Pullups From Zero To Hero
Pullups From Zero To Hero
Pullups From Zero To Hero
Special Report: How to Dominate at Pull Ups and Chin Ups and Get an Attractive V-Shaped Body
What is a pull up or a chin up? It is pulling yourself up from a dead hang on a bar. You do it mostly with the aid of the muscles of your back and arms. The movement starts with your arms completely straight and ends with your chin over the bar or your chest touching the bar.
Beneficial Variations
There are many different ways to do pull ups, but only three styles are both safe and maximally beneficial. These are shoulder width (or a little bit wider) pull ups with your hands on top of the bar, shoulder width (or slightly narrower)under hand chin ups and neutral grip chin ups where your palms face each other.
Super wide grip pull ups are not very effective, even though fitness magazines keep promoting them. They look good on picture and it seems that the wider the grip, the wider your back is going to get. In reality, the wider the grip, the smaller the range of motion of the movement. This means that your muscles are doing less work. Besides, when the upper arms are close to your body, the big muscle of the upper back, the latissimus dorsi, can achieve better flexion. It is stronger in this position. So
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Special Report: How to Dominate at Pull Ups and Chin Ups and Get an Attractive V-Shaped Body
your back will get wider and this muscle will get bigger when you significantly increase your strength on pull ups. The popular behind the back pull up variation deserves a honorable mention. This style is not much harder than the regular pull up (which means that it does not have value for being a harder exercise), but it puts your body in an unnatural position and stresses your shoulders too much. Just don't do it. Lets recap quickly. Don't train pull ups with an ultra wide grip. Also, don't do pull ups behind your neck. Don't train to failure. Lower yourself slowly and under control. If it's too hard for you and you cannot do even a single pull up or you can do only one or two, there is once again an effective way for you to increase your strength.
From Zero...
(Beginner Training)
Don't worry if you cannot do a single pull up. Everybody starts there. Here is what you should do. Start with just the lowering part of the movement. Lift yourself up with a jump or a stool). Now, lower yourself slowly and under control. Also, work the muscles that take part in the movement to progress faster. Here is how to do it. If you have access to a gym, do seated lat pull downs Your grip should be shoulder width, you palms over the bar. Pull until the bar touches your chest. Do 3 sets of 5 repetitions and add more weight the next workout once you are
Special Report: How to Dominate at Pull Ups and Chin Ups and Get an Attractive V-Shaped Body
able to complete the 3 sets of 5 reps. Also, do one arm dumbbell rows and dumbbell biceps curls. For these two exercises, do 3 sets of 8-12 reps. Once you are able to do more than 12 reps on your third set, pick a heavier dumbbell. These 3 exercises are ok, if you are a complete novice and you lack the strength to pull yourself up. Once you can do your first pull up, the best exercise remains... the pull up If you are not very overweight, you should be able to do your first pull up even if you are carrying extra fat. It goes without saying that losing weight will mke your jo9b easier though. Now, if you can already pull yourself up once, it is time for the real training to begin. You will be training as often as your schedule allows it. However, it is crucial to be fresh, not fatigued, when trying to improve your ability to do a certain movement. So, if you got access to a pull up bar, you can do one pull up in the morning and one in the evening. In this way you are going to be teaching your nervous system the movement so it can utilize your muscles better at it. Strive to gradually increase the daily training volume 3 pullups per day, 4 pullups, 5, 6, etc. Soon you will be able to do 2. Now, start training like this: 1 pull up, rest 2-3 minutes, 2 pullups, rest 3-5 minutes. Every day strive to add one more set to the workout but also try to stay fresh, not fatigued.
Special Report: How to Dominate at Pull Ups and Chin Ups and Get an Attractive V-Shaped Body
Don't rush it. When sets of 2 repetitions become easy, you can start doing 1 repetition, rest, 2 repetitions, rest, 3 repetitions, rest... Or, just do either 4 sets of 2 repetitions or 3 sets of 3. Now, once you are up to being able to do 4 fresh repetitions which means not to failure and with good form, you will be able to do 5-6 repetitions to failure. This is the goal of the introductory pull up training phase. An effective way to increase your strength endurance on pullups, after you are already capable of pulling yourself up 5-6 times, is the ladder method. Ladder training gives surefire results. Here is the system. You will do one pull up, rest do 2 pullups, rest, do 3 pullups, rest... Continue this until you reach 40-70% of the maximum number of pullups that you are capable of. Now, your rest time can be 1 minute after 1 repetition, 2 minutes after 2 repetitions and 3 minutes after 3 or more repetitions. Once again, you are going to be striving to up the total volume of pullups each workout. When this becomes easy, you are going to make the ladder one level higher. Instead of doing 1 pull up, 2 pullups, 3 pullups, you are going to do 1 pull up, 2 pullups, 3 pullups, and finally 4 pullups.
Special Report: How to Dominate at Pull Ups and Chin Ups and Get an Attractive V-Shaped Body
123-123 123-123-1 123-123-12 123-123-123 123-123-123-1 1234-1234 you are one level up the ladder
Workout 7
Another option (once you are advanced enough to do at least 10-12 pullups) is to train with a partner. Here is how to do it. You do one pull up, your partner does one pull up, you do two, then your partner does two, etc... You are going to keep this up until one of you is unable to continue up the ladder. Then it is time to start over. One-one, two-two, etc. Training like this it is a piece of cake to reach 60-100 pullups per workout. And 60-100 pullups means your endurance will be shooting through the roof. Plus, all the fatigue will make your muscles grow bigger.
Special Report: How to Dominate at Pull Ups and Chin Ups and Get an Attractive V-Shaped Body
Intermediate trainees
The pull up is probably the best exercise for your upper body. If you combine that with some kind of a pushing exercise lets say dips or standing shoulder presses, you will have a pretty complete upper body workout. Now, if you significantly increase your strength on pullups, this practically guarantees that you will gain muscle and make your existing muscle mass denser and harder. During seasons when it is possible to workout outside at a playground or a pull up bar, doing dips or hand stand push ups and chin ups or pullups are a great alternative to going to the gym for some time. You see, the initial strength base training - lets say until you can do 10-12 repetitions is achieved the easiest doing ladders. When you reach this number, it would be good to add pullups with additional weight in order to get stronger faster. A practical and cheap method to add weight is to put some heavy objects in a backpack. Just start with 5-10kgs/10-20lbs. You can train every day or every other day. Alternate a day on which you do pushing exercises, such as presses and dips, with a day of pulling chin ups and pullups. Or, you can simply do both exercises on the same day by alternating a set of dips with a set of pullups. The second method is a killer way to enhance your recovery. It allows antagonistic muscle groups to rest while the other are working. The key here is not to train to failure in order to recover faster and thus allow for a higher training frequency.
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Special Report: How to Dominate at Pull Ups and Chin Ups and Get an Attractive V-Shaped Body
Higher frequency of practice equals more strength because the more you do something, the better you will become at it. Rest periods will be relatively long at least two minutes, and at the beginning of the training cycle up to 3 to 5 minutes. Also, the volume (sets X reps) of the workout has to be increased very gradually. Now, when you reach 30-36 repetitions per workout for a given movement or exercise, it is time to lower the volume once more and add another 2-5kg (5-10lbs) to the weight. You are free to use whatever you find in order to add resistance stones, heavy books, etc, as long as your backpack is comfortable to you. On the next page is a sample workout for 3-4 weeks of training every day or every other day depending on how well you recover:
Special Report: How to Dominate at Pull Ups and Chin Ups and Get an Attractive V-Shaped Body
123-123 123-123-1 123-123-12 123-123-123 123-123-123-1 1234-1234 you are one level up the ladder
1234-1234-1 1234-1234-12 1234-1234-123 12345-12345 you are one level up the ladder
Special Report: How to Dominate at Pull Ups and Chin Ups and Get an Attractive V-Shaped Body
Then, you will be resting for a couple of days and starting over.
And so on...
Ok, another way to train, if you get bored or just need some variety or if the above workouts stop giving results, is the 5 sets of 5 workout scheme.
So you will be training with a weight that allows you to do 6-7 repetitions. Rest a lot. You can alternate a set of pushing with a set of pulling exercises. Or a day of pulling and a day of pushing.
Special Report: How to Dominate at Pull Ups and Chin Ups and Get an Attractive V-Shaped Body
Workout 1 Workout 2 Workout 3 Workout 4 Workout 5 Workout 6 Workout 7 Workout 8 Workout 9 Workout 10
54321 54322 54333 54433 54443 54444 55444 55544 55554 55555 rest
Add 3-5 more kg (5-10lbs). Now start with the new weight:
Workout 1 Workout 2 Workout 3
It is realistic to expect your pull-up strength to increase by 22-45lbs/10-20 kg . Your strength-endurance will follow it.
Special Report: How to Dominate at Pull Ups and Chin Ups and Get an Attractive V-Shaped Body
If you are advanced enough, you still can continue training with one of the above systems, but for a better effect and also to avoid overstraining and boredom, its good to use a combined method. Because there are three paths to generate a maximal muscular contraction ( heavy lifting, explosive lifting and lifting a submaximal weight to failure), why not use more than one method to achieve our goals. Whats the scoop? One day you train pull-ups heavy 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps. The next day do 8-10 light sets of 2-3 reps as fast as possible. Pull yourself up lightning fast, immediately switch gears and lower yourself in a fast and controlled manner. In the lower portion of the movement switch gears again with no rest and pull yourself up again. Do this for 2-3 reps. The next day can be either rest, or a heavy day once more. Another way, though not as effective, is to combine heavy pull-ups one day with a strength endurance workout on another day. Either do ladders up to 40-70% of the maximum number of pull-ups you are capable of or just do sets of pull-ups te 70% of maximum number you can do. Also, you can combine explosive pull up days for sets of 2-3 with endurance days. Train hard and enjoy life, Yavor Marichkov