Social Work England Business Plan 1920
Social Work England Business Plan 1920
Social Work England Business Plan 1920
Reshaping Standards, Enabling Change
Every day, social workers support millions of Our work to redefine professional standards
people to improve their chances in life. Social remains at the forefront, and we’ll continue to
Work England is a specialist body taking a new refine our day to day operations across
approach to regulating the profession. We registration, fitness to practise, and education
believe in the power of collaboration and share and training. Many of your views shared during
a common goal with those we will regulate- to our spring 2019 consultation activity will drive
protect the public, enable positive change and this work forward, ensuring that when things go
ultimately improve people’s lives. wrong quick, responsive and proportionate
regulation allows us to be focused on the real-
Our journey to become the new specialist
life impact of our decisions.
regulator of the profession is both exciting and
challenging. Our ambition is to anchor We recognise that social work is an ever-
everything we do in social work values, whilst at changing profession with competing demands
the same time welcoming new ways of working and priorities. We’re continuing to work closely
that empower professionals to be the very best with the Health and Care Professions Council
for the benefit of those who need their support. (HCPC) to ensure an effective transition for all
registrants to Social Work England as part of the
Social work is fundamentally about people.
hand-over of service.
That’s why dialogue remains at the heart of our
approach during set-up phase and beyond. As we prepare to launch, we’re both excited and
We’ve reached out to as many people as mindful that this is the very beginning of our
possible who share a connection with the journey. As we continue to grow in staff
profession, including critically those with lived numbers and evolve into our specialist regulator
experience. This year we’ll continue to embed role we are determined that Social Work
that engagement-led approach throughout our England will make a positive and lasting
organisation to shape our work, find solutions contribution to the public, professionals and
and challenge assumptions. society.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Our Purpose
Social work is about people. Our purpose is to regulate social workers in England so that people
receive the best possible support whenever they might need it in life. We are committed to raising
standards through collaboration with everyone involved in social work.
We are one national organisation for all social workers, offering proportionate regulation and
effective collaboration to enable a diverse profession to find solutions and take charge of their own
future. We are a specialist regulator focused on enabling positive change in social work.
We will actively collaborate and partner with all those involved in social work to define and
improve standards and protect the public.
We will offer quick and responsive regulation that is focused on the real-life impact of our
We will use technology and data to improve our understanding of the social work landscape
and to inform our decisions at every stage.
We will be transparent in our processes, and open about how decisions are made.
We will constantly evolve. Our new approach sets us on the right course, but our
organisation will take time to grow and develop as we learn from our experience.
Our new approach to social work regulation will contribute to our overarching aim of public.
protection by:
Introducing a new system of approving initial education and training to help social workers
to be better prepared for the challenges of direct practice.
Setting profession-specific standards for initial education and training to ensure that newly
qualified social workers are prepared for the challenges of direct practice.
Setting standards for and approving and recognising post-qualification specialisms to help
bring consistency to social work career pathways.
Setting out expectations for continuing professional development to ensure that all social
workers maintain their fitness to practise and that where this may not be the case, we take
action to ensure our standards are met.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Our Plans for April 2019 to March 2020
This business plan describes our delivery plans for the period from April 2019 to March 2020. We
will also produce a strategic plan describing our long-term ambitions.
The design of our core regulatory functions means that from day one, we will be enabling positive
change in social work on behalf of the public. Our legislation means that we can take a more
proportionate approach to fitness to practise proceedings. Online registration will streamline the
effort involved for new and renewing registrants. Our professional standards, created in
collaboration with the profession, will strengthen the connection between social workers and their
standards. Our education and training standards and approval processes will provide assurance of
the quality of social workers entering the profession. Our continuous professional development
process will provide assurance to the public that existing social workers continue to build their skills
and experience.
At the same time as preparing the organisation to deliver the core regulatory functions set out
above, we will develop our long-term strategy. We will take a collaborative approach to setting out
our ambitions for the next three to five years, describing how we will build on our stable foundations
to deliver effective and proportionate regulation to enable positive change in people’s lives.
Throughout the year, we will continue to work towards delivery of the objectives set out in our
2018/19 business plan, building on the progress we have already made in preparation for becoming
the regulator. We will remain focused on designing an organisation which will be effective at
protecting the public from day one.
Social Work England comprises five directorates, each making a vital contribution to our overarching
objective of protecting the public. The five directorates each have their own specialisms, but
effective collaboration between all five is essential to achieving our objectives. We are building our
fitness to practise, standards, and registration and quality assurance directorates to deliver our new
approach to social work regulation. Supporting these three directorates are our legal and finance
and procurement directorates, both of which play crucial roles supporting and enabling effective
and efficient practices.
In addition to the directorates, we describe in this plan five cross-cutting thematic areas. These five
areas - consultation, communications, people, information technology and data, and strategy and
planning - are fundamental areas of work that support all aspects of the organisation and help shape
our ongoing evolution.
For each theme and directorate, we set out in the next section what we plan to do, how we will do
it, and how we will know if we have succeeded.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Complete our consultation with the public and all stakeholders associated with the social
work profession to ensure our rules and standards are informed by people who have an
interest in our work.
Publish our professional standards, our standards for education and training and our rules for
registration and fitness to practise.
In early 2020, launch consultation on social worker registration fees to enable a revised fee
structure to be implemented from September 2020.
We receive positive feedback from consultation activities and we can show how consultation
has influenced the design of our standards and rules.
Our rules and standards are agreed by the Secretary of State and we receive positive
feedback following consultation on key supporting policies.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Support the directorates to deliver their objectives by creating bespoke communication plans
and associated products.
Bridging information gaps by working alongside HCPC and other partners to reassure social
workers on what the transfer of regulatory functions to Social Work England means for them.
Establishing our media relations function and managing our media output to support
emerging business objectives.
Developing our internal communication channels to ensure our brand values are realised and
embedded throughout the organisation.
Positive sentiment, coverage and feedback from our external engagement activity.
Meaningful and accurate messaging developed for fitness to practise, education, registration
and standards – right moment, right content, right channel.
Consistent messaging from both HCPC and Social Work England on the transfer of registrants.
Staff understand our role and have a positive connection to our brand, values and language.
Increased awareness of Social Work England and its core values amongst professionals.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Deliver a suitably qualified and fully trained workforce by the time we go live, including
professional advisers, investigators, case examiners and a full team of independent
Implement our learning and development programme, including our training provision and
occupational health offer, to ensure our people are supported to perform well in their roles.
Conduct an employee satisfaction survey to identify good practice and areas for
Continue to develop our human resources and recruitment policies, ensuring they remain fit
for purpose.
Continue to review and refine the structure of the organisation to ensure we are effectively
managed and appropriately structured.
Our employee satisfaction survey indicates that our people feel well-trained, able to fulfil
their duties, and are supported and engaged in their roles.
We have the right skills, knowledge and expertise to deliver our objectives.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Information Technology and Data Transfer
Ensure a smooth, safe and seamless transfer of data and functions from HCPC to Social Work
By July 2019, develop in partnership with HCPC detailed transition plans for each functional
area to ensure we are ready to become the regulator.
Ensure the transfer and test of data is managed safely in line with the General Data
Protection Regulation legislation.
Ensure the safe and effective transfer of fitness to practise casework from HCPC.
Ensure that any issues relating to transition are escalated to the sponsoring department.
The system facilitates increased efficiency and reliability in managing registrations, education
approvals and fitness to practise cases compared to current regulatory arrangements.
Our system reduces the amount of time and effort it takes for a social worker to register and
the time and effort it takes for us to process the registration.
Data transferred from HCPC is fully integrated with and accessible from our systems.
We have securely transferred all active cases from the HCPC whilst maintaining statutory
deadlines, without loss of information and without delays to casework progression.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Strategy and Planning
Monitor and report on our performance against our project and business plans to ensure
successful delivery.
Agree with the sponsoring department a final version of the framework document.
Continue to work closely with our contractors through to completion to ensure that the
ongoing changes to our infrastructure meet our needs.
The framework document is agreed and published on our website by January 2020.
Our infrastructure is fit for purpose, accommodates our Sheffield-based staff and has the
capacity to host the expected number of hearings.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Registration and Quality Assurance Directorate
Applications for registration are processed within 10 working days, in line with rules.
Our internal quality assurance activity confirms that the registration process is effective and
efficient, and that we are working within our statutory framework and internal targets.
We have sought and received feedback at the end of the first quarter of operation, and this
feedback is used to refine and improve the registration process.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Education Quality Assurance
Begin scheduling course inspections and conduct pre-approval assessment for courses
requiring approval for academic delivery in 2020.
Develop a quality assurance evidence framework that ensures that our quality assurance
function is informed by the expertise of the profession and stakeholders.
Appoint and train associate inspectors who will be actively conducting a programme of
course approval inspections and course monitoring.
The amount of time it takes to complete the approval of new courses, reapproval processes
and course monitoring is proportionate and efficient.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Fitness to Practise Directorate
Establish effective standard operating procedures, which realise the full potential of the new
powers available to Social Work England under the rules and regulations.
Deliver our initial findings about fitness to practise to the profession at a local level through
our regional engagement strategy.
Design a quality assurance framework, electronic case management system and modern
reporting capabilities that enable us to identify key trends and intelligence from fitness to
practise activity.
Our new rules and procedures deliver robust risk assessments at case reception and the full
range of consensual disposal options at the case examiner stage.
Our findings from engagement activity and improved data intelligence allow us to adapt our
rules, policies and guidance.
Our electronic case management system is modern, secure and capable of delivering
intelligent operational and management reports.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Standards Directorate
Establish a systematic means of continuing our dialogue and collaboration with social
Provide the organisation with information and advice on key policy and legislative issues,
changes and developments, the potential impact on social work and regulation, and what our
position should be in response.
How we will do it
Create a series of drivers that will deliver our strategic ambition for what specialist social
work regulation means and how it can make a positive contribution to social work.
Publish our professional standards, our standards for education and training and our rules for
registration and fitness to practise and publish guidance on the professional standards.
By September 2019, have in place the team of people and the support infrastructure
required to take forward our regional engagement strategy.
Ensure that people with lived experience of social work are actively engaged and working
with us across all aspects of our work.
Ensure that the social work profession, in all of its contexts, is actively engaged with us.
Have established a system of informing and advising the organisation on policy and
legislative changes and developments, and our position in response.
Before the end of the year, we have commissioned research into a key area affecting social
work or regulatory practice.
People with lived experience of social work are actively engaged in our work and providing
challenge and assistance across all aspects of what we do.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Social workers see us as a responsive regulator and engage with us regularly through the
various aspects of our work.
We are contributing to discussions and decisions in the sector on policy and legislative
changes/developments, the potential impact on social work and/or regulation.
We have commissioned research into an area of practice where additional, specialist analysis
is required to shape our approach and position.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Finance and Procurement Directorate
Develop a 3-year strategic financial forecast to support Social Work England’s strategic,
business and project objectives.
Fully develop and test all our systems, processes and controls prior to full implementation.
Develop opportunities for user feedback to improve and refine systems and processes.
Identify examples of best practice within the Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) sector as
well as externally to drive process improvements and ensure value for money.
Continually seek to review strategic, business and operational assumptions throughout the
financial period and assess their impact of future period forecasts.
Provide financial management training and support to all individuals with financial or
decision-making responsibilities.
Delivery of timely and accurate management information packs (inclusive of monthly and
quarterly forecasts) to directors and the Executive Leadership Team (ELT).
Timely submission of management returns to Department for Education (DfE) and the
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Legal Directorate
Deliver and manage a contracted bespoke external legal service for fitness to practise
investigations, hearings and advocacy.
Raise legal awareness across our directorates and provide updates on key legislative
developments that affect our regulation or our business activities.
Design and implement policies and procedures to ensure compliance with relevant
legislation, particularly in relation to data protection and information governance.
Establish a programme of internal quality and improvement work in readiness for becoming
the regulator.
The external legal service for fitness to practise investigations, hearings and advocacy is in
place and performance adheres to service level agreements.
A regular schedule of legal training and legal updates for Social Work England employees is in
Our internal quality and improvement work is underway and we are report internally on our
findings and improvements from the first three months of operation.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
In order to deliver our plans, we need to be able to fund our people, equipment, premises and
services. The table below summarises our budget requirement for 2019-20. Our budget requirement
is subject to quarterly review and reforecasting.
Item £
Programme £8.865m
Capital £1.706m
Total £11.301m
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Growing Success
As a new organisation, we are continually evolving and remain firmly focused on becoming an
effective specialist regulator for the social work profession. We’re mindful of course, that this is only
the very start of our journey. The qualitative success criteria we have identified in this plan underpin
each of our five thematic areas and five directorates to reflect the essential foundations we will
build to support our ambition to enable positive change for the public, professionals and everyone
who has an interest in social work. But we are also looking forward to the future. Our corporate
strategy will guide our operational goals longer term across the first three years, including
quantitative performance indicators that will measure success, create benchmarks and drive
forward organisational improvement.
Through the year, we will collate evidence to help us understand whether we have succeeded in
delivering this plan and to provide a robust evidence-base to help guide our ongoing evolution. We
will produce a regular report on our success criteria to allow our leadership team and board to
monitor progress and guide our development effectively.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Thematic Area Success Criteria
We can show how our rules and standards enable us to better protect the
Our rules and standards are agreed by the Secretary of State and we receive
positive feedback following consultation on key supporting policies.
Consistent messaging from both HCPC and Social Work England on the transfer
of registrants.
Staff understand our role and have a positive connection to our brand, values
and language.
Increased awareness of Social Work England and its core values amongst
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Thematic Area Success Criteria
We have the right skills, knowledge and expertise to deliver our objectives.
Our digital services are fully tested and ready to be launched when we go
Technology and Data
The system facilitates increased efficiency and reliability in managing
Transfer registrations, education approvals and fitness to practise cases compared to
current regulatory arrangements.
Our system reduces the amount of time and effort it takes for a social
worker to register and the time and effort it takes for us to process the
Data transferred from HCPC is fully integrated with and accessible from our
We have securely transferred all active cases from the HCPC whilst
maintaining statutory deadlines, without loss of information and without
delays to casework progression.
We publish our business plan for 2019-20 by June 2019 and our corporate
Strategy and
strategy for 2020-22 by early 2020.
Our approach to risk management actively contributes to successful delivery
of projects, operations and strategy.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Directorate Success Criteria
Our internal quality assurance activity confirms that the registration process is
effective and efficient, and that we are working within our statutory framework
and internal targets.
We have sought and received feedback at the end of the first quarter of operation,
and this feedback is used to refine and improve the registration process.
The amount of time it takes to complete the approval of new courses, reapproval
processes and course monitoring is proportionate and efficient.
We will be able to receive and investigate new concerns and schedule hearings
Fitness to from the day we go live.
Our new rules and procedures deliver robust risk assessments at case reception
and the full range of consensual disposal options at the case examiner stage.
Our findings from engagement activity and improved data intelligence allow us to
adapt our rules, policies and guidance.
Our electronic case management system is modern, secure and capable of
delivering intelligent operational and management reports.
Our Regional Engagement Team is in place and actively building relationships and
Standards networks at a local and regional level.
People with lived experience of social work are actively engaged in our work and
providing challenge and assistance across all aspects of what we do.
Social workers see us as a responsive regulator and engage with us regularly
through the various aspects of our work.
We are contributing to discussions and decisions in the sector on policy and
legislative changes and developments and the potential impact on social work and
We have commissioned research into an area of practice where additional,
specialist analysis is required to shape our approach and position.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY
Directorate Success Criteria
All system users are fully trained and able to freely access finance and procurement
Finance and systems and have access to a fully documented support framework.
System implementation leads to an improved level of reliability, efficiency and
accuracy of management information.
Delivery of timely and accurate management information packs (inclusive of monthly
and quarterly forecasts) to directors and the Executive Leadership Team.
Timely submission of management returns to Department for Education (DfE) and the
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).
Preparation of a 3-year strategic financial forecast by December 2019.
Recruitment to the legal directorate functions is complete by summer 2019.
The external legal service for fitness to practise investigations, hearings and advocacy
is in place and performance adheres to service level agreements.
A regular schedule of legal training and legal updates for Social Work England
employees is in place.
Our internal quality and improvement work is underway and we are report internally
on our findings and improvements from the first three months of operation.
1 North Bank, Blonk Street, Sheffield, S3 8JY