AvSec Awareness

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October 2011

11J ls Clvll AvlaLlon an ALLracLlve 1araeL?
111 roflle of Clvll AvlaLlon
uomesLlc naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal clvll avlaLlon ls Le basls of a mulLlnaLlonal buslness lnvolved ln Le
LransporL of people and aoods around Le world Jldebodled alrcrafL LaL can LransporL people aL
Lremendous speed and ranae and for reasonable cosL ave made Lravel ver accesslble Carao capaclL
enabllna Le express [usLlnLlme dellver of exporLs/lmporLs as made alr LransporL aLLracLlve Lo
lnLernaLlonal Lrade
Clvll avlaLlon as been marked b
8apld Lecnoloalcal and enalneerlna developmenL
8apld arowL
lncreaslna commerclallzaLlon of all asseLs and servlces
An lnLerdependence beLween uman belnas and Lecnoloa
1e reacLlve developmenL of lnLernaLlonal securlL measures
A sarlna of Le skles and faclllLles b clvll mlllLar and aeneral avlaLlon
1e lncreaslna affordablllL of alr Lravel
112 An ALLracLlve 1araeL
Clvll AvlaLlon ls a arowL secLor lL ls ver dnamlc and because lL ls Le mosL popular mode of
LransporLaLlon for lnLernaLlonal level lL as aLLracLed aLLenLlon lrom ollda Lravelers and buslnessmen
Lo dlanlLarles and oLer ordlnar people wo need Lo Lravel Powever Clvll AvlaLlon as also aLLracLed
Le aLLenLlon of LerrorlsLs and crlmlnals wo use Le lndusLr Lo perpeLraLe crlmes Lo serve Lelr aroup
or lndlvldual needs lor Lls caLeaor of people Le lndusLr as become aLLracLlve because
lL ls la proflle as commerclal value and ls consldered presLlalous
Pas la passenaer Lrafflc levels
An lncldenL ma force a aovernmenL reacLlon le wlll lncrease securlL
lL offers llmlLed rlsk Lo Le LerrorlsL (wo ls posslbl remoLe from an accldenL)
113 CLer uevelopmenLs Addlna Lo opularlL
1e lndusLr ls conLlnuousl expandlna and relnvenLlna lLself uevelopmenLs LaL ave added Lo lLs
appeal Lo LerrorlsLs lnclude
1e expanslon of more Lravel desLlnaLlons due Lo alobal Lrade arowlna economles
More passenaers are Lravelllna (16 bllllon) as alr Lravel becomes more comforLable
More alrllnes are creaLed especlall low cosL alrllnes due Lo lncreaslna demands for alr Lravel
and also compeLlLlve needs
More alrporLs are belna bullL Lo caLer Lo Le lncreased alr Lrafflc and Le concepL of ubblna"
8laaer alrcrafL (A380) are comlna on llne Lo meeL boL fuel efflclenc and envlronmenLal needs
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More alr carao ls belna dellvered
1e use of alrcrafL as been sown Lo be effecLlve as a velcle of aLLacks as demonsLraLed b Le
9/11 lncldenL
1ese facLors ave all added Lo Le vulnerablllL of Le lndusLr 1reaLs are dlrecLed aL Le lndusLr b a
varleL of perpeLraLors some of wom fall under Le mosL unllkel" LreaLs
12 1pes of 1reaLs Lelr Sources and MeLodoloales
121 1pes of 1reaLs
1reaLs Lo clvll avlaLlon fall lnLo Lwo broad caLeaorles dlrecL and lndlrecL
ulrecL LreaLs are Lose LaL speclflcall LaraeL clvll avlaLlon 1e lnclude Le followlna
8omb/lmprovlsed Lxploslve uevlce (lLu) 1reaL of a bomb/lLu on an alrcrafL Lermlnal or
oLer alrporL faclllLles
Pl[ack 1reaLs Lo selze conLrol of an alrcrafL ln Le alr or on Le around
Selzure of PosLaaes 1reaLs Lo selze osLaaes ln a Lermlnal or oLer alrporL bulldlna Suc a
LreaL lf carrled ouL could lead Lo ma[or dlsrupLlons Lo Le alrporL faclllL
Armed ALLacks 1reaLs b an lndlvldual or a aroup Lo carr ouL an armed aLLack aL an alrporL of
oLer faclllL
SaboLaae 1reaLs of mallclous or wanLon desLrucLlon of avlaLlon faclllLles and equlpmenL
Could lnclude Le use of bombs/lLus
LxLorLlon lnLlmldaLlon of avlaLlon lndusLr oraanlzaLlons for flnanclal aaln b LreaLenlna Lo
aLLack Lelr avlaLlon asseLs
vlolenL roLesL 1e LreaL of proLesL b pollLlcal or speclal lnLeresL aroups form wom Lere ls
llkel Lo be an lnLenL Lo commlL acLs of vlolence and/or Lo dlsrupL Le operaLlons of an avlaLlon
8reaces of SecurlL 1reaLs Lo breac or compromlse securlL measures wlL Le lnLenLlon of
aalnlna access Lo securlL resLrlcLed areas of alrporLs place weapons on alrcrafL or saboLaae
alrcrafL lnsLrumenLaLlon
Jarllke AcLlons 1reaLs Lo an alrcrafL arlslna from lLs operaLlon lnLo or over counLrles ln clvll
dlsrupLlon 1reaLs could be ln Le form of aroundLoalr or alrLoalr flre dlrecLed aaalnsL Le
alrcrafL ln fllaL or armed assaulL on Le around
Mlsslle ALLacks 1reaLs of aLLacks aaalnsL low fllna alrcrafL le approaclna or deparLlna an
alrporL b persons uslna soulder flred surfaceLoalr mlsslles
Sulclde ALLacks ALLacks execuLed b sulclde bombers aaalnsL avlaLlon faclllLles or asseLs
lndlrecL LreaLs can arlse from acLlons LaL wlle noL lnLended Lo LreaLen avlaLlon ln aeneral are
neverLeless unlawful 1e lnclude
urua flora or fauna Lrafflcklna
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Smuaallna (ea currenc or bulllon)
lnfllaL vlolence (ea assaulL b an lndlvldual or a aroup on anoLer passenaer or fllaL crew)
Jorkplace vlolence
Jen Lrafflcklna and smuaallna ls deLecLed aL Le alrporL acLlon b law enforcemenL offlcers Lo
appreend Le offenders could lead Lo a slLuaLlon were avlaLlon operaLlons are LreaLened b Le
offenders ln Lelr aLLempL Lo avold arresL An example would be offenders selzlna a osLaae and
barrlcadlna Lemselves ln an offlce ln a Lermlnal bulldlna
ln Le case of lnfllaL or work place vlolence unless qulck and effecLlve acLlon ls Laken Lo deal wlL Le
slLuaLlon Le vlolence could escalaLe Lo a polnL were Le safe operaLlon of an alrcrafL could be aL rlsk
or damaae could occur Lo alrporL faclllLles and equlpmenL
As a resulL of numerous was LaL lndlrecL ave been perpeLraLed aaalnsL clvll avlaLlon Le lnLernaLlonal
Clvll AvlaLlon CraanlzaLlon (lCAC) wlc ls a unlLed naLlons bod LaL reaulaLes avlaLlon safeL and
securlL caLeaorlzed Lese LreaLs under Le Lerm AcL of unlawful lnLerference" All 190 ConLracLlna
SLaLes ave adopLed Lls Lerm ln Lelr lealslaLlon and applled lL Lo domesLlc as well as lnLernaLlonal clvll
122 Sources of 1reaLs
1e LreaL Lo clvll avlaLlon can come from a varleL of sources 1ese lnclude
1e menLall dlsLurbed
Lmploees (dlsaffecLed or Lose wlL crlmlnal moLlves)
CLer aovernmenLs
ln facL Lls llsL ls ever canalna More recenLl lnLelllaence aaencles ave ldenLlfled lndlvlduals wo are
lnvolved ln waL ls Lermed uolLourselfLerrorlsLs" 1ese are lndlvlduals wo ave been lnfluenced
b rellalous exLremlsm and declde Lo become LerrorlsLs wlLouL afflllaLlon Lo a speclflc aroup
1ere are also aroups wo allan Lemselves Lo cerLaln LerrorlsL oraanlzaLlons suc as Al Caeda and acL
unllaLerall ln Le name of LaL oraanlzaLlon Lo conducL LerrorlsL acLlvlLles Suc aroups ma ave
members wo ave no prevlous crlmlnal record or lsLor of belna lnvolved ln suc acLlvlLles
1e moLlves for LerrorlsL aroups are man Some of Le more common ones are
1o aaln publlclL for Lelr cause
1o aaln release of pollLlcal prlsoners or oLer LerrorlsLs
1o canae aovernmenL or lnLernaLlonal pollc
1o undermlne and dlscredlL auLorlLles wo oppose Lelr cause
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1o LaraeL lndlvlduals for assasslnaLlon
1o frlaLen Le publlc and dlsrupL normal llfe
1o obLaln mone b LreaL or blackmall
123 MeLodoloales
Some of Le meLods used b LerrorlsLs aaalnsL clvll avlaLlon are as follows
Pl[acklna 1ecnlques LaL lnvolve Le smuaallna of arms or weapons on board an alrcrafL
selzlna Le alrcrafL forclbl and Laklna osLaaes
SaboLaae 1ls lnvolves Le use of exploslves or lncendlarles (or a comblnaLlon of boL) on
board an alrcrafL or ln sLraLealc locaLlons ln alrporL faclllLles
MAnAuS CLerwlse known as Man orLable Alr uefense SsLems are used aaalnsL alrcrafL ln
fllaL or on Le around MAnAuS ave been recoanlzed as one of Le new emeralna LreaLs Lo
clvll avlaLlon
Sulclde 8omber 1ls lnvolves Le deLonaLlon of exploslves LaL are carrled ln a velcle or on a
MlllLarSLle ALLacks 1ese can be conducLed b a aroup of LerrorlsLs armed wlL auLomaLlc
weapons and exploslves aaalnsL alrporL faclllLles
AlrcrafL 1e lnfamous 9/11 lncldenL ln Le unlLed SLaLes lnLroduces a new meLod wereb an
alrcrafL ls l[acked and purposefull crased lnLo sLraLealc LaraeLs ln order Lo desLro Lem
C88n 1ls refers Lo Le use of Cemlcal 8loloalcal 8adloloalcal and nuclear weapon ssLems
lL ls undersLood LaL LerrorlsLs are aLLempLlna Lo acqulre suc devlces lf Le succeed Lls wlll
canae Le LreaL envlronmenL dramaLlcall
Cber1errorlsm 1ls ls a lal Lecnlcal form of warfare LaL lnvolves Le lnLenLlonal cllpplna
of an oraanlzaLlon's communlcaLlons and compuLer neLworks
13 asL AvlaLlon SecurlL lncldenLs
131 1pes of lncldenLs ln Le asL
Je wlll now see ow LerrorlsLs execuLed some of Le aLLacks aaalnsL clvll avlaLlon 1elr success can be
aLLrlbuLed Lo man facLors Cne of Lese ls LaL avlaLlon securlL Lends Lo be ver reacLlve raLer Lan
proacLlve ln reduclna Le poLenLlal lmpacL of LreaLs
1e maln reason for Lls ls LaL LerrorlsLs ave Le elemenL of surprlse" 1ls means LaL Le coose
Le LaraeL daLe and Llme as well as Le meLod Lo use aaalnsL clvll avlaLlon 1us securlL aenerall
reacLs Lo an lncldenL LaL as alread appened and Len puLs ln place measures Lo reduce recurrence
lL ls aaalnsL Lls backdrop LaL we are aolna Lo dlscuss some of Le ma[or lncldenLs LaL ave been
perpeLraLed aaalnsL clvll avlaLlon

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October 2011

Pl[ack of Ll Al lllaL 8ome 1el Avlv
1ls was Le flrsL l[acklna carrled ouL b Le opular lronL for Le LlberaLlon of alesLlne (lL) 1e
alrcrafL was dlverLed Lo Alalers b Lree lL members 1e LerrorlsLs demanded Le release of 1200
prlsoners 1e lasL osLaaes were released on SepLember 1 1968 1ls resulLed ln Le llALA (Le
lnLernaLlonal lloL AssoclaLlon) LreaLenlna Lo bocoLL Alaerla 1ls l[acklna lasLed almosL Lree
1errorlsL ALLack aL 1el Avls's AlrporL
Cn Ma 30 1972 Lree members of Le !apanese 8ed Arm underLook a LerrorlsL aLLack on bealf of
Le lL aL 1el Avlv's Lod AlrporL (now 8en Curlon lnLernaLlonal AlrporL0 8ecause alrporL securlL was
focused on Le posslblllL of an aLLack b alesLlnlans Le use of !apanese LerrorlsLs Look Le auards b
surprlse Also Le LerrorlsLs" commlLmenL Lo a sulclde mlsslon slmpllfled Le plannlna kozo CkamoLo
1suosl Ckudalra and ?asuukl ?asuda ad been Lralned ln 8aalbeck Lebanon
8omb Lxploslon on 8oard Alr lndla lllaL 182
Alrlndla lllaL 182 was a 8oelna 747 LaL exploded on !une 23 1983 wlle aL an alLlLude of 31000 feeL
(9300 m) above Le ALlanLlc Ccean souL of lreland All 329 passenaers on board were kllled of wom
136 were clldren and 280 were Canadlan clLlzens up unLll SepLember 11 2001 Le Alr lndla bomblna
was Le slnale deadllesL LerrorlsL aLLack lnvolvlna alrcrafL lL ls also Le laraer mass murder ln Canadlan
lsLor lL occurred wlLln an our of Le narlLa AlrporL bomblna
8omb Lxploslon on 8oard Alr Lanka's L1011
Cn Ma 3 1986 a bomb exploded on an Alr Lanka L1011 1rlsLar alrcrafL on Le around aL Colombo
lnLernaLlonal AlrporL 1e lncldenL occurred as passenaers were boardlna Le alrcrafL prlor Lo lLs
deparLure for a sceduled fllaL Lo Le Maldlves 1e exploslve devlce was placed lnslde a conslanmenL
of perlsable carao LaL ad been sLowed ln Le C2 carao comparLmenL near Le rear of Le alrcrafL
1e fllaL was delaed because of damaae caused durlna Le loadlna of Le alrcrafL 1e bomb would
appear Lo ave been Llmed Lo explode wlle Le alrcrafL was ln Le alr A LoLal of 16 people were kllled
and 40 ln[ured 16 of Lem serlousl 8esponslblllL for Le bomb aLLack was aLLrlbuLed Lo exLremlsL
1amll separaLlsLs from Srl Lanka
Lxploslve uevlce on 8oard an Am lllaL 103
Cn uecember 21 1988 an Am lllaL 103 was en rouLe from London PeaLrow alrporL Lo new ?ork
JaL was noL known was LaL Lere was an exploslve devlce dlsaulsed ln a LranslsLor radlo ln Le baa of
one of Le passenaers LaL was loaded ln Le carao old of Le alrcrafL 1e passenaer was noL on board
Le fllaL 1ls fllaL orlalnaLed from lrankfurL and Le baa wlL Le exploslve devlce orlalnaLed from
MalLa 1e exploslve devlce deLonaLed wen Le fllaL was over Lockerble ScoLland kllllna 239
passenaers and 11 Lockerble resldenLs 1e bomb was planLed b Llban aaenLs
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October 2011

new ?ork SepLember 11 2001
Cn SepLember 11 2001 a LoLal of 19 l[ackers boarded four uS carrlers from dlfferenL alrporLs l[acked
Le alrcrafLs and crased lnLo Le 1wln1owers' evenLuall causlna boL Lowers Lo collapse 1e Llrd
alrcrafL was crased lnLo enLaaon 1e fourL alrcrafL was eadlna Lowards Le JlLe Pouse" buL
passenaers forced lL Lo cras lnLo flelds More Lan 3000 people were kllled ln Lls lncldenL wlc
canaed Le scope of securlL compleLel
Cras of Arkla Alrllnes
Cn november 28 2002 Lwo MAnAuS aroundLoalr mlsslles were flred aL Arkla Alrllnes wlc caused
lL Lo cras 1ls was [usL one lncldenL 1ere were 42 oLer suc lncldenLs LaL ad appened before
1errorlsL on 8oard uelLa Alrllnes lllaL
A nlaerlan clLlzen larouk AbdulmuLaallab Lravelllna on uelLa Alrllnes from AmsLerdam Lo ueLrolL wlL
no cecked baaaaae ad exploslves concealed ln ls underwear 1e bomb was Lo be Lrlaaered b
cemlcal reacLlon on board Le Amerlcan alrllner Pe was overpowered b passenaers and crew wlle
aLLempLlna Lo lnlLlaLe Le exploslon 20 mlnuLes prlor Lo landlna Pe recelved ls Lralnlna ln ?emen
132 SecurlL Measures lmplemenLed as a 8esulL of asL lncldenLs
As a resulL of Le numerous aLLacks aaalnsL clvll avlaLlon a number of securlL measures were
lmplemenLed Lo reduce Le posslblllL of recurrences lCAC an enLlL of Le unlLed naLlons ls
responslble for Lese securlL measures lCAC produces Lwo securlL documenLs namel Annex 17
wlc ls called Safeauardlna lnLernaLlonal Clvll AvlaLlon aaalnsL AcLs of unlawful lnLerference" and Le
lCAC SecurlL Manual wlc also called uocumenL 8973"
Annex 17 conLalns Le SLandards and 8ecommended racLlces for avlaLlon securlL lL dlcLaLes Le
securlL requlremenLs LaL ave Lo be lmplemenLed ln Le alrporLs of Le ConLracLlna SLaLes uocumenL
8973 speclfles ow Le can be lmplemenLed
1erefore followlna varlous AcLs of unlawful lnLerference" lCAC made canaes Lo Annex 17 ln Le
form of amendmenLs Some of Le ke canaes were as follows
431 Lac ConLracLlna SLaLe sall ensure LaL alrcrafL securlL cecks of orlalnaLlna alrcrafL enaaaed ln
commerclal alr LransporL movemenLs are performed or an alrcrafL securlL searc ls carrled ouL 1e
deLermlnaLlon of weLer lL ls an alrcrafL securlL ceck or a searc LaL ls approprlaLe sall be based
upon a securlL rlsk assessmenL carrled ouL b Le relevanL naLlonal auLorlLles
431 Lac ConLracLlna SLaLe sall esLablls measures Lo ensure LaL orlalnaLlna old baaaaae ls
screened prlor Lo belna loaded onLo an alrcrafL enaaaed ln commerclal alr LransporL operaLlons
deparLlna from a securlL resLrlcLed area
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433 Lac ConLracLlna SLaLe sall ensure LaL commerclal alr LransporL operaLors do noL LransporL Le
baaaaae of passenaers wo are noL on board Le alrcrafL unless LaL baaaaae ls ldenLlfled as
unaccompanled and sub[ecLed Lo addlLlonal screenlna
Lac ConLracLlna SLaLe sall ensure LaL carao and mall Lo be carrled on a passenaer commerclal alrcrafL
are proLecLed from unauLorlzed lnLerference from Le polnL securlL conLrols are applled unLll
deparLure of Le alrcrafL
1e above are onl some of Le man measures LaL were requlred Lo be lmplemenLed Lo ralse Le
securlL sLaLus of alrporLs and alrllnes Lo proLecL aaalnsL AcLs of unlawful lnLerference

21 AvSLC Clobal SLrucLure
211 lCAC 1e 8eaulaLor Aaenc
lCAC as lLs orlalns ln Le ConvenLlon on lnLernaLlonal Clvll AvlaLlon (also known as Le Clcaao
ConvenLlon) wlc was slaned ln LaL clL on uecember 7 1944 b 32 counLrles endlna raLlflcaLlon of
Le ConvenLlon b aL leasL 26 member sLaLes Le rovlslonal lnLernaLlonal Clvll AvlaLlon CraanlzaLlon
(lCAC) was esLabllsed lL funcLloned from !une 6 1943 unLll Aprll 4 1947 Cn Marc 3 1947 Le 26

raLlflcaLlon was recelved and lCAC came lnLo belna on Aprll 4 1947 ln CcLober of Le same ear lACC
became a speclallzed aaenc of Le unlLed naLlons llnked Lo Le Lconomlc and Soclal Councll (LCCSCC)
CraanlzaLlonal SLrucLure
1o reaulaLe avlaLlon securlL aloball amonasL lLs 190 member sLaLes Le lCAC Assembl conslsLs of Le
SecreLar Ceneral and ls Leam (SecreLarlaL) as well as Le Councll resldenL and members LeL's bealn
b looklna aL ow Le SecreLar Ceneral and ls Leam are oraanlzed
1e SecreLar Ceneral eads Le lCAC and Le SecreLarlaL wlc ls oraanlzed lnLo flve deparLmenLs or
Alr navlaaLlon
Alr 1ransporL
1ecnlcal CooperaLlon
JlLln Le Alr 1ransporL 8ureau (A18) ls SecurlL laclllLaLlon and Le AvlaLlon SecurlL AudlL unlL 1e
AvlaLlon SecurlL SecLlon lncludlna Le AvSLC Mecanlsm funcLlons under SecurlL laclllLaLlon
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Je wlll now look aL Le Councll resldenL and lLs 36 members 1e Councll ls Le operaLlonal Leam of
lCAC lL ls acLlvel lnvolved ln manaalna a varleL of alobal operaLlonal lssues relaLed Lo avlaLlon
1o supporL Le Councll resldenL and members Lere are seven speclallzed commlLLees 1ese are
Alr navlaaLlon
Alr 1ransporL
unlawful lnLerference
!olnL SupporL
1ecnlcal CooperaLlon
1e funcLlons of some of Lese commlLLees mlrror Lose of Le 8ureaus buL operaLe aL dlfferenL levels
1e 8ureaus andle maLLers aL Le SLaLe level wlle Le CommlLLees work aL AlrporL 8oL aroups
malnLaln close llnks wlL eac oLer
under Le CommlLLee on unlawful lnLerference are Lwo speclallzed unlLs Le lnLernaLlonal Lxploslves
1ecnlcal Commlsslon and an adoc aroup of speclallsLs on Le ueLecLlon of Lxploslves

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212 lA1A AssoclaLlon of Alrllnes
lA1A ls an assoclaLlon of alr carrlers lL ls an lnLernaLlonal Lrade bod LaL was flrsL esLabllsed ln 1943 ln
Pavana Cuba b a foundlna aroup of alrllnes 1oda lA1A represenLs some 320 alrllnes comprlslna 93
of Le sceduled lnLernaLlonal alr Lrafflc 1e oraanlzaLlon's funcLlon ls Lo represenL lead and serve Le
alrllne lndusLr
lA1A ls eaded b Le ulrecLor Ceneral (uC) and Clef LxecuLlve Cfflcer 1e uC ls supporLed b a Leam
LaL ls oraanlzed lnLo Le followlna funcLlonal areas
Puman CaplLal
Clef LconomlsL
Leaal Servlces
and flve ma[or dlvlslons as follows
CorporaLe Servlces
lndusLr ulsLrlbuLlon and llnanclal Servlces
MarkeLlna and Commerclal Servlces
Member CovernmenL 8elaLlons CorporaLe SecreLar
SafeL CperaLlons and lnfrasLrucLure
Cver Le ears lA1A as wldened lLs focus wlc Loda can be caLeaorlzed as follows
SafeL securlL Lo promoLe safe rellable and secure alr servlces
lndusLr recoanlLlon Lo acleve recoanlLlon of Le lmporLance of alr LransporL for worldwlde
soclal and economlc developmenL
llnanclal vlablllL Lo asslsL Le lndusLr Lo acleve adequaLe levels of proflLablllL of opLlmlzlna
revenues (leld manaaemenL) wlle mlnlmlzlna cosLs (fuel caraes and LaxaLlon)
roducLs servlces Lo provlde laquallL valueformone lndusLrrequlred producLs and
servlces LaL asslsL Le alrllnes ln meeLlna Le needs of Le consumer
SLandards procedures Lo develop cosLeffecLlve envlronmenLallfrlendl sLandards Lo
faclllLaLe Le operaLlons of lnLernaLlonal alr LransporL
lndusLr supporL Lo ldenLlf and arLlculaLe common lndusLr poslLlons and supporL Le
resoluLlon of ke lndusLr lssues (ea conaesLlon lnfrasLrucLure)
lA1A plas a ke role ln safeL and securlL for lLs alrllne members and as lnLroduced a number of new
lnlLlaLlves Lo elp cuL operaLlonal cosLs for alrllnes

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213 ACl A CommunlL of AlrporLs
ln 1991 alrporL operaLors around Le world creaLed AlrporL Councll lnLernaLlonal Le flrsL worldwlde
assoclaLlon Lo represenL Lelr common lnLeresLs and fosLer cooperaLlon wlL parLners LrouaouL Le
alr LransporL lndusLr 1roua ACl Le alrporL communlL now speaks wlL a slnale volce on ke lssues
and concerns and desplLe realonal dlverslL can move forward as a unlLed lndusLr
ACl as 373 members operaLlna over 1633 alrporLs ln 179 counLrles and LerrlLorles ln 2008 AlC
members andled 48 bllllon passenaers 86 mllllon meLrlc Lons of frelaL and 77 mllllon alrcrafL
AlC pursues Le lnLeresLs of alrporLs ln dlscusslon wlL lnLernaLlonal oraanlzaLlons 1e mosL lmporLanL
relaLlonslp lL as ls wlL lCAC were lnLernaLlonal sLandards for alr LransporL are debaLed and
developed AlC defends alrporLs' poslLlons and develops sLandards and recommended pracLlces ln Le
areas of safeL securlL and envlronmenLal lnlLlaLlves
ACl ls eaded b a ulrecLor Ceneral wo ls supporLed b a Ceneral Assembl comprlslna 29 members
1e uC as a Leam of ulrecLors and Manaaers focuslna on
Aero pollLlcal and economlc affalrs
lCAC llalson and LnvlronmenL
laclllL and securlL
SafeL and Lecnlcal Lralnlna
22 Lxplaln 8oles of lCAC lA1A and ACl ln AvSLC
221 8oles of lCAC
lCAC ls a unlLed naLlons Aaenc LaL as 190 members or ConLracLlna SLaLes" As parL of lLs man
funcLlons lCAC's AvlaLlon SecurlL SecLlon ls lnvolved ln all aspecLs of avlaLlon securlL 1ls secLlon's
mlsslon ls
1o develop avlaLlon securlL prlnclples
1o communlcaLe and promoLe Lese prlnclples worldwlde
1o asslsL lCAC ConLracLlna SLaLes ln lmplemenLlna Le prlnclples
lCAC acleves lLs mlsslon Lroua a varleL of lnlLlaLlves prlnclpall
MalnLenance of Annex 17
MalnLenance of Le avlaLlon securlL porLlons of oLer Annexes and Manuals
CraanlzaLlon of AvSLC semlnars
lollowup reporLlna on avlaLlon securlL lncldenLs
Analsls of reporLs
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

MalnLenance of Le SecurlL Manual (uocumenL 8973)
uevelopmenL of Le lCAC 1ralnlna roarams
uevelopmenL of new AvlaLlon SecurlL 1ralnlna roarams (AS1s)
CoordlnaLlon of Le worldwlde neLwork of AvlaLlon SecurlL 1ralnlna CenLers (AS1Cs)
1e currenL locaLlons of Le AS1Cs are
AraenLlna (8uenos Alres)
Canada (MonLreal)
Clna (Pona kona)
Clna (klnmlna)
Lcuador (CulLo)
!ordan (Amman)
kena (nalrobl)
Malasla (kuala Lumpur)
Morocco (Casablanca)
new Zealand (Auckland)
8usslan lederaLlon (Moscow)
Seneaal (uakar)
SouL Afrlca (!oannesbura)
1rlnldad (orL of Spaln)
uAL (uubal)
ukralne (klev)
lCAC conducLs a varleL of avlaLlon securlL courses aL Lese cenLers Lo Lraln Lose ln Le lndusLr
lCAC as Lwo lmporLanL documenLs LaL form Le basls upon wlc avlaLlon securlL ls conducLed ln lLs
ConLracLlna SLaLes 1ese documenLs are
Annex 17 Lo Le Clcaao ConvenLlon wlc provldes Le basls for all avlaLlon securlL reaulaLlon
and lealslaLlon
uocumenL 8973 wlc ls Le lCAC SecurlL Manual
ln order Lo malnLaln conslsLenc of sLandards ln alrporLs lCAC conducLs audlLs of Lese alrporLs under
lLs unlversal SecurlL AudlL roaramme" (uSA) 1e uSA was lnLroduced afLer Le evenLs of 9/11
wlc resulLed ln a mlnlsLerlallevel conference ln MonLreal ln lebruar 2002 1e ke declslons made
aL Lls meeLlna were ln Le followlna areas
revenLlna combaLlna and eradlcaLlna acLs of Lerrorlsm
SLrenaLenlna lCAC's role ln developlna SLandards and 8ecommended racLlces (SA8s)
Lnsurlna flnanclna for uraenL acLlons
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lL was aL Lls meeLlna LaL some ver lmporLanL declslons were made for Le fuLure of avlaLlon lndusLr
1e AvSLC lan of AcLlon as lL was Lermed lncluded Le followlna
LsLabllsmenL of Le lCAC AudlL roaramme (uSA)
8elnforcemenL of AvSLC Mecanlsm for uraenL asslsLance and followup
AsslsLance Lo SLaLes Lroua Le 1ecnlcal CooperaLlon roaramme ln addresslna aaps ln
avlaLlon securlL
222 8oles of lA1A
ln represenLlna lLs consLlLuenL members as an assoclaLlon of alrllnes lA1A provldes lndusLr lnpuL Lo
aovernmenLs and oLer lnLernaLlonal oraanlzaLlons b
AsslsLlna ln Le developmenL of lnLernaLlonal SLandards and 8ecommended racLlces
arLlclpaLlna ln Le lCAC AvlaLlon SecurlL anel
rovldlna lnpuL Lo lCAC realonal acLlvlLles
Lncouraalna aovernmenLs Lo raLlf lmplemenL and adere Lo lnLernaLlonal securlL convenLlons
lA1A also focuses on conLlnual lmprovemenL cosL reducLlon and promoLlna measures Lo reduce crlmlnal
acLlvlLles suc as
1e carrlaae of llllclL narcoLlcs and oLer prolblLed subsLances
SLolen and unapproved alrcrafL parLs
1e LefL of baaaaae carao and mall
1e LefL of corporaLe asseLs
lA1A also
rovldes auldance Lo lLs members Lo combaL Le LreaL of unlawful lnLerference wlL clvll
ConducLs Le lCSA audlL proaram
AnoLer lmporLanL aspecL of lA1A's conLrlbuLlon Lo avlaLlon securlL ls Le developmenL of Le lA1A
SecurlL Manual 1ls documenL ls a Lremendous elp Lo Le alrllnes because lL ls deslaned Lo asslsL ln
Le lmplemenLaLlon of SLandards and 8ecommended racLlces prescrlbed ln Annex 17
Annex 17 ls avallable Lo all aaencles lncludlna Le alrllnes Powever uocumenL 8973 ls onl avallable Lo
aovernmenL aaencles 1ls means LaL alrllnes do noL necessarll ave lmmedlaLe access Lo Le
auldellnes on lmplemenLaLlon of Annex 17 lA1A brldaed" Lls aap wlL Le producLlon of lLs lA1A
SecurlL Manual
lA1A also runs a varleL of speclallzed avlaLlon courses for pracLlLloners ln Le lndusLr Cne serles of
courses relaLes Lo avlaLlon securlL unllke lCAC wlc focuses on avlaLlon securlL for alrporLs lA1A
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October 2011

focuses on Le avlaLlon securlL for alrllnes 8oL of Lese use Annex 17 as Le basellne for Lelr
lor Lls purpose lA1A as more Lan 262 auLorlzed Lralnlna cenLers around Le world
223 8oles of ACl
As a communlL of alrporLs Le role of ACl ls Lo urafL poslLlons for lCAC AvSLC anel
lssue [olnL poslLlons wlL lA1A
Lobb aovernmenLs for susLalnable securlL rules
repare auldance for members
lan scenarlos for 100 cecked baaaaae screenlna
lnclude securlL ln alrporL deslan
Sare experlences wlL new screenlna Lecnoloales
ACl defends Le poslLlons of lLs members and develops sLandards and recommended pracLlces ln Le
areas of safeL securlL and envlronmenLal lnlLlaLlves ACl also provldes Le plaLform for pursulna a
consLrucLlve and cooperaLlve relaLlonslp wlL alrllne assoclaLlons aovernmenLs and reaulaLors
1ralnlna ls also a ke feaLure for ACl lL offers a number of avlaLlon securlL courses and as Lralnlna
cenLers ln varlous counLrles

31 1e lnLernaLlonal ConvenLlons
311 1e Clcaao ConvenLlon
A conference of avlaLlon sLaLes was eld ln Clcaao ln 1944 resulLlna ln Le ConvenLlon on lnLernaLlonal
AvlaLlon commonl known as Le Clcaao ConvenLlon" 1e ConvenLlon slaned ln 1944 Look effecL ln
1ls ConvenLlon conLalned a porLfollo of sLandards documenLs proLocols and procedures LaL relaLed
Lo ever aspecL of commerclal avlaLlon 1e ConvenLlon was an aLLempL Lo aulde soverelan sLaLes ln
developlna Lelr own (lnLernal) reaulaLlons wlle aderlna Lo lnLernaLlonal unlformlL 1e ConvenLlon
was compreenslve lL lncluded aareemenLs on alr navlaaLlon procedures alr corrldors alr Lrafflc
conLrol alr searc and rescue aeronauLlcal lnformaLlon servlces alrporL conflauraLlons and deslan
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

envlronmenLal proLecLlon Le LransporL of danaerous aoods communlcaLlons survelllance
dlssemlnaLlon of meLeoroloalcal lnformaLlon Le alrworLlness of alrcrafL and evenLuall securlL
1e Clcaao ConvenLlon publlsed a serles of maln documenLs conLalnlna aareemenLs Lo eac of Le
speclflc avlaLlon areas ALLaced Lo Lese documenLs were a number of annexes A LoLal of 18 annexes
were seL ouL Annex 17 was Le securlL annex
1e ConvenLlon on lnLernaLlonal Clvll AvlaLlon seL forL Le purpose of lCAC
JPL8LAS Le fuLure developmenL of lnLernaLlonal clvll avlaLlon can areaLl elp Lo creaLe and preserve
frlendslp and undersLandlna amona Le naLlons and peoples of Le world eL lLs abuse can become a
LreaL Lo Le aeneral securlL
JPL8LAS lL ls deslrable Lo avold frlcLlon and Lo promoLe LaL cooperaLlon beLween naLlons and
peoples upon wlc Le peace of Le world depends
1PL8LlC8L Le underslaned aovernmenLs avlna aareed on cerLaln prlnclples and arranaemenLs ln
order LaL lnLernaLlonal clvll avlaLlon ma be developed ln a safe and orderl manner and LaL
lnLernaLlonal alr LransporL servlces ma be esLabllsed on Le basls of equallL of opporLunlL and
operaLed soundl and economlcall
312 1e AvSLC ConvenLlons
1o ensure Le safeL and securlL of clvll avlaLlon from AcLs of unlawful lnLerference a seL of AvSLC
rlnclples were esLabllsed 1ese became Le foundaLlon upon wlc avlaLlon securlL was reaulaLed ln
Le world 1ese prlnclples were
Safe and secure operaLlonal envlronmenL
LealslaLlon and procedures
SecurlL measures conslsLenL wlL lCAC sLandards
rosecuLe or exLradlLe persons wo carr ouL acLs of unlawful lnLerference
8ased on Lese prlnclples we can now look aL Le lnLernaLlonal ConvenLlons 1ese are sLaLemenLs of
prlnclple b wlc sLaLes afflrm Lelr lnLenLlon Lo enforce Le Lerms and provlslons of Le convenLlons
1erefore speclflc naLlonal lealslaLlon ls requlred Lo brlna Le Lerms of lnLernaLlonal convenLlons lnLo
naLlonal law 1ls process ls called 8aLlflcaLlon"
1ere ave been a LoLal of flve convenLlons LaL ave looked aL avlaLlon securlL 1e are
1oko ConvenLlon of 1963
1e Paaue ConvenLlon of 1970
MonLreal ConvenLlon of 1971
SupplemenLar roLocol (MonLreal) of 1988
Marklna of lasLlc Lxploslves ConvenLlon of 1991
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1ese convenLlons were seL ouL Lo andle a varleL of AcLs of unlawful lnLerference LaL clvll avlaLlon
experlenced over Le ears
1oko ConvenLlon of 1963
1e 1oko ConvenLlon ls Le convenLlon on Cffences and cerLaln oLer acLs commlLLed on board
alrcrafL" lL ls someLlmes called Le Crlmes ln Le Alr" ConvenLlon lL conLalns 26 arLlcles reaardlna acLs
commlLLed on board alrcrafL LaL affecLed Le safeL of alrcrafL persons and properL 1e ke elemenLs
of Lese are summarlzed as follows
lL aave llmlLed [urlsdlcLlon based on Le SLaLe of 8ealsLr
lL provlded for Le power Lo resLraln or dlsembark passenaers
lL menLloned Le obllaaLlon of a SLaLe Lo accepL dlsembarked passenaers
lL lndlcaLed LaL exLradlLlon of offenders was unllkel
1e Paaue ConvenLlon of 1970
1e Paaue ConvenLlon ls Le ConvenLlon for Le Suppresslon of unlawful Selzure of AlrcrafL lL ls
someLlmes called Le Pl[ack ConvenLlon" lL conLalns 14 arLlcles 1e ke elemenLs of Lls convenLlon
are as follows
ueflned Le offence of l[acklna and lmposed severe punlsmenLs
Allowed for exLradlLlon or prosecuLlon
!urlsdlcLlon was exLended beond Le sLaLe of realsLr of Le alrcrafL
1e MonLreal ConvenLlon of 1971
1e MonLreal ConvenLlon ls Le ConvenLlon for Le Suppresslon of unlawful AcLs aaalnsL Le SafeL of
Clvll AvlaLlon lL conLalns 16 arLlcles 1e ke elemenLs lL covered were
vlolence aaalnsL persons on alrcrafL
SaboLaae or aLLempLed saboLaae of alrcrafL
SaboLaae of alr navlaaLlon faclllLles
ulssemlnaLlon of false lnformaLlon
1e MonLreal roLocol of 1988
lollowlna Le MonLreal ConvenLlon of 1971 a supplemenLar roLocol was developed Lo enance lL
1ls roLocol was called roLocol for Le Suppresslon of unlawful AcLs of vlolence aL AlrporLs servlna
lnLernaLlonal AvlaLlon" lL conLalns slc arLlcles coverlna Le followlna
AcLs commlLLed aL lnLernaLlonal alrporLs
vlolence aaalnsL persons aL alrporLs
SaboLaae of alrporL faclllLles or alrcrafL noL ln servlce
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

ulsrupLlna alrporL operaLlons
Maklna of lasLlc Lxploslves 1991
1ls ConvenLlon ls called Maklna of Lxploslves for Le purpose of ueLecLlon" JlL Le lncreased
number of lncldenLs relaLed Lo Le use of exploslve devlces aaalnsL clvll avlaLlon Lls convenLlon was a
naLural developmenL lL conLalns 13 arLlcles 1ese arLlcles speclfled Le followlna
Allow exlsLlna deLecLlon Lecnoloa
ln[ecL marklna aaenL lnLo exploslves aL manufacLure
CreaLe a Lecnlcal commlsslon
roducer sLaLes Lo prevenL manufacLure of unmarked exploslves
All sLaLes Lo prevenL movemenL of unmarked exploslves Lroua Lelr LerrlLor
SLaLes were requlred Lo lncorporaLe Le provlslons of Lese convenLlons lnLo Lelr naLlonal laws and
respecLlve naLlonal Clvll AvlaLlon SecurlL roarams
1o demonsLraLe LaL avlaLlon securlL ls ever canalna Lls llsL of convenLlons musL be brouaL up Lo
daLe b Le 2010 8el[lna ConvenLlon on Le Suppresslon of unlawful AcLs 8elaLlna Lo lnLernaLlonal Clvll
AvlaLlon and Le 2010 8el[lna roLocol wlc updaLes Le 1971 Paaue ConvenLlon on Le Suppresslon of
unlawful Selzure of AlrcrafL 1e 8el[lna ConvenLlon and 8el[lna roLocol wlll slanlflcanLl sLrenaLen Le
exlsLlna lnLernaLlonal counLerLerrorlsm leaal framework and faclllLaLe Le prosecuLlon and exLradlLlon of
Lose wo seek Lo commlL acLs aaalnsL clvll avlaLlon
1ese new LreaLles wlll requlre parLles Lo crlmlnallze a number of new and emeralna LreaLs Lo Le
securlL of clvll avlaLlon lncludlna uslna alrcrafL as a weapon 1e ConvenLlons also updaLe provlslons Lo
promoLe cooperaLlon beLween sLaLes ln combaLlna Lerrorlsm dlrecLed aaalnsL clvll avlaLlon wlle
empaslzlna Le uman rlaLs and falr LreaLmenL of LerrorlsL suspecLs lmporLanLl Le 2010 8el[lna
ConvenLlon wlll also requlre sLaLes Lo crlmlnallze Le LransporL of bloloalcal cemlcal and nuclear
weapons and relaLed maLerlal
32 urpose and ConLenL of Annex 17 uocumenL 8973 and Le lA1A SecurlL Manual
321 lCAC Annex 17
AlmosL all of Le world's soverelan sLaLes are now slanaLorles Lo a number of lnLernaLlonal clvll avlaLlon
ConvenLlons" CurrenLl Lere are 190 ConLracLlna SLaLes" wo ave aareed Lo Le lmplemenLaLlon of
common or unlform alr LransporL sLandards
lCAC Annex 17 Le 1
edlLlon of wlc was publlsed ln AuausL 1973 seLs ouL Le SLandards and
8ecommended racLlces LaL slanaLor sLaLes are Lo appl or observe Lo safeauard lnLernaLlonal avlaLlon
from acLs of unlawful lnLerference Annex 17 ls Le securlL annex 1lLled Safeauardlna lnLernaLlonal
Clvll AvlaLlon aaalnsL AcLs of unlawful lnLerference" Annex 17 was evenLuall aareed Lo b all
slanaLorles Lo lCAC lL comprlses Le now famlllar lnLernaLlonal sLandards proLocols and procedures for
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

all aspecLs of alrcrafL alrllne and securlL alrporL lLs focus aL Le Llme was Lo combaL lncreaslna LreaLs
Lo alr Lravel from l[ackers and laLer Lerrorlsm
1e Annex covers maLLers suc as Le oraanlzaLlon of securlL arranaemenLs prevenLlve measures and
Le manaaemenL of Le response Lo acLs of unlawful lnLerference lL also conLalns exLracLs from oLer
lCAC Annexes LaL lmpacL avlaLlon securlL
1e 190 Member SLaLes of lCAC are obllaed Lo lmplemenL Le sLandards conLalned ln Annex 17 unless
Le flle a varlaLlon 1ere ls no slmllar requlremenL wlL reaard Lo Le recommended pracLlces
Je ave [usL menLloned Lwo Lerms used Lo descrlbe Le conLenLs of Annex 17 1ese are SLandards"
and 8ecommended racLlces" Pere ls waL Le mean
An speclflcaLlon for pslcal caracLerlsLlcs conflauraLlon maLerlal performance personnel or
procedure Le unlform appllcaLlon of wlc ls recoanlzed as necessar"
A sLandard ls Lerefore a securlL measure LaL ls consldered as compulsor" for lmplemenLaLlon
CurrenLl wlL Annex 17 edlLlon 8 Lere are 74 sLandards Lo adere Lo
8ecommended racLlce
an speclflcaLlon for pslcal caracLerlsLlcs conflauraLlon maLerlal performance personnel or
procedure Le unlform appllcaLlon of wlc ls recoanlzed as deslrable ln Le lnLeresLs of safeL
reaularlL or efflclenc of lnLernaLlonal alr navlaaLlon"
A 8ecommended racLlce ls Lo lmplemenL a securlL measure were posslble
Annex 17 as underaone a number of amendmenLs over Le ears slnce lLs lncepLlon ln 1973 As of
2010 lL as underaone a LoLal of 11 amendmenLs 1e laLesL edlLlon of Annex 17 ls edlLlon 8 wlc as
been appllcable slnce !ul 1 2006 MosL of Lese amendmenLs were needed due Lo an AcL of unlawful
lnLerference aaalnsL Le lndusLr 1wo of Le amendmenLs AmendmenLs 10 and 11 came as a resulL of
Le 9/11 aLLack ln Le unlLed SLaLes 1e amendmenLs usuall converL recommended pracLlces lnLo
sLandards or add new recommended pracLlces Lo Annex 17 lCAC also reallzes LaL Lere ma be
lnsLances wereb a ConLracLlna SLaLe ma noL be able Lo lmplemenL some of Le sLandards due Lo
speclflc clrcumsLances 1e Clcaao ConvenLlon made provlslons for Lls slLuaLlon wlL ArLlcle 38
noLlflcaLlon of ulfference wlc requlres Le sLaLe Lo flle a varlaLlon wlL lCAC

l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

1e ConLenLs
Annex 17 ls dlvlded lnLo 3 capLers 1e are
Ceneral prlnclples
revenLlve securlL measures
ManaaemenL of response Lo Aul
322 uocumenL 8973
1o asslsL sLaLes ln meeLlna Le SLandards and 8ecommended racLlces seL ouL ln Annex 17 lCAC as
also developed a SecurlL Manual commonl known as uocumenL 8973 1e full LlLle ls SecurlL
Manual for Safeauardlna Clvll AvlaLlon aaalnsL AcLs of unlawful lnLerference"
1e purpose of Le SecurlL Manual ls Lo provlde deLalls on ow Lo compl wlL Le SLandards and
8ecommended racLlces (le Le conLenL ls for auldance purposes onl)
1erefore we can sa LaL Le lCAC Annex 17 ls Le JaL musL be done" and uocumenL 8973 ls Le
Pow lL can be done"
1e 7
edlLlon of Le lCAC SecurlL Manual comes ln 3 volumes 1e are
volume l naLlonal CraanlzaLlon and AdmlnlsLraLlon
volume ll 8ecrulLmenL SelecLlon and 1ralnlna
volume lll AlrporL SecurlL CraanlzaLlon roaram and ueslan 8equlremenLs
volume lv revenLlve SecurlL Measures
volume v Crlsls ManaaemenL and 8esponse Lo AcLs of unlawful lnLerference
323 lA1A SecurlL Manual
lA1A as also produced lLs own securlL manual 1e lA1A SecurlL Manual (6
edlLlon v2) conLalns
exLenslve auldance and reference maLerlal Lo asslsL alrllne alrporL and aovernmenL personnel aL all
levels ln maLLers relaLlna Lo avlaLlon securlL 8eference ls made ln Lls manual Lo lnformaLlon conLalned
ln Le lCAC SecurlL Manual Annex 17 and Le lA1A SLandards and 8ecommended racLlces (lSA8's)
Cne of Le callenaes faced b Le alrllnes ls LaL Le ave access Lo lCAC Annex 17 buL noL uocumenL
8973 wlc ls resLrlcLed 1erefore Le ave Le JaL" buL noL Le Pow" 1e lA1A SecurlL Manual
brldaes Le aap

l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

1e manual provldes auldance for all alr carrlers as well as oLer sLakeolders Lo elp lnLearaLe Le
SeMS (SecurlL ManaaemenL SsLem) prlnclples lnLo dall operaLlons LxLenslve auldance maLerlal as
been lncluded and asslsLs alrllnes and oLer sLakeolders ln developlna or uparadlna Lelr securlL
1e 6
LdlLlon v2 of Le lA1A SecurlL Manual as 10 capLers and a secLlon on Le lA1A CperaLlonal
SafeL AudlL (lCSA) 1e capLers are
CapLer 1 aeneral lnformaLlon
CapLer 2 oraanlzaLlon manaaemenL
CapLer 3 uman resources manaaemenL
CapLer 4 quallL assurance quallL conLrol
CapLer 3 securlL operaLlons
CapLer 6 conLlnaencles
CapLer 7 carao securlL
CapLer 8 personnel securlL
CapLer 9 Lerrorlsm LreaLs aaalnsL avlaLlon
CapLer 10 addlLlonal securlL accounLablllLles
lCSA SecLlon 8 SecurlL ManaaemenL (Sec)

40 Manaalna Access ConLrol eople velcles
41 uemarcaLlon of an AlrporL
411 ueflne and uellneaLe Areas Lo be ConLrolled
AlrporLs ave deflned areas wlLln Le alrporL Lo be conLrolled 1ls ls a requlremenL of lCAC Annex 17
based upon SLandard 422
Lac ConLracLlna SLaLe sall ensure LaL securlL resLrlcLed areas are esLabllsed aL eac alrporL servlna
clvll avlaLlon deslanaLed b Le SLaLe based upon a securlL rlsk assessmenL carrled ouL b Le relevanL
naLlonal auLorlLles"
Some of Le areas LaL can be deflned are as follows
All alrporLs ave an area called Le alrslde lCAC deflnes Lls area as Le movemenL area of an alrporL
ad[acenL Lerraln or bulldlnas or porLlons Lereof access Lo wlc ls conLrolled"
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

SecurlL 8esLrlcLed Areas (S8A)
Slmllarl alrporLs wlll also ave areas LaL wlll be deslanaLed as SecurlL 8esLrlcLed Areas Suc areas are
deslanaLed followlna a rlsk assessmenL carrled ouL b relevanL auLorlLles S8As are Lose alrslde and
landslde areas of an alrporL lnLo wlc access ls conLrolled suc as all passenaer deparLure areas
beLween Le screenlna ceckpolnL and alrcrafL
1enanL 8esLrlcLed Areas (18A)
1ese are faclllLles and areas wlLln Le alrporL LaL are admlnlsLered b oLer enLlLles 1ese lnclude
caLerlna companles carao andlers and enalneerlna companles 1plcall Lese companles sLraddle Le
barrler beLween alrporL alrslde and landslde 1erefore Le companles Lemselves are requlred Lo
exerclse conLrol over access lnLo Le S8A
SLerlle Area
A sLerlle area ls an area wlLln Le alrporL were all flnal securlL cecks ave been conducLed and ever
precauLlon as Lerefore been Laken Lo ensure LaL no unauLorlzed persons and no prolblLed lLems
are presenL
lL ls lmporLanL Lo keep securlL resLrlcLed areas small enoua Lo be properl secured and Lo ensure LaL
resources are noL spread Loo Lln AlLoua lL mlaL seem senslble Lo make Le wole alrslde of an
alrporL a securlL resLrlcLed area Lls would cover Loo vasL a space Lo secure effecLlvel ln addlLlon
muc of Le alrslde conLalns no faclllLles LaL ave a role Lo pla ln commerclal alr LransporL operaLlons
Access polnLs lnLo securlL resLrlcLed areas sould be reduced Lo a mlnlmum and ave effecLlve access
conLrol measures Access b sLaff Lo securlL resLrlcLed areas sould be llmlLed onl Lo Lose wlL a clear
need Lo enLer b vlrLue of Lelr duLles Slmllar conLrols sould be applled Lo velcles b resLrlcLlna access
Lo onl Lose velcles wlL a clear operaLlonal funcLlon SecurlL resLrlcLed areas noL sub[ecL Lo conLlnual
access conLrol measures sould be a searced prlor Lo belna brouaL back ln use
ApproprlaLe lealslaLlon or reaulaLlons musL exlsL Lo provlde penalLles for an person wlllfull Lrespasslna
or aLLempLlna Lo Lrespass on Le alrslde or a deslanaLed securlL resLrlcLed area Suc lealslaLlon or
reaulaLlons sould also lnclude penalLles for wlllful or aLLempLed Lrespass on offalrporL communlcaLlons
and navlaaLlon alds slLes
unauLorlzed persons found wlLln a deslanaLed securlL resLrlcLed area sould be deLalned and lf
warranLed and permlLLed searced and lnLervlewed Lo ascerLaln lf Le ad susplclous or crlmlnal
lnLenLlons 8eporLs of suc lncldenLs sould be flled wlL Le alrporL securlL offlcer and relevanL
pollclna auLorlLles

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42 Access ConLrol Measures
421 slcal and 1ecnoloabased SecurlL Measures
LrecLlon of 8arrlers
1e mosL common form of barrler ln an alrporL ls Le erlmeLer lence 1e Lpe of fence used on Le
perlmeLer of a slLe sould reflecL Le Lpe of LreaL expecLed 1e level of proLecLlon offered b a fence
wlll depend on lLs elaL consLrucLlon Le maLerlal used and an addlLlonal securlL feaLures used Lo
lncrease lLs performance or effecLlveness suc as anLlcllmblna devlces perlmeLer lnLruder deLecLlon
ssLems (luS) llaLlna or closed clrculL Lelevlslon (CC1v) lences and an polnLs of enLr sould be
lllumlnaLed b sulLable securlL llaLlna
Access ConLrol olnLs
All alrporLs ave access polnLs LaL musL be conLrolled 1ese lnclude all doors sLalrs and passenaer
loadlna brldaes alvlna access onLo Le apron area Lmeraenc exlLs LaL are noL conLlnuall supervlsed
sould be equlpped wlL audlble and vlsual alarms LaL can be monlLored from a cenLral locaLlon suc
as from an alrporL securlL conLrol cenLre 1e use of franalble devlces or covers over emeraenc exlL
acLlvaLlon bars deLers mlsuse
velcle Access ConLrol olnLs
All velcle access conLrol polnLs musL ave an unobsLrucLed vlew of Le surroundlna area 1e musL
also ave a auard posL 1o faclllLaLe conLrol of velcles for Le purpose of lnspecLlons Le musL be
equlpped wlL drop arm barrlers plus lockable aaLes 1e perlmeLer fenclna for velcle conLrol polnLs
musL meeL Le same sLandard as Le alrporL fence 1e auard posL musL also be provlded wlL Le
edesLrlan Access ConLrol olnLs
lL wlll be necessar Lo deslanaLe access conLrol polnLs for pedesLrlans lor Lese areas Le followlna
conslderaLlons appl
8esLrlcL Le number of edesLrlan Access ConLrol olnLs (ACs) so as Lo beLLer conLrol access Lo
Le S8A uo noL ave Loo man ACs slmpl for convenlence
Conslder Le besL use of avallable space and deslan Lo elp ensure LaL Le flow of pedesLrlans
Lroua Lese conLrol polnLs ls as smooL as posslble
All access aaLes or barrlers musL be closed and secured wen noL ln use
ACs ave Lo be manned b securlL personnel
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

AddlLlonal securlL measures (ea CC1v) sould be provlded for senslLlve polnLs
Zonlna of 8esLrlcLed Areas
1o furLer conLrol Le access of people and velcles wlLln resLrlcLed areas all alrporLs sould pracLlce a
zonlna" ssLem 1ls means LaL sLaff and velcles are onl alven clearance Lo enLer cerLaln parLs of
resLrlcLed areas based on Lelr need Lo enLer and Le acLlvlLles LaL Le musL underLake lor example
personnel performlna ceckln counLer duLles ma onl be allowed access Lo Le carao Lermlnal CLer
examples lnclude Le alrcrafL Lecnlclan wo would noL need Lo access Le Lermlnal and Le wasroom
cleaner wo as no need Lo access Le ramp
ln deslanlna Le zonlna lL ls lmporLanL Lo ensure LaL zones are kepL Lo a manaaeable" number Lo avold
pracLlcal and admlnlsLraLlve dlfflculLles
Jen someone needs Lo enLer a resLrlcLed area Lo wlc Le do noL ave access suc as vlslLors and
conLracLors Le need Lo appl for a permlL Lo do so 1e musL also be escorLed b a properl
auLorlzed sLaffmember wlle Le are ln LaL area
43 AlrporL lu SsLem
431 1pes of lus
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 3111e operaLor sall ensure an ldenLlflcaLlon verlflcaLlon ssLem ls ln place LaL prevenLs
personnel and velcles from auLorlzed access lnLo alrporL alrslde areas and securlL resLrlcLed areas
LaL are under Le conLrol of Le CperaLor Suc ldenLlflcaLlon ssLem sall lnclude
l) ueslanaLed ceckpolnLs were ldenLlflcaLlon ls verlfled before access ls permlLLed
ll) A requlremenL for auLorlzed personnel Lo promlnenLl dlspla an ldenLlflcaLlon badae
1ere are Lree dlfferenL documenLs LaL can permlL access Lo a resLrlcLed area ln an alrporL 1ese are
A boardlna card lssued b an alrllne Lo reaulaLe passenaer access
A crew member cerLlflcaLe or compan ldenLlflcaLlon card Lo reaulaLe operaLlna crew access
An alrporL ldenLlflcaLlon permlL (lu) allowlna sLaff access
1e lus come ln dlfferenL forms 1e can be a LoLall manual ssLem a fullauLomaLed access conLrol
ssLem or comblnaLlon or Le Lwo (semlauLomaLed ssLem) 1e manual lu wlll noL ave Le smarL clp
or Le securlL Mlcro 1exL
1e ke facLors LaL are lmporLanL abouL lus are ow Le are lssued and conLrolled 1ere musL be a
process Lo reLrleve Le lus wen Le sLaff leaves Le oraanlzaLlon for an reason

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October 2011

velcle ermlLs
Llke sLaff velcles need a permlL Lo enLer resLrlcLed areas ln Le alrporL ln order Lo appl for Le permlL
Le followlna lnformaLlon ls Lo be provlded Lo Le permlL lssulna offlce
8ealsLraLlon lndex or serlal number of Le velcle
name of Le oraanlzaLlon ownlna/operaLlna Le velcle
erlod of valldlL (Lo a maxlmum Lwelve monLs)
SecurlL resLrlcLed areas for wlc access ls allowed
Access conLrol polnLs Le velcle can enLer
1emporar ermlLs
As menLloned earller Lere ma be people needlna Lemporar access Lo resLrlcLed areas ln Le alrporL
1e lnclude vlslLors wo requlre access for a sorL duraLlon emploees awalLlna Lelr permanenL
permlL wo need access for a lonaer Lerm and conLracLors All of Lese people wlll need Lo appl for
Lemporar permlLs and musL be escorLed b fullLlme permlL olders
432 lssulna rocedure
8ackaround Cecks
rlor Lo Le lssuance of an AlrporL lu a backaround ceck musL be done 1ls ls a requlremenL of Annex
17 SLandard 341 1e backaround ceck musL follow naLlonal leaal means Jere posslble Le
backaround ceck musL ao beond a slmple crlmlnal record ceck 1ere musL also be an appeal process
ln place for Le candldaLe
1ralnlna rlor Lo lssuance of an AlrporL lu
AlrporL AuLorlLles sould conducL a sorL Lralnlna sesslon before lssulna new lus 1e Loplcs LaL
sould be covered ln Lls Lralnlna lnclude Le followlna
1e lealslaLlon LaL aoverns Le lssuance of AlrporL lu and offences under Le roLecLed Ares
and roLecLed laces AcL of Le counLr
ermlsslon Lo enLer resLrlcLed areas ls onl for Le performance of offlclal duLles and for offlclal
buslness onl
Cffences for unauLorlzed possesslon use reLenLlon alLeraLlon desLrucLlon or Lransfer of Le
lu Lo anoLer person
need Lo dlspla Le lu aL all Llmes
1e need for all personnel (noL [usL securlL sLaff) Lo be vlallanL and aware of susplclous
lncldenLs and susplclous persons
rovlde examples of susplclous lncldenLs

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lL musL be empaslzed LaL all personnel worklna ln resLrlcLed areas aL alrporLs musL dlspla a valld lu aL
all Llmes lus musL be afflxed Lo an ouLer aarmenL above walsL elaL Powever lf lL lnLerferes wlL Le
emploee's work (ea carrlna carao) Le aarmenL sould be redeslaned or replaced wlL one
conLalnlna a LransparenL pouc Lo place Le lu ln 1e lu musL be clearl vlslble Lo all sLaff Lo enable
Lem Lo easll callenae an person wo ma noL ave Le proper lu as well as Lo dlfferenLlaLe full Llme
permlLs from Lemporar permlLs

30 SecurlL Measures for assenaers and Lelr 8aaaaae
31 reboard Screenlna of assenaers and Lelr Cabln 8aaaaae
SLC 313 1e CperaLor sall ensure measures are ln place Lo prevenL Le lnLroducLlon of unauLorlzed
weapons exploslves of oLer danaerous devlces or lLems on board an alrcrafL b persons oLer Lan
311 reboard Screenlna
1e lCAC deflnlLlon for preboardlna screenlna ls as follows
1e appllcaLlon of Lecnlcal or oLer means wlc are lnLended Lo ldenLlf and/or deLecL weapons
exploslves or oLer danaerous devlces wlc ma be used Lo commlL an acL of unlawful lnLerference"
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 341 lf Le CperaLor conducLs passenaer fllaLs Le CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure
orlalnaLlna passenaers and Lelr cabln baaaaae are sub[ecLed Lo screenlna prlor Lo boardlna a passenaer
alrcrafL for
l) An lnLernaLlonal fllaL
ll) As requlred b Le appllcable avlaLlon securlL auLorlL a domesLlc fllaL (CM)
SLC 344 lf Le CperaLor conducLs passenaer fllaLs Le CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure
passenaers and Lelr cabln baaaaae are sub[ecLed Lo addlLlonal securlL conLrols ln accordance wlL
requlremenLs of Le appllcable avlaLlon securlL auLorlL wen fllaLs are under an lncreased securlL
LreaL (CM)
reboardlna screenlna of passenaers ls usuall carrled ouL prlor Lo Lelr boardlna of an alrcrafL
1plcall a preboard screenlna ceck polnL wlll lnclude

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October 2011

Manual or and searc of passenaers and cabln baaaaae
Jalk Lroua MeLal ueLecLor (J1Mu) and/or Pand Peld MeLal ueLecLor (PPMu) of passenaers
x8a of cabln baaaaae
Lxploslve ueLecLlon SsLem (LuS)/Lxploslve ueLecLlon uoas (Luus)
A comblnaLlon of Le above
lollowlna Le preboard screenlna passenaers and Lelr cabln baaaaae are consldered Lo be clean" and
of no rlsk Lo Le alrcrafL
Screenlna CpLlons
1e deslan of a passenaer Lermlnal bulldlna wlll deLermlne ow and aL wlc polnL Le flnal screenlna of
passenaers and Lelr baaaaae wlll be carrled ouL 1ere are Lree deslans for passenaer Lermlnal
8oardlna aaLe plan
Poldlna area plan
Concourse plan
1ese are dependenL on space avallable passenaer volumes and naLlonal pollc on avlaLlon securlL

ln Lls plan Le Lermlnal ls separaLed lnLo Lree areas Le Lermlnal concourse and pler 1e screenlna
polnLs are locaLed aL eac boardlna aaLe ln Le pler Lac boardlna aaLe ls an enLr polnL Lo Le alrcrafL
1e caracLerlsLlcs of Lls plan are
Screenlna does noL bealn unLll alrcrafL arrlves
assenaers are screened and lmmedlaLel board
8oardlna aaLe door ls open and Le alrcrafL ls vlslble
ollce ave mlnlmal Llme Lo reacL Lo an lncldenL
CreaLes Llme pressure on screeners
Screenlna polnL needs Lo be secured wen noL ln use

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October 2011

AdopLlna Lls plan wlll ave boL advanLaaes and dlsadvanLaaes as follows
lL requlres a areaL deal of equlpmenL and uman resources lf Lere are man slmulLaneous
lL mlnlmlzes Le cance of mlxlna beLween screened and unscreened passenaers
lL reduces Le opporLunlLles for Le Lransfer of weapons Lo passenaers afLer screenlna
lL ellmlnaLes Le need for a sLerlle area lL seareaaLes lowLreaL carrlers
Poldlna Area lan

1e maln dlfference ln Lls lan from Le 8oardlna CaLe lan ls LaL afLer Le preboard screenlna
passenaers are moved lnLo a oldlna room Lo awalL Le boardlna call 1ls room ls consldered sLerlle
CLer caracLerlsLlcs of Lls plan are as follows
Screenlna can sLarL 8LlC8L an alrcrafL arrlves and 8lC8 Lo boardlna
8educes Llme pressure on screeners
8oardlna aaLe door closed Lerefore access Lo Le alrcrafL ls denled
AlrcrafL ma noL be vlslble wlc also means LaL lL ls proLecLed
ollce ave more Llme Lo reacL Lo lncldenLs ln LaL area
uslna Lls plan wlll mean Le followlna
Ma requlre fewer resources Lan Le 8oardlna CaLe lan (onl lf Lere ls more Lan one aaLe
per oldlna area)
Alrllnes prefer Lls plan as all passenaers are accounLed for before boardlna
Poldlna area musL be secure before and durlna screenlna
Poldlna area musL be searced prlor Lo sLar of screenlna (lncludlna buses or moblle lounaes lf
boardlna ls noL vla aerobrldae)

l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

Concourse lan

1e Concourse lan ls probabl Le mosL popular plan used ln alrporLs Loda lL provldes for a
cenLrallzed preboard screenlna realme afLer wlc passenaers move lnLo a laraer sLerlle area 1e
caracLerlsLlcs of Lls plan are as follows
Screenlna occurs conLlnuousl
Slnale cenLral screenlna polnL
Same sLandard of screenlna for all carrlers
no Llme pressure on screeners
Pard Lo LaraeL lndlvldual alrcrafL/carrlers
Screenlna polnL dlsLanL from aaLe
uslna Lls plan wlll mean
ollce ave more Llme Lo reacL Lo an lncldenL
Mlnlmum equlpmenL and uman resources are requlred
Las supervlslon of screenlna sLaff
Maxlmum efforL ln malnLalnlna Le area sLerlle searclna and seallna
Screenlna personnel ma experlence monoLon ln Lelr surroundlnas as compared wlL Le
acLlve envlronmenL of 8oardlna CaLe lan screenlna wlc could affecL Lelr aLLenLlon levels
Jlcever plan ls cosen for Le passenaer Lermlnal Le screenlna polnLs wlll requlre Le followlna
xra maclnes
PPMu for secondar cecks
Searc Lables
rlvac booL or area
LlecLrlcal ouLleLs
SeparaLe enLr and exlL
ln addlLlon Le screenlna of passenaer cabln luaaaae ma be asslsLed b Le use of Lrace deLecLlon
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

nC1L 1ere ls a fourL screenlna opLlon wlc ls currenLl ln use aL cerLaln lnLernaLlonal alrporLs 1ls ls
a conflauraLlon were all passenaers and baas are screened upon enLr Lo Le Lermlnal Cnl bona flde
passenaers are permlLLed Lo enLer Le Lermlnal (famll members ma noL enLer) 1e wole alrporL
Lermlnal Lerefore becomes a sLerlle area Jlle Lls conflauraLlon lnvolves Le maxlmum deplomenL
of manpower and resources lL presenLs an alLernaLlve approac for defendlna aaalnsL aLLacks
32 Pandllna of Speclal assenaers
reboard screenlna also lnvolves Le screenlna of oLer speclal caLeaorles of passenaers suc as
eople wlL dlsablllLles passenaers ln weelcalrs ln[ured persons
1ose auLorlzed Lo carr weapons
321 Pandllna of people wlL dlsablllLles passenaers ln weelcalr and ln[ured persons
AL preboard screenlna polnLs screeners wlll come across a varleL of passenaer Lpes Cne caLeaor wlll
be Lose passenaers wlL dlsablllLles or ln weelcalrs or Lose wo ma ave pslcal ln[urles
Screeners musL LreaL Lese Lpes of passenaers wlL respecL wlle conducLlna Le necessar securlL
screenlna lL wlll also be necessar Lo conducL a pslcal ceck of Le alds Lese people ma be uslna
suc as cruLces weelcalrs eLc A weelcalr as been used ln Le pasL Lo smuaale a knlfe lnLo Le
alrcrafL cabln
322 Pandllna of dlplomaLs
ulplomaLs are a speclal and senslLlve caLeaor of passenaers Lo be screened 1elr andllna ls covered
under Le vlenna ConvenLlon on ulplomaLlc 8elaLlons 1961 lL musL be noLed LaL alLoua marked and
sealed dlplomaLlc baas ma be screened Le cannoL be opened and lnspecLed Powever Le dlplomaL
and ls or er personal baaaaae are sub[ecL Lo screenlna as sLaLed ln Le naLlonal Clvll AvlaLlon SecurlL
roaram ulplomaLs undersLand LaL Le purcase of an alrllne LlckeL lncludes an aareemenL Lo ablde b
Le condlLlons for carrlaae and lmplles LaL consenL ls alven Lo Le performance of rouLlne securlL
323 AuLorlzed Carrlaae of Jeapons
AnoLer speclal caLeaor of passenaers ls armed securlL offlcers Jen Le are on board Lelr ldenLlL
ls Lo be kepL secreL Several measures are requlred Lo andle armed securlL offlcers
lf Le are provldlna lnfllaL securlL
noLlflcaLlon Lo Le plloL
Speclal andllna procedures
SeparaLe screenlna polnL lf needed
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October 2011

Speclal auLorlzaLlon
Jen armed securlL offlcers are noL provldlna lnfllaL securlL Lelr weapons musL be unloaded and
made lnaccesslble durlna fllaL Speclal andllna procedures are Lo be applled
33 SLerlle Area
331 Screenlna of SLaff enLerlna and proLecLlon of SLerlle Areas
SLerlle areas are Lo be clearl separaLed from nonsLerlle areas b pslcal barrlers LnLr lnLo sLerlle
areas ls permlLLed onl afLer someone as passed Lroua screenlna 1ls applles Lo all sLaff lncludlna
securlL personnel wo wlll be requlred Lo work ln Lese areas Jen noL ln use Le doors Lo sLerlle
areas are Lo be closed SecurlL offlcers enLerlna sLerlle areas Lo prepare for passenaer screenlna are Lo
conducL a securlL sweep of Le area Lo ensure no forelan or susplclous lLems ave been lefL belnd
1ls ls also done afLer passenaers ave boarded and Le area ls Lo be closed kes Lo sLerlle areas are Lo
be conLrolled
Mlxlna of screened and unscreened persons ls noL allowed ln sLerlle areas 1ls also means LaL
deparLlna and arrlvlna passenaers are Lo be kepL separaLe lncludlna LranslL passenaers assenaers ln
sLerlle areas are Lo be monlLored especlall durlna boardlna
34 ConLrol of Pold 8aaaaae
lCAC Annex 17 SLandard 431 speclfles LaL
All ConLracLlna SLaLes sall esLablls measures Lo ensure LaL orlalnaLlna old baaaaae ls screened prlor
Lo belna loaded onLo an alrcrafL enaaaed ln commerclal alr LransporL operaLlons deparLlna from a
securlL resLrlcLed area"
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 361 lf Le CperaLor conducLs passenaer fllaLs Le CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure
orlalnaLlna old baaaaae ls sub[ecLed Lo screenlna prlor Lo belna loaded lnLo an alrcrafL for an
lnLernaLlonal passenaer fllaL (CM)
341 assenaer/8aaaaae 8econclllaLlon
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 364 lf Le CperaLor conducLs passenaer fllaLs Le CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure
procedures are ln place Lo prevenL Le LransporL of baaaaae of passenaers LaL are noL on board Le
alrcrafL for an lnLernaLlonal fllaL unless suc baaaaae ls ldenLlfled as unaccompanled and sub[ecLed Lo
approprlaLe securlL conLrol based on rlsk assessmenL (CM)
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

As parL of securlL old baaaaae lL ls necessar Lo reconclle passenaers and baaaaae 1ls ls a process Lo
ensure LaL wen a passenaer as ceckedln baaaaae LaL baaaaae wlll noL be carrled on Lo Le alrcrafL
unless Le passenaer as boarded ln Le evenL Le passenaer as noL boarded Le fllaL Le baaaaae
wlll elLer be offloaded or wlll noL be loaded ln Le flrsL lnsLance 8aaaaae reconclllaLlon ls Lo be
carrledouL for
CrlalnaLlna passenaers' baas
Cnllne Lransfer baas
lnLerllne Lransfer baas
ulsembarklna passenaers' LranslL baas
ln conducLlna baaaaae reconclllaLlon Le followlna applles
Mlnlmum lu number on baa Laa boardlna card and deparLure conLrol ssLem (uCS)
AL ceckln Le number of baas per passenaer ls ldenLlfled
AL ceckln securlL quesLlons relaLed Lo Le baas are asked
8aas aolna lnLo unlL Load uevlces (uLus) are recorded and poslLloned on alrcrafL for eas off
Cecks aL Le boardlna aaLe as Lo weLer Le passenaer as boarded are communlcaLed Lo Le
baaaaae loadlna supervlsor
Jere posslble Lls process sould be auLomaLed uslna advanced ssLems
342 Screenlna of Pold 8aaaaae
LocaLlons for screenlna old baaaaae var dependlna on Le rlsk assessmenL of an alrporL Powever
as a aulde old baaaaae can be screened
AL Le polnL of enLr lnLo a Lermlnal bulldlna
lnslde Le Lermlnal prlor Lo ceckln
AL ceckln
AfLer ceckln
olnL of enLr lnLo passenaer Lermlnal
1e advanLaae of screenlna aL Le polnL of enLr Lo Le Lermlnal ls LaL Le old baaaaae can be
screened and cleared ln Le presence of Le passenaer and Le passenaer ls lmmedlaLel avallable
sould an plece of Lelr baaaaae requlre pslcal lnspecLlon
llrsL a larae publlc area ls requlred Second Lere ma be conaesLlon of passenaers queulna Lo aeL
lnLo Le Lermlnal 1lrd baaaaae seals are requlred afLer screenlna Lo prevenL conLamlnaLlon and
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

ceckln aaenLs need Lo verlf Le seals lourL members of Le publlc wlll crowd lnLo Le Lermlnal
wlc ma pose a securlL rlsk
lnslde Lermlnal prlor Lo ceckln
As wlL Le flrsL opLlon Le old baaaaae can be screened and cleared ln Le presence of Le
passenaer and Le passenaer ls lmmedlaLel avallable sould an plece of Lelr luaaaae requlre
pslcal lnspecLlon
A larae ceckln concourse ls needed were onl LlckeLed passenaers are allowed enLr
8aaaaae seals afLer screenlna and ceckln aaenLs Lo verlf Le seals are requlred
1ls opLlon ma also resulL ln passenaer securlL and alrllne personnel conaesLlon securlL sLaff and
alrllne personnel
AL Ceckln
ln Lls case Le screenlna ls also done ln Le presence of passenaers and passenaers are avallable for
pslcal lnspecLlon of Lelr baaaaae Powever seals are unnecessar
A larae ceckln area ls requlred Lo ouse Le screenlna equlpmenL and ceckln Llme ma be lona 1ls
opLlon requlres securlL equlpmenL for eac ceckln desk and a loL of sLaff Lo operaLe Lem
AfLer Ceckln
Jen screenlna ls conducLed afLer ceckln Le old baaaaae proceeds lmmedlaLel onLo Le conveor
belL lL ls Len screened downsLream ln Le baaaaae andllna ssLem (8PS) before lL aoes Lo Le baaaaae
makeup area
1ls opLlon provldes for beLLer passenaer experlence (faclllLaLlon) lL also means LaL more Llme ls
avallable Lo do screenlna uslna cenLrallzed screenlna equlpmenL wlL fewer resources lL provldes
areaLer access Lo useable space and Lere ls no need for seals 1ls opLlon provldes for andllna larae

l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

1e maln dlsadvanLaae ls Le callenae of reunlLlna passenaer and baa lf someLlna susplclous ls found
Also Le Pold Screenlna SsLem as Lo be lnLearaLed lnLo Le 8PS wlc can be cosLl and complex
343 AuLomaLed Pold 8aaaaae Screenlna SsLems
Man alrporLs use auLomaLed baaaaae screenlna ssLems as Le elp speed up Le screenlna of old
baaaaae wlLouL compromlslna of Le screenlna 1ese ssLems wlll normall conslsL of flve levels of
screenlna for suspecL baas lL wlll be lnLearaLed lnLo Le 8PS uslna conveors rlsers and dlverLers More
soplsLlcaLed ssLems also read baa Laas uslna radlo frequenc lu (8llu) 3 levels
Level 1
1ls level uses an auLomaLed LuS/LuuS x8a wlc re[ecLs baas LaL ave dark/dense parLs lnslde an
aLomlc number or based on sape 8aas LaL are noL re[ecLed proceed wlLouL furLer cecks
Level 2
1e baa lmaae Laken aL level 1 ls vlewed b a Lralned x8a operaLor wo ls allowed a sorL perlod of
Llme (peraps 12 seconds) Lo examlne Le lmaae and Lo deLermlne weLer or noL Lere ma be an
lLem ln Le baa requlrlna furLer screenlna lf Le operaLor decldes LaL furLer screenlna ls necessar
Le baa ls dlverLed Lo Le nexL level lf Le operaLor cannoL make a declslon Le baa ls also dlverLed for
furLer screenlna
lf Le operaLor clears Le baa lL ls senL for makeup wlLouL furLer cecks
Level 3
1e baa wlll be examlned b LuS (SmarL x8a C1 Scan vapor Analsls 1race ueLecLlon)
Level 4
1e baa ls reunlLed wlL Le passenaer and a pslcal searc ls conducLed
Level 3
1e baa ls removed Lo a remoLe locaLlon were LCu renders lL safe

l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

60 SecurlL Measures for Carao Mall and CaLerlna
61 SecurlL Measures for Alr Carao
611 Alr Carao SecurlL
1e Lerm Alr Carao" lncludes normal frelaL consolldaLlons LransslpmenLs unaccompanled courler
lLems posLal mall dlplomaLlc mall compan sLores and unaccompanled baaaaae
lndusLr ueflnlLlon
An lLem LransporLed b alr waLever lLs naLure wose rlaL Lo board an alrcrafL ls an alr wablll and
noL a passenaer LlckeL"
Alr Carao CaracLerlsLlcs
1e securlL for alr carao ls a complex maLLer because of
1e ranae of slze and welaL of Le packaaes
1e dlverse naLure of Le conLenLs
lL's ofLen uraenL naLure
1e value of Le conslanmenL
1e use of an alr wablll of equlvalenL documenL
Carao Suppl Caln
Carao passes Lroua man ands as parL of Le suppl caln lor example
Conslanor (orlalnaLor of carao)
lrelaL lorwarder or Carao AaenL
Carao Pandllna AaenL
SpeclallsL SubConLracLors
AlrcrafL CperaLor
and Len back down Le suppl caln Lo flnall Le Conslanee
1e complexlL of Le buslness makes lL a callenae Lo secure carao neverLeless Lo counLer Le LreaL
Lo alr carao speclflc securlL measures ave been developed 1e core prlnclples for carao securlL are
AlrcrafL carrlna alr carao musL operaLe from wlLln a secure envlronmenL
Alr carao musL be sub[ecL Lo some dearee of securlL conLrol before belna placed on board a
passenaercarrlna alrcrafL Maxlmum efforL musL be used for screenlna alr carao conslanmenLs
wose securlL cannoL be readll deLermlned alona Le suppl caln
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

A conslanmenL or alr carao one securlL screened musL be proLecLed from lnLerference
Annex 17 as deflned Lese requlremenLs under Le followlna sLandards
Annex 17 SLandard 461
Lac ConLracLlna SLaLe sall ensure LaL securlL conLrols are applled Lo carao and mall prlor Lo Lelr
belna loaded onLo an alrcrafL enaaaed ln passenaer commerclal alr LransporL operaLlons"
SLandard 462
carao and mall Lo be carrled on a passenaer commerclal alrcrafL are Lo be proLecLed from
unauLorlzed lnLerference from Le polnL aL wlc securlL conLrols are applled unLll deparLure of Le
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 371 lf Le CperaLor LransporLs revenue or nonrevenue carao and/or mall on passenaer fllaLs Le
CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure carao and/or mall slpmenLs for LransporL on passenaer fllaLs
are sub[ecLed Lo securlL conLrols as esLabllsed b Le appllcable sLaLe(s) (CM)
SLC 373 lf Le CperaLor LransporLs revenue or nonrevenue carao and/or mall on passenaer fllaLs Le
CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure carao and/or mall for LransporL on passenaer fllaLs ls proLecLed
from unauLorlzed lnLerference from Le polnL securlL conLrols are applled unLll deparLure of Le
alrcrafL (CM)
AcLlve and revenLaLlve Measures
1e securlL screenlna of alr carao ma conslsL of elLer acLlve or prevenLlve procedures AcLlve
measures deLecL devlces LaL ma ave been placed ln Le carao revenLaLlve securlL aLLempLs Lo
secure Le lnLearlL of carao from lLs lnlLlal packlna Lroua Lo lLs loadlna onboard an alrcrafL
AcLlve procedures lnclude Le use of convenLlonal x8a maclnes exploslve deLecLlon ssLems
exploslve Lrace deLecLlon equlpmenL and searc slmulaLlon cambers and exploslve deLecLlon doas
revenLlve measures are based on Le raLlonale LaL lf Le conslanmenL ls packed securel from Le
sLarL and kepL secure LereafLer Le requlremenL for screenlna ls reduced 1ls meLod ls Le mosL
cosLeffecLlve and lf well execuLed and conLrolled wlll provlde effecLlve securlL
612 8eaulaLed AaenL ConcepL
Annex 17 provldes for Le esLabllsmenL of Le concepL of Le 8eaulaLed AaenL 1ls ls deflned as
An aaenL frelaL forwarder or an oLer enLlL wo conducLs buslness wlL an operaLor and provldes
securlL conLrols LaL are accepLed or requlred b Le approprlaLe auLorlL ln respecL of carao courler
and express parcels and mall"
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

SLandard 463
Lac ConLracLlna SLaLe sall esLablls a process for Le approval of 8eaulaLed AaenLs lf suc aaenLs are
lnvolved ln lmplemenLlna securlL conLrols
SLandard 464
Alr Carrlers sall noL accepL carao for passenaer fllaLs unless from a 8eaulaLed AaenL or unless LaL
carao as been sub[ecLed Lo oLer securlL conLrols
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 374 lf Le CperaLor LransporLs revenue carao and/or mall on passenaer fllaLs and lf Le CperaLor
accepLs carao and/or mall ln locaLlons were reaulaLed aaenL or known slpper/conslanor proaram
exlsLs Le CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure ln suc locaLlons carao and/or mall ls noL accepLed
for LransporL on a passenaer fllaL unless elLer
l) 1e appllcaLlon of securlL conLrols ls conflrmed and accounLed for b Le CperaLor or a
reaulaLed aaenL or
ll) Suc conslanmenLs ave been sub[ecLed Lo approprlaLe securlL conLrols Lroua a known
slpper/conslanor proaram (CM)
SLC 373 lf Le CperaLor LransporLs revenue carao and/or mall on passenaer fllaLs and lf Le CperaLor
accepLs carao and/or mall ln locaLlons were reaulaLed aaenL or known slpper/conslanor proaram
exlsL Le CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure ln suc locaLlons carao and/or mall for LransporL on a
passenaer fllaL ls noL accepLed from a reaulaLed aaenL unless suc reaulaLed aaenL ls approved b Le
relevanL sLaLe
8eaulaLed AaenL (8A)
AlrcrafL operaLors frelaL forwarders posLal auLorlLles and courler companles are made speclflcall
accounLable for Le securlL of all conslanmenLs of alr carao mall and oLer aoods b
ldenLlflna conslanmenLs Le securlL of wlc can be easll deLermlned
Screenlna conslanmenLs Le securlL of wlc cannoL be easll deLermlned
MalnLalnlna Le securlL of conslanmenLs once lL as been esLabllsed unLll lL ls dellvered Lo
anoLer reaulaLed aaenL or an alrcrafL operaLor and
rovldlna Le nexL reaulaLed aaenL or Le alrcrafL operaLor wlL wrlLLen documenLs sLlpulaLlna
Le securlL sLaLus of eac conslanmenL
1e name reaulaLed aaenL" lmplles LaL some form of reaulaLor realme wlll be ln place aovernlna
frelaL forwarders and
1e securlL conLrols puL ln place b Lese aaenLs would be accepLed or requlred b Le
approprlaLe auLorlL"
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

naLlonal auLorlLles need Lo esLablls crlLerla for reaulaLed aaenLs Lo follow
naLlonal auLorlLles need Lo ensure LaL Lese crlLerla are belna conLlnuall applled Lroua
1us reaulaLed aaenLs are responslble for
Carrlna ouL screenlna or searclna of carao or
8elna saLlsfled LaL Le carao as been screened or searced Lo an accepLable level prlor Lo Le
Lenderlna lf Le carao Lo Le carrler for accepLance
roLecL Le conslanmenL from lnLerference wlle lL ls Lelr cusLod
known Conslanor or Slpper (kC)
A known conslanor or slpper ls an orlalnaLor of slpmenLs for LransporLaLlon b alr wo as esLabllsed
buslness wlL a 8eaulaLed AaenL or an CperaLor on Le basls of avlna saLlsfled speclflc requlremenLs for
Le safe LransporLaLlon of carao
A kC ls
A Lool for 8As and alrllnes Lo deLermlne Le securlL of conslanmenL
A reaular slpper wo packed Le carao ln a secure envlronmenL and malnLalned lL ln a secure
sLaLe unLll dellver Lo Le 8A
Able Lo dlspense wlL Le need for screenlna all carao dellvered Lo 8As or alrllnes
LxpecLed Lo ensure ls or er sLaff are aware of securlL requlremenLs
Sub[ecL Lo be audlLed b 8As and/or alrllnes
AlrcrafL CperaLor
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 379 lf Le CperaLor LransporLs revenue or nonrevenue carao on passenaer fllaLs Le CperaLor
sall ave a process Lo ensure known carao slpmenLs presenLed for LransporL on a passenaer fllaL are
l) uellvered b an emploee or nomlnaLed person of Le known slpper/conslanor reaulaLed
aaenL or Le CperaLor
ll) lree from an slans of Lamperlna
lll) resenLlna wlL all requlred documenLs LaL correspond Lo Le carao belna dellvered
lv) roLecLed from unauLorlzed access
v) Sub[ecL Lo addlLlonal securlL conLrols are requlred b rlsk assessmenL (CM)
JlL Lls realme Le alrcrafL operaLor ls requlred Lo ensure LaL carao ls
uellvered b an esLabllsed emploee of a reaulaLed aaenL or known conslanor
Covered b valld documenLaLlon LaL as been cecked for lnconslsLencles
Covered b a valld ConslanmenL SecurlL ueclaraLlon
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

Cecked Lo ensure LaL Lere ls no evldence of Lamperlna
kepL secure slnce lL was accepLed lnLo Le alrcrafL operaLor's carae
Sub[ecLed Lo screenlna or oLer securlL conLrol
1e alrcrafL operaLor ls also Lo ensure
1e ldenLlL of Le reaulaLed aaenL known conslanor or oLer enLlL
1e desLlnaLlon of Le conslanmenL
1aL Le conslanmenL as been screened or searced
1aL Le conslanmenL as been secured and free from lnLerference wlle ln Le cusLod of Le
reaulaLed aaenL known conslanor or oLer enLlL
1e declaraLlon ls slaned b a person ln auLorlL
1e alrcrafL operaLor musL sLlpulaLe LaL a false declaraLlon wlll lead Lo prosecuLlon
under Lls realme conslanmenLs recelved from nonreaulaLed aaenLs musL Lerefore be LreaLed as
unknown carao and be screened or searced prlor Lo belna LransporLed b alr
lf known carao passes ouL of Le cusLod of an alrcrafL operaLor reaulaLed aaenL or Lelr subconLracLed
aaenL lL reverLs Lo belna unknown carao and musL be LreaLed accordlnal and Lerefore musL be sub[ecL
Lo Le normal screenlna procedures
CLer measures
CLer securlL measures LaL wlll ensure Le lnLearlL of Le securlL of alr carao are
8andom cecks
uocumenLed records
1ransporLaLlon (around)
Access conLrol
reemplomenL backaround cecks
1e 8eaulaLed AaenL concepL can be lllusLraLed as follows

l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

62 Mall SecurlL Measures
621 Mall SecurlL rocedures
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 371 lf Le CperaLor LransporLs revenue or nonrevenue carao and/or mall on passenaer fllaLs Le
CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure carao and/or mall slpmenLs for LransporL on passenaer fllaLs
are sub[ecLed Lo securlL conLrols as esLabllsed b Le appllcable sLaLe(s) (CM)
SLC 373 lf Le CperaLor LransporLs revenue or nonrevenue carao and/or mall on passenaer fllaLs Le
CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure carao and/or mall for LransporL on passenaer fllaLs ls proLecLed
from unauLorlzed lnLerference from Le polnL securlL conLrol are applled unLll deparLure of Le
alrcrafL (CM)
Mall ls anoLer caLeaor of aoods LaL aeLs LransporLed vla alrllnes AlLoua mall LreaLs are somewaL
less serlous Lan Lose posed b carao Le can sLlll be used Lo commlL acLs of unlawful lnLerference
aaalnsL Le avlaLlon lndusLr
lCAC requlres LaL sLaLes screen all mall desLlned Lo be carrled on passenaer alrcrafL uue Lo Le
leaallLles reaardlna Le LransporLaLlon of mall and posslble operaLlonal or Lecnoloalcal consLralnLs Le
approprlaLe alrporL auLorlL ls requlred Lo work wlL Le deslanaLed posLal auLorlL Lo secure Le
Mall SecurlL rocedure
1e LreaL posed b mall Lo Le avlaLlon lndusLr ls based on lmprovlsed exploslve devlces ln Le form of
leLLer and parcel bombs 1us Le same measures LaL appl Lo carao are valld for mall SecurlL
equlpmenL wlll be used Lo screen mall before lL ls loaded onboard a passenaer alrcrafL
63 CaLerlna SecurlL Measures
631 rlnclples of SecurlL
CaLerlna supplles and alrcrafL operaLors' sLores and supplles can provlde a means for perpeLraLors of
acLs of unlawful lnLerference Lo lnLroduce weapons exploslve devlces or oLer danaerous subsLances
Annex 17 SLandard 434
Lac ConLracLlna SLaLe sall esLablls measures Lo ensure LaL caLerlna supplles and operaLor's sLores
and supplles lnLended for carrlaae on passenaer fllaLs are sub[ecLed Lo approprlaLe securlL conLrols"
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 381 lf Le CperaLor conducLs passenaer fllaLs Le CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure ln
fllaL caLerlna and/or oLer supplles lnLended for LransporL on a passenaer fllaL are sub[ecLed Lo
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

approprlaLe securlL conLrols as esLabllsed b Le appllcable sLaLe(s) and ls LereafLer proLecLed unLll
loaded onLo Le alrcrafL (CM)
1us Le securlL measures applled Lo caLerlna supplles or sLores are meanL Lo prevenL an arLlcles LaL
could be used Lo carr ouL an acL of unlawful lnLerference from belna brouaL onLo an alrcrafL 1e
prlnclples used Lo secure caLerlna and caLerlna supplles can be summarlzed as follows
SecurlL measures musL be applled ln bulldlnas were caLerlna supplles and sLores are prepared
sLored and dlspaLced Lo ensure LaL no devlce or weapon ls lnLroduced lnLo conslanmenLs
SecurlL measures musL be applled durlna Le LransporLaLlon and dellver of caLerlna supplles
and sLores Lo Le alrcrafL Lo ensure LaL Le conslanmenL remalns secure
SecurlL measures musL be applled b Le alrllne operaLor on recelpL of caLerlna conslanmenLs
Lo ensure Le ave been correcLl asslaned and noL been Lampered wlL
632 SecurlL roaram
CaLerlna operaLlons are usuall owned b elLer alrcrafL operaLors or funcLlon as lndependenL
conLracLed companles JaLever Le case Le caLerlna compan musL ave lLs securlL proaram
approved b Le sLaLe's relevanL alrporL auLorlL 1ls sould be ln llne wlL requlremenLs of Le
naLlonal AvlaLlon SecurlL lan (nAS)
SecurlL ManaaemenL
A sulLabl quallfled and Lralned person sould be formall appolnLed b Le compan as Le SecurlL
Manaaer and alven overall responslblllL Lo ensure LaL all securlL requlremenLs are enforced lf Le
caLerlna compan as a few cenLers ln dlfferenL locaLlons Len eac of Lese locaLlons musL ave an
appolnLed SecurlL Manaaer
reemplomenL backaround cecks
All sLaff emploed ln Le preparaLlon and dellver of caLerlna supplles and sLores sould underao a pre
emplomenL backaround ceck Lo esLablls Lelr ldenLlL and prevlous experlence 1ls lncludes an
crlmlnal lsLor
SecurlL 1ralnlna
SLaff worklna ln Le caLerlna faclllL musL be provlded wlL sufflclenL securlL awareness Lralnlna Lo
enable Lem Lo undersLand and carr ouL Lelr securlL responslblllLles 1ls Lralnlna ls Lo be conducLed
before Le are allowed Lo access an known" supplles or sLores for dlspaLc Lo an alrcrafL
633 SecurlL Measures
CaLerlna supplles and sLores asslaned Lo an alrcrafL operaLor ma be reaarded as known sLores" 1e
recelvlna alrcrafL operaLor musL be provlded wlL all Le necessar securlL measures Lo ensure Le
lnLearlL of Le conslanmenL aL all Llmes lncludlna unLll lL ls loaded onLo Le alrcrafL
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

An supplles and sLores orlalnaLlna from an oLer source musL be reaarded as unknown sLores" and
sould noL be loaded onLo an alrcrafL unLll lL ls properl screened for an weapon devlce or armful
subsLance Cnce sub[ecLed Lo securlL measures Le can be consldered as known sLores"
1e ke conslderaLlons ln caLerlna securlL also lnclude Le followlna
LocaLlon of faclllL
SecurlL proaram
slcal proLecLlon
Access conLrol and pass ssLem
Searclna of sLaff (arrlvlna and deparLlna)
Supplles of raw maLerlals
Survelllance of food preparaLlon areas
use of caLerlna seals
1ransporLaLlon ssLems/rouLes
uoors/locks/ke conLrol
1reaL assessmenLs
ConLlnaenc plans
oLenLlal for smuaallna

MCDULL 7 kL5CN5L 1C 8CM8 1nkLA15
70 8esponse Lo 8omb 1reaLs
71 naLure of 8omb 1reaLs
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 411 1e CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ldenLlf securlL LreaLs dlrecLed aaalnsL Le CperaLor Lo
l) AssessmenL Lo assoclaLed rlsk
ll) uevelopmenL of approprlaLe response measures (CM)
SLC 412 1e CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure Le lmplemenLaLlon of approprlaLe securlL
measures ln response Lo
l) SecurlL LreaLs dlrecLed aaalnsL Le CperaLor
ll) 1reaL levels lssued b appllcable avlaLlon securlL auLorlLles (CM)

l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

711 CaracLerlsLlcs of a 8omb 1reaL
Lxperlence as sown LaL bomb LreaLs ma be dlrecLed aaalnsL
AlrcrafL on Le around or ln Le alr
AlrporL lnsLallaLlons faclllLles and bulldlnas
navlaaLlon alds on alrporL properL or ln Le lmmedlaLe vlclnlL or alrporLs
Alr carao
Carao lnsLallaLlons faclllLles and bulldlnas
Jo make bomb LreaLs?
1e caLeaorles of people known Lo make bomb LreaLs are as follows
8eal bombers Lrlna Lo alve a lealLlmaLe warnlna
oLenLlal exLorLlonlsLs wo wanL a devlce Lo be dlscovered
nulsance callers wo wanL Lo dlsrupL operaLlons
LaLe passenaers Lrlna Lo dela Le fllaL
MenLall dlsLurbed persons
Pow are bomb LreaLs made?
1e mosL common lnclude
ln wrlLlna (b leLLer or elecLronlcall)
ln person
verball (usuall b Lelepone)
SLaLlsLlcal analsls of pasL bomb LreaLs reveals
98 of bomb LreaLs are false
Less Lan 2 of bomb exploslons ave been preceded b a LreaL/warnlna
1e culLure of a counLr affecLs Le Lpe of bombers lL produces
CapablllL of manufacLurlna a bomb
AvallablllL of maLerlals
Lfflclenc of law enforcemenL response
ropenslL Lo lssue bomb LreaLs
Some examples
uk Le vasL ma[orlL of all bombs LaL exploded were preceded b a warnlna (lrls LerrorlsLs
used a code word)
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

SouL Afrlca Cnl one warnlna ln 20 ears
Asla bomblnas ln 8all Manlla !akarLa and 1urke no warnlnas
lraq no warnlnas
rocedures ln case of bomb LreaL
ln Le evenL LaL wrlLLen LreaLs are recelved vla mall courler or anded ln person sLaff musL be Lralned
Lo preserve Le evldence mlnlmlze andllna of Le noLe and pass Le lnformaLlon on Lo securlL for
lf Le LreaL ls recelved vla Lelepone sLaff musL be Lralned Lo do Le followlna
SLa calm
ALLracL Le aLLenLlon of a coworker as quleLl as posslble
8ecord deLalls of Le conversaLlon (use ceck llsL)
use a Lape recorder or wrlLe down Le exacL words used b Le person maklna Le LreaL
keep Le caller on Le llne as lona as posslble
Ask quesLlons
keep Le llne open uC nC1 PAnC u
SLa aL our posL
noLlf securlL
ln order Lo aaLer more lnformaLlon keep Le caller on Le llne and faclllLaLe Lraclna of Le call sLaff
sould ask Le caller Le followlna quesLlons
JPLn wlll Le bomb explode?
JPL8L ls lL?
JPA1 does lL look llke?
PCJ does Le bomb work? JaL wlll seL lL off?
JP? are ou dolna Lls?
JPC are ou?
1o asslsL Le recelver of a bomb LreaL Le oraanlzaLlon musL provlde sLaff wlL a slmple bomb LreaL
form LaL ls easll accesslble aL an Llme
72 8omb 1reaL Analsls
721 LvaluaLlon of 8omb 1reaLs
8omb LreaLs are classlfled lnLo Lree Lpes
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

Analsls or LvaluaLlon
Analsls of a bomb LreaL ls conducLed on avallable lnformaLlon b a Leam of Lralned personnel ln order
Mlnlmlze dlsrupLlon Lo buslness
Lnsure Le safeL of persons and properL
ueLermlne Le proper course of acLlon
LvaluaLlon ls a sub[ecLlve process 1ere are no absoluLes 1e ob[ecLlve ls Lo [udae Le credlblllL of Le
LreaL and Le llkellood LaL lL ls aenulne or noL 1ls [udaemenL ls made b Le Crlsls ManaaemenL
1eam (CM1) and uses analsls known as oslLlve 1araeL ldenLlflcaLlon (1l)
lndlcaLors of Cenulne 1reaLs
1ere are some lndlcaLors LaL analsLs rel on 1e lnclude
Lvldence of prlor placlna of devlces
A code word alven b Le caller
8eadlna from a prepared sLaLemenL
uellvered Lo a Llrd parL le newspaper
reclse knowledae of Le mecanlsm of Le bomb le composlLlon or exacL locaLlon
lnslsLlna on need Lo evacuaLe
1lme Lo deLonaLlon of 3090 mlnuLes
lndlcaLors of nonSpeclflc 1reaLs
Slmllarl Lere are lndlcaLors of a nonspeclflc LreaL 1e are
Some knowledae of compan premlses
uescrlblna mecanlsm or composlLlon of bomb
Some knowledae of persons worklna ln bulldlna
no Llme Lo deLonaLlon sLaLed
lndlcaLors of a Poax
Poaxes usuall ave Lese caracLerlsLlcs
erson as no knowledae of Le premlses or persons worklna Lere
erson as an lrraLlonal reason for placlna Le devlce
erson as a [uvenlle volce lauaLer ln backaround
Cver 90 mlnuLes Lo deLonaLlon (Llme Lo flnd Le bomb and render lL safe)

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October 2011

LvaluaLlon SLeps
1e sLeps Laken Lo evaluaLe a LreaL are as follows
8evlew Le bomb LreaL ceckllsL/recordlna
lnLervlew Le person wo recelved Le call
Conslder Le currenL LreaL assessmenL
use poslLlve LaraeL ldenLlflcaLlon (1l)
Make declslon and classlf LreaL
1ake acLlon
oslLlve 1araeL ldenLlflcaLlon
1l recoanlzes LaL Le vasL ma[orlL of LreaLs are oaxes unless Le caller dlsplas speclflc knowledae
of Le LaraeL or devlce 1erefore assessors wlll conslder facLors suc as
Pas a LaraeL been ldenLlfled (alrporL alrllne fllaL number locaLlon of alrcrafL eLc)?
ls Lere an backaround credlblllL (recenL lsLor of LreaLs and/or lncldenLs la proflle
passenaer Lravelllna laLe passenaers eLc)?

73 AcLlons Lo 8esolve a 8omb 1reaL
731 8esolvlna a 8omb 1reaL
1ere are several opLlons wen a bomb LreaL ls recelved
1reaL Le LreaL as a oax and do noLlna
Classlf Le LreaL as aenulne or nonspeclflc
AlerL sLaff
Searc for a devlce
LvacuaLe full evacuaLlon or parLlal evacuaLlon
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October 2011

Cnce a LreaL as been evaluaLed and a declslon made Lo evacuaLe Len Le CM1 wlll
lnsLrucL Le sLaff Lo sLarL evacuaLlon of passenaers and oLers
noLlf pollce and emeraenc servlces
noLlf LenanLs
LvacuaLe Lo a deslanaLed assembl polnL
SeL up Crlsls ManaaemenL CenLer (CMC)
repare lnlLlal press conference and press release
SecurlL SLaff
SecurlL personnel ave an lmporLanL role Lo pla durlna an evacuaLlon 1ls lncludes
lnspecL and secure escape rouLes
LsLablls assembl polnLs
CoordlnaLe recepLlon of sLaff aL assembl polnLs
Lnsure eac floor ls full evacuaLed and secure
LvacuaLe afLer everone as been cleared
lloor/Area Jardens
All oraanlzaLlons musL ave sLaff Lralned Lo be floor wardens ln Le evenL of evacuaLlons 1ese wardens
are requlred Lo
1ake up a poslLlon aL Le access polnL Lo an escape rouLe
MonlLor Le evacuaLlon and ensure lL ls orderl
Ceck Lelr area Lo ensure everone as evacuaLed
8eporL Lo a deslanaLed assembl polnL
Lmploees are Lo follow Le lnsLrucLlons of Le floor wardens and
LvacuaLe ln a calm and orderl manner
1ake personal arLlcles wlL Lem
use predeslanaLed prlmar escape rouLes
uC nC1 uSL LLLvA1C8S
Co Lo predeslanaLed assembl polnLs and noL leave unLll Lold Lo do so
uC nC1 8LLn1L8 8LMlSLS un1lL 1PL ALLCLLA8 lS ClvLn

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October 2011

Medlcal/llrsL Ald SLaff
Medlcal sLaff and flrsL alders are Lo asslsL lloor Jardens and sLand b for medlcal emeraencles 1e are
requlred Lo esLablls Medlcal osLs aL Le assembl polnLs and llalse wlL Lmeraenc Servlces
Cnce Le bomb LreaL as been resolved lL ls necessar Lo resume normal operaLlons 1ls wlll lnvolve
SLand down alerL Lake no acLlon
8esume operaLlons afLer allclear and reenLer bulldlna
CollecL an evldence for posslble lnvesLlaaLlon
Secure all emeraenc exlLs used durlna evacuaLlon
Lnsure all used emeraenc equlpmenL ls replaced or recaraed as necessar
ConducL debrlef of lncldenL
Amend procedures followlna debrlef as necessar
1ralnlna of sLaff
ln order Lo ensure LaL suc lncldenLs are manaaed efflclenLl and effecLlvel lL ls lmporLanL Lo Lraln Le
followlna personnel Lroua exerclses and drllls
lloor wardens and alLernaLed
Searc Leam personnel
SecurlL personnel
All emploees

80 SecurlL Awareness ln Le AlrporL LnvlronmenL
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 211 1e SecurlL roaram of Le CperaLor sall speclf a securlL Lralnlna proaram LaL lncludes
lnlLlal and recurrenL Lralnlna wlc sall be ln accordance wlL requlremenLs of Le clvll avlaLlon
securlL proaram of Le SLaLe and appllcable requlremenLs of oLer sLaLes were operaLlons are
conducLed 1e securlL Lralnlna proaram sall ave a balanced currlculum of LeoreLlcal and pracLlcal
Lralnlna Lo ensure
l) ersonnel emploed b or under Le conLrol of Le CperaLor wo lmplemenL securlL
conLrols ave Le compeLence Lo perform Lelr duLles
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

ll) Crew members and fronLllne around andllna personnel are able Lo acL ln Le mosL
approprlaLe manner Lo mlnlmlze Le consequences of acLs of unlawful lnLerference and/or
dlsrupLlve passenaer beavlor
CperaLlonal personnel compleLe securlL awareness Lralnlna LaL focuses on prevenLlve measures and
Lecnlques ln relaLlon Lo passenaers baaaaae carao mall equlpmenL sLores and supplles lnLended for
LransporL on alrcrafL as appllcable and permlLs suc personnel Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Le prevenLlon of acLs
of saboLaae and oLer forms of unlawful lnLerference (CM)
81 JaL needs Lo be proLecLed?
811 LlemenLs ln an AlrporL 8equlrlna roLecLlon
An alrporL ls a ver bus and complex faclllL LaL as man bulldlnas people and acLlvlLles LaL ao on
conLlnuousl 1ese faclllLles lnclude
assenaer Lermlnal bulldlnas
AlrcrafL parklna bas
Carao Lermlnals
AlrcrafL fuel farms
AlrcrafL anaars and malnLenance bas
ConLrol Lower
Alrllne offlces
All of Lese areas and oLers need Lo be assessed ln Lerms of rlsk and counLermeasures puL ln place Lo
address areas of vulnerablllL
ln aeneral Le elemenLs of an alrporL can be classlfled as
eople and Lelr properL
lnLellecLual properL
1ese elemenLs are sub[ecL Lo a varleL of rlsks and LreaLs 1e lnclude
AcLs of Lerrorlsm
8omb LreaLs
llre caused b arson
osLal devlces (ea LeLLer 8ombs)
naLural dlsasLers

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October 2011

1ese rlsks and LreaLs can be elLer manmade" or nonpeople relaLed"
1ese rlsks can come from
nonpeople relaLed
82 8eavloral lssues Leadlna Lo Crlme
no oraanlzaLlon ls spared Le lssues relaLed Lo Le crlmlnal beavlor of personnel 1ls can resulL ln
ulsonesL leadlna Lo mlsapproprlaLlons LefL eLc
SubsLance abuse leadlna Lo LefL eLc
ConfllcLs of lnLeresL leadlna Lo brlber eLc
LmoLlonal problems leadlna Lo bomb LreaLs eLc
AnLlsoclal beavlor leadlna Lo confllcLs
Cambllna ablLs leadlna Lo LefL
Soclal unresL leadlna Lo rloLlna
ollLlcal unresL leadlna Lo Lerrorlsm (saboLaae exLorLlon kldnapplna eLc)
LmoLlonal lmmaLurlL leadlna Lo mallclous desLrucLlon or vandallsm
lnLernaLlonal or corporaLe esplonaae leadlna Lo aLLacks on lnLellecLual properL and compuLer
A recenL surve conducLed b Le uS Camber of Commerce esLlmaLed LaL wlLe collar crlme cosLs Le
Amerlcan econom approxlmaLel uS$40 bllllon ever ear

l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

Common 1reaLs
1e mosL common LreaLs LaL alrporLs experlence are
8omb LreaLs
1efL ls Lplcall Le mosL common problem LaL oraanlzaLlons face lL can ranae from peLL LefL Lo
sndlcaLe crlme lL noL onl affecLs sLaff morale lL also lmpacLs on Le lmaae and flnanclal vlablllL of Le
oraanlzaLlon lurLermore lf LefL ls noL conLrolled lL can acL as a precursor Lo acLs of Lerrorlsm
1errorlsL oraanlzaLlons ave learned muc from well esLabllsed crlmlnal sndlcaLes and ave applled
Le Lecnlques used b Lese crlmlnals Lo clrcumvenL securlL measures
J uo eople CommlL 1efL?
Some of Le man reasons lnclude
Pla level of LempLaLlon
lnLlmldaLlon and LreaL b oLer parLles (le exLorLlon brlber)
Low probablllL of belna deLecLed or arresLed
ueslre Lo lmprove sLandard of llvlna or soclal sLaLus
Callenae Lo sLeal (le dare)
Maklna a llvlna (le professlonal Lleves)
lundlna drua addlcLlon
1ls llsL demonsLraLes LaL Lere are man moLlvaLlons drlvlna people Lo commlL crlmes ln an earller
module we learned LaL preemplomenL cecks musL be done for all sLaff worklna ln an alrporL
Powever beavloral lssues ma seL ln afLer an emploee as been ln Le oraanlzaLlon for some Llme
Pow do people sLeal?
Pere are some of Le meLods people ave used Lo sLeal ln Le pasL
Conceal sLolen ob[ecL ln Lelr bod cloLlna or baas
Conceal sLolen ob[ecL ln a compan velcle
Conceal sLolen ob[ecL ln false celllna or LolleL
Jear sLolen arLlcle and walk ouL
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

CollaboraLe wlL suppllers
1row sLolen lLems ln Le Lras and collecL laLer
lalslflna documenLs and flaures Lo cover LefL
1rowlna lLems over fences Lo plck up laLer
8ecoanlzlna Lmploees rone Lo 1efL
lnvesLlaaLors ave classlfled beavlors of people wo are prone Lo LefL lnLo Le followlna caLeaorles
Scarp collecLor reuses or resells scrap maLerlals
Poarder consLanLl oards odds and ends for laLer use
Mlddleman or Cood SamarlLan alwas Lrlna Lo sell someLlna for a frlend" Jlll swap one
sLolen lLem for anoLer
ulsarunLled emploee complalns of belna underpald and unappreclaLed so sLeals from
compan wo owes" lm
Lmploee ln debL bus on credlL and sLeals Lo seLLle debLs
8lackmall vlcLlm belna used Lo sLeal
LaoLlsL en[os beaLlna Le ssLem"
racLlcal [oker sLeals Lo creaLe exclLemenL
Pomeowner looks for Llnas Lo use ln Le ouse
83 Manaalna 1reaLs
831 PollsLlc Approac Lo Crlme revenLlon
1oLal SecurlL ConcepL
ln order Lo manaae and reduce Le poLenLlal for crlme ln an oraanlzaLlon a ollsLlc approac sould be
lmplemenLed 1ls approac lnvolves
Pardware pslcal securlL measures suc as access conLrol
SofLware lnformaLlon securlL measures suc as procedures
Lmploees personnel securlL
832 Lmploees 1e unLapped SecurlL 8esource
Lmploees are Le 1
Llne of uefense ln an oraanlzaLlon 1e are Le slnale mosL effecLlve monlLorlna
and conLrol ssLem avallable aaalnsL crlme As suc Le musL be provlded wlL SecurlL Awareness
LducaLlon so LaL Le ma conLrlbuLe Lowards a safe and secure alrporL envlronmenL for everone
8oL emploees and supervlsors musL be convlnced of Le need for securlL 1ls ma be acleved
Lroua conLlnulna educaLlon on Lelr role ln avlaLlon securlL All new emploees musL be educaLed on
Le sLandards and procedures LaL ave been esLabllsed for andllna securlL lssues reemplomenL
screenlna musL also be conducLed
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October 2011

1wowa communlcaLlons wlLln Le oraanlzaLlon ls ke Lo Le success of an proaram lnvolvlna
emploees ln alrporL securlL leedback on securlL procedures and pollcles musL be encouraaed and
followup on lssues musL be done 1ls wlll lncrease parLlclpaLlon b emploees as Le ave a sa ln
ow alrporL securlL ls conducLed
lL ls lmporLanL reaularl updaLe all emploees on Le laLesL securlLrelaLed news so LaL Le are
lnformed of rlsks and LreaLs 1ls can be done Lroua compan communlcaLlon cannels
ubllcaLlon of a proLecLlon manual
ArLlcles ln Le compan newsleLLer
8ulleLlns and posLers
ulscusslons wlL sLaff or oLer meeLlnas Lo dlscuss securlL lssues
8elaLlonslp beLween ManaaemenL and Lmploees
ManaaemenL needs Lo
Jork closel wlL subordlnaLes
Sare and excanae lnformaLlon
Jork closel wlL enforcemenL aaencles
ConducL meeLlnas and soclal acLlvlLles Lo enance rapporL and bulld LrusL
1ake necessar sLeps Lo educaLe emploees Lo
4 8e vlallanL aL all Llmes
4 8eporL an unusual acLlvlLles
4 8eporL an susplclous person/s
4 Ceck Lo ensure everLlna ls secure before leavlna
4 Seek asslsLance from a supervlsor lf ln doubL
slcal SecurlL
1e alrporL lLself musL be proLecLed Lroua Le lmplemenLaLlon of pslcal securlL measures suc as
slcal and elecLronlc measures
ersonnel people Lo lmplemenL and admlnlsLer Le ssLem
8arrlers access conLrol devlces and sLrucLures
LqulpmenL lsLorlcal and lncldenL records as well as LransacLlon loas
Access musL be conLrolled wlL securlL measures suc as
lnsLall CC1v Lo monlLor bulldlna enLrances
lssue all emploees wlL securlL badaes
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October 2011

LscorL all vlslLors cusLomers relaLlves or frlends
Pave speclflc oldlna/walLlna areas for velcles and personnel
CLer Measures
ManaaemenL needs Lo also look aL oLer measures Lo brlna across Le SecurlL ls Lverone's 8uslness"
messaae and Lo dlscouraae emploees from aeLLlna lnvolved ln crlmlnal acLlvlLles
1ere sould be measures Lo deLer emploees from aeLLlna lnvolvlna ln crlme Some of Lese can be
ulsclpllnar acLlon Lo deal wlL fallure Lo follow lnsLrucLlons or dlrecLlves
Lnsurlna proper reporLlna procedures are ln place
8educlna opporLunlLles for emploees Lo commlL crlme
Lncouraalna Le esLabllsmenL of a zero Lolerance" approac
rovldlna adequaLe recoanlLlon and rewards for ouLsLandlna work

90 lnlllaL SecurlL Measures
91 lnfllaL 1reaLs
lCAC Annex 17 SLandard 134 covers Lls lssue as follows
An CperaLor sall esLablls and malnLaln an approved securlL Lralnlna proaram LaL ensures crew
members acL ln Le mosL approprlaLe manner Lo mlnlmlze Le consequences of acLs of unlawful
1e lA1A SecurlL Manual sas
SLC 411 1e CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ldenLlf securlL LreaLs dlrecLed aaalnsL Le CperaLor Lo
l) AssessmenL of assoclaLed rlsks
ll) uevelopmenL of approprlaLe response measures (CM)
SLC 412 1e CperaLor sall ave a process Lo ensure Le lmplemenLaLlon of approprlaLe securlL
measures ln response Lo
l) SecurlL LreaLs dlrecLed aaalnsL Le CperaLor
ll) 1reaL levels lssued b appllcable avlaLlon securlL auLorlLles (CM)
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

911 rocedure for unrul assenaers
1e LreaL of unrul passenaers ls on Le rlse mosL ofLen because passenaers are lncreaslnal under Le
lnfluence of alcool Cabln crew are Lralned Lo andle suc slLuaLlons owever Lralnlna ls noL Le onl
soluLlon Je wlll look aL some of Le oLer was Lo elp suc lncldenLs from becomlna unconLrollable
knowlna Le 1reaL
lL ls lmporLanL for Le crew Lo be famlllar wlL Le baslc LreaL levels so Le can lnLervene before Le
LreaL escalaLes lor Lls purpose Le are Lralned Lo observe Le beavlor of passenaers especlall
Lose wo are drlnklna excesslvel
1ere ls also a need Lo develop a close relaLlonslp beLween Le securlL deparLmenLs fllaL operaLlons
and lndlvldual fllaL and cabln crew members All aaencles musL work coeslvel Lroua LrusL and
1e alrllne's securlL deparLmenL musL endeavor Lo ave access Lo aood lnLelllaence Lo provlde Le
relevanL lnformaLlon Lo Le rlaL people ln a Llmel manner 1ls wlll elp lnfllaL crews make more
lnformed recommendaLlons and elp manaaemenL make beLLer declslons Jen passenaers are unrul
Lere can be rapld proaresslon Lo a laer level of LreaL
ClasslflcaLlon of 1reaLs unrul assenaers
1ere ls a fourLlered lerarc of LreaL levels used Lo descrlbe an lnfllaL lncldenL lnvolvlna an unrul
passenaer 1ls lerarc ls undersLood b boL Le lnfllaL crew and around personnel and faclllLaLes
coordlnaLlon beLween Le parLles concerned
ClasslflcaLlon of 1reaLs 1e lour Levels
1e four levels of classlflcaLlon are lnLended Lo descrlbe Le naLure of Le LreaL as well as an
escalaLlon lL also ouLllnes Le acLlons Lo Lake aL eac level 1e four levels are
Level 1 dlsrupLlve beavlor (verball LreaLenlna)
Level 2 pslcall abuslve beavlor
Level 3 llfeLreaLenlna beavlor
Level 4 aLLempLed breac or acLual breac of Le fllaL crew comparLmenL
1e acLlons requlred of cabln crew and fllaL crew aL eac of Le four LreaL levels are as follows
Level 1 ulsrupLlve beavlor (verball LreaLenlna)
Clef urser and Cabln Crew
CommunlcaLe wlL fllaL crew and oLer cabln crew
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October 2011

8e aLLenLlve Lo oLer acLlvlL wlLln Le passenaer populaLlon ln Le evenL LaL Le dlsrupLlve
beavlor ls a dlverslon Lo cover a l[acklna
lnlLlaLe lockdown of fllaL crew comparLmenL (ea placlna a servlce carL ln fronL of Le cabln
door Lo prevenL forced enLr)
Suspend Lrafflc ln clear zone" (Le area lmmedlaLel ln fronL of Le cabln crew comparLmenL
AlerL ablebodled passenaers of Able 8odled assenaers" (A8)
ALLempL Lo defuse Le slLuaLlon verball
lloLlnCommand (lC)
lC Lo conslder an announcemenL b Le fllaL crew comparLmenL
lssue unrul assenaer noLlflcaLlon Card Lo Le passenaer concerned lf approprlaLe
8e aware of poLenLlal lnLercepLlon b frlendl mlllLar alrcrafL
uocumenL all evenLs ln compan reporLs
Level 2 slcall abuslve beavlor
Clef urser and Cabln Crew
use separaLlon Lecnlques b separaLlna Le unrul passenaer from Le resL of Le passenaers
CommunlcaLe wlL Le fllaL crew and oLer cabln crew
lnlLlaLe lockdown of fllaL crew comparLmenL b placlna a servlce carL ln fronL of Le cabln door
and calllna for A8's Lo asslsL
8e aLLenLlve Lo oLer acLlvlL wlLln Le passenaer populaLlon ln Le evenL Le pslcall abuslve
beavlor ls a dlverslon Lo cover a l[acklna
Suspend Lrafflc ln clear zone" and block wlL A8s
lloLlnCommand (lC)
lC sould advlse Alr 1rafflc ConLrol and Le alrllne Lo requesL LaL Le approprlaLe law
enforcemenL aaenc meeL Le alrcrafL upon landlna
lC sould conslder dlverslon Lo Le nearesL avallable alrporL
SollclL elp from cabln crew and passenaers
8e aware of poLenLlal lnLercepLlon b frlendl mlllLar alrcrafL
Level 3 Llfe LreaLenlna beavlor
Clef urser and Cabln Crew
CommunlcaLe wlL fllaL crew and oLer cabln crew
Suspend Lrafflc ln clear zone" and aeLLlna passenaers Lo Lake Lelr seaLs and blocklna Le cabln
door wlL A8s and servlce carLs
SollclL all avallable elp from cabln crew and passenaers
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

rovlde lnformaLlon reaardlna perpeLraLors Lo lC
use force Lo subdue assallanL(s)
use resLralnLs and oLer onboard resources suc as belLs of passenaers and pslcal resLralnLs
b A8s
lf necessar lmplemenL leasLrlsk bomb or Cemlcal/8loloalcal Jeapons (C8J) procedures
lloLlnCommand (lC)
lC wlll declare an emeraenc and acLlvaLe landlna plan
lC wlll Squawk approprlaLe Lransponder code
repare for posslble descenL
lC wlll monlLor radlo on 1213 MPz and prepare for lnLercepLlon b mlllLar alrcrafL
AfLer landlna lf posslble lC wlll pull flre swlLces and dlsconnecL aeneraLors
lf approprlaLe escape from Le alrcrafL
Level 4 ALLempLed breac or acLual breac of fllaL crew comparLmenL
Clef urser and Cabln Crew
MalnLaln alrcrafL command and conLrol aL all cosLs
CommunlcaLe wlL fllaL crew and oLer cabln crew
SollclL elp from cabln crew and passenaers vla Le publlc address ssLem
uefend fllaL crew comparLmenL uslna waLever force ls necessar Lo ellmlnaLe Le LreaL
use commands and all avallable resources and necessar force Lo subdue assallanL(s) and
ellmlnaLe Le LreaL
use resLralnLs and oLer onboard resources
lloLlnCommand (lC)
lC wlll declare an emeraenc and acLlvaLe landlna plan for Le nearesL sulLable alrporL
Squawk approprlaLe Lransponder code
MonlLor radlo on 1213 MPz and prepare for lnLercepLlon b mlllLar alrcrafL
As soon as operaLlonall feaslble lnlLlaLe posslble rapld descenL
AfLer landlna lf posslble pull flre swlLced and dlsconnecL aeneraLors
lf approprlaLe escape from Le alrcrafL
1e ulLlmaLe aoal for all crew durlna an lncldenL of unlawful lnLerference ls Le survlval of all on board
ver sLrona empasls needs Lo be placed on cabln crew Lralnlna and Le lockdown of Le fllaL crew
comparLmenL ls
1o ensure Le conLlnued lnLearlL of Le llaL
1o malnLaln conLlnulL of conLrol
lor Le proLecLlon of Lose on board and on Le around
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

912 rocedure for Pandllna a Pl[acklna
Several LerrorlsL aLLacks over Le pasL few ears ave demonsLraLed a muc dlfferenL and more slnlsLer
sLraLea Lo klll as man people of posslble 1ls canae ls crlLlcall relevanL Lo Le wa clvll avlaLlon
responds Lo LerrorlsL acLs aboard alrcrafL lllaL and cabln crews confronLed wlL aLLempLed l[acklnas
can no lonaer anLlclpaLe LaL Lelr alrcrafL wlll be selzed and eld unLll pollLlcal or oLer demands are
meL 1e musL assume from Le ouLseL LaL Le aoal of Le l[ackers ls Lo use Le alrcrafL as a weapon
Lo klll as man people on Le around as posslble ln essence an aLLempL Lo selze an alrcrafL Loda musL
be vlewed as an lmmlnenL deadl LreaL Lo Le alrcrafL lLs crew and passenaers and people on Le
around Crews musL be prepared Lo use an means avallable up Lo and lncludlna deadl force Lo
prevenL Le l[ackers from aalnlna conLrol of Le alrcrafL
Jlle Lerrorlsm marks l[acklnas ln recenL lsLor lL musL be remembered LaL noL all l[ackers are
LerrorlsLs Powever ln order Lo successfull combaL LerrorlsLs lL ls crlLlcall lmporLanL Lo ldenLlf and
undersLand Le perpeLraLors uo noL underesLlmaLe Le perpeLraLors buL know Lelr capablllLles
lL ls lmporLanL for crew Lo undersLand and dlfferenLlaLe beLween an onaolna aLLempLed l[acklna and a
l[acklna 1e dlfferenLlaLlon ls as follows
An onaolna aLLempLed l[acklna" means LaL Le fllaL crew ls sLlll ln conLrol of Le conLrol
A l[acklna" means LaL Le l[ackers are ln conLrol of Le alrcrafL
lL ls essenLlal LaL fllaL crew clarlf Lls dlsLlncLlon wlL alr Lrafflc conLrol due Lo Le poLenLlal
dlfference ln response and rlsk varlables Lo all on board Le alrcrafL A crlLlcal dlsLlncLlon ls also Lo be
made ln ldenLlflna an aLLempLed l[acklna" versus a suspecLed l[acklna" versus a l[acklna"
An alrcrafL LaL as clearl dlverLed from lLs planned fllaL rouLe ls proceedlna Loward a ma[or
populaLlon cenLre and ls noL ln communlcaLlon wlL around auLorlLles can well be consldered a
l[acklna wlL lnLenL Lo use Le alrcrafL as a weapon of mass desLrucLlon Suc alrcrafL ma be Le LaraeL
of a mlllLar alrcrafL Lo lnLercepL and sooL down Le commerclal alrcrafL
revenLlna Le cockplL from belna breaced b l[ackers ls a crlLlcal alm of Le cabln crew
Clearl a l[acklna ln wlc cemlcal or bloloalcal aaenLs are belna LreaLened ls Level 3 or Level 4
1ralnlna ln Le recoanlLlon of Le caracLerlsLlcs of suc aaenLs ls ver lmporLanL ln deLermlnlna Le
valldlL of Le LreaL 1ls wlll reduce sLerla from developlna on board Le alrcrafL as a resulL of a
913 rocedure for Pandllna a 8omb 1reaL
MosL bomb LreaLs communlcaLed Lo Le crew durlna fllaL wlll ave been flrsL assessed b Le alrllne
securlL deparLmenL and sould Lerefore be consldered a serlous evenL ln some cases Le lnformaLlon
l414 4vl41lON 5cukl1Y 4w4kN55
October 2011

can come dlrecLl from alr Lrafflc conLrol wlLouL belna analzed b securlL experLs ln suc cases Le
onl opLlon avallable Lo Le fllaL crew unless Le are Lralned and ave sufflclenL lnformaLlon Lo
develop Lelr own assessmenL ls Lo conslder Le evenL as serlous even Loua lL ma onl be a oax
8omb 1reaLs AcLlon b Crew
ln Le evenL of a bomb LreaL ln fllaL responslblllL for Le declslons Laken resLs wlL Le lC wo
LvaluaLe Le LreaL
8espond/declde on a course of acLlon lncludlna weLer Le reacLlon wlll be overL or coverL
ConducL a searc ln fllaL
LvaluaLe Le posslble effecLs of pressurlzaLlon or pressure equallzaLlon
LsLablls Le order of searc (ea publlc areas flrsL)
Arranae searc asslanmenLs for fllaL crew
Cnce Lese are done Len Le nexL sLeps wlll be Lo
Announce Le LreaL Lo Le passenaers
Arranae for posslble passenaer parLlclpaLlon ln Le searc
LsLablls emeraenc procedures once Le suspecL exploslve devlce ls locaLed
ueLermlne fllaL rouLlna landlna and deplanlna procedures
1e searc of an alrcrafL sould be conducLed ssLemaLlcall b sLaff famlllar wlL LaL parLlcular
alrcrafL 1e searcers sould be provlded wlL a ceckllsL and asslaned Lo speclflc areas of Le alrcrafL
ALLenLlon Lo be alven Lo Lose areas Lo wlc passenaers ave ad access suc as maln cablns aalle
areas and LolleLs buL sould also lnclude Le fllaL crew comparLmenL
lf an susplclous lLems are found do noL Louc Lem CeL a aood descrlpLlon and conLacL Le alrllne's
cenLral fllaL dlspaLc wo can rela lnformaLlon Lo avlaLlon exploslves securlL speclallsLs ln Le evenL
LaL Le susplclous lLem ls ldenLlfled as an lmprovlsed Lxploslve uevlce (lLu) and a declslon ls made LaL
lL ls safe Lo move lL Lo Le Lead8lsk 8omb LocaLlon (L88L) b Le Clef urser ln consulLaLlon wlL Le
lC Len Le L88L ls prepared ln accordance wlL Le ceckllsL conLalned ln Le fllaL operaLlons manual
or lmplemenL Le procedure for Le cemlcal/bloloalcal weapons as approprlaLe
Slnce Le evenLs of 9/11 fllaL crew and cabln crew are now vlewed as one slnale alrcrafL crew 1ls ls ln
relaLlon Lo AmendmenL 27 Lo Annex 6 wlc requlres Le fllaL crew comparLmenL door Lo be locked
wen Le exLernal doors of Le alrcrafL are closed 1erefore onl Lroua aood communlcaLlon and
lnLeracLlon beLween Le fllaL and cabln crew can a sLrona and poslLlve lnfluence on fllaL safeL be

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