Texas Method Spreadsheet

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Texas Method
Edit the cells in orange ONLY
Put your 3x5, 1x5, or 5x3 numbers in here as appropriate. If
My current lifts: you've been fucking around and finding out your 1RM, put
that in, it'll adjust accordingly.
I measure weights using: lbs
Squat: 380 lbs for: 5 reps (1RM: 428 lbs)
Bench Press: 250 lbs for: 5 reps (1RM: 281 lbs)
Deadlift: 390 lbs for: 5 reps (1RM: 439 lbs)
Press: 170 lbs for: 5 reps (1RM: 191 lbs)
Power Clean: 155 lbs for: 5 reps (1RM: 174 lbs)

2-week progression pace: Typically 10 for deadlift and squats, 5 for the rest.
Lower this if things are moving too quickly.

Squat: 10 lbs 5
Bench Press: 5 lbs 5
Deadlift: 10 lbs 5
Press: 5 lbs 5
Power Clean: 5 lbs 2.5

Smallest weight increment: How granularly rounded do you want your warmups to be?
These numbers must NOT be greater than your increments,
and squats must be half or less!

Squat: 5 lbs 0
Bench Press: 2.5 lbs 0
Deadlift: 5 lbs 0
Press: 2.5 lbs 0
Power Clean: 2.5 lbs 0 0

BP/OHP cycle pace? Let 'er rip! 3

Limit: Limited to 3x your progression pace
Slow-roll: Cutting it back a bit, limited to 2x progression pace. Allows for slower, steadier progression.
Let 'er rip!: After 3RM, 1RM is calculated, incremented the 2-week increment, and aimed for the next workout.
OHP Wednesday decrement? 95% 0 0
This should be somewhere between 90% and 99%. Default is 95%

Good, on to the workout!

This spreadsheet is intended for people who have done SS and now need to
move on to the next phase of training. For the power cleans, it will work best
if you just put your 5x3 weight and 3 reps down, as there is no aim to go for
heavy singles. Similar for deadlift, just put your latest weight and reps.
Squats will be slightly different, in that you'll go back to 5x5 and 1x5 training,
but if you're in no rush, just put the last weight you did at 3x5. Things might
seem a little light at first, but weekly progression will kick in soon enough.

Bench and Press have some fun variation to them. Your 1RM will be calculated and
then strived for on the first workout. Two weeks later you'll go for 2 reps of your
previous 1RM weight, and then you'll go for 3 two weeks after that. At this point,
you'll have three choices. All three will have the 1RM calculated from the 3RM, and
have your 2 week increment added. "Let 'er rip" will use this figure, or the
adjusted figure if you didn't hit at least 3 reps. "Limit" will use the smaller of the
"Let 'er rip" figure and the previous cycle's 1RM plus three two-week increments.
"Slow-roll" is similar as "Limit", but uses two two-week increments.

Also, you get to choose the increment of Wednesdays OHPs. Rippetoe says that
while you should have a lower load on Wednesday, the decrement isn't the same as
for BP (90%). However, he doesn't give the figure to be used. We'll use 95% to
begin with, you can change this on the following page if you wish. If you wish to
read the program and decide for yourself, you can find it at http://www.t-nation.

On Fridays, be sure to record the number of reps you put up for everything but
power cleans. For power cleans enter number of sets completed. At the end of the
6-week cycle, put the finish date up near the Xa cycle title (cell D9 for the first cycle,
for example). Your estimated 1RMs will be calculated, and if you put your weight
for the respective date on the Stats page, your lift:bodyweight ratios will be
recorded as well. Good luck!
This spreadsheet was put together with liberal borrowing from SteamRoxorz of the
SS forums, as well as poteto of Reddit. If interest occurs, future versions will be
announced on Reddit's fitness and/or weightroom subs. You can download the
latest version at http://www.mediafire.com/TexasMethod. Otherwise, you can
contact me directly on Reddit! -akharon
I've been using this spreadsheet so I decided to import it to google docs so I
can use it from my iphone and update it a bit. It checked out okay when I
tried downloading to my excel, but YMMV. You can contact me on the SS
forums. -strideknight
Lifts TRUE 2 3 5
Squat 430 418 406 382
Make sure you fill in "reps hit on Friday" or the weights
Bench 281 273 266 250
will not progress correctly!
Deadlift 439 427 414 390
Press 191 186 181 170
Clean 174 170 165 155

Cycle End Date Cycle 1a

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 1a Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 1 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 110 140 100
1x3 155 195 140
1x2 200 250 180
Work Sets 225 280 202.5
Reps Hit on Friday 1a Notes
3x5 5x5 1
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 75 80 100
1x3 95 105 130
1x2 115 125 160
Work Sets 140 152.5 190
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 85 85
Clean 1x3 110 110
1x2 135 135
Work Sets 162.5 162.5
Sets Done on Friday
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 22,625 8,025 10,803 20,363 9,353 10,138

Cycle End Date Cycle 1b

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 1b Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 2 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 115 140 100
1x3 160 195 145
1x2 205 250 185

Work Sets 230 280 207.5

Reps Hit on Friday 1b Notes
3x5 5x5 2
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 80 85 100
1x3 105 110 130
1x2 125 130 160
Work Sets 150 157.5 190
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 85 90
Clean 1x3 110 115
1x2 135 140
Work Sets 162.5 165
Sets Done on Friday 5 5
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 22,800 8,250 11,083 20,538 9,453 10,415

Cycle End Date Cycle 1c

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 1c Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 3 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 115 140 105
1x3 165 195 150
1x2 210 250 190
Work Sets 237.5 280 215
Reps Hit on Friday 1c Notes
3x5 5x5 3
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 80 85 100
1x3 105 110 130
1x2 125 135 160
Work Sets 152.5 160 190
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 90 90
Clean 1x3 115 115
1x2 140 140
Work Sets 167.5 167.5
Sets Done on Friday
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 23,013 8,288 11,488 20,610 9,615 10,643

Cycle End Date Cycle 2a

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 2a Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 1 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 110 135 95
1x3 150 190 135
1x2 195 245 175
Work Sets 220 275 197.5
Reps Hit on Friday 2a Notes
3x5 5x5 1
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 75 80 100
1x3 95 105 130
1x2 120 125 155
Work Sets 142.5 150 187.5
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 90 90
Clean 1x3 115 115
1x2 140 140
Work Sets 167.5 167.5
Sets Done on Friday
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 22,475 8,073 10,873 20,300 9,228 10,250

Cycle End Date Cycle 2b

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 2b Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 2 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 110 135 100
1x3 155 190 140
1x2 200 245 180
Work Sets 227.5 275 205
Reps Hit on Friday 2b Notes
3x5 5x5 2
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 80 85 100
1x3 100 105 130
1x2 125 130 155
Work Sets 147.5 155 187.5
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 90 90
Clean 1x3 115 115
1x2 140 140
Work Sets 167.5 167.5
Sets Done on Friday
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 22,688 8,198 11,148 20,460 9,390 10,438

Cycle End Date Cycle 2c

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 2c Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 3 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 115 135 105
1x3 160 190 145
1x2 205 245 185
Work Sets 232.5 275 210
Reps Hit on Friday 2c Notes
3x5 5x5 3
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 80 85 100
1x3 105 110 130
1x2 125 135 155
Work Sets 152.5 160 187.5
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 90 90
Clean 1x3 115 115
1x2 140 140
Work Sets 167.5 167.5
Sets Done on Friday
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 22,863 8,288 11,423 20,610 9,515 10,625

Cycle End Date Cycle 3a

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 3a Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 1 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 105 135 95
1x3 150 190 135
1x2 195 245 175
Work Sets 217.5 272.5 195
Reps Hit on Friday 3a Notes
3x5 5x5 1
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 75 80 100
1x3 95 100 125
1x2 115 125 155
Work Sets 140 147.5 185
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 90 90
Clean 1x3 115 115
1x2 140 140
Work Sets 167.5 167.5
Sets Done on Friday
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 22,388 8,025 10,870 20,223 9,190 10,233

Cycle End Date Cycle 3b

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 3b Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 2 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 110 135 100
1x3 155 190 140
1x2 200 245 180
Work Sets 225 272.5 202.5
Reps Hit on Friday 3b Notes
3x5 5x5 2
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 75 80 100
1x3 100 105 125
1x2 120 125 155
Work Sets 145 152.5 185
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 90 90
Clean 1x3 115 115
1x2 140 140
Work Sets 167.5 167.5
Sets Done on Friday
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 22,625 8,125 11,143 20,363 9,353 10,418

Cycle End Date Cycle 3c

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 3c Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 3 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 115 135 100
1x3 160 190 145
1x2 205 245 185
Work Sets 230 272.5 207.5
Reps Hit on Friday 3c Notes
3x5 5x5 3
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 80 85 100
1x3 105 110 125
1x2 125 130 155
Work Sets 150 157.5 185
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 90 90
Clean 1x3 115 115
1x2 140 140
Work Sets 167.5 167.5
Sets Done on Friday
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 22,800 8,250 11,415 20,538 9,453 10,603

Cycle End Date Cycle 4a

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 4a Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 1 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 105 135 95
1x3 150 185 130
1x2 190 240 170
Work Sets 215 270 192.5
Reps Hit on Friday 4a Notes
3x5 5x5 1
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 75 75 100
1x3 95 100 125
1x2 115 120 155
Work Sets 137.5 145 182.5
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 90 90
Clean 1x3 115 115
1x2 140 140
Work Sets 167.5 170
Sets Done on Friday 4
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 22,315 7,988 10,843 20,125 9,128 10,268

Cycle End Date Cycle 4b

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 4b Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 2 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 110 135 100
1x3 155 185 140
1x2 200 240 180
Work Sets 222.5 270 200
Reps Hit on Friday 4b Notes
3x5 5x5 2
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 75 80 100
1x3 95 105 125
1x2 120 125 155
Work Sets 142.5 150 182.5
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 90 90
Clean 1x3 115 115
1x2 140 140
Work Sets 170 170
Sets Done on Friday
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 22,563 8,073 11,150 20,300 9,315 10,450

Cycle End Date Cycle 4c

Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri 4c Accessory Work
Texas Method Sets x Rep
Medium Light Heavy Medium Light Heavy
5x5 2x5 1x5 5x5 2x5 1x5
2x5 45 45 45 45 45 45
1x5 135 105 150 135 105 150
1x3 200 160 225 200 160 225
1x2 270 215 300 270 215 300
Work Sets 340 270 380 340 270 380
Reps Hit on Friday
5x5 3 3x5
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 110 135 100
1x3 155 185 140
1x2 200 240 180
Work Sets 227.5 270 205
Reps Hit on Friday 4c Notes
3x5 5x5 3
2x5 45 45 45
1x5 80 85 100
1x3 100 105 125
1x2 125 130 155
Work Sets 147.5 155 182.5
Reps Hit on Friday
1x5 1x5
2x5 140 140
Warm-up 1x3 210 210
Deadlift 1x2 295 295
Work Sets 350 350
Reps Hit on Monday
5x3 5x3
2x5 45 45
1x5 90 90
Clean 1x3 115 115
1x2 140 140
Work Sets 170 170
Sets Done on Friday
Back Ex Work Sets 5x10 5x10
Chin-Up Work Sets 3xF 3xF
VOLUME 22,688 8,198 11,420 20,460 9,390 10,633
1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c 4a 4b 4c Wilks Coefficients
Male Female
Weight [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] -216.0475144 594.31747775582
PL Total 16.2606339 -27.23842536447
Wilks Score -0.002388645 0.82112226871
1RM Projection (Top Workset) -0.00113732 -0.00930733913
Squat 0.00000701863 0.00004731582
Bench Press -0.00000001291 -0.00000009054
Deadlift kg/lb 0.45359237
Shoulder Press
Power Clean
Strength/Weight Ratio
Squat Ratio
Bench Press Ratio
Deadlift Ratio
Shoulder Press Ratio
Power Clean Ratio
Cycle 3a

Cycle 3b

Cycle 3c
Added Accessories and Notes to cycle logs.
Added Wilks Score and PL Total to Stats page and corresponding graph
Imported to Google Docs
Updated and tweaked graphs
Branch started by strideknight
Added Power Clean progression dependent on previously completing >3 sets instead of automatic linear progression.
Fix PC increment (was doubling).

Set Friday squats & deadlifts to increment only if 5 reps hit the previous Friday. Deloads are still up to you.

Updated instruciton page with permanent download link

Fixed warmups to show 45/20 on lb/kg mode
Fixed DL progression (was doubled from the inputs)

Initial Release
[1] Enter your weight here

[2] Enter your weight here

[3] Enter your weight here

[4] Enter your weight here

[5] Enter your weight here

[6] Enter your weight here

[7] Enter your weight here

[8] Enter your weight here

[9] Enter your weight here

[10] Enter your weight here

[11] Enter your weight here

[12] Enter your weight here

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