Burgee Challenge
Burgee Challenge
Burgee Challenge
WELCOME! And thank you for purchasing this program! If youre not already convinced, I feel the need to extol the virtues of the lowly burpee as an all around body conditioner. Burpees will condition your entire body and will develop strength, explosive power and anaerobic endurance. Anaerobic exercise is exercise used by athletes in non-endurance sports to promote strength, speed and power. Energy systems trained using anaerobic exercise develop differently compared to aerobic exercise. Anaerobic training leads to greater performance in short duration, high intensity activities that last from seconds up to about minutes. In sports that re!uire repeated short bursts of exercise, its the anaerobic system that enables muscles to recover for the next burst. In contrast, any activity performed longer than about two minutes is considered aerobic exercise and taps into a different energy system. "hese exercises include lower intensity activities performed for longer periods of time li#e running, swimming, and cycling. "hey re!uire large amounts of oxygen to generate the energy needed for extended exercise time. All this means that I can coast through a low intensity aerobic wor#out if I want to, but theres no coasting involved in anaerobic training. "he beauty of anaerobic training is that its short and sweet. $hatever your preference for training, you cant #noc# the benefits of anaerobic training. If I loved running for hours, Id do it because I loved it, not because its super effective for conditioning or fat burning. I %ust happen to loathe it, so it wor#s out well that I can train for & minutes and feel li#e Im '()E. *(f course if your goal is to run a marathon or do other endurance events, then building a training base through long wor#outs is a re!uirement, but thats a totally different topic out of the scope of this program+. As well, you #now my stance on the pull up as the grand-daddy of all body weight exercises. I thin# we all #now how taxing and how much strength they re!uire. Anyone thats tried a pull up, or multiple sets of them will tell you that theyre not easy.
,ut the burpee and the pull up together and you have one heavenly *or devilish+ combination for wor#out intensity to build anaerobic capacity and strength endurance. A word of caution "he exercises and wor#outs described in this program are advanced and intended for the intermediate to advanced fitness enthusiast. -y goal is for you to improve your fitness by way of challenging yourself with #ic# butt wor#outs. Form and quality of movement always trumps quantity of repetitions . Rest is imperative. "rust me when I tell you that the concept of overtraining for .ealous fitness buffs is a reality. /isten to your body and give yourself ample rest and recovery time. As much as I love burpees and burpee pull ups as described in this program, the concept of 0too much of a good thing is real. 1eres more about the program2 "hese wor#outs should )(" be done consecutively unless at least one day of rest follows each wor#out. "his guide provides exercise and wor#out suggestions to integrate into my pull up and3or push up challenge wor#out program or into your own training program for added variety and intensity. The goal of each workout is to lift as heavy a weight possible for each resistance set (with proper form) and include high quality HIIT (burpee burpee pull up! repetitions. NEVER sacrifice form for reps. That is" always use the best form possible to avoid in#ury and to train the specific muscles intended. $ach workout is outlined with a rep scheme but with no specific weight. %ou will choose your weight based on these guidelines& -if you can ! ge! " reps# !he $eigh! is !oo hea%y -if you can ge! &' or more reps !he $eigh! is !oo ligh! -your $eigh! for each se! may change (ase) on !his principle -as a general rule of !hum(# &* reps is lis!e) 'nless otherwise specified" take () seconds rest between each set.
$ach workout should start with a full body warm up that may include *+,) min of stationary bike" treadmill work" general dynamic stretches such as arm circles" body weight squats etc. $ach workout should end with general cooling down and stretching for *+,) minutes. -lease refer to the e.ercise library and video library for details on proper form for each e.ercise. /et0s get started!
'isclaimer2 4ee your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. ,rior to starting, you should discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If you are ta#ing any medications, you must tal# to your physician before starting any exercise program. If you experience any lightheadedness, di..iness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop and consult a physician. "hese recommendations are not medical guidelines. "his boo# is for educational purposes only. 5ou must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or in%ury that contraindicates physical activity. "his program is designed for healthy individuals 67 years and older only. All forms of exercise pose some inherent ris#s. It is advisable that readers to ta#e full responsibility for their safety and #now their limits. "he exercises and dietary programs in this boo# are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician. 'ont perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper techni!ue by a certified personal trainer. 'ont perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to your wor#out session and end with a stretching cool down segment.
4afety 8irst
5ou will only get positive results from this program if you are performing the exercises correctly. 1ere are a few tips for you to maximi.e your results2 ,. 9hec# with your doctor before starting any new exercise or diet program. 1. It may be necessary to consult a trainer if you are unsure of how to do any of the exercises. 'o )(" do exercises that you dont understand how to do. (. If something 0hurts do not do it. 5ou must understand the difference between muscle fatigue and in%ury. Always error on the side of caution if you feel pain. 2. "his program has the potential to be used with those new to fitness as well as those that are very fit. 4tart off conservatively and increase intensity as you go. *. $e can 0do it all: however, we may need an extra day of rest between wor#outs so feel free to ta#e a day of active rest between wor#outs if you arent up to the
3. 4. 5. 6. ,).
wor#out. Active rest is an activity that is low intensity calorie burning in nature such as wal#ing. ;se proper exercise form and train conservatively in all wor#outs. Always start with the easier alternative exercises if appropriate, even if you have exercised in the past. "he new exercises, and new style of movements will cause muscle soreness even from wor#outs you thin# <loo# easy<. 'o )(" do interval training more than = times per wee#. 'o )(" the s#ip a warm-up, as well, ta#e a few minutes to cool the body down. If you have an in%ury, get medical attention to rehabilitate your in%ury before starting an exercise program.
Exercise Descriptions
"he burpee and the burpee pull up are complex and advanced movements. 'ue to the nature of them, its difficult to have a single picture3description for each modified and3or intensified version. Instead, please refer to the short video instructions and the list of burpees and burpee pull ups. $hen doing any of the wor#outs, you can swap out any version of the burpee or burpee pull up, thereby increasing the number of wor#outs exponentially. As youll see, you are only limited by your imagination with these exercises. Ive listed some of the possible options below. Burpee and Burpee ,ull ;p (ptions
-odified (ptions2 Burpee with high plan# wal# out no %ump up Burpee with high plan# hop out no %ump up Burpee with high plan# hop out with %ump up Burpee modified push up wal# out no %ump up Burpee modified push up hop out no %ump up Burpee modified push up hop out with %ump up Burpee with high plan# to assisted pull up Burpee with high plan# to %ump pull up Burpee with modified push up to assisted pull up Burpee with modified push up to %ump pull up Burpee with push up to %ump pull up Burpee with push up to assisted pull up
>egular (ptions2 Burpee with push up to pull up Burpee with push up to chin up Burpee with tricep push up to pull up Burpee with tricep push up to chin up Advanced (ptions2 Box %ump burpee Box %ump burpee pull up Burpee with mountain climber Burpee with mountain climber pull up (ne legged burpee (ne legged burpee with two foot %ump to pull up (ne legged burpee with one foot %ump to pull up $eighted vest burpee $eighted vest burpee push up to pull up
5ou can refer to the exercise and video library for exercises in the program and here are some video demonstrations of burpees and burpee pull ups2
>egular Burpee2 http233vimeo.com3?==@AACB Box Dump Burpee2 http233vimeo.com3?==@BA @ -odified Burpee ,ull up2 http233vimeo.com3?==@@?6C Burpee ,ull ;p2 http233vimeo.com3?==@7& Advanced Burpee ,ull ;p Examples2 http233vimeo.com3?==@B? 7
"his is a metabolic finisher to be used at the end of any wor#out to torch body fat. (r, if you have a small window to train, this is a short and sweet way to wor# up a sweat. 6- ;se a timer. - 9omplete C& burpees in as short a time as possible. ?- ;se this time as a benchmar# to measure improvement as you wor# through this program. Wor out ) - "imed set of #$ %urpee *ull +ps & 'print( "he ultimate test2 burpees paired with pull ups for time. Again this can be a benchmar# for measuring progress later on when you repeat this grueling wor#out. Wor out , - "imed set of !$$ %urpees & -arathon 4ettle in for the long haul, this is a nauseating challenge. 4uggestion2 plan on doing C sets of & reps, time each set of & and allow for a short rest between each set of & reps. Wor out . - "imed set of !$$ %urpee *ull +ps & +ltimate -arathon )ot for the faint of heart, this wor#out is the ultimate test of conditioning. A mental game plan is imperative. ,lan to brea# up the wor#out into shorter sets as described in wor#out E?. >ecording your split times, that is, how long it ta#es you to complete each set of & reps is helpful for when you repeat this wor#out. 5oull #now exactly when you need to turn up the heat to beat your score from previous attempts. Wor out # - /nterval 'ets of %urpees or %urpee *ull ups "ime yourself to do 6& burpees or burpee pull ups. "a#e this time and add 6C to ?& seconds onto it. 8or example, if it ta#es you =C seconds to do 6& burpees, you will set your timer for one minute *or 626C+ repeats. 'o up to 6& sets of burpees or burpee pull ups . 'ecrease the interval time as your fitness capacity improves. 8or example, the next time you try the wor#out, set the timer for CC second repeats.
Wor out 0 1 2ount +p32ount Down 9hoose a resistance training movement. Examples could include anything such as a
'B lateral raise, bicep curl, push up, s!uat, etc. "he list is only limited by your imagination. 1ere is the format, each set adds up to 66 reps2 6 burpee or burpee pull up to 6& reps resistance movement burpees or burpee pull ups to B reps resistance movement ? burpees or burpee pull ups to 7 reps resistance movement F.continue to 60 burpees or burpee pull ups to 6 rep resistance movement "otal reps for burpees or burpee pull ups in this wor#out is CC. Wor out 4 1 %urpee or %urpee *ull +p 'quat Wor out Be prepared to have legs of lead after this wor#out. 9hoose a weight for the s!uat that you can do for 6& hard reps with good form. 6 - 4!uats 6& reps3no rest - 6& burpees or burpee pull ups ? - >est 6 min = - >epeat up to C times Wor out 5 & %urpee or %urpee *ull +p 2hest Wor ou t 6- 'B incline chest press3no rest - 6& burpee or burpee pull ups ? - >est ?& sec = - >epeat up to C times Wor out 6 1 %urpee *ull +p %ac Wor out2 9hoose a weight for the deadlift that you can do for 6& hard reps with good form. 6- 'eadlifts 6& reps3no rest - 6& burpee pull ups ?- >est 6 min =- >epeat up to C
Wor out !$ 1 %urpee *ull up 2hest3%ac Wor out7 9hoose a weight for the bench press and deadlift or cable rows that you can do for
6& hard reps with good form. 6- Bench press 6& reps3no rest - 'eadlift or cable rows 6& reps3rest ?- 6& burpee pull ups ?- >est 6 min =- >epeat up to C Wor out !! 1 %urpee *ull +p %icep Wor out7 ;se the 0count up3count down method described in wor#out A. 6& burpee pull ups to 6 heavy barbell curl B burpee pull ups to heavy barbell curls 7 burpee pull ups to ? heavy barbell curls... 6 burpee pull up to 6& heavy barbell curls Wor out !) 1 %urpee *ull +p "ricep Wor out7 6- 6& tricep push ups3no rest - C burpee pull ups ?- >est up to ?& seconds =- >epeat up to C C- 'B tricep over head press3no rest A- C burpee pull ups @- >est up to ?& seconds 7- >epeat up to C Wor out !, 1 %urpee *ull +p 89ill: 'print wor out7 5oull need a C& yard area to sprint. "o add intensity, do this on a hill and do hill sprints. 6- C burpee pull ups3no rest - sprint C& yards ?- wal# return >epeat C times
Wor out !. 1 %urpee *ull +p 2ore Wor out ! 6- C burpee pull ups3no rest
- ?& sec plan# recovery ?- >epeat up to 6& times Wor out !# 1 %urpee *ull +p 2ore Wor out ) 6- C burpee pull ups3no rest - 6& hanging leg raises3no rest ?- ?& sec side plan# left3no rest =- ?& sec side plan# right3no rest C- >epeat up to C times Wor out !0 & %ox ;ump %urpee *ull +p Wor out ;se the 0count up3count down method described in wor#out A. 6& box %umps to 6 burpee pull up B box %umps to burpee pull ups 7 box %umps to ? burpee pull upsF 6 box %ump to 6& burpee pull ups %urpee <ideo exercises
Speed skater burpee - http233youtu.be36;! 6Gv=-"s Jumping jack burpee - http233youtu.be3;8cn;9HvveE One arm burpee - http://youtu.be/OBCyrwteWe One !eg burpee - http233youtu.be3t6,bdI7C4;E Side p!ank burpee - http233youtu.be3/>A.Il(C#Jw
2onclusion "he burpee and burpee pull up are the 0be all end all of bodyweight training. 5ou will increase your overall endurance and strength through the variety of wor#outs listed in this program. As you wor# through these wor#outs, Im sure youll create your own challenges. 8eel free to share them with the 9hallenge $or#out community on my blog2 www.9hallenge$or#outs.com3blog or email me directly at shawna#.helpKgmail.com. Id love to hear about your wor#outs and be challenged by youL