Strategic Equality Plan 2012 2014 English
Strategic Equality Plan 2012 2014 English
Strategic Equality Plan 2012 2014 English
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
Contents / Who We Are
Who We Are 2
Foreword 3
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Statement 4
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Strategy 5
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Action Plan 12
Who We Are
CITB-Construction Skills is the Sector Skills Council and Industry Training Board for the construction industry, working with
industry, for industry to deliver a safe, professional and fully qualied UK construction workforce. We work with construction
companies to help them improve skills, increase their competitive edge and respond to the many challenges employers face
from the low carbon agenda, through to reducing costs on-site and recruiting the best and brightest talent for their sector.
We believe that developing the skills of workers in the construction industry is crucial to the health of the UK economy
thats why we are committed to promoting the importance of equality and diversity, working to deliver skills for economic
growth locally and nationally.
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
Welcome to the Fairness, Inclusion and Respect, CITB-ConstructionSkills Strategic Equality
Plan (SEP).
This plan has evolved from the previous Single Equality Scheme (SES) and replaces it for two
reasons; rstly because we have moved on as an organisation and achieved a great deal so
our plan has moved forward and secondly because it is now regarded as best practice to
have a Strategic Equality Plan.
Our commitment to Fairness, Inclusion and Respect remains just as strong, if not stronger.
We are determined to make CITB-ConstructionSkills an inclusive place to work, where all our
staff, learners, suppliers, stakeholders and partners are treated fairly and with respect and
where everybody has an opportunity to develop in an environment that is positive, challenging,
safe and supportive.
The aim of this plan is to support and guide CITB-ConstructionSkills to become an exemplar
organisation, leading the sector by example to ensure fairness, inclusion and respect for all.
The main objective of the plan is to guide and maintain a culture within the organisation that
supports all our stakeholders to embrace and strive towards a workforce that is representative
of todays society. The built environment is used by all members of the community and, to
ensure it is t for purpose, individuals from across all the different groups that make up the
modern communities should be involved in shaping the world in which we live.
CITB-ConstructionSkills will strive to exceed the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and
meet the General and Specic Public Sector Equality Duties, not only where we have a legal
responsibility to do so, but in all aspects of our work. We will pay due regard to the need to;
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited
by the Act
Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and
those who do not
Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who
do not.
Our Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) consists of three key documents:
The SEP Statement what we want to achieve
The SEP Strategy how we will achieve it
The SEP Action Plan the detailed actions and responsibilities
I look forward to working with you all and continuing the good progress we have made in
fairness, inclusion and respect across our organisation and in making it an exemplar one for
all involved.
Thank you for your support
Mark Farrar
Chief Executive
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
This statement focuses on some key principles covering what we want to achieve around fairness, inclusion and respect
(FIR). This statement reects FIR, which is one of a number of corporate principles (including Corporate Responsibility,
Customer, Digital, Data, Finance, Risk, Safeguarding, People, Estates, Technology and Health, Safety, Welfare and
Environment) and is summarised in this format for consistency.
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Statement
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Statement
Principle Statement Rationale Implications
We ensure equality and
diversity is embedded in all
we do
We promote equality of
opportunity for everyone
We believe in the value
of diversity
We are committed to action to
promote diversity and tackle
Equality and diversity is important to
us an organisation. We ensure our
principles and policies are
embedded in our behaviours, our
plans, how we operate and the
products and services we offer.
As an industry leader we promote
equality of opportunity for all, and
oppose all forms of unfair and
unlawful discrimination.
We believe that diversity in life
experience, background, skills and
abilities helps achieve better
outcomes for our organisation and
the industry.
We seek to exemplify the change
we want to see in the construction
industry and we are proactive in
promoting diversity and tackling
CITB-ConstructionSkills seeks to be
an exemplar organisation in the eld
of FIR. To do this we make FIR a
central part of what we do and how
we do things.
CITB-ConstructionSkills has the
opportunity to make a difference to
the construction industry as a whole,
and make it more representative of
the communities it serves.
Construction is an industry which
requires a variety of different skills
and abilities and it is important that
people from different backgrounds,
life experiences and abilities are
employed within the sector to enable
us achieve the high skill levels
needed to be world leaders in the
industry. Embracing diversity allows
improvements to productivity
through greater employee
engagement and improvements in
performance by enhancing
relationships through a better
understanding of stakeholders and
mirroring the communities served.
As the construction industry leader,
a passive policy on FIR would
not achieve our aspirations.
A pro-active approach will enhance
our reputation and move our
organisation and the industry
towards achieving objectives.
All learners, staff, applicants for
employment, customers and
suppliers will be treated fairly and will
not be discriminated against.
Decisions about people will be made
objectively and based on evidence.
Our plans and strategies are
developed within the context of our
FIR principles.
We encourage the industry to
promote FIR in all their working
We help and support construction
companies to train the skills needed
to do jobs effectively in a safe,
secure and inclusive environment.
We work to ensure that everyone
works in an inclusive environment,
free from discrimination, prejudice
and all forms of harassment
and bullying.
We work with industry to help them
address the changes in employee
and societys expectations arising
from more diverse communities.
We work to ensure our people and
our stakeholders employees feel
respected, valued, and engaged in
their work.
We seek to create a workforce that
reects the community in which it
We will communicate regularly with
our people on opportunities,
challenges and successes and
provide a central resource of
information in the Hub.
We celebrate the achievements of
all our learners and staff.
We challenge inappropriate
behaviour or language & openly
question organisations that operate
discriminatory policies/processes.
We develop products and
services that support FIR in the
construction industry.
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
CITB-ConstructionSkills will strive to exceed the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and meet the General and Specic
Public Sector Equality Duties, not only where we have a legal responsibility to do so, but in all aspects of our work. We will
pay due regard to the need to;
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
We will focus on four key areas to deliver a more equal and diverse workforce for the construction industry:
as a partner organisation of the Sector Skills Council and an Industry Training Board we will challenge out-of-date
practices and promote equality and the business case for diversity to construction companies by working with our
partners and the government
as a learning provider we will promote success amongst all our learners, making sure everyone has the same
opportunities and encourage the rest of the construction sector to join us
as a provider of products and services and an Industry Training Board, we will ensure fairness, inclusion and respect are
embedded in all our literature, products and services
as an employer we will improve the way we work to make sure that we always comply with and where possible exceed
the legal requirements, ensuring everyone has the same opportunities and that we address unfair and unlawful
discrimination wherever it happens.
Distance Travelled in 2011
CITB-ConstructionSkills have made considerable progress in 2011 in support of the three principles of the General Equality
Duty, both internally as an organisation and externally in supporting the construction and built environment sector.
1. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act
The Total Reward Framework included designing a new pay structure that is fair and transparent and includes a transition
process to move people onto the new pay ranges. Pay protection arrangements introduced for staff whose current basic
salary is over the maximum of the new grade.
New fairness, inclusion and respect webpages were introduced on providing legislative information,
good practice guides and signposting to experts to support construction employers. Feedback received from individuals
and organisations in the sector has been very positive with organisations sharing the link for the benet of employees.
This work will continue with the redevelopment of the cskills website in 2012.
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Strategy
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Strategy
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
HR evaluated all job roles using the new job evaluation system (Towers Watson Global Grading System). All roles were
evaluated using this new system and ranked logically, consistently and fairly. All evaluations were undertaken by a panel
of trained evaluators including a union representative. The Appeals process included ability to appeal on the grounds of a
comparator role.
Partnership Working was established with the Unions (Joint Consultation Committee) Representatives and nominated
Management Representatives to develop the new Total Reward Framework. Employee workshops, supported by Towers
Watson, were held to nd out what exible benets would be valued by staff to help in our work to develop an attractive
and affordable package of exible benets. The new Total Reward Framework will be implemented in May 2012.
Maternity and paternity benets were enhanced from the previous statutory level and a new Maternity, Paternity and
Adoption Leave Policy introduced. New Attendance Management and Redundancy Policies were introduced to replace
previous non legally compliant policies. New policies were based on a best practice approach.
3. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
CITB-ConstructionSkills accepted responsibility on behalf of the Construction and Built Environment sector for the
continuation of the Construction Leadership Diversity Forum from the Equality and Human Rights Commission. The new
structure to promote and address equality and diversity across the sector will consist of the Leadership Group for
Fairness, Inclusion and Respect to focus on the industry strategy and a Change Agent Group to deliver the strategy as
appropriate in sections of the sector.
The Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Products and Services Strategy was accepted by the Executive Committee to
support the promotion of fairness, inclusion and respect across the sector. The keystone of this strategy is an accredited
framework for the sector to support employers in the development of fairness, inclusion and respect strategies within
their own working practices, supporting their own staff, supply chain and stakeholders. The accredited frame work is
supported by a co-ordinated Fairness, Inclusion and Respect training programme for employers was launched in 2011
on, including Toolbox Talks with supporting information, free to download (Employer Services) and
training courses for Directors and Senior Managers, Line Managers and Supervisors, and Operatives (National
Construction College). Feedback from employers indicates weblinks to the toolbox talks are being placed on
construction companys internal websites and training courses are booked by main contractors for delivery in 2012. In
addition, information on the Equality Act 2010 and its relevance to the sector was included in the 2012 revision of GE700
the Construction Site Safety up-date pack.
Key Equality Objectives
In 2011, CITB-ConstructionSkills published our objectives relating to equality and diversity for 2011 to 2014. These
objectives remain the same. However, we will be focussing on particular objectives during 2012.
Our key equality objectives for 2012, under the relevant three principles of the General Equality Duty are as follows.
(The detailed actions, timeframes and responsible people are contained within the Strategic Equality Plan - Action Plan)
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Strategy
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act
Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
Objective 2 Develop and implement a strategy to demonstrate a
leadership role to challenge the industry to embrace equality and diversity in
pursuit of improved business performance and to comply with current and
emerging legislation.
Objective 9 To develop equality and diversity support materials and training
for the construction industry, to provide solutions to meet the Equality and
Diversity Leadership Challenge and promote the business case to the industry.
Objective 11 Effective communications of equality and diversity issues and
the benets of a diverse workforce both internally and with the construction
and built environment sector.
Objective 10 To develop and maintain effective governance and
engagement processes across the organisation with respect to equality
and diversity.
Objective 12 - Effective monitoring and analysis of staff diversity data,
benchmarking against the industry and UK workforce to inform the
development of KPIs for staff diversity.
Impact CITB-ConstructionSkills is a lead organisation for equality and
diversity in the sector, promoting good practice across the industry ensuring
one industry voice.
Impact A construction industry with awareness of the benets of a diverse
workforce and the ability to embed good practice into their work.
Impact Increased awareness of equality and diversity activities and their
impact in developing a sense of inclusiveness and the importance of diversity
internally and with the built environment sector.
Impact Equality and diversity is embedded throughout the work of
the organisation with good quality dialogue and timely changes to policies
and procedures.
Impact The ability to recommend and instigate action to improve
the diversity of CITB-ConstructionSkills on the basis of analysis of diversity
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
Legal Requirements
The Equality Act 2010 simplied equal opportunities law and the following are what are now known as the protected
characteristics. It is unlawful to discriminate against an individual or group based on any one of these characteristics.
Protected Characteristics
1. Age
2. Disability
3. Gender reassignment
4. Marriage and civil partnership
5. Pregnancy and maternity
6. Race
7. Religion and belief
8. Sex or gender
9. Sexual orientation
In addition, we will also consider socio-economic background for our work as a learning provider and provider of
products and services. Although socio-economic background is not a legally recognised protected characteristic,
CITB-ConstructionSkills will consider how peoples experiences have affected the opportunities they have had in life.
We will work to try to help those who have had limited opportunities in their life so far and who wish to work in the
construction industry.
In Wales, CITB-ConstructionSkills will meet the requirements of the Welsh Language Act and provide services explained in
the CITB-ConstructionSkills Welsh Language Scheme. The Welsh Language Scheme has received the Welsh Language
Boards full approval under Section 14(1) of the Act on 18 September 2001 ( The Welsh
version of the SEP is available from
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Strategy
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
The Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Leadership Group
For CITB-ConstructionSkills, the SEP identies equality and diversity as a core strategy, encompassing and underpinning
all areas of our work and ensuring co-operation across the organisation.
In 2009, CITB-ConstructionSkills set up an Equality and Diversity Leadership Group. This group renamed itself in 2011 as
the Fairness Inclusion and Respect Leadership Group to take a more proactive and engaging approach in embedding
equality and diversity into CITB-ConstructionSkills culture. The group meets monthly to drive forward equality and diversity
across the organisation and the construction industry. Chaired by the Equality and Diversity Executive Champion, with
representation from across the organisation, this group has four key areas to address:
1. CITB-ConstructionSkills Strategic Equality Plan and Action Plan CITB-ConstructionSkills aims to be an
exemplar organisation in relation to equality and diversity and this is demonstrated by the development of the Strategic
Equality Plan and Action Plan.
2. Equality Standard The Equality Standard provides recognition of CITB-ConstructionSkills
commitment to plan and promote good equality and diversity practices both in the organisation
and the construction industry. CITB-ConstructionSkills will continually evaluate and reassess our
work on equality and diversity leading towards our aim of being an exemplar organisation for
equality and diversity practice.
3. CITB-ConstructionSkills Equality and Diversity Training Programme All CITB-ConstructionSkills staff will
receive frequent equality and diversity training appropriate to their role within the organisation. The training is part of the
Corporate Training Programme and is to be overseen by the Personnel Training and Development Manager, Human
Resources Team. The training programme is subject to annual reviews and will be updated with new legislation as
4. Equality Impact Assessments (EIA) Equality Impact Assessments will be used to inform our decision making and
the impact of our decisions and enable us to be transparent and accountable to all customers about the decisions we
are making. Effective EIAs will enhance our work, ensuring a positive impact on all stakeholders. A revised and simplied
EIA policy and procedure will be developed in 2012 and rolled out across the organisation including our work as a
partner in the Sector Skills Council for Construction and as an Industry Training Board, a learning provider, a provider of
products and services and as an employer. Details of our progress will be included within our reporting documents and
be subject to our internal audit procedures. Completed EIAs and the resulting changes to our activities will be available
on the CITB-ConstructionSkills internal Hub and Website.
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Strategy
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
Leadership and Management
CITB-ConstructionSkills will strive to meet the requirements of the General and Specic Public Sector Equality Duties, not
only where we have a legal responsibility to do so, but in all aspects of our work. We will pay due regard to the need to;
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act
Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
All Board Members and staff have a responsibility to ensure their work supports the three principles of the General
Equality Duty;
The Board Members are responsible for:
Ensuring CITB-ConstructionSkills governance arrangements are robust and well-managed to ensure that the
organisation meets its obligations under the Equality Act and other relevant legislation
Making sure the SEP and its procedures are followed
Championing fairness, inclusion and respect in the built environment and construction sector
The Chief Executive is responsible for:
Giving a consistent and high profle lead on equality and diversity issues
Promoting the SEP and the Action Plan
Making sure the SEP and its procedures are followed
The Equality and Diversity Executive Champion is responsible for:
Driving the fairness, inclusion and respect agenda, internally and externally
Co-ordinating all work on equality and diversity with the Executive
Preparing reports for the Executive and Board
Chairing and directing the Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Leadership Group
Managing the Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Leadership Group for the sector
Directors and Heads of Department are responsible for:
Driving the fairness, inclusion and respect agenda, internally and externally
Putting the equality and diversity policies, procedures and action plans into practice
Taking management action to address any forms of discrimination
Ensuring equality and diversity are embedded in all business planning
Ensuring the Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) Policy is carried out effectively
Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Leadership Group responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Driving the fairness, inclusion and respect agenda, internally and externally
Reviewing the SEP and Action Plan and monitoring compliance across the organisation
Ensuring that policies, procedures, processes, literature and marketing collateral are all legally compliant and actively
promote fairness, inclusion and respect in all our work.
Developing, agreeing and implementing a training programme for employees
Communicating to staff as and when appropriate on equality and diversity matters and activities
Ensuring that information sources, policies and procedures on equality and diversity matters are clearly signposted to staff
Reviewing the data in order to assess learner and staff trends and advise management action where appropriate
All staff are responsible for:
Driving the fairness, inclusion and respect agenda, internally and externally
Promoting fairness, inclusion and respect, and challenging any discriminatory behaviour
Participating in equality and diversity training and learning opportunities where appropriate
Actively addressing equality and diversity in their work and taking responsibility for driving change within their role
and responsibilities
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Strategy
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
Monitoring / Reviewing
We also commit to measuring, monitoring, reviewing and responding to the diversity of the construction industry workforce,
our learners and our staff. We will identify and work to address any gaps in our performance through quality improvement
and the development of our SEP. Our progress will be reported every year in the Annual Equalities Scorecard as part of the
CITB-ConstructionSkills Annual Report.
The Responsible People for each section of the Action Plan will make biannual progress reports on our equality plans to
the Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Leadership Group. The Leadership Group reports to the CITB-ConstructionSkills
Executive Team quarterly, to the CITB-ConstructionSkills Board twice a year and to the CITB-ConstructionSkills Audit
Committee twice a year. We will also report progress by publishing information internally on the Hub and externally on the
CITB-ConstructionSkills website and through the Annual Report.
Our work will be recorded, monitored and published in the following ways:
Through our SEP and Action Plan and related procedures, annually
Through publication of EIAs and the resultant key changes and developments as they arise
CITB-ConstructionSkills understands that they cannot do this work alone and engaging with our stakeholders and
considering third party research alongside data and feedback collected from staff and learners will be very important for
making sure we meet the needs and expectations of everyone involved.
Stakeholders will be involved formally through a number of CITB-ConstructionSkills structures and processes:
Membership of the Board
CITB-ConstructionSkills Staff Forums
CITB-ConstructionSkills Learner Forums, surveys and feedback
Direct involvement in specifc development activities and projects
Membership and consultation with external groups and forums e.g. Fairness Inclusion and Respect Leadership Group,
UKCG Diversity Working Group, CIC Diversity Panel etc.
Recruitment, Careers and Lifelong Learning Working Group
Membership of and consultation with specifc experts e.g. Stonewall, The UKRC, Employers Forum on Disability,
Scottish Resource Centre for Women in Science and Engineering etc.
Press releases and marketing activity
Internal reviews of learning provision
Higher Education, Further Education and schools liaison
Inspection Frameworks
Skills for Growth Forums
Equality Impact Assessments
Employment Service (Job Centre Plus)
Careers Services (England, Scotland and Wales)
Wales Diversity Group
Chwarae Teg (Wales)
Federation and Institutions Diversity Groups
Stakeholders who will assist and support our leadership of fairness, inclusion and respect in the built environment and
construction sector are:
CITB-ConstructionSkills Staff
Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Strategy Group and the member organisations
Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Change Agent Group and the member organisations
UK Contractors Group, Diversity Task Group (UKCG)
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Strategy
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Strategy
Construction Industry Council (CIC) Diversity Forum
Regional Development Groups/Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) Local Authorities
Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Scottish Government
Scottish Building and Apprenticeship Training Council (SBATC)
Scottish Painting and Decorating Apprenticeship Council (SPADAC)
Skills Development Scotland (SDS)
Welsh Government incl. Welsh Language Commissioner
National Skills Academies
Union (Joint Consultative Council) Representatives
Black Training and Enterprise Group (BTEG)
Construction Youth Trust (CYT)
Chwarae Teg
The Princes Trust
National Apprenticeship Service
CITB-ConstructionSkills is aware that we require support from experts in equality and diversity to ensure continuous
improvement and maintain focus on the issues.
Current Partners are:
Equality and Human Rights Commission
Equality North East
Chwarae Teg (Wales)
Employers Forum on Disability
The UKRC (including WISE)
Constructing Equality
Women and Manual Trades (WAMT)
Be OnSite
Construction Youth Trust (CYT)
Scottish Resource Centre for Women in Science and Engineering (SRC for WISE)
Procurement - Cascading equality and diversity requirements to our supply chain
CITB-ConstructionSkills require individuals and organisations who work with us to accept their responsibility to address
equality and diversity within their work with us. In order to ensure this happens in all contracts, CITB-ConstructionSkills
include standard paragraphs ensuring:
The supplier shall not unlawfully discriminate within the meaning and scope of any law, enactment, order or regulation
relating to discrimination
The supplier shall comply at all times and in all respects with the Strategic Equality Plan of CITB-ConstructionSkills as
amended from time to time
The supplier shall take all reasonable steps to secure the observance of the above clause by all staff employed in the
execution of this contract.
We support suppliers by providing access to our own Strategic Equality Plan, Statement, Strategy and Action Plan. If
suppliers fail to comply with our equality and diversity requirements, action will be taken which may include withdrawal of
the contract.
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Action Plan
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Action Plan
Responsible Person Director of National Construction College, Equality and Diversity (E&D) Champion
Priorities for 2011/14
Objective To obtain recognition
for the development of equality and
diversity practice both internally and
externally from employer and
Impact CITB-ConstructionSkills is
recognised as an exemplar
organisation in terms of our equality
and diversity practice as an
employer, and promotion of equality
and diversity to the sector and other
Objective Develop and
implement a strategy to
demonstrate a leadership role to
challenge the industry to embrace
equality and diversity in pursuit of
improved business performance
and to comply with current and
emerging legislation
Impact CITB-ConstructionSkills is
a lead organisation for equality and
diversity in the sector, promoting
good practice across the industry
ensuring one industry voice.
Objective To promote the
Business Case for diversity and
represent the construction sector
with the people in government who
make the decisions
Impact Coherent messages
across the built environment and
construction sector and with
devolved nations and regions
ensuring equality and diversity is
embedded across the sector
Action Plan 2011/14
a. Maintain the Equality Standard, including equality and
diversity in activity based planning, driving inclusion of
equality and diversity across all directorates and
improving internal and external communication
b. Recognition of CITB-ConstructionSkills increasing
opportunities to develop the skills of everyone in the
workplace including action on equality and diversity
Employer and Stakeholder Survey
c. Ensure FIR is embedded into all
CITB-ConstructionSkills campaign planning and
delivery, by applying guidelines as part of our
processes and procurement.
a. Lead the Construction Industry Leadership group for
fairness, inclusion and respect.
b. Provide accurate and authoritative Labour Market
Intelligence (LMI) for the construction industry by
protected characteristics where availability and
access to data permits.
Support the assemblage of LMI through primary
research where identiable gaps exist in the
secondary data and it is practical with regards cost,
coverage and methods of collection.
c. Ensure effective diversity work is being carried out by
all staff involved in Careers Information Advice and
Guidance (IAG)
d. Co-ordinate sector approach to schools liaison
activity with the Recruitment Careers and Life Long
Learning Group
a. Ensure equality and diversity is included in
discussions with government representatives in
England Scotland and Wales
b. Inclusion of equality and diversity in all regional work
including LEPs (in England), local area meetings and
action plans, staff responsibilities (Skills Strategy,
Employer Services and NCC Staff) with systems in
place for quarterly reporting to the Fairness, Inclusion
and Respect Leadership Group
By when
30th Nov 2012
Results in
Qtr 4 annually
Reported in
Qtr 1 annually
End of Dec 2012
March 2012 onwards
LMI published annually
in Nov
Detailed within Annual
Research Programme
Qtr 3 2012
December 2012
By whom
Corporate Strategy
Heads of Finance
and Planning
Corporate Strategy
and Change)
Senior Account
and Marketing)
NCC Director
Research &
Operations Manager
Employer Services
Sector Strategies
Manager (Careers) (SS)
NCC Director
Employer Services
Skills Strategy Director
Regional Delivery
Managers (ES)
Sector Strategy
Managers (SS)
Product Managers
This documents the action plans (who, when, how) that are being put in place to deliver the specic objectives that ow
from the SEP Strategy. This will be the working document by which we monitor and review the progress being made.
Actions from the plan are carried over into the Corporate Business Plan, Activity Based Planning, Directorate Business
Plans or Operational Plans as appropriate.
CITB-ConstructionSkills as a Leader
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
CITB-ConstructionSkills as a Learning Provider
Responsible Person Head of Contracts and Standards
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Action Plan
Priorities for 2011/14
Objective Ensure that learning
programmes are accessible and
potential learners benet from
effective information, advice,
guidance and support.
Impact Programmes are
promoted to all, potential learners
make well informed choices and are
supported through the recruitment
Objective Any achievement gaps
across learner groups are identied
and narrowed.
Impact All learners have the best
opportunity to full their potential
Objective Ensure that an
effective exit strategy is in place to
support learner progression within
learning and employment.
Impact Learners are well
informed and inspired to progress in
their education and the workplace.
Objective Ensure learners benet
from a high quality learning
Impact Learners enjoy their
learning programme and feel
inspired to succeed and progress.
Action Plan 2011/14
a. Understand and take steps where appropriate to
address under-representation in learner recruitment
(Equality and Diversity Impact
Measures, EDIMs), comparing recruitment statistics
with regional and national benchmarks annually
b. Review current EDIMs strategy to;
I. Identify any barriers, and develop means to
remove these in promotion/ publicity material and
II. Review policy for schools liaison and recruitment
activity to address any under-representation
c. Set targets for recruitment based on the
EDIMs analysis
a. Identify root causes and take intervention to address
any differences in success rates across groups
b. Compare success rates with national benchmarks
c. Identify potential barriers to learning and appropriate
support where needed to overcome these
a. Review the exit strategy to support learner
progression to ensure we;
I. Monitor early leavers
II. Support progression opportunities
III. Monitor destinations
Ref - Learner Entitlement and Expectations within the
IAG Policy
a. Make effective use of learner surveys and forums to
measure enjoyment and to inform improvement.
By when
November annually
June 2012
December annually
Through progress
reviews (In place)
July 2012
By whom
Performance Manager
Performance Manager
Quality Improvement
Head of Employer
Scotland Director
Wales Director
Performance Manager
Area Delivery Managers
Performance Manager
Apprenticeship Ofcers
Regional Delivery
Manager - Central
Head of Employer
Scotland Director
Wales Director
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
CITB-ConstructionSkills as a Provider of Products and Services
Responsible Person Head of Product Development
Priorities for 2011/14
Objective Ensure all
CITB-ConstructionSkills products
and services provided are accessible
for all people and promoted to a
diverse customer base
Impact An increased customer
base with diverse representation
from companies and individuals
leading to a more visible diverse
construction workforce
Objective To develop equality
and diversity support materials and
training for the construction industry,
to provide solutions to meet the
equality and diversity leadership
challenge and promote the
business case to the industry.
Impact A construction industry
with awareness of the benets
of a diverse workforce and the
ability to embed good practice into
their work.
Action Plan 2011/14
Through the Innovation Forum and Investment Group,
Product Development Managers will;
a. Review current data on customers
b. Analysis to identify gaps
c. Review activity to ll gaps
d. Monitoring of customers
e. Commitment to review actions
f. Annual reporting
a. Develop products including information and training
as set out in the FIR Products and Services Strategy
b. FIR on CITB-ConstructionSkills new
corporate website
c. Commit to frequent review
d. Train CITB-ConstructionSkills staff to support the FIR
programme (Corporate Training Programme)
By when
2012 Business Planning
End of June 2011 and
Dec 2012
Annual / as required
By whom
Directorate Product
Development Managers
Product Development
Manager, E&D (ES)
Product Development
Manager, E&D (ES)
Training and
Development Manager
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Action Plan
Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2014
CITB-ConstructionSkills as an Employer
Responsible Person Head of Human Resources
Priorities for 2011/14 Action Plan 2011/14 By when By whom
Objective To develop and
maintain effective governance and
engagement processes across the
organisation with respect to equality
and diversity.
Impact Equality and diversity is
embedded throughout the work of
the organisation with good quality
dialogue and timely changes to
policies and procedures
Objective Effective
communications of equality and
diversity issues and the benets of a
diverse workforce both internally
and with the construction and built
environment sector
Impact Increased awareness of
equality and diversity activities and
their impact in developing a sense
of inclusiveness and the importance
of diversity internally and with the
built environment sector
Objective Effective monitoring
and analysis of staff diversity data,
benchmarking against the industry
and UK workforce to inform the
development of KPIs for staff
Impact The ability to recommend
and instigate action to improve the
diversity of CITB-ConstructionSkills
on the basis of analysis of diversity
a. All HR policies (excluding policies already
covered by the Total Reward Framework) to be
monitored against good practice professional
benchmarks in line with equality legislation regarding
protected characteristics amended/re-written
where necessary.
b. Good quality Manager guidelines to be produced.
Timetable based on risk analysis to be prepared in
i) Redundancy, attendance, maternity and
paternity, pay, TOIL and overtime
ii) Timetable for remaining HR
policies prepared
c. To embed equality and diversity into the newly agreed
Procurement Strategy
d. Update and simplify the Equality Impact Assessment
Strategy and embed EIAs into the individual
departmental Assurance Frameworks
e. Embed equality and diversity in corporate business
planning strategy and throughout the business
planning process, inc. activity based planning,
directorate and team planning
f. Supporting the equality and diversity strategy through
effective communications with internal staff through
an integrated campaign approach
a. Develop proactive well-being promotions for staff
b. Ensure that recruitment communication materials and
activities are diverse and inclusive and accessible
c. Undertake a review of E-learning training to ensure
new employees are aware of CITB-ConstructionSkills
commitment to equality and diversity
d. Develop and introduce accessibility guidelines for
web based materials.
e. Achieve the Plain English Kite Mark
for communications
f. Continue developing approach and quality of
statistics. Engage with staff and other key
stakeholders to gather qualitative data to support staff
diversity data collected. Consider additional
engagement campaign, along lines of Stonewall
material, in order to increase protected
characteristic data entered by individuals in
self-service. Use this data to identify KPIs for 2013
relating to our employees
a. Continue developing approach and quality of
quantitative data including recruitment, training and
development requests granted/denied, disciplinary
and grievance action taken etc.
b. Following Tower Watson work in 2011 and online
staff surveys providing a baseline of qualitative
information (e.g. perception and experience) develop
the actions required for increased motivation and
employee engagement given the feedback received.
i) Guidelines
prepared and on
Hub by July 2012
ii) June 2012
Quarter 3 2012
and ongoing.
Dec 2012
September 2012
3rd Quarter 2012
End of Quarter 3 2012
2012 Plan to be
developed with ATOS
Quarter 4 2012
4th Quarter 2012
November 2012
July 2013
Quarter 4 Annually
reporting to the FIR
Leadership Group
On going
Exec Roadshows
2nd Quarter
Cultural development
Proposal signed off by
Exec April 2012
Head of HR
Head of HR
Strategic Procurement
Equality and
Diversity Manager
All Directors
Corporate Strategy Unit
All Directors and Senior
Management Teams
(Activity Programme
Head of C&M
Senior HR Business
Recruitment Manager
Personnel Training and
Development Manager
Head of C&M
Head of C&M
HR Operations Manager
HR Operations Manager
Head of HR
HR Programme
Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) Action Plan
0344 994 4400
[email protected] 1
CITB-ConstructionSkills, CIC and CITB Northern Ireland are working as ConstructionSkills, the Sector
Skills Council for Construction. (CITB-ConstructionSkills registered charity number 264289)