02 USOAP CMA Protocol Questions - AGA - 20180118
02 USOAP CMA Protocol Questions - AGA - 20180118
02 USOAP CMA Protocol Questions - AGA - 20180118
Revised on the basis of the 2016 edition, this 2017 edition of the USOAP CMA Protocol Questions (PQs) excludes aspects related specifically to the State
Safety Programme (SSP).
To reflect the roll-out of Amendment 1 to Annex 19 to the Chicago Convention — Safety Management (Second Edition, July 2016) and the publication of
the fourth edition of the Safety Management Manual (SMM) (Doc 9859), a dedicated set of SSP-related PQs will be developed and used in the assessment
of select States, on a voluntary but non-confidential basis, starting from the last quarter of 2018 (pending applicability of Amendment 1 to Annex 19 in
November 2019). ICAO assessments using the SSP-related PQs will then formally commence in 2020, to be conducted in States which meet the criteria
established by ICAO in line with the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP).
Protocol Questions (PQs) are the primary tool used in the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) Continuous Monitoring
Approach (CMA) for assessing the effective implementation of the eight critical elements (CEs) of a State safety oversight system. Developed based on
ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) and ICAO guidance material, the PQs are
revised periodically by ICAO to reflect amendments to the ICAO provisions and reference documents.
The PQs are organized by audit areas and each PQ is associated with one of the eight CEs.
The eight audit areas are as follows: The eight CEs are as follows:
1) Primary aviation legislation and specific operating regulations CE-1. Primary aviation legislation
(LEG); CE-2. Specific operating regulations
2) Civil aviation organization (ORG); CE-3. State system and functions
3) Personnel licensing and training (PEL); CE-4. Qualified technical personnel
4) Aircraft operations (OPS); CE-5. Technical guidance, tools and provision of safety-critical
5) Airworthiness of aircraft (AIR); information
6) Aircraft accident and incident investigation (AIG); CE-6. Licensing, certification, authorization and approval obligations
7) Air navigation services (ANS); and CE-7. Surveillance obligations
8) Aerodromes and ground aids (AGA). CE-8. Resolution of safety issues
States are expected to use the PQs to conduct regular self-assessments and in this way, monitor the health of their aviation safety oversight system in a
proactive manner.
A State is deemed to have fully addressed a PQ when it has implemented all the required elements of the PQ and has provided ICAO with the relevant
evidence. This generates a “satisfactory” status of implementation for the PQ. If the State provides insufficient or no evidence of compliance with the
elements outlined in the PQ, the PQ is assessed as “not satisfactory”. The State is required to develop and implement a corrective action plan (CAP)
which addresses all elements of the “not satisfactory” PQ, including presentation of the necessary supporting documentation and evidence.
The status of each PQ for a State is reflected in the USOAP CMA Online Framework (http://www.icao.int/usoap) and summarized in the activity report.
For reference purposes, the PQs are hereby presented in a table format. Each PQ is assigned a PQ number (e.g. 1.001), associated with a CE (e.g. CE-1),
and supplemented by the relevant “Guidance for Review of Evidence” and “ICAO References”. PQs shown in shaded rows can be assessed only in a
USOAP CMA on-site activity.
For each PQ, the corresponding “Guidance for Review of Evidence” provides an itemized list of elements to be implemented by the State in order to
address the PQ satisfactorily. When preparing for a USOAP CMA audit, States should use these listed elements, as applicable, to prepare the necessary
supporting documentation and evidence for all PQs within the scope of the audit. When preparing for an ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission (ICVM),
States should provide the necessary supporting documentation and evidence for all PQs, within the scope of the ICVM, that were previously assessed as
“not satisfactory”.
Representatives of a State’s civil aviation authority/investigation authority who participate in USOAP CMA activities should be familiar with each PQ
and the related “Guidance for Review of Evidence” that will be addressed during the activities. All the information and evidence for each PQ that are to
be provided to the USOAP CMA activity team should be prepared in advance.
The “Summary of Amendments” table provides a list of new/amended/deleted PQs and a brief description of the amendments.
For the 2017 edition of the PQs, the total number of PQs is 943 and a breakdown for each area is shown below:
The term “legislation” in the USOAP CMA Protocol Questions is used as a generic term to include primary aviation legislation and specific operating
The term “primary aviation legislation” in the USOAP CMA Protocol Questions includes any legislative provision and/or instrument promulgated and
enforceable in the State (e.g. laws, acts, codes and international treaties).
The term “specific operating regulations” in the USOAP CMA Protocol Questions includes any binding regulatory provisions and/or instruments in the
State (e.g. regulations, decrees, rules, and orders).
Processes and procedures should clarify who does what, how, when (or within what timeframes) and in coordination with whom, as applicable.
When a State has delegated some of its safety oversight duties and tasks to another State or organization, the PQs on the delegation may have to be
evaluated with the entity to which the duties and tasks have been delegated.
The State remains responsible for ensuring that the delegated tasks are performed, at all times, by qualified individuals who ensure the
implementation of the applicable legislation as well as the established processes and procedures. There should also be a system in place for conducting
surveillance of the delegated tasks and a process for the resolution of identified safety deficiencies.
For a State which has not established a clear separation between its regulatory function and its service provider function or where the State Civil Aviation
Authority (CAA) is both the regulator AND the service provider, the related PQs remain applicable.
Industry Visits
Industry visits are conducted to review and verify that the implementation of the established requirements, procedures and safe practices in each
area complies with ICAO provisions and the State’s applicable national legislation.
On-Site Activity
PQs that can only be assessed in a USOAP CMA on-site activity are shown in shaded rows in the PQ table.
The term “Annex” in the USOAP CMA Protocol Questions stands for Annex to the Chicago Convention.
ICAO References
The ICAO references are grouped under the following categories (shown here in alphabetical order): Assembly Resolution (AR), Chicago Convention
(CC), ICAO Guidance Material (GM), Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS), Recommended Practice (RP), Standard (STD), State Letter (SL)
and Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPS).
The AGA PQs are used to assess the aerodrome certification and surveillance system of States. They are based on the SARPs of Annex 14 to the Chicago
Convention as well as relevant ICAO guidance material.
The aerodrome certification and surveillance system in place should cover not only international aerodromes, but also aerodromes open to public use. With
respect to guidance material, their availability to both the regulatory personnel and the aerodrome operators should be ensured through an established
For States without heliports or heliports open to international operations, all related PQs are to be marked as “not applicable”.
For States which do not have snow, all PQs on snow are “not applicable” to them.
For States which do not need advanced surface movement guidance and control systems (A-SMGCS) due to the type of their operations, all PQs on
A-SMGCS are similarly “not applicable” to them.
Industry Visits
Some PQs will be verified during industry visits, such as those on the protective and respiratory equipment for rescue and firefighting (RFF) personnel,
RFF training, emergency plan reviews, command centres, sampling of aerodrome manuals and implementation of driver requirements for personnel
authorized to drive in the movement areas.
Note 1.— The PQs are listed here sequentially for convenience. This may differ from their order on the USOAP CMA Online Framework or in the following
Note 2.— The PQs in the shaded rows require a USOAP CMA on-site activity. For the remaining PQs, no on-site activity is required in most cases.
8.011 If the State is involved in the provision of 1) Review established method used to ensure GM CE-3
aerodrome facilities and services, is there a clear objective and impartial safety management. Doc 9774
separation of authority between the State operators 2) This PQ is linked to ORG 2.021. 1.1
and the State regulatory authority? Doc 9734
Part A, C2 & C3
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.013 Has the State promulgated legislative provisions 1) Review legislative provisions. GM CE-1
enabling the aerodrome regulatory authority to 2) Verify that the CAA has the authority to Doc 9734
impose operating restrictions and/or sanctions at a impose operating restrictions and/or Part A, C3
certified aerodrome, in the event of non-compliance sanctions. Doc 9774
with the certification requirements or an unresolved 2.2 f)
safety deficiency/concern?
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.015 Has the State implemented procedures for 1) Documented evidence of effective CC CE-2
identifying and notifying differences, if any, to implementation of existing procedures. Art. 37 & 38
ICAO? 2) Review CC/EFOD for Annex 14, Volume GM
I and Volume II, as applicable. Doc 9734
- The development of these procedures is Part A, C3
addressed in LEG PQ 1.025.
8.019 Has the State the means in place to ensure that Verify the means available to access the GM CE-2
copies of aerodrome enabling regulations and regulations and supplementary regulatory Doc 9734
directives, orders, circulars, publications, etc. are instruments (i.e. National Gazette, Part A, C3
readily available to the public? government printing office, Internet, etc.).
8.035 Have job descriptions been developed for technical 1) Review job descriptions for all aerodrome GM CE-3
staff and key management personnel of the regulatory and inspectorate staff. Doc 9734
aerodrome regulatory authority? 2) Check that the job description includes Part A, C3
tasks related to Annex 14. Doc 9774
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.039 Does the aerodrome regulatory authority have 1) Review methodology used for GM CE-3
sufficient human resources (including an determining staffing levels. Doc 9734
appropriate mix of technical disciplines given the Part A, C3
size and scope of all the aerodrome operations in 2) List of available experts which Doc 9774
the State) to carry out its functions and mandate? demonstrates a suitable mix of technical 5.4
disciplines, or access to such, appropriate to
aerodrome operations such as:
a) Aerodrome operations,
b) Aircraft operations,
c) Engineering – civil, electrical and air
d) Rescue and fire fighting (RFF), and
e) wildlife hazard control.
8.042 Does the State ensure that the established minimum 1) Sample recruitment files. Doc 9734 CE-4
qualification and experience requirements are met 2) Cross-check with established Part A, C3
by all technical staff and key management requirements.
personnel of the aerodrome regulatory authority?
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.045 Have aerodrome inspectors been issued credentials Review credentials to ensure: GM CE-3
to facilitate access to aerodrome facilities in the a) Reference to empowering legislation. Doc 9774
State and access to certification documentation for b) Method established to control currency of 2.2 g) & 3D.6
the purpose of inspections and enforcement? credential.
c) Inspector’s photo.
8.050 Does the aerodrome regulatory authority conduct 1) Review mechanism for surveillance. GM CE-7
surveillance of tasks delegated to other entities or 2) Review evidence to confirm effective Doc 9734
individuals? implementation. Part A, C3
3) Review that the aspect of maintenance of
competency of relevant personnel is covered.
8.055 Is the training programme appropriately Verify that the type and frequency of training GM CE-4
implemented? provided (initial, OJT, recurrent and Doc 9734
specialized) is sufficient for the technical Part A, C3
staff to acquire/maintain the required level of
knowledge, skills, competence and
qualifications in accordance with their
assigned duties and responsibilities.
8.063 Does the State issue and maintain up-to- date 1) Review process for issuance. GM CE-5
publications, including guidance material, to ensure Doc 9734
that aerodrome operators are aware of the State 2) Review process for keeping published Part A, C3
regulations and supporting requirements which have documents up-to-date.
to be met for the granting and retention of an
aerodrome certificate? 3) Review list of published documentation to
confirm their relevance, currency and
coverage of most of the AGA specialist
8.071 Does the aerodrome regulatory authority have Check available communication means and GM CE-5
sufficient office equipment and tools for aerodrome office equipment: Doc 9734
inspectorate staff? a) Telephones/cellphones Part A, C3
b) Fax
c) Printer
d) Computers/laptops/notebooks
e) Photocopier
f) Internet/Intranet
g) Inspector’ tools (e.g. measuring wheel,
inclinometer, etc.).
8.083 Has the State established a process for the Review aerodrome certification process to CC CE-5
certification of aerodromes? verify inclusion of the following elements: Art. 15
a) Dealing with an expression of interest. STD
b) Assessment of the formal application. A14
c) Evaluation of the aerodrome manual Vol. I, 1.4.3 & 1.4.4
submitted by the applicant. PANS
d) Evaluation of the competence and Doc 9981
experience of the aerodrome staff., & Att. B
e) Assessment of aerodrome physical to C2
characteristics, facilities and equipment. GM
f) Evaluation of aerodrome operating Doc 9774
procedures. 3B.3.2 & 4.2
g) Issuance or refusal of aerodrome
h) Publication of certified status of an
aerodrome and the required details in the
8.086 Does the aerodrome regulatory authority fully 1) Verify the implementation of the STD CE-6
implement the certification requirements? certification requirements for all the A14
designated aerodromes. Vol. I, 1.4.1 & 1.4.3
2) Review samples of aerodrome RP
certification files to confirm consistent A14
application of the certification process for the
Vol. I, 1.4.2
designated aerodromes. GM
Doc 9774
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.087 Does the aerodrome regulatory authority review the 1) Review aerodrome inspectors guidance PANS CE-6
organizational competence and level of resources of material, manuals, checklists, etc. Doc 9981
prospective aerodrome operators or certificate 2) Verify certification process. 3.2 c)
holders and ensure that they employ competent 3) Review qualification requirements and GM
personnel to perform all critical activities for process for assessment of staff performing all Doc 9774
aerodrome operations and maintenance? critical activities. 3D.2
4) Review evidence to confirm effective
8.093 Does the scope of the certification process explicitly 1) Verify that documentation includes the GM CE-6
include coordination with elements of air traffic requirement to coordinate with ATS Doc 9774
service (ATS) for the local airspace of an elements in the certification process. 1.2.5, 2.2 d) & 2.2 e)
aerodrome? 2) Review evidence to confirm effective
3) If the aerodrome certification
requirements do not explicitly include ATS
elements, review the method used to ensure
coordination with ATS elements for the local
8.105 Has the State established a procedure for the 1) Review procedure for amendment and PANS CE-5
amendment of an aerodrome certificate? verify that it includes assessment of all Doc 9981
elements which could be affected by the
change. GM
2) Review examples, if any. Doc 9774
8.111 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Verify that aerodrome manuals have been STD CE-6
develop and submit an aerodrome manual to the approved/accepted by the CAA for all A14
appropriate State authority for approval/acceptance designated aerodromes. Vol. I, 1.4.4
prior to certification? PANS
2) Review samples of approved/accepted Doc 9981
aerodrome manual, specifically for 2.2.1
particulars of: GM
a) The aerodrome site Doc 9774
b) The aerodrome information to be 3.2 & 3B.2
reported to the AIS:
i) General information
ii) Aerodrome dimensions and related
c) The aerodrome operating procedures and
safety measures:
i) Aerodrome reporting
ii) Movement area access
iii) Aerodrome emergency plan
iv) RFF
v) Inspection of the movement area and
obstacle limitation surface (OLS)
vi) Visual aids and aerodrome electrical
vii) Movement area maintenance
viii) Aerodrome works safety
ix) Apron management and parking
x) Airside vehicle control
xi) Wildlife hazard management
xii) Obstacle control
xiii) Removal of disabled aircraft
xiv) Handling of hazardous materials
xv) Low Visibility Operations
xvi) Protection of sites for radar and
Navigation Aid (NAVAID).
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.113 As part of the certification process, does the State 1) Review copies of policies or similar STD CE-7
use the aerodrome manual as a key safety assurance documents showing linkage to the A14
document to assess both initial and continuing certification process and national Vol. I, 1.4.4
organizational competence? requirements for organizational competence. PANS
2) Review evidence to confirm effective Doc 9981
implementation. Att. A & C to C2
Doc 9734
Part A, C3
Doc 9774
C3, 3.2, Section B, 3B.2
& Section C
8.121 Does the State have a procedure in place for 1) Review procedures to ensure inclusion of PANS CE-5
subsequent amendments to the aerodrome manual the systematic review of proposed Doc 9981
to be reviewed and approved/accepted by amendments and their impact on safety. Att. C to C2
aerodrome regulatory authority technical staff? 2) Review examples, if available. GM
Doc 9774
3.2 & 3C.4
8.134 Has the State promulgated regulatory requirements Verify regulations, including the following STD & RP CE-2
relating to aerodrome data? areas specified in Annex 14 Vol. I: A14
1) Aeronautical data Vol. I, C2
2) Aerodrome reference point
3) Aerodrome and runway elevations
4) Aerodrome reference temperature
5) Aerodrome dimensions and related
6) Strength of pavements
7) Pre-flight altimeter check location
8) Declared distances
9) Condition of the movement area and
related facilities
10) Disabled aircraft removal
11) Rescue and fire fighting
12) Visual approach slope indicator systems
13) Coordination between AIS and
aerodrome authorities.
8.139 Has the State promulgated regulations and 1) Verify regulations. RP CE-2
associated industry guidance material to regulate 2) Confirm associated industry guidance A14
the use of a pavement by an aircraft with an aircraft material to enable effective implementation. Vol. I, 2.6.7
classification number (ACN) higher than the GM
reported pavement classification number (PCN)? A14
Att. A, Section 20
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.141 Has the State established guidance for calculating Review of available guidance. STD CE-5
the declared distances, to the specified accuracy, for A14
runways intended for use by international Vol. I, 2.8
commercial air transport? GM
Att. A, Section 3
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.143 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective STD CE-7
inspect the movement areas at the appropriate implementation. A14
frequency, and monitor and report the condition of 2) Review evidence to confirm. Vol. I, 2.9.1, 2.9.2, 2.9.3
the movement areas and operational status of & 2.9.4
related facilities, using appropriate terminology? PANS
Doc 9981
App. 1 to C2, Section 3.1
Doc 9137
Part 8
Doc 9476
Doc 9830
8.145 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure STD CE-7
assess the type, depth and coverage of contaminants establishment and effective implementation A14
on runway surfaces and report them, taking into of aerodrome operator’s related procedures. 2.9.5 & 2.9.11
account the need for aircraft crews to make 2) Review evidence to confirm. RP
operational adjustments in accordance with A14
performance requirements in some flight manuals? Vol. I, 2.9.12
Doc 9981
App. 1 to C2, Section 3.1
Doc 9774
Doc 9137
Part 2, 2.1
8.149 Has the State established procedures for the 1) Review documentation verifying that STD CE-5
issuance of NOTAMs in relation to contaminants procedures have been established to include A15
on a runway? an assessment of the surface condition of the C5
aerodrome movement areas and its A14
description, using appropriate terminology. Vol. I, 2.9.1
2) Review examples. RP
Doc 9774
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.151 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Evaluate mechanism established to ensure RP CE-6
provide contact information and aerodrome’s effective implementation for providing: A14,
capability for the removal of disabled aircraft? a) Contact details of appropriate aerodrome Vol. I
personnel. 2.10.1, 2.10.2 & 9.3.1 to
b) Information concerning the capability to 9.3.2
remove disabled aircraft on or adjacent to the
movement area.
2) Review evidence to confirm effective
8.155 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Confirm mechanism established to ensure STD CE-7
notify changes in the level of aircraft rescue and fire effective implementation and method used A14
fighting (RFF) protection normally available at an by aerodrome operators to provide Vol. I, 2.11.3
aerodrome to air traffic service (ATS) and AIS? information on changes. RP
2) Ensure that possible changes include those A14
related to availability of extinguishing Vol. I, 2.11.4
agents, equipment to deliver agents or GM
personnel to operate the equipment, etc. Doc 9774
3) Review examples. 3D.7
8.162 Has the State promulgated regulations relating to Verify regulations, including the following STD & RP CE-2
the aerodrome physical characteristics? areas specified in Annex 14 Vol. I: A14
1) Runways Vol. I, C3
2) Runway shoulders
3) Runway turn pads
4) Runway strips
5) Runway end safety areas
6) Clearways
7) Stopways
8) Radio altimeter operating area
9) Taxiways
10) Taxiway shoulders
11) Taxiway strips
12) Holding bays, runway-holding positions,
intermediate holding positions and
road-holding positions
13) Aprons
14) Isolated aircraft parking position
15) De-icing/anti-icing facilities
8.169 Are checklists provided to and used by aerodrome 1) Review checklist or other method of PANS CE-5
inspectors during inspections of aerodrome physical documenting compliance. Doc 9981
characteristics, facilities, operational services, 2) Confirm use of developed checklist or 2.3.2 & App. 1 to C2,
equipment and installations? other method of documenting compliance. Section 1
Doc 9774
8.175 If the aerodrome operators use runways when 1) Evaluate mechanism established to ensure STD CE-6
runway visual ranges are less than 550 m, does the effective implementation. A14
State ensure that pilots will not be presented with 2) Review evidence to confirm. Vol. I, 8.2.1
inadequate visual guidance or misleading GM
information? Doc 9157
Part 5
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.177 Does the State ensure that aerodrome electrical 1) Evaluate mechanism established to ensure STD CE-6
systems are designed so that taxiway and runway effective implementation. A14
lighting on any portion of a runway which forms 2) Review evidence to confirm. Vol. I, 8.2.3
part of a standard taxi-route are interlocked, to
preclude the possibility of simultaneous operation
of both forms of lighting?
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.179 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Evaluate mechanism established to ensure STD & RP CE-6
have a method to monitor lighting system reliability effective implementation. A14
and indicate any fault, appropriate to the type and 2) Review evidence to confirm. Vol. I, 8.3
level of operations? 3) Check during aerodrome industry visit.
8.182 Has the State promulgated regulations relating to Verify regulations, including the following STD & RP CE-2
aerodrome operational services, equipment and areas specified in Annex 14 Vol. I: A14
installations? 1) Aerodrome emergency planning Vol. I, C9
2) Rescue and fire fighting (RFF)
3) Disabled aircraft removal
4) Wildlife strike hazard reduction
5) Apron management service
6) Ground servicing of aircraft
7) Aerodrome vehicle operations
8) Surface movement guidance and control
systems (SMGCS)
9) Siting of equipment and installations on
operational areas
10) Fencing
11) Security lighting.
8.191 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Review mechanism to ensure effective STD CE-6
comply with the frangibility and height restriction compliance. A14
requirements for equipment or installations located 2) Review examples. Vol. I, 9.9
near or on a runway, on the non-graded portion of a 3) Confirm during aerodrome industry visit. GM
runway strip, on precision approach runways, or for Doc 9157
obstacles of operational significance? Part 6
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.201 Does the aerodrome certification process include an 1) Review system for evaluating location and STD CE-6
assessment of the aerodrome visual aids (e.g. lights, characteristics of: A14
markings, markers and signs) and electrical a) Wind direction indicator and its Vol. I, C5
systems? illumination PANS
b) Information and mandatory signs in Doc 9981
movement areas & & App.
c) Aerodrome markings and markers 1 to C2
d) Aeronautical ground lights, including GM
their flight check records Doc 9774
e) Approach lighting systems 4.4.4
f) Visual approach slope indicator system
g) Stop bar lights
h) Apron flood lighting
i) Electrical power supply systems for air
navigation facilities
k) Electrical system design and monitoring.
8.202 Has the State promulgated regulations relating to Verify regulations, including the following STD & RP CE-2
aerodrome visual aids for navigation? areas specified in Annex 14, Vol. I A14
1) Indicators and signaling devices Vol. I, C5
2) Markings
3) Lights
4) Signs
5) Markers.
8.211 Does the State ensure that stop bars are installed in 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective STD & RP CE-6
accordance with the requirements and controlled by implementation. A14
ATS? 2) Ensure it covers verification of: Vol. I, 5.3.20
a) implementation of stop bars at all
taxiways leading to runway operated with
RVR below 550m;
b) stop bars design and lights
c) the interlocking system between stop
bars and taxiway centerline lights installed
beyond; and
d) the command system and its functioning.
2) Review evidence to confirm.
8.225 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective STD & RP CE-6
develop and implement procedures to mark implementation. A14
permanent and temporary movement area closures 2) Review evidence to confirm. Vol. I, 7.1
and meet location and characteristic specifications?
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.227 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators use 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective STD CE-6
taxi side stripe markings on taxiways, runway turn implementation. A14
pads, holding bays and aprons in order to 2) Review evidence to confirm. Vol. I, 7.2
distinguish non-load-bearing surfaces and RP
unserviceable areas from load-bearing areas? A14
Vol. I, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 9.8.4
& 9.8.5
8.239 If the aerodrome uses the 30 m spacing option for 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective STD CE-6
the provision of runway centre line lights, does the implementation. A14
State ensure the implementation of requirements 2) Review evidence to confirm. Vol. I,
which specify related maintenance objectives and 3) Review results of demonstrations of
which call for a demonstration of conformance with conformance with Standards 10.4.7 and
them? 10.4.11 of Annex 14, Vol. 1, if applicable.
8.253 Does the State ensure that the aerodrome operators’ 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective STD CE-6
maintenance programme include precautions for implementation of precautionary measures. A14
runway, taxiway and apron pavements and taxiway 2) Review method used to assess runway Vol. I, 10.2.1 & 10.2.2
shoulders in relation to surface debris and surface irregularities. GM
regularity? 3) Review evidence to confirm. A14
Att. A, Section 5
Doc 9157
Part 2
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.255 Has the State promulgated regulations for the 1) Verify regulations. STD CE-2
measurement of runway friction characteristics 2) Review specified minimum maintenance A14
including the definition of the minimum level. Vol. I, 10.2.3 to 10.2.5
maintenance level? RP
Vol. I, 3.1.24 & 3.4.7 &
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.257 Has the State established and implemented a 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective STD CE-7
mechanism to ensure that aerodrome operators implementation. A14
maintain good friction characteristics and low 2) Review method used for timely removal Vol. I, 10.2.3 to 10.2.5 &
rolling resistance on runways? of contaminants, such as rubber deposit, 10.3.1
standing water, snow, sand, etc. GM
3) Review recorded friction results to Doc 9137
confirm that frequency of measurements and Part 2
method used are appropriate to the level of
activity of the runway.
8.259 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective STD CE-6
define maintenance performance level objectives implementation. A14
for visual aids as part of their preventive 2) Review copies of maintenance schedules Vol. I, 10.5.1, 10.5.2 &
maintenance programme? and associated check/inspection results 10.5.7 to 10.5.12
which demonstrate compliance (e.g. stop RP
bars or taxiway lights). A14
3) Definition of when a light is deemed to be Vol. I, 10.5.3 to 10.5.6 &
unserviceable. 10.5.13
Doc 9981
App. 1 to C2, Section 2.1
8.275 Has the State promulgated regulations relating to Verify regulations, including the following STD & RP CE-2
obstacle restriction and removal on and around areas specified in Annex 14, Vol. I: A14
aerodromes? 1) Obstacle limitation surfaces Vol. I, C4
2) Obstacle limitation requirements
3) Objects outside the obstacle limitation
4) Other objects.
aviation interests?
8.291 Does the State ensure that aerodrome 1) Review evidence to confirm effective STD CE-6
operators/competent State authority develop implementation, cooperation and A14
emergency plans, including appropriate cooperation coordination. Vol. I, 9.1.1 to 9.1.3
and coordination with other entities involved in the 2) Sample aerodrome emergency plan. RP
provision of emergency services and the 3) Check inclusion of: A14
development of the plans? a) emergencies which may occur in the Vol. I, 9.1.4 & 9.1.5
vicinity of an aerodrome, and PANS
b) public health emergencies, including Doc 9981
coordination with public health services.; Att. A to C2 &
Att. C to C2, 5.3
Doc 9774
App. 1, 4.3
8.299 Does the State ensure the implementation of 1) Review documented evidence of the RP CE-6
requirements for the establishment and manning of requirements. A14
emergency operations centres and mobile command 2) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective Vol. I, 9.1.7 to 9.1.11
posts, and for communication between them? implementation.
3) Review evidence to confirm.
8.309 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective RP CE-6
provide a discrete communication system and an implementation. A14
alerting system among vehicles, fire stations and 2) Review evidence to confirm. Vol. I, 9.2.39 & 9.2.40
aerodrome control towers?
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.311 Has the State established and implemented a 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective STD CE-7
mechanism to ensure the implementation of implementation. A14
requirements for minimum response times by the 2) Review audit reports to confirm. Vol. I, 9.2.27 & 9.2.31
rescue and fire fighting (RFF) services? 3) Check during aerodrome industry visit. RP
Vol. I, 9.2.28 to 9.2.30,
9.2.32 & 9.2.33
Doc 9981
2.2 & Att. C to C2, 5.4
8.317 Does the State ensure that all responding fire 1) Review documented evidence of the STD CE-6
fighting personnel be equipped with the necessary available equipment. A14
protective clothing and respiratory equipment? 2) Confirm that the State has effective Vol. I, 9.2.46
oversight of this provision. PANS
3) Check during aerodrome industry visit. Doc 9981
App. 1 to C2, 2.2
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.319 Does the State ensure that there are sufficient 1) Review established RFF staffing RP CE-7
trained personnel to operate all the necessary RFF requirements. A14
equipment at maximum capacity, meet the 2) Review evidence to confirm effective Vol. I, 9.2.44 & 9.2.45
minimum response times and maintain continuous implementation. PANS
agent application at the appropriate rate? 3) Check during aerodrome industry visit. Doc 9981
App. 1 to C2, 2.2
8.323 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective STD CE-6
establish and implement procedures for the timely implementation, if applicable. A14
removal of contaminants? 2) Review evidence to confirm. Vol. I, 10.3.1 & 10.3.6
Note: Contaminants may include snow, A14
slush, ice, standing water, mud, dust, sand, Vol. I, 10.3.2 to 10.3.5
oil and rubber deposits. PANS
Doc 9981
App. 1 to C2, 3.1
8.329 Does the State collect and forward wildlife strike 1) Review national procedure for recording STD CE-8
reports to ICAO? wildlife strikes. A14
2) Review established requirements. Vol. I, 9.4.2
3) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective
implementation of the reporting and
rectification action.
4) Review evidence to confirm.
8.337 Has the State promulgated a regulation to require Verify regulations. STD CE-2
aerodrome operators’ apron management services to A14
ensure the safety of aircraft operations on apron Vol. I, 9.5
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.339 If apron management services are provided, has the Review documented guidance. RP CE-5
State established guidance on when and how these A14
services should be implemented, including the Vol. I, 9.5.1 & 9.5.2
orderly transition of aircraft between the apron
management unit and the aerodrome control tower
when the latter does not participate in the apron
management service?
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.341 If an apron management service is not provided, 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure control of STD & RP CE-7
does the State ensure the safety of aircraft vehicle movement for safety of aircraft. A14
operations on apron areas, considering the 2) Review evidence to confirm effective Vol. I, 9.5
movement of vehicles? implementation. PANS
Doc 9981
Att. A to C2 & Att. C to
C2, 5.9
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.345 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators 1) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective STD CE-6
restrict the operation of personnel and vehicles on implementation. A14
an apron during low visibility operations? 2) Review evidence to confirm. Vol. I, 9.5.4
Doc 9981
App. 1 to C2, 3.1 & Att.
C to C2, 5.16
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.347 Does the State ensure that aerodrome operators Review evidence to confirm effective STD CE-6
provide for visual monitoring of aircraft stand implementation. A14
clearances and the control of vehicle movement on Vol. I, 9.5.5, 9.5.6 &
aprons? 9.5.7
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.349 Has the State established and implemented a Review evidence to confirm effective STD CE-7
mechanism to ensure the availability of fire implementation, including the availability of A14
extinguishing equipment and trained personnel personnel trained for its use. Vol. I, 9.6.1
during ground servicing of aircraft?
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.365 Has the State promulgated and ensured 1) Verify regulations. PANS CE-6
implementation of a regulation to require 2) Review documented evidence to confirm Doc 9981
aerodrome operators to ensure that organizations effective implementation (i.e. a monitoring 2.4.2 & 2.4.6
performing activities at the aerodrome comply with system used by an aerodrome, as expressed GM
the aerodrome safety requirements? in a procedure in an aerodrome manual). Doc 9774
3D.4.2 & App. 1, Part 5
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.367 Has the State promulgated a regulation which Verify regulations. GM CE-2
defines the circumstances and rationale for the Doc 9774
conduct of aeronautical studies/risk assessments? C3, 3.2, Section E & App.
Doc 9734
Part A, C3
PQ No. Protocol Question Guidance for Review of Evidence ICAO References CE
8.369 Has the State developed and issued guidance for Review guidance documents for the conduct PANS CE-5
aerodrome operators and regulatory staff on the use and evaluation of aeronautical studies/risk Doc 9981
of aeronautical studies/risk assessments and their assessments for aerodrome operators and 2.4.4 & C3
evaluation? regulatory staff. GM
Doc 9774
C3, 3.2, Section E & App.
Doc 9734
Part A, C3
8.373 Has the State established a process to review the 1) Evaluate the process by which PANS CE-5
validity of using an aeronautical study or risk aeronautical studies/risk assessments are Doc 9981
assessment to justify an application for an applied and how exceptions to requirements Sections 3.4 & 3.5
exemption or exception as well as the continuing are managed and controlled to include: GM
need? a) A regular review of exemptions or Doc 9774
exceptions granted to assess their continued C3, 3.2, Section E & App.
validity or whether the cause can be 3
removed. Doc 9734
b) A review of exemptions or exceptions Part A, C3
which are to be issued against the applicable
SARP to determine if a change in the
notification status of differences to SARPs
should be filed.
8.377 Does the State ensure that the outcomes of risk Review copy of the published document and, PANS CE-8
assessments or aeronautical studies, in the form of if not the AIP, how accessible it is. Doc 9981
exceptions, are published in a document which is Section 3.6
publicly accessible, such as the State AIP? GM
Doc 9774
C3, 3.2, Section E & C4,
4.6 & App. 3
Doc 9734
Part A, C3
8.389 Does the State ensure the implementation of 1) Review established requirements. STD CE-7
requirements for wind direction indicators, 2) Evaluate mechanism to ensure effective A14
including characteristics and location? implementation. Vol. II, 5.1.1
3) Sample inspection/audit reports to confirm
effective implementation.
8.411 Has the aerodrome regulatory authority developed 1) Review procedure for notifying PANS CE-8
and implemented procedures to deal with aerodrome operators of identified Doc 9981
deficiencies found during aerodrome surveillance deficiencies, including categorization of 2.5.6, 2.5.7 & 2.5.8
activities? seriousness of deficiency and deadline for GM
correction. Doc 9734
2) Review evidence to confirm effective Part A, C3
implementation. Doc 9774
2.3 & 5.2.5
— END —