DSP Viva Que

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DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (DSP) VIVA QUESTIONS: 1. What is sampling theorem? 2. What do you mean by process of reconstruction. 3.

What are techniques of reconstructions. 4. What do you mean Aliasing? What is the condition to avoid aliasing for sampling? 5. Write the conditions of sampling. 6. How many types of sampling there? 7. Explain the statementt= 0:0.000005:0.05 8. In the above example what does colon (: ) and semicolon (; ) denotes. 9. What is a) Undersampling b) nyquist plot c) Oversampling. 10. Write the MATLAB program for Oversampling. 11. What is the use of command legend? 12. Write the difference between built in function, plot and stem describe the function. 13. What is the function of built in function and subplot? 14. What is linear convolution? 15. Explain how convolution syntax built in function works. 16. How to calculate the beginning and end of the sequence for the two sided controlled output? 17. What is the total output length of linear convolution sum. 18. What is an LTI system? 19. Describe impulse response of a function. 20. What is the difference between convolution and filter? 21. Where to use command filter or impz, and what is the difference between these two? 22. What is the use o function command deconv? 23. What is the difference between linear and circular convolution? 24. What do you mean by statement subplot (3,3,1). 25. What do you mean by command mod and where it is used? 26. What do you mean by Autocorrelation and Crosscorrelation sequences? 27. What is the difference between Autocorrelatio and Crsscorrelation. 28. List all the properties of autocorrelation and Crosscorrelaion sequence. 29. Where we use the inbuilt function xcorr and what is the purpose of using this function? 30. How to calculate output of DFT using MATLAB? 31. What do you mean by filtic command, explain. 32. How to calculate output length of the linear and circular convolution. 33. What do you mean by built in function fliplr and where we need to use this. 34. What is steady state response? 35. Which built in function is used to solve a given difference equation? 36. Explain the concept of difference equation. 37. Where DFT is used? 38. What is the difference between DFT and IDFT? 39. What do you mean by built in function abs and where it is used? 40. What do you mean by phase spectrum and magnitude spectrum/ give comparison. 41. How to compute maximum length N for a circular convolution using DFT and IDFT.(what is command). 42. Explain the statement- y=x1.*x2 43. What is FIR and IIR filter define, and distinguish between these two. 44. What is filter?

45. What is window method? How you will design an FIR filter using window method. 46. What are low-pass and band-pass filter and what is the difference between these two? 47. Explain the command N=ceil(6.6*pi/tb) 48. Write down commonly used window function characteristics. 49. What is the matlab command for Hamming window? Explain. 50. What do you mea by cut-off frequency

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. What is mat lab? What does mat lab stands for? What does mat lab do? How are solutions expressed in mat lab? What are the advantages of using mat lab? What is the basic data element of mat lab? Does matrix in mat lab require dimensioning? What are toolboxes? What areas are toolboxes are available in? What are different types of system mat lab can handle? What is the statement for linear convolution? What is the statement for cross correlation? What is the statement for auto correlation? Statement for finding FFT? What is the language used in mat lab? What is a vector (reference to mat lab)? What is matrix? Syntax for simple array definition? Significance of increment in array definition? Why is terminate needed in array definition? How is a matrix defined? How are different row elements separated? If we don't use a comma in separating elements of same row what else we can do? What is a plot? What function is used to generate a 3D graphic? How many digits mat lab shows by default? Syntax of hyperbola tangent function? Syntax for inverse cosine function? Function for complex conjugate? Function for real part? Function for imaginary part? What does fix stand for? What does ceil and floor stand for? Command for polar coordinate plot? Command for discrete sequence plot? How do we label x and y axis? How can we take values from the user? What are the applications of dip in image processing? What is signal? What is a oneD and 2D signal? What is a continuous and discrete signal? What are random signals? What are periodic signals? What are stable systems? What is the order of the system?

MAT LAB stands for what? Which function is used to perform 2D DFT using FFT algorithm? Which function is used to perform Kaiser window? Give the sample syntax for that. What is the latest version of MATLAB? List the areas of applications for MATLAB? Which function is used to find the impulse invariant IIR digital filter? Which function is used to perform 1D &2D DCT ? 8. Which function is used to find histogram of image? 9. Which function is used to find histogram equalization of image? 10. Which function is used to find correlation of a sequence?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


1. Why we need circular convolution? 2. What is the difference between circular & linear convolution? 3. What is the length of output sequence after circular convolution if the lengths of input &
impulse responses are M1 & M2 respectively?

4. State the circular convolution property of DFT? 5. Where we required convolution property? 6. What does zero padding mean? Where we required this concept? 7. What is difference between linear shifting & circular shifting of signal? Show with

8. What is difference between linear & circular folding of signal? Show with example. 9. What is the advantage with sectioned convolution?.


1. What is the requirement for convolution?.

2. What is the difference between convolution & correlation? 3. What is meant by impulse response? 4. Is it possible to represent any discrete time signal in terms of impulses? If yes, represent by using example. 5. Draw the h(2n-k) & h(n-2k) for the following sequence

h(n) = { 4 3 2 1} assume (i) k= 3 (ii) k =5. 6. Write the expressions for LTI system convolution formula & causal LTI system convolution formula. 7. What us the length of linear convolution if length of input & impulse responses are N1 & N2 respectively? 8. What is the difference between continuous and discrete convolution?

FIR FILTER QUESTIONS 1. What are the advantages of FIR as compared to IIR? 2. How many types of FIR design methods are used in real time?. 3. What is meant by Gibbs Phenomenon? Where we found such type of effect in FIR filters? 4. What are the advantages& disadvantages of Rectangular window FIR filter as compared to remaining window techniques? 5. Which window technique having less peak amplitude of side lobe as compared to all? 6. What do you understand by linear phase responce? 7. To design all types of filters what would be the expected impulse response? 8. What are the properties of FIR filter?. 9. How the zeros in FIR filter is located? 10. What are the desirable characteristics of the window? 11. What are the specifications required to design filter? IIR FILTER QUESTIONS 1. What is meant by IIR filter? 2. What is the difference between recursive & non-recursive systems? 3. Write the difference equation for IIR system. 4. What are the mapping techniques in IIR filter design? Discuss the advantage & disadvantages of them. 5. What are IIR analog filters? What are the advantages & disadvantages of them? 6. What is the disadvantage in impulse invariance method? 7. What does warping effect mean? Where we found this effect? How can we eliminate warping effect 8. Explain the pole mapping procedure of Impulse invariant & bilinear transformation method. 9. For given same specification which difference we found in Butter worth & Tchebyshev filter. 10. What is the difference between type I & type II Tchebyshev filters?. 11. Where the poles are located for Butter worth & Tchedbyshev filters?

12. What is meant by spectral transformation? 13. Why we need spectral transformation in IIR filter? Fast Fourier Transforms QUESTION 1. What is the difference between continuous time & discrete time Fourier transform? 2. What is the condition for convergence of Fourier transform? 3. What is the difference between discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)& DFT? 4. What is the difference between Z transform & DFT? 5. State convolution property of the DFT? Where we could use the convolution property? 6. State Parsevals theorem.? 7. State correlation property of the DFT.? 8. What is the difference between radix 2 & radix4 FFT algorithms? 9. Why we need FFT?. 10. What is the difference between decimation in time (DIT FFT) & Decimation in frequency (DIFFFT) algorithms? 11. What is meant by in-place computation in DIF & DIF algorithms? 12. Which properties are used in FFT to reduce no of computations? POWER SPECTRUM DENSITY QUESTION 1. What is the difference between correlation & auto correlation function? 2. What is the difference between PSD & ESD? 3. What is the unit for energy density spectrum? 4. What is the formula for PSD of a function? 5. Same power density spectrum signals always have same magnitude & phase spectrums Is above statement true (or) False: Justify your answer. 6. If we know the impulse response of the system, the How can you find output signal power density from the input signal? 7. What is the unit for power density spectrum? 8. What is the relation between auto correlation & PSD of a function ? DSP PROCESSORS QUESTIONS 1. How many types of DSP processors are available in the market? 2. TMS 320C6X, C stands for what? 3. What are the features of TMS 320C6X processor? 4. What is meant by VLIW architecture? Why we required in DSP processor? 5. How many functional units are in TMS 320C6X DSP processor? 6. What is meant by Circular addressing mode how is it useful for DSP? 7. Which instruction is used to move 16 bit constant in to the upper bits of a register?

8. What is the difference between Von Neumann architecture & Harvard architecture? 9. Which architecture is used in DSP processor? 10. How many instructions can we execute per cycle in TMS320C6X DSP processor? 11. What are the applications for the TMS320 DSPs? 12. Which soft ware tool is required to compile and run the DSP assembly program ? 13. What is the difference between full version Code composer studio &DSK CCS?

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