Motorcycle Slide To Stop Tests: Christopher J. Medwell, Joseph R. Mccarthy, Michael T. Shanahan

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Motorcycle Slide to Stop Tests

Christopher J. Medwell, Joseph R. McCarthy, Michael T. Shanahan
BTS Consulting Engineers
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

ABSTRACT full coverage fairings were unavailable, since this type of

motorcycle was not generally available for street use.
This paper reports the results of testing
conducted to determine the post-upset sliding friction A few more recently published test results for
factor on asphalt pavement for a sport motorcycle modern motorcycles (5,6,7) indicate that fairing-
equipped with a full coverage fairing. A literature review equipped sport motorcycles do tend to slide on their
revealed limited data regarding this type of motorcycle. sides at lower friction values than do conventional
Therefore, these tests were conducted and are reported motorcycles. Results for these tests range from 0.26 to
in the interest of adding to the database available to 0.42 for high speed tests (80 to 100 km/hr). Data for
accident investigators. current motorcycle designs, however, continue to be
sparse. Therefore, a decision was made to undertake
BACKGROUND the tests reported herein.

Motorcycle accident reconstruction often PROCEDURE

involves the determination of the speed of a motorcycle
at the beginning of an accident sequence. In virtually all The motorcycle utilized in the slide tests was a
serious motorcycle accidents, the involved motorcycle 750cc 1992 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-7. The motorcycle had
will, at some point, fall to the ground and slide along the approximately 4400 km on its odometer at the time of
road surface for some distance. Accurate calculations the testing. The Ninja was a sport-style street
of the motorcycle’s speed prior to it falling over depend motorcycle equipped with triple disc brakes, in-line 4-
on evaluating the energy dissipated by the sliding cylinder engine, aerodynamic full fairing covering both
motorcycle. This energy calculation, in turn, depends on sides of the motorcycle, cast aluminum wheels with
the determination of an appropriate friction factor. relatively wide tires and low mounted handlebars. The
fairing presented a large, smooth surface to the
A brief review of the published literature reveals roadway, much like a toboggan. The handlebars and
some data sources which address the friction factor of foot pegs, made of aluminum, protruded less from the
motorcycles sliding on their sides. For example, Day side of the motorcycle than corresponding steel
and Smith (1) reported on motorcycle friction factors in components on other classes of street motorcycles.
1984. Various accident reconstruction handbooks These factors were expected to produce a lower friction
(2,3,4) either refer to Day and Smith’s paper or publish factor than that of a conventional motorcycle. The
similar values from other testing. Typical friction factors motorcycle was also equipped with a factory 4-into-1
for motorcycles sliding on their sides on asphalt exhaust with a single large muffler canister on the right
pavement range from 0.35 to 0.75. Values for softer side.
surfaces such as grass, gravel, or sand are higher,
ranging from 0.65 to 1.1 or more. Refer to the Appendix This motorcycle had been involved in a single
of this paper for a review of the published data. vehicle accident prior to our tests. The accident involved
a long slide to a stop on the motorcycle’s right side. The
Most of the data originate from tests performed motorcycle’s left side was undamaged. In order to
in the mid 1980’s. Some dependence on speed was prepare the right side of the motorcycle for our tests, we
noticeable in some testing, with higher speeds generally undertook a number of repairs prior to the test. These
resulting in lower friction values. Some dependence on repairs included:
motorcycle type was also observed, with lower friction
values obtained from tests of motorcycles with broad or •Rotation of the muffler on the exhaust pipe so an
rounded surfaces such as crash bars or fairings. undamaged surface of the muffler was exposed to the
Friction factors for racing style sports motorcycles with road surface during our test.
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•Replacement of the right side lower fairing assembly. Tests were conducted at a speed of 80 km/hr.
The test speed was monitored to within 1 km/hr by radar
•Replacement of the right side driver’s foot peg bracket. aimed at the pickup truck. The radar device was a
Muniquip MDR2 and was calibrated with a 50 km/hr and
•Replacement of the upper fairing support bracket. a 95 km/hr tuning fork just prior to the tests.
The motorcycle was photographed before and
•Installation of the handlebar, turn signals, and side after each test and the damage documented. The tests
reflector from the left side of the motorcycle onto the were video taped by cameras located both in the pickup
right side. truck and on the side of the roadway.
With the exception of the right outboard edge of After the motorcycle slid to a stop, the sliding
the upper fairing, the right side of the motorcycle was distance was measured. Measurements were taken
undamaged immediately prior to our testing. The fairing from the location of the first evidence of the motorcycle’s
had sustained slight cracking and scuffing during the touchdown on the road surface to the centre of the
original accident which we did not deem necessary to position of the motorcycle at rest. A total of four tests
repair prior to our tests. were conducted, three on the right side of the
motorcycle and one on the left.
The tests were designed to approximate, as
closely as possible, the motion of a motorcycle falling OBSERVATIONS
over from an upright position. The motorcycle was
positioned upright on a fabricated platform mounted on RESULTS OF TEST NO. 1 - During test no. 1,
the right side of a pickup truck. (See Figure 1.) The the pickup truck was driven parallel to the roadway, and
height of the platform was adjusted so that its underside the motorcycle was released at a location near the
was as close as possible to the roadway surface. This centre line. Gouge marks created by the right foot peg
test setup resulted in the motorcycle tire contact surface and front axle, along with green paint transfers from the
being approximately 90mm above the roadway. The fairing, were the first evidence of touchdown. Also at
motorcycle was held upright by an assistant riding in the touchdown, the front tire and wheel rim of the
bed of the pickup truck. The truck was accelerated to the motorcycle left a deep scrape and a black tire scuff in
test speed, then the motorcycle was released and the asphalt. A radial deformation of the cast aluminum
allowed to fall over sideways onto the road surface. rim of the front wheel was obvious after the test. The
motorcycle, with the exception of its front wheel, slid
smoothly on the asphalt surface. The front wheel, after
the initial touchdown, immediately bounced up and then
back down, leaving another black scuff mark at a second
location. The tire then came down again and bounced
lightly several more times, leaving black scuff marks to
the road surface during the contact time. The
intermittent black tire scuff marks were visible for the
majority of the length of the slide on the paved surface.

The motorcycle slid in a direction about 4 or 5

degrees to the right of the travel path of the pickup truck
and test platform. The motorcycle slid for 41 m on the
Figure 1. Test Vehicle Platform asphalt surface before it left the right edge of the
roadway and went onto the grass. During the "on-
The tests took place on a straight, level roadway pavement" portion of the slide, the motorcycle was
located on the property of a local airport. The road relatively stable with the front wheel leading. Evidence
surface consisted of asphalt pavement approximately from the slide along the road surface consisted of
6.5 m in width. The surface was weathered and had not intermittent black tire scuff marks from the front tire, as
been open to vehicular traffic for some time. The previously described. There were also scrape marks
roadway aggregate projected beyond the level of the and scuff marks from the various aluminum components
black binder, giving a light colour and some coarseness of the motorcycle contacting the road surface. Beyond
to the surface as opposed to a smooth pavement the paint transfers at initial touchdown, there was no
surface. The road surface was bordered on both sides other evidence on the asphalt of the fairing contact.
by grass-covered shoulders. The grass was quite long After the 41 m on the asphalt, the motorcycle continued
and well-established. The surface underlying the grass on the grass shoulder to a point 56 m from its original
was relatively smooth. touchdown point before coming to rest. While on the
grass, it tore up a substantial quantity of turf which
became lodged in the fairing. The motorcycle rotated
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counterclockwise approximately ½ of a revolution about RESULTS OF TEST NO. 3 - For test no. 3, the
the front wheel during the final 15 to 20 m of the slide. It pickup truck was driven on a 4 or 5 degree angle to the
came to rest with its front wheel pointing in the direction left at the time of the release so that the motorcycle
from which it had come. would travel parallel to the road during its slide. This
method produced a slide straight down the roadway a
In addition to the deformation of the front wheel distance of 69.5 m. The motorcycle was initially stable
rim, the motorcycle sustained abrasions to the lower with the front wheel leading, but rotated 180 degrees
right side fairing assembly, the lower edge of the right counterclockwise toward the end of the slide and came
fork tube, the right handlebar, the brake lever, the brake to rest with the front wheel pointing back toward the start
lever pivot area, the right side of the upper fairing, the of the slide. Similar evidence on the road surface was
driver’s foot peg, the passenger’s foot peg, and the produced during this test. The initial front wheel contact
outboard casing of the muffler. The right mirror broke with the asphalt was minimal. The black tire scuff from
from its mount, and the right front turn signal came out the front tire was present throughout the length of the
of its mounting area. With the exception of the damage slide. Additional damage to the same surfaces of the
to the front wheel, all of these damages were consistent right side of the motorcycle was noted.
with the expected damage for this kind of slide.
RESULTS OF TEST NO. 4 - The last test was
RESULTS OF TEST NO. 2 - Test no. 2 was conducted by releasing the motorcycle onto its left side.
also conducted at 80 km/hr. The motorcycle’s initial Since the platform was mounted to the right side of the
sliding trajectory was similar to test no. 1. It came into pickup box, this involved releasing the motorcycle with
contact with the grass 43.2 m from the touchdown point. its rear wheel leading. The absence of a muffler on the
During the slide on the asphalt, the motorcycle rotated left side of the motorcycle exposed more of the plastic
slightly in a clockwise direction. As a result, the front tire fairing to the road surface and allowed the end of the
of the motorcycle came into contact with the grass first. rear axle to contact the asphalt.
This occurred after the motorcycle rotated approximately
90 degrees to an orientation approximately During the initial portion of the slide, the
perpendicular to the roadway, with the tires of the motorcycle rotated clockwise 180 degrees to a position
motorcycle leading the slide. As the front tire entered with the front tire leading. It was stable in this attitude
the grassy surface, turf was dug up and the motorcycle until near the end of the slide, when it began to rotate
began to rotate rapidly clockwise. As it entered the counterclockwise slightly, just before it came to rest.
grass, the motorcycle rotated rapidly while traveling
approximately parallel to the edge of the road (i.e., The pickup truck was again driven on an angle
having changed direction slightly from its original path so that the total slide distance was on the paved surface
towards the right). The motorcycle rotated as in test no. 3. The test speed was 80 km/hr, and the
approximately 540 degrees before coming to rest with its sliding distance was 86.3 m.
front wheel pointed towards the direction of the start of
the slide. The total slide distance was 63 m, 43 m on Short gouges were created on the road surface
asphalt and 20 m along the asphalt/grass shoulder at touchdown by the handlebar end and the rear axle.
interface. At rest, the handlebars and front wheel were The remainder of the slide distance exhibited short
located over the asphalt surface with the remainder of scratches and scuff marks similar to those observed in
the motorcycle on the grass. the other tests.

The evidence on the road surface from test no. The motorcycle exhibited abrasions to a larger
2 was similar to that from test no. 1 except the initial area of the lower fairing assembly than had been the
front wheel contact with the asphalt was less severe. A case on the right side tests. At the rear, the absence of
black scuff from the front tire was visible for the majority a muffler canister had allowed abrasions to the rear
of the slide distance on the asphalt. Various scrapes fairing area just below the seat and to the protruding end
and short duration scratches to the asphalt were noted of the rear axle.
along the entire distance of the slide. There was
sufficient evidence to note the beginning of the slide, the ANALYSIS
direction of the slide, the location of the interface
between the asphalt and the grass, and the distance the TEST NO. 1 - Based on an 80 km/hr release
motorcycle slid on the edge of the grass. speed, and the 56 m slide length, the average friction
factor for the slide was 0.45. Because of the grass torn
Additional damage to the same surfaces of the and dug up during the portion of the slide on grass, it
right side of the motorcycle was noted. There was new was obvious that the motorcycle had decelerated more
evidence of additional scuffing to the front tire and wheel rapidly on the grass than on the asphalt. Also, the
rim from this test; however, there was no deformation of digging in of the front wheel rim and tire at the beginning
the wheel rim. of the slide probably created a temporary additional
drag. Drag from the front tire of the motorcycle
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eventually resulted in the motorcycle’s rotation as the Based on the similar distances the motorcycle
sliding velocity decreased. slid on the asphalt in tests nos. 1 and 2, the motorcycle
should have been traveling at about the same speed in
TEST NO. 2 - Based on the 80 km/hr test speed both tests as it entered the grass. Because the grass
and the 63 m slide distance, the average friction factor portion of test no. 1 involved much more interaction with
for the total slide was 0.4, a factor slightly lower than in the turf than was the case in test no. 2, the motorcycle
test no. 1. Two reasons were immediately apparent for slid a significantly shorter distance on the grass in test
the difference: no. 1.

1.The digging in of the front tire at touchdown was much To test the hypothesis that the asphalt friction
less than during test no. 1. factor was similar for all four tests, we calculated the
resultant grass friction factors. Our calculations,
2.The interaction with the grass at the edge of the road assuming an asphalt friction factor equal to the average
was less, with less material being torn up and the of the results from tests nos. 3 and 4, suggest that the
motorcycle never being fully onto the grass. motorcycle was traveling at about 53 to 55 km/hr when it
entered the grass in test nos. 1 and 2. Thereafter, the
Other possible factors such as the grinding friction factor on the grass was approximately 0.78 in
down of projecting surfaces are less likely, in our test no. 1 and 0.55 in test no. 2. The magnitude of
opinion, to have had a significant effect. these values appeared to be consistent with the
observations made of the motorcycle during these two
TEST NO. 3 - The motorcycle slid a distance of tests.
69.5 m on asphalt pavement during test no. 3. Based
on the 80 km/hr release speed, the friction factor for this In analyzing the data from tests nos. 3 and 4, an
test was 0.36. error factor of plus or minus 1.5 km/hr for the initial
speed was included. This error factor accounts for the
TEST NO. 4 - The motorcycle slid a distance of possible error within the radar unit and for the angle at
86.3 m on asphalt pavement during test no. 4. Based which the motorcycle slid with respect to the path of the
on the 80 km/hr release speed, the friction factor for this pickup truck. Therefore, the range for the asphalt
test was 0.29. We suspect that the lower friction factor friction factor for this motorcycle in these tests was
was at least partially due to the absence of a left side between 0.28 and 0.38.
muffler, which increased the portion of the weight of the
motorcycle which was resting on plastic fairing We note that the lower end of the range was
components during this test. obtained from test no. 4, when the motorcycle was
sliding on its left side. During this test, more of the
Test Number Distance (m) Drag Factor weight of the motorcycle was being carried by the
Asphalt Grass Average fairing, since there was no muffler canister on the left
1 (right side) 41 15 0.45 side of the motorcycle. The reduction in friction factor
2 (right side) 43 20 0.4 expected from a fairing equipped motorcycle may
3 (right side) 69.5 - 0.36 depend on how much of the weight of the motorcycle is
4 (left side) 86.3 - 0.29 borne by the fairing components as opposed to the
metal protrusions such as foot pegs, handlebars, and
exhaust components.
The tests were designed to obtain values for the
friction factor on asphalt. However, due to the 4 or 5
The lower end of the range from these tests was
degree angle at which the motorcycle departed from the
consistent with the results reported by Raftery (6).
test platform, the last 15 m of sliding in test no. 1 and
Raftery’s method used cables to suspend the motorcycle
the last 20 m of sliding in test no. 2 took place on the
horizontally an unspecified distance above the roadway
grass. The 4 or 5 degree angle stayed constant
before it was released. Raftery reported a result of 0.26
throughout the four tests, suggesting that it was due to
after testing an unspecified make and model motorcycle
the lateral velocity attained during the fall to the
retrofitted with a fairing at a speed of 85 km/hr.
roadway. The angle could affect the test speed by
about 0.3 km/hr. The asphalt portions of all tests
A similar test method was utilized by Carter et al
appeared to be virtually identical in terms of motorcycle
(7) to test a number of motorcycles, including two sports
dynamics, except for the unusually severe front wheel
models with fairings. The motorcycles were suspended
interaction at the start of test no. 1. Therefore, tests
with their lowest point approximately 50mm above
nos. 1 and 2 should have produced results similar to
ground. For the 1987 Yamaha FZ700T, a sports model,
those of tests nos. 3 and 4 if not for the fact that the
tested once at 97 km/hr, the reported result was 0.42.
motorcycle left the asphalt surface.
When the same motorcycle was tested at 48 km/hr, the
results ranged from 0.40 to 0.48.
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4. Baxter, Albert T., Motorcycle Accident Investigation,

Institute of Police Technology and Management,
Carter et al also tested an earlier sports University of North Florida
motorcycle, the 1984 Yamaha FJ1100, and reported
results ranging from 0.38 to 0.48 at 97 km/hr and from 5. Golder, U., and Becke, M., “Skid Deceleration Values
0.42 to 0.52 at 48 km/hr. The fairing on the FJ1100 did for Motorcycles with Full Fairings,” Verkehrsunfall
not extend to fully cover the sides of the motorcycle as it und Fahrzeugtechnik,Sept 1990
does on most current sport model motorcycles. It may
be that the fairing on this motorcycle does not bear the 6. Raftery, Barry, “Determination of the Friction factor of
majority of the weight of the motorcycle during sliding a Fairing Equipped Motorcycle,” 950197, Society of
tests. Automotive Engineers, 1995

FALL TIME - Analysis of the video tapes 7. Carter, Thomas J.,et al, “Measurement of Motorcycle
showed that the time for the motorcycle to fall from an Slide Coefficients,” 961017, Society of Automotive
upright position to roadway contact was about 2/3 of a Engineers, 1996
second. This fall time was relatively constant throughout
the testing. 8. Lambourn, Richard F., “The Calculation of
Motorcycle Speeds from Sliding Distances,” 910125,
Society of Automotive Engineers, 1991

SUMMARY 9. Donohue, M.D., “Motorcycle Skidding and Sideways

Sliding Tests,” Accident Reconstruction Journal, Vol.
Based on our test results, the friction factor for 3,No. 4,1991
fully-faired motorcycles on asphalt ranges from 0.28 to
0.38 when considering a typical accident scenario with a 10. Daily, John, “Motorcycle Speed Estimates,” Accident
fall; some distinct, short gouges at touchdown; and a Reconstruction Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1990
final rest position on, or near, the pavement. Where
gouge marks are deep or longer than a few inches, or 11. Ouellet, James V., “Motorcycles,” Personal Injury
where significant deformation of motorcycle components Scientific Automobile Accident Reconstruction, Vol.
has occurred due to digging in, higher friction values 4, 1986
may be warranted. Where the plastic fairing
components bear all or nearly all of the weight of the 12. Lynch, George F., “Conducting Test Slides -
motorcycle during the slide, the lower values would Motorcycles on Asphalt Surfaces (Omaha Police
probably apply. Department),” Law and Order Magazine, November
The values we obtained fall within the lower
portion of the range of values previously published. As 13. Searle, John A., “The Trajectories of Pedestrians,
always, we recommend that accident investigators apply Motorcycles, Motorcyclists, etc., Following a Road
this and any other test data with caution. Motor vehicle Accident,” 831622, Society of Automotive Engineers,
accidents are complex events, and the test data 1983
reported here does not necessarily apply in every case.


The authors wish to thank the members of the

Traffic Unit of the Windsor Police Service for their
valuable assistance in the staging of these slide tests.


1. Day, Terry D., and Smith, Jay R., “Friction Factors

for Motorcycles Sliding on Various Surfaces,”
840250, Society of Automotive Engineers, 1984

2. Fricke, Lynn B., Traffic Accident Reconstruction,

Northwestern University Traffic Institute,1990

3. Limpert, Rudolf, Motor Vehicle Accident

Reconstruction and Cause Analysis, Third edition,
The Michie Company,1989
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Appendix A: Review of Published Motorcycle Drag Factors

Ref. Motorcycle Type Surface Test Test Friction Factor
Year,Make,Model Type Method Speed Low High Avg.
(7) 1981 Kawasaki KZ400 Standard asphalt drop 48 km/h 0.46 0.53 0.49
1981 Kawasaki KZ400 Standard asphalt drop 97 km/h 0.38 0.41 0.40
1982 Yamaha XJ650 Standard asphalt drop 48 km/h 0.62 0.72 0.67
1982 Yamaha XJ650 Standard asphalt drop 97 km/h 0.59
1982 Yamaha XJ650 Standard dirt drop 48 km/h 0.82 1.36 1.02
1981 Kawasaki KZ440A Cruiser asphalt drop 48 km/h 0.49 0.68 0.61
1986 Yamaha FZ700T Sport asphalt drop 48 km/h 0.4 0.48 0.43
1986 Yamaha FZ700T Sport asphalt drop 97 km/h 0.42
1988 YamahaYX600U Standard asphalt drop 48 km/h 0.54 0.56 0.55
1988 YamahaYX600U Standard asphalt drop 97 km/h 0.48 0.6 0.54
1984 Yamaha FJ1100 Sport asphalt drop 48 km/h 0.42 0.52 0.47
1984 Yamaha FJ1100 Sport asphalt drop 97 km/h 0.38 0.48 0.42
1984 Yamaha XV700LC Cruiser asphalt drop 48 km/h 0.62
1984 Yamaha XV700LC Cruiser asphalt drop 97 km/h 0.51
1984 Yamaha XV700LC Cruiser gravel drop 48 km/h 0.83
1985 Yamaha XVZ12DN Touring asphalt drop 48 km/h 0.38
Venture Royale
1985 Yamaha XVZ12DN Touring asphalt drop 97 km/h 0.38
1985 Yamaha XVZ12DN Touring gravel drop 48 km/h 0.72
(6) Sport asphalt drop 80 km/h 0.26
Standard asphalt drop 80 km/h 0.33
(8) Honda CB 750G Standard fine textured sliding from 34 to 80 km/h 0.25 0.35 0.28
asphalt trailer
Honda CB 750G Standard fine textured dragged 10 km/h 0.25 0.33 0.31
Honda CX500 Standard coarse asphaltic sliding from 46 to 80 km/h 0.33 0.54 0.42
concrete trailer
Honda CX500 Standard coarse asphaltic dragged 10 km/h 0.44 0.57 0.51
Honda C-90 Standard coarse asphaltic sliding from 37 to 80 km/h 0.36 0.65 0.50
concrete trailer
Honda C-90 Standard coarse asphaltic dragged 10 km/h 0.43 0.66 0.53
Honda C-90 Standard coarse asphaltic towed upright 40 to 92 km/h 0.49 0.62 0.54
concrete and released
Honda CG125 Standard fine textured towed upright 41 to 92 km/h 0.32 0.42 0.36
(with rt. side leg shields) asphalt released-rt side
Honda CG125 Standard fine textured towed upright 41 to 91 km/h 0.33 0.42 0.37
(no left side leg shields) asphalt released-lt side
Honda CG125 Standard fine textured dragged 10 km/h 0.32 0.37 0.35
Suzuki 125ER Dirt fine textured towed upright 40 to 90 km/h 0.45 0.53 0.49
(side stand-left side) asphalt released-lt side
Suzuki 125ER Dirt fine textured dragged 10 km/h 0.42 0.51 0.45
(side stand-left side) asphalt on left side
Suzuki 125ER Dirt fine textured towed upright 41 to 92 km/h 0.34 0.4 0.37
(no side-stand) asphalt released-rt side
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Ref. Motorcycle Type Surface Test Test Friction Factor

Year,Make,Model Type Method Speed Low High Avg.
(8) Suzuki 125ER Dirt fine textured dragged 10 km/h 0.34 0.37 0.35
(no side-stand) asphalt on right side
Yamaha TZR125 Sport coarse asphaltic towed upright 39 to 95 km/h 0.39 0.54 0.43
(right side fairing) concrete released-rt side
Yamaha TZR125 Sport coarse asphaltic dragged 10 km/h 0.33 0.47 0.39
(right side fairing) concrete on right side
Yamaha TZR125 Sport coarse asphaltic towed upright 40 to 78 km/h 0.47 0.79 0.62
(left side- no fairing) concrete released-lt side
Yamaha TZR125 Sport coarse asphaltic dragged 10 km/h 0.48 0.61 0.54
concrete on left side
(9) 1982 Kawasaki KZ1000 sharp asphaltic towed upright 51 to 69 km/h 0.38 0.5 0.44
Police Special concrete and released
(2) unspecified asphalt or unspecified unspecified 0.4 0.75
portland cement
unspecified gravel unspecified unspecified 0.65 1.05
(10) unspecified Std street unspecified unspecified 0.3 0.35
(light pavement
Crash bars unspecified unspecified 0.2
unspecified Std street unspecified unspecified 0.5 0.6
(1/4 inch deep
(3) unspecified unspecified unspecified 48 km/h 0.5 0.55
unspecified unspecified unspecified 80 km/h 0.4 0.5
unspecified unspecified unspecified 105 km/h 0.35 0.4
(11) Standard Standard ordinary unspecified unspecified 0.35 0.45
front & rear ordinary unspecified unspecified 0.2
crash bars pavement
objects sticking ordinary unspecified unspecified 0.5
out of side (pegs) pavement
oil on unspecified unspecified 0.2
soft dirt, unspecified unspecified 0.7
(1) 1967 Honda CB305 Standard moderately worn drag 40 km/h 0.45 0.54 0.51
1967 Honda CB305 Standard gravel drag 40 km/h 0.68 0.79 0.74
1967 Honda CB305 Standard hard-packed,dry drag 32 km/h 0.7
grassy earth
1973 Yamaha 500 Standard moderately worn drag 40 km/h 0.49 0.58 0.54
Special asphalt
1973 Yamaha 500 Standard gravel drag 40 km/h 0.74
(12) unspecified asphalt unspecified unspecified 0.57
Dual Purpose asphalt unspecified unspecified 0.38
(13) unspecified dry asphalt unspecified unspecified 0.35 0.5
unspecified wet asphalt unspecified unspecified 0.3 0.4
(4) unspecified asphalt unspecified unspecified 0.3 0.4
unspecified concrete unspecified unspecified 0.43 0.53
round & smooth asphalt unspecified unspecified 0.2
unspecified asphalt, unspecified unspecified 0.2
oil soaked

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