TesseractOCR PHP Code Examples HotExamples

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PHP TesseractOCR Code Examples

This page contains top rated real world PHP examples of TesseractOCR extracted from
open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of


recognize (14) (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/recognize/php-

setLanguage (7) (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/setLanguage/php-
setWhitelist (5)
setTempDir (4) (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/setTempDir/php-
convertImageToTif (1)
executeTesseract (1)
generateConfigFile (1)
generateWhitelist (1)
readOutputFile (1)
removeTempFiles (1)


3  
 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: Templates_model.php Project: nus-mtp/bill-egoat

169 public function ocr($billID, $template)

170 {
171 $amountImgFileDirectory = "images/detection_result/";
172 $dueDateImgFileDirectory = "images/detection_result/";
173 $amountImgFileName = "croppedAmt.jpg";
174 $dueDateImgFileName = "croppedDueDate.jpg";
175 //connect to mysql and getting the coordinate data
176 require_once 'TesseractOCR.php';
177 $this->billdb->select('billFilePath');
178 $this->billdb->where('billID', $billID);
179 $query1 = $this->billdb->get('bills');
180 //$this->billdb->query("SELECT billFilePath from bills where billID =
" . $billID);
181 $ini_filename = $query1->result()[0]->billFilePath;
182 $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($ini_filename);
183 list($width, $height) = getimagesize($ini_filename);
184 $query2 = $this->templatedb->query("SELECT coordinateLabelX,
coordinateLabelY, coordinateLabelX2, coordinateLabelY2 FROM dat
185 $row = $query2->row(0);
186 $x1 = $row->coordinateLabelX;
187 $y1 = $row->coordinateLabelY;
188 $x2 = $row->coordinateLabelX2 - $row->coordinateLabelX;
189 $y2 = $row->coordinateLabelY2 - $row->coordinateLabelY;
190 // Scale Up coordinates
191 $x1 = $x1 * $width;
192 $y1 = $y1 * $height;
193 $x2 = $x2 * $width;
194 $y2 = $y2 * $height;
195 //cropping the image using the coordinate data
196 $to_crop_array = array('x' => $x1, 'y' => $y1, 'width' => $x2, 'height' =>
197 if ($template != 0) {
198 $thumb_im = imagecrop($im, $to_crop_array);
199 } else {
200 $thumb_im = $im;
201 }
202 imagejpeg($thumb_im, $amountImgFileDirectory . $amountImgFileName, 100);
203 //run OCR on the cropped section
204 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR($amountImgFileDirectory . $amountImgFileName);
205 $tesseract->setLanguage('eng');
206 $amount = $tesseract->recognize();
207 $amount = preg_replace("/[^0-9,.]/", "", $amount);
208 $query3 = $this->templatedb->query("SELECT coordinateLabelX,
coordinateLabelY, coordinateLabelX2, coordinateLabelY2 FROM dat
209 $row = $query3->row(0);
210 $x1 = $row->coordinateLabelX;
211 $y1 = $row->coordinateLabelY;
212 $x2 = $row->coordinateLabelX2 - $row->coordinateLabelX;
213 $y2 = $row->coordinateLabelY2 - $row->coordinateLabelY;
214 // Scale Up coordinates
215 $x1 = $x1 * $width;
216 $y1 = $y1 * $height;
217 $x2 = $x2 * $width;
218 $y2 = $y2 * $height;
219 //cropping the image using the coordinate data
220 $to_crop_array = array('x' => $x1, 'y' => $y1, 'width' => $x2, 'height' =>
221 if ($template != 0) {
222 $thumb_im = imagecrop($im, $to_crop_array);
223 } else {
224 $thumb_im = $im;
225 }
226 imagejpeg($thumb_im, $dueDateImgFileDirectory . $dueDateImgFileName, 100);
227 //run OCR on the cropped section
228 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR($dueDateImgFileDirectory .
229 $tesseract->setLanguage('eng');
230 $duedate = $tesseract->recognize();
231 $amount = strtok($amount, " ");
232 $day = strtok($duedate, " ");
233 $month = strtok(" ");
234 $year = strtok(" ");
235 str_replace(array(",", "."), "", $day);
236 str_replace(array(",", "."), "", $month);
237 str_replace(array(",", "."), "", $year);
238 if (ctype_alpha($day)) {
239 $temp = $day;
240 $day = $month;
241 $month = $temp;
242 }
243 switch ($month) {
244 case 'Jan':
245 case 'January':
246 $month = "01";
247 break;
248 case 'Feb':
249 case 'February':
250 $month = "02";
251 break;
252 case 'Mar':
253 case 'March':
254 $month = "03";
255 break;
256 case 'Apr':
257 case 'April':
258 $month = "04";
259 break;
260 case 'May':
261 $month = "05";
262 break;
263 case 'Jun':
264 case 'June':
265 $month = "06";
266 break;
267 case 'Jul':
268 case 'July':
269 $month = "07";
270 break;
271 case 'Aug':
272 case 'August':
273 $month = "08";
274 break;
275 case 'Sep':
276 case 'September':
277 $month = "09";
278 break;
279 case 'Oct':
280 case 'October':
281 $month = "10";
282 break;
283 case 'Nov':
284 case 'November':
285 $month = "11";
286 break;
287 case 'Dec':
288 case 'December':
289 $month = "12";
290 break;
291 }
292 $data = array('totalAmt' => $amount, 'billDueDate' => $year . "-" .
$month . "-" . $day);
293 $this->billdb->where('billID', $billID);
294 $this->billdb->update('bills', $data);
295 /* remove the cropped images once the check is complete.
297 $command = escapeshellcmd('rm -f ' .
$amountImgFileDirectory . $amountImgFileName);
299 shell_exec($command);
300 $command = escapeshellcmd('rm -f ' .
$dueDateImgFileDirectory . $dueDateImgFileName);
302 shell_exec($command);
303 */
304 return $ini_filename;
305 }


1  

 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: webminer-drive.php Project: kjenney/php-webminer

359 /**
360 * Get Captcha Value and input in box
361 */
362 function captcha($imglocation, $typeinbox)
363 {
364 $html = $this->getSource();
365 $tidy = tidy_parse_string($html)->html()->value;
366 $searchqp = htmlqp($tidy, 'body');
367 $captchaurl = $searchqp->branch($imglocation)->attr('src');
368 $saveimg = '/tmp/mycaptcha.png';
369 file_put_contents($saveimg, file_get_contents($captchaurl));
370 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR($saveimg);
371 $crackedvalue = $tesseract->recognize();
372 $this->driver->findElement(WebDriverBy::CssSelector($typeinbox))-
373 }


1  

 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: ocr.inc.php Project: edualm/SDIS-EuroMillions-Server

6 function numbersForFileNamed($fileName)
7 {
8 $tesseract = new \TesseractOCR(BASE_PATH . 'inbox/' . $fileName);
9 $tesseract->setWhitelist(range(0, 9));
10 return preg_split('/[ \\n]/', $tesseract->recognize());
11 }


0  
 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: ocr.php Project: pinekta/MyTestSample

2 require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
3 for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
4 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR("img/image{$i}.jpg");
5 $tesseract->setLanguage('eng');
6 $tesseract->setWhitelist(range('a', 'z'), range(0, 9));
7 echo $tesseract->recognize() . "\r";
8 }


-1  

 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: ImageController.php Project: lilikokalova/diplomna-rabota

36 public function tesseract($image_path)

37 {
38 require_once 'D:\\xampp\\htdocs\\ocr\\vendor\\thiagoalessio\\
39 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR(public_path() . '/images/' .
40 $text = $tesseract->recognize();
41 Session::put('trans', $text);
42 return $text;
43 }

-1  
 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: CodeRead.php Project: nikhilsamarsingh/CodeRead

14 public function recognizeText($imageFile)

15 {
16 require_once "TesseractOCR/TesseractOCR.php";
17 require_once "Repositories/CR_File.php";
18 // Recognize text from image
19 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR($imageFile->filePath);
20 $tesseract->setWhitelist(range('A', 'Z'), range('a', 'z'), range(0, 9),
'_-.,;"#<>()%{}[]= ');
21 $txt = $tesseract->recognize();
22 // Save text file
23 // public/output/code_filename.ext
24 $codeFilePath = "public/output/code_" . $imageFile->fileName . $this-
25 $recognizedCodeFile = new CR_File($codeFilePath);
26 $recognizedCodeFile->write($txt);
27 return $recognizedCodeFile;
28 }


-1  

 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: class.tesseract_ocr.php Project: PseudoAj/mfcs

20 function generateConfigFile($arguments)
21 {
22 $configFile = mfcs::config('mfcstmp') . '/tesseract-ocr-config-' .
rand() . '.conf';
23 exec("touch {$configFile}");
24 $whitelist = TesseractOCR::generateWhitelist($arguments);
25 if (!empty($whitelist)) {
26 $fp = fopen($configFile, 'w');
27 fwrite($fp, "tessedit_char_whitelist {$whitelist}");
28 fclose($fp);
29 }
30 return $configFile;
31 }


-1  

 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: index.php Project: mehulsbhatt/ocr-php-tesseract-example

44 // Grab the uploaded file
45 $file = $request->files->get('upload');
46 // Extract some information about the uploaded file
47 $info = new SplFileInfo($file->getClientOriginalName());
48 // Create a quasi-random filename
49 $filename = sprintf('%d.%s', time(), $info->getExtension());
50 // Copy the file
51 $file->move(__DIR__ . '/../uploads', $filename);
52 // Instantiate the Tessearct library
53 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR(__DIR__ . '/../uploads/' . $filename);
54 // Perform OCR on the uploaded image
55 $text = $tesseract->recognize();
56 return $app['twig']->render('results.twig', ['text' => $text]);
57 });
58 $app->post('/identify-telephone-number', function (Request $request)
use($app) {
59 // Grab the uploaded file
60 $file = $request->files->get('upload');
61 // Extract some information about the uploaded file
62 $info = new SplFileInfo($file->getClientOriginalName());
63 // Create a quasi-random filename
64 $filename = sprintf('%d.%s', time(), $info->getExtension());
65 // Copy the file
66 $file->move(__DIR__ . '/../uploads', $filename);
67 // Instantiate the Tessearct library
68 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR(__DIR__ . '/../uploads/' . $filename);
69 // Perform OCR on the uploaded image
70 $text = $tesseract->recognize();
71 $number = findPhoneNumber($text, 'GB');
72 return $app->json(['number' => $number]);
73 });
74 $app->run();


-1  
 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: files.php Project: PseudoAj/mfcs

732 public static function createOCRTextFile($originalFile, $assetsID,

733 {
734 $text = TesseractOCR::recognize($originalFile);
735 if (file_put_contents(self::getSaveDir($assetsID, 'ocr') .
DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename . '.txt', $text) === FALSE) {
736 return FALSE;
737 }
738 $return['ocr'][] = array('name' => $filename . '.txt', 'path' =>
self::getSaveDir($assetsID, 'ocr', FALSE), 'size' => filesi
739 }

-1  

 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: DocumentParserWorker.php Project: jinchen891021/paperwork

102 private function parseContent($fileUri, $language)

103 {
104 if (!File::exists($fileUri)) {
105 throw new Exception('Document parsing job #' . $this->job-
>getJobId() . ' received a uri to a file that does not seem to
106 }
107 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR($fileUri);
108 $tesseract-
109 if (isset($language)) {
110 $tesseract->setLanguage($language);
111 }
112 return $tesseract->recognize();
113 }


-1  
 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: TesseractOCRTest.php Project: ais-pro/tesseract-ocr-for-php

23 public function testSpecificLanguageRecognition()

24 {
25 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR("{$this->imagesDir}german.png");
26 $tesseract->setLanguage('deu');
27 $this->assertEquals('grüßen in Deutsch', $tesseract->recognize());
28 }


-1  
 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: functions.php Project: schpill/standalone

598 function ocr($img, $lng = 'fre')

599 {
600 $t = new \TesseractOCR($img);
601 $t->setTempDir(CACHE_PATH);
602 // $t->setLanguage($lng);
603 return $t->recognize();
604 }

-1  

 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: HomeController.php Project: soarmorrow/refercom

129 public function getOCR()

130 {
131 require_once base_path() .
132 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR(public_path() .
133 $tesseract->setTempDir(storage_path());
134 $tesseract->setLanguage('eng');
135 //same 3-letters code as tesseract training data packages
136 echo $tesseract->recognize();
137 }


-1  
 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: DashboardController.php Project: soarmorrow/refercom

765 /**
766 * Get Ocr uploaded Image Text.
767 *
768 * @return with Success with Text Extracted or Error
769 */
770 public function postUpload()
771 {
772 // Build the input for our validation
773 $input = array('image' => Input::file('image'));
774 // Within the ruleset, make sure we let the validator know that this
775 // file should be an image
776 $rules = array('image' => 'required|mimes:jpeg,png,pdf');
777 // Now pass the input and rules into the validator
778 $validator = Validator::make($input, $rules);
779 // Check to see if validation fails or passes
780 if ($validator->fails()) {
781 // Redirect with a helpful message to inform the user that
782 // the provided file was not an adequate type
783 return Redirect::back()->with('message', 'Error: The provided file
was not an image');
784 } else {
785 $file = Input::file('image');
786 $destinationPath = 'uploads/photos';
787 $image = $file->getClientOriginalName();
788 Input::file('image')->move($destinationPath, $image);
789 require_once base_path() .
790 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR(public_path() . '/' .
$destinationPath . '/' . $image);
791 $tesseract->setTempDir(storage_path());
792 $tesseract->setLanguage('eng');
793 //same 3-letters code as tesseract training data packages
794 $ocr = $tesseract->recognize();
795 return Redirect::route('upload-form')->with('message', 'Success:
File upload was successful')->with('ocr', $ocr);
796 }
797 return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'An error occured');
798 }


-1  
 (https://hotexamples.com/examples/-/TesseractOCR/-/php-tesseractocr-class-

Show file File: ocr.php Project: nus-mtp/bill-egoat

6 function ocr($id, $template)
7 {
8 //connect to mysql and getting the coordinate data
9 require_once 'TesseractOCR/TesseractOCR.php';
10 $link = mysql_connect('localhost:3306', 'root', 'ysAb7cEkjvOa');
11 mysql_select_db('billdb');
12 //$id = 171;
13 //$template = 54;
14 $sql = "SELECT billFilePath from bills where billID = " . $id;
15 $result = mysql_query($sql);
16 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM);
17 $ini_filename = $row[0];
18 $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($ini_filename);
19 //echo $ini_filename;
20 //echo $id;
21 //echo $template;
22 mysql_select_db('templatedb');
23 $sql = "SELECT coordinateLabelX, coordinateLabelY, coordinateLabelX2,
coordinateLabelY2 FROM datafields WHERE templateID = "
24 $result = mysql_query($sql);
25 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM);
26 $x1 = $row[0];
27 $y1 = $row[1];
28 $x2 = $row[2] - $row[0];
29 $y2 = $row[3] - $row[1];
30 //cropping the image using the coordinate data
31 $to_crop_array = array('x' => $x1, 'y' => $y1, 'width' => $x2, 'height'
=> $y2);
32 $thumb_im = imagecrop($im, $to_crop_array);
33 imagejpeg($thumb_im, 'images/cropped1.jpg', 100);
34 //run OCR on the cropped section
35 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR('images/cropped1.jpg');
36 $tesseract->setLanguage(eng);
37 $amount = $tesseract->recognize();
38 $sql = "SELECT coordinateLabelX, coordinateLabelY, coordinateLabelX2,
coordinateLabelY2 FROM datafields WHERE templateID = "
39 $result = mysql_query($sql);
40 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM);
41 $x1 = $row[0];
42 $y1 = $row[1];
43 $x2 = $row[2] - $row[0];
44 $y2 = $row[3] - $row[1];
45 //cropping the image using the coordinate data
46 $to_crop_array = array('x' => $x1, 'y' => $y1, 'width' => $x2, 'height'
=> $y2);
47 $thumb_im = imagecrop($im, $to_crop_array);
48 imagejpeg($thumb_im, 'images/cropped2.jpg', 100);
49 //run OCR on the cropped section
50 $tesseract = new TesseractOCR('images/cropped2.jpg');
51 $tesseract->setLanguage(eng);
52 $duedate = $tesseract->recognize();
53 $amount = strtok($amount, " ");
54 $day = strtok($duedate, " ");
55 $month = strtok(" ");
56 $year = strtok(" ");
57 switch ($month) {
58 case Jan:
59 $month = "01";
60 break;
61 case Feb:
62 $month = "02";
63 break;
64 case Mar:
65 $month = "03";
66 break;
67 case Apr:
68 $month = "04";
69 break;
70 case May:
71 $month = "05";
72 break;
73 case Jun:
74 $month = "06";
75 break;
76 case Jul:
77 $month = "07";
78 break;
79 case Aug:
80 $month = "08";
81 break;
82 case Sep:
83 $month = "09";
84 break;
85 case Oct:
86 $month = "10";
87 break;
88 case Nov:
89 $month = "11";
90 break;
91 case Dec:
92 $month = "12";
93 break;
94 }
95 //echo "<br>" . $amount . "<br>";
96 //echo $year;
97 //echo $month;
98 //echo $day;
99 mysql_select_db('billdb');
100 $sql = "UPDATE bills SET totalAmt = " . $amount . ", billDueDate = '" .
$year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day . "' WHERE billID
101 //echo "<br>" . $sql;
102 $result = mysql_query($sql);
103 mysql_close($link);
104 }
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