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BSCE 3-2 CENG 90
201914127 ASSIGMENT 3


1.) A footbridge is to be built consisting of a one-way solid slab spanning 5m

between masonry abutments as shown in the figure. A service live load of
5kN/m2 must be carried in addition to a 9kN concentrated load, assumed to be
uniformly distributed across the bridge width may act at any location on the
span. A 5cm asphalt wearing surface will be used, weighing 1kPa. Precast
concrete curbs are attached so as to be nonstructural. Prepare a design for the
slab, using material strengths fy = 414 MPa and fc’= 28MPa and summarize your
results in the form of a sketch showing all concrete dimensions and



16cm curb

2.) A reinforced concrete building floor system consists of a continuous one-way

slab built monolithically with its supporting beams as shown in cross section in
the figure. Service live load will be 6kN/m2. Dead loads include a 0.5kN/m2
allowance for nonstructural lightweight concrete floor fill and surface and a
0.5kN/m2 allowance for suspended loads, plus the self-weight of the floor. Using
ACI coefficients, calculate the design moments and shears and design the slab
using a maximum tensile reinforcement ratio of 0.006. Use all straight bar
reinforcement. One-half of the positive-moment bars will be discontinued where
no longer required; the other halt' will be continued into the supporting beams
as specified by the ACI Code. All negative steel will be discontinued at the same
distance from the support face in each case. Summarize your design with a
sketch showing concrete dimensions and size. spacing. and cutoff points for all
reinforcement Material strengths are fy = 414 MPa and E = 21MPa.
5m 5m


0.45m 0.45m 0.45m

3.) For the one-way slab floor, calculate the immediate and long-term deflection
due to dead loads. Assume that all dead loads are applied when the construction
shoring is removed. Also determine the deflection due to application of the full
service live load. Assuming that sensitive equipment will he installed 6 months
after the shoring is removed. Calculate the relevant deflection components and
compare the total with maximum values recommended in the ACI Code.

5.) A multistory commercial building is to be designed as a flat plate system with

floors of uniform thickness having no beams or drop panels. Columns are laid
out on uniform 6m spacing in each direction and have a 0.5m square section and
a vertical dimension 3m from floor to floor. Specified service live load is 5Kn/m2
including partition allowance. Using the direct design method, design a typical
interior panel, determining the required floor thickness, size and spacing of
reinforcing bars, and bar details including cutoff points. To simplify construction,
the reinforcement in each direction will be the same; use an average effective
depth in the calculations. Use all straight bars. For moderate spans such as this, it
has been determined that supplementary shear reinforcement would not be
economical, although column capitals may be used if needed. Material strengths
are fy = 414MPa and fc’ = 28MPa.

6.) The figure shows a flat plate floor designed to carry a factored load of 15kN/m2.
The total slab thickness h = 0.2m. and the average effective depth d = 0.15m
Material strengths are = 414MPa and = 28 MPa. The design for punching shear at
a typical interior column B2 provided the basis for Example 13.4, To provide a
full perimeter bo at the exterior column B1, the slab is cantilevered past the
columns as shown. A total shear force = 467 kN must be transmitted to the
column, along with a bending moment M„ = 1750 kN-m about an axis parallel to
the edge of the slab. Check for punching shear at column B1 and, if ACI Code
restrictions are not met, suggest appropriate modifications in the proposed
design. Edge beams are not permitted.




6.0m 0.45m x 0.45 m

7.) A parking garage is to be designed using a two-way flat slab on the column lines,
as shown in the figure. A live load of 5kN/m2 is specified. Find the required slab
thickness, using a reinforcement ratio of approximately 0.005 and design the
reinforcement for a typical corner panel A, edge panel B, and interior panel C.
Check shear capacity. Detail the reinforcement, showing size, spacing. and
length. All straight bars will he used. Material strengths will be fy = 414MPa and
fc’= 34.5MPa. Specify the design method selected and component on your
7m 7m




Column 0.4m x 0.4 m

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