95% Conversion
95% Conversion
95% Conversion
materials that are wasted in their formation and environmental the secondary reactions. This means reactor operation with a
costs for their disposal. Thus, maximum selectivity is required for low concentration of PRODUCT, in other words, with low
the chosen reactor conversion. The objectives at this stage can be conversion. For series reactions, a significant reduction in
decrease CFEED. Thus: expected to be appropriate. The best initial suggestion at
this stage is to set the conversion to 50% for irreversible
a2 > a1 selectivity increases as conversion increases. reactions or to 50% of the equilibrium conversion for
a2 < a1 selectivity decreases as conversion increases. reversible reactions.
If selectivity increases as conversion increases, the initial For multiple reactions, where the byproduct is formed in
setting for reactor conversion should be in the order of series, the selectivity decreases as conversion increases. In
95% and that for reversible reactions should be in the this case, lower conversion than that for single reactions is
order of 95% of the equilibrium conversion. If selectivity expected to be appropriate. Again, the best suggestion at this
decreases with increasing conversion, then it is much stage is to set the conversion to 50% for irreversible reactions
more difficult to give guidance. An initial setting of 50% or to 50% of the equilibrium conversion for reversible
equilibrium conversion for reversible reactions is as rea It should be emphasized that these recommendations for the
sonable as can be suggested at this stage. However, these initial settings of the reactor conversion will almost certainly
are only initial estimates and will almost certainly be change at a later stage, since reactor conversion is an extremely
changed later. important optimization variable.
3) Multiple reactions in series producing byproduct. Consider When dealing with multiple reactions, selectivity or reactor
the system of series reactions from Equation 4.68. Selectivity yield is maximized for the chosen conversion. The choice of
for series reactions of the types given in Equations 4.7 to 4.9 mixing pattern in the reactor and feed addition policy should be
is increased by low concentrations of reactants involved in chosen to this end.