95% Conversion

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Chemical Reactors I – Reactor Performance 77

materials that are wasted in their formation and environmental the secondary reactions. This means reactor operation with a

costs for their disposal. Thus, maximum selectivity is required for low concentration of PRODUCT, in other words, with low

the chosen reactor conversion. The objectives at this stage can be conversion. For series reactions, a significant reduction in

summarized as follows. selectivity is likely as the conversion increases.

Again, it is difficult to select the initial setting of the

1) Single reactions. In a single reaction, such as Equation 4.2,

reactor conversion with systems of reactions in series. A

that produces a byproduct, there can be no influence on the

conversion of 50% for irreversible reactions or 50% of the

relative amounts of product and byproduct formed. Thus,

equilibrium conversion for reversible reactions is as reason­
with single reactions such as Equations 4.1 to 4.3, the goal is
able as can be suggested at this stage.

to minimize the reactor capital cost, which often (but not

Multiple reactions also can occur with impurities that

always) means minimizing reactor volume, for a given

enter with the feed and undergo reaction. Again, such

reactor conversion. Increasing the reactor conversion 4

reactions should be minimized, but the most effective means

increases size and hence cost of the reactor but, as will be

of dealing with byproduct reactions caused by feed

discussed later, decreases the cost of many other parts of the

impurities is not to alter reactor conditions but to carry out

flowsheet. Because of this, the initial setting for reactor

feed purification.

conversion for single irreversible reactions is around 95%

and that for a single reversible reaction is around 95% of the
equilibrium conversion (Smith and Petela, 1992). Equili­
brium conversion will be considered in more detail in the
4.8 Reactor Performance –
next chapter. Summary
For batch reactors, account must be taken of the time
required to achieve a given conversion. Batch cycle time is Some initialization for the reactor conversion must be made in
addressed later. order that the design can proceed. This is likely to change later in
2) Multiple reactions in parallel producing byproducts. Raw the design because, as will be seen later, there is a strong interaction
materials costs usually will dominate the economics of the between the reactor conversion and the rest of the flowsheet.
process. Because of this, when dealing with multiple
1) Single reactions. For single reactions, a reasonable initial
reactions, whether parallel, series or mixed, the goal is
setting is 95% conversion for irreversible reactions and 95%
usually to minimize byproduct formation (maximize selectiv­
of the equilibrium conversion for reversible reactions.
ity) for a given reactor conversion. Chosen reactor conditions
should exploit differences between the kinetics and equili­ 2) Multiple reactions. For multiple reactions, where the
brium effects in the primary and secondary reactions to favor byproduct is formed in parallel, the selectivity may
the formation of the desired product rather than the increase or decrease as conversion increases. If the
byproduct, that is, improve the selectivity. Suggesting a byproduct reaction is a higher order than the primary
reasonable initial setting for conversion is more difficult than reaction, selectivity increases for increasing reactor con­
with single reactions, since the factors that affect conversion version. In this case, the same initial setting as single
also can have a significant effect on selectivity. reactions should be used. If the byproduct reaction of the
Consider the system of parallel reactions from Equations parallel system is a lower order than the primary reaction,
4.64 and 4.65. A high conversion in the reactor tends to a lower conversion than that for single reactions is

decrease CFEED. Thus: expected to be appropriate. The best initial suggestion at
this stage is to set the conversion to 50% for irreversible
a2 > a1 selectivity increases as conversion increases. reactions or to 50% of the equilibrium conversion for
a2 < a1 selectivity decreases as conversion increases. reversible reactions.
If selectivity increases as conversion increases, the initial For multiple reactions, where the byproduct is formed in

setting for reactor conversion should be in the order of series, the selectivity decreases as conversion increases. In

95% and that for reversible reactions should be in the this case, lower conversion than that for single reactions is

order of 95% of the equilibrium conversion. If selectivity expected to be appropriate. Again, the best suggestion at this

decreases with increasing conversion, then it is much stage is to set the conversion to 50% for irreversible reactions

more difficult to give guidance. An initial setting of 50% or to 50% of the equilibrium conversion for reversible

for the conversion for irreversible reactions or 50% of the reactions.

equilibrium conversion for reversible reactions is as rea­ It should be emphasized that these recommendations for the
sonable as can be suggested at this stage. However, these initial settings of the reactor conversion will almost certainly
are only initial estimates and will almost certainly be change at a later stage, since reactor conversion is an extremely
changed later. important optimization variable.
3) Multiple reactions in series producing byproduct. Consider When dealing with multiple reactions, selectivity or reactor
the system of series reactions from Equation 4.68. Selectivity yield is maximized for the chosen conversion. The choice of
for series reactions of the types given in Equations 4.7 to 4.9 mixing pattern in the reactor and feed addition policy should be
is increased by low concentrations of reactants involved in chosen to this end.

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