CSR Activity Recommendation To Wipro Based On Sdgs
CSR Activity Recommendation To Wipro Based On Sdgs
CSR Activity Recommendation To Wipro Based On Sdgs
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define global sustainable development priorities
and aspirations for 2030 and seek to mobilize global efforts around a common set of goals
and targets. The SDGs call for worldwide action among governments, business and civil
society to end poverty and create a life of dignity and opportunity for all, within the
Wipro believes it must try to, and can make (some) lasting impact, towards creating a just,
equitable, humane and sustainable society. The values of ‘Spirit of Wipro’ guide all our
actions. Our values ‘Being passionate about clients’ success’, ‘Being global and responsible’,
‘Treating each person with respect’, and ‘Unyielding integrity in everything we do’ are the
and diverse gender minority groups in the industry. If we continue to draw on the shared talent pool in
A diverse and inclusive workplace leads to greater innovation, agility, performance and engagement,
Wipro can be that advocate of change in the society and the corporate industry and can commence the
social responsibility of bring the change in the society and workplaces and making it more inclusive
and accepting.
Under this activity the goal of “Gender Equality” will be covered, by looking at the backgrounds of
the applicants, and hire employees based on skills instead of looking only at their degrees, rather than
the gender and commit to continuously and sustainably improving diversity within the global
leadership team and at all levels in our organization. To build technology platforms designed to make
organizations and their operations more resilient, efficient and sustainable for people and the planet,
upholding the ethical imperative to prepare society for the changes emerging technologies may bring.
The activities need to be planned in a phase manner starting form tier 1 metros and cosmopolitan
cities phasing deeper into the roots as these are more accommodating locations according to the level
Directly disbursing the financial aid from the trust to operate with trust and