in the interview and were then asked to
highlight the things that they felt absolutely had to be included in their case
study. The interviews were tape-recorded and then transcribed for analysis. A
series of naturalistic observations, using both participant and nonparticipant
approaches, were conducted by accompanying the youth to events in school or
community settings or simply observing classroom or community activities in
which the youth participated. The observations were set up in consultation with
the youth, their parents or guardians, and teachers. The number and length of the
observations varied with the youth. Sometimes we accompanied a youth to a
favorite place or event. In other observations, we sat in on classes, concerts, or
other events at the youth’s school.
We collected our data during sequential sabbatical leaves from teaching in
which one of us was intensely involved in interviewing and observation while
the other served as a peer debriefer. Data were analyzed as we collected it, and
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initial themes and issues were identified first by the person who collected the
data. The peer debriefer also reviewed transcripts and field notes to check on
the credibility of the analysis. We selected events, themes, and quotes to high-
light in each case based on two criteria: (1) Did the selection accurately rep-
resent the life of the youth from one or more perspectives, and (2) Would the
selection allow analysis of issues relevant to the study of child and adolescent
development? All youth and their parents had a chance to review the final

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
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Account: s1135407
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Introduction xvii
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cases. We then piloted the cases in undergraduate and graduate classes in Child
and Adolescent Development and in some graduate courses in Educational
Psychology. Based on feedback from our students, colleagues who used the
cases in their classes, and our own observations, we added contextual and
background information and rewrote sections of the cases to facilitate analysis
and clarify sections of the cases.

Organization of the Book

Each case study in this book tells the youth’s life story, including the events
and relationships that have influenced the child or adolescent and his or her
physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. The case studies are
organized chronologically according to the age of the youth at the time of the
interview. The cases range from early childhood (the youngest child was four
years old) through late adolescence (the oldest youth was 18 years old). Since
each case study is a life history, however, it may cover events and issues from
multiple ages. As noted earlier, cases also vary in length. Some cases depict
many events over the course of the child’s or adolescent’s life in detail, while
others focus on a couple of key events or relationships. This variety provides
more flexibility in how the cases can be used. Brief cases are good starting points
for the process of case analysis or for illustrating selected concepts without
the complexity of a full life history. Longer case studies are useful in thinking
about ways to apply broader theories of development or how different aspects of
development (e.g., cognitive, social, emotional, moral) might be interrelated.
Each case begins with a bulleted list of Primary and Secondary Issues
addressed in the case. Don’t expect all of the terms to be included in the case.
These are issues that most likely are addressed in developmental courses, and
they can serve as advance organizers to help you begin to identify the important
information presented in the case. At the end of each case are Discussion
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Questions, Applying Theoretical Perspectives Questions, Class Activities, and

Research Suggestions. The questions and activities may also help you to decide
what information from the case to highlight or record, while the research sugges-
tions provide ideas for further study. One of the values of teaching with case stud-
ies is that they allow you to explore topics that are not covered in detail in most
textbooks (e.g., family alcoholism). To help you make sense of these “extra” top-
ics, we have included Readings and Resources for additional research at the end

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
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Account: s1135407
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of each case. These Readings and Resources may be assigned prior to reading the
case or incorporated into class presentations.
Textbooks and courses in human development typically take either an
age-graded or topical approach. A Chart of Cases organized chronologically
by the age of the child and summarizing background information and issues
for each case is included at the end of this introduction. It can be used to get
an overview of the cases before reading them and to decide which ones you
want to read or include in the course. If your course takes an age-graded
approach, we suggest that you analyze cases based on the age of the child
at the end of the unit covering that age period. This allows you to consider
multiple aspects of development and examine how the different areas of
development are interconnected. If your course takes a topical approach, the
Chart of Cases can help to see which cases cover issues addressed by each
topic. Since most cases include issues typically covered by several chapters
of a topical developmental text, the cases can also help you review infor-
mation from earlier chapters or integrate information across chapters. Since
these case studies are based on real-life histories, they are often messy (e.g.,
they include many complex issues) and do not match up completely with
the organization or content of developmental textbooks. We have found that
one advantage of the holistic nature of case studies is they allow you to
build on earlier learning and develop a more complete picture of the whole
Additionally, following the Chart of Cases you will find a set of
Connecting Across Cases questions (questions that include issues addressed
in several cases) designed to encourage students to think about how certain
issues influence youth in different ways. Some of these questions identify
specific cases for analysis and others allow you to select cases for discussion.
When the Connecting Across Cases questions are tied to specific cases, the
questions are also referenced after the Applying Theoretical Perspective
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section in the case.

Strategies for Analyzing Cases

Research on using cases in courses in educational psychology, teacher

education, and special education has expanded so rapidly in the last 25 years
that it has its own descriptor, “case method,” in electronic databases. Some
of the methods used to teach with case studies identified in past research

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
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Account: s1135407
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Introduction xix
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are clearly applicable in human development. This section will summarize

some general strategies for analyzing case studies based on the extensive
research on the use of the case method as a teaching and learning approach
in education (Allen, 1995; Block, 1996; Kleinfeld, 1991; Merseth, 1991, 1994;
Mostert & Kauffman, 1992; Semrau & Fitzgerald, 1995; Shulman, 1992;
Sudzina, 1997; Sykes & Bird, 1993–1994; Wasserman, 1994). More specific
strategies for using the cases in this book in human development courses will
also be discussed.

• Cases can be used to either illustrate or apply theories, research, or

principles of development. Cases are an effective way to help deepen your
understanding of theories of development. We usually have our students apply
two different theories to the same case. This helps them understand how the
theories emphasize different aspects of development. The case helps students
understand the often abstract concepts presented by theories, such as ecologi-
cal theory. In a case such as “Jaime: Crossing Cultures and Celebrating Life,”
the theory reminds students to examine all of the social systems in Jaime’s life,
including macrosystem influences such as immigration laws and cultural dif-
ferences. Each case in this book presents discussion questions that highlight
one or more theories or concepts that could be applied to the case. An alterna-
tive approach is to simply generate a list of concepts and discuss how these
might be applied to the case. For example, concepts that could be applied to
“Frank: Confronting Change and Taking a Stand” include empathy, moral
reasoning, depression, peer status, cliques, rural versus suburban communities,
and parent involvement.

• Small groups or large groups can discuss issues involved in the case
and possible approaches or interventions that could be taken with the youth.
For example, “Ben: Having His Way at Preschool and Home” provides a
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very useful framework for discussion of differences in discipline between

home and school as well as building of family-school partnerships. “Nicole
and Brooke: Homeschooled Fraternal Twins” can be used to discuss the pros
and cons of homeschooling and issues of nature versus nurture in relation to
the twins.

• Cases can be used to develop plans for assessment, instruction, or

intervention. Again, the case “Ben: Having His Way at Preschool and Home”
can be used to discuss how we assess social skills in children. “Beth: Finding

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
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Her Strengths” presents a case in which questions could be raised about

assessment for a learning disability. “Emily’s World” presents a child with
autism, and students could discuss how the sensitive instruction of teachers
and active advocacy of her mother promoted high levels of development.

• Cases can be used to prepare for field experiences by presenting

scenarios that might be encountered in the field. Alternatively, cases can
enrich field experiences by presenting diverse settings or issues not present
in the field experience. For example, one of our colleagues used the case on
Ben after her class had observed at a preschool center. It helped to identify
the types of conflicts that might not be apparent after only one day of obser-
vations and provided a possible parent’s perspective on a preschool program
as well.

• For some cases, you might want to role-play conversations for situ-
ations described in the case as a way of refining social and communication
skills so important to teachers. For example, in “Hector: Talking Through
Troubles,” a teacher talks with a student about the murder of one of his
friends. As part of our discussion of helping children cope with death and
loss, we have our students create a role play of the conversation that might

• Cases can be used as a means of assessment of your understanding of

course content through written analyses, case competitions, exam questions,
or group or team discussions. We have used our cases as the basis for essay
questions that require students to integrate information across multiple areas
or ages. The questions for discussion at the end of each case may be used as
a basis for class discussion or as the basis for written papers or essay
questions. Students might be assigned all questions as homework, or differ-
ent questions may be assigned to individuals in a group in a jigsaw type of
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activity. Groups of students might also be assigned to present alternative

analyses of a case based on different perspectives (e.g., parent versus student
or teacher).

If you have never used cases in courses, some cautionary notes are
in order. For most cases, there are no simple right or wrong answers to the
discussion questions presented. Also, there is no easy way to predict what will

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
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Account: s1135407
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Introduction xxi
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happen to the youth or what type of approach will work best. One of the major
goals in using case studies is to get students to use the theories, research, and
concepts to think about possible interpretations and outcomes related to the
case and learn to support their interpretations with evidence from the case or
from their research.
If you have used cases in previous courses but are accustomed to short
cases that emphasize a problem-based approach, you may at first be mystified
by the cases in this book. While many of our cases present youth who are
facing or have faced challenges in their lives, few of the cases present these
challenges as the sole focus of the case. There usually is no single problem to
solve in the cases; sometimes the case provides insight into how many prob-
lems have already been resolved. We encourage our students to think about
the multiple issues, relationships, and events that have contributed to the past
development of each child and adolescent and about what they need for
healthy development in the future. This reflects our belief that developmental
theories and research should help students analyze what helps or hinders the
overall development of children and how one might build on the strengths and
resources that these children possess.

Benefits of Using Case Studies

There has been extensive research on the benefits of using case studies in
teaching. Most of the research on the case method has focused on the use of
cases in general educational psychology courses, field experiences, or courses
on learning, teaching methods, classroom management, or special education
(Allen, 1995; Block, 1996; Mostert & Kauffman, 1992; Semrau & Fitzgerald,
1995; Sudzina, 1997; Sykes & Bird, 1993–1994; Wasserman, 1994).
Relatively few articles have discussed the use of cases in courses on child and
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adolescent development (Corcoran, 1996; Mayo, 2002; McManus, 1986).

However, the results of this research indicate the rich potential of case stud-
ies in providing an authentic context for considering problems that arise in
working with children (Gibson, 1998; Hutchings, 1993; Kleinfeld, 1991;
Merseth, 1991, 1994; Shulman, 1992; Sykes & Bird, 1993–1994; Vitz, 1990;
Wasserman, 1994). We summarize this research below and provide references
to it at the end of this book for persons who wish to explore the research
more fully.

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
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The research suggests that students benefit in several important ways from
the use of cases in teaching. Case methods encourage development of student
skills in communication, problem solving, decision making, collaboration, and
conflict resolution (Hutchings, 1993; Kleinfeld, 1991; Merseth, 1991, 1994;
Shulman, 1992; Sykes & Bird, 1993–1994; Wasserman, 1994). They also
provide a way of broadening student experience with diverse settings and
groups that may not be immediately available to them (LaFramboise &
Griffith, 1997; Merseth, 1991; Roth, 2000). Cases also provide an authentic
context that students report makes learning of content and abstract information
easier (Sudzina, 1997). Our colleague James Allen (1995) reports research that
cases lead to more active involvement by students in learning and an increased
ability to understand the perspectives of others. Levin (1995) analyzed student
learning while using cases and reported that discussion of cases resulted
in more multidimensional understanding of issues, reductions in judgmental
attitudes, and increased ability to take both the teacher and student perspec-
tives. All of these outcomes are clearly desirable in teaching about human
We have found that our students enjoy both reading and analyzing case
studies. They feel that the cases are “real” and become quite passionate in
arguing for their interpretation and recommended actions. We have had
students approach us a year after the course with details of the case fresh in
their minds, asking us if we know what became of Ben, Elena, or Hector. It
takes practice by the students and guidance from the instructor for students to
develop the higher-order skills needed in case analysis. However, they leave
the course with a much fuller appreciation of the value of theories and research
as tools for understanding children and planning approaches to assist their
development. We do suggest caution against generalizing too broadly about
the lessons learned from individual life histories and cases. Not every autistic
child will look like Emily and not every African American child will show the
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same characteristics as Keisha or Edward. However, we hope that by getting

to know these children, you will develop skills that help you build a better
future for all of the children that you meet.

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
Perspectives From Youth, Parents, and Teachers
Account: s1135407
Family Background Theorists/Theory
Ch. Name/Title Gender Age Race/Ethnicity & Setting Primary Issues Secondary Issues for Discussion
Copyright © 2005. SAGE Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher,

1 Ben: Having M 4 Caucasian Two-parent family Social skill development Cognitive and language Piaget
His Way at One younger sibling Social cognition development Vygotsky
Preschool Private, religious, Peer and family Self-perception Erikson
and Home pre-K school in relationships Teacher-student
urban setting Kindergarten readiness interaction

12:23 PM
Family-school relations
Classroom management
2 Keisha: F 5 African Two-parent family Emotional development Cognitive development Erikson
Connecting American Only child Empathy and language Bronfenbrenner
Across Private girls’ school Prosocial behavior development

Page xxiii
Differences in urban setting Racial/ethnic awareness Parenting styles
and identity Same-sex schooling
Developmental issues for
only children
except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.

3 Laura: F 6 Caucasian Two-parent family Social cognition Parenting Piaget

Exploring Two siblings, middle Need for approval Parental involvement Vygotsky
Social and child Play and cognitive in school Gardner
Creative Public school in development Development of social Bandura
Potentials in suburban setting Middle child skills (empathy)
a Six-Year- Friendships
Old’s Life Sibling relationships
4 Emily’s World: F 6 Caucasian Two-parent family The nature and wide Theories regarding the Bronfenbrenner
Nurturing a Two siblings, range of manifestations causes of autism Skinner
Child With oldest child of autistic disorder Operant behavior
Autism Public school in Theory of mind/ therapy
urban setting metacognition Reinforcement as a
Parenting a child motivator
with autism Developmental effects of

Treatments of having a sibling with

autistic disorder disabilities

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories : Perspectives From Youth, Parents, and Teachers
Account: s1135407
CHART OF CASES (Continued)

Family Background Theorists/Theory

Copyright © 2005. SAGE Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher,

Ch. Name/Title Gender Age Race/Ethnicity & Setting Primary Issues Secondary Issues for Discussion

5 Nicole and F 9 Caucasian Two-parent family Sociocultural Attachment Vygotsky
Brooke: and Puerto Fraternal twins, no other influences on Early physical
Homeschooled Rican siblings cognitive development
Fraternal Homeschooling in development Personality and
Twins suburban setting Twins and sibling temperament

12:23 PM
relationships Learning styles
Homeschooling Friendship
Nature versus nurture
6 Beth: Finding F 11 Caucasian Two-parent family Cognitive Moral development Piaget
Her Strengths Second youngest of development Teacher/parental Information

Page xxiv
four girls Academic difficulties expectations Processing
Public school in Self-concept/ The effects of birth order Erikson
urban setting self-esteem on development, Kohlberg
Industry vs. inferiority sibling relationships
Presence of a stable,
except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.

caring adult figure

Friendship, peer
7 Edward: Full of M 12 African Stepfamily living with Attention deficit Social cognition Erikson
Life and American grandmother hyperactivity and social skills Vygotsky
Always One younger sister disorder and the Multicultural Gardner
Moving Academic-focused influence of context friendships
summer camp in on youth with Peer relationships
urban setting disabilities
Social and emotional
mediated learning

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories : Perspectives From Youth, Parents, and Teachers
Account: s1135407
CHART OF CASES (Continued)
Copyright © 2005. SAGE Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher,

Family Background Theorists/Theory

Ch. Name/Title Gender Age Race/Ethnicity & Setting Primary Issues Secondary Issues for Discussion

8 Frank: M 13 Caucasian Two-parent family Depression Empathy, prosocial Bronfenbrenner

Confronting Two older sisters Identity development behaviors Kohlberg
Change and (oldest is grown Peer groups/peer Motivation strategies Maslow
Taking a stepsister, not pressure/cliques/social

12:23 PM
Stand in living at home) isolation
Middle Public school in Moral development
School rural setting
9 Talisha: F 13 African Death of mother due Mother’s cocaine Sibling relationships Erikson
Overcoming American to crack cocaine addiction and later Attachment Bandura

Page xxv
Loss With a addiction death Religion Bronfenbrenner
New Family Single-parent family, Guardianship assumed by Educational reform and
nonfamilial neighbor low-income schools
guardian Single-parent family Middle school
Public elementary Support networks of education
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school in urban family and neighbors

setting Academic motivation
10 Elena: F 16 Puerto Rican Single-parent family Adolescent identity Physical self-concept Erikson
Surviving (mother) development— and body image
Family Public high school especially with respect Domestic violence
Problems in urban setting to peers, career choice, Motivation and school
family relationships, achievement
dating, ethnicity, and Teacher and student
conflicts with relationships
authorities Problems faced by gay,
Friendship, peer lesbian, and bisexual
relationships, and students and how
ethnic conflicts schools address these
The effects of alcoholism problems
on the family


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CHART OF CASES (Continued)

12:23 PM
Family Background Theorists/Theory
Ch. Name/Title Gender Age Race/Ethnicity & Setting Primary Issues Secondary Issues for Discussion

11 Hector: M 17 Mexican Two-parent family Resiliency Cultural values Bandura

Talking American One sibling, younger Teacher-student Loss of loved

Page xxvi
Through (immigrant) brother relationships ones/friends to
Troubles Public high school in Social isolation/social violence
urban setting development Depression
Effects of domestic
and community
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violence on
12 Jaime: Crossing M 18 Mexican Single-parent and Identity development Immigrant children Bronfenbrenner
Cultures and American stepfamily Resiliency and families Erikson
Celebrating (immigrant) Two siblings—younger Social skills Motivation Vygotsky
Life sister and younger Social support Teenage parenthood
stepbrother networks Parenting styles
Teenage father Bicultural competence
Public high school in
urban setting

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Introduction xxvii
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The following questions address issues that can be examined across cases.
In some instances, specific cases are suggested. Other questions are open-
ended and allow you to select cases for analysis. We suggest that you use the
chart preceding these questions to determine which cases would best fit the
open-ended questions.

1. Keisha and Laura are two young girls with very strong social skills, while
Ben seems to struggle with his social development. Compare these cases
in terms of how gender, parenting, teacher’s classroom management and
instructional styles, school context, social values, or other factors might
have influenced the children’s development.

2. Teachers play significant roles in the lives of all children. Select two
cases in which you think teachers used approaches that promoted a
child’s cognitive, social, emotional, or moral growth. Discuss why their
approaches were successful with that child.

3. The larger social context often plays a critical role in development.

Select two youth growing up in two different types of neighborhoods
or schools. Discuss how their neighborhood or school influenced their
social, emotional, moral, or cognitive development.

4. Several of the youth commented directly or indirectly on the events

of the September 11 terrorist attacks or the subsequent wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq (i.e., Keisha, Laura, Brooke and Nicole, Beth,
Frank). Select two of the youth and characterize their reactions to these
events. In what ways were the reactions of the youth typical of their
developmental levels? What does research suggest about ways that
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teachers and families should approach this issue and the issue of loss of
a loved one?

5. The youth in these cases vary in their motivation and academic

achievement. Select two youth who show different levels of motivation
or academic achievement. Discuss the factors that might account for
these differences, including consideration of age-related differences,
family influences, school context, teacher-student relationships, and
teacher’s instructional approaches.

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6. Family structures in the United States are quite varied and include
single- and two-parent families, stepfamilies, and extended families.
Developmentalists insist that any structure can provide a healthy envi-
ronment for child development as long as the family has sufficient sup-
port and resources. Select two to three cases that have different family
structures at some time in the child’s life. Discuss how the families did
or did not create a supportive, loving, and stimulating environment for
these children.

7. Hector and Jaime are both youth whose families emigrated to the
United States from Mexico to provide a better future for their children.
In what ways do these youth show the influence of both U.S. and
Mexican cultural values in their lives? What types of challenges did the
parents and youth face due to immigration and the parents’ limited
English abilities? How did the teachers of each youth show or not
show cultural sensitivity to their cultural backgrounds?

8. Resiliency is the ability to thrive despite adverse situations. Elena,

Hector, Talisha, and Jaime might all be considered youth who have
shown an ability to rise to meet the challenges in their lives. Discuss
how the cases for these youth include personal, family, or community
characteristics associated with resilience.

9. Animals play a prominent role in the lives of Ben, Brooke and Nicole,
Beth, and Frank. Search for research on how pets and farm animals
might influence children’s development, then examine how you might
apply this research to the cases noted.
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Having His Way at Preschool and Home


Primary Issues: Secondary Issues:

• Social skill development • Cognitive and language development

• Social cognition • Self-perception
• Peer and family relationships • Teacher-student interaction
• Kindergarten readiness • Play
• Family-school relations
• Classroom management

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“Playing on the computer is my favorite thing to do,” says Ben in a firm and
very convincing voice. Ben, who is nearly four, confidently goes on to explain
that his favorite computer game is Horton the Elephant. This is a game he
plays at Uncle Mike’s, who often baby-sits for Ben when his mom is at school.
His face is beaming as he describes his visits to Uncle Mike. “My Uncle Mike
lets me play on his computer whenever I want,” shouts a very excited Ben.
Besides playing on the computer, Ben likes to play outside. In particular, he
enjoys riding his “super wheels” that his grandfather gave him. He and his father

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had to put it together. “It was all in pieces,” exclaims Ben. “My daddy and I made
the handle and then we made the pedal and everything we need on it.” Ben is
proud of his accomplishment and of the work he did with his dad. Remembering
the first time he rode his bike, he reminds his mother that she forgot to put his
helmet on. He says with authority that you have to wear a helmet so “when ya
hurt your head, your head won’t get hurt. It’s just for safety keeping.”
Ben is the older of two children. His younger brother, Tyler, is about 18
months old, and they sometimes get into tangles with each other. Mom reports
that Ben “doesn’t like Tyler to touch anything he doesn’t want him to,” which
seems like just about everything. He makes his little brother aware of his desires
by “screaming” at him. He likes to be in charge and to tell his little brother
exactly what to do. If Tyler doesn’t comply, sometimes the screaming can esca-
late into physical contact. When Tyler persists, Ben may just knock him over to
prevent him from getting his toys. However, even in the same play setting you
might see a nurturing side of Ben directed toward Tyler. He loves to hug his
brother and can be very protective of him. He says that sometimes he just has to
“block” Tyler from getting things that might hurt him. For example, one day Ben
noticed that Tyler was about to get into some shoe polish that was on the couch.
Ben says, “I needed to protect him because if he got it, he would put it in his
mouth and brush it in his mouth and he would cough.” So Ben just “blocked”
Tyler’s access to the couch. In fact, the blocking is something he really likes to
do. “I kind of like blocking the way, but when Tyler gets bigger than me, he’ll
do it with his head.” Ben doesn’t seem to be overly concerned about his brother
getting too much bigger than he. He laughs and says, “Every time Tyler grows,
I grow bigger.”
Ben will very affectionately tell you that there is a special bed in his room
for Tyler when he gets bigger. He is looking forward to the time when Tyler is big
enough to sleep on the bottom bunk. Interestingly, when talking about his rela-
tionship to Tyler, Ben becomes a bit confused. When he is asked if he (Ben) has
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a brother, he is quick to respond yes. Then when asked if Tyler has a brother, he
initially pauses and says “um, no.” Then he continues, “Not, um, I am his brother
but he doesn’t have another brother yet.” When his mother asks, “What about
you?” he finally says, “Yes, Tyler has a brother and it is me.”
Ben is anxiously waiting for his fourth birthday, which is coming up in a
few weeks. He talks about the upcoming party and the presents he might
receive. He is looking forward to a party with mostly family and a few friends.
He thinks very carefully about what he would like for his birthday. “Last year,

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Ben 3
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I wanted a magic school bus, but my mom didn’t let me.” However, Mom has
no recollection of such a request. When she tells this to Ben, he laughs, “I was
just tricking you.” But on his last birthday there was a very special birthday
present from Ben’s uncle. It was down in his uncle’s basement. “We cannot go
down there now, so I will just gotta tell you.” Ben describes it as “a real, it’s a
horsey but it’s really not real or alive, um, you just pick it up and pretend—it’s
make believe.” When asked if he rides the horse, Ben replies confidently,
“Yes.” But he seems a bit confused about the horse. He goes on to describe the
present as really being two horses. He turns to his mom and asks, “They are
not real, right Mommy?” Mom replies that Ben is right and, when asked what
make believe horses are, he states, “That means you’re riding something,
you’re making, you’re pretending they are real and alive. But it is not this way,
that’s make believe.”
Talking with Ben about his family, one gets a sense that he is a man in
control of his destiny and very aware of everything going on in his home. His
house is in a residential section of an urban community. He lives there with his
mom, dad, brother, and his dog. He reports that he has a new house, but it got
very old. “It’s old because our house is fixed . . . and in a storm a branch fell
and hit the wire and then fell on our house and it got very old.” He delighted
in watching the repairmen fix the wire leading to the house.
As far as his dog is concerned, Ben loves to help care for her. He says that
“big brothers take care of dogs,” and he is often called upon to let the dog out-
side to go “potty.” He reports that pets have to go to the bathroom outside. In
fact, he asserts that his aunt’s dog “never needs to go potty when he is inside.”
When Ben is not playing outside, playing on the computer, or playing
with his brother, he often asks others to read to him. He explains, “I can’t read
all of my books.” He reports that his favorite book is There is an Alligator
Under My Bed. He particularly likes the little boy in the book. This little boy
is his favorite character because “he puts food and drinks on the ground for the
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alligator.” He talks about the alligator as though it was the little boy’s pet and
explains that sometimes the alligator stays under the boy’s bed or in the
garage. Ben seems to like the fact that the little boy is taking good care of his
pet alligator, much like he takes care of his dog.
Superheroes are so “cool,” according to Ben. His favorite superhero is
Superman, but he also likes Superman’s friends Spiderman, Batman, and
Aquaman. He thinks it is great that Superman has so many friends. He enjoys
watching these superheroes on television but also reports enjoying Oswald the

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Octopus. It seems that Oswald has a good friend, Pongo, that Ben also likes.
Pongo is a gentle dragon, and Ben really likes the fact that Pongo is so
When is comes to his own friends, Ben seems to struggle a bit. He talks
about some female playmates in the neighborhood who are friendly toward
him. However, when he talks about school friends, he describes them with
mixed emotions. Sometimes the kids are friendly, but sometimes the “kids are
not so friendly and nice.”
Ben goes to a religious preschool operated by a local synagogue and has
been in a mixed-gender class of three- and four-year-olds for two years now.
Ben’s preschool serves 40 families who are mostly Caucasian and of middle or
high socioeconomic status. The school focuses on both Judaic and secular stud-
ies. He says that he usually likes school, especially when they go to the park,
sing, and make things. However, Ben adamantly reports that he does not like it
when his teachers (he has three) put him in time out. He explains that time out
is something that happens when he misbehaves. He knows that the one misbe-
havior that results in being placed in time out is growling at his classmates or
teachers. He only growls when he is “mad” and his teachers are “mean.” Ben
proudly states that he never really fights with his friends at school. After think-
ing about that for a while, he then says that he sometimes fights with them
“when they don’t be nice to me.” When these classmates are not nice to him,
they “pretend to be dragons and bad guys.” One time, a few of his classmates
“hit him with a stick at school.” Ben says that when this happened he went to
his teacher and told her that the kids had hit him. Apparently the teacher was
talking to another teacher and did not listen to him. But Ben points out that even
when “I said ‘excuse me,’ she still didn’t listen.” Ben repeats his feeling that
he was not treated fairly and that when he says “excuse me” to someone he
expects that person to listen to him.
However, when Ben comes into school, he strolls in confidently and walks
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right over to the cubby area to put his coat away. He greets his teachers with a
big smile and a “hi” and walks over to the refrigerator to put his lunch away.
A few classmates say “hi” and Ben responds, but does not seem overly anx-
ious to get involved in a conversation or in a play activity with them. His mom
sits down with him as he plays with a complicated puzzle. As he plays with the
puzzle, he talks out loud to himself. It almost sounds like babbling. When
another child approaches to play with the puzzle, Ben makes it very clear that
his intention is to play with the puzzle alone. He remains on task for about four

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Ben 5
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to five minutes, and during that time Mom kisses him good-bye and leaves. He
smiles at her, and she reminds him that his favorite uncle will be picking him
up after school. Ben smiles once again and waves good-bye to her. Ben con-
tinues working intently on the puzzle as other classmates arrive. His teacher
comments that Ben has an incredible attention span and he can remain focused
for long periods of time when he is enjoying an activity.
Ben’s isolated play continues as two female classmates approach him. He
reminds them that they may play with the puzzle when he is done. When one
of the girls drops a toy on the floor, Ben offers to help. The other little girl
says, “No, we do not need your help.” One of the teachers overhears this con-
versation and reminds the girls how nice it was that Ben offered to help. Within
a few minutes, the three children are working on the puzzle together. Ben takes
the lead, offering suggestions on where to put the puzzle pieces. Suddenly, Ben
decides it might be fun to put the puzzle pieces on the floor. The girls decide
this is a grand idea and join in the fun. After a few minutes, however, Ben
expresses annoyance at the girls. He no longer wants them to put the puzzle
pieces on the floor and tells them so. They ignore him and he starts growling
at them, a behavior for which Ben is often scolded by his teachers. One of the
teachers comes over and asks the children to pick up the puzzle pieces. Ben
ignores the teacher’s request as the girls quickly comply. The teacher then
repeats the request to Ben and after some coaxing, he also complies.
Ben then joins his classmates who are working together to build a tower in
the gross motor play area. Initially, when Ben enters, his classmates seem some-
what reluctant to let him join in, telling each other he “will just knock down
whatever we build.” However, they let him help, and Ben chatters to himself the
entire time. He sings a song and says some rhymes as he plays with the children
and does not really have any conversation with his classmates. He appears to be
delighted to be included in the play activity. Apparently, however, Ben becomes
bored and begins to knock some of the blocks over. The other children initially
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join in (it seems like a good idea to most of them), but then they express their
annoyance when Ben refuses to stop. The children move on to another activity,
and Ben continues knocking down the blocks, this time all alone.
Ben seems to know when he is not welcome in an activity. He is quick to
point out who likes him and who does not like him. When he senses he is not
welcome, he resorts to growling at his classmates and tries to interrupt their
play. This makes his classmates more annoyed with him, and they try to ignore
him or they simply tell their teacher that he is being “bad.”

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
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Ms. Silver, the head teacher in Ben’s classroom, holds an advanced degree,
as do all the head teachers at Ben’s preschool. As a group, these teachers have
an average of 10 years of teaching experience. The preschool classroom is
divided into two rooms, one essentially devoted to gross motor development
and the other to the development of fine motor skills. A myriad of toys and
activities are always prepared for the children before they enter in the morn-
ing. There is a focus on cooperation and the development of self-control using
a system of rewards and punishments. The children receive positive feedback
whenever they are engaged in appropriate behavior. Negative feedback and
time out are often used to control and minimize undesirable behavior. When
asked to describe Ben, Ms. Silver says that he is an “adorable child” who is
very bright (IQ score of 130 as measured by WIPPSI) and keenly aware of his
surroundings. She indicates that he is very polite when he comes into school
in the morning, greeting and saying hello to everyone. “He has very strong ver-
bal skills; however, he is socially quite young,” says Ms. Silver. One of the
behaviors she is particularly concerned with is his tendency to “get into the
faces” of other kids. He knows “exactly whose face to get into.” She says that
while she has tried various techniques to eliminate the behavior, nothing has
seemed to work. She praises him when he is playing cooperatively with the
other children. She has also tried a time out when he is behaving inappropri-
ately and tells him that his behavior hurts others’ feelings. She explicitly tries
to tie the “in your face behavior” to the hurt feelings of others. Ms. Silver says
that Ben does not seem to care and that the reprimand does not appear to make
any difference to him. She describes him as “physical” at times and “some-
what mischievous.” When he plays, he constantly talks to himself. Ms. Silver
describes this as “nervous chatter.” She says that sometimes he talks so much
that she has to remind him that he needs to give her a chance to talk.
Another concern of Ms. Silver is when Ben disrupts the play of others or
disrupts a group activity. Her observations lead her to conclude that he lacks
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the social skills necessary to gain entrance into a play activity. While he is
extremely verbal, he does not use those skills when he is trying to play with
others. If he tries to join a group play activity and is rebuffed, he simply growls
and then disrupts the children’s play. Ms. Silver says that his classmates then
“turn off to him and do not want to play with him.” He often then goes off and
plays by himself and leaves the group play to others.
Ben’s parents are quite involved in the education of their son, particularly
Mom who takes Ben to school. They are concerned parents and have had some

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
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Ben 7
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conversations with Ms. Silver, although it is only the second month of the school
year. His parents report that they are happy with the religious school, especially
its director and the structure of his classroom. Mom feels very strongly that Ben
needs a structured classroom. He needs to have a time to do one thing, and a time
to move on to something else. She says that the home-school communication is
good this year, “much better than last year” when he had a different teacher at
the same school. A conference is planned in a few weeks and one of the topics
of conversation will be Ben’s social skill development and his readiness for
kindergarten. In a passing conversation with Ben’s mom, Ms. Silver found out
that Mom was looking at different kindergarten programs. While Ms. Silver
believes that Ben has made tremendous progress over the first several months of
this year, she is concerned that socially he might not be ready for kindergarten.
She believes that Ben is clearly ready to do the academic work of kindergarten, but
his social skills need to be further developed. She is likely going to recommend
another year of nursery school, especially given the fact that he is just turning
four. This is a point she believes she and Ben’s mom will disagree on.
Ms. Silver says that she has tried different things to get Ben to cooperate.
For example, during the first weeks of school the bell would ring for the
children to come in when they were out on the playground. When the bell
would ring, Ben would run and get under the playground equipment. At first,
she tried running after him and quickly realized that this was not working. She
would run and he would run faster. She then tried a different approach. She
told Ben that the entire class was going in and he would be the only one left
on the playground. As she took the class in (keeping her eye on Ben the entire
time), Ben realized that no one was going to run after him. “He watched us
leave and then suddenly decided to join us. The next time we went out on the
playground, I just reminded him what happened the last time the bell rang and
he came right in.” Apparently it has not been a problem since then.
Mom describes Ben in some ways that are similar to Ms. Silver’s report. She
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says that he is “very intelligent” and indicates that his personality is “charismatic”
and that “he loves people.” Mom is in her mid 20s and is currently a college
student looking to graduate at the end of next semester. Dad is in his late 20s and
works for a government agency. Dad is very interested in sports and also likes
to sing. Mom is pretty busy raising two children and attending school. They do
many things together as a family, such as TV watching, playing outside, playing
in the basement, going to the park, and going to the movies. Mom describes Ben’s
brother as being more strong-willed and headstrong than Ben. She describes their

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AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
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relationship as close and says that Ben really “loves Tyler.” In fact, one of her
fondest memories of Ben is the first time he met Tyler. Ben was about two and a
half when Tyler was born. His first comment was, “Oh, there is my baby brother.
Oh, look at his little hands and his little feet and his little toes. Can I hold him?”
At that moment there was no jealousy, and Ben acted as if he had waited too long
for this special arrival.
That doesn’t mean there is no sibling rivalry. Mom indicates that there is
“definite rivalry, but it depends on the moment.” For example, she points out
that Ben “doesn’t like Tyler to touch anything or do anything he doesn’t want
him to do.” Ben likes to be the “one in charge and tell Tyler exactly what to
do.” When Tyler does not comply (which happens often), Ben will scream at
him or “play fight.” Ben will “tackle Tyler,” but for the most part they are
“pretty good with each other.”
Like Ms. Silver, Mom describes Ben as extremely verbal. She says that he
talks constantly and that their conversations range from talking about death to
talking about how much they love each other. Mom believes that Ben has a
good understanding of death. Ben’s grandfather, with whom he had a very spe-
cial relationship, died when Ben was only 15 months old. Mom has taken Ben
to the cemetery and explained that his grandfather is dead. Ben has told her
that when someone dies, they go up to God, are with God, and are not coming
back to earth. While he does not dwell on the topic of death, Ben seems to be
aware of its finality.
When talking about Ben’s social skills, Mom has some real concerns. She
says that his “social skills are a little lacking with his peers.” Like Ms. Silver,
Mom believes that Ben has difficulty initiating play activities with other
children. He appears to “be rigid and I just wish he would be more flexible,”
says Mom. He does not appear to want to compromise with his peers and
wants his own way. Mom says that Ben does have one good friend at school
with whom he shares very similar interests. They apparently play pretty well
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together until the little friend does something that Ben doesn’t want him to do.
For the most part, she believes that he is “kind of a loner, unless kids want to
do what he wants to do.”
As far as family disagreements, Mom says that there are a few things “that
really push Ben’s buttons.” “Don’t give him the wrong food, and don’t refuse
his request to watch television before bed.” If he is not permitted to watch
television before bed, he will just refuse to go upstairs to bed and will tell his
mom that she is making him “very angry.” The technique that Mom uses is to

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Ben 9
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count and tell Ben that if he is not upstairs when she is finished counting, he
will not get a bedtime story. He then gets into an argument with her and begs
her not to count. “He thinks that if I don’t count, then he has as much time
as he wants.” When she finally gets him upstairs, the next struggle is to pick a
book. She tries to give him a choice of a few different books, but usually he
doesn’t want one of the books she has picked. He looks around his room
trying to pick out a book. When Mom tries to get him to make a choice he
becomes angry. She tells him that if he has not picked out a book by the time she
counts to 10, she is not reading to him. This may cause an angry outburst, and
bedtime becomes a difficult experience. It comes down to not getting his way.
He will just “scream and cry,” but if she keeps repeating, “Ben, it’s bedtime,”
eventually he will “wind down” and go to sleep.
She hopes that in the future Ben will learn to compromise. She worries
that he will be the kid who won’t sit in his chair and is always in the princi-
pal’s office because he wants to do what he wants to do. She hopes he will
learn to meet people “half way,” and have an easy life in which he does well
and accomplishes what he wants to do. Hopefully, Ben will.


1. What aspects of language has Ben mastered? What language skills is

he still developing? Give specific examples from the case.

2. How would you characterize Ben’s play activities? In what ways has
his play influenced his social, cognitive, and language development?

3. Socially, Ben appears to struggle with friendships and peer relation-

ships. What do you believe has influenced his difficulties? Be sure to
consider his relationships with adults, contextual factors, and cognitive
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development in your explanation.

4. In what ways have Ben’s mom and his teacher tried to enhance his
social skill development? If you were Ben’s mom or teacher, what else
would you do to deal with his inappropriate social behavior? Justify
your actions from a theoretical or research perspective.

5. Evaluate the mother’s and teacher’s positions on Ben’s readiness for

kindergarten. What would you do if you were making this decision?

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What additional information would you want to have? Support your

answer from a research and theoretical perspective.

6. How would you characterize Ben’s self-perception? What do you

believe influenced Ben’s view of himself?

7. What appear to be positive and negative reinforcers for Ben? Do his

mother and teacher use reinforcement effectively? Why or why not?
What other approaches to discipline do they use?


1. Using Social Cultural (Vygotsky), Cognitive Development (Piaget),

and Information Processing theories, analyze Ben’s cognitive develop-
ment. In particular, how would Vygotsky and Piaget differ in their
perspectives on the role of peers in Ben’s development and in their per-
spectives on Ben’s talking to himself?
2. Summarize Ben’s progress through the earlier stages of personal and
emotional and cognitive development described by Erikson. Thus far,
has he overcome the various “crises” described by Erikson? Cite specific
evidence from the case to support your answers.
3. According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, at what stage
is Ben likely functioning? Support your answer with specific examples
from the case.

Also see “Connecting Across Cases” question 9, in the Introduction to this

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1. Role-play the discussion between Ben’s mother and his teacher regard-
ing Ben’s readiness for kindergarten. Include both cognitive and social
development issues in your discussion. Also consider how his mother
and teacher might work together to increase his readiness.

2. Role-play bedtime at Ben’s house, paying particular attention to Mom’s

handling of the situation. Demonstrate both effective and ineffective
methods of discipline.

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Ben 11
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3. Role-play a discussion between Ben’s parents and teachers in which they

develop a joint plan for addressing his social development problems.


1. Do children who are gifted experience more problems in peer relation-

ships than children who are not? Explain your answer, citing current
research on gifted children. How might it apply to this case?


The Parent Center Web site at

This Web site provides information for parents to assist in the assessment
of a child’s readiness to enter kindergarten. It provides essential information
about the necessary skills for success in kindergarten and how to prepare
children for their kindergarten experience.

Preschoolers Today Web site at

A simple assessment tool that can be used by parents to evaluate kinder-
garten readiness.

Sankar-DeLeeuw, N. (2002). Gifted preschoolers: Parent and teacher views on

identification, early admission, and programming. Roeper Review 24(3),
An examination of the issues and concerns of parents and teachers of
gifted preschoolers, with a focus on early identification and programming.
under U.S. or applicable copyright law.

Webb, J. T. (1994). Nurturing social emotional development of gifted children.

Reston, VA: ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED372554) Retrieved June
12, 2004, from
An analysis of the problems and issues facing gifted children.

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Connecting Across Differences


Primary Issues: Secondary Issues:

• Emotional development • Cognitive development and language

• Empathy development
• Prosocial behavior • Parenting styles
• Racial/ethnic awareness • Same-sex schooling
and identity • Developmental issues for only

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It is 7:45 A.M. and Keisha beams as she walks into her kindergarten classroom.
The classroom, adorned with holiday decorations representing many cultures,
is warm and welcoming. It is situated at the end of a long hallway in a wing
devoted to early childhood education. Keisha’s obvious enthusiasm for school
appears to be shared by the other 12 girls in her classroom. Dressed in plaid
jumpers and navy blue shoes (part of the school uniform), the girls giggle as


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they put away their coats and exchange morning greetings. Ms. Sommers, the
head teacher, begins to sing a welcome song and the 13 girls make their way to
the brightly colored rug situated in front of the piano. The song serves as a cue
that Ms. Sommers is ready to begin the morning activities. Keisha, the first
student to the rug, begins the circle with her classmates following close behind.
She sits as close to Ms. Sommers and the piano as she can get. Ms. Sommers
welcomes everyone to a new school day and checks with the class to see if any-
one has interesting news to share. Hands wave excitedly and many girls, includ-
ing Keisha, have a story to tell. Ms. Sommers carefully listens to each of them
and makes certain that they are all being good listeners as each girl shares her
“news.” Keisha is excited to tell her classmates that the guest in the class that
morning—me—is a friend of hers. She comes over and sits on my lap while the
other girls watch carefully. Ms. Sommers then redirects the girls to the circle
activities and begins a conversation about the first project of the day. Since the
winter holiday season is approaching, the girls’ first activity is a winter art pro-
ject using glue, glitter, and brightly colored paper and feathers. When Ms.
Sommers is finished with her instructions, Keisha jumps up, puts on her smock,
and appears ready to begin. Ms. Sommers thanks the class for being good lis-
teners and sends them to the art materials, which are neatly laid out on a large
art table. All the students, including Keisha, proceed with their art activity with
great focus and interest. Ms. Sommers and her assistant, Ms. Turner, walk
around the room, checking on the progress of the students. One kindergarten
student, who is socializing and not working on her art project, is quickly redi-
rected in a positive and caring manner.
Keisha is a bright eyed and bubbly five-year-old, and the only African
American enrolled in an all-day kindergarten program at this private school for
girls. She is the youngest student in this small and nurturing community of
13 learners. The K–12 enrollment of this selective admission school is approx-
imately 350 students, and the school is a fully accredited independent school
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approved by the state board of education. Keisha, an only child of two profes-
sional parents, lives in a middle-class urban neighborhood in the northeast
United States. She has her own bedroom and happily reports that “[I] make my
bed a lot” and “[I] like to jump on the bed.” She often brings her dolls to bed
with her although “they all get in my pillow.” In addition to Mom and Dad,
Keisha has two pet birds, Raven and Wings, who fly around the house. “I can’t
play with them,” and “they always fly on the couch,” she reports, and proudly
adds, “I help Mom and Dad take care of them.” Keisha’s parents come from

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Keisha 15
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close-knit families who all enjoy spending time with her. According to her dad,
“she loves to spend time with her cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.”
Keisha describes her mom as a special lady because “when I cry she picks me
up and I feel better.” Keisha enjoys playing basketball with her dad and espe-
cially enjoys their reading time together, even though “he sometimes yells.”
Dad says the times he yells at Keisha are “few and far between.” He does recall
one time when he did raise his voice to her. She “stuck her fingers in an air
purifier” and needed to be rushed to the hospital for treatment. Keisha’s dad
says they prefer to discipline her by “setting boundaries, negotiating, and
working things out. I don’t believe in spanking or a lot of yelling.”
One of Keisha’s favorite activities to do with her mom and dad is to read
books. Little Mermaid is a story she never gets tired of hearing. Ariel, the mer-
maid, is her favorite character. “Ariel is my favorite because she wants to know
everything and ’cause she gets the prince.” Aladdin is another Disney book
Keisha enjoys hearing. Aladdin, her favorite character, “lives in a marketplace
and doesn’t have real clothes. He just wears a jacket and ragged pants.” When
she is asked why Aladdin is so special, Keisha affectionately says, “Because
he saves the day.”
Saving the day is something Keisha has obviously thought about. At five
years old she has decided that “when I grow up I want to be a police officer.”
She wants to be a police officer because it is “something we really, really, really
need. They keep people safe and so do firefighters.” (Note this interview was
done just a few months after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.) When
asked what she knew about the events of September 11, Keisha’s knowledge
was limited to people getting hurt and police and firefighters being heroes. Her
parents minimized her exposure to the realities of September 11 by limiting
her television viewing.
The student population of Keisha’s school is predominantly white and
affluent. While the school administration is committed to increasing the
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school’s diversity (several outreach programs have been instituted), the number
of African American girls remains low. However, the school does have some
socioeconomic diversity. Many of the girls who attend the costly school receive
financial assistance. The lack of racial diversity at the school was an early con-
cern of Keisha’s parents. Dad says that he was “a bit concerned about the need
for diversity in where [Keisha] went to school.” He is less worried now that he
knows more about the school and its environment. He sees the diversity in “back-
grounds and ideologies” as an important aspect of Keisha’s education, although

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he indicates that Keisha is beginning to talk about the ethnic and racial makeup
of her school. However, at this point both Mom and Dad believe that Keisha’s
school is a “good place for her to be and grow.” The fact that she is always
included in school activities, after-school activities, and “play dates” confirms
this belief for Mom and Dad. Ms. Sommers agrees. She says that “while
Keisha does notice racial differences, it is not an issue in this class.” Ms.
Sommers describes a particular incident that reflects Keisha’s growing aware-
ness of race. “Last week the girls were making angels as a holiday project and
I had white faces, tan faces, and pink faces. She immediately went to the tan
face and said ‘this one is for me.’ We do a lot with difference and acceptance.”
Keisha’s own awareness is clear when she is asked how to make her school a
better place. She smiles and says, “Getting more people here really, really like
the whole world.”
Ms. Sommers believes strongly that Keisha’s school experiences have had
a positive influence on her development. In fact, Ms. Sommers reports that
Keisha “has blossomed” this year. This is the second year that Keisha and Ms.
Sommers have been together. Ms. Sommers was the preschool teacher last year,
and she and the school administration decided that she would move up to kinder-
garten along with the preschool girls. They believe that this policy encourages
continuity of instruction and expectations, while allowing the teacher the oppor-
tunity to get to know the girls’ strengths and weaknesses at this important devel-
opmental level. “Looping,” as it is referred to in education literature, is strongly
endorsed by the parents, administration, and the teachers. The girls seem to have
no complaints either. Keisha loves her teacher because she “fixes problems.”
Ms. Sommers believes that over the last year and a half, “Keisha has made
a lot of growth with sounds and letters. Mom and Dad work with her at home
and they are very invested in Keisha and this school.” Dad says that “they
make a point of asking her how her day was.” Keisha will tell them “about the
things that might have bothered her at school. It doesn’t take a lot to get her to
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open up.” She also loves to “present things that she has done during the day
and projects she has done.”
As is the case with most of the girls in this kindergarten class, Keisha
clearly enjoys the hands-on activities and interactions with other students that
Ms. Sommers provides throughout the day in her classroom. Ms. Sommers
has provided various opportunities for Keisha and her classmates to engage in
activities that both focus on and cross many subject areas and that are suited to
each student’s individual strengths and interests. Keisha does not seem to mind

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the academic work that is expected of the girls in this kindergarten classroom.
She enthusiastically exclaims, “I like hard work. I love numbers and letters.”
Keisha excels in the arts, music, and drama, and Ms. Sommers is certain
that Keisha will be up on stage “in a future drama production.” Her enjoyment
of the arts is strongly encouraged and nurtured at home. Keisha is involved in
an after-school dance program and loves to sing in her church choir. Keisha
can look forward to many opportunities to participate in the arts at her school,
where both visual and performing arts are highly valued activities.
Along with the academic part of school, Keisha loves to socialize. Ms.
Sommers indicates that Keisha relates well to the other kids in the class and is
extremely well liked. In fact, “she is the kind of kid you just fall in love with.
She has a heart of gold and just gets along with everyone.” However, Ms.
Sommers says that her heart of gold can easily get broken. Ms. Sommers, who
monitors classroom social behavior closely, says that if “someone is insensi-
tive to her, she takes it to heart. If I have to discipline her [something that
clearly does not happen often] she becomes very emotional.”
This sensitive side of Keisha is evident to her parents. Her dad character-
izes her as “a bright, capable, and physically competent child . . . who loves
interacting with people.” She is very open to the world around her and she’s
very trusting of people. She is concerned about the people around her being
okay, and she understands what it means to have your feelings hurt.
Keisha echoes her father’s characterization of her sensitivity. She has a
close friend whose name is Patty. Patty, a friend from preschool who now
attends a different school, is Keisha’s good friend because “we sometimes
do the same thing. We like to do flips and stuff and . . . she is funny.” When
describing some of her interactions with Patty, Keisha says that Patty is some-
times “mean” and that “sometimes Patty will say that ‘I’m not going to be your
friend’ and stuff. A person’s feelings can break when [you] are being mean to
[them].” Keisha further describes what might happen if she has a fight with
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Patty or any of her other friends. According to Keisha, when people fight
“some people come and say how about you just be nice or I [might] come over
and say that. How about we be friends for the whole week?” Keisha also really
likes her friends at school “because they are fun. Sometimes they can be mean
too, like we can break, like they can break the people’s feelings they are being
mean to. When they might hurt somebody, well, somebody might say a bad
thing.” According to Keisha, this can be made better by “people getting back
together . . . and love, lotta, lotta loving.” These thoughts, and others like them,

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are what make Keisha happy. In fact, “people getting back together” is what
makes her smile.
Sadness, anger, and fear are not emotions Keisha talks about very often.
When she does talk about sadness, it is quite personalized. It makes “me sad
when people don’t listen to me and I’m trying to say something. That all
breaks my heart.” In fact, if people don’t listen to her, her sadness sometimes
turns into anger. “Sometimes, I get all red on my face. When people really,
really, really don’t listen to me.” When asked when this anger surfaces, Keisha
responds by saying “like on Mondays and Fridays.”
Her fears come in the form of “vampires who suck your blood.” She
knows about vampires because “I just know.” (Her parents really don’t know
what the source of this information is!) “Besides vampires, ghosts are really
scary. They have no bones and no skin.” Another “thing that makes me scared
are witches.” Keisha says she “can smile” when there are no vampires, ghosts,
and witches.
Keisha’s mom and dad and Ms. Sommers strongly believe that her greatest
strengths involve her verbal ability, her desire to explore, her love of learning,
and her willingness to try new and different things. In fact, her dad characterizes
her as a bit of a risk taker. “She has been doing things outside on her jungle gym
that make her mom a bit nervous. But I look at it as a manifestation of her
physical competence.”
These strong verbal and risk-taking skills became apparent at the end of
her interview. Just before Keisha was ready to leave, she was asked if there
was anything else she would like to share. Keisha looked up brightly and
boldly took the microphone. She said now it was her turn to be the interviewer
and take center stage. Speaking directly into the microphone, she asked me
the following questions:

What about your life? Is there anything you don’t like? Do you have any
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kids? Where do they live? What makes you happy? What is your favorite
drink? Have your children ever played any tricks on one another? Tell me

She not only understood the techniques of interviewing, she knew what
questions to ask and decided if she was going to share her life, then I would
have to share mine as well. Luckily, the tape ran out; the questions were being
fired rapidly and getting more and more personal. Watch out, Katie Couric!

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1. Characterize the parenting style of Keisha’s parents. Do Keisha’s

development and behavior seem consistent with what research says
about the results of the parenting style you believe Keisha’s parents
exhibit? As parents of an African American child, what additional
parenting issues might concern Keisha’s parents?

2. Speculate on the changes that might occur in Keisha’s development

were she to have a younger sibling. Support your speculation with the
results of research you have studied in class and in course materials.

3. Predict the effect on Keisha’s future ethnic identity development should

her school environment stay the same in terms of ethnic enrollment.

4. In what ways should the research on culturally relevant pedagogy influ-

ence the curriculum and instruction in Keisha’s kindergarten classroom?
What suggestions, based upon research, do you have for Keisha’s teacher
to help her create a truly inclusive environment?


1. Using clues from the case, outline Keisha’s development through

Erikson’s stages of personal and emotional development. Thus far, has
she overcome the various “crises” described by Erikson? What are they,
and how would you characterize Keisha’s resolution of these stages?
In outlining Keisha’s progress in these areas, detail what factors in
Keisha’s environment Bronfenbrenner would consider in analyzing
Keisha’s development.
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2. What theoretical perspective(s) and theorist(s) within such perspective(s)

(other than Erikson and Bronfenbrenner) provide the most insight into
Keisha’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development? Note
that different perspectives and theorists may account for different areas of
Keisha’s development. Use details from the case and support your answer
with information from the text. You may want to “map” or “chart” the
various areas of Keisha’s development in order to organize your thoughts.

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3. What developmental theorist(s) is Ms. Sommers embracing in her

classroom methods, and how is Keisha apparently responding to that
environment? Be specific, using details from the case and details on
the theorists from your course.

Also see “Connecting Across Cases” questions 1 and 4, in the Introduction

to this book.


1. Role-play Keisha’s parents discussing the issues of ethnic diversity in

the school with school administrator(s).

2. Role-play a discussion between Keisha’s parents where one parent

wants to remove her from her current school because ethnic enrollment
has not changed whereas the other wants to keep her enrolled.


1. With a partner or small group, research the same-sex schooling move-

ment and outline the pros and cons of same-sex schooling for the class.

2. Research the practice of “looping” in education, paying particular atten-

tion to results relating to its effects on cognitive, social, and emotional
development, and present findings to the class.

3. Based on research on the development of empathy and prosocial

behavior, role-play possible interactions between Keisha and her
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parents that support her caring behaviors and attitudes.


National Coalition of Girls’ Schools at

The NCGS is a coalition of girls’ schools that advocates, supports, and
provides resources on single-sex education for young women.

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Haag, P. (2000). K–12 single sex education: What does the research say?
Champaign, IL: ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood
Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 444758)
Retrieved June 12, 2004, from
This ERIC Digest provides a summary of research on single-sex schools
and children’s academic progress and emotional development. It also identi-
fies problems involved in doing research on single-sex schools.

Comer, J., & Poussaint, A. (1992). Raising black children: Two leading psy-
chiatrists confront the educational, social, and emotional problems facing
black children. New York: Penguin Books.
This book examines both general developmental issues in raising children
and issues of particular relevance to African American children, including fos-
tering racial and personal pride and coping with racism and discrimination.

Wright, M. (2000). I’m chocolate, you’re vanilla: Raising healthy black and
biracial children in a race-conscious world. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
This book discusses how young children develop an understanding of race
and ethnicity and provides practical, positive suggestions for parents and
teachers on handling common questions from children about race, responding
to comments or actions by others to a child who is black or biracial, and reduc-
ing preconceptions about race that influence a child’s success or failure.
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Exploring Social and Creative

Potentials in a Six-Year-Old’s Life


Primary Issues: Secondary Issues:

• Social learning theory • Parenting

• Social cognition • Development of social
• Need for approval skills (empathy)
• Play and cognitive • Friendships
development • Sibling relationships
• Gardner’s multiple intelligences
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“My mom, dad, big sister, little sister, and puppy” is the way that six-year-
old Laura describes the members of her family. Laura is the middle child in
a family of three girls who live with their parents in a suburban community
in the northeastern United States. Her parents are both professionals who


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work outside the home yet manage to devote a tremendous amount of time
to family life. Laura’s mom describes her marriage as a strong partnership
in which both partners share the responsibilities and support of family life.
“I can’t remember the last time we [husband and wife] fought, so there is
not much conflict in the house.” Both parents stress the importance of edu-
cation and the building of self-confidence in their girls. When purchasing
their home, they selected the location partly because of the reputation of
the school district. Laura’s parents hope that their family and marriage
will serve as models for the girls. They want their girls to recognize the
importance of being full partners in a relationship built on respect, love, and
Laura describes herself as being “nice . . . and having lots of friends.” She
also says that she is a “sharing [person] and [is] good at skipping, running, . . . and
gymnastics” and also feels “bad when other kids get into trouble at school.” She
is aware that she is the middle child in her family. However, the role of middle
child does not seem to bother Laura at all. In fact, she says, “I am the middle one.
I’m the big sister and the little one [sister], so I’m the one in the middle. I have a
little sister to take care of and I [have] a big sister to take care of me.” Laura’s
mom also describes her as the middle child, “but a much-awaited child. I had
three miscarriages before her . . . she is kind of a treasure to us and she knows it.”
Laura’s older sister Courtney and her younger sister Sarah are twelve and four.
Laura shares a bedroom with Sarah and does not seem to mind it. However, she
looks forward to the day she “turns seven when I get my own room.” She is anx-
ious to “decorate my own room like my big sister.” All of this is news to her
parents, who are currently not planning on a room change for the girls.
Laura feels close to her sisters, her parents, and her extended family and
especially her grandfather, to whom she has a very special attachment. She
says she is closest to “my mom and dad. My dad wrestles with me and my
mom reads me bedtime stories.” Her favorite books are by Dr. Seuss, and she
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especially loves The Cat in the Hat. Laura believes that her parents are special
“because they love me.” Laura speaks of her little sister Sarah with great affec-
tion. They enjoy playing games together which often involve pretend play. Her
pretend play is enhanced by her strong imagination. In fact, according to her
mom, Laura’s imagination is “endless, just unbelievable . . . if you give
[Laura] two rocks, she will play for hours.”
One game, which Laura describes as her favorite, involves Laura “playing
a puppy and Sarah playing the owner.” In the game, “she likes to put me in a

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Laura 25
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pretend cage . . . which is the couch.” Laura thinks that Sarah is “a good owner
[because] when I start howling and getting really, really sad, she lets me out.”
Laura says that Sarah’s favorite character is Winnie the Pooh and that “she likes
to watch the Book of Pooh on the Disney channel.” Laura proudly announces that
her favorite television show is Scooby Doo. She “loves” Scooby Doo because of
“all of the monsters,” who don’t scare her at all. Laura describes Scooby Doo as
a “dog who finds out [about] mysteries with his gang.” She especially “likes the
way he talks and says scooby doo be doo.”
While Laura and Sarah are close, they sometimes have sibling disagree-
ments. For example, Laura describes a time when she and Sarah were playing
with Barbie dolls. “We were playing with Mermaid Barbie. We kept fighting
over it because we both wanted it. Then we found the other mermaid and that
settled it.” “They are best friends” is the way Laura’s mom describes the rela-
tionship between Laura and Sarah. “Sarah is much quieter than Laura, but they
get along just great.”
Laura speaks with just as much affection when she describes her older
sister Courtney. Courtney is in the seventh grade and she likes to “play with us,
tickle us, and play tricks on us.” Courtney has a best friend who lives next door,
who “she talks to a lot on the phone.” In fact, according to Mom, Courtney has
a good relationship with both Laura and Sarah. “They idolize her. Everything
she does, they want to do. She likes *NSYNC, so they like *NSYNC.” Mom
believes that overall Courtney is great with the girls. However, in the last year
or so “she has backed off a bit.” As a seventh grader, Courtney has made it clear
that she needs some space of her own, especially when her friends are over at
the house. Mom believes that both Laura and Sarah will simply have to get used
to this change.
Laura also likes to invite her neighborhood friend, Angela, over to her
house to play. “We play in the basement and we like to play babies.” Laura
plays the mother and Angela plays the baby because “she [Angela] really likes
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to play the baby and I’m a good mommy.” A good mommy means that “I tuck
her in at night, walk her, and see [watch] her.”
Laura has a best friend too. She describes Rose as having “kinda brown
skin, short black hair, and about this tall” (pointing to a height significantly
above her own). Laura and Rose became friends in kindergarten, where
“we got along together, so we became best friends.” Rose attends the same
elementary school as Laura, and “we sometimes play on the playground at
school.” At times “she [Rose] runs away from me and that makes me feel bad.

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I have to get my friends and my cousin to help me get her back. They’re like
in second grade.” When Rose runs away, Laura will sometimes play with
several of her other friends. Laura says that this often causes Rose to “get
mad.” “When I try to explain to her that I don’t like it when she runs away, she
backs up and runs again. Sometimes, I just have to leave her alone.”
Laura has a large circle of friends and is very popular among the students
in her first grade class. Her mom describes her as “very social and . . . always
being invited to birthday parties.” In fact, her mom believes that one of Laura’s
greatest strengths is “her people skills. She is awesome . . . and she can get
along with anybody. She goes out of her way to be friends with kids. We did
have some little friend thing [difficulty], . . . but she seems to be working
through it.” Her mom goes on to describe her as a “social butterfly.” Laura’s
first grade teacher, Ms. McCarthy, agrees that Laura is very social. Ms.
McCarthy says,

she has a lot of friends and would never single any student out or make any-
one feel uncomfortable. She never has any negative encounters with other
students. She would never exclude anyone. For example, when [Laura] is
playing a game and the game only allows two players, I have heard her say to
another child who expresses an interest in playing, ‘you can play the winner.’
She is very aware of the feelings of others. She plays with all kids.

This play sometimes even includes boys. In fact, Laura says that she and
her friends sometimes “chase boys.” When she and her friends catch the boys,
which is a source of great pride, they “try to give ’em cooties and then put
them in a soup. There is a tire on the playground and we pretend it’s the soup.”
Her playfulness and outgoing personality spill over into the classroom. Ms.
McCarthy feels that Laura is “such a friendly kid,” and she expects her to be a
class leader. In addition to her strong social skills, Ms. McCarthy believes that
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Laura will be at the “top of her class.” Academically she is an average to high
student now. Ms. McCarthy believes that her “reading, writing, and math are
very strong. In fact, she can read very well and is in one of the top reading
groups.” Ms. McCarthy believes that Laura has “no real weaknesses” and says
that she is a “wonderful student, is anxious to learn, and a quick learner.”
Ms. McCarthy describes her as “always motivated and always wanting to do her
best.” She believes that besides Laura’s natural academic abilities, her strong
family support and her strong verbal skills contribute to her overall success.
Ms. McCarthy points out that Laura “never turns her nose up” at any classroom

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Laura 27
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activity. She is “always ready to work.” Ms. McCarthy feels that Laura’s strong
work ethic comes from the family support she receives. Despite the fact that
both parents work full time and Dad does some traveling,

they are both there for [Laura]. Mom volunteers a lot. She will come on field
trips. I can always count on her for support. If something is not right with
Laura, [Mom] will give me a heads up.

Ms. McCarthy says that Laura’s favorite subject appears to be art. Her
enjoyment of art became apparent during a recent classroom activity that
involved working on the “wh” sound. Laura decided to draw a picture of a
whale. “She put a lot of detail into her whale. That is what she does. If she writes
a sentence or a story, she wants to draw a picture and wants to finish it with great
detail. Her pictures are remarkable and distinctive.” Laura’s interest in art is
echoed by her mom. “She loves anything having to do with art. She is very
good.” In addition to art, Laura has demonstrated significant singing talent. In
fact, according to Mom, her music teacher has indicated “she has never heard a
kindergartener with a voice like hers.”
Laura describes some childhood experiences that make her happy, sad,
and angry. She, in fact, has a clear idea of the things that she likes and the
things she dislikes. For example,

the things that make me happy is when I get something I want or when people
give me surprises or presents. What makes me sad is when Rose runs away
from me. And the thing that makes me angry is when somebody takes a toy
away from me and they don’t give it back. It also makes me sad when people
say they don’t want to be my friend. Once in kindergarten, Rose said she
wouldn’t be my friend anymore [the difficulty Laura’s Mom was referring
to]. I started to cry and went over to my cubby. Then Rose came over and said
I’m sorry . . . then I stopped crying and we hugged and were best friends
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As was the case with many children, and of course even adults, the events
of September 11, 2001, evoked many different emotions in Laura. First, Laura
describes the events as “planes crashing into buildings because there wasn’t
any lights on the buildings to tell them where they [the buildings] were.” Laura
thought about all of the pain and hurt caused by the planes. “I felt bad because
when other people get hurt, like when someone is crying, I will follow the cry-
ing and ask what is wrong. I was worried that people would get hurt or die.”

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In addition to the events of September 11, Laura became worried about

divorce when the parents of a close friend separated. Laura’s mom says “at
least once a month” Laura would ask her a question about divorce. For
example, once Laura asked, “You [meaning Mom and Dad] would never get
divorced, right? And Daddy would never move out of our house.” Mom char-
acterizes Laura as being very concerned that this could happen in their home.
Both of Laura’s parents took time to reassure her that her family would stay
Laura’s sensitivity is a source of some concern for her mom. Mom is afraid
that “it is so easy to break her heart” and it is “very easy to hurt her.” She has a
“strong desire to please others and really wants everyone to love her.” Mom’s
concern about Laura’s sensitivity caused her to make a special request for a par-
ticular first grade teacher. She was worried that Laura would have a difficult time
with a teacher who was too rigid or harsh. While the school discourages parents
from making teacher requests, Laura’s parents made a strong case for Laura
being placed with Ms. McCarthy.
Another concern voiced by Laura’s mom has to do with her small size.
Laura is “much smaller than the other kids,” something of which Laura is quite
aware. In fact, Laura’s little sister is beginning to pass her by. Laura’s doctors
have reassured the family that Laura is just petite. This, however, doesn’t keep
other children from teasing her because of her size. In fact, in kindergarten
teasing about her small size became a bit of an issue for Laura. Laura’s kinder-
garten teacher, Mrs. Doyle, was keenly aware of this situation. One day she
decided to create a new class club. The club was called the Little Bodies, Big
Brains Club. Mrs. Doyle made Laura the president. Mom says, “I can’t tell you
what that did for this child [Laura]. Laura’s self-confidence was clearly
improved by this experience.” According to Ms. McCarthy, this self-confidence
was clearly evident when Laura arrived in first grade. Her self-confidence is
strong and is cultivated in this nurturing classroom, in Laura’s home environ-
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ment, and in other areas of the school community. Recently Laura won the
“super kid award.” The award was given out by Mr. P., the gym teacher. Mom
says that Laura was so excited about this award that she could not wait to share
the news with her family and friends. The award is only “given to people who
work hard,” says Laura and it is given by the “very funny” Mr. P.
While she speaks fondly of Mr. P, her cute nose scrunches up when she
talks about her music teacher. “People call her the crazy lady because some-
times it seems like she is going crazy.” Despite this characterization of her

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Laura 29
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music teacher, Laura says she likes her because “sometimes she is silly and
teaches us the heartbeat.”
Laura’s ability to perceive what both adults and children think and feel is
also evident in her description of Ms. McCarthy. Sometimes “Ms. McCarthy
gets funny mad and sometimes she gets real mad.” When she gets “really mad
she yells, like when kids don’t follow directions. I feel sorry for them [when
they get yelled at].”
However, her empathy for classmates does not diminish her liking for
Ms. McCarthy. The affection felt by Laura toward Ms. McCarthy runs both
ways. In fact, it takes Ms. McCarthy only a few words to sum up her opinion
of Laura. “She has it all.” Laura sums up her feelings for Ms. McCarthy by
paying her the ultimate compliment. Even at this very young age, Laura is
clear on what she wants to do when she grows up. “I might want to be a dance
teacher or just a regular teacher . . . probably first grade.”


1. Using evidence from the case, discuss Laura’s social cognition. Specifi-
cally, address the development of her sense of self, self-perceptions,
and her beliefs about relationships as well as the development of her
“theory of mind”—her awareness of others’ intentions, thoughts,
beliefs, and feelings.

2. Agree or disagree with the following: “Laura’s parents are excellent

parents.” Provide support for your position, applying what you have
learned about the developmental effects of various parenting practices,
environmental factors under the control of parents, and the like to the
specifics of Laura’s case.
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3. Laura’s mom describes her as “very social.” In fact, her mom believes
that one of Laura’s greatest strengths is “her people skills. She is awe-
some . . . and she can get along with anybody. She goes out of her way
to be friends with kids.” Laura’s mom also describes Laura as having
a “strong desire to please others” and really wanting “everyone to love
her.” Discuss the positive and negative effects of such an orientation
on Laura’s future social and cognitive development. Use research to
support your discussion points.

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4. Discuss the various social and cognitive developmental effects of

Laura’s place as the “middle child.”

5. Discuss Laura’s interactions with Rose. What do they reveal about

Laura’s development?

6. What if the school administrator refused the request made by Laura’s

parents for a particular first grade teacher? In what ways would you
suggest they deal with a teacher who lacks Ms. McCarthy’s warmth
and creativity?


1. Discuss the factors in Laura’s life that have contributed, in your opinion,
to Ms. McCarthy’s assessment of Laura as a child who “has it all.” Use
evidence from the case and information from your course and various
theories of development you have studied to support your opinion.
2. Laura’s teacher and her mom talk about her imagination and fantasy
play. Discuss the role that these have played in her cognitive develop-
ment. Use the cognitive development theories of Piaget and Vygotsky
to explain your answer.
3. Based on the case, speculate on what Howard Gardner might have to
say about Laura.

Also see “Connecting Across Cases” question 1, in the Introduction to this


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1. Speculate on the “case” Laura’s parents may have made for Laura’s
placement with Ms. McCarthy, and role-play the conversation between
them and school administrators.


1. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences has caused psychologists and

educators to expand their definition and understanding of intelligence.

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Laura 31
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Likewise, it has reinforced for some the belief that existing measures
of intelligence are only measuring a limited range of abilities, focusing
on verbal and mathematical intelligences. Research ways of assessing
other types of intelligences, as proposed by Gardner’s theory, and/or
develop a lesson that might tap one or more of these abilities.


Piaget, J. (1962). Play, dreams, and imitation in childhood. New York:

An examination of the importance of imitations, play, and dreams to
children’s movement from sensory motor schemas to conceptual schemas.

Hubbard, J., & Coie, J. D. (n.d.). Emotional correlates of social competence in

children’s peer relationships. Retrieved June 12, 2004, from www.udel
This article provides an overview of research on children’s social compe-
tence and friendship problems.

Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences.

New York: Basic Books.
This book provides a basic overview of Gardner’s theory of multiple
intelligences and its educational implications.
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Nurturing a Child With Autism


Primary Issues: Secondary Issues:

• The nature and wide • Theories regarding the

range of manifestations of causes of autism
autistic disorder • Operant behavior therapy
• Theory of mind/metacognition • Reinforcement as a motivator
• Parenting a child with autism • Developmental effects of having a
• Treatments of autistic disorder sibling with disabilities

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Life is incredibly hectic at Emily’s house. She is the oldest of three young
children who keep their mother constantly busy caring for them in this lovely
home in a medium-sized urban community. Their home is in a middle class
neighborhood dotted with large old maple trees. The neighborhood has
attracted many young families, and on any given sunny day the sidewalks are
filled with children running about and playing.


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Emily is often found out in her backyard, swinging contentedly on her

swing. She is a bright-eyed six-year-old who at around the age of two was
diagnosed with autism. Emily has a younger sister, Karen, who is two and a
half years old, and a baby brother, Michael, who just turned one. Mom sus-
pected something was not right with Emily from the beginning. “From the
minute she was born, she was delayed with everything. She didn’t sit up until
she was, I think, a year.” Although Emily is nonverbal now, her mom describes
some early vocalizations. She was able to say things like “mama, dada, kitty,
and pooh.” She was also able to say “hi and bye” and, at one point, could even
begin the “Old McDonald Had a Farm” nursery rhyme. Additionally, Mom
indicates that she “could easily retrieve items I asked her for.” For example, if
Mom asked for her Tigger or Pooh Bear stuffed animals, she would quickly
run and get them.
Thus the focus of concern about Emily, at least very early in her develop-
ment, was on her physical delays. Once she began a regular program of physical
therapy, it became apparent that she had some additional special needs. At
about 18 months of age, her physical therapy was expanded to include speech
therapy and one-on-one time with a special educator. In fact, at one point “we
had four different professionals working with her,” reports Mom. Recognizing
the need for intensive early intervention, the professionals working with Emily
suggested placing her in a full-day special education setting. Mom remembers
that at first, following some adjustment, Emily thrived in her new school. She
started out in the “orange room, where she did great and was happy going to
school.” The placement was all day, five days a week. When she got a bit older,
Emily was moved to the “purple room.” Mom describes this move as a difficult
one. Her attitude toward school changed, and she was “unhappy and miser-
able.” Mom believes that Emily’s dislike of school was in part due to the lack
of sufficient structure and the staff’s inability or unwillingness to get her to
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Emily’s parents decided to investigate other possibilities. Their local elemen-

tary school was reported to have an excellent self-contained special education
program. After some serious investigation and reflection, Emily’s parents
decided to place her in the public elementary school. This school, with an enroll-
ment of 650 students, kindergarten through sixth grade, is one of three magnet
schools in the district in which admission is determined by a random lottery
following application. Over one half of the school’s students are from minority
and ethnic groups, and close to half of the school’s students are eligible for free

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Emily’s World 35
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or reduced-price lunch. Approximately 20% of the students in Emily’s grade

level are students with disabilities ranging from mild to severe. Despite the
school’s diverse population, the school has achieved state standards for mathe-
matics and English language arts for the past four years. Emily was placed in a
self-contained class with 11 other children with special needs, with a head
teacher and four aides.
Mom tells of going into the school and meeting Emily’s new teachers. At
that initial visit, Mom recalls trying to prepare the teachers for a very unhappy
and uncooperative child. Given Emily’s most recent reaction to school, Mom
tried to prepare the teachers for “hard times ahead” with Emily. However,
Emily surprised everyone. “I started getting notes home from the teacher
telling me that Emily was wonderful at school.” She “knew her colors, could
match some words, and pick out her own name.” Mom believes that between
some intensive work at home and her experiences in her old school, “she was
able to pick up some basic skills.”
Mom strongly believes that Emily’s receptive skills far exceed her expres-
sive skills. She is able to understand what is being said to her, but has difficulty
demonstrating that understanding. Emily’s teacher, Ms. Hammond, strongly
agrees. “She seems to understand things, but getting her to demonstrate that
understanding is often difficult. I think at times she understands some of the
things we are doing.” Ms. Hammond describes the following as an example.
“One day I was reading the book Three Little Kittens Have Lost Their Mittens
to the class. Following the story, I had an activity where I gave each child a
colored mitten. I then hid some of the mittens around the room and [the
students] had to find the mitten that matched the color of their mitten. Emily
did not get up. She just sat there. I then got her two different colored mittens
and asked her to select the one that matched her mitten. She was successful.”
She knew how to complete the task, but you could not tell by simply observ-
ing her independent behavior. Ms. Hammond goes on to describe several other
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examples of Emily’s purposive behaviors. For example, one day the class
baked cookies. When they were done, Ms. Hammond remembers “putting
them up on a shelf.” The shelf was too high for Emily to reach, so she decided
to bring another taller child over to the shelf to get the cookies for her.
Ms. Hammond says that Emily’s desire for food is an excellent motivator.
Recently, however, the teaching staff has been instructed by Emily’s parents
and psychologist to stop using food as reinforcement. Emily’s mom explains
that her desire for food and the use of food as a motivator is creating a weight

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problem in Emily. “She has breakfast here [at home] and her favorite is toaster
waffles. I pack her a snack and then it’s off to school where she eats another
breakfast. She eats lunch at school, has her snack, and then when she gets
home she is crying, demanding to eat some more.” Emily’s food routine is in
the process of being changed, at the recommendation of her psychologist. He
believes that Emily is using food as a mechanism for control. She would grab
food, run around the house with it, and throw a temper tantrum when it was
taken away. At his suggestion, this kind of behavior is no longer tolerated. If
she wants to eat, she has to sit in her high chair in the kitchen. Despite some
initial strong protest, Emily has adapted well to this new routine. There are
times when things are so busy in the morning, Mom notes, “that suddenly I
will turn around and Emily is sitting in her high chair waiting to be fed!”
Besides her love of food, Emily enjoys listening to music, swinging on her
swing, twirling beads, and taking baths or showers. However, she shows little
interest in toys. She “won’t pick up a toy and play with a toy or anything like
that,” says Mom. She also loves it when the backyard is filled with people,
especially kids. “She will sit on the swing and just watch the kids. That makes
her really happy.” When she is playing in the backyard, you can often find
Emily all “dressed up.” She is very much into “frilly and feminine things.” She
loves to play “dress up,” and Mom has cut up some of her old prom dresses to
accommodate Emily’s desire to play. This desire is also evident in school.
Mom explains that at school there is a dress-up corner, and Emily loves play-
ing there.
Emily appears to be happy when her brother and sister come close to her.
“She doesn’t go to them, but she likes to have them come to her and sit next
to her and watch TV.” She especially loves being near her brother, and she felt
this way from the beginning. When Emily went to visit her baby brother at the
hospital, she “came up and held him and she touched him.” Her reaction to
Mom going to the hospital to have her two siblings was not as positive. In fact,
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Mom remembers Emily’s behavior as being “off” toward her. She “cried a lot”
when Mom left for the hospital, appearing confused and frightened by the sep-
aration. As far as her sister is concerned, “she can take her or leave her.” Karen,
who is two and a half, thinks nothing of taking something she wants from
Emily. For example, Emily loves to twirl her beads. Sometimes Karen just
wants them. She’ll go over to Emily, take a bunch of beads, and “hide them in
the couch.” One day, Karen kept doing this over and over. The frustration
started building up in Emily. She started yelling and got angrier and angrier.

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Emily’s World 37
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Her answer to this problem was to run right over to Karen “and give her a big
The social relationships she has developed extend beyond her immediate
family. Mom says that Emily has a very special relationship with their next-door
neighbor, who is a former high school teacher. “He just talks to her and pays her
lots of attention. She’ll sometimes just stand at the fence waiting for him to talk
to her.” Emily has also developed a very strong bond with her grandmother and
her uncle. Her large extended family has helped Emily and her parents in so
many ways. They are a source of support, love, and encouragement. Emily’s
Mom explains how grateful she is to both her family and her husband’s family.
Without them, their lives would be much more difficult.
Emily also spends time with a teenage girl who sometimes baby-sits her.
Jill lives across the street from Emily and her family. Mom describes Jill as a
pretty typical teenager who is just wonderful to Emily. She takes Emily on
special outings and always makes time to be kind to her. Emily always smiles
when she gets to go over to Jill’s house to visit. One day, Mom went into the
house for a second to get the baby. Emily was busy on her swing in their
fenced-in backyard. The next thing Mom knew, Emily had opened the gate and
gone into Jill’s backyard to swing on Jill’s swing. Up to that point, Emily had
not been able to unlock the gate. Now that she can, Mom says, “I’ll have to
have eyes in the back of my head.”
Emily can surprise adults with her initiative to get out on her own. During
the first week of school, she was well into a routine. Every day Emily and her
classmates would take a rest from 1:30–2:00 P.M., then get their backpacks on,
get on the bus, and go home. On one particular Friday, because of a schedule
change, the children rested from 1:00–1:30 P.M. and then went to gym during
their regular rest time. While the kids were in the gym running around, Emily’s
teacher noticed she was missing. To her amazement, Emily was nowhere to be
found. After a frantic search of the gym, the entire school, and the classroom,
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Ms. Hammond found Emily on the bus. “She had gone back to the classroom,
gotten her coat and was waiting to go home on the bus.” Ms. Hammond says
that they were all “of course upset about her leaving,” but felt that it was quite
an accomplishment for Emily. She had figured out “it was the normal time to
go home and that was exactly what she was going to do.” She was going to
stick to her routine, despite the fact that she was on the bus a half hour early.
As for school relationships, Ms. Hammond explains that there is not much
interaction between Emily and the rest of the students. Similar to her behavior

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with her sister and brother, Emily will not approach the other children. “If she
interacts with the other kids, it is because they have come up to her. Remember,
I have a lot of autistic kids in this class, so there is not a lot of interaction. She
really doesn’t play with the other kids.” Her activities in school include “a lot
of tactile work,” says Ms. Hammond. For example, she “enjoys playing with
beads, shaving cream, and play dough.” Ms. Hammond will often put the TV
on in the morning when the kids are coming into the room (around 7:30 A.M.).
Emily watches the shows, notes Ms. Hammond, “but I’m not sure how much
she is paying attention to them. She does like the music that goes along with the
shows, and sometimes we give her beads to play with as she watches. But we
have to be careful with her because she puts everything into her mouth.” While
food was the big motivator earlier in the school year, it has now been replaced
by beads. Emily’s time on task is very short, so when Ms. Hammond wants her
to complete a task, she says, “first this, then that.” Emily knows exactly what
that means. If she finishes her work, she will get to play with the beads.
For the most part, Mom agrees that it is hard to know how much Emily
understands about the TV shows she watches or the movies she sees. Mom and
Dad monitor closely what she watches at home. They allow her to watch a few
select Disney cartoons and Wheel of Fortune, which she loves. Mom thinks
that the spinning of the wheel is what keeps her attention on the game show.
There are certain times when Mom is quite certain that Emily understands
what she is watching. For example, in the movie Winnie the Pooh, there is a
scene where Christopher Robin (a story character) must leave. It is very sad
and Emily cries whenever she sees this part of the movie. At some level, Mom
believes that she understands the sad feelings Christopher and Pooh are expe-
riencing even though she is not able to explain them.
Communication is one of the major concerns for Emily’s parents and Ms.
Hammond. Since Emily is nonverbal and does not use sign language, alternate
methods of communication have been explored. Sign language just “doesn’t
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work because she won’t imitate,” says Mom. So recently Emily’s parents and
teachers have begun to work together, encouraging Emily to use the Picture
Exchange Communication System (PECS) to help facilitate her communica-
tion skills. Charlop-Christy, Carpenter, LeBlanc, and Kellet (2002) describe
PECS as a system that uses basic behavior principles, such as shaping, to teach
children to communicate using pictures. The child is taught to use pictures
affixed to a magnetic or Velcro® board to communicate, with emphasis on the
child being able to initiate communication, respond to questions, and make

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Emily’s World 39
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social comments, such as “I see the ball.” However, after four months of work
Emily’s parents and teachers feel that her lack of real progress in this area does
not bode well for future language development. Ms. Hammond says, “I have
not seen huge progress this year and I’m not sure I will. I want to get her to
the point where she can better communicate using PECS.”
As is clearly evident with their collaboration on the PECS system, the
interaction between home and school is consistent, supportive, and strong.
Ms. Hammond characterizes Emily’s parents as “remarkable people.” They are
very involved in Emily’s school activities. It is not unusual for Dad “to take the
day off for Halloween just to be with her. Mom volunteers whenever she can.
She has two other children at home but is always willing to help out. She sent
us [the teachers] this beautiful card at Christmas that she made. I don’t know
where she finds the time. Emily is a tremendous amount of work and put two
kids on top of that. Mom is just amazing. And she is so appreciative for what-
ever we do with Emily.”
Mom and Dad’s hopes for Emily are the same as those of any parents of
a six-year-old. They want her to be happy and to be as successful as she can
be. Knowing when Emily is happy is not always easy. In fact, Mom says that
it is sometimes hard to know if she is happy. There are times when “she cries
for no apparent reason.” This is especially true at bedtime. The family deals
with this by having all five of them go into Emily’s room together. “That
makes her happy.” She just doesn’t like “to be by herself.” Being with her
family and hearing compliments on her “pretty clothes” makes her smile.
It is hard to define what success will mean for Emily. Mom says that
she “must be pushed” to do things or she would be content to just sit around.
However, all who are concerned with Emily’s future know that sitting around
will not advance her development. Despite the frustrations associated with car-
ing for and finding the right care for Emily, her parents are committed to the
struggle. In fact, not only her parents but extended family, friends, and teachers
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are trying to provide that loving “push” to help maximize her developmental


1. Describe characteristics exhibited by Emily that are “typical” in autistic

disorder as originally described by Leo Kanner. Describe characteristics

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that are “atypical” of Kanner’s description. Be specific, using details

from the case.

2. Some theorists contend that cognitive and social aspects of autism

may be related to a deficiency in metacognition or lack of “a theory of
mind”—that persons with autism “seem unable to understand that men-
tal states such as knowledge, beliefs, and expectations exist and are con-
nected to people’s behavior” (Hetherington & Parke, 2003, p. 697).
Others theorize that autistic children have either an undersensitivity or
oversensitivity to sensory stimulation, and therefore behaviors such as
social withdrawal and the desire for a predictable environment help to
make the world more tolerable. Discuss how Emily’s observed behaviors
and competencies (or lack thereof) support or fail to support these theories.

3. How did Emily’s teachers address her special needs in their activities
and structuring of the classroom environment? Create a lesson and
explain how you would set it up to maximize the likelihood that Emily
could complete it successfully. Support your answer with information
from the text.

4. In what ways did Emily’s parents and teachers help her to achieve the
optimal level of development? Why is active intervention essential
when working with a child with autism?


1. Describe the process of operant conditioning and how it was used in

Emily’s case either intentionally or unintentionally. You should be
specific, incorporating your knowledge of operant conditioning and
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your knowledge of Emily based on the case. How would you use
behavior learning theorists’ terms to describe how Emily’s parents
discontinued the use of food as a reinforcer?

2. Using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, speculate about

Emily’s effect on her family system, paying particular attention to her
siblings. For example, consider her siblings and how the presence of
Emily as a disabled child within their microsystems might influence
their socialization and emotional development. How might Emily’s

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Emily’s World 41
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presence influence the way her siblings react to cultural values in their
macrosystems? How might the effects on Emily’s parents and extended
family consequently affect her siblings? Speculate with regard to all
systems described by Bronfenbrenner, including the chronosystem.


1. Design a lesson for a child with autism, such as Emily, that takes into
consideration her limited communication skills. Present your lesson to
the class.


1. Autistic disorder is now understood as more of a “spectrum” disorder.

Research what the term “spectrum disorder” means and how Emily
might be classified within the spectrum of autism today. Defend your
classification based on what you know about Emily.

2. Research the Picture Exchange Communication System and describe

its various uses, advantages, and disadvantages from a developmental

3. Although autism usually involves impaired communication and social

abilities, Emily appears to enjoy and seek out social contact. What does
research suggest as possible explanations for this behavior?


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Autism Society of America at

The Autism Society of America is a parent-led organization that provides
information about autism and advocacy for persons with autism.

Special Needs Families Resource Center at

This Web site provides resources and support to families with children
with autism.

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Bondy, A., & Frost, L. (1994). The picture exchange communication system.
Focus on Autistic Behavior, 9, 1–19.
This article provides an overview of PECS as an effective method of
communication for children with autism and other developmental disabilities.

Iowannone, R., Dunlap, G., Huber, H., & Kincaid, D. (2003). Effective educational
practices for students with autism spectrum disorders. Focus on Autism and
Other Developmental Disabilities, 18(3), 150–165.
This article describes the key elements that should be included in a compre-
hensive instructional program for children with ASD. All elements are supported
by sound empirical research.
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Homeschooled Fraternal Twins


Primary Issues: Secondary Issues:

• Sociocultural influences • Attachment

on cognitive development • Early physical development
• Twins and sibling • Personality and temperament
relationships • Learning styles
• Homeschooling • Friendship
• Nature versus nurture

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Nicole and Brooke are nine-year-old fraternal twins, but right from the start they
were different. Brooke was born first and weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces. Her
father says that she was “pink, alert, and crying. She was ready and on the go.
She looked like the Gerber baby.” Due to complications, Nicole was born 10
minutes later. She weighed a little less than 5 pounds, was limp and not breath-
ing. She had an initial Apgar score of 2. If the birth had been a vaginal delivery,


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their mother said, “Nicole would have come out first. She was further down.
But because it was a caesarean, Brooke popped up first.” As Nicole recounts
the story, “I couldn’t breathe when I was a baby, but Brooke, she could really
scream. She was like the loudest baby in the hospital. Mom did a special
surgery that made Brooke older, but if they just did the regular . . . then I would
have been the oldest.”
Nicole was resuscitated and made a quick recovery; her second Apgar
was 9. However, Brooke continued to develop physically faster than Nicole.
Nicole walked five months later than Brooke, was toilet trained later, and did
not develop her first tooth until 17 months of age. The family doctors reassured
their parents that both girls were developing normally with no serious prob-
lems, in part because Nicole always caught up to Brooke very quickly. Dad
points out that although Brooke’s motor development was early and steady,
when “Nicole started walking, it was like overnight.” Similarly, he thought that
Nicole could have mastered toilet training earlier, but “she just didn’t feel
like going.” Dad says he sometimes wonders, “If Nicole had come first would
we have dealt with them differently?” However, he believes that they “would
have treated Brooke as the oldest, regardless of when she came,” due to the
differences in physical development.
Temperamental differences between the girls were also apparent very
early, says Dad. “Nicole seems to be more laid back, but when she wants some-
thing, she makes it known. When they were first born, the very next day I went
to the hospital. . . . This was like 12 hours after birth, and the nurse came up to
me and said, ‘Man, she’s stubborn’ [because she wouldn’t take the bottle]. I
kinda looked at her and said, ‘It’s 12 hours?’” However, Nicole’s strong nature
came through in her refusals to always give in to Brooke in their early play
together. As Dad describes, “There’d be eight or nine toys they’d be playing
with, and every toy Nicole would pick up, Brooke would take, and Nicole could
care less ’cause Brooke had to have every toy. . . . Finally Nicole would pick up
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something and Brooke would take it. And Nicole would take it back. And
Brooke would take it, and Nicole would take it back. In other words, that’s the
one toy Nicole wanted.”
In contrast to Nicole, Mom describes Brooke as “very active, very busy.
She’s always doing a lot of things at once. . . . Nicole can lay and watch TV for
three hours. Brooke could not. She can watch TV, but she’s gotta be doing every-
thing else at the same time.” Her parents describe her as “driven” to excel in
everything she does, and they worry that she is sometimes too hard on herself.

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Nicole and Brooke 45

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Mom tells her, “I’m afraid you’re gonna forget to have your babies, you know
she’s so busy all the time.” Brooke usually completes her work faster than
Nicole, but makes mistakes because of her impulsiveness and eagerness to move
on. Brooke is also very athletic and enjoys playing sports like basketball with
boys. She enjoys the competitive nature of sports and the rough and tumble play
of the boys. Her father says that she is “almost like a boy in some ways” and
remembers that she actually wanted to wear a bow tie to nursery school. Her
mother says Brooke is sometimes “overly honest” with people, saying things
before she considers how the other person might react.
Their parents say that Nicole is more meticulous than Brooke and likes
to take her time. She is a “deep thinker” who reflects on problems rather than
jumping to a solution. Nicole also prefers “frilly things” and likes wearing
dresses. “Nicole’s strength is she is just so sweet,” says Mom. “Kids always
like her because she’s just so easy to get along with. . . . she can be with any-
body and she doesn’t want to take the lead.” Mom worries that Nicole might
just “let life pass her by and daydream,” or that she will have difficulty sepa-
rating from Brooke. Nicole describes herself as quiet and shy, pointing out that
she only talked to one person on the first day of preschool. Her mother agrees
that she is “painfully, painfully shy on certain things and if she’s on stage, she
freezes.” In a recent relay race, Nicole was much slower than other children,
not because her physical development was deficient, but because she was wor-
ried about other people watching her. Nicole prefers activities where she is not
the focus of attention and always looks for ways to help others. Nicole says
that “my mom usually gets me things because I don’t ask for too much, while
Brooke on the other hand, she probably asks for a lot of things.” Mom empha-
sizes that the twins look out for each other and usually insist on splitting every-
thing. “Brooke wanted to buy a ring a couple of weeks ago, but she didn’t want
to spend the money. So Nicole gave her some of her money to buy the ring.”
However, Nicole has a mischievous side that was apparent early on. She
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would do things to get reactions from Brooke, such as crying out, “Eh!” or snap-
ping the front closure of the stroller on Brooke’s side. When Brooke acted star-
tled or cried out, Nicole would giggle. In kindergarten, she again showed
herself capable of impressive deception. She came home from kindergarten
one day and said, “The school nurse told me I got to lay on the couch today
and watch TV ’cause I’m not feeling well.” Her mother went to the school the
next day, angry because they did not call to tell her Nicole was sick. The
school nurse told her she had not seen Nicole the day before. “So I look down

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at Nicole and I hear, ‘Uh-oh.’” Mom said she realized that Brooke had gone
home the day before with broken glasses, and Nicole was trying to bring atten-
tion to herself.
Overall, their parents describe the twins as “extremely close. They’re each
other’s best friend.” Dad points out that “they’ll get on each other’s nerves a
lot ’cause they spend so much time together.” However, they are rarely apart
and refuse to sleep in separate rooms although their house has two extra bed-
rooms. Sometimes, Mom says, they use their differences to help each other
out. “Like when they started to wear a bra. Brooke is too busy to figure out the
whole bra bit, so she’s gotta have Nicole help with that. . . . Even though
Nicole is like the younger sister when it comes to certain things, Brooke really
needs her.” Another time, Brooke forgot to wear her boots to kindergarten, and
Nicole shared one of her boots so that each girl went home with one shoe and
one boot.
Despite their differences, both girls are conscientious and intelligent.
They share an interest in science, although Brooke’s strength is in memorizing
facts while Nicole likes to do scientific drawings. They both enjoy swimming
and briefly took ballet dancing together until they were “thrown out of class”
because Brooke kept carrying Nicole around the room. Dad says, “They have
interests that are similar, but even in their similarities, they’re beginning to
look at differences.” They used to dress alike, but now Brooke doesn’t want
to dress the same and complains that Nicole sometimes “copies” her. Nicole
shows an interest in sharing clothes with Brooke, but admits that Brooke wants
her own clothes.
Brooke says she likes being a twin. “Sometimes when you read books
about it . . . you feel happy . . . that it happened to you and everything. It’s also
a playmate sometimes ’cause you can do all the same things.” Nicole says that
an advantage of being a twin is that she and Brooke are usually included
together in many activities and parties. She describes Brooke as “my first best
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friend.” Recognizing how close the twins were, their parents requested that
they be placed in the same classroom in their first years of nursery and ele-
mentary school. When they were separated in kindergarten, they found ways
to talk to each other through a “milk closet” that connected the two rooms.
Brooke or Nicole would go into the room to get the snacks and “wait until the
other one would come for her milk.” Other students also treated them “as a
unit,” expecting them to choose each other for activities that required pairing.
The strength of their identity as twins is especially striking because the girls

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Nicole and Brooke 47

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differ so much in their physical appearance. Brooke is taller, with thick curly
blond hair and bright, lively blue eyes. She is constantly moving and talking,
inquiring about everything she encounters. Nicole is smaller and dark haired, with
dark brown eyes that linger and look deeply into the faces of others. She often
sits back, quietly observing others, but can surprise you with her memory for
details that she takes in.
Nicole and Brooke share a room with their cat, Angel, in their family’s
four-bedroom house on a quiet suburban street in upstate New York. Their
family got Angel and a litter mate, Tabby, when the girls were two years old.
Brooke speaks sadly of how Tabby died of FIP within six months. “She wasn’t
even half a year old when she died . . . that’s sad ‘cause she was just little. She
used to take care of Angel. She used to bathe her and everything.” Both girls are
fond of Angel although they have different ideas about how she should be
treated. Nicole likes to play with Angel because she is “fun.” She says that the
cat sleeps under her bed but sits on Brooke’s bed. Brooke says that Angel is
afraid to jump on Nicole’s bed because “she is always fussing over the cat.”
Brooke says that the cat will come to her when she calls it more readily than to
anyone else in the family. “She comes over and I usually pet her or something.
Nicole would usually pick her up and then [pause] one time she pretends like
she was a baby . . . and she grabs a towel and she stuffs Angel in the towel,
wraps it around her.” Brooke laughs and says, “Angel really didn’t like that.”
Nicole says that she sometimes tells Angel what she is thinking or feeling
because “[Angel] can’t tell secrets. She might say to me a meow, but no one
will understand.” The girls would like to have more animals, but their parents
have said they must wait until they are older and can take responsibility for
them. Meanwhile, they have filled their room with stuffed animals of all kinds.
While Brooke and Nicole both love animals, they often pursue different
interests and activities. Both profess a love of television and enjoy watching
the Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, and Nickelodeon. Nicole likes a show
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called As Told by Ginger, about youth trying to survive junior high school. She
also likes Reggie in Rocket Power because “she’s kind of like [pause] a
leader. . . . She’s not really the leader, but she’s nice and friendly.” Brooke’s
favorite shows are Scooby Doo and ER. She can name most of the main char-
acters on ER and says that she likes it because “you never know what’s going
to happen—suspense, drama. And . . . something that’s interesting about it. . . .
You might even have to watch the other episode to find out what’s going to
happen.” While the girls enjoy many of the same shows, they sometimes argue

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over what to watch. Their parents limit television watching during the week,
and if the girls can’t agree on what to watch, they sometimes ask their parents
to make the final choice. As Brooke says, “I don’t care what it is. Let’s just
watch something.”
Brooke loves computer games, basketball, and soccer, while Nicole
enjoys art and gymnastics. Brooke says that Nicole’s “relaxed” manner some-
times makes it hard to play together since she likes more active pursuits and
Nicole likes to “daydream.” Nicole’s favorite games usually involve some type
of pretending. She and Brooke sometimes pretend that they are on an adven-
ture in Alaska or Egypt. With friends, they like to make up stories and pretend
they are characters in their favorite television shows or movies, such as
Jurassic Park 4 or As Told by Ginger. This year, for the first time, Nicole and
Brooke also chose different Halloween costumes. Brooke is dressing as a
sports hero and Nicole is going as a witch.
Many of the girls’ activities are planned by their parents, in part because
the family has been homeschooling for the last two years. Both parents work
flexible jobs that allow them to make time to teach the girls from home. Dad
is a consultant for the state department of education and teaches part-time at a
local college. He loves to tell stories about his daughters, enhanced by his
animated reenactments of their facial expressions, verbal comments, and ges-
tures. He has the dark hair and eyes characteristic of his Puerto Rican heritage
and amuses friends with his detailed stories and ability to deliver humorous
tales with a straight face. Since his multiple jobs are demanding, he works
energetically and likes to get things right the first time but manages to find
time for lunchtime basketball. Mom is a medical researcher who works part-
time in a laboratory and provides technical assistance to other research centers.
She is a sensitive and caring person who is always looking out for others. Her
clients appreciate her meticulous and well-organized approach to solving their
problems, and Dad says that it is his wife who also keeps their active house-
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hold in impeccable order. With her long blond hair and bright blue eyes, she
presents a striking visual complement to her husband. Both parents put family
needs first when they plan their schedules and activities. They chose a family-
oriented neighborhood in which to live and are actively involved in their local
church. “We rarely do anything without the girls,” says Mom.
Homeschooling allows the girls to spend at least six hours a day with each
other and with their mother or father. Nicole says that she felt sad when she
went to school because she missed her mother, father, and cat and did not like

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some of the “mean ladies” in the lunchroom. She also found school confusing
because of rules about where you had to put your coat or foods you couldn’t
eat, like bubble gum. She finds homeschooling more comfortable because she
does not have to worry about the scary things that happened to her at school,
such as having a stomachache on the bus or getting locked out of school after
recess. She does remember fun times at school, in particular some art activi-
ties with her favorite teacher. But she likes homeschooling better because “I’m
not alone, but I’m not that like crowded up with people.” She also likes not
“wasting” time riding the bus, and she thinks her mom and dad are “not as
strict” as some of her teachers were.
Brooke says that the best thing about homeschooling is she doesn’t have
to wait for all the other kids to get done with their work, and they usually get
done with school earlier. “When in school, they might just keep throwing work
at you ’cause then the buses aren’t going to leave just for you.” She says she
still has to wait for Nicole to finish, though. “Sometimes I start like 10, 20
minutes later . . . so to give her a head start, but I always get caught up with
her.” Dad admits that when he gives the girls an assignment and checks back
“20 minutes, 30 minutes later, Brooke is pretty much fairly done, and Nicole
is on the third problem.” But Mom says, “It’s not that Nicole can’t; she’s just
busy looking out the window.” In fact, she says when they first started home-
schooling, they considered Nicole’s daydreaming tendencies in arranging the
desks in their room. “We said, ‘if we catch you looking out the window too
much, you’re going against the wall.’”
Mom says that she found “letting go” very difficult when the girls first
went to kindergarten and were placed in different classrooms because the
school did not believe in putting siblings together. She and her husband both
helped out frequently in the kindergarten classrooms and then requested that
the girls be put into the same first grade room. The principal resisted, citing
research showing negative effects due to sibling competition. However, Dad
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said, “We know our daughters. They’re not competitive, they are complemen-
tary to each other. . . . They have their own distinct individualities; they help
each other out more than they compete with each other.” The principal finally
allowed them to be placed together for first grade, but said he could not
promise the same would happen in later grades. Both parents said they con-
tinued to volunteer in the first grade classroom, but found they were usually
helping “kids who needed extra help” and not their daughters. They were also
concerned that the teachers in the higher grades did not seem to “want

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[parents] to volunteer.” They began to consider homeschooling as a serious

option after one of their friends decided to homeschool her five sons. On the
day after the shootings at Columbine High School, they presented the home-
schooling option to Brooke and Nicole, and they agreed that they wanted to try
it. Mom admits that initially the “real reason” for homeschooling “was ’cause
I wanted them home with me.” However, now both parents believe that the
academic advantages of being able to maximize the girls’ potentials by work-
ing in a more individualized manner are equally important.
Mom works with the girls two days a week on science, art, reading, and
writing, while Dad covers math, geography, and history on the other three days.
Dad is also teaching both girls to speak Spanish. The school day usually begins
at 7:30 and lasts until 1:30 or 2:00, but Brooke says that Mom and Dad have
different approaches. Dad makes them do homework “right after we do school.
Our mom’s homework is usually later at night, like after dinner.” They work
in a variety of places: the living room, kitchen, Mom’s office, their bedrooms,
or even outside. Sometimes they work at the local library or do a “Barnes and
Noble day” when they go to the bookstore and spend the day reading books of
their own choice. The whole family sometimes takes a field trip to the state
museum, an educational center such as a nearby geological park with caves, or
a historical site such as a Revolutionary War battlefield. Recently they all
accompanied Mom on a business trip to Boston, and Dad and the girls toured
the city while their mother worked. Dad enjoys making learning practical and
relating it to the real world. He frequently uses Mom’s business trips to prompt
the girls’ interest in learning geography.
Their parents use supplemental curricula, which provide packets of mate-
rials and activities. One of Brooke’s favorite activities is working on the
human body, while Nicole enjoys art and math. Their parents customize their
teaching to the girls’ strengths and watch out for their weaknesses. They say
that both girls score in the high 90th percentiles on the California Achievement
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Tests, but they make very different types of mistakes on their tests. Brooke is
very good in science and has an exceptional memory, while Nicole excels at
math and writing. Dad points out that Brooke can tell you about the functions
of every body part and name all the capitals of the 46 countries in Europe. She
is fast in getting her work done and eager to move on to the next assignment.
Mom says, “Brooke just wants to get it done right now, whereas Nicole will
spend the time. In September they were doing a ghost story, and by the end of
two weeks I said, ‘Nicole, you got to end that story at some point,’ ’cause she

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would just go on and on and on.” Similarly in Spanish, Dad says that “Nicole’s
very good, not that she knew Spanish, but she’s much stronger than Brooke
because she’ll take her time.” However, he does have to remind Nicole to pay
attention to the details. On one recent test, Nicole missed two problems
because she didn’t reduce the fractions despite her father’s reminder to do so.
“I said, ‘Nicole, you know the stuff, you got the right answer, you just got to
remember to put it in the simplest terms.’” Both girls hate to get anything
wrong and sometimes plead to retake their tests. They also help each other
with their work, so their complementary interests and abilities provide them
with additional support. Their major concerns, according to Dad, are to stay
equal in their work so that they can continue to work together. “Brooke isn’t
the competition. It’s like, Brooke is here [motions at a certain height] so
[Nicole] would like to be up here [motions to the same height]. . . . not because
she wanted to be better, but because she wanted to be with her.” If Nicole does
not do as well as her sister, Brooke encourages her, “Nicole, you can do this!”
Dad uses his knowledge of his daughters to tailor lessons to their interests.
When the Olympics were in Australia, he made that the focus of their geogra-
phy lessons and incorporated koala bears (one of their favorite animals) into it
as well. Since both enjoy computer games, he also uses “Carmen Sandiego” as
a teaching tool. When they studied the history of Greece, the girls showed an
interest in mythology so he expanded their reading of the ancient Greek myths.
Mom uses projects in both science and art and says that although the girls help
each other out, they usually “each do their own type of thing.” They get a lot of
ideas for projects from an enrichment program that the girls attend on Saturdays
at a local college. The girls also take part in other afterschool activities, such as
4H, piano lessons, gymnastics for Nicole, and a basketball team for Brooke.
Their parents say that the girls are getting more self-directed as they get
older and often check their own work now. They are also more sophisticated,
and Mom says that they find a lot of information on their own. “They read the
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encyclopedias. Sometimes they just sit there and read, and they do a lot on the
computer.” She feels that they may soon need more challenge in some subject
areas. The parents hired a tutor for art this year because Mom felt that she was
not challenging the girls enough. She says that although she thinks she could
teach chemistry and Dad could teach physics, they may have to hire tutors for
other areas, such as biology.
Although their parents ask them repeatedly if they want to return to the
regular school, both girls say that they want to continue homeschooling.

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Brooke admits that fourth grade is harder than third grade, but she still likes
learning at home. Nicole agrees and says, “I like being with Brooke. . . . If I’m
in the regular school, Brooke and I could be in different classes.” She wants
homeschooling to continue “up to college, and then when we go to college . . .
I’m going to go to my dad’s college.” She admits that her mother’s offer to buy
her a car if she goes to her husband’s college (where the girls would get a
tuition discount) is an incentive.
The girls value their close family, but also have friends in several differ-
ent settings. Nicole says that she plays with several friends in the neighbor-
hood who are her age or a little older. Brooke has one close neighborhood
friend, Brianne, but says that most of her friends live several miles away, and
she relies on her parents to drive her to their houses. Both girls play with a 10-
year-old girl, Karen, who lives down the street, but complain that she can be
“bossy.” Karen sometimes sets her own rules or just tells them how to play a
game. Then both Nicole and Brooke tell her she is not being fair. As Brooke
points out, the outcome varies: “Sometimes we get into a fight. Sometimes she
just leaves. Sometimes we work things out. Sometimes we just play along
maybe.” Nicole says that Karen has been getting better and has twice invited
them to her pool. However, she says, “the nicer that she gets, but now, it’s kind
of like she doesn’t really spend much time with us.” Nicole’s “second best
friend” after Brooke is Emily, whom she met in first grade. While they no
longer attend school together, the girls still visit each other’s houses and see
each other at parties. Nicole also sees two other first grade friends, Sue Marie
and Stacey, and says the only things she misses about her old school are the
parties with her friends.
Mom and Dad work with other families who are homeschooling to make
sure the girls have many opportunities for play and social activities. Once a week
they “switch” with another family that is homeschooling its five boys aged 4, 6,
7, 9, and 10 years. Mom says, “I wanted the girls to be separated at times, so I
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drop one of the girls off and pick up one of the boys to play with the other girl
here.” Brooke especially enjoys playing football, basketball, and soccer with the
boys, although she says that they “sometimes get into arguments with each
other. I just stay out of it then.” One of the boys helped her to get over a fear of
the basketball that she had developed after she got hit in the nose.
Brooke and Nicole both have friends at their family’s “camp” on a lake
near a small town in the Catskills. Their family spends much of the summer
and frequent weekends during the spring and fall at the camp. The girls enjoy

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catching frogs, swimming, playing Spud, and watching movies with the
children in two nearby families. One family includes two girls and one boy.
Another 12-year-old friend, Andi, lives on the lake during the summer and has
invited them to visit at her home on Long Island.
Nicole and Brooke are also close to members of their extended family.
Their grandparents (on Dad’s side) sometimes visit the family camp, and the
girls have visited their grandparents at their home in Puerto Rico. The girls
especially enjoy spending weekends with their Aunt Katie in a nearby town.
Mom admits that Aunt Katie “dotes” on the girls, frequently treating them to
trips to the movies, ice cream, and activities such as miniature golf. The girls
emphasize that they really enjoy doing things with their family and feel that
they do things equally with both parents and with each other.
As they look toward the future, both girls are considering careers that reflect
their talents, interests, and family values. Brooke is planning to be a doctor and
notes that she won an award in a science fair in third grade. She also would like
to write research books on nature. Nicole says she “wants to be about five or six
things. An illustrator, an artist, a veterinarian . . . and someone who works at an
animal shelter . . . and a singer, like Britney Spears.” She would like to illustrate
children’s books on animals or adventure, but says she won’t settle for just one
career. “I’m gonna try to do five of them. But first I’ll . . . take a class for veteri-
narians because that will probably cost the most money and also take the longest.
Then I’m probably gonna do the artist, then I’m probably gonna do the singing
chorus stuff.
Their parents have many dreams and worries about the girls. Dad says that
he sometimes thinks, “Wouldn’t it be great if they went to Harvard on an acad-
emic and athletic or esthetic type of scholarship . . . but my bigger dream is to
see them stay the way they are, you know, grow up as adults, but still, I like the
way they are now. I wish 15 years from now they’re the same way.” Mom wor-
ries that a medical career would be hard on Brooke, who is already very sensi-
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tive about getting anything wrong. Mom says, “I try to talk her out of the
medical field. I keep saying maybe you should be a nurse because she’s so
driven.” On the other hand, she worries that Nicole will “go along with Brooke
and she won’t develop on her own. She doesn’t have the drive, so she might be
a Mom eating bon-bons all day . . . and wasting her life, ’cause she is smart, but
she’s okay to just let life pass her by and daydream.” However, both parents
say that their strongest dream for the girls is “to be whatever they want to be
and that they’re happy.” Dad also expresses concerns about his daughters’ safety

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and well-being. “You hope you can sort of protect them from any type of hurt,
and it’s probably beyond you, but I keep saying, you know, they’ve had nine
good years.”
Brooke and Nicole also recognize that the world can be a dangerous place.
The attack on the World Trade Center frightened both girls. Nicole said, “I was
kind of scared because it could have happened anywhere. . . . I felt scared . . .
and sad for two reasons, because our friends live in New York City, but actu-
ally we found out that they’re okay. . . . I felt sad for the other people and other
families.” Brooke said she talked with her parents about the attack because she
wanted to know “why there are enemies out there, why they want to hurt us,
and why they would do something like that.” However, she said, “It’s still big
news, but it’s past now. There’s war and everything, but . . . you just got to
move on to other things.”


1. Identify aspects of Brooke and Nicole’s development that you think

are most influenced by either nature or nurture. Be sure to cite infor-
mation from the case or research from your course to back up your

2. Discuss the birth and early physical development of Brooke and Nicole
using information from your course or research to explain what the
Apgar score showed and whether their early physical differences may
have long-term effects on their development.

3. How would you characterize the attachment bond between the twins
and their parents? What effect is this likely to have on their later social
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4. Behavioral geneticists point out that all children are influenced by

inherited genes, shared environments, and nonshared environments.
Discuss how each of these factors might influence the development of
Brooke and Nicole. Support your analysis with information from the
case and information from your course.

5. What personality and temperamental differences do you see between

Brooke and Nicole? What are the likely sources of these differences?

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6. Describe how Brooke and Nicole interact as siblings, and indicate how
being a twin and being homeschooled might influence the nature of
this relationship.

7. How do the friendships that Brooke and Nicole have differ from those
of children who are in schools? How might this affect their social

8. What approaches to learning do Brooke and Nicole’s parents take in

their homeschooling? How is this likely to affect the girls’ development?


1. Using a sociocultural perspective, discuss how the learning that occurs

in the twins’ homeschooling differs from that in a school-based class-
room. Use some of the following terms from Vygotsky in your analy-
sis: apprenticeship, mediated learning experience, scaffolding, zone of
proximal development.

Also see “Connecting Across Cases” questions 4 and 9, in the

Introduction to this book.


1. Design lessons for Brooke and for Nicole that take into account their
different strengths, interests, and learning styles. Present your lesson to
the class.
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2. Role-play a conversation between Brooke and Nicole and their parents

about whether to continue homeschooling for the middle school grades.


1. Research the development of twins and report to the class on how

being a twin affects a child’s development. Point out ways in which
Brooke and Nicole describe experiences common to twins.

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2. Conduct a group research project on the topic of homeschooling. Have

members of your group report their findings on the following:
• changes in the number of children homeschooled and reasons for
• differences between the families of homeschooled and school-
educated children
• academic achievement of homeschoolers versus school-educated
• social development of homeschoolers versus school-educated
• legal requirements regarding homeschooling and support systems
for homeschooling families


American Home School Association at www.americanhomeschoolassociation.

This Web site, sponsored by Home Education Magazine, provides general
information about homeschooling as well as links to resources for home-
schooling families.

Center for the Study of Multiple Births at

This center is affiliated with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Northwestern University Medical School and The Prentice Women’s Hospital
and Maternity Center, Chicago, Illinois. Its Web site provides statistics on
twins and articles summarizing research on twin births.
under U.S. or applicable copyright law.

Lines, P. M. (2001). Homeschooling. Eugene, OR: ERIC Clearinghouse

on Educational Management. (ERIC Document Reproduction No.
This ERIC Digest provides practical advice for homeschooling parents and
children about legal issues, resources for homeschoolers, college admission
procedures, and research on the development of children who are homeschooled.

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Rudner, L. M. (1999). Scholastic achievement and demographic characteristics

of homeschooled students in 1998. Education Policy Analysis Archives,
7(8). Retrieved April 20, 2004, from
This article reports the results of a study of the family backgrounds and
educational achievement of over 11,000 homeschooled children.

Welner, K. M., & Welner, K. G. (1999). Contextualizing homeschool data: A

response to Rudner. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 7(13). Retrieved
April 20, 2004, from
This article raises questions about the research methods and issues present
in the Rudner article.
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Finding Her Strengths


Primary Issues: Secondary Issues:

• Cognitive development • Moral development

• Academic difficulties • Teacher/parental expectations
• Self-concept/self-esteem • The effects of birth order on
• Industry vs. inferiority development, sibling relationships
• Presence of a stable, caring
adult figure
• Friendship, peer acceptance
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“Four girls, one boy, one cat, and Mom and Dad,” is the way Beth describes
her family. “I’m closest to my cat and my big sister Sally.” Beth, who is 11, is
right in the middle of her evenly spaced older and younger siblings. She has
two teenage older sisters, Sally and Ann, who are in high school. Phil is Beth’s
younger brother and Mary is the baby in the family. This religious family lives
in a nicely maintained house in an urban community of about 100,000 people.


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All the children in the family currently attend public school, although for a few
years Beth attended a Catholic school.
Beth loves to talk about her cat and clearly has a special relationship with
her. She jumps down from the chair to give her some attention. “Whenever I’m
sick, she always comes up and cuddles with me,” Beth says as she lovingly
pets her cat. The cat is not by any means her only source of comfort. She also
talks about her oldest sister Sally as always being around when she needs her.
“When I’m sick, she always says, ‘I hope you feel better,’ and then gets me
some ginger ale.” Beth says that she feels close to Sally despite the six-year
difference in age. Sally, who is finishing her senior year of high school, makes
special time for Beth. They often play games and go to the movies together.
Beth says her sister Sally “is so nice, and fun, and not mean to me.” She loves
when her big sister gets to baby-sit for the younger children in the family. “She
doesn’t slap us around and she doesn’t say, ‘do this’ or ‘do that.’ She won’t say,
‘go brush your teeth,’ but will say, ‘please brush your teeth.’” Sally is apply-
ing to colleges and trying to decide if she should stay home or go away to
school. If Beth has her way, Sally will go to a local college and live at home.
When asked why she wants Sally to stay home, Beth says, “’Cause she is so
fun to play with, always nice to me, and always gets me good presents.”
Beth has another older sister, 14-year-old Ann. “I don’t like her. She is
always snotty,” says Beth. It seems that most of their disagreements center on
the use of the computer and the telephone. According to Beth, Ann tries to
dominate these sources of communication. Beth doesn’t like this one bit and
is quick to say so. Beth looks around to see if Ann is close by. When she real-
izes that she’s not, she whispers, “Sometimes she acts bad and acts like she is
weird. She does that a lot and gets it from her friends. I can tell you that now
’cause she’s gone. I wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings.”
Beth, who shares a room with her younger brother and younger sister,
starts out talking about her only brother Phil by laughing. She is very cog-
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nizant of the fact that he is the only boy in a family of four girls. “There are
no boys, except for Dad,” she says, conveying some pity for Phil. But she is
quick to point out that “he always likes to hurt me, and I don’t like it.” Phil is
just a year and a half younger than Beth, and they spend lots of time together.
Mom says that their relationship is “love-hate.” They are either “loving each
other to death or hating each other.”
Her admiration for her younger sister Mary is apparent when Beth
describes her. “She loves to play with me and have fun!” Beth clearly likes

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being the older sister. She says, “I can boss her around,” since Mary is the
little sister. Beth loves to be Mary’s babysitter. She often asks to baby-sit for
her and will read her books and play games with her. One thing she especially
likes to do with Mary is play school. Beth is always the teacher, and Mary is
the student. Usually Mary will cooperate, but some days she does not feel like
playing. Beth has little tolerance for this. She will say, “I am the big sister”
and “what do you mean you don’t want to play?” However, she tries to
include games that Mary likes to entice her to play, and she really wants her
to have fun. Mom says that on most days you can find them happily playing
Beth shares a bedroom with her younger brother and sister, but this
doesn’t seem to really bother Beth. “Yeah ’cause it’s kind of, not scary,
because it’s fun sharing a bedroom . . . it can be bad because sometimes they
sing, and I don’t like that.” The one part of sharing a bedroom that appears to
annoy Beth is that “I never get any time to be by myself in my room ’cause of
Phil and Mary.” When describing what’s good about sharing a bedroom, Beth
says that they can talk to each other and they don’t feel lonely. The bedroom
is small for three children, but each has his or her own bed with toys, posters,
and books reflecting his or her personality.
Beth describes her neighborhood as filled with boys. Her house sits in the
middle of a city block, surrounded by homes on both sides of the street. She
characterizes this as “not good ’cause there’s not a lot of girls to play with.”
She apparently doesn’t let this bother her too much. She’s often outside play-
ing football with the boys or riding her scooter up and down the block.
Beth’s dad works for a governmental agency and her mom works part-time
outside the home as a substitute nurse. Her position is in a school for disabled
children. Beth’s parents share similar values and have similar interests. They
enjoy the outdoors, particularly running, and they enjoy spending time with
family. They are also active in their church. The family is close-knit, and both
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parents express much caring and support for each other and their children.
Mom describes Beth as the “middle child . . . with a high activity level.”
She is very busy “from the moment she gets up until she goes to sleep,” says
Mom. She loves to be around people and really loves animals. In fact, she has
developed a special connection with her Aunt Mary who also loves animals
and is into organic farming. Beth spends some time at her aunt’s house during
the summer. Her aunt lives in a different state, so her trips there occur mostly
during the summer. She also has a special bond with her grandparents, who

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have a summer camp that she visits during her school holidays. Her mom
believes that Beth’s cheery nature and positive disposition have helped her
develop these close relationships with her extended family.
Her love of animals extends beyond her own cat. Beth often goes to the
local pet store to buy treats for the neighborhood dogs. Beth reports that she
uses her own money for the treats and runs home to give the dogs their bis-
cuits. Mom and Beth describe a time when they talked about going into the
dog biscuit business. With a new recipe in hand, they’re talking about making
their own biscuits. Since Beth also loves to do arts and crafts, she will likely
be in charge of designing the logo for the new business.
Beth’s caring nature was evident on the days following the September 11
terrorist attacks. She wanted to do something to help, so she and a friend went
out and collected money for the Red Cross. Mom indicates “she was obsessed
from morning ’til night, and she wanted to do it every day.” Her desire to help
is no surprise to Mom. She describes Beth as empathetic; “she really goes out
for the underdog.”
Beth says that the events of September 11 make her very sad. “Well, it
makes me sad that people would crash planes into the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon.” Beth’s sadness turned to fear “after President Bush declared
war.” Her fear, however, was overshadowed by her belief that “America is
strong and they [the soldiers] will help us a lot and it will help us win the war.”
She is very emotional as she describes the victims of the plane that crashed in
Pennsylvania. She believed that “they were gonna go for the White House, so
they crashed the plane in Pennsylvania so the White House would be saved. I
thought they [the victims] were very brave.” When she thinks about her own
safety, Beth believes that, for the most part, she is safe. However, “whenever I
hear a plane come over I’m kinda scared because people might be dropping
bombs and stuff. I really don’t know what happened and so that’s why I’m
kinda scared. So when I fall asleep, I always say a prayer that there won’t be
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any bombs that go into my street or anywhere in New York.” Beth empathizes
with the children of Afghanistan and articulates her position clearly and with

I feel bad for them because they’re poor and have to face war right now. I feel
good and happy for them because we’re dropping food from planes. I also
feel bad because the Taliban is taking their food. And I hate the Taliban
because they are the ones that crashed the planes in the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon, and I don’t like them because they’re stealing all the food

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from the kids and their clothes and stuff and money. They barely even have
enough money for food. Yeah, and they are burning down houses and send-
ing anthrax in the mail.

In her spare time Beth likes to read, although she is very particular about
what she reads. “I like to read, not like hard books because they are sometimes
complicated and the words are big and I can’t read them.” Beth likes to read
scary stories “’cause I like reading scary things.” Beth’s love for animals comes
through again when she talks about the book Dear Mr. Henshaw. Her favorite
character in the book is the dog, Bandit, “’cause I like dogs and he would never
get mad at his owner even when all his owner would do is drive around.” Stuart
Little, another favorite, excites Beth. Stuart, however, is not her favorite charac-
ter. That position goes to the cat in the story “who is always dropping Stuart. He
wouldn’t keep him in his mouth and he didn’t obey. I like that because some-
times my cat doesn’t obey when I tell her to do things.”
As with most 11-year-olds, Beth also watches some TV in her spare time,
even though “I don’t have cable anymore.” She makes a very serious face and
says that it is Ann’s fault because of MTV. Her mom didn’t want Ann or any-
one else in the family to watch MTV, so she removed cable television from the
home. “So all I get to watch are baseball games, which is for boys, and Mary’s
little baby shows.” This doesn’t deter her from watching what other kids her
age might be watching on TV. She loves to visit her friends who do have cable,
and she watches a show called SpongeBob SquarePants. Beth laughs as she
describes the characters in this cartoon. These include SpongeBob, Patrick (the
starfish), and Squidward, who works at the Crusty Crab restaurant. She isn’t
too crazy about Squidward, whom she describes as “not nice and a mean
neighbor.” “Squidward is mean and makes fun of SpongeBob,” and he “feels
sad and grows really small.”
Rugrats is another show Beth tries to catch when she is visiting her
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friends. She describes a character in the show, Angelica, whom she doesn’t like
and feels is “very mean.” “She is always telling lies and makes everyone feel
bad and she is always being a brat.” The character Tommy is her favorite
because “he is brave and he comforts his friends.” She also likes Tommy
because he is “actionful.” He likes to investigate and “find stuff out,” which is
obviously something that Beth really enjoys. Another character in the show
is Chuckie and Beth describes him as “boring.” When asked to explain this,
Beth says Chuckie “is always afraid of things, like he’s afraid of the man on
the oatmeal box.”

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Having friends is important to Beth. “I only have one friend and her name
is Susan.” She explains that she has more friends but Susan is “my best, best
friend.” Beth says that Susan is “fun” and “she likes a lot of things I like.”
Susan does not attend Beth’s school, but they spend a lot of time together out-
side of school since Susan lives nearby. Even though they are good friends
now, Beth says she started out several years ago being friends with Dan,
Susan’s brother. Beth remembers clearly that at first Susan was always being
mean to her. However, after awhile she began to think that Dan had become
“just so dumb, so I liked Susan and now she is my friend.” They clearly have
a lot in common. They are in the same grade and like to play outside, listen to
music, and have sleepovers. At these sleepovers they have long “girl” talks.
Sometimes these talks include Beth telling Susan about how her feelings get
hurt at school. Beth describes Susan saying, “I wish I could help you, and
she’d help me and then I’d help her with things that happen to her.”
Beth’s school, with approximately 250 students, is located right on a busy
street in an urban community and serves an ethnically diverse population. Half
the school’s students are African American, with a smaller percentage (less
than 10%) coming from Hispanic and Native American or Pacific Islander
groups. Close to 60% of the students in Beth’s school are eligible for free or
reduced-price lunch. When talking about her school, Beth focuses on the fact
that it is a public school and “we just got a new playground.” She says all the
kids want to play on the new playground but they have to take turns with the
younger children in the school. She complains that 15 minutes is just not long
enough for recess. Her classroom is in a trailer that is attached to the school.
“My classroom has bookshelves, computers, file cabinets, coat hangers, and a
clock.” She also says that there is a rug in the room for sitting, but she usually
does not get to use it. The desks are organized into rows, and she describes her
teacher as “just usually giving us work.” She does enjoy when her teacher
gives them mystery puzzles and then “we have to figure out what the thing is.”
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Academically, Beth’s school has generally performed slightly below similar

schools in the areas of English language arts and mathematics, and compara-
bly in science. In the past year, the school met its state’s standards for mathe-
matics performance but did not meet standards set for English language arts.
As for her classmates, Beth expresses some frustration about trying to make
friends with one girl at school. Beth says that this particular girl makes fun of
her. She explains that, “I like her, but she doesn’t like me.” When pushed to come
up with reasons why this girl doesn’t like her, Beth attributes it to race. “I’m

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white and she’s black, so she really doesn’t like white people.” Beth indicates
that while she talks to her mom a lot, she chose not to mention this problem to
her. “I don’t want her [the classmate] to get mad, so I don’t tell my mom.”
Beth’s teacher, Ms. Connelly, can see these friendship difficulties in class.
“She never really has made a best friend and is not part of the ‘in’ group.” Ms.
Connelly attributes this to the fact that the girls in her class have been together
since kindergarten, and it is very difficult for someone new to become part of their
group. Despite Beth’s difficulties, Ms. Connelly says that Beth is well-adjusted
to her class and “she likes me, is comfortable with me, and likes my class.” Beth
is in total agreement with her teacher. “My teacher is nice and smart.” When
asked how she knows her teacher is smart she says, “’Cause she wouldn’t be a
teacher if she wasn’t smart. Plus she knows all the math things and stuff.”
Mom concurs that friendships have not always come easily for Beth, but
her relationships are “much improved this year.” Mom attributes this to Beth’s
growing up a bit. Earlier, she was “kind of immature, basically saying what
was on her mind.” She remembers when Beth told her grandmother that her
breath smelled. Mom uses this as an example of Beth saying things that are on
her mind without thinking about how they might hurt others. However, Mom
believes that Beth is becoming more sensitive, although she still worries about
the “social part” of development. Mom has worked with Beth to get her to
understand that while it is important to tell the truth, there are times when it
might be better to say nothing. Mom tells her, “If it’s not something that builds
someone up, then don’t say it.”
“Building someone up” is something that Mom does quite a bit with Beth.
She is concerned about Beth’s lack of self-confidence. At Beth’s former
parochial school, if you were not “the smartest or the prettiest or the most pop-
ular, you didn’t fit in.” Mom believes that Beth’s not fitting that mold has
contributed to her lack of confidence. Beth’s lack of self-confidence is some-
thing Mom has communicated to Beth’s teachers because she knows that self-
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confidence is so closely related to achievement. Mom reports “she struggles

in just about every area of academics, but she perseveres, never giving up.”
Mom worries particularly about the fact that academics have come so easily to
her other children, which Beth has clearly noticed. “There’s Beth, always strug-
gling, plugging along, and very aware of that.”
Mom and Ms. Connelly concur that Beth sometimes has difficulty with
reading. According to Mom, Beth also has some difficulties in math, science,
and social studies. Ms. Connelly believes that part of her weakness in math is

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in the problem-solving area, which she says is clearly related to her reading
As Beth describes her experiences reading in school, she is keenly aware
of her difficulties. “We read in groups and I don’t usually read because I can’t
read good and sometimes when I read, the words get blurry. I don’t feel like
reading because it’s hard for me.”
Beth also identifies math as a subject she doesn’t like “because it’s a little
hard for me, and sometimes I don’t get it.” Beth is grateful for the help she gets
from her teacher. “My teacher helps me ’cause I’m not very smart in math so
she [Ms. Connelly] likes to come over to my desk and help me.” Beth says that
when the teacher helps her, she seems to do better.
There are some things about school that Beth enjoys. Her favorite subjects
are spelling, speech, recess, and gym. When describing her gym teacher, Beth
says, “I like him because he is so nice and we get to play mad ball, pinball,
football, soccer, and even hockey.”
She says that her class “doesn’t have any bad kids in it.” Beth believes that
all of the bad kids are in the other sixth grade (there are two classes at every
grade level), and she is glad not to be in that classroom. If students do misbe-
have in her class, the teacher just says “shh” and then “erases one of the five
respect points on the board.”
Mom agrees that the class has a good mix of children. The class is “even
tempered and pretty small, around 18.” However, when describing this urban
public school, Mom says, “There are a lot of tough customers. I’ll say there’s
a lot of kids for whom violence is their M.O.” She expresses some concern
about the fighting that takes place among both boys and girls. Beth isn’t really
troubled or even frightened by the fighting, according to Mom. “She just
thinks it’s ridiculous.”
Recently, Beth received a progress report from school. Mom’s reaction to
the report is that it’s “not so hot.” In the report, Beth’s teacher indicated her
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lack of focus and lack of attention. Mom said that when Beth read the report,
she disagreed and was “indignant” over it. Mom called the teacher and has a
conference scheduled for later in the week.
The family is currently trying to decide where to send Beth for middle
school. Her elementary school only goes to grade six and feeds into the city’s
two middle schools. The concern over the middle school is its size, its poor
academic record, and its tough population. Mom feels that Beth would just get
lost in such a school. She is afraid that Beth will fall through the cracks and

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will not get her needs met in such an environment. The family is considering
private school or a move into the suburbs.
Despite some school and social difficulties, Beth is “outgoing and empa-
thetic,” says Mom. When it comes to looking forward to her future, Beth is
hoping to be a teacher or a veterinarian. “I like teachers and it looks fun, and
I also would want to be a veterinarian because I love animals.” This comes as
no surprise when you think about the activities she likes to do.


1. Characterize Beth’s overall self-concept. In what domains has Beth

likely developed a negative self-concept? A positive one? Discuss how
you think the various domains of self-concept have contributed to her
overall self-concept and speculate on what factors might affect her
self-concept over time.

2. Based on what you know about Beth from the case, at what stage of
Kohlberg’s moral reasoning might Beth be? Justify your answer with
evidence from the case.

3. What effect might Beth’s lack of peer relationships in school have on

her as she moves into adolescence? To what do you attribute her lack
of friends? What effect might her friendship with Susan have as she
moves into adolescence? Support your ideas with evidence from your
course and the case.

4. What actions might Beth’s teacher take to improve Beth’s academic

self-concept? How would Beth’s own efficacy in this area affect her
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5. Using information from your course and from the case, theorize as to
what effect others’ expectations might be having on Beth’s achieve-
ment in school and in social situations. Cite evidence for your theories.
Critique your own theories.

6. How might Ms. Connelly deal with the apparent racial tension that
exists between Beth and the African American student? How could she
use the research on culturally relevant pedagogy to create an environ-
ment where all students feel welcome?

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7. Who are Beth’s role models? What qualities of both real people and
media characters does Beth seem to admire? How do you think this has
affected her socialization?


1. Which of the cognitive theories you have studied thus far can be best
used to explain Beth’s cognitive development, and in particular, her
cognitive difficulties? Defend your answer using information from the
case and from your text.

2. According to Erikson, what developmental challenge or crisis does

Beth currently face? Based on the case, analyze the potential risks Beth
faces in overcoming this challenge, and suggest ways that Beth’s
teacher and family might assist Beth to meet this challenge. Support
your suggestions by showing how they are consistent with Erikson’s

3. What might Piaget say about the apparent learning environment in

Beth’s current classroom? What might Vygotsky say? What methods
might Vygotsky suggest for improving Beth’s academic performance?

Also see “Connecting Across Cases” questions 4 and 9, in the Introduction

to this book.


1. Create a role play in which Beth is not included in an activity where her
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classmates are forming groups along their previous friendship patterns.

What strategies might Ms. Connelly use to address this problem?


1. What are signs of a learning disability that Beth’s mother or teacher

might observe? What would be appropriate actions for her mother or

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teacher to take to determine if she has a disability? How might having

a learning disability relate to a child’s social problems?


LD OnLine at
LD OnLine is a service of The Learning Project at WETA, Washington,
DC, in association with The Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities.
It provides extensive information and resources for parents, youth, and

National Center for Learning Disabilities at

This Web site provides information and resources for parents and teachers
on living and working with students with learning disabilities.

Chapman, J. W. (1989). Learning disabled children’s self-concepts. Review of

Educational Research, 58, 347–371.
This study investigates the impact of learning disabilities on children’s
view of their competence, social acceptance, and self-worth.

Kavale, K. A., & Forness, S. R. (1996). Social skill deficits and learning dis-
abilities: A meta-analysis. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29(3), 226–237.
(Summary of key sections available at
This article is a meta-analysis of studies that have investigated the relation-
ships between social skills and learning disabilities.
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Full of Life and Always Moving


Primary Issues: Secondary Issues:

• Attention deficit • Social cognition and social

hyperactivity disorder and skills
the influence of context on • Multicultural friendships
youth with disabilities • Peer relationships
• Social and
emotional development and
out-of-school activities
• Mentoring, adult-youth
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relationships, mediated learning


“Oh, no!” cries Edward as he crouches on the stage, staring out at the audience
in mock horror with his big brown eyes wide open. His shoulders slump and
his face is crestfallen as he stands up and groans, “We’re never going to get to


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His friends giggle and most of the 30 parents watching the final
performances by their children in this storytelling camp smile as he spins an
extravagant tale of the burning bridges and colliding cars that filled his family’s
last vacation. Edward’s mother puts her face in her hands as she listens to her
often unpredictable son navigate from one catastrophe to another. At her side,
Edward’s stepfather and grandmother also seem surprised at this imaginative
account of their family history.
His mother had seen the camp as a way for Edward to improve his read-
ing skills and learn to become more responsible for himself. The camp was
based at a local college where Edward receives specialized help in reading. His
mother and stepfather knew the literacy clinic supervisor, Robin, a professor
at the college who was also the head teacher for the storytelling portion of the
camp. The two-week camp was offered free of charge to any fifth or sixth
grade child in the city who had received tutoring or clinic services from the
college’s many community-based programs. The campers stayed overnight for
the whole two weeks in small student residential houses and college dorms
staffed by college student counselors. The children came from diverse ethnic
backgrounds, although a majority, like Edward, are from African American
families. Additionally, most of the children attended inner city public schools,
several were from religious inner city schools, and a few were from suburban
schools. For many of these youth who struggle with academic problems, it was
their first experience of living in a college community and the first time away
from their families.
Edward is a 12-year-old African American boy who lives with his mother,
stepfather, grandmother, and six-year-old sister in a quiet residential neighbor-
hood in a mid-sized northeastern city. Edward’s special education teacher at the
science and technology magnet school that he attends indicated that he could
benefit from help over the summer. As a fifth grader, he was reading at a 1.9
grade level. Edward said that one of his reasons for coming to camp was
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“because I need a lot of extra help on my reading. I sometimes don’t understand

what I am reading because I am trying to read really fast. . . . My mom says that
I need a lot of extra help. That’s why I needed to go there.”
Although he liked the literacy clinic programs and wanted to do better at
reading, Edward had been reluctant to come to camp at first. His mother called
Robin several times with information that she thought she needed to know
about Edward. Robin said that his mother was very “caring and protective”
and that the family provided a strong support network for him. His mother

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Edward 73
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made careful arrangements for Edward to receive his medications for attention
deficit hyperactivity and a tic disorder and cautioned Robin that Edward
wasn’t sure he wanted to attend the camp. Edward’s stepfather is a lawyer at
another university where Robin’s husband teaches. Robin said that his stepfa-
ther had a reputation for speaking his mind even if others did not want to hear
what he said. When she first heard that Edward had signed up for the story-
telling camp, she said, “I thought, ‘Oh, wow! We’re getting Edward. We’ve got
to gear up for this one.’ . . . We anticipated some problems, but those were
never realized. . . . He was fine.”
On the first night, Edward’s parents dropped him off and his mother said,
“See you in two weeks.” Robin says she thought, “This boy might need some
tender loving care. . . . So I went over to his dorm with him and settled him in
and helped him make his bed.” However, she says that he seemed to fit right
in and was very socially adept, making friends right from the start. Edward
says that he hoped camp would allow him to “have some time to myself” and
“to spend time with new people.” He quickly established friendships with sev-
eral boys in his dorm and with their counselors, Nick and Mike, who talked
with them and set up funny evening activities. One night Nick and Mike cre-
ated a haunted house, putting a tape player of spooky noises under their bed as
a way of promoting group bonding through a shared scary experience. In con-
trast to his usual bravado, Edward was very scared, a feeling he shared with
his roommates who quickly became his close friends. Mike says that Edward
missed his family and had a hard time adjusting to being away from home for
the first time, especially at the beginning of camp when he wanted to call home
constantly. Even later in the camp he called home every night, sometimes
twice a night, just to talk. Edward says that he feels very close to his mother
“‘cause she is loving and ‘cause she cares about me and I care about her.” She
often helps him with his school projects, and although Edward has chores that
he has to complete daily, his mother “sometimes does the dishes for me.”
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Despite his reluctance to come to camp and his longing for his family,
Edward seemed a perfect fit with the storytelling activities. Robin says that
one of his greatest strengths was his “ability to take the stage. He is not self-
conscious in front of an audience. He is willing to do some things that make
him look a little foolish, which is exactly what you need to do as a storyteller.”
On the first day, she asked the storytelling campers to write down some of the
stories in their lives using open-ended questions as prompts. Then she asked
who would share a family story. Without a trace of embarrassment, Edward

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immediately jumped up and read, “When I was born, I was huge! I weighed
13 pounds.” Physically Edward was still bigger than many of the other campers,
but his willingness to laugh at himself made him approachable.
On another day, the storytelling campers went to a vintage shop to pick
out clothes and props for their stories. Many children were at first hesitant to
try on the strange clothes. But Edward and his friend Matt pulled on some long
dresses and danced about the store. Edward says that dancing is a big part of
who he is. “I dance everywhere. I break-dance.” His willingness to take risks
and be silly helped to loosen up the other youth. Soon everyone was trying on
clothes and hats and laughing. Robin says, “It was a great day for the camp.”
And later in the day the other campers were still saying, “Oh, did you see
Edward dress up in that dress?”
While Edward excelled at oral storytelling, he had difficulty with activities
that required reading and writing. Diagnostic reading tests conducted at the
clinic showed that he could read fluently but had very poor comprehension of
what he read. With a little coaxing, however, Edward was willing to try all of
the camp activities, most of which used literacy skills across multiple modali-
ties. One project involved selecting and reading a storybook that he then had to
read and act out for a younger child at a nearby elementary school. Edward
practiced and practiced, refining his pacing, working on good eye contact, and
creating voices for the characters in his chosen book.
Robin said that one of the most involved projects was “to tell a story from
your own experience and develop it to make other people enjoy it . . . to really
relive it for the audience.” They began work on the stories during the first week
of camp and continued until the last day. The stories were to be performed at
the camp closing, and storytellers were required to establish a timeline for
their life, include some dramatic episodes, and write and rewrite their story.
Edward was the only student who wrote a story that Robin and her co-teacher,
Beth, knew from the start was not true. She and Beth talked about whether they
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should confront and discourage Edward, but decided instead to let him work
on it. Edward “went through the different stages that he had to in working on
it, and thinking about it, and adding to it, and practicing it.”
Then the day before the final performance he came to Robin and said, “You
know my story is not true.” Robin replied, “Yeah, I’ve known for a long time,
but you were so into it, and you wanted it to be true, and you tried to convince
people that it was true. So that tells you something about storytelling too!”
Edward performed his tall tale with relish at the closing.

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Edward 75
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Robin viewed Edward’s admission that his story was untrue as a “growth
experience for him. I think that it took some gumption on his part to decide that
that was important. And I think that took some trust.” She feels that her con-
nection to Edward is what helped to avoid the problems they had been led to
expect. The connection between Edward and Robin was evident even in the
follow-up meetings held once a month during the school year following the
camp. Edward was working on an Internet assignment and about halfway
through the project his attention was wandering. Noticing that he had just cut
his curly hair short, Robin walked over and said, “Edward, would you allow me
to do one thing I really would like to do?” Glancing cautiously at her, he said,
“What’s that?” She replied, “Can I rub your head?” Surprised but apparently
pleased, he said, “Okay, you can rub my head,” and afterward he returned to
his assignment with renewed focus.
Edward repeatedly tested the boundaries of his counselors and teachers in
small mischievous ways, by back talking, teasing other campers, incessant talk-
ing, and wandering off task. He later complained that at camp “you have to do
work every five seconds!” Robin said, “He will test you to see what he can get
away with. But then, when you call him on it, he’s okay.” One day during a
snack, Edward and his friends were exchanging notes with phone numbers.
They started tossing wads of paper at each other and then began throwing the
papers into each others’ drinks and laughing. When Edward started pulling the
wet papers out and scattering them around the table, Robin said, “That’s
enough, Edward. As a matter of fact, you are going to throw those papers
away. You are going to clean the table for me.” Edward started to reply, “Oh,
I couldn’t,” but Robin cut him off. “No, Edward, you’re going to do me the
favor of cleaning up the papers and clearing the table for me.” Glancing at his
friends, Edward tried to humor his way out, “Well, why don’t you do me a favor
and pay all my bills?” Straight-faced, Robin replied, “No way! I can’t even pay
all my own bills.” As the group laughed, Robin continued, “No, Edward, right
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now you are going to do the favor for me.” With a sheepish grin, Edward did
clean up the entire table.
One of the camp goals was to promote multicultural friendships among its
diverse group of children. Since the children came from many different schools,
few of them knew each other before the camp. The storytelling group included
four boys and eight girls. The boys were two Caucasian youth, Matt and Kyle,
and two African American youth, Edward and Darrell. All of the girls except
one were African American. The boys seemed to click immediately and Edward

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was very “tight” with Matt throughout the camp. The children lived together in
the college’s small residential houses separated by sex. They also ate all meals
together and the camp curriculum included many team-building activities to
promote friendship. Initially the sole Caucasian girl was off by herself while the
rest of the girls giggled and played. However, halfway through the camp, she
asked one of the other girls to braid her hair in cornrows, and subsequently she
joined in most activities with the other girls.
Edward had many friends among both the boys and the girls and was one
of the most popular campers. On occasion, Robin said Edward seemed to need
to “talk big” to compensate for his self-consciousness about his academic prob-
lems. The camp included children with a wide range of abilities, and some youth
had learning problems more severe than Edward’s. Kyle, a small boy who
needed extensive help with all of the projects, was the target of much teasing, and
Robin admits that she had to intervene to prevent Edward from “bullying him.”
Edward was not a “goody goody” she says, although most of the time his will-
ingness to take risks and try new things spurred the group’s imagination. And the
collaborative nature of most camp activities helped to encourage peer support.
Edward says that the best part of camp was “getting some girls’ phone
numbers.” He had several girlfriends during the camp and unlike many boys
his age, he enjoyed talking with them and often sat with them on the buses dur-
ing field trips. At times he did not know how to express his interest and teased
the girls about how they looked or something they said. He embarrassed one
girl, Tanya, so often that after one field trip on which he was particularly mean
to Tanya, Robin pulled him aside and said, “How do you think your behavior
is making Tanya feel?” Edward shrugged, and Robin said, “Well it makes her
feel bad. So what can you do about that?” Edward later talked to Tanya and
apologized for his taunting. On the last day of camp, he announced that he was
“getting married” to his newest girlfriend!
Mike, one of the storytelling counselors, says that Edward was most out
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of control at the end of his medication cycles later in the afternoon. When the
medication was wearing off, Edward would become “very silly and very funny,
just trying to be a funny guy. And he had a hard time controlling his body and
controlling his actions and his choices.” The most extreme instance occurred
after a field trip where Edward was overdue for his medications because he had
forgotten to take them with him. He started jumping and running and dancing
through the flower beds on the street. Mike says it seemed like he “just couldn’t
control what he was doing. He didn’t really understand the actions. It was like

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Edward 77
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he was crawling out of his skin sometimes. We had to hold him because he was
just jumping and running around.” Mike, who is a special education teacher,
said that he often uses touch as a “sensory push” to help children regain con-
trol. He kept a careful watch on Edward’s medication schedule and made sure
that he never missed a dose, although Edward took the medication himself and
was usually not difficult to manage. Mike describes Edward as “energetic,
happy, fun, likeable, and a good kid who really did try to work hard and do his
best. Full of life and always moving.”
Robin admits that Edward could be difficult to manage in a regular school
classroom. Edward complains that schools have too many rules and especially
objects to not being able to get up without permission. He finds subjects like
social studies and math difficult and says that his teacher does not always pro-
vide the help he needs. “When we ask her an important question, she just says
put your hand down now. Then I say, ‘But I have to ask you a question ’cause
you are the teacher. You are supposed to answer kids’ questions.’” Sometimes
when he persistently asks her if he can get a drink, “she ignores me and I just
keep on saying it and she still ignores me.” However, Edward says, “I’ve never
been to the principal. I’m a good boy.”
He has many interests outside of school such as Harry Potter books, BET
(Black Entertainment Television), rap and jazz music, cooking spaghetti and
baked macaroni, and sports. He emphasizes that sports have taught him “good
sportsmanship. It’s like you’re playing and . . . you get out like [in] baseball.
You go to a base and they get you out. Some people just cop an attitude and
that’s not good sportsmanship. If you don’t cop an attitude, then you have
good sportsmanship. Don’t get all angry about it. It’s only a game.”
Robin agrees that Edward is a “good kid” and says that she is grateful to
have had him in her storytelling group. “He was a pleasure . . . . I’m glad that
he was with us . . . . He was important to the group. He was one of the kids
who let it all hang out, and that helped other kids relax.”
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Edward came to all but two follow-up sessions. Of the 24 children attend-
ing the camp, only 12 consistently attended the follow-up sessions. His atten-
dance and participation, however, were interrupted by his tutoring appointments,
which occurred during the same time period as the follow-up sessions. He is now
receiving tutoring at the college for mathematics as well as reading. This sum-
mer he has signed up for a math, science, and technology group at the camp that
includes activities in space exploration. He is also working on a science fair
project for school about airplanes and will be visiting a space camp in Montreal

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with his class. He was disappointed to learn that the camp was earthbound.
“I thought we were really going to go into space.” He says that he is not sure he
wants to go to the college-based camp again this summer, but his mother wants
him to go. Only time will tell if his space camp teachers can launch this reluctant
cadet on his next adventure in learning.


1. What signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are

apparent in Edward’s behavior? How do the teachers and counselors
manage his behavior and encourage the development of social cogni-
tive abilities?
2. How did Robin’s relationship with Edward facilitate his learning and
development? What specifically did she do to help him build skills and
learn to control his own behavior? Discuss her relationship with him
within the larger context of research on how adult/child relationships
outside the family facilitate development.
3. Edward is described as one of the most popular children in the camp.
What do you think accounts for his ability to easily make friends? How
did the camp activities and teachers promote formation of friendships
even across racial and ethnic groups?
4. Despite his history of difficulties in school, Edward was very successful
at this camp. What are some differences between school settings and
after school programs that might account for this success? How do after
school settings like this camp promote social and cognitive develop-
ment in children?
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1. At 12 years old, Edward is likely resolving Erikson’s Industry vs.

Inferiority (Stage 4) and moving into Identity vs. Role Confusion
(Stage 5).
a. How do you think Erikson would characterize Edward’s resolution
of Stage 4? Use specific examples from the case (especially school
and camp) to explain your answer.

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Edward 79
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b. As Edward moves into Stage 5, what issues and experiences in his

life will influence his resolution of this stage?
c. Erikson uses the term “community of life cycles” to characterize the
influence we all have on each other. What do you think Edward needs
from those around him in order to successfully resolve Stage 5?

2. What might Howard Gardner say about the types of intelligence

fostered by the storytelling camp? Give specific examples of how
different types of intelligence might be fostered through storytelling.


1. Create a role play to show how you might respond if Edward were
making fun of another camper’s story.

2. Considering Edward’s strengths and weaknesses, how should the

space camp teacher prepare for his inclusion in the camp? Design and
present an activity that you think would engage Edward and help build
skills in mathematics, science, and technology.


1. Conduct research on the frequency of attention deficit hyperactivity

disorder diagnoses in youth in the United States today. In class, debate
whether this disorder is overdiagnosed or not. What types of treat-
ments are used with youth with this disability and what factors influ-
ence the type of treatment used?
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National Institute of Mental Health. (2003). Attention deficit hyperactivity

disorder. Available at
This Web site provides extensive information on ADHD and other

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National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. (2004).

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Fact Sheet 19 (FS19). Available
This Center provides educational information and resources for advocacy
for children with disabilities.
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Confronting Change and
Taking a Stand in Middle School

by Gina Ciccone


Primary Issues: Secondary Issues:

• Depression • Empathy, prosocial behaviors

• Identity development • Ecological theory
• Peer groups/peer pressure/ • Motivation strategies
cliques/social isolation
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• Moral development


Thirteen-year-old Frank lives in rural upstate New York with Mom, Dad, and
his 15-year-old sister, Karen. The family lives in a large farmhouse that sits on
a hill off a county highway. The house is surrounded by woods, and there are
no other houses in sight. Next to the house there is a large barn that currently


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houses the family’s geese, chickens, and guinea hens. Nearby is an orchard of
apple and peach trees.
Frank has another sister, Jess, who is Mom’s daughter from a previous
marriage. Jess lives in Vermont with her husband and two-year-old son, Jack.
Three years ago, Frank and his family moved from the suburbs of a midwestern
city to their present home to be closer to Jess and Frank’s elderly grandmother,
who lives in a nursing home.
Frank is a tall boy with a slightly disheveled appearance—baggy clothes
and thick reddish-brown hair. He sports a warm, amiable smile, and he’s
friendly but not overly talkative. When you talk to him, you get a clear impres-
sion of both youthful innocence and shrewd perceptiveness.
Frank is the youngest child in a well-educated family. Mom, Dad, and Jess
all hold doctorate degrees. Mom is a scientist for a government agency, and
Dad is a college professor. Mom describes Jess as “a very earnest, hardwork-
ing, ambitious, smart young woman.” Frank’s sister Karen is at the top of her
tenth-grade class and is applying for early college admission. Mom describes
her as “driven, funny, smart, quick [and] very hardworking.” When asked to
describe Frank, Mom laughs and says,

At this current age right now, a mystery to me. He is a mystery to me. As a

mother of a son, I don’t understand him. . . . He’s a whole different personal-
ity than my other children. . . . He won’t tell me anything. He doesn’t talk. He
doesn’t share anything.

She goes on to say that Frank is “smart, funny, [and] a caring guy” who is
also “extraordinarily stubborn.” She cites empathy as one of his strongest traits
and says he’s very caring with little Jack and the various animals he tends.
According to Mom, Frank is also extremely kind and loving toward his
grandmother and other elderly people. Frank regularly brings his dog, Tiger, to
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his grandmother’s nursing home so the residents can interact with a pet. During
a recent visit to the home, Frank noticed an elderly woman sitting nearby who
was muttering and gesturing toward her mouth. Frank sat down next to her and
watched her and talked to her for a while. Later, he told Mom that the woman
thought she was picking blueberries. Mom believes Frank’s kindness is some-
thing that “set[s] him apart from some of the other kids” his age.
As evidence of Frank’s stubbornness, Mom points to his bedroom, which
she repeatedly tries to get him to straighten up. Frank admits “it’s a pretty
messy room.” In addition to the usual furnishings, Frank has posters and

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Frank 83
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clippings on the walls. One is an anti-smoking sign. Frank doesn’t express

many strong opinions, but he’ll ardently tell you, “I hate smoking.” Also on the
walls are video game posters, a Mad Magazine cover that pokes fun at rapper
Eminem, and a Pinocchio picture. Pinocchio is Frank’s favorite cartoon movie.
Mom says she’s tired of dealing with Frank’s mess but doesn’t quite know
how to solve the problem. “If I do go in there and pick something up, he gets
As further proof of Frank’s stubbornness, Mom points to how hard it
sometimes is to get him to give up favorite clothes so she can wash them. “He
wore the same pair of pajama bottoms for five days. He even wore them under
his pants.” Mom laughs as she reports,

I tease him, too, about his clothes—his low-hanging pants. What happens is,
if he’s bending over for something and his boxers are hanging out, I might
pinch them, and I tell him, “Frank, I actually like it when you wear your pants
that way because I can tell when you’ve changed your boxers.”

She ruefully adds, “I’m probably not as kind as I should be.” But this gen-
tle teasing from Mom doesn’t seem to bother Frank, who describes himself as
having “a good sense of humor.”
Frank’s favorite music group is Sum 41, a pop-punk band, but he’s not
sure why. “It’s just one of those things.” He also likes to listen to classical
music when he reads, which is one of his favorite pastimes. He prefers the fan-
tasy genre, and he’s quick to name Robert Jordan as his favorite author. Jordan
writes series of epic fantasy novels; individual books range from 700 to over
1,000 pages. Frank is a voracious reader. On average, he reads two of Jordan’s
books a month. The one he’s currently reading is over 1,000 pages long.
Although Frank likes reading fantasy, he’s not a fan of the Harry Potter books.
“I didn’t think they were that good.”
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Playing video games is also one of Frank’s favorite pastimes. He particu-

larly likes Age of Empires, which is an epic strategy game that challenges the
player to build and conquer ancient civilizations. Frank usually plays it after
school “for about an hour.” He has a computer, but he doesn’t use the Internet.
This is his choice, not his parents’. When asked why, Frank simply states, “I
just don’t like it.” He also watches television, but he doesn’t have a favorite
show. “I just generally watch what’s on,” which sometimes includes the news.
In addition to reading and playing video games, Frank participates in a
number of other activities. He plays soccer on a community team and he’s in

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a ski club at school. He’s also a Boy Scout and a member of a 4-H Club.
Frank’s reasons for joining the Boy Scouts and 4-H Club have little to do with
the underlying philosophies of the groups. “It’s just more fun than, you know,
after school, than [to] just sit home and watch TV and do nothing.” He likes
the physical aspects of the activities and being with other kids. Mom describes
a recent hike Frank went on with his Boy Scout troop: “They went to some
rock that’s shaped like a rabbit or something [and] he came back and he said,
‘Mom, it really does look like a rabbit!’ And he was really impressed. I don’t
think that many thirteen-year-old boys would be impressed.”
Frank also spends a lot of time working with animals. Once a week he
volunteers at a farm that takes in horses that have been abused, abandoned, or
“put out to pasture.” Frank makes sure the horses have enough water and he
mucks out their stalls. As part of his 4-H Club activities, he also drives a team
of oxen at a local historic farm, which is something he really enjoys. At home,
Frank is responsible for taking care of his dog and the family’s geese. It’s his
job to make sure the animals are fed, watered, and sheltered at night. When
talking about the animals, he admits, “I haven’t always been on top of taking
care of them, but nothing bad has ever happened.”
Mom agrees that Frank hasn’t always been consistent about doing his
chores at home. “He does those things in phases. We’ll have a talking-to with
him and say, ‘Frank, this just isn’t like you.’ And then he’ll do it without ask-
ing, and then other times, it’s like, ‘Frank, the geese’s water was frozen—you
need to take care of it.’”
In the past, Frank has also taken music lessons, but he quickly abandoned
them because he “didn’t want to practice.” Mom describes Frank’s experience
with the lessons:

We try stuff and then we have to fight with him to do it, so I just gave up.
When we moved here I said, “Frank, what would you like to do?” And he
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said, “Well, I’d like to learn how to play the drums.” So I said, “Okay, when
we move to New York, we’ll find a drum teacher.” And we found someone
down here, but he just didn’t want to practice, so it was not a positive thing.
Then, the next year, he really wanted to play trumpet in the band. We got
this shiny trumpet, and he’d go outside with the trumpet, and that just lasted
for about a week. And I feel like it was the practice and the teacher—and so,
he didn’t do that. And I think now he’s afraid to try anything because it sets
him up for—for failure, at least in the music department.

She adds, “He wants to do things perfectly right away.”

EBSCO Publishing : eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 9/20/2016 2:23 AM via VILNIUS
AN: 474185 ; Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H..; Child and Adolescent Life Stories :
Perspectives From Youth, Parents, and Teachers
Account: s1135407

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