Car Accident Articles
Car Accident Articles
Car Accident Articles
Police investigating the accident, however, determine that the elderly driver
swerved to miss a pothole, changing lanes suddenly and without warning.
This is considered to be an unsafe lane change, and is illegal. Therefore,
the elderly driver is determined to be at fault for the accident.
Speeding – Failure to follow the legal speed limit is perhaps one of the
leading causes of car accidents that occur within the United States.
Driving faster than what is considered safe for the road conditions is
considered speeding, regardless of the posted speed limit.
Using a Device – Texting or talking while driving, or even playing with a
phone, music player, or GPS device, increases the level of danger on
the road, as drivers become distracted. Many states have begun
passing laws prohibiting phone use while driving, and some have
expanded these “cell phone laws” to include any distracting activity.
These are called “distracted driving laws.”
Driver Fatigue – Driving while extremely tired can lead to falling into a
trans-like state, or even falling asleep at the wheel. When a driver nods
off or falls asleep, there is a very high chance of becoming involved in
a car accident.
Drunk Driving – Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is
dangerous, and often fatal. Drinking and driving, increases the
probability of causing a car accident is increased by 900% over other
Defective Auto Parts – When a part on a vehicle is defective or goes
bad, it can cause the vehicle to operate in an unsafe manner. Common
defects include brake issues, defects in tires, defective air bags, top-
heavy design, and more. When an accident does occur, defective
safety features can increase the chance of serious injury or death.
Rubbernecking – Drivers looking at things along the roadway, such as
sunsets, traffic accidents, flashy billboards, and other things, are
distracted, and commonly cause accidents.
Poor Weather Conditions – Weather conditions that leave the roadway
wet or icy, or reduce visibility, pose a danger to vehicles on the road,
and require drivers to pay extra attention, and to slow down. High
winds, blowing dust, fog, and torrential downpours are common causes
of accidents.
For example:
Jacob is speeding on his way to work, going 50 mpg in a 30 mph speed
zone. Richard runs a stop sign just as Jacob sails through the intersection,
and the two cars collide. In court, as both parties are attempting to collect
damages for repairs to their vehicles, and medical bills, the court
determines that Jacob is 40 percent at fault, and Richard 60 percent at
fault for the collision. The court also determines there are total losses in
the amount of $10,000. Jacob would be responsible for $4,000, and
Richard for $6,000. Once Jacob’s amount is taken into consideration,
Richard owes Jacob $2,000.
Over 37,000 people in the U.S. die in car accidents each year. This
averages out to about 101 fatalities per day.
Each year, an additional 2.35 million people are seriously injured or
disabled as the result of car accidents. This averages out to about
5,500 per day.
Car crashes are the single most common cause of death among
healthy U.S. citizens.
Over 1,600 children under the age of 15 die each year in car accidents
in the United States.