Vocab A-B
Vocab A-B
Vocab A-B
AbsoluLe Monarchy A klng or queen who has unllmlLed power and seeks Lo conLrol all aspecLs of
AbsoluLlsm 1he prlnclple or pracLlce of a pollLlcal sysLem ln whlch unresLrlcLed power ls vesLed ln a
monarch or dlcLaLor
Acld raln 8aln LhaL has a hlgh concenLraLlon of polluLanLs
Afrlcan naLl Congress
Age of exploraLlon A Llme perlod when Lhe Luropeans began Lo explore new found lands and flnd new
rouLes Lo lndla and chlna
Agrarlan economy An Agrarlan Lconomy ls an economy whlch relles on farmlng
Agrarlan 8evoluLlon 1he Agrarlan 8evoluLlon was sparked of by Lhe developmenL of agrlculLure ln Lhe
neollLhlc Age lL was when people flrsL began Lo own land and have an economy
Alllance 1o have peace wlLh anoLher naLlon
Anlmlsm 1he bellef LhaL splrlLs are presenL ln anlmals planLs and oLher naLural ob[ecLs
AnLhropologlsL Someone who examlnes or sLudles dlfferenL culLures
AnLlSemlLlsm re[udlce agalnsL !ews or a cerLaln race
AparLheld A souLh Afrlcan pollcy of compleLe legal separaLlon of races lncludlng Lhe bannlng of all
soclal conLacL beLween blacks and whlLes
AppeasemenL Lhe maklng of concesslons oL an agressor ln order Lo avold war
Arable land Land sulLable for growlng crops
Arab league an lnLernaLlonal organlzaLlon of lndependenL Arab sLaLes formed ln 1943 Lo promoLe
culLural and economlc and mlllLary and pollLlcal and soclal cooperaLlon
Archaeology 1he sLudy of human hlsLory and prehlsLory Lhrough Lhe excavaLlon of slLes and Lhe
analysls of arLlfacL
Archlpelago A group of lslands
ArmlsLlce An agreemenL Lo sLop flghLlng
AsLrolabe An lnsLrumenL formerly used Lo make asLronomlcal measuremenLs Lyplcally of Lhe alLlLudes
of celesLlal bodles and ln navlgaLlon for calculaLlng laLlLude
AuLhorlLarlanlsm A form of governmenL ln whlch Lhe governlng body has absoluLe or almosL absoluLe
conLrol 1yplcally Lhls conLrol ls malnLalned by force and llLLle heed ls pald Lo publlc oplnlon
AuLonomy A selfgovernlng counLry or reglon
8alance of power A pollLlcal slLuaLlon ln whlch no naLlon ls powerful enough Lo pose a LhreaL Lo each
8alance of Lrade
8erlln blockade was one of Lhe flrsL ma[or lnLernaLlonal crlses of Lhe Cold War and Lhe flrsL such crlsls
LhaL resulLed ln casualLles
8lack deaLh 1he greaL epldemlc of bubonlc plague LhaL kllled a large parL of Lhe populaLlon of Lurope ln
Lhe mld 14Lh cenLury
8olshevlks a group of revoluLlonary 8usslan MarxlsLs who Look conLrol of 8usslas governmenL ln
november 1917
8ourgeolsle 1hey had no rlghLs ln Lhe Lhlrd esLaLe durlng Lhe lrench revoluLlon
8uddhlsm A wldespread Aslan rellglon or phllosophy founded by SlddarLha CauLama ln norLheasLern
lndla ln Lhe 3Lh cenLury bc
Abdul Cuorlshy
8ushldo 1he sLrlcL code of behavlor followed by Lhe warrlors ln [apan
uecolonlzaLlon Lo allow (a colony) Lo become selfgovernlng or lndependenL
ueforesLaLlon Lo dlvesL or clear of foresLs or Lrees
uelLa Lhe nA1C name for a class of SovleL nuclearpowered balllsLlc mlsslle submarlne armed wlLh 16
mulLlwarhead mlsslles
uemographlc aLLerns 1he characLerlsLlcs of human populaLlons and populaLlon segmenLs especlally
when used Lo ldenLlfy consumer markeLs
uependence Lhe sLaLe of relylng on or needlng someone or someLhlng for ald supporL or Lhe llke
uepresslon Lhe worldwlde economlc depresslon of Lhe early 1930s when Lhere was mass
uesallnaLlon Lhe process of removlng salL esp from sea waLer so LhaL lL can be used for drlnklng or
ueserLlflcaLlon a process by whlch ferLlle land Lurns lnLo barren land or deserL
ueLenLe A perlod of lessenlng Lenslon beLween Lwo ma[or naLlonal powers or a pollcy deslgned Lo
lessen LhaL Lenslon ueLenLe presupposes LhaL Lhe Lwo powers wlll conLlnue Lo dlsagree buL seeks Lo
reduce Lhe occaslons of confllcL
ueveloped counLrles 1he Lerm developed counLry ls used Lo descrlbe counLrles LhaL have a hlgh level of
developmenL accordlng Lo some crlLerla Whlch crlLerla and whlch counLrles are classlfled as belng
developed ls a conLenLlous lssue and ls surrounded by flerce debaLe
ueveloplng CounLrles ueveloplng counLry ls a Lerm generally used Lo descrlbe a naLlon wlLh a low level
of maLerlal wellbelng Slnce no slngle deflnlLlon of Lhe Lerm developlng counLry ls recognlzed
lnLernaLlonally Lhe levels of developmenL may vary wldely wlLhln socalled developlng counLrles
uharma conformlLy Lo rellglous law cusLom duLy or ones own quallLy or characLer
ulaspora Lhe scaLLerlng of Lhe !ews Lo counLrles ouLslde of alesLlne afLer Lhe 8abylonlan capLlvlLy
ulcLaLorshlp a counLry governmenL or Lhe form of governmenL ln whlch absoluLe power ls exerclsed by
a dlcLaLor
ulsarmamenL Lhe reducLlon or llmlLaLlon of Lhe slze equlpmenL armamenL eLc of Lhe army navy or
alr force of a counLry
ulscrlmlnaLlon LreaLmenL or conslderaLlon of or maklng a dlsLlncLlon ln favor of or agalnsL a person or
Lhlng based on Lhe group class or caLegory Lo whlch LhaL person or Lhlng belongs raLher Lhan on
lndlvldual merlL
ulssldenL a person who dlsagrees esp one who dlsagrees wlLh Lhe governmenL
ulverslLy Lhe relaLlon LhaL holds beLween Lwo enLlLles when and only when Lhey are noL ldenLlcal Lhe
properLy of belng numerlcally dlsLlncL
ulvlde and Conquer Wln by geLLlng ones opponenLs Lo flghL among Lhemselves lor example ulvlde
and conquer was once a very successful pollcy ln subSaharan Afrlca 1hls expresslon ls a LranslaLlon of
Lhe LaLln maxlm ulvlde eL lmpera (dlvlde and rule) and began Lo appear ln Lngllsh abouL 1600
ulvlne 8lghL Lhe docLrlne LhaL Lhe rlghL of rule derlves dlrecLly from god noL from Lhe consenL of Lhe
uocLrlne a parLlcular prlnclple poslLlon or pollcy LaughL or advocaLed as of a rellglon or governmenL
uomesLlc SysLem a manufacLurlng sysLem whereby workers make producLs ln Lhelr own homes wlLh
maLerlals supplled by enLrepreneurs
Abdul Cuorlshy
uomlnaLlon Lhe acL of domlnaLlng or sLaLe of belng domlnaLed
uynasLy any sequence of powerful leaders of Lhe same famlly
Lconomlcs Lhe soclal sclence concerned wlLh Lhe producLlon and consumpLlon of goods and servlces
and Lhe analysls of Lhe commerclal acLlvlLles of a socleLy
Lmbargo a governmenL order prohlblLlng Lhe deparLure or arrlval of merchanL shlps ln lLs porLs
LmpaLhy Lhe lnLellecLual ldenLlflcaLlon wlLh or vlcarlous experlenclng of Lhe feellngs LhoughLs or
aLLlLudes of anoLher
Lncomlenda Lhe sysLem lnsLlLuLed ln 1303 under whlch a Spanlsh soldler or colonlsL was granLed a
LracL of land or a vlllage LogeLher wlLh lLs lndlan lnhablLanLs
LnllghLened despoL LnllghLened despoLlsm also known as enllghLened absoluLlsm ls a form of absoluLe
monarchy where Lhe monarchs sLrove Lo Lo lmprove Lhe lolves of Lhelr sub[ecLs ln an efforL Lo relnforce
Lhelr own auLhorlLy
LnllghLenmenL Lhe acL or means of enllghLenlng or Lhe sLaLe of belng enllghLened
LnvlronmenL Lhe alr waLer mlnerals organlsms and all oLher exLernal facLors surroundlng and
affecLlng a glven organlsm aL any Llme
Lroslon Lhe wearlng away of rocks and oLher deposlLs on Lhe earLhs surface by Lhe acLlon of waLer lce
wlnd eLc
LsLaLesCeneral Lhe SLaLesCeneral
LLhlcs Lhe rules of conducL recognlzed ln respecL Lo a parLlcular class of human acLlons or a parLlcular
group culLure eLc
LLhnlc group perLalnlng Lo or characLerlsLlc of a people especlally a group (eLhnlc group) sharlng a
common and dlsLlncLlve culLure rellglon language or Lhe llke
LLhnocenLrlsm bellef ln Lhe lnLrlnslc superlorlLy of Lhe naLlon culLure or group Lo whlch one belongs
ofLen accompanled by feellngs of dlsllke for oLher groups
Luropean unlon an organlzaLlon creaLed ln 1993 wlLh Lhe alm of achlevlng closer economlc and pollLlcal
unlon beLween member sLaLes of Lhe Luropean CommunlLy 1he currenL members are AusLrla 8elglum
8ulgarla Cyprus Lhe Czech 8epubllc uenmark LsLonla llnland lrance Cermany Creece Pungary
lreland lLaly LaLvla LlLhuanla Luxembourg MalLa Lhe neLherlands oland orLugal 8omanla
Slovakla Slovenla Spaln Sweden and Lhe uk
LvoluLlon a gradual change ln Lhe characLerlsLlcs of a populaLlon of anlmals or planLs over successlve
generaLlons accounLs for Lhe orlgln of exlsLlng specles from ancesLors unllke Lhem
Lxlle a person banlshed or llvlng away from hls home or counLry expaLrlaLe
Lxpanslonlsm Lhe docLrlne or pracLlce of expandlng Lhe economy or LerrlLory of a counLry
LxplolLaLlon Lo Lake advanLage of (a person slLuaLlon eLc) esp uneLhlcally or un[usLly for ones own
LxploraLlon an organlzed Lrlp lnLo unfamlllar reglons esp for sclenLlflc purposes expedlLlon
LxLended lamlly a soclal unlL LhaL conLalns Lhe nuclear famlly LogeLher wlLh blood relaLlves ofLen
spannlng Lhree or more generaLlons
LxLraLerrlLorlallLy Lhe prlvllege granLed Lo some allens esp dlplomaLs of belng exempL from Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe sLaLe ln whlch Lhey reslde
lacLory SysLem a manufacLurlng meLhod for a sLandardlzed producL or producLs ln whlch flxed caplLal
raw maLerlal and labor operaLlons are cenLrallzed and sophlsLlcaLed machlnery ls ofLen used
Abdul Cuorlshy
lamlne a severe shorLage of food as Lhrough crop fallure or overpopulaLlon
lasclsm any ldeology or movemenL lnsplred by lLallan lasclsm such as Cerman naLlonal Soclallsm any
rlghLwlng naLlonallsL ldeology or movemenL wlLh an auLhorlLarlan and hlerarchlcal sLrucLure LhaL ls
fundamenLally opposed Lo democracy and llberallsm
lederal SysLem allows powers LhaL concern Lhe whole naLlon Lo be granLed Lo Lhe federal governmenL
lerLlle CrescenL an area of ferLlle land ln Lhe Mlddle LasL exLendlng around Lhe 8lvers 1lgrls and
LuphraLes ln a semlclrcle from lsrael Lo Lhe erslan Culf where Lhe Sumerlan 8abylonlan Assyrlan
hoenlclan and Pebrew clvlllzaLlons flourlshed
leudallsm Lhe legal and soclal sysLem LhaL evolved ln W Lurope ln Lhe 8Lh and 9Lh cenLurles ln whlch
vassals were proLecLed and malnLalned by Lhelr lords usually Lhrough Lhe granLlng of flefs and were
requlred Lo serve under Lhem ln war
llve lllars of lalLh flve baslc acLs ln lslam consldered obllgaLory for all Musllms 1hese are summarlzed
ln Lhe famous PadlLh of Cabrlel
llve?ear plan (formerly ln soclallsL economles) a governmenL plan for economlc developmenL over a
perlod of flve years
lorced labor a generlc or collecLlve Lerm for Lhose work relaLlons especlally ln modern or early modern
hlsLory ln whlch people are employed agalnsL Lhelr wlll by Lhe LhreaL of desLlLuLlon deLenLlon vlolence
(lncludlng deaLh) lawful compulslon1 or oLher exLreme hardshlp Lo Lhemselves or Lo members of Lhelr
lorced MlgraLlon Lhe coerced movemenL of a person or persons away from Lhelr home or home reglon
lL ofLen connoLes vlolenL coerclon and ls used lnLerchangeably wlLh Lhe Lerms dlsplacemenL or forced
lorelgn ollcy a pollcy pursued by a naLlon ln lLs deallngs wlLh oLher naLlons deslgned Lo achleve
naLlonal ob[ecLlves
lossll luels any combusLlble organlc maLerlal as oll coal or naLural gas derlved from Lhe remalns of
former llfe
lree LnLerprlse an economlc sysLem ln whlch commerclal organlzaLlons compeLe for proflL wlLh llLLle
sLaLe conLrol
CA11 Ceneral AgreemenL on 1arlffs and 1rade a mulLllaLeral lnLernaLlonal LreaLy slgned ln 1947 Lo
promoLe Lrade esp by means of Lhe reducLlon and ellmlnaLlon of Larlffs and lmporL quoLas replaced ln
1993 by Lhe World 1rade CrganlzaLlon
Cenoclde Lhe pollcy of dellberaLely kllllng a naLlonallLy or eLhnlc group
ClasnosL Lhe declared publlc pollcy wlLhln Lhe SovleL unlon of openly and frankly dlscusslng economlc
and pollLlcal reallLles lnlLlaLed under Mlkhall Corbachev ln 1983
CloballzaLlon Lhe process enabllng flnanclal and lnvesLmenL markeLs Lo operaLe lnLernaLlonally largely
as a resulL of deregulaLlon and lmproved communlcaLlons
CreaL Leap lorward Lhe aLLempL by Lhe eoples 8epubllc of Chlna ln 193960 Lo solve Lhe counLrys
economlc problems by laborlnLenslve lndusLrlallzaLlon
Creenhouse effecL Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhls effecL Lo a planeLs aLmosphere carbon dloxlde and some
oLher gases ln Lhe planeLs aLmosphere can absorb Lhe lnfrared radlaLlon emlLLed by Lhe planeLs surface
as a resulL of exposure Lo solar radlaLlon Lhus lncreaslng Lhe mean LemperaLure of Lhe planeL Creen
8evoluLlon Lhe lnLroducLlon of hlghyleldlng seeds and modern agrlculLural Lechnlques ln developlng
Abdul Cuorlshy
Cross naLlonal roducL Lhe LoLal value of all flnal goods and servlces produced annually by a naLlon
Cuerrllla Warfare Lhe use of hlLandrun LacLlcs by small moblle groups of lrregular forces operaLlng ln
LerrlLory conLrolled by a hosLlle regular force