CDS4004 Annt
CDS4004 Annt
CDS4004 Annt
Social networking is a major Web 2.0 application. Web technologies, such as JavaScript, not only
enrich the user experience of social networking applications, but also handle the collection of
data for Web analytics and social network analysis. This course introduces the major Web
technologies for rich user experiences with an emphasis on how they also support data collection
in social networking applications. Students will learn about the ethical use of these technologies
in relevant applications, such as social media marketing.
The course aims to provide students with a technical foundation as well as an ethical framework
for the application of data science in studies of online social networks.
Indicative Contents:
Web technologies
JavaScript, JSON, Cloud computing, Web services, AWS API, Google API
Social network analysis, social network mining, social semantic web, graph theory
Social media marketing, text mining, sentiment analysis, literary networks
Ethical issues
Data Science Ethical Framework
Teaching Method:
Web technologies, analytics and ethical issues are introduced and discussed in lectures through
examples. The applications of data science through social networks are examined through
selected case studies. Students learn to develop software for social networking mining through
hand-on exercises during laboratory sessions.
Quizzes 10%
Laboratory exercises 30%
Case studies 20%
Final examination 40%
Total 100%
1. The final examination and quizzes will cover principles of web technologies (LO1) and social
network analysis (LO3).
2. Case studies will cover applications of social network analysis with an emphasis on ethical
considerations. (LO3, LO4, LO5)
3. Laboratory exercises address the development of software components for social network
mining. (LO2)
Required/Essential Readings:
1. Liu, B., SpringerLink, & LINK. Web Data Mining Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and
Usage Data (Data-Centric Systems and Applications). Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005.
Recommended/Supplementary Readings:
1. Omitola, Ríos, Breslin, Ríos, Sebastián A., Breslin, John G., & Ebooks Corporation. Social
semantic web mining (Synthesis lectures on the semantic web, theory and technology. San
Rafael, California: Morgan & Claypool, 2015.
2. Liu, B. Sentiment analysis and opinion mining (Synthesis lectures on human language
technologies ; lecture #16). San Rafael, California: Morgan & Claypool, 2012.
3. UK Government. “Data Science Ethical Framework,” 19 May 2016,
Important Notes:
(1) Students are expected to spend a total of 9 hours (i.e. 3 hours of class contact and 6 hours
of personal study) per week to achieve the course learning outcomes.
(2) Students shall be aware of the University regulations about dishonest practice in course
work, tests and examinations, and the possible consequences as stipulated in the
Regulations Governing University Examinations. In particular, plagiarism, being a kind of
dishonest practice, is “the presentation of another person’s work without proper
acknowledgement of the source, including exact phrases, or summarised ideas, or even
footnotes/citations, whether protected by copyright or not, as the student’s own work”.
Students are required to strictly follow university regulations governing academic integrity
and honesty.
(3) Students are required to submit writing assignment(s) using Turnitin.
(4) To enhance students’ understanding of plagiarism, a mini-course “Online Tutorial on
Plagiarism Awareness” is available on
Rubric for Case Studies of CDS4004 – Web Technologies and Social Networks
Rubric for Lab Exercise(s) of CDS4004 – Web Technologies and Social Networks