Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Geography 3rd Edition
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Geography 3rd Edition
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Geography 3rd Edition
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Fact file
World map
How to use this book
THEME 1 Population and settlement
1.1 Population dynamics
1.2 Migration
1.3 Population structure
1.4 Population density and distribution
1.5 Settlements (rural and urban) and service provision
1.6 Urban settlements
1.7 Urbanisation
End-of-theme questions
THEME 2 The natural environment
2.1 Earthquakes and volcanoes
2.2 Rivers
2.3 Coasts
2.4 Weather
2.5 Climate and natural vegetation
End-of-theme questions
THEME 3 Economic development
3.1 Development
3.2 Food production
3.3 Industry
3.4 Tourism
3.5 Energy
3.6 Water
3.7 Environmental risks of economic development
End-of-theme questions
THEME 4 Geographical skills and investigations
4.1 Geographical and mathematical skills
4.2 Geographical investigations: coursework and the alternative to coursework
Command words
Fact file
The world’s largest oceans and seas
Scheme of assessment for IGCSE
All candidates take Paper 1, Paper 2 and either Component 3 or Paper 4. Papers 1, 2 and 4 consist of
combined question papers and answer booklets where candidates answer in the spaces provided.
Paper 1 Geographical themes (1 hour 45 minutes; 75 marks): Candidates are required to answer three
questions (3 × 25 marks). They choose one question out of two on each theme. Questions are structured with
gradients of difficulty, are resource-based and involve problem solving and free-response writing. This paper is
mainly concerned with Assessment Objectives 1 (Knowledge with understanding), 2 (Skills and analysis) and 3
(Judgement and decision making). It is worth 45 per cent of the total marks.
Paper 2 Geographical skills (1 hour 30 minutes; 60 marks): Candidates answer all the questions. The paper
is based on testing the interpretation and analysis of geographical information, decision making and the
application of graphical and other techniques as appropriate. The questions do not require specific information
about places, but do require the use of a 1:25,000 or 1:50,000 topographical map, and include a full key. This
paper is worth 27.5 per cent of the total marks.
Component 3, Coursework (school-based assessment; 60 marks): Teachers set one school-based
assignment of up to 2000 words.
Paper 4, Alternative to coursework (1 hour 30 minutes; 60 marks): Candidates answer two compulsory
questions, completing a series of written tasks based on the following three themes:
1 Population and settlement
2 The natural environment 3
Economic development
The questions involve an appreciation of a range of techniques used in fieldwork studies. This paper is
worth 27.5 per cent of the total marks.
Population change in a country is affected by (a) the difference between births and deaths (natural change)
and (b) the balance between immigration and emigration (net migration). In Figure 1.5 the dividing line indicates
that the relative contributions of natural change and net migration can vary over time. For most countries natural
change is a more important factor in population change than net migration.
Figure 1.5 Input–output model of population change
The immigration rate is the number of immigrants per thousand population entering a receiving country in a
year. The emigration rate is the number of emigrants per thousand population leaving a country of origin in a
year. The rate of net migration is the difference between the rates of immigration and emigration. Figure
1.6 shows some simple demographic calculations for the imaginary island of Pacifica.
1 Define:
a the birth rate
b the death rate
c the rate of natural change.
2 What is net migration?
3 Look at Table 1.3. Calculate the rate of natural change for each region.
4 Look at Figure 1.6. Imagine that the population of the island at the beginning of the year
was 4000 rather than 5000. Calculate the rates of change for this new starting population figure.
Figure 1.8 Total fertility rates in industrial, less developed and least developed countries, 1950–2010
Table 1.4 Countries with the highest and lowest fertility rates, 2016
The factors affecting fertility can be grouped into four categories:
• Demographic: Other population factors, particularly mortality (death) rates, influence fertility. Where
infant mortality is high, it is usual for many children to die before reaching adult life. In such societies,
parents often have many children to compensate for these expected deaths. The infant mortality rate is the
number of deaths of children under 1 year of age per thousand live births per year. In 2016, the infant
mortality rate for the world as a whole was 36/1000, ranging from 5/1000 in Europe to 57/1000 in Africa. It is
not just coincidence that the continent with the lowest fertility is Europe and the continent with the highest
fertility is Africa. The infant mortality rate is generally regarded as a prime indicator of socio-economic
progress. Over the world as a whole infant mortality has declined sharply during the last half century.
• Social/cultural: In some societies, particularly in Africa, tradition demands high rates of reproduction.
Here the opinion of women in the reproductive years may have little influence weighed against intense
cultural expectations. Education, especially female literacy, is the key to lower fertility (Figure 1.9 and
1.10). With education comes a knowledge of birth control, greater social awareness, more opportunity for
employment and a wider choice of action generally. Indonesia sees education as essential for its future
development (Figure 1.11).
In some countries religion is an important factor. For example, the Muslim and Roman Catholic religions
oppose artificial birth control. Most countries that have population policies have been trying to reduce their
fertility by investing in birth control programmes.
1 Discuss three factors that cause the birth rate to vary from one part of the world to
2 Describe the relationship shown in Figure 1.10 between the total fertility rate and the
percentage of girls enrolled in secondary school.
3 Compare the changes in total fertility rates between the three groups of countries shown
in Figure 1.8.
4 Describe and explain the variations in life expectancy at birth shown in Table 1.5.
5 What are the main differences in the causes of death between countries at different levels
of economic development (Figure 1.12)?
Figure 1.15 World AIDS Day is recognised all over the world
The epidemic has been particularly concentrated in southern Africa. The factors responsible for such high
rates include:
• poverty and social instability that result in family disruption
• high levels of other sexually transmitted infections
• the low status of women
• sexual violence
• high mobility, which is mainly linked to migratory labour systems
Figure 1.20 The trans-Siberian railway. Many communities in Asiatic Russia have declined in population
The decline in Russia’s population has been due to a combination of economic and social factors.
Population decline or very slow growth has been due to:
• low birth rates
• high death rates, particularly among men
• emigration.
The change in recent decades from a communist centrally planned economy to a market
economy has resulted in some people being much better off, while many other people struggle to
make a reasonable living. Inequality has increased considerably in Russia, with unemployment and
poverty being major concerns for many people. The cost of raising children is perceived to be high
when both parents need to work to make ends meet. These circumstances have had a big impact on
decisions to start or extend a family.
Education standards for women in Russia are high and so women in general have the decisive
say in decisions about family size. The use of contraception is high, with almost 70 per cent of
married women aged 15–49 using various methods.
The difference in life expectancy between men and women in Russia is considerable. In 2016 life
expectancy for women was 77 years, but only 66 for men. This extremely low level for men in a
European country has been attributed to very high intakes of alcohol, a high incidence of smoking,
pollution, poverty and the ravages of HIV/AIDS and other diseases. The high male death rate has
resulted in there being almost 11 million more women than men in Russia.
Population decline has had its greatest impact in rural areas, with 8500 villages said to have been
abandoned since 2002. The cold northern regions of Russia have experienced the highest levels of
depopulation. Such are the concerns of many Russians about the future that a sociological survey
in June 2011 found that one-fifth of the Russian population are potential emigrants.
In 2008 Russia began honouring families with four or more children with a Paternal Glory medal.
The government has urged Russians to have more children, sometimes suggesting that it is a matter
of public duty.
Case study analysis
1 Use the atlas map at the beginning of the book to describe the location of Russia.
2 Describe the changes in Russia’s population shown in Figure 1.19 and Table 1.6.
3 Discuss the reasons for population decline in Russia.
Interesting note
In 2016 worldwide, thirteen countries had birth rates lower than their death rates, thus registering
a natural decrease in population. Bulgaria and Serbia had the highest rates of natural decrease at
−0.6 per cent (−6/1000).
Overpopulation and underpopulation
The idea of optimum population has been mainly understood in an economic sense (Figure 1.21). At first,
an increasing population allows for a fuller exploitation of a country’s resource base, causing living standards to
rise. However, beyond a certain level, rising numbers place increasing pressure on resources and living standards
begin to decline. The highest average living standards mark the optimum population. Before that population is
reached, the country or region can be said to be underpopulated. As the population rises beyond the optimum,
the country or region can be said to be overpopulated.
In terms of the planet as a whole, there are many indications that human population is pushing up against the
limits of the Earth’s resources. For example:
• One-quarter of the world’s children have protein-energy malnutrition.
• The long-term trend for grain production per person is falling.
• About 40 per cent of agricultural land is moderately degraded and 9 per cent is highly degraded.
• Water scarcity already affects every continent and 4 of every 10 people in the world.
• A quarter of all fish stocks are overharvested.
• There are concerns that global peak oil production will come as early as the next decade.
Where an individual country is placed in terms of its relationship between population and resources is a
matter of opinion. There may be big differences in the views of people living in the same country. Such views
can change over time, particularly with economic cycles.
The Netherlands and the UK are two of the most densely populated countries in Europe. Not everyone in
these countries thinks they are overpopulated, but it does seem that an increasing number of people are of this
opinion. In the UK, an organisation called the Optimum Population Trust states that 30 million is the optimum
population for the country. At present the population of the UK is about 66 million. Signs of population pressure
in both the UK and the Netherlands include:
• intense competition for land
• heavy traffic congestion
• high house prices
• high environmental impact of economic activity
• pressure on water resources.
Two of the most sparsely populated developed countries in the world are Australia and Canada. Throughout
the history of both countries the general view has been that they would benefit from higher populations. Thus
Australia and Canada have welcomed significant numbers of immigrants. However, in recent years, with an
uncertain economic climate, both countries have been much more selective in terms of immigration. Although
both countries are very large in size, they have large areas of inhospitable landscape.
Countries that need to import large amounts of natural resources, such as China, Japan and
Korea, have been major investors in Australia. The country has a well-developed infrastructure and a
relatively highly skilled population, which enjoys a generally high income. Australia exudes an image
of an affluent outdoor lifestyle that attracts potential migrants from many different countries. Australia
was ranked second in the world (after Norway) according to the 2016 Human Development Index.
Net migration is a good measure of how attractive a country is to people from other countries.
While Bangladesh has negative net migration (Table 1.7), Australia has one of the highest positive
net migration figures in the world. Australia’s extremely high gross national income per capita is not
just a major attraction to potential international migrants, it is also a useful statement of the
opportunities available in the country and the relationship between population and resources.
Although Australia’s immigration policy has changed over the years, the country has generally
encouraged immigration to develop the country’s resources and to solve shortages of certain skills.
Australia is particularly keen for migrants to settle in the more remote rural areas, which have
suffered from out-migration for a number of decades. Figure 1.26 shows how important net
overseas migration has been to total population growth.
1 Define the term ‘optimum population’.
2 List three signs of population pressure in a country.
3 What is the difference between a pro-natalist policy and an anti-natalist policy?
4 Why did China introduce its controversial one-child policy in 1979?
5 Describe the changes in China’s birth rate shown in Figure 1.28.
6 State two problems cause by China’s one-child policy.
7 Suggest why China relaxed its population policy from March 2016.
8 Give three measures introduced in France to encourage couples to have more children.
9 Describe the changes in France’s population growth between 2000 and 2014 (Figure
Key questions
• What is migration?
• What are the causes of migration?
• What are the impacts of migration on areas of both origin and destination?
1.2 Migration
Figure 1.30 Chinatown, San Francisco — a major Chinese community in an American city
Figure 1.33 Syria: refugees and internally displaced people, September 2013
The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) put the number of forcibly displaced people
worldwide at 65 million at the end of 2015. This included 21.3 million refugees, the remainder being internally
displaced people.
Migration trends
Figure 1.34 shows international migrants by major areas of destination, 2000 and 2015. Nearly two-thirds of
international migrants worldwide live in Europe or Asia. The number of international migrants reached 244
million in 2015, a 41 per cent increase compared with 2000. This is 3.3 per cent of the world’s population.
Foreign-born populations are rising in both developed and developing countries (Figure 1.35).
Figure 1.34 Bar graph showing number of international migrants by major area of destination, 2000 and 2015
Figure 1.35 Southall, the centre of London’s Indian community
Recent migration data show the following:
• With the growth in the importance of labour-related migration and international student mobility,
migration has become increasingly temporary and circular in nature. The international mobility of highly
skilled workers increased substantially in the 1990s and beyond.
• The spatial impact of migration has spread, with an increasing number of countries affected either as
points of origin or of destination. While many traditional migration streams have remained strong,
significant new streams have developed.
• The proportion of female migrants was 48 per cent in 2015. For some countries of origin, women now
make up the majority of contract workers (for example, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia).
• The great majority of international migrants move from developing to developed countries. However,
there are also strong migration links between some developing countries, in particular between low-and
middle-income countries.
• Developed countries have reinforced controls, in part in response to security issues, but also to combat
illegal immigration and networks that deal in trafficking and exploitation of human beings.
Globalisation in all its aspects has led to an increased awareness of opportunities in other countries. With
advances in transportation and communication, and a reduction in the real cost of both, the world’s population
has never had a higher level of potential mobility. Also, in various ways, economic and social development has
made people more mobile and created the conditions for emigration. Many developing countries are looking to
developed countries to adopt a more favourable attitude to international migration, arguing that it brings benefits
to both developed and developing countries.
Interesting note
In 2016 Amnesty International said that 10 countries were hosting more than half the world’s
refugees. The leading countries were Jordan (> 2.7 million), Turkey (> 2.5 million), Pakistan (1.6
million), Lebanon (> 1.5 million).
1 Define the term ‘migration’.
2 What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary migration?
3 Discuss three significant push factors in migration.
Climate change
It is predicted that climate change will force mass migrations in the future. In 2009 the International
Organization for Migration estimated that worsening tropical storms, desert droughts and rising sea levels will
displace 200 million people by 2050.
1 State two positive and two negative impacts of international migration on countries of
2 Give three benefits of international migration for countries of destination.
3 Why is it likely that climate change will create mass migration in the future?
Case study: International migration from Mexico to the
One of the largest labour migrations in the world has been from Mexico to the United States, a
rare example where a developed country borders a developing country. This migration has largely
been the result of:
• much higher average incomes in the USA
• lower unemployment rates in the USA
• the faster growth of the labour force in Mexico, with significantly higher population growth in
Mexico than in the USA
• the overall quality of life: on virtually every aspect of the quality of life conditions are better
in the USA than in Mexico.
Most migration has taken place in the last four decades. Although previous surges occurred in
the 1920s and 1950s, when the American government allowed the recruitment of Mexican workers
as guest workers, persistent mass migration between the two countries did not take hold until the
late twentieth century.
There is a very strong concentration of the US Mexican population in the four states along the
Mexican border: California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The main reasons for this spatial
distribution are:
• proximity to the border
• the location of demand for immigrant farm workers
• urban areas where the Mexican community is long-established.
Key questions
• How does population structure vary between countries at different levels of economic
• What are the implications of different types of population structure?
Population pyramids
Age and sex structure can be illustrated by the use of population pyramids (Figure 1.45). Pyramids can be
used to show either absolute or relative data. Absolute data show the figures in thousands or millions, while
relative data show the numbers involved in percentages. Each bar represents a 5-year age group. The male
population is represented to the left of the vertical axis, with females to the right.
Figure 1.45 Four population pyramids for Niger, Bangladesh, the UK and Japan
Figure 1.46 provides some useful tips for understanding population pyramids. A good starting point is to
divide the pyramid into three sections:
• the young dependent population
• the economically active population
• the elderly dependent population.
Interesting note
At 50 per cent, Niger has the highest percentage of population under 15 in the world. Japan has
27 per cent of its population aged 65 and over, again the highest in the world.
1 Define the term ‘population structure’.
2 What is a population pyramid?
3 Look at Figure 1.45 and compare the population structures of Niger and the UK.
A dependency ratio of 60 means that for every 100 people in the economically active population there are 60
people dependent on them. The dependency ratio in developed countries is usually between 50 and 75. In
contrast, developing countries typically have higher ratios, which may reach over 100. In developing countries,
children form the great majority of the dependent population. In contrast, in developed countries there is much
more of a balance between young and old dependants.
The dependency ratio is important because the economically active population will in general contribute
more to the economy in terms of income tax, sales taxes and the taxes on the profits made by businesses. In
contrast, the dependent population tend to be bigger recipients of government funding, particularly for education,
healthcare and public pensions. An increase in the dependency ratio can cause significant financial problems for
governments if it does not have the financial reserves to cope with such a change.
The dependency ratio is an internationally agreed measure. Partly because of this it is a very crude indicator.
For example:
• In developed countries, few people leave education before the age of 18 and a significant number will
go on to university and not get a job before the age of 21. In addition, while some people will retire before
the age of 65, others will go on working beyond this age. Also, a significant number of people in the
economically active age group, such as parents staying at home to look after children, do not work for
various reasons. The number of people in this situation can vary considerably from one country to another.
• In developing countries a significant proportion of children are working full or part time before the age
of 15. In some developing countries there is very high unemployment and underemployment within the
economically active age group.
Despite its limitations the dependency ratio does allow reasonable comparisons to be made between
countries. It is also useful to see how individual countries change over time. Once an analysis using the
dependency ratio has been made, more detailed research can look into any apparent anomalies.
1 Who are dependants?
2 Define the term ‘dependency ratio’.
3 Identify one limitation of the dependency ratio.
4 Calculate the dependency ratios for Niger, Bangladesh, the UK and Japan from the
information given earlier in this topic.
Case study: The Gambia — a country with a high
dependent population
Figure 1.47 A school in the Gambia
The Gambia, in West Africa, is a small country with a young population (Figure 1.47), which has
placed big demands on the resources of the country. The rate of natural increase in 2016 was
3.2 per cent. Figure 1.48 shows the high rate of growth since the 1950s. The population of 2.1
million is forecast to grow to 5.1 million by 2050. 95 per cent of the country’s population are Muslim
and, until recently, religious leaders were against the use of contraception. In addition, cultural
tradition meant that women had little influence on family size. Children were viewed as an economic
asset because of their help with crop production and tending animals. One in three children
aged 10–14 is working. The country suffered from high infant and maternal mortality. In 2016 the
infant mortality rate was 45/1000. With 46 per cent of the population classed as young
dependants and only 2 per cent as elderly dependants, the dependency ratio is 92. This means
that for every 100 people in the economically active population in The Gambia there are 92 people
dependent on them.
Key question
• What are the factors that influence the density and distribution of population?
Political factors include decisions to build new capital cities such as Brasilia (Brazil), Abuja (Nigeria) and
Astana (Kazakhstan). Decisions to build other major elements of infrastructure can also influence population
distribution. Political unrest involving violence, such as in Sudan and South Sudan, can result in large-scale
migration that can significantly change existing patterns of population distribution.
1 Define:
a population density b population distribution.
2 To what extent does population density vary by world region (Table 1.10)?
3 Briefly discuss the factors that influence low population density.
4 What are the factors encouraging high population density?
Interesting note
Antarctica has no permanent residents. Its very small, temporary population is made up of
researchers and scientists from many different countries. This amounts to about 1000 people during
the winter, rising to 5000 in the summer months.
Key questions
• What are the main patterns of settlement?
• What are the factors that influence the sites, growth and functions of settlements?
• What are settlement hierarchies and how do they affect people?
Rural settlements
A settlement is defined as a place in which people live and where they carry out a variety of activities, such
as residence, trade, agriculture and manufacturing. Most rural settlements are hamlets and villages, although not
all are. The study of rural settlement includes:
• pattern
• form (or shape)
• site and situation
• function and hierarchy
• change.
A dispersed settlement pattern is one in which individual houses and farms are widely scattered throughout
the countryside (Figure 1.57). It occurs when farms or houses are set among their fields or spread out along roads,
rather than concentrated on one point. They are common in sparsely populated areas, such as the Australian
outback and the Sahel region of Africa, and in recently settled areas, such as after the creation of the Dutch
polders. The enclosure of large areas of common grazing land into smaller fields separated by hedges led to a
dispersed settlement pattern. This happened because it became more convenient to build farmhouses out in the
fields of the newly established farms. Similarly, the break-up of large estates (particularly in England during the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries) also led to a dispersed settlement pattern. In areas where the physical
geography is quite extreme (too hot or cold, wet or dry) there is likely to be a low population density, and a poor
transport network, which discourages settlement.
Village form
Village form refers to shape (Figure 1.60). In a linear settlement, houses are spread out along a road or a
river. This suggests the importance of trade and transport during the growth of the village. Linear villages are
also found where poor drainage prohibits growth in a certain direction. In the rainforests of Sarawak (Malaysia),
many of the longhouses are generally spread alongside rivers (Figure 1.61).
Figure 1.63 New York developed because of its excellent trading position — inland as well as overseas
Trade and communications have always been important. Cairo grew as a result of being located at the
meeting point of the African, Asian and European trade routes. It also benefited from having a royal family,
being the government centre, and having a university and all kinds of linked trades and industries such as food
and drink, and textiles. Similarly, Paris grew because of its excellent location on the Seine. Not only could the
river be crossed at this point, it could also be used for trade (Figure 1.64).
Other centres had good raw materials. In South Africa, the gold deposits near Johannesburg, and the
diamonds at Kimberley and Bloemfontein, caused these settlements to grow as important mining and industrial
Functions change over time. Many settlements that were formerly fishing villages have become important
tourist resorts. The Spanish costas are a good example. Many Caribbean settlements, such as Soufrière in St
Lucia, have evolved into important tourist destinations. In the developed world, many rural settlements have now
become dormitory settlements — this is related to good accessibility to nearby urban centres (Figure 1.65).
Increasingly, many rural settlements in the developed world are also becoming centres of industry, as new
science parks locate in areas such as Silicon Valley in California, formerly an agricultural region. South Korea
has industrialised and urbanised over the last 50 years or so, and the rural population had declined to just 17 per
cent by 2011.
Interesting note
Baniachong in Bangladesh claims to be the world’s largest village. The area covers about 75 km 2
and contains around 70, 000 people.
Figure 1.64 The Seine was a vital factor in enabling the growth of Paris into a city of international importance
Other centres have become important due to political factors. New capital cities, such as Brasilia, Canberra
and Ottawa, have developed central administrative roles. Other planned cities, such as Putrajaya in Malaysia and
Incheon in South Korea, have become centres of high-tech industry.
Settlement hierarchy
The term hierarchy means ‘order’. Settlements are often ordered in terms of their size. Dispersed,
individual households are at the base of the rural settlement hierarchy. At the next level are hamlets (Figure 1.66).
A hamlet is a very small settlement, consisting of a small number of houses or farms, with very few services. The
trade generated by the population, which is often less than 100 people, will only support low- order services
such as a general store, a small post office or a pub. By contrast, a village is much larger in population (Figure
1.67). Hence it can support a wider range of services, including a school, church or chapel, community centre
and a small range of shops (Table 1.11). Higher up the hierarchy are towns and cities, offering many more
services and different types of service. As Table 1.11 shows, there are more settlements lower down the
hierarchy — the higher up you go, the fewer the number of each type of settlement. Thus, for example, there are
far fewer cities in a country than there are villages.
Rural settlements offer certain functions and services. Only basic or low-order functions are found in the
smaller hamlets, whereas the same functions and services are found in larger settlements (villages and market
towns) together with more specialised ones — high-order functions. The market towns draw custom from the
surrounding villages and hamlets as well as serving their own population. The maximum distance that a person is
prepared to travel to buy a good is known as the range of a good. Low-order goods have a small range whereas
high-order goods have a large range. The number of people needed to support a good or service is known as the
threshold population. Low-order goods may only need a small number of people (for example 1000) to support a
small shop, whereas a large department store might require 50,000 people in order for it to survive and make a
Figure 1.65 Cloke’s model of rural change and accessibility to large urban centres
Figure 1.67 Settlement hierarchy in County Kerry. (a) Isolated dwelling in Gullaun, (b) linear settlement Dohilla,
(c) Gneeveguilla village, (d) market town Killorglin
The area that a settlement serves is known as its sphere of influence. Hamlets and villages generally have
low spheres of influence whereas larger towns and cities have a large sphere of influence. The definition of
hamlet, village and town is not always very clear-cut and these terms represent features that are part of a sliding-
scale (continuum) rather than distinct categories.
In general, as population size in settlements increases the number and range of services increases (Figure
1.68). However, there are exceptions. Some small settlements, notably those with a tourist-related function, may
be small in size but have many services. In contrast, some dormitory (commuter) settlements may be quite
large but offer few functions or services other than a residential one. In these settlements, people live (reside) in
the village but work and shop elsewhere.
Figure 1.69 Services in three settlements. (a) Newsagents, Cassington; (b) Town Hall, Woodstock; (c)
Butchers, Long Hanborough
Study the photos (a), (b) and (c) in Figure 1.69. Arrange the three settlements in terms of their
likely hierarchy. Justify your choice.
Figure 1.68 The relationship between population size and number of services
Case study: Population size and number of services in
Lozère is a department in southeast France. It is a mountainous region, and the main economic
activities are farming and tourism. However, due to the mountainous relief and poor-quality soil,
farming is mainly cattle rearing. Surprisingly, the region has a very low rate of unemployment. This is
due to a long history of out-migration of young people in search of work.
Table 1.12 shows how the population of St-André-Capcèze fell between the 1860s and the end of
the twentieth century. However, in recent years the population has increased slightly. This is due to
improved communications and easier travel — but the population is an ageing one. Tourism offers
some employment, but the jobs are seasonal, part-time, unskilled and often quite poorly paid.
Table 1.12 Population change in St-André-Capcèze, 1800–2006
1800 437
1821 455
1841 479
1861 427
1881 383
1901 316
1921 222
1931 190
1962 148
1982 104
1999 145
2006 174
Table 1.13 Population change in Lozère, 1801–2011
Key questions
• What are the characteristics of urban land use?
• How does urban land use vary between countries at different levels of development?
• What is the effect of change in land use and rapid urban growth?
1.6 Urban settlements
Figure 1.72 Downtown Seoul
Land value
The value of land (bid rent) varies with different land uses. For example, it varies for retail, office and
residential land uses (Figure 1.73a). Retail land uses are attracted to more expensive central areas. Land at the
centre of a city is the most expensive for two main reasons: it is the most accessible land to public transport, and
there is only a small amount available. Land prices generally decrease away from the central area,
although there are secondary peaks at the intersections of main roads and ring roads (Figure 1.73a). Change in
levels of accessibility, due to private transport as opposed to public transport, explains why areas on the edge of
town are often now more accessible than inner areas.
Residential zones
In most developed countries, as a general rule, residential densities decrease with distance from the CBD.
This is due to a number of reasons:
• Historically, more central areas developed first and supported high population densities.
• Large numbers of workers were densely packed into inner city areas to be close to manufacturing jobs
(Figures 1.77a and b).
• There is greater availability of land with increased distance from the CBD.
• Improvements in transport and technology allow people to live further away from their place of work
in lower-density areas (Figure 1.77c).
• Wealthy households may be able to afford to live in more attractive areas, such as close to rivers, high
ground and open spaces/parks.
• Some communities might desire to live away from other communities — this may be based on levels
of wealth, ethnicity or government policy.
• Some communities may have to locate in areas where building may be difficult (Figure 1.77d).
However, this pattern can be disrupted by:
• low densities in the CBD, as residential land use cannot compete with commercial land use to meet the
high bid rents
• the location of high-rise peripheral estates, increasing densities at the margins of the urban area
(Figure 1.77e)
• ‘green-belt’ restrictions, which artificially raise population densities in the suburbs.
Population densities tend to change over time, with peak densities decreasing and average densities
The pattern of population density declining with distance can be observed in many cities, but this pattern also
changes over time. After a period of expansion, city centres start to decline following suburbanisation. This is
sometimes followed by a repopulation of the inner city if the centre is redeveloped.
Industrial areas
There are a number of industrial zones in most cities in developed countries. These include:
• traditional inner-city areas close to railways and/or canals
• industries needing access to skilled labour, such as medical instruments; those needing access to the
CBD, such as fashion accessories; and those that require an urban market for distribution, for example
newspapers and bakeries — these industries have traditionally located close to the CBD
• areas that require access to water — for example, where industries such as imports and exports are
located close to docks
• radial transport routes, for example Samsung electronics at Suwon, South Korea
• areas where there is good access and good availability of land, for example the Hyundai car works at
Busan, South Korea
• edge-of-town/greenfield suburban sites close to airports.
1 Outline the advantages of the industrial sites shown in Figure 1.82.
Figure 1.82 Industrial location in cities: (a) Hyundai car works, Busan; (b) the port of Barcelona
Open spaces
In general, the amount of open space increases towards the edge of town. This is because the value of land is
lower towards the edge, and there is more land available. Nevertheless, there are important areas of open space in
many urban areas. Central Park in New York is a good example. In the centre, any areas of open land tend to be
small. Many of the open spaces are related to areas that are next to rivers or formerly belonged to wealthy
Transport routes
Most city centres are characterised by small, congested roads. As the roads were built when the cities were
still small, they are quite small. Now, as private transport is the main form of transport, the volume of traffic for
the roads is too great. In contrast, towards the edge of town there are larger motorways and ring roads. These take
advantage of the space available. Natural routeways, such as river valleys, are important for the orientation of
roads. However, given that many cities are in lowland areas, constraints of the natural environment are generally
not great.
Study Figure 1.84.
1 What are the advantages of this site for the supermarket?
2 Which population groups benefit from out-of-town developments such as the one shown in
the photograph? Give reasons for your choice.
3 Describe the land uses shown in Figure 1.85a–d, which show contrasting areas in Bandar
Seri Begawan, Brunei. Identify each of the main land uses and their likely location in the city.
Table 1.18 Urban land use in Seoul (%)
Urbanised area
Residential 18.9
Commercial and business 5.9
Mixed residential and business 13.0
Industrial 1.2
Public facilities 5.1
Transport 10.5
Urban infrastructure 1.1
Derelict 1.8
Total 57.5
Forest and open space
Rivers and lakes 8.1
Forest 31.9
Inaccessible (steep slopes) 2.5
Total 42.5
Figure 1.87 Land use in Seoul
Air pollution
Poor air quality affects half the world’s urban population. Each year thousands of people die because of poor
air quality, and many more are seriously affected. The problem is increasing as population growth increases in
urban areas, with industrial development and the increase in the number of vehicles worldwide. The world’s
population is growing by about 90 million people each year. This increases the demand for energy, transport,
heating and so on. More and more people are living in urban areas. In low-income countries (LICs) population
growth is very rapid, and cities have fewer resources to cope than cities in high-income countries (HICs).
In many LICs, indoor air pollution is high due to the burning of fuelwood and paraffin for cooking and
heating. Up to 700 million people in LICs and newly industrialising countries (NICs) are thought to be at risk of
high levels of indoor air pollution, especially those living in slums.
LICs and NICs have weaker economies and so investment in pollution control is minimal. Instead, such
countries favour industrialisation and the use of cheap, inefficient energy resources, such as lignite and low-
grade coal, as a source of energy. By contrast, HICs — which may have gone through the process of
deindustrialisation — have the capital and the technology to tackle air pollution.
One of the major sources of pollution is motor vehicles. At present, LICs/NICs account for about 10 per cent
of the world’s motor vehicles and about 20 per cent of the world’s cars, but some countries, such as India and
China, are expanding their car industries as a key part of their economic development. Cars and other vehicles in
LICs tend to be less fuel-efficient and produce more pollution because they are older, poorly serviced and lack
clean, environmentally friendly technology.
Noise pollution
Road traffic noise is related to traffic volume, traffic composition, speed, reflection of noise from barriers,
retaining walls or mitigation techniques, weather conditions, terrain and road surface. Noise disturbance may
cause people in urban areas to move or consider moving from cities of high population density to quieter
environments. Noise from road traffic and other sources has been associated with raised blood pressure, coronary
heart disease, psychological stress and annoyance, and sleep disturbance.
Water pollution
Water pollution is a major problem in many cities as a result of the large number of people, industries and
vehicles that might discharge pollutants into rivers. Some rivers and lakes have become so polluted that they
have even caught fire. The most famous case is the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, USA, which caught fire in
1969, but there have been recent cases in China in 2014, for example when a river in Wenzhou, Zhejiang
Province caught fire, and in 2017 when the Bellandur Lake in Banglalore, India caught fire. It regularly forms a
froth due to the amount of pollution in it (Figure 1.89).
Figure 1.89 Toxic froth from Bellandur Lake, Bangalore
Light pollution
Light pollution (Figure 1.90) refers to excessive artificial lighting. It is common in large urban and
industrial areas, and can have an impact on human health, leading to loss of sleep and headaches, and is
disruptive to nocturnal animals. It is also a waste of energy.
In all cities there is inequality. There are contrasts between the rich and the poor. In most HICs, the poor are
located in inner-city areas, edge-of-town estates and high-rise flats, whereas, in LICs, the poor tend to be located
in shanty towns or informal settlements. There are important variations in terms of educational achievements,
access to healthcare, employment opportunities and so on. One way of showing inequality is a Lorenz curve.
This shows the proportion of income that the rich and the poor have. Figure 1.91 shows a Lorenz curve for
inequality in Brazil. It shows that the top 10 per cent of households have 40 per cent of the wealth and that the
bottom 25 per cent have less than 5 per cent of the wealth.
Housing issues
Provision of enough quality housing is also a major problem in LICs. There are at least four aspects to the
management of housing stock:
• quality of housing — with proper water, sanitation, electricity and space
• quantity of housing — having enough units to meet demand
• availability and affordability of housing
• housing tenure (ownership or rental).
Increased demand for housing is generated by:
• people moving to urban areas in search of work and a higher standard of living
• longer life expectancy
• young people leaving home earlier
• more families splitting up and moving into separate homes
• more people preferring modern houses with good facilities.
Figure 1.92 A brownfield site: Stratford, London before the 2012 Olympic Games
Traffic congestion
Traffic congestion has many impacts. It can delay journeys and make people late for work, appointments,
school etc. It increases fuel consumption and adds to vehicular emissions of greenhouse gases and other
pollutants. It may lead to frustration and ‘road rage’, and it can have a negative impact on people’s health (stress
and poor air quality). In 2013 the World Health Organization announced that air pollution could cause cancer.
Diesel fumes are carcinogenic, and air pollution has a causal link with respiratory diseases.
Traffic congestion
Like New York, Seoul experiences massive traffic congestion. In 1975 Korea manufactured fewer
than 20,000 cars. By 1994 there were over 2 million cars registered in the Seoul area. Despite
improvements to the motorway network, the increase in the population of Seoul and the number of
cars in the area mean that congestion has increased. In addition, many of the roads in central Seoul
are relatively small and unable to handle the large volumes of traffic.
As Seoul has grown the amount of air and water pollution has increased. A good example is the
Cheong Gye Cheon River in central Seoul (Figure 1.98a). It had become heavily polluted with lead,
chromium and manganese, and was a health risk. Restoration of the river has been a central part of
the regeneration of central Seoul (Figure 1.98b). Previously, up to 87 per cent of the city’s sewage
flowed untreated into the Hangang River. Now Seoul has the capacity to treat up to 3 million tonnes
of sewage each day.
Figure 1.98 The Cheong Gye Cheon River in central Seoul: (a) in the 1950s; (b) natural section following
1 Suggest several different reasons why there is poverty in New York.
2 Why is air pollution a problem in large cities?
3 Describe the conditions in Cheong Gye Cheong, as shown in Figure 1.98.
Key questions
• What is urbanisation?
• What are the reasons for rapid urban growth?
• What are the impacts of urban growth on both urban and rural areas?
• What are the strategies to reduce the negative impacts of urban growth?
1.7 Urbanisation
Figure 1.99 Glenmore, South Africa
Urbanisation is an increase in the percentage of a population living in urban areas. It is one of the most
significant geographical phenomena of the twentieth century. Urbanisation takes place when the urban
population is growing more rapidly than the population as a whole. It is caused by a number of interrelated
factors, including:
• migration to urban areas
• higher birth rates in urban areas due to the youthful age structure
• higher death rates in rural areas due to diseases, unreliable food supply, famine, natural hazards,
decreased standard of living in rural areas, poor water, hygiene and medication
• rural areas being reclassified as urban areas (this would normally accompany the above factors).
Urbanisation can lead to a decline in population in rural areas and a change in age structure. Many of those
who leave are young adults, and so the population in rural areas ages. In addition, there is a ‘brain-drain’
whereby more of the most able and innovative of the population move in search of a better life. The rural area
may benefit from less pressure on resources and from the remittances that the migrants send home. On the other
hand, there may not be enough people to keep services running, and agricultural productivity may decline.
Urbanisation may lead to people becoming better off. The growth of China’s cities and industries since the
1990s has led to millions of people becoming richer and having a higher standard of living than before. On the
other hand, if there are insufficient jobs, housing and other services, people’s lives may be quite poor.
Unemployment, underemployment, overcrowding and pollution are common in informal (squatter) settlements.
In the rural areas, land may be abandoned and farm productivity declines (due to loss of young labourers), while
in farmland close to the city, it may be converted to urban land use.
More than two-thirds of the world’s urban population is now in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the
Caribbean. The population in urban areas in developing countries will grow from 1.9 billion in 2000 to 3.9
billion by 2030. In developed countries, however, the urban population is expected to increase very slowly, from
0.9 billion in 2000 to 1 billion in 2030.
The overall population growth rate for the world for that period is 1 per cent, while the growth rate for urban
areas is nearly double, at 1.8 per cent. At that rate, the world’s urban population will double in 38 years. Growth
will be even more rapid in the urban areas of developing countries, averaging 2.3 per cent per year,
with a doubling time of 30 years.
The urbanisation process (Figure 1.100) in developed countries has stabilised, with about 75 per cent of the
population living in urban areas. Latin America and the Caribbean were 50 per cent urbanised by 1960 but here
urbanisation is now about 75 per cent. Africa is still predominantly rural, with only 37.3 per cent living in urban
areas in 1999, but with a growth rate of 4.87 per cent, the continent of Africa has the fastest rate of urbanisation.
By 2030, Asia and Africa will each have more urban dwellers than any other major area of the world. Two
aspects of this rapid growth have been the increase in the number of large cities and the historically
unprecedented size of the largest cities.
Some of the world’s largest slums could be ‘millionaire’ cities. Neza-Chalco-Itza in Mexico City
has a population of 4 million people. Orangi Town in Karachi has an estimated population of 1.5
million and Dharavi in Mumbai has a population of over 1 million residents. Khayelitsha in Cape
Town had 400,000 in 2005, and Kibera in Nairobi has a population of between 200,000 and 1 million.
1 a Choose an appropriate method to show the global distribution of people living in
slums (Table 1.22).
b Where is the frequency of slum dwellers highest? Where is it lowest?
c Comment on your conclusions.
2 Describe one environmental problem that is the result of rapid urban growth.
3 Explain why natural hazards may have a major impact in areas of slum housing.
Slum upgrading
The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include one specifically for urban areas: SDG 11 —
‘Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’. Target 11.1 states: ‘By 2030,
ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums’. Other
relevant SDGs include:
• SDG 1 — End poverty in all its forms everywhere
• SDG 6 — Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
New cities
For more developed countries there are more options. At one end of the scale are new towns and cities, such
as Brasilia in Brazil, Canberra in Australia and Gongju-Yongi in South Korea. Gongju-Yongi is a 42 billion-
dollar scheme to reduce the importance of Seoul as Korea’s capital by 2020 (Figure 1.105). The relocation is
necessary to ease chronic overcrowding in Seoul, redistribution of the state’s wealth and to reduce the danger of a
military attack from North Korea. Previous developments have concentrated huge amounts of money, power and
up to half of Korea’s population in Seoul. Construction of Gongju-Yongi began in 2007. Another impressive
scheme is the Malaysian new town of Putrajaya (Figure 1.106).
Figure 1.105 Gongju-Yongi — the proposed new capital for South Korea: planning board (top) and the scene
in 2007 (bottom)
Figure 1.106 Putrajaya. (a) Landscaping, (b) new buildings and roads, (c) the mosque
Figure 1.107 Environmental problems: (a) Seoul — a city experiencing rapid economic growth; (b) Castries
— a city in a developing country
Urban agriculture
Urbanisation leads to a decline in the amount of agricultural land available, and at the same time results in an
increased demand for food from the urban population. The phrase ‘urban agriculture’ initially sounds like a
contradiction in terms. However, the phenomenon has grown in significance in cities in the developing world
over the past 20 years. Evidence suggests that, in some cities, urban agriculture may already occupy up to 35 per
cent of the land area, may employ up to 36 per cent of the population, and may supply up to 50 per cent of urban
fresh vegetable needs.
Food produced locally in urban areas may have several added benefits. First, it employs a proportion of the
city’s population. In Addis Ababa dwellers can save between 10 and 20 per cent of their income through urban
cultivation. It also diversifies the sources of food, resulting in a more secure supply (Table 1.26).
1 Describe the environmental problems shown in Figure 1.107.
2 a Outline the causes of environmental problems in cities.
b Suggest why these problems might be increasing.
c Suggest reasons why the potential solutions might not work.
Transport in Curitiba is highly integrated. The road network and public transport system have structural axes.
These allow the city to expand but keep shops, workplaces and homes closely linked. There are five main axes to
the three parallel roadways:
• express routes — a central road with two express bus lanes
• direct routes
• local roads.
Curitiba’s mass transport system is based on the bus. Interdistrict and feeder bus routes complement the
express bus lanes along the structural axes. Everything is geared towards the speed of the journey and
convenience of passengers:
• A single fare allows transfer from express routes to interdistrict and local buses.
• Extra-wide doors allow passengers to crowd on quickly.
• Double-and triple-length buses allow for rush hour loads.
The rationale for the bus system was economic as well as sustainability. A subway would have cost up to
$80 million per km whereas the express busways were only $200,000 per km. The bus companies are paid by the
kilometre of road they serve, not the number of passengers. This ensures that all areas of the city are served.
Case study: Urban change in Shanghai
For 700 years Shanghai has been one of Asia’s major ports, and it has a varied history. It thrived
until 1949, when China closed itself to trade with the west. This changed Shanghai from an
international centre of production and trade to an inward-looking city. During the 1970s, China began
slowly reopening its economy to the world, and Shanghai was designated one of 14 open cities. The
Shanghai Economic Zone was established in 1983, and in the early 1990s an ambitious major
programme of redevelopment was started, especially in the eastern hinterland around Pudong
(Figure 1.109). The neighbouring cities of Suzhou and Wuxi have slowly merged with Shanghai to
create one continuous megalopolis. Over 7700 km2 of the Yangtze River Delta Economic
Zone became urban between 2000 and 2010.
Since economic reforms began in China in 1978, between 150 million and 200 million Chinese
have migrated from rural to urban areas. This may be the largest population movement in human
history. China now has over 100 millionaire cities. Shanghai has a population of over 17 million and
it is expected to reach 23 million by 2020. In 2015, there were over 13 million workers in the city.
Shanghai developed on a flat, lowlying alluvial plain on the banks of the Yangtze river (Figure
1.110). Shanghai is also located at the confluence of the Huangpu and Suzhou rivers — so it has an
excellent location for shipping and trade. From 1844, British, French, American and Japanese
traders owned land in Shanghai. By 1920, it was China’s largest and most important city but after the
end of the Second World War and following the Communist Revolution in 1949, the foreign influence
Figure 1.109 Housing in Pudong, Shanghai
End-of-theme questions
Topic 1.1 Population dynamics
Figure 1.116 Changes in US population (in thousands) by age group 2000–2001, 2005–2006, 2010–2011
1 a Study Figure 1.116. By how much did the total population of the USA increase
i 2000 and 2001
ii 2005 and 2006
iii 2010 and 2011?
2 a To what extent did population change vary between the three age groups? b
What demographic trend do the data and your analysis of them illustrate? c
Explain the reasons for this trend.
3 a Explain a simple calculation/ratio that could be used to compare the working and
non-working populations of the USA.
b What concerns might the US government have about the changing population
structure of the country?
Topic 1.4 Population density and distribution
Key questions
• What are the main types and features of volcanoes and earthquakes?
• Where do earthquakes and volcanoes occur?
• What are the causes of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and what is their effect on
people and the environment?
• What are the hazards and opportunities posed by volcanoes?
• What can be done to reduce the impacts of earthquakes and volcanoes?
Types of volcano
The shape of a volcano depends on the type of lava it contains. Very hot, runny lava produces gently sloping
shield volcanoes, while thick material produces cone volcanoes (Figure 2.2). These may be the result of many
volcanic eruptions over a long period of time. Part of the volcano may be blasted away during an eruption. The
shape of the volcano also depends on the amount of change there has been since the last volcanic eruption. Cone
volcanoes are associated with destructive plate boundaries, whereas shield volcanoes are characteristic of
constructive boundaries and hotspots (areas of weakness in the middle of a plate).
The chamber refers to the reservoir of magma located deep inside the volcano. A crater is the depression at
the top of a volcano following a volcanic eruption. It may contain a lake. A vent is the channel that allows
magma within the volcano to reach the surface in a volcanic eruption.
Earthquakes involve sudden, violent shaking of the Earth’s surface. They occur after a build-up of
pressure causes rocks and other materials to give way. Most of this pressure occurs at plate boundaries when one
plate is moving against another. Earthquakes are associated with all types of plate boundary. The focus refers to
the place beneath the ground where the earthquake takes place. Deep-focus earthquakes are associated with
subduction zones. Shallow-focus earthquakes are generally located along constructive boundaries and along
conservative boundaries. The epicentre is the point on the ground surface immediately above the focus.
Some earthquakes are caused by human activity, such as:
• nuclear testing
• building large dams
• drilling for oil/natural gas (fracking)
• coal mining.
Table 2.1 The world’s largest earthquakes of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (Richter
Place Date Strength
Chile 1965 9.5
Alaska 1961 9.2
Southeast Asia 2004 9.1
Honshu, Japan 2011 9.0
Kamchatka, Russia 1952 9.0
Chile 1960 8.9
Kansu, Japan 1920 8.6
Tokyo, Japan 1923 8.3
Mexico City 1985 8.1
Tangshen, China 1976 8.0
Erzincan, Turkey 1939 7.9
North Peru 1970 7.7
Izmit, Turkey 1999 7.2
1 Describe the main characteristics of:
a a shield volcano
b a cone volcano.
2 What is the difference between an active volcano and a dormant volcano?
3 What are the advantages of the Richter scale over the Mercalli scale? What are the
advantages of the Mercalli scale over the Richter scale?
4 The Richter scale is logarithmic. How much stronger is an earthquake of 7.0 compared
with one of 5.0 on the Richter scale?
Distribution of earthquakes and
The distribution of the world’s volcanoes and earthquakes is very uneven (Figure 2.4). They are mostly along
plate boundaries which are regions of crustal instability and tectonic activity. About 500,000 earthquakes are
detected each year by sensitive instruments. Most of the world’s earthquakes occur in linear chains (such as
along the west coast of South America) along all types of plate boundary. Some earthquakes appear in areas
away from plate boundaries, such as in the mid-west of the USA. These earthquakes could still be related to plate
movement as the North American plate is moving westwards. Some earthquakes are the result of human activity.
The building of large dams and deep reservoirs increases pressure on the ground. Mining removes underground
rocks and minerals, which may cause collapse or subsidence of the overlying materials. Testing of nuclear
weapons underground has been known to trigger earthquakes too.
There are over 1300 active volcanoes in the world, many of them under the ocean. Three-quarters of the
world’s active volcanoes are located in the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire’, the area around the Pacific Ocean. Good
examples include Mt Pinatubo (Philippines), Krakatoa (Indonesia) and Popacatapetl (Mexico). These volcanoes
are related to plate boundaries, notably destructive plate boundaries (for example, Mt St Helens in the USA and
Soufrière in Montserrat in the Caribbean) and constructive boundaries (for example, Eldfell volcano on Heimaey,
Iceland). The continuing eruption of Soufrière in Montserrat occurs at the boundary of the North American and
Caribbean plates. Some volcanoes, such as Mauna Loa and Kilauea in Hawaii, and Teidi on Tenerife, are located
over hotspots. These are isolated plumes of rising magma that have burned through the crust to create active
1 Describe the global distribution of earthquakes as shown in Figure 2.4.
2 What is the difference between shallow-focus and deep-focus earthquakes?
Plate tectonics
Plate tectonics is a set of ideas that describe and explain the global distribution of earthquakes, volcanoes,
fold mountains and rift valleys. The cause of earth movement is huge convection currents in the Earth’s interior,
which rise towards the Earth’s surface, drag continents apart and cause them to collide. These events happen
because the Earth’s interior consists of semi-molten layers (magma), so the Earth’s surface or crust (composed of
plates) moves around on the magma. There are seven large plates (five of which carry continents) and a number
of smaller plates (Figure 2.5). The main plates are the Pacific, Indo-Australian, Antarctic, North American, South
American, African and Eurasian plates. Smaller ones include the Caribbean, Iranian, Arabian and Juan de Fuca
plates. These move relative to one another, and when they collide create tectonic activity and new landforms.
Figure 2.5 The world’s main tectonic plates
Volcanic strength
The strength of a volcano is measured by the volcanic explosive index (VEI). This is based on the amount of
material ejected in the explosion, the height of the cloud it causes, and the amount of damage caused. Any
explosion above level 5 is considered to be very large and violent.
A supervolcano is a volcano of VEI 8. The scale is logarithmic, so VEI 8 is 10 times more powerful than
VEI 7, 100 times more powerful than VEI 6 and 1000 times more powerful than VEI 5 (Mt Pinatubo, 1991). The
last VEI 8 was 74,000 years ago (Mt Toba, Indonesia).
Supervolcanoes tend to be much larger than ‘normal’ volcanoes — the Yellowstone magma chamber, for
example, is over 50 km wide. The likely impacts of a VEI 8 eruption include:
• almost complete loss of life within about 1000 km of the eruption
• destruction of all crops and livestock, leading to a global famine
Natural hazards
All natural environments provide opportunities and challenges for human activities. Some of the challenges
can be described as ‘natural hazards’. A natural hazard is a natural event that causes damage to property and/or
disruption to normal life, and may cause loss of life. Natural hazards involve hydrological, atmospheric and
geological events. They are caused by the impact of natural events on the social and economic environment in
which people live. Some groups of people are more vulnerable to natural hazards and have greater exposure to
Since the 1960s more people have been affected by natural hazards. Reasons for this include:
• a rapid increase in population, especially in developing countries
• increased levels of urbanisation, including more shanty towns, which are often located in hazardous
• changing land use in rural areas, which results in flash floods, soil erosion and landslides
• increased numbers of people living in poverty who lack the resources to cope with natural hazards
• changes in the natural environment, causing increased frequency and intensity of storms, floods and
A hazard refers to a potentially dangerous event or process. It becomes a disaster when it affects people
and their property (Figure 2.11 and Table 2.6).
Risk suggests that there is a possibility of loss of life or damage. Risk assessment is the study of the costs and
benefits of living in a particular environment.
There are two very different ways of looking at people’s vulnerability:
• One view is that people choose to live in hazardous environments because they understand the
environment. In this situation people choose to live in an area because they feel the benefits outweigh the
• Another view is that some people live in hazardous environments because they have very little choice
over where they live, as they are too poor to move.
Volcanic eruptions
People often choose to live in volcanic areas because they are useful. For example:
• Some countries, such as Iceland and the Philippines, were created by volcanic activity.
• Volcanic soils are rich, deep and fertile, and allow intensive agriculture to take place.
• Volcanic areas are important for tourism (Figure 2.12).
• Some volcanic areas are seen by people as being symbolic and are part of the national identity, such as
Mt Fuji in Japan.
Figure 2.11 A building buried by a mudflow in Plymouth, Montserrat — one of the disadvantages of tectonic
Figure 2.12 Tourists gather around the geyser at Geysir, Iceland — one of the benefits of tectonic activity
The extent of earthquake damage is influenced by a number of factors:
• Strength of earthquake and number of aftershocks — the stronger the earthquake the more damage it
can do. For example, an earthquake of 6.0 on the Richter scale is 100 times more powerful than one of 4.0; the
more aftershocks there are, the greater the damage that is done.
• Population density — an earthquake that hits an area of high population density, such as in the Tokyo
region of Japan, could inflict far more damage than one that hits an area of low population and low building
• The type of buildings — developed countries generally have better-quality buildings, more emergency
services and the funds to cope with disasters. People in developed countries are more likely to have insurance
cover than those in developing countries.
• The time of day — an earthquake. during a busy time, such as rush hour, may cause more deaths than
one at a quiet time. Industrial and commercial areas have fewer people in them on Sundays, and homes have
more people in them at night.
• The distance from the centre (epicentre) of the earthquake — the closer a place is to the centre of
the earthquake, the greater the damage that is done.
• The type of rocks and sediments — loose materials can act like liquid when shaken; solid rock is
much safer and buildings should be built on level areas formed of solid rock.
• Secondary hazards — these include mudslides, tsunamis (large sea waves), fires, contaminated
water, disease, hunger and hypothermia (Table 2.7).
1 What is a natural hazard?
2 Suggest reasons why natural hazards appear to be increasing in frequency.
3 How may volcanic activity be a benefit to people?
4 Describe the direct and indirect hazards associated with volcanic activity in the Caribbean.
5 What are the potential impacts of volcanic activity on people’s lives and livelihoods?
6 Why was the 2004 tsunami considered to be a ‘global disaster’?
7 a Describe the main hazards associated with earthquakes.
b Briefly explain any three of the impacts of earthquakes.
Managing volcanoes
There are a number of ways in which the impacts of volcanic eruptions can be reduced. These include:
• spraying lava flows with water to cool them down and cause them to solidify — this was successfully
carried out in Heimaey, Iceland
• digging diversion channels to divert lava flows away from settlements — this has been successful on
Mt Etna, Sicily
• adding ‘cold’ boulders to a lava flow in an attempt to cool the lava and stop it moving.
However, if the eruption is a pyroclastic flow, there is little that can be done to prevent the impacts apart
from evacuation.
Predicting volcanoes
The main methods of predicting volcanoes include:
• seismometers, to record swarms of tiny earthquakes that occur as the magma rises
• chemical sensors, to measure increased sulfur levels
• lasers, to detect the physical swelling of the volcano
• measurement of small-scale uplift or subsidence, changes in rock stress and changes in radon gas
• ultrasound, to monitor low-frequency waves in the magma, resulting from the surge of gas and molten
rock, as happened with Mt Pinatubo, El Chichon and Mt St Helens.
Building design
A single-storey building responds quickly to earthquake forces (Figure 2.14). A high-rise building responds
slowly, and shock waves are increased as they move up the building. If the buildings are too close together,
vibrations may be amplified between buildings and increase damage. The weakest part of a building is where
different elements meet. Elevated motorways are therefore vulnerable in earthquakes because they have many
connecting parts.
Safe houses
Billions of people live in houses that cannot withstand shaking. Yet safer ones can be built cheaply, using
straw, adobe or old tyres, by applying a few general principles (Figure 2.16).
In rich cities in fault zones, the added expense of making buildings earthquake resistant has become a fact of
life. Concrete walls are reinforced with steel, for instance, and a few buildings even rest on elaborate shock
absorbers. Strict building codes were credited with saving thousands of lives when a magnitude 8.8 earthquake
hit Chile in February 2010. But in less developed countries, like Haiti, conventional earthquake engineering is
often unaffordable, even though there are some cheap solutions.
Figure 2.16 Safe houses
In Peru in 1970 an earthquake killed more than 70,000 people, many of whom died when their houses
crumbled around them. Heavy, brittle walls of traditional adobe — cheap, sun-dried brick — cracked instantly
when the ground started to move. Existing adobe walls can be reinforced with a strong plastic mesh installed
under plaster. During an earthquake, those walls crack but do not collapse, allowing occupants to escape. Plastic
mesh could also work as a reinforcement for concrete walls in Haiti and elsewhere.
Researchers in India have successfully tested a concrete house reinforced with bamboo. A model house for
Indonesia rests on ground-motion dampers — old tyres filled with bags of sand. Such a house might be only a
third as strong as one built on more sophisticated shock absorbers, but it would also cost much less — and so is
more likely to get built in Indonesia. In northern Pakistan, straw is available. Traditional houses are built of stone
and mud, but straw is far more resilient, and warmer in winter.
1 Study Figure 2.16. In what ways can building design reduce the impact of earthquakes?
2 What is meant by the term ‘safe house’? Briefly explain how houses can be made ‘safe’.
3 In what ways is it possible to predict volcanoes?
4 What is a pyroclastic flow? What are the dangers associated with pyroclastic flows?
Case study: Volcanic eruptions in Montserrat’s Soufrière
Montserrat is a small island in the Caribbean, which has been seriously affected by a volcano
since 1995. The cause of the volcano is the plunging of the South American and North American
plates under the Caribbean plate. Rocks at the edge of the plate melt and the rising magma forms
volcanic islands.
In July 1995, the Soufrière Hills volcano became active after being dormant for nearly 400 years.
At first it gave off clouds of ash and steam. Then in 1996 the volcano erupted. It caused mudflows
and finally it emitted lava flows. Part of the dome collapsed, boiling rocks and ash were thrown out
and a new dome was created. Ash, steam and rocks were hurled out, forcing all the inhabitants out
of the south, the main agricultural part of the island (Figure 2.17). The largest settlement, Plymouth,
with a population of just 4000, was covered in ash and had to be abandoned (Figure 2.18). This has
had a severe impact on Montserrat because Plymouth was the centre for all the government offices,
and most of the shops and services, such as the market, post office
and cinema.
The hazard posed by the volcano was just one aspect of the risk experienced on Montserrat. For
the refugees there were other hazards. For example, up to 50 people had to share a toilet. Sewage
tanks in the temporary shelters were often not emptied for weeks on end. The risk of contaminated
water and the spread of diseases such as cholera is greatly increased by large numbers of people
living in overcrowded, unhygienic conditions.
4 Explain why the 2011 earthquake resulted in more deaths than the 2010 earthquake.
1 Study Table 2.3 on page 95.
a Describe what happens at a subduction zone.
b At what types of plate boundary are volcanoes likely to occur?
c Which types of plate boundary produce fold mountains?
2 Study Figure 2.8 on page 95, which shows a variety of tectonic landscapes.
a Describe the general appearance of the land in photo (a). Suggest how it may have
been formed.
b Photo (b) shows a rift valley at Thingvellir in Iceland. At which type of plate boundary
are rift valleys found? How might they be formed?
c Photo (c) shows a volcanic eruption of Soufrière, Montserrat, with the former capital
city Plymouth in the foreground. Suggest the likely hazards of living close to a volcano.
d Photo (d) shows tourists at the boiling mud springs at Soufrière in St Lucia. Suggest
some of the advantages of living in a tectonically active region.
e Suggest why the volcano on Montserrat and the mud springs in St Lucia have the
same name: Soufrière. What does this tell us about the processes involved in these tectonic
Case study: Nepal, 2015: an earthquake in an LEDC
The April 2015 Nepal earthquake — magnitude 7.8 — occurred as a result of the Indian plate
colliding with the Eurasian plate. In the geological past, India was dragged by an oceanic plate,
which subducted below the Eurasian plate. That process is now pulling the continental plate of India
against the continental plate of Eurasia. The two plates are converging at a rate of 45 mm per year,
and this is responsible for the formation of the Himalayas. Although this is an active plate boundary,
there have only been four earthquakes in the previous century within 250 km of the 2015 earthquake.
The largest — a magnitude 8.0 event in 1934 — is believed to have killed over 10,000 people.
The epicentre of the earthquake was 80 km north of the capital, Kathmandu, with a shallow focus
of 15 km (Figure 2.23). It occurred around midday. There were over 300 aftershocks, some reaching
magnitudes of over 7.0. Although earthquakes are common in the region, it is not possible to predict
when they will happen, or where, and how large. Rapid urban growth in
Kathmandu has contributed to the increased vulnerability of the region.
Figure 2.23 Areas affected by the April 2015 Nepal earthquake
Over 9000 people died in the main earthquake and over 200 people were killed in an aftershock
of 7.3 in May 2015. Around 18,000 people were injured and some 450,000 were displaced.
The worst affected areas were Sindhupalchok, where over 2000 people died, and Kathmandu,
where over 1000 people died and 180 buildings were destroyed. Fatalities were much lower in rural
parts of Nepal as most people were outdoors, and were not affected by collapsing buildings. The
Tibeto-Burman people, who are considered to be a lower caste within Nepalese society, were badly
affected, as they tend to live on the steepest and highest slopes, and these were harder to reach
after the earthquake.
The earthquake also triggered a number of avalanches throughout the Himalayas; 19 people
were killed on Mount Everest. Much of Nepal’s cultural heritage was also damaged by the
The economic cost of the earthquake is estimated at about US$7 billion — around 35 per cent of
Nepal’s GDP. The Asian Development Bank provided a US$3 million grant for emergency relief,
including temporary shelters (the monsoon season began a few months after the earthquake), food,
blankets and cooking utensils. The relief operation involved some 90 per cent of the Nepalese army
and 17,000 police.
Case study analysis
1 Which two plates were involved in the Nepal earthquake of 2015?
2 How strong was the main earthquake, and how many aftershocks were there?
3 Outline the impacts of the earthquakes on:
a loss of life
b economic losses.
Key questions
• What are the main hydrological characteristics and processes that operate within rivers and
drainage basins?
• How do rivers erode, transport and deposit?
• What are the main erosional and depositional features associated with rivers?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of rivers?
• How can the impacts of floods be managed?
2.2 Rivers
Figure 2.24 Waterfall, Powerscourt, Ireland
Changing-channel characteristics
Downstream changes
Rivers have three main roles: to erode the river channel, to transport materials, and to create new erosional
and depositional landforms. Most rivers have three main zones — a zone of erosion, a zone of transport and a
zone of deposition. Erosion, transport and deposition are found in all parts of a river, although one process tends
to be dominant. For example, there is more erosion in the upper part, while there is more deposition in the lower
course. This is related to the changes in a river downstream. Figure 2.25 shows that velocity, discharge and load
increase downstream, whereas gradient and the size of load decrease downstream.
Figure 2.25 Changes in a river downstream
Energy in a river
This determines a stream’s ability to erode, transport or deposit. There are two types of energy:
• potential energy, provided by the weight and elevation of the water
• kinetic energy, produced by gravity and the flow of the water.
About 95 per cent of energy is used to overcome friction with the bed and banks. The rougher the channel the
more energy will be lost. In a smooth channel there is very little frictional loss and therefore there is more energy
available for work.
Channel shape
The efficiency of a stream’s shape is measured by its hydraulic radius — that is, the cross-sectional area
divided by wetted perimeter (Figure 2.26). The higher the ratio the more efficient the stream and the smaller the
frictional loss. The ideal form is semi-circular.
There is a close relationship between velocity, discharge and the characteristics of the channel in which the
water is flowing. These include depth, width, channel roughness and hydraulic geometry. The width/depth ratio
(w/d) is a good measure of comparison. The shape of the channel is also determined by the material forming the
channel, and river forces. Solid rock allows only slow changes, whereas alluvium allows rapid changes. Silt and
clay produce steep, deep, narrow valleys (the fine material being cohesive and stable) whereas sand and gravel
promote wide, shallow channels.
Figure 2.26 Wetted perimeter and cross-sectional area
Channel roughness
Channel roughness causes friction, which slows down the velocity of the water. Friction is caused by
irregularities in the riverbed, boulders, trees and vegetation, and contact between the water and the bed and bank.
Discharge is the volume of water passing a given point over a set time (Figure 2.27). Normally it is expressed
in m3/sec (cumecs). It is found by multiplying the cross-sectional area and the mean velocity. Steeper slopes
should lead to higher velocities because of the influence of gravity.
Discharge (Q) normally increases downstream, as does width, depth and velocity. By contrast, channel
roughness decreases. The increase in channel width downstream is normally greater than that in channel depth.
Large rivers, with a higher w/d ratio, are more efficient than smaller rivers with a lower w/d ratio, because less
energy is spent in overcoming friction. Thus, the carrying capacity increases and a lower gradient is required to
transport the load. Although river gradients decrease downstream the load carried is smaller, and therefore easier
to transport.
Table 2.8
Drainage basins
A drainage basin is an area within which water supplied by precipitation is transferred to the ocean, a lake
or larger stream. It includes all the area that is drained by a river and its tributaries (smaller rivers that join the
larger river) and is the main unit for the study of rivers. The confluence is the point where a smaller river joins a
larger river. Drainage basins are divided by watersheds — imaginary lines separating adjacent basins (Figure
Figure 2.28 Drainage basins in Africa
In studying rivers, reference is made to the basin’s hydrological cycle. In this the drainage basin is taken as
the unit of study rather than the global system. The basin cycle is an open system: the main input is precipitation,
which is regulated by various means of storage.
The hydrological cycle refers to the movement of water between atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. At a
global scale, it can be thought of as a closed system with no losses from the system. In contrast, at a local scale
the cycle has a single input, precipitation (PPT), and two major losses (outputs), evapotranspiration (EVT) and
runoff (Figure 2.29).
The main characteristics that affect local hydrology are the amount of precipitation, seasonality, intensity,
type (snow, rain etc.), geographical distribution and variability. For rain to occur, three factors must be in place:
• Air is saturated — that is, it has a relative humidity of 100 per cent.
• It contains particles of soot, dust, ash, ice etc.
• Its temperature is below dew point — that is, the temperature is at the level where the relative
humidity is 100 per cent, saturation is complete and clouds form.
Clouds are tiny droplets suspended in air, while rain droplets are much larger. Therefore cloud droplets
must get much larger, although not necessarily by normal condensation processes. There are a number of theories
to suggest how raindrops are formed.
There are three main types of rainfall:
• cyclonic — uplift of air within a low-pressure area (warm air rises over cold air); it normally brings
low to moderate intensity rain and may last for a few days
• orographic — a deep layer of moist air is forced to rise over a range of hills or mountains
• convectional — heating causes pockets of air to rise and cool.
Interception refers to water stored by vegetation. There are three main components:
• interception loss — water that is retained by plant surfaces and later evaporated away or absorbed by
the plant
• throughfall — water that either falls through gaps in the vegetation, or drops from leaves, twigs or
• stemflow — water that trickles along twigs and branches and finally down the trunk.
Interception loss varies with vegetation. For example, in German beech forests in summer it is up to 40 per
cent of rainfall, whereas in winter it is only about 20 per cent. Interception is less from grasses than from
deciduous woodland. Interception losses are greater from coniferous forests because:
• pine needles allow individual accumulation
• freer air circulation allows more evapotranspiration.
From agricultural crops, and from cereals in particular, interception loss increases with crop density.
Evaporation is the process by which a liquid or a solid is changed into a gas. Its most important source is
from oceans and seas. Evaporation increases under warm, dry, windy conditions.
Factors affecting evaporation include temperature, humidity, and windspeed. Of these, temperature is the
most important factor. Other factors include water quality, depth of water, size of water body, vegetation cover
and colour of the surface (albedo or reflectivity of the surface — see Table 2.9).
Transpiration is the process by which water vapour is transferred from vegetation to the atmosphere. The
combined effects of evaporation and transpiration are normally referred to as evapotranspiration (EVT). EVT
represents the most important aspect of water loss, accounting for the removal of nearly 100 per cent of the
annual precipitation in arid areas and 75 per cent in humid areas. Only over ice and snow fields, bare rock slopes,
desert areas, water surfaces and bare soil will purely evaporative losses occur.
The distinction between actual EVT and potential evapotranspiration (P.EVT) lies in the concept of moisture
availability. Potential evapotranspiration is the water loss that would occur if there was an unlimited supply of
water in the soil for use by the vegetation. Rates of potential and actual evapotranspiration for South Africa are
shown in Figure 2.30.
Figure 2.30 Rates of potential and actual evapotranspiration for South Africa
Infiltration is the process by which water soaks into the ground. The infiltration capacity is the maximum
rate at which rain can enter the soil/ground.
Infiltration capacity decreases with time through a period of rainfall until a more or less constant value is
reached (Figure 2.31). Infiltration rates of 0–4 mm/hour are common on clays, whereas rates of 3–12 mm/hour
are common on sands. Vegetation also increases infiltration. On bare soils, infiltration rates may reach 10
mm/hour. On similar soils covered by vegetation, rates of between 50 and 100 mm/hour have been recorded.
Infiltrated water is chemically rich as it picks up minerals and organic acids from vegetation and soil.
Figure 2.31 Infiltration and time
Infiltration is affected by the same factors that influence overland runoff, but in a different way. For example,
duration (length) of rainfall decreases infiltration, as does existing moisture in the soil, raindrop size, steep slope
and a lack of vegetation cover.
Overland flow
Overland flow refers to water moving over the surface. It is also called surface runoff. Overland flow occurs
in two main ways: when precipitation exceeds the infiltration rate, and when the soil is saturated. Overland flow
and infiltration are inversely related, as shown in Figure 2.32. Overland flow generally has a high suspended load.
Throughflow refers to water flowing through the soil in natural pipes and between soil horizons.
Soil moisture
Soil moisture is the subsurface water in soil and subsurface layers above the water table. From here water
may be:
• absorbed
• held
• transmitted downwards towards the water table
• transmitted upwards towards the soil surface and the atmosphere.
Groundwater refers to subsurface water. The upper layer of the permanently saturated zone is known as the
water table. The water table varies seasonally — in Britain it is higher in winter following increased levels of
precipitation. Most groundwater is found within a few hundred metres of the surface, but has been found at
depths of up to 4 km beneath the surface (Figure 2.33).
Groundwater accounts for 96.5 per cent of all freshwater on Earth. However, while some soil water may be
recycled within a matter of days or weeks, groundwater may not be recycled for as long as 20,000 years. Hence,
in some places, groundwater is considered a non-renewable resource.
Aquifers (rocks that contain significant quantities of water) provide a great reservoir of water. Aquifers are
permeable rocks such as sandstones and limestones. This water moves very slowly and acts as a natural regulator
in the hydrological cycle by absorbing rainfall, which otherwise would reach streams rapidly. In addition,
aquifers maintain stream flow during long dry periods. Rocks that do not hold water are impermeable rocks (e.g.
clay), and prevent large-scale storage and transmission of water.
where ΔS is the change in storage (+ or −), Qr is recharge to groundwater and Qd is discharge from
Groundwater recharge occurs as a result of:
• infiltration of part of the total precipitation at the ground surface
• seepage through the banks and bed of surface water bodies such as rivers, lakes and oceans
• groundwater leakage and inflow from adjacent aquifers
• artificial recharge from irrigation, reservoirs etc.
Losses of groundwater result from:
• evapotranspiration, particularly in lowlying areas where the water table is close to the ground surface
• natural discharge by means of spring flow and seepage into surface water bodies
• groundwater leakage and outflow into adjacent aquifers
• artificial abstraction, for example in the Thames basin in the UK.
River processes
The main types of erosion include:
• abrasion (or corrasion) — the wearing away of the bed and bank by the load carried by a river
• attrition — the wearing away of the load carried by a river, which creates smaller, rounder particles
• hydraulic action — the force of air and water on the sides of rivers and in cracks
• solution (or corrosion) — the removal of chemical ions, especially calcium, which causes rocks to
There are many factors affecting erosion. These include:
• load — the heavier and sharper the load the greater the potential for erosion
• velocity and discharge — the greater the velocity and discharge the greater the potential for erosion
• gradient — increased gradient increases the rate of erosion
• geology — soft, unconsolidated rocks, such as sand and gravel, are easily eroded
• pH — rates of solution are increased when the water is more acidic
• human impact — deforestation, dams and bridges interfere with the natural flow of a river and
frequently end up increasing the rate of erosion.
The main types of transport in a river (Figure 2.34) include:
• suspension — small particles are held up by turbulent flow in the river
• saltation — heavier particles are bounced or bumped along the bed of the river
• solution — the chemical load is dissolved in the water
• traction — the heaviest material is dragged or rolled along the bed of the river
• flotation — leaves and twigs are carried on the surface of the river.
Deposition occurs as a river slows down and it loses its energy. Typically, this occurs as a river floods across
a floodplain or enters the sea, or behind a dam. It is also more likely during low flow conditions (such as in a
drought) than during high flow (flood) conditions — as long as the river is carrying sediment. The larger, heavier
particles are deposited first, the smaller, lighter ones later. Features of deposition include deltas, levées, slip-off
slopes (point bars), oxbow lakes, braided channels and floodplains.
1 a Briefly describe the four main ways in which rivers erode.
b Suggest how they will vary with (i) velocity of water, (ii) rock type and (iii) pH of
2 a What are the main types of transport?
b How might the type and quantity of the river’s load vary between flood conditions
and low flow conditions?
The cross-profile of the upper part of a river is often described as V-shaped (Figure 2.35). Rivers in their
upper course typically have a steep gradient and a narrow valley. The rivers are shallow and fast flowing. There
is normally much friction with large boulders, and much energy is used to overcome friction. The processes
likely to occur are vertical erosion, weathering on the slopes, mass movement and transport. Features likely to be
found include waterfalls, rapids, potholes, gorges and interlocking spurs.
In the middle course of the river, the valley is still V-shaped but is less steep. Slopes are more gentle. A
floodplain is beginning to form and meanders are visible. Processes in the middle course include erosion (both
vertical and lateral), meandering, transport and some deposition on the inner bends of the meanders.
In contrast, in the lower course the cross-profile is much flatter. Processes include erosion (on the outer
banks), transport and deposition (especially on the inner bends and on the floodplain). Characteristic features
include levées, oxbow lakes, floodplains, deltas and terraces.
Features of erosion
Localised erosion by hydraulic action and abrasion, especially by large pieces of debris, may lead to the
formation of potholes (Figure 2.36). These are typically seen in the upper course of a river when the load is larger
and more rugged. Waterfalls frequently occur on horizontally bedded rocks (Figure 2.37). The soft rock is
undercut by hydraulic action and abrasion. The weight of the water and the lack of support cause the waterfall to
collapse and retreat. Over thousands of years the waterfall may retreat enough to form a gorge of recession
(Figure 2.38). Where there are small outcrops of hard and soft rock, rapids may develop rather than a waterfall.
Rivers typically meander. This means that the water does not follow a straight line but takes a curving route
(Figure 2.42). As a result of this there are variations in the speed across a river. Velocity is fastest on the outside
bank and slowest on the inside bank, so there is erosion on the outer bank and deposition on the inner bank. This
produces a steep river cliff on the outer bank of a meander and a gentle slip-off slope on its inner bank.
Oxbow lakes
Oxbow lakes are the result of erosion and deposition (Figure 2.43). Lateral erosion, caused by fast flow in
the meanders, is concentrated on the outer, deeper bank. During times of flooding, erosion increases. The river
breaks through and creates a new, steeper channel. In time, the old meander is closed off by deposition to form
an oxbow lake.
The area covered by water when a river floods is known as its floodplain (Figure 2.44a). When a river’s
discharge exceeds the capacity of the channel, water rises over the river banks and floods the surrounding
lowlying area. Sometimes a floodplain will itself be eroded following a fall in sea level. When this happens, the
remnants of the old floodplain are left behind as river terraces (Figure 2.44b). These are useful for
settlement as they are above the new level of the floodplain and are free from flooding.
Figure 2.43 Development of an oxbow lake
Figure 2.44 a Flood plain, Port Meadow, Oxford, UK b Formation of a floodplain and terraces
When a river floods its speed is reduced, slowed down by friction caused by contact with the floodplain. As
its velocity is reduced the river has to deposit some of its load. It drops the coarser, heavier material first to form
raised banks, or levées, at the edge of the river (Figure 2.45a). This means that, over centuries, the levées are
built up of coarse material, such as sand and gravel, while the floodplain consists of fine silt and clay (Figure
Braided channels
Braiding occurs when a river transports a very heavy load in relation to its velocity. If a river’s discharge falls
its competence and capacity are reduced. This forces the river to deposit large amounts of its load and multi-
channels, or braided channels, are formed. Braiding is common in rivers that experience seasonal
variations in discharge. For example, in proglacial and periglacial areas such as southern Iceland, most of the
discharge occurs in late spring and early summer, when snow and ice melt. This enables rivers to carry very large
loads, which are quickly deposited as discharge decreases.
A delta is a flat, lowlying deposit of sediment that is found at a river’s mouth (Figure 2.46). For deltas to be
formed a river needs to:
• carry a large volume of sediment — for example, rivers in semi-arid regions and in areas of intense
human activity
• enter a still body of water, which causes velocity to fall; the water loses its capacity and competence,
hence deposition occurs, with the heaviest particles deposited first and the lightest last.
Deposition is increased if the water is salty, as this causes salt particles to group together, become heavier,
and be deposited. Vegetation also increases the rate of deposition by slowing down the water.
Interesting note
There are 76 rivers that are over 1600 km long. Four of them flow through Russia at some point
and four also flow through China at some point.
Event modification
Event modification includes attempts to reduce floods and to divert them away from settlements. Reducing
floods involves decreasing the amount of runoff, thereby reducing the flood peak in a drainage basin. This can be
achieved by weather modification and/or watershed treatment, for example to reduce flood peak over a drainage
basin. There are a number of strategies, including:
• reforestation
• reseeding of sparsely vegetated areas to reduce evaporative losses
• mechanical land treatment of slopes, such as contour ploughing or terracing to reduce runoff
• comprehensive protection of vegetation from wildfires, overgrazing, clear-cutting of forests, or any
other practices likely to increase flood discharge and sediment load
• clearance of sediment and other debris from headwater streams
• construction of small water-and sediment-holding areas
• preservation of natural water detention zones.
Flood diversion measures, by contrast, include the construction of levées, reservoirs, and the modification of
river channels (Figure 2.51). Levées are the most common form of river engineering. They can also be used to
divert and restrict water to low-value land on the floodplain. Over 4500 km of the Mississippi river has levées.
Channel improvements include enlargement, to increase the carrying capacity of the river. Reservoirs store
excess rainwater in the upper drainage basin. Large dams are expensive and may well be causing earthquakes and
siltation. It has been estimated that some 66 billion m3 of storage will be needed to make any significant impact
on major floods in Bangladesh.
Hazard-resistant design
Flood proofing includes any adjustments to buildings and their contents that help reduce losses. Some are
temporary, such as blocking up of entrances, use of shields to seal doors and windows, removal of damageable
goods to higher levels, and the use of sandbags (Figure 2.52). By contrast, long-term measures include moving
the living spaces above the likely level of the floodplain. This normally means building above the flood level, but
could also include building homes on stilts (Figure 2.53).
Excessive irrigation has led to waterlogging. Large volumes of domestic and untreated industrial
effluent are discharged into the river and other water channels. In addition, significant amounts of
fertilisers and pesticides are leached into water courses along the delta. Seawater intrusion has led
to the salinisation of groundwater. Salinity has traditionally been kept at bay by plentiful supplies of
water flushing salt out of the soil, but after the construction of the High Aswan Dam, the seasonal
floods ended. Irrigation canals continue to bring water to some of the delta, ensuring that salinity
levels remained low, but very little water now reaches the northern end of the delta. The flood water
once brought fertile silt, which was spread over the land during the flood season. Now that the
sediment is trapped behind the High Aswan Dam, some farmers spend up to 80 per cent of their
profits on fertilisers in order to grow their crops.
Figure 2.54 The effects of a 1 m rise in sea level on the Nile delta
Over the last 7000 years, deltas all over the world have been increasing in size. However, over
the last 150 years, many deltas have been decreasing in size. In the case of the Nile (particularly
since 1970) the building of the High Aswan Dam has cut off the supply of sediment, while rising sea
levels and increased coastal erosion are reducing the size of the delta. Some parts of the delta are
eroding at up to 100 m/year.
Predictions suggest a 70 per cent drop in the amount of Nile water reaching the delta in the next
50 years, due to a combination of increased evaporation and heavier demand upstream. Wheat and
maize yields may fall by 40 per cent and 50 per cent respectively over the next 30 years. Many
experts believe that environmental problems in the delta will intensify, and that Egypt needs to
develop parts of the western desert with irrigation water. The more water that is diverted to these
areas, the less there is for the delta.
Managing flooding in the Nile valley
Flooding of the Nile has been one of the defining characteristics of Egypt. It has provided
Egyptians with water, fertile silt and nutrients, and created new land. However, it has brought
death, destruction and erosion. For many centuries, Egypt’s rulers have tried to manage the Nile
— to maximise its benefits and reduce the devastation that it was capable of.
The Nile is fed by three main tributary rivers — the White Nile, the Blue Nile and the Atbara. The
White Nile has its source in Lake Victoria and has a relatively even flow throughout the year. In
contrast, the Blue Nile and the Atbara have a marked seasonal flow, with a peak flow in summer and
a very low flow in winter.
However, there is much annual variation in flow. In the years of high discharge, floods have
inflicted major damage on agriculture, industry and housing, whereas in the drier years, much
farmland has subject to major droughts. To manage and control the river a number of hard
engineering structures have been used. These include:
• the construction of levées along the banks of the river — there are some 900 km of levées
between Aswan and Cairo, and a further 200 km between Cairo and the coast
• building of barrages across the river to raise water levels, such as the Zifta and Delta
• built storage projects, such as the High Aswan Dam.
The first major storage project was the old Aswan Dam, although this was too small to have much
impact. The High Aswan Dam was completed in 1968 and guaranteed the supply of 84 km 3 of water
needed for Egypt’s arable agriculture. It has protected Egypt from river flooding since then, and
provided a supply of water during the drought years of 1979–88. The capacity of the dam is 162 km3,
with 90 km3 for live storage (HEP, flood protection, downstream release and navigation), 31 km3 for
sediment deposition and 41 km3 for flood protection.
The New Valley Project or Toshka Project is a series of canals to take water from Lake Nasser
and irrigate part of the western desert. It also increases the capacity for flood storage.
The building of the High Aswan Dam has had many impacts:
• Flooding downstream has been controlled.
• Water is stored in Lake Nasser and can be made available during drought years.
• There has been a build-up of sediment behind the dam, and less silt deposited in the valley
downstream (see Table 2.10).
• Discharges in the river downstream of the dam have been reduced.
• There are large evaporation losses from Lake Nasser.
Although flooding in the lower Nile has largely been controlled, it remains a problem in some
upper parts. For example, in 2016 the worst floods in over a century killed 98 people in Sudan,
destroyed more than 13,000 homes and damaged a further 18,000. Over 100,000 people were
affected by the floods. Thirteen of Sudan’s 18 provinces were affected.
Table 2.10 Silt concentrations in the Nile before and after the construction of the High Aswan Dam
The frequent occurrence of catastrophic floods is a major challenge for Ethiopia and Sudan. In
Sudan, major floods occur along the Blue Nile and the Atbara rivers. The causes of floods can be
attributed to prolonged and/or torrential rainfall.
Scientists suggest that the risk of flooding is increasing due to global climate change. There has
been a link between La Niña events in the Pacific Ocean and higher than average rainfall in the Nile
valley, and a link between El Niño events and drought in Ethiopia and Sudan. Some scientists have
suggested that the average annual flow of the Nile could increase by 10–15 per cent, while others
have suggested that flows will become more variable.
The construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD — Figure 2.55) on the Blue
Nile, some 15 km from the Sudan border, will have an impact on Sudan and Egypt. Finished in 2017,
the dam will take between 5 years and 15 years to fill. Ethiopia claims that it will increase flows to
Egypt by reducing evaporation from Lake Nasser. However, the exact impacts of the dam on Egypt
and Sudan are unknown. There will be a temporary (up to fifteen years) reduction of water
availability as the reservoir fills. The dam will retain silt, and so the lifetime of the Sennar
Dam and Rosieres Dam in Sudan would be prolonged. It could reduce flooding in Sudan by the
increased storage of water behind the GERD.
Some scientists are calling for an early warning system to predict floods on the Nile. The Nile is
over 6000 km in length and it can take weeks for flood peaks to pass down the full length of the river,
thus allowing sufficient time, in theory, to provide flood warnings. However, international and national
communications have not always been as good as they could be. The 1998 and 2016 floods in
Sudan showed that it takes up to 1 month to evacuate vulnerable communities. Khartoum, Sudan’s
capital, with a population of over 5 million people, and located on the Blue Nile, needs a long warning
time to evacuate. The links with El Niño/La Niña cycles in the Pacific may help to predict the likely
occurrence of a flood or a famine, but Sudan and Ethiopia are poor countries (Sudan’s average GNI
is $4500 and Ethiopia’s is $1900) and do not have all the necessary resources to deal with
increasing numbers of people at risk of becoming flood victims.
1 Suggest how changes to:
a water quality
b the quantity of water
can have a negative impact on communities.
2 Using examples, outline the potential advantages and disadvantages of living on a delta.
3 Explain the meaning of the term ‘international river’, and suggest why human activities on
international rivers may lead to conflict between countries.
Key questions
• How do the sea and wind erode, transport and deposit?
• What landforms do they create?
• Under what conditions do coral reefs and mangroves form?
• What are the opportunities and hazards that coasts present?
• What can be done to manage coastal erosion?
2.3 Coasts
Figure 2.56 Jolly Harbour, Antigua
Marine processes
The factors that affect coastal processes and coastal landforms include:
• waves and currents, including longshore drift
• local geology — that is, rock type, structure and strength
• changes in sea level
• human activity and the increased use of coastal engineering.
All of these factors interact and produce a unique set of processes that occur at the coast. These processes go
on to produce different types of landform for every coastal area.
Types of wave
Wavelength is the distance between two successive crests or troughs. Wave height is the distance between the
trough and the crest. Wave frequency is the number of waves per minute. Velocity is the speed of a travelling
wave, and is influenced by wind, fetch and depth of water. The fetch is the amount of open water over which a
wave has passed. Swash is the movement of water up the beach. Backwash is the movement of water down the
beach. Waves are sometimes divided into constructive and destructive waves (Table 2.12 and Figure 2.57).
With the return of the land breeze, these destructive waves decay. The trade-wind-generated swell becomes
the dominant wave, returning sediment lost from the beach during the day.
1 What is the tidal range of the Palisadoes?
2 In which direction does the sea breeze blow?
3 From which direction does the land breeze blow?
4 What is the impact of the sea breeze on wave activity?
5 What is the impact of the land breeze on wave activity?
1 Define the following terms: swash, fetch, wave refraction, longshore drift, backwash.
2 Describe the main differences between a destructive wave and a constructive wave.
3 Describe and explain the process of longshore drift.
4 Briefly describe how human activity has affected the impact of longshore drift in West
Landscapes of erosion
There are many types of erosion carried out by waves:
• Hydraulic action occurs as waves hit or break against a cliff face. Any air trapped in cracks is put
under great pressure. As the wave retreats, this build-up of pressure is released with explosive force. This is
especially important in well-jointed rocks such as limestone, sandstone and granite, and in weak rocks such
as clays and glacial deposits. Hydraulic action makes the most impact during storms.
• Abrasion is the process of a breaking wave hurling materials, such as pebbles or shingle, against a
cliff face. It is similar to abrasion in a river.
• Attrition is the process in which eroded material, such as broken rock, is worn down to form smaller,
rounder beach material.
• Solution occurs on limestone and chalk. Calcium carbonate, a salt found in these rocks, dissolves
slowly in acidic water.
Features of erosion
On a headland, erosion will exploit any weakness, creating, at first, a cave. Once the cave reaches both sides
of the headland, an arch is formed. A collapse of the top of the arch forms a stack, and when the stack is eroded
a stump is created (Figure 2.61). Where erosion opens up a vertical crack, allowing seawater to spout up at the
surface, a blowhole is formed. The sandstone of the Cape Peninsula in South Africa has been attacked by the sea,
forming steep vertical cliffs and small-scale features such as arches and stacks (Figure 2.62).
Figure 2.62 The Cape Peninsula, South Africa — the photo shows Cape Maclear and the Cape of Good
Hope in the background
Wave action is concentrated between the high water mark (HWM) and low water mark (LWM). HWM is the
level reached by the sea at high tide, while LWM is the level reached by the sea at low tide. It may undercut a
cliff face, creating a notch and overhang (Figure 2.63). As erosion continues, the notch becomes deeper and
eventually the overhang collapses, causing the cliff line to retreat. The base of the cliff is left behind as an
increasingly longer platform. This is sometimes called a wave-cut platform, because it has been cut or eroded
by wave action.
1What is the difference between attrition and abrasion?
2Why does hydraulic action occur in jointed rocks?
3What types of rock are affected by solution?
4What types of erosion are most likely to take place:
a during a storm
b on beaches
c on the face of a cliff?
5 In your own words, describe how a wave-cut platform may be formed.
6 Make a sketch of Figure 2.64 and label the following features: headland, bay, stack and
Excellent beach development occurs on a lowland coast (constructive waves) with a sheltered aspect/trend,
composed of ‘soft’ rocks, which provide a good supply of material, or where longshore drift supplies abundant
On Tenerife, the lack of beach material other than volcanic material (Figure 2.65) has led to one beach, Las
Terristas, being formed of sand imported from the Sahara desert (Figure 2.66). An artificial barrier prevents the
sand from being eroded by wave action.
Figure 2.65 Volcanic beach, Tenerife
Interesting note
The longest spit in the world is the 112 km Arabat spit in the Sea of Azov, between Russia and
Ukraine. There are 13 spits in the Sea of Azov.
On the seaward side, the slope to deeper water is very steep. Within the curve of the spit, the water is shallow
and a considerable area of mudflat and saltmarsh is exposed at low water. These saltmarshes continue to grow as
mud is trapped by the marsh vegetation.
Figure 2.69a The west coast of Antigua. (Top) Mosquito Cove, (centre) Jolly Harbour Marina, (bottom) Crab
Hill Bay (see also Figure 4.11c on page 273)
Figure 2.69b The beach at Achill was washed away by storms has returned after 33 years
Related features include bars. These are ridges that block off a bay or river mouth. There are many examples
on the west coast of Antigua (Figure 2.69a).
In 2017, a beach that disappeared (eroded) in storms in 1984 reappeared. Hundreds of tonnes of sand were
deposited following freak tides, producing a 330 m stretch of golden sand (Figure 2.69b).
1 a Explain how a spit develops.
b In what ways might vegetation help spits, bars and tombolos to develop?
2 a Draw a labelled sketch of the top photograph in Figure 2.69a.
b Describe the wave conditions in the photograph.
3 Study the map in Figure 4.11c, page 273. Name and give examples of at least two types
of coastal deposit. For any one of these, describe its main characteristics and explain how it has
been formed.
4 Study both the map in Figure 4.11c, page 273 and photographs in Figure 2.69a.
a What type of feature is found in Valley Church Bay and at Reeds Point?
b What is the difference between a cove and a bay?
c How are land-based processes affecting this area of coastline?
d In what ways has this area of coastline influenced human activities?
Tombolos are ridges that link the mainland to an island. Good examples include the Lumley area of Sierra
Leone, and the Cape Verde Peninsula, Senegal. The Cape Peninsula in South Africa is a complex tombolo that
has developed on a very large scale.
Figure 2.70 Aerial view of the Palisadoes tombolo
The region experiences tropical storms and hurricanes. These can seriously damage the coast. For example,
in 2004 Hurricane Ivan eroded up to a metre off the 2 m high sand dunes. Even under normal conditions,
summer sea breezes cause powerful destructive waves, which are capable of eroding the seaward face of the
beach, causing it to become steeper.
1 How old is the Palisadoes?
2 How long is the Palisadoes?
3 In which direction is longshore drift on the Palisadoes?
4 Where does the sediment that helps build up the Palisadoes come from?
5 What is the impact of hurricanes on the Palisadoes?
Sand dunes
Sand dunes are one of the most dynamic environments in physical geography. Important changes take place
in a very short space of time. Extensive sandy beaches are almost always backed by sand dunes because strong
onshore winds can easily transport the sand that has dried out and is exposed at low water. The sand grains are
trapped and deposited against any obstacle on land, to form dunes (Figure 2.71). Dunes can be blown inland and
can therefore threaten coastal farmland and even villages. The interaction of winds and vegetation helps form
sand dunes.
Study Figure 2.72, which shows the development of vegetation on a sand dune.
1 How do conditions differ between the shoreline and inland?
2 Explain why deposition occurs on the sand dunes.
3 Suggest how human activities might affect the sand dunes and/or the saltmarsh.
Coral reefs
Coral reefs are calcium carbonate structures, made up of reef-building stony corals. Coral is limited to the
depth that light can reach, so reefs develop in shallow water, ranging to depths of 60 m. This dependence on light
also means that reefs are only found where the surrounding waters contain relatively small amounts of suspended
material. Reef-building corals live only in tropical seas, where temperature, salinity and clear water allow them
to develop.
There are many types of coral reef (Figure 2.73).
• Fringing reefs are those that fringe the coast of a landmass (Figure 2.74 and 2.75). Many fringing
reefs grow along shores that are protected by barrier reefs and are thus characterised by organisms that are
best adapted to low wave-energy conditions.
• Barrier reefs occur at a greater distance from the shore than fringing reefs and are commonly
separated from it by a wide, deep lagoon. Barrier reefs tend to be broader, older and more continuous than
fringing reefs. For example, the Beqa barrier reef off Fiji stretches unbroken for more than 37 km, and that
off Mayotte in the Indian Ocean for around 18 km. The largest barrier reef system in the world is the Great
Barrier Reef, which extends 1600 km along the east Australian coast, usually tens of kilometres offshore.
Another long barrier reef is located in the Caribbean off the coast of Belize between Mexico and Guatemala.
• Atoll reefs rise from submerged volcanic foundations. Atoll reefs are essentially indistinguishable in
form and species composition from barrier reefs except that they are confined to the flanks of submerged
oceanic islands, whereas barrier reefs may also flank continents. Over 300 atolls are present in the Indo-
Pacific but only 10 are found in the western Atlantic.
$375 billion.
1 Under what conditions does coral grow?
2 What is the difference between a fringing reef and a barrier reef?
3 How are atolls formed?
4 Why are coral reefs so valuable?
5 What are the main threats to coral reefs?
Mangroves are salt-tolerant forests of trees and shrubs that grow in the tidal estuaries and coastal zones of
tropical areas (Figure 2.76). The muddy waters, rich in nutrients from decaying leaves and wood, are home to a
great variety of sponges, worms, crustaceans, molluscs and algae. Mangroves cover about 25 per cent of the
world’s tropical coastline, the largest being the 570,000 ha Sundarbans in Bangladesh.
Figure 2.76 Mangrove swamps
Pressures on mangroves
Despite their value, many mangrove areas have been lost to rice paddies and shrimp farms. As population
growth in coastal areas is set to increase, the fate of mangroves looks bleak. Already most Caribbean and South
Pacific mangroves have disappeared, and India, West Africa and Southeast Asia have lost half of theirs (Table
Table 2.14 Relationships between human activities and coastal zone problems
Human Agents/consequences Coastal zone problems
Urbanisation Land use changes, such as: Loss of habitats and species
and ports and airports; road, rail diversity; visual intrusion; lowering
transport and air congestion; dredging of groundwater table; salt water
and disposal of harbour intrusion; water pollution; human
sediments; water abstraction; health risks; eutrophication;
waste water and waste introduction of alien species
Agriculture Land reclamation; fertiliser and Loss of habitats and species
pesticide use; livestock diversity water pollution;
densities; water abstraction eutrophication; river
Tourism, Development and land use Loss of habitats and species
recreation changes, such as: golf courses; diversity; disturbance; visual
and hunting road, rail and air congestion; intrusion; lowering of water table;
ports and marinas; water salt water intrusion in aquifers;
abstraction; waste water and water pollution; eutrophication;
waste disposal human health risks
Fisheries Port construction; fish Overfishing; impacts on non-
and processing facilities; fishing target species; litter and oil on
aquaculture gear; fish farm effluents beaches; water pollution;
eutrophication; introduction of
alien species; habitat damage
and change in marine
Industry Land use changes; power Loss of habitats and species
(including stations; extraction of natural diversity; water pollution;
energy resources; process effluents; eutrophication; thermal pollution;
production) cooling water; windmills; river visual intrusion; decreased input
impoundment; tidal barrages of fresh water and sediment to
coastal zones; coastal erosion
Case study: Erosion of the USA’s eastern seaboard
Many beaches along the east coast of America have disappeared since 1900, such as that at
Marshfield, Massachusetts. As the sea level rises, the beaches and barrier islands (barrier beaches)
that line the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, from New York to the
Mexican border, are in retreat.
The problem is that much of the shore cannot retreat naturally because industries and properties
worth billions of dollars have been built here. Many important cities and tourist centres, such as
Miami, Atlantic City and Galveston (Texas), are sited on barrier islands. Consequently, many
shoreline communities have built sea walls and other protective structures to protect them from the
power of destructive waves.
• Relief — the flat topography of the coastal plains from New Jersey southward means that a
small rise in sea level can allow the ocean to advance a long way inland.
• Changing sea levels — much of the North American coast is sinking relative to the ocean,
so local sea levels are rising faster than global averages. The level of tides along the coasts
shows that subsidence varies between 0.5 mm and 19.5 mm a year. By contrast, the west coast,
in particular Alaska, is rising.
• Coastal development — extensive coastal development has accelerated erosion. While
sea level rises, apartment blocks, resorts and second homes have developed rapidly along the
shoreline. By 1990, 75 per cent of Americans lived within 100 km of a coast (including the Great
• Erosion and tourism-related developments — erosion is evident at many places along the
coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. Major resorts such as Miami Beach and Atlantic City
have pumped in dredged sand to replenish eroded beaches. Erosion threatens islands to the north
and south of Cape Canaveral, although the Cape itself appears safe. Resorts built on barrier
beaches in Virginia, Maryland and New Jersey have also suffered major erosion.
• Rates of erosion — overall losses are not well known. Massachusetts loses about 26
hectares a year to rising seas. Nearly 10 per cent of that loss is from the island of Nantucket,
south of Cape Cod. However, these losses are minimal compared with Louisiana, which is losing
40 hectares of wetlands a day — about 15,000 hectares a year.
Case study analysis
1 Why are beaches on the eastern seaboard of the USA retreating?
2 What has been done to reduce erosion of barrier beaches?
3 What proportion of Americans live within 100 km of the coast?
4 By how much is the east coast subsiding each year?
5 How much land is being lost to rising sea levels each year?
Tropical storms
A hurricane is one of the most dangerous natural hazards to people and the environment. Damage is caused
by high winds, floods and storm surges. In Asia, hurricanes are also known as tropical cyclones.
Hurricanes are intense hazards that bring heavy rainfall, strong winds and high waves, and they cause other
hazards such as flooding and mudslides. Hurricanes are also characterised by enormous quantities of water. This
is due to their origin over moist tropical seas. High-intensity rainfall with totals of up to 500 mm in 24 hours
invariably causes, flooding. The path of a hurricane is erratic, so it is not always possible to give more than 12
hours’ notice. This is insufficient for proper evacuation measures.
Hurricanes develop as intense low-pressure systems over tropical oceans (Figure 2.77). Winds spiral
rapidly around a calm central area known as the eye. The diameter of the whole hurricane may be as much as 800
km, although the very strong winds that cause most of the damage are found in a narrower belt up to 300 km
wide. In a mature hurricane, pressure may fall to as low as 880 millibars. This very low pressure, and the strong
contrast in pressure between the eye and outer part of the hurricane, leads to strong, gale-force winds.
Hurricanes move excess heat from low latitudes to higher latitudes. They normally develop in the westward-
flowing air just north of the equator (known as an easterly wave). They begin life as small-scale tropical
depressions — localised areas of low pressure that cause warm air to rise. These trigger thunderstorms that
persist for at least 24 hours and may develop into tropical storms, which have greater wind speeds of up to 118
km/hr (74 mph). However, only about 10 per cent of tropical disturbances ever become hurricanes — storms
with wind speeds of over 118 km/hr.
For hurricanes to form, a number of conditions are needed:
• Sea temperatures must be over 27°C to a depth of 60 m (warm water gives off large quantities of heat
when it is condensed; this is the heat that drives the hurricane).
• The low-pressure area has to be far enough away from the equator so that the Coriolis force (the force
caused by the rotation of the Earth) creates rotation in the rising air mass. If it is too close to the equator
there is insufficient rotation and a hurricane will not develop.
• Conditions must be unstable: some tropical low-pressure systems develop into hurricanes, but not all
of them, and scientists are unsure why some do but others do not.
Impacts of hurricanes
The Saffir-Simpson scale, developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, assigns
hurricanes to one of five categories of potential disaster (Table 2.15). The categories are based on wind intensity:
in order to be classified as a hurricane a tropical cyclone must have maximum sustained winds of over 118 km/hr.
The classification is used for hurricanes forming in the Atlantic and northern Pacific — other areas use different
• The unpredictability of hurricane paths makes the effective management of hurricanes difficult. It was
fortunate for Jamaica that Hurricane Ivan (2004) suddenly changed course away from the most densely
populated parts of the island, where it had been expected to hit. In contrast, it was unfortunate for Florida’s
Punta Gorda when Hurricane Charley (2004) moved away from its predicted path.
• The strongest storms do not always cause the greatest damage. Only six lives were lost to Hurricane
Frances in 2004, but 2000 were taken by Jeanne when it was still categorised as just a ‘tropical storm’ and
had not yet reached full hurricane strength.
• The distribution of the population throughout the Caribbean islands increases the risk associated with
hurricanes. Much of the population lives in coastal settlements and is exposed to higher sea levels and the
risk of flooding.
• Hazard mitigation depends on the effectiveness of the human response to natural events. This includes
urban planning laws, emergency planning, evacuation measures and relief operations, such as rehousing
schemes and the distribution of food aid and clean water.
• Developing countries continue to lose more lives to natural hazards as a result of inadequate planning
and preparation. By contrast, insurance costs continue to be greatest in American states such as Florida,
where multi-million-dollar waterfront homes proliferate.
Table 2.15 The Saffir-Simpson scale
Figure 2.78 Hurricane management strategies: (a) hurricane shelter, Cuba; (b and c) steel shutters over
4 Compare the wind speed of Typhoon Haiyan with the other strongest tropical cyclones.
1 Describe the distribution of hurricanes shown in Figure 2.77.
2 Outline the main changes that occur as hurricane intensity increases.
3 Suggest reasons why the impacts of hurricanes vary from place to place.
Coastal management
Human pressures on coastal environments create the need for a variety of coastal management strategies
(Table 2.17 and Figure 2.80). Coastal defence protects against coastal erosion and flooding by the sea. Coastal
management strategies may be long-term or short-term, sustainable or non-sustainable. Successful management
strategies require a detailed knowledge of coastal processes. Rising sea levels, more frequent storm activity, and
continuing coastal development are likely to increase the need for coastal management.
Defence options include:
• do nothing
• maintain existing levels of coastal defence
• improve coastal defences
• allow retreat of the coast in selected areas.
Figure 2.80 Coastal defence. (a) Gabions and cliff regrading, Brunei, (b) rock strong point (fortified groyne,
Norfolk, UK)
Table 2.17 Different forms of coastal management
Case study: Miami Beach
Miami Beach is a barrier island with a long history of human intervention. Human interference in
the Miami area resulted in the almost complete removal of its beach. Channels through the beach,
groynes, dredging and sea walls all affected the beach so that, by the 1950s, very little of the beach
remained. Miami is a very popular place with tourists and the elderly. Given the importance of
tourism to the area, it was crucial that the beach was replenished and protected. During the late
1970s and 1980 the US Army Corps of Engineers built an 18 km long, 200 m wide beach. Essentially
it resembled a natural beach with a shallow, shelving seaward edge and a rampart at the landward
side (Figure 2.81). Over 18 million m3 of sand were needed to make the beach, and up to 750,000
m3 of sand have to be replenished each year.
1 Identify the coastal defence strategies illustrated in Figure 2.80.
2 Define the term ‘coastal management’.
3 Distinguish between hard engineering and soft engineering.
4 a What is a groyne?
b Using a sketch diagram, suggest the likely distribution of sediment around groynes
50 years after the groynes’ construction. Suggest reasons to support your answer.
5 a What are the benefits of sea walls?
b Outline some of the disadvantages of using sea walls as a form of coastal
6 For a coastal area you have studied, describe how the coastline is being protected, and
comment on the effectiveness of the measures used.
Coastal development
Case study: Dubai
Coastal reclamation in the United Arab Emirates has been developing on a large scale since
2001. Two palm-shaped artificial islands, Palm Jumeirah (Figure 2.84) and Palm Jebel Ali, were
completed in 2007, and in 2003 plans were unveiled for a third palm-shaped island, Palm Deira, and
‘The World’, a collection of over 300 islands, each one in the shape of a country.
Palm Jumeirah not only created a new shoreline, but it also became the centre for world-class
hotels, over 200 shopping outlets, and a range of luxury housing and leisure and entertainment
developments. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was carried out to investigate likely
environmental impacts. Water circulation and quality studies were investigated, to ensure that the
project did not lead to a deterioration in environmental quality.
According to a report in the journal Nature, uncontrolled development, weak regulatory oversight
and a lack of scientific monitoring are seriously threatening ecosystems along this coast. Sea-front
projects ranging from desalination plants to artificial islands in the gulf between the Arabian
Peninsula and Iran have transformed the entire coastline in the past few decades. More than 40 per
cent of the shores of some countries in the region are now developed. The change is happening
more quickly, and with greater environmental impact, than in any other coastal region.
To create the islands for Palm Jumeirah, some 94 million m3 of sediment were dredged from the
sea. Such large-scale projects are changing the ecology in ways that will become clear in the coming
One of the problems is water circulation. Water around some parts of the islands can remain
almost stationary for several weeks. This increases the risk of algal blooms. In addition, the fish that
have colonised the new environment are invasive species (species from outside the area).
The Gulf region has already lost 70 per cent of its coral reefs since 2001, and most of the
remaining reefs are threatened or degraded. Construction of Dubai’s Palm Jebel Ali, an even larger
artificial archipelago, has already destroyed 8 km2 of natural reef.
Case study analysis
1 When were Palm Jumeirah and Palm Jebel Ali completed?
2 Describe the developments on Palm Jumeirah.
3 Outline the environmental impacts of Palm Jumeirah.
1 Outline the range of opportunities in a named coastal area.
2 Describe how coastal activities can have unwanted impacts on the coastal environment.
3 Using Table 2.17 on page 145, suggest ways in which unwanted impacts can be
Key questions
• How are weather data collected?
• How can the data be used to describe the weather?
• How do graphs and other diagrams show weather data?
2.4 Weather
Figure 2.85 Clouds formed by convectional uplift
Measuring temperature
Variations in temperature represent responses to differences in insolation, or the amount of energy received
from the Sun at different times.
Meteorologists measure shade temperature. This is less variable than air temperature, which is affected by
cloud cover and direct insolation. Temperature is measured using a thermometer. A continuous temperature
reading is given by a thermograph.
• Maximum thermometer — When the temperature rises, the mercury in the thermometer expands and
pushes the index along the tube. When the temperature falls, the mercury contracts but the index stays where it
was pushed to by the mercury. The maximum temperature is obtained by reading the scale at the point
where the index is. The index is then drawn back to the mercury by a magnet for measuring the next
• Minimum thermometer — When the temperature falls, the alcohol contracts and its meniscus pulls
the index along the tube. When the temperature rises, the alcohol expands. It is read in the same way as the
maximum thermometer.
A Six’s thermometer (Figure 2.87d) can be used to measure maximum and minimum temperatures at the
same time.
The daily readings of the maximum and minimum thermometers are used to work out the average or mean
temperature for one day (this is called the mean daily temperature) and the temperature range for one day (the
daily or diurnal temperature range).
Figure 2.87 Equipment in a weather station
To find the mean daily temperature, the maximum and minimum temperatures for one day are added together
and then halved. For example: (maximum temperature, 35°C + minimum temperature, 25°C)/2 = mean daily
temperature, 30°C. The sum of the daily mean temperatures for one month divided by the number of days for that
month gives the mean monthly temperature. The sum of the mean monthly temperatures divided by 12 gives the
mean annual temperature.
The daily or diurnal temperature range is found by subtracting the minimum temperature from the maximum
temperature for any one day. For example: maximum temperature, 35°C − minimum temperature 25°C = daily or
diurnal temperature range, 10°C.
The highest mean monthly temperature minus the lowest mean monthly temperature gives the mean annual
temperature range. For example, Lagos has a mean maximum temperature of 27.5°C (March), and a mean
minimum temperature of 24.5°C (August). Its mean annual temperature range is therefore 3°C.
Interesting note
The highest temperature recorded was at Furnace Creek, California, USA in 1913 when it
reached 56.7°C. In contrast, the lowest temperature recorded was −89.2°C in Antarctica in 1983.
Measuring rainfall
A rain gauge is used to measure rainfall. It consists of a cylinder in which there is a collecting can containing
a glass or plastic jar, and a funnel that fits in the top of the container. The gauge is placed in an open space so that
only raindrops enter the funnel of the gauge, and no runoff from trees, buildings or other objects can get into the
funnel. The gauge is sunk into the ground so that the top of the funnel is about 30 cm above ground level
(Figures 2.87c and 2.88). This is to prevent the Sun’s heat from evaporating any water collected and to ensure no
rain splashes up from the ground into the funnel.
Figure 2.88 Rain gauge
Rain falling over the funnel collects in the jar. This is emptied, usually every 24 hours, and measured in a
tapered glass measure, graduated in millimetres. The tapered end of the jar enables very small amounts of rain to
be measured accurately.
The rainfall recorded for a place, either for a day, week, month or year, can be shown on a map. This is done
using lines called isohyets. An isohyet is a line on a map that joins places of equal rainfall.
It is important to check the rain gauge every day, preferably at the same time, even if there has not been any
rainfall. This is because small amounts of dew may accumulate in the gauge, leading to false readings when it
does rain.
Interesting note
The highest rainfall over a 24-hour period was in Foc-Foc, Réunion, when 1.825 m of rain fell.
The largest 1-minute burst of rainfall was 31.2 mm in Unionville, Maryland, USA in 1956.
Table 2.19 Daily weather observations at Frankston, Victoria (Australia), 1–7 February 2008
Figure 2.95 Daily weather, wind direction and frequency at Frankston, August 2007
The results recorded by a school in Victoria are shown in Tables 2.18 and 2.19. The data for
the first week (August) are plotted in Figure 2.95.
1 Plot the data for February using the same methods as in Figure 2.95.
2 State the maximum and minimum temperatures of the 7-day period in February.
3 Work out the mean minimum temperature and the mean maximum temperature for the 7
4 How much rain fell during the 7 days?
5 Compare the weather in February with that in August.
Key questions
• What are the main characteristics of equatorial and hot desert climates?
• What are the factors that influence equatorial and desert climates?
• What are the characteristics of tropical rainforest and hot desert ecosystems?
• What are the causes and impacts of the deforestation of tropical rainforest?
1 In which months is the average temperature in Cairo higher than in Manaus?
2 How much rain falls in Manaus in April?
3 In which months is the minimum temperature in Cairo higher than that in Manaus? How
do you explain this?
4 Describe the variations in monthly sunshine levels in Manaus.
5 Suggest why there is a link between sunshine levels and rainfall.
6 What is the mean monthly temperature range in Manaus and Cairo in:
a July
b December?
On a global scale latitude is the most important factor determining temperature (Figure 2.97). Two factors
affect the temperature: the angle of the overhead Sun and the thickness of the atmosphere. Firstly, at the equator
the overhead Sun is high in the sky, hence high-intensity insolation is received. By contrast, at the poles the
overhead Sun is low in the sky, hence the quantity of energy received is low. Secondly, the thickness of the
atmosphere affects temperature. Radiation has more atmosphere to pass through near the poles, due to its low
angle of approach. Hence more energy is lost, scattered or reflected here than over equatorial areas, making
temperatures lower over the poles.
Equatorial climates have high temperatures throughout the year on account of their location. They also
receive high levels of rainfall due to the daily convection. Hot deserts are hot due to their tropical location, but
receive low rainfall for a variety of reasons, including the presence of the subtropical high-pressure belt.
Ocean currents
The effect of ocean currents on temperatures depends on whether the current is cold or warm. Warm currents
from equatorial regions raise the temperature of polar areas (with the aid of prevailing westerly winds). However,
the effect is only noticeable in winter. Areas that lie close to cold, upwelling ocean currents, such as Namibia in
Africa, may contain hot deserts, such as the Namib desert. This is because the cold current cools the air above it,
reducing the amount of evaporation from the ocean, and producing dry conditions.
In general, air temperature decreases with increasing altitude. This is because air under the greater pressure
of lower altitudes is denser and therefore warmer. As altitude increases, so the pressure on the air is reduced and
the air becomes cooler. The normal decrease of temperature with height is, on average, 10°C/km.
The effects of wind on temperature depend on the initial characteristics of the wind. In temperate latitudes
prevailing (dominant) winds from the land lower the winter temperatures, but raise them in summer. This is
because continental areas are very hot in summer but very cold in winter. Prevailing winds from the sea do the
opposite — they lower the summer temperatures and raise them in winter.
Cloud cover
Cloud cover decreases the amount of insolation reaching the surface by reflecting some of it. Clouds also
reduce the amount of insolation leaving the surface by absorbing the radiation. If there is limited cloud then
incoming shortwave radiation and outgoing longwave radiation are at a maximum. This is the norm in many hot
In low-pressure systems air is rising. Low pressure produces rain as the air may rise high enough, cool,
condense and form clouds and rain. This can happen in very warm areas, such as in equatorial areas, at mountain
barriers and at weather fronts, when warm air is forced over cold air. In contrast, where there is high pressure air
is sinking, and rain formation is prevented. The world’s great hot deserts are located where there is high pressure
caused by sinking air.
1 How does latitude affect the amount of heat a place receives?
2 Why are equatorial areas not getting any hotter, or polar areas any colder?
3 What is meant by the term ‘specific heat capacity’?
4 Explain why temperature decreases with height.
5 Why is there a large temperature difference between day and night in hot deserts, but not
in equatorial areas?
Tropical rainforests
Evergreen tropical rainforests are located in equatorial areas, largely between 10°N and 10°S (Figure 2.98).
There are, nevertheless, some areas of rainforest that are found outside these areas, but these tend to be more
seasonal in nature. The main areas of rainforest include the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, the Congo rainforest in
central Africa, and the Indonesian-Malaysian rainforests of Southeast Asia. There are many small fragments of
rainforest, such as those on the island of Madagascar and in the Caribbean. Tropical rainforests everywhere are
under increasing threat from human activities, such as farming and logging. The result is that rainforests are
disappearing and those that remain are not only smaller, but broken up into fragments.
Figure 2.98 World distribution of tropical rainforests
Interesting note
Tropical rainforests cover 6 per cent of the world’s land surface but hold 50 per cent of the world’s
species. The Amazon rainforest alone is home to 10 per cent of the world’s known species.
The vegetation is evergreen, enabling photosynthesis to take place all year round. This is possibly due to the
high temperatures all year, and the presence of water throughout the year. The vegetation is layered, and the
shape of the crowns varies at each layer (Figure 2.99). Species at the top of the canopy receive most of the
sunlight, whereas species that are located near the forest floor are adapted to darker conditions, and generally
have a darker pigment so as to photosynthesise at low light levels. There is a great variety in the number of
species in a rainforest — this is known as biodiversity. A rainforest may contain as many as 300 different
species in a single hectare. Typical rainforest species include figs, teak, mahogany and yellow woods.
Tropical vegetation has many adaptations. Some trees have leaves with drip-tips (Figure 2.100a), which are
designed to get rid of excess moisture. In contrast, other plants have saucer-shaped leaves in order to collect
water. Pitcher plants have developed an unusual means of getting their nutrients. Rather than taking nutrients
from the soil, they have become carnivorous and get their nutrients from insects and small frogs that are trapped
inside the pitcher (Figure 2.100b). This is one way of coping with the very infertile soils of the rainforest. Other
plants are very tall. To prevent being blown over by the wind, very large trees have developed buttress roots that
project out from the main trunk above the ground, which gives the plant extra leverage in the wind.
Rainforest animals
Although rainforests cover less than 6 per cent of the Earth’s surface, they account for over 50 per cent of all
animal species on Earth. It is more than likely that many rainforest species have not yet been discovered —
between 2010 and 2013 over 440 new species of plant and animal were discovered in the Amazon alone.
Figure 2.99 Vegetation structure of the tropical rainforest
Figure 2.100 Adaptations of rainforest plants: (a) drip-tip; (b) pitcher plant
Many species, such as orang-utans, are arboreal (live entirely in the trees) and rarely come to the ground
where they would be easy prey for large carnivores. Top carnivores, such as jaguars, tigers and leopards, are
highly camouflaged. Many species are highly camouflaged to avoid becoming prey, such as stick insects and the
Indian leaf butterfly. Sloths are covered with a layer of green algae, which camouflages their fur in their arboreal
environment. Some animals have evolved to look larger or scarier than they really are: the larvae of the lobster
moth look like scorpions, but are defenceless. Many butterflies have designs that look like large eyes on their
wings, in order to confuse potential predators. Some species, such as the monarch butterfly, are poisonous, which
helps deter predators.
Rainforests are the most productive land-based ecosystems. Rainforest soils are typically deep due to the
large amount of weathering that has taken place, and they are often red in colour, due to the large amounts of iron
present in the soil. Ironically, the soils of tropical rainforests are quite infertile. This is because most of the
nutrients in the rainforest are contained in the biomass (living matter). Nevertheless, there are some areas in
which tropical soils may be more fertile: in floodplains and in volcanic areas the soils may be enriched by
flooding or the weathering of fertile lava flows.
The nutrient cycle is easily disrupted (Figure 2.101). Tropical rainforests have been described as ‘deserts
covered by trees’. Once the vegetation is removed, nutrients are quickly removed from the system, creating
infertile conditions and even deserts.
Figure 2.101 Conditions required for the growth of rainforest, deciduous forest, coniferous forest and hot desert
Study Figure 2.101.
1 What is the minimum temperature required for the growth of tropical rainforests?
2 What is the minimum amount of rainfall needed for a tropical rainforest?
3 Suggest how a rainforest with a mean annual temperature of 30°C and an annual rainfall
of 3500 mm might differ from one with a mean annual rainfall of 1700 mm and a mean annual
temperature of 25°C.
4 Suggest how the vegetation in Figure 2.100 is adapted to conditions in the rainforest.
5 What is biodiversity? Suggest reasons why it may be important to protect biodiversity.
6 Why are rainforests described as ‘deserts covered with trees’?
Figure 2.102 Tropical rainforest along with shifting cultivation — rice growing in Sarawak
Figure 2.103 Rainforest at Batang Ai affected by flooding, shifting cultivation and soil erosion
• Land speculation and the granting of land titles to those who ‘occupy’ parts of the rainforest is a major
cause of deforestation.
1 Comment on the value of tropical rainforests to the human population.
2 Outline the main impacts of deforestation on the natural environment.
3 Explain the main causes of deforestation in Brazil.
4 Comment on the trends of deforestation in Brazil.
Case study: Danum Valley Conservation Area, Malaysian
Hot deserts
The world’s hot deserts are largely found in subtropical areas between 20°and 30°north and south of the
equator (Figure 2.105). The largest area of hot desert is the Sahara but there are other important deserts such as
the Great Victoria Desert and Great Sandy Desert in Australia, the Kalahari and Namib deserts in southern Africa,
the Atacama desert in South America, and the Arabian desert. The Gobi desert in Mongolia and China lies
outside the tropics and therefore is not a hot desert.
The main factors influencing the vegetation are that it is hot throughout the year and there is low and
unreliable rainfall (≤250 mm per year).
The vegetation responds to hot desert conditions in a number of ways. There are two main types of desert
plant. Perennials (plants that grow over a number of years) may be succulent (they store lots of water), they are
often small (to reduce water loss by evaporation and transpiration) and they may be woody. Annuals or
ephemerals are plants that live for a short time but these may form a dense covering of vegetation immediately
after rain.
Ephemerals evade drought. During the infrequent wet periods they develop rapidly, producing a large
number of flowers and fruits. These help produce seeds, which remain dormant in the ground until the next rains.
Many plants are adapted to drought (Figure 2.106) — these are called xerophytes. Water loss is minimised in
a number of ways:
• Leaf hairs reduce windspeed and therefore reduce transpiration.
• Thick waxy cuticles and the rolling-up or shedding of leaves at the start of the dry season reduce water
• Some plants have the bulk of their biomass (living material) below the ground surface.
• Others have very deep roots to reach the water table.
• In woody species the wood prevents the collapse of the plant even when the plant is wilting.
Figure 2.105 World distribution of hot deserts
Animals are adapted to living in the desert in a number of ways (Figure 2.107). Different animals may:
• be nocturnal (active only at night) in order to avoid the heat of the day
• use panting and/or have large ears help to reduce body heat
• remain in underground burrows during the day
• secrete highly concentrated uric acid in order to reduce water loss
• migrate during the hottest season to escape the heat
• adopt a strategy of long-term aestivation (dormancy, or sleep), which ends only when moisture and
temperature conditions become more favourable.
1 Why is it difficult to live in a hot desert?
2 Study Figure 2.101 on page 161, which shows the conditions required for the growth of
hot deserts.
a What is the maximum rainfall in a hot desert, as suggested by Figure 2.101?
b What is the range of mean annual temperatures in hot deserts?
3 Suggest how a hot desert with a mean annual temperature of 30°C and a mean annual
rainfall of 250 mm might differ from one in which the mean annual rainfall is 250 mm and the
mean annual temperature is 20°C.
4 How have plants adapted to survive in the desert?
5 How do animals survive in the desert?
6 Visit to find out how camels are adapted to living in hot
Case study: The Sonoran desert
The Sonoran Desert is located in southern USA (southern California and southern Arizona) and
northern Mexico. Its vegetation includes the saguaro cactus, which can grow to a height of 15 m and
live for up to 175 years. Its ribbed stem expands as it fills with water during the winter wet season. Its
stem also reduces wind speed and water loss from the plant, while sunken stomata reduce water
loss. It has shallow roots to catch water from storms before it evaporates. Other species with similar
adaptations include the prickly pear and barrel and hedgehog cacti.
The Palo Verde is a small, drought-tolerant tree. It loses its leaves in the dry season, but its green
bark allows it to photosynthesise without leaves. Creosote bushes have small, dark leaves to reduce
transpiration. Plant density depends upon water availability.
Soils in the Sonoran desert are typically thin, relatively infertile and alkaline. Seasonal rains carry
soluble salts down through the soil. However, during the dry season they are drawn up to the surface
by evaporation. Concentrations may be toxic for some plants. In addition, flash flooding can compact
the soil, leaving the surface impermeable.
There has been considerable human impact in the area. Some cities, notably Phoenix in Arizona,
have expanded rapidly at the expense of the desert. The increased demand for, and abstraction of,
water has lowered water tables. Mesquite bushes and cottonwood trees that were growing along
watercourses have died back. Road construction and pipelines have affected the movement of
mammals, and fenced highways have prevented pronghorn antelopes, for example, from reaching
water supplies. Off-road vehicles have compacted soils and made them less able to hold water.
Overgrazing by cattle has removed more palatable species. Domesticated animals have escaped
into the wild, and reduced grazing availability for wild mammals. The introduction of exotic plant
species, such as tamarisk, has displaced native species such as cottonwoods and desert willows.
Removal of native species has speeded up the spread of exotic species.
Case study analysis
1 Where is the Sonoran desert?
2 How is the saguaro cactus adapted to life in the desert?
Between the sandy zone and the valley sides are the gravel deposits. This is where the xerophytes (species
of plant that have adapted to survive in an environment with little water) are located. They are too far above
the water table to reach it and survive through being drought-resistant. Xerophytes, such as the creosote bush,
may receive some water from dew, infrequent rainfall and some occasional overland flow. Once again, a
sequence can be observed. On the slightly wetter, upper slopes, burrow-weed is found. With increasing water
shortage, creosote bushes are found and, finally, in the lowest, driest gravel, the desert holly bush is found.
1 Suggest reasons why hot deserts offer limited opportunities for human activities.
2 Explain how plants are adapted to desert environments.
3 Explain how human activities have impacted upon desert ecosystems.
End-of-theme questions
Topic 2.1 Earthquakes and volcanoes
Figure 2.108 Global distribution of earthquakes
Study Figure 2.108, which shows the global distribution of earthquakes.
a Describe the global distribution of earthquakes.
b Suggest reasons for the distribution of earthquakes.
c Define the terms ‘focus’ and ‘epicentre’.
d Using examples, explain the main factors that increase the impacts of earthquakes.
Topic 2.2 Rivers
Study Figure 2.109.
a Approximately how high is the source of the Jordan stream?
b How much does it fall in order to reach the Waimakariri river?
c How far is the Waimakariri river from the source of the Jordan stream?
d Describe the changes in the river valley between point A and point B. e
Describe the valley of the Jordan stream and its valley at point C.
f Outline the likely human activities that might occur in this area. Give reasons for your
Figure 2.109 Extract from a 1:50,000 map of Arthur’s Pass, New Zealand
Topic 2.3 Coasts
Study Figure 2.110.
a Identify the features A, B, C and D.
b Explain how landform C may be formed.
c What feature is located at E?
d Explain the meaning of the term ‘prevailing wind’.
e Suggest how landform E may be formed.
Key questions
• How can the level of economic development of a country be measured?
• What are the reasons for inequalities between and within countries?
• How can economic production be classified into different sectors?
• How do the proportions employed in each sector of an economy vary according to the level
of development?
• What is globalisation?
• How important are technology, transnational corporations and other economic factors in the
process of globalisation?
• What are the impacts of globalisation at local, national and global scales?
3.1 Development
Figure 3.1 An open-pit toilet in the Gobi desert: this is as far as sanitation goes in many parts of the
developing world
Indicators of development
Development, or improvement in the quality of life, is a wide-ranging concept. It includes wealth, but it also
includes other important aspects of our lives (Figure 3.2). For example, many people would consider good health
to be more important than wealth. Development occurs when there are improvements to individual factors
making up the quality of life. For example, development occurs in a low-income country when:
• local food supply improves due to investment in farm machinery and fertilisers
• the electricity grid extends outwards from the main urban areas to rural areas
• levels of literacy improve throughout the country.
Education is undoubtedly the key to socio-economic development. It can be defined as the process of
acquiring knowledge, understanding and skills. Education has always been regarded as a very important
individual indicator of development and it has figured prominently in aggregate measures. Adult literacy is one
of the main ways in which differences in educational standards between countries can be shown. In 2015, the
global adult literacy rate was 85 per cent, but in over a dozen African countries, such as Ethiopia, Chad and
Niger, adult literacy rates were below 50 per cent. About 780 million adults worldwide are illiterate. A low adult
literacy rate is a great obstacle to development.
The World Bank has concluded that improving female literacy is one of the most fundamental achievements
for a developing nation to attain, because so many aspects of development depend on it. For example, there is a
very strong relationship between the extent of female literacy and infant and child mortality rates. People who are
literate are able to access medical and other information that will help them to a higher quality of life compared
with those who are illiterate.
Life expectancy
Life expectancy is viewed as a very important measure of development as it is to a large extent the end result
of all the factors contributing to the quality of life in a country. It is important for international and national
government agencies to know about variations in life expectancy, as this is a key measure of inequality. It helps
development programmes to target those in most need. The main influences on life expectancy are:
• the incidence of disease (for example, malaria)
• physical environmental conditions (for example, very low rainfall)
• human environmental conditions (for example, pollution)
• personal lifestyle (for example, smoking).
Rates of life expectancy have converged significantly between rich and poor countries during the last 50
years, in spite of a widening wealth gap. Figures for life expectancy by world region are given in Table 1.5 on
page 8.
Infant mortality
The infant mortality rate is regarded as one of the most sensitive indicators of socio-economic progress
(Table 3.2). It is an important measure of health inequality both between and within countries.
There are huge differences in the infant mortality rate around the world, despite the wide availability of
public health knowledge. Fortunately infant mortality rates have fallen sharply in many developing countries
over the last 30 years. However, there is still a considerable gap between the richer and poorer world regions.
The infant mortality rate in Africa is more than eleven times that of Europe. Infant mortality generally
compares well with other indicators of development, which is a good indication of its value as a measure of
1 What is development?
2 Give two examples of development in a low-income country.
3 Define GNP.
4 Why are GNP data and other measures of national income now frequently published at
purchasing power parity (PPP)?
5 Briefly discuss the merits of one individual indicator of development.
6 Which indicators of development are combined to form the human development index?
7 Look at Figure 3.5 and briefly describe the distribution of countries according to the
human development index.
Physical geography
• Landlocked countries have generally developed more slowly than coastal ones.
• Small island countries face considerable disadvantages in development.
• Tropical countries have grown more slowly than those in temperate latitudes, reflecting the cost of poor
health and unproductive farming. However, richer, non-agricultural tropical countries such as Singapore do not
suffer a geographical deficit of this kind.
• A generous allocation of natural resources has spurred economic growth in a number of countries.
Economic policies
• Open economies that welcomed and encouraged foreign investment have developed faster than closed
• Fast-growing countries tend to have high rates of saving and low spending relative to GDP.
• Institutional quality in terms of good government, law and order and lack of corruption generally
result in a high rate of growth.
• Progress through demographic transition is a significant factor, with the highest rates of growth
experienced by those nations where the birth rate has fallen the most.
Figure 3.8 combines a range of factors to explain differences in development. For example, in Figure 3.8a
Brazil would satisfy all three criteria. It is by far the largest country in South America. It has abundant natural
resources and it is clearly a newly industrialised country. In contrast, countries such as Haiti and Niger would be
affected by all three of the negative factors in Figure 3.8b.
Figure 3.9 Low-income housing on the banks of the River Nile, Egypt
1 Look at Figure 3.5 and name two countries at each of the four levels of human
2 a Define a ‘least developed country’.
b What are the general problems facing least developed countries?
3 a Define a ‘newly industrialised country’.
b Briefly discuss the factors responsible for the development of the first NICs.
4 Consider the physical, economic and demographic factors that help explain the
inequalities between countries.
5 Explain the two scenarios shown in Figure 3.8.
Figure 3.14 A village in eastern Siberia — the standard of living in most parts of Asiatic Russia (the periphery)
is lower than in European Russia
1 a What is the Gini coefficient?
b Briefly describe the global differences shown in Figure 3.10.
2 Define the terms:
a economic core region
b periphery.
3 Explain the process shown in Figure 3.12 in your own words.
4 Describe and explain the trends shown in Figure 3.13.
5 What is the evidence in Figure 3.14 that this region is part of the economic periphery of
Education is a key factor in explaining disparities within countries. Those with higher levels of education
invariably gain better-paid employment. In developing countries there is a clear link between education levels
and family size, with those with the least education having the largest families. Maintaining a large family
usually means that saving is impossible and varying levels of debt likely. In contrast, people with better
educational opportunities have smaller families and are thus able to save and invest more for the future. Such
differences serve to widen rather than narrow disparities. Standards of education can vary significantly by region
and as a result of other factors in a country.
Land ownership
The distribution of land ownership (tenure) has had a major impact on disparities in many countries. The
greatest disparities tend to occur alongside the largest inequities in land ownership. The ownership of even a very
small plot of land provides a certain level of security that those in the countryside without land cannot possibly
aspire to. Households headed by women are often the most disadvantaged in terms of land tenure.
The success of the first large wave of investment by foreign companies in the southeast encouraged others to
follow. For the last 60 years the area has experienced an upward cycle of growth (cumulative causation).
1 Briefly explain two factors that can affect income inequality in a country.
2 a Where is the economic core region of Brazil?
b Why is this region the most highly developed in the country?
3 a What do the two diagrams in Figure 3.18 show?
b How do these diagrams relate to Figure 3.13?
Figure 3.20 The secondary sector: grain processing factory, Chicago, USA
Figure 3.21 The tertiary sector: a street market in Nabul, Tunisia
1 Define the terms:
a primary sector
b secondary sector
c tertiary sector
d quaternary sector.
2 Give three examples of jobs in each of the four sectors of an economy.
3 Describe the food industry product chain shown in Figure 3.23.
4 What job do you want to do when you complete your education? In which sector of
employment is this job?
There is a clear link between employment structure and indicators of development. Compare the data in
Table 3.5 with those in Table 3.6, which shows development indicators for the same three countries. Such a
comparison could be conducted with a much larger number of countries and the results of the comparison
would be very similar.
Table 3.6 Development indicators for Australia, Malaysia and Bangladesh
A graphical method often used to compare the employment structure of a large number of countries is the
triangular graph (Figure 3.25). One side (axis) of the triangle is used to show the data for each of the primary,
secondary and tertiary sectors. Each axis is scaled from 0 to 100 per cent. The indicators on the graph show how
the data for the UK can be read. Figure 3.25 shows data for two developing countries, two NICs and two
developed countries.
Figure 3.26 City of London emblem marking the boundary of the City of London, one of the world’s great
financial centres
Globalisation is the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the world, economically,
culturally and politically. Most political borders are not the obstacles they once were and as a result goods,
capital, labour and ideas flow more freely across them than ever before.
Transnational corporations
A transnational corporation (TNC) is a firm that owns or controls productive operations in more than one
country through foreign direct investment (FDI). TNCs can exploit raw materials, produce goods such as cars
and oil, and provide services such as banking. Table 3.7 shows the 10 largest TNCs in the world
according to the business journal Fortune. Every year Fortune publishes a list of the ‘Global 500’ — the 500
largest TNCs in the world by revenue (the value of what they sell). The 2016 list shows that the ten largest TNCs
all had revenues of over $225 billion. The 100 largest TNCs represent a significant proportion of total global
Table 3.7 The world’s 10 largest TNCs, 2016
TNCs and nation states (countries) are the two main elements of the global economy. The governments of
countries individually and collectively set the rules for the global economy, but the bulk of investment is through
TNCs, which are the main drivers of ‘global shift’. Under this process manufacturing industry at first, and more
recently services, have relocated in significant numbers from developed countries to selected developing
countries as TNCs have taken advantage of lower labour costs and other ways to reduce costs. It is this process
that has resulted in the emergence of an increasing number of newly industrialised countries since the 1960s. The
development of successive generations of newly industrialised countries is the major success story of
Twenty years ago the vast majority of the world’s TNCs had their headquarters in North America, Western
Europe and Japan. However, over the last two decades the emerging economies of the newly industrialised
countries such as South Korea, China and India have been accounting for an increasing slice of the global
economy. Much of this economic growth has been achieved through the expansion of their own most important
companies, first domestically (as national corporations) and more recently on an international basis (as TNCs).
Table 3.8 The potential advantages and disadvantages of TNCs — Nike to the USA and
Country Possible advantages Possible disadvantages
USA: Positive employment impact and Another US firm that does
headquarters stimulus to the development of high- not manufacture in its own
level skills in design, marketing and country — indirect loss of
development in Beaverton, Oregon; jobs and the negative
direct and indirect contribution to impact on balance of
local and national tax base payments as footwear is
imported; trade unions
complain of an uneven
playing field because of the
big contrast in working
conditions between
developing and developed
Vietnam: Creates substantial employment in Concerns over the
outsourcing Vietnam; pays higher wages than exploitation of cheap labour
local companies; improves the skills and poor working
base of the local population; the conditions; allegations of
success of a global brand may attract the use of child labour;
other TNCs to Vietnam, setting off company image and
the process of cumulative causation; advertising may help to
exports are a positive contribution to undermine national culture;
the balance of payments; sets new concerns about the political
standards for indigenous companies; influence of large TNCs;
contribution to local tax base helps the knowledge that
pay for improvements to investment could be
infrastructure transferred quickly to lower-
cost locations
TNCs have a huge impact on the global economy in general and in the countries in which they choose to
locate in particular. They play a major role in world trade in terms of what and where they buy and sell. A
considerable proportion of world trade is intra-firm, taking place within TNCs. Table 3.8 considers the possible
advantages and disadvantages of Nike to the USA (its headquarters country) and Vietnam (an outsourcing
The spread of a global consumer culture has been important to the success of many TNCs. The mass media
have been used very effectively to encourage consumers to ‘want’ more than they ‘need’. The power of brands
and their global marketing strategies cannot be underestimated. This is particularly so in food, beverages and
1 Define:
a globalisation
b transnational corporation.
2 Why have TNCs been so important in the process of globalisation?
3 a How important are brands to TNCs?
b Which brands impress you the most and why?
4 What has been the role of technology in globalisation?
5 Explain the new international division of labour.
6 State three factors responsible for economic globalisation.
Environmental degradation
In many parts of the world industrialisation, urbanisation, capital-intensive farming and other major processes
are having a devastating impact on the environment causing:
• air pollution
• deforestation
• land degradation and desertification
• salinisation and contamination of water supplies
• landscape change
• declines in biodiversity.
Much more decisive international action will be required to limit the environmental impact of economic
Cultural diffusion
Cultural diffusion is the process of the spreading of cultural traits from one place to another. The mixing of
cultures is a major dimension of globalisation. This has occurred through:
• migration, which circulates ideas, values and beliefs around the world
• the rapid spread of news, ideas and fashions through the mass media, trade and travel
• the growth of global brands such as Coca-Cola and McDonald’s, which serve as common reference
• the internet, which has allowed individual and mass communication on a scale never available before
• the transport revolution, which has facilitated the mass movement of people and products around the
Table 3.9 Examples of the impacts of globalisation at global, national and local scales
Global National Local
The growing power Concerns about loss of Small local businesses often
of TNCs and global sovereignty to regional and find it difficult to compete with
brands international organisations major global companies
The emergence Increased cultural Closure of a TNC branch
of an increasing diversity from international plant can cause high local
number of NICs migration unemployment
Development of Higher levels of incoming The populations of many
a hierarchy of global and outgoing international local communities have
cities tourism become more multicultural
The increasing TNCs employing an Greater variety of
complexity of the increasing share of the international cuisine
world economy workforce Families are now more
The emergence Increasing incidences of likely to be spread over
of English as the trans-boundary pollution different countries due to
working language of The growth of anti- increased international
the ‘global village’ globalisation movements as migration
The emergence people worry about how Lower cost of international
of powerful trade important decisions are travel in real terms
blocs made The development of
Environmental TNCs avoiding paying ‘ethnic villages’ in large urban
degradation caused tax in some countries areas
by increasing through ‘creative accounting’
economic activity — a very controversial issue
• Increased international migration might mean that families in a region are now more likely to be
spread over different countries. For younger people the motive is often to enhance career prospects and
improve their quality of life, but retirement migration is also an important trend. People are more mobile
than ever before.
1 Use Figure 3.29 to make a list of the world’s ten largest economies by GDP.
2 Describe the changes shown in Figure 3.30.
3 What do you understand by the term ‘global urban uniformity’?
4 Explain the process of cultural diffusion.
5 What does Figure 3.32 show?
Case study: Tata Group and its global links
Indian companies — both private and government-owned organisations — are becoming
increasingly transnational in their operations. India really emerged as a newly industrialised country
in the 1990s when important economic reforms began to open up the country to foreign investment
and made it easier for Indian companies to forge international links and to operate abroad. Other
significant policy changes since 2000 have contributed to the recent rapid growth of Indian outward
Tata is perceived to be India’s best-known global brand. It was founded in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata
as a trading company. Tata Group is an Indian transnational conglomerate company, which remains
family-owned. With its headquarters in Mumbai, it encompasses seven business sectors:
• Communications and information technology
• Engineering
• Materials
• Services
• Energy
• Consumer products
• Chemicals.
Tata Group has over 100 companies with each of them operating independently. Some of the
largest of these companies are Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Power,
Tata Chemicals and Tata Global Beverages. In recent decades Tata has expanded rapidly around
the world. Tata Group now has operations in more than 100 countries and receives more than 60 per
cent of its revenue from outside India. In 2016, the total number of employees worldwide was
660,000. Tata Group has steadily moved up the ‘value chain’ by producing more sophisticated and
higher-value products. In 2015–16, the revenue of Tata companies, taken together, was $104 billion.
Tata has a considerable presence in the UK. Key acquisitions there have included:
• Tetley Group by Tata Tea for $430 million in 2000
• Corus Group by Tata Steel for $13 billion in 2007
• Jaguar and Land Rover by Tata Motors for $2.5 billion in 2008 (Figure 3.33).
The objective has often been to buy world-renowned brands that are synonymous with high
quality. If a brand name is well known it becomes much easier to increase sales in foreign markets if
the company is being well managed. Other Tata companies active in the UK are Tata Consultancy
Services and Tata Global Beverages.
However, with the onset of the global economic downturn in 2008, some Tata companies in the
UK encountered problems with regard to profitability. The major concern was the large losses made
by Tata Steel.
Tata Group has set great store by its reputation for social responsibility, which began in India, but
which has also spread abroad in more recent years. It was awarded the Carnegie Medal for
Philanthropy in 2007.
Figure 3.33 Jaguar/Land Rover — a long-standing UK brand acquired by Tata in 2008
Case study analysis
1 Why do you think Tata Group has expanded abroad so rapidly in recent decades?
2 Describe Tata Group’s presence in the UK.
3 Look at the website for the Tata Group ( to see the latest developments in
this large group of companies. Produce a brief fact file of your findings.
Key questions
• What are the main features of an agricultural system?
• What are the causes and effects of food shortages and the possible solutions to this
Agricultural systems
Individual farms and general types of farming can be seen to operate as a system. A farm requires a range of
inputs, such as labour and energy, so that the processes that take place on the farm, such as ploughing and
harvesting, can be carried out. The aim is to produce the best possible outputs, such as milk, eggs, meat and
crops. A profit will only be made if the income from selling the outputs is greater than expenditure on the inputs
and processes. Figure 3.35 is an input-process-output diagram for a wheat farm.
Different types of agricultural system can be found within individual countries and around the world. The
most basic distinctions are between:
• arable, pastoral and mixed farming
• subsistence and commercial farming
• extensive and intensive farming
• organic and non-organic farming.
Figure 3.36 Arable farming in the Nile valley, with the pyramids in the background
Figure 3.37 Farming types and levels of development
Organic farming
Organic farming does not use manufactured chemicals, so production is without the use of chemical
fertilisers, pesticides, insecticides and herbicides. Instead, animal and green manures are used along with mineral
fertilisers such as fish and bone meal. Organic farming therefore requires a higher input of labour than
mainstream farming. Weeding is a major task in this type of farming. Organic farming is less likely to result in
soil erosion and is less harmful to the environment in general. For example, there will be no nitrate runoff into
streams and much less harm to wildlife.
Organic farming tends not to produce the ‘perfect’ potato, tomato or carrot. However, because of the
increasing popularity of organic produce it commands a substantially higher price than mainstream farm produce.
1 Describe the inputs, processes and outputs for the wheat farm shown in Figure 3.35.
2 a Explain the difference between arable and pastoral farming.
b What is mixed farming?
3 Discuss the differences between:
a commercial and subsistence farming
b intensive and extensive farming.
4 Describe the characteristics of organic farming.
Physical factors
Figure 3.39 shows the type of landscape that farmers have to adapt to in the mountainous country of Nepal.
Historically, terracing has been the answer, a technique that remains important today.
Economic factors
Economic factors include transport, markets, capital and technology. The cost of growing different crops or
keeping different livestock varies. The market prices for agricultural products will vary also and can change from
year to year. The necessary investment in buildings and machinery can mean that some changes in farming
activities are very expensive. These would be more difficult to achieve than other, cheaper changes. Thus it is not
always easy for farmers to react quickly to changes in consumer demand.
In most countries there has been a trend towards fewer but larger farms. Large farms allow economies of
scale to operate, which reduce the unit costs of production. As more large farms are created, small farms find it
increasingly difficult to compete and make a profit. Selling to a larger neighbouring farm may be the only
economic solution. The EU is an example of a region where average farm size varies significantly. Those
countries with a large average farm size generally have more efficient agricultural sectors than countries with a
small average farm size.
Agricultural technology is the application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal and
vegetable products. The development and application of agricultural technology requires investment and thus it is
an economic factor. The status of a country’s agricultural technology is vital for its food security and other
aspects of its quality of life. An important form of aid is the transfer of agricultural technology from more
advanced to less advanced countries.
Social/cultural factors
What a particular farm and neighbouring farms have produced in the past can be a significant influence on
current farming practices. There is a tendency for farmers to stay with what they know best and often a sense of
transgenerational responsibility to maintain a family farming tradition. Tradition matters more in some farming
regions than others.
Land tenure means the ways in which land is or can be owned. In the past inheritance laws have had a huge
impact on the average size of farms. In some countries it has been the custom on the death of a farmer to divide
the land equally between all his sons, but rarely between daughters. Also, dowry customs may include the giving
of land with a daughter on marriage. The reduction in the size of farms by these processes often reduces them to
operating at only a subsistence level.
In most societies women have very unequal access to, and control over, rural land and associated resources. It
is now generally accepted that societies with well-recognised property rights are also the ones that thrive best
economically and socially.
Political factors
The influence of government on farming has steadily increased in many countries. For example, in the USA
the main parts of government farm policy over the past half-century have been:
• price support loans: loans that tide farmers over until they sell their produce
• production controls: these limit how much a farmer can produce of surplus crops
• income supplements: these are cash payments to farmers for major crops in years when market prices
fail to reach certain levels.
Thus the decisions made by individual farmers are heavily influenced by government policies such as
those listed above. An agricultural policy can cover more than one country, as evidenced by the EU’s Common
Agricultural Policy.
1 List the main physical factors that can influence farming.
2 Summarise the information presented in Table 3.11.
3 Why has the size of farms steadily increased in many agricultural regions?
4 Briefly state the importance of advances in agricultural technology.
5 Give an example of how a social/cultural factor can have an impact on farming.
6 How can political factors influence farming?
Interesting note
In terms of the export of food and agricultural products, the major countries by value of exports in
2015 were the USA, the Netherlands, Germany, China, Brazil and France.
Figure 3.46 The fertile banks of the River Nile in Sudan, with desert beyond
The separation of Sudan into two countries has not occurred easily. There has been intermittent
fighting in border regions. This, along with economic instability, has undermined agricultural
• In March 2013, the World Food Programme warned that more than 4.1 million people were
likely to be short of food in South Sudan in that year. This is approximately 40 per cent of the
new country’s population.
• In July 2014, the UN described South Sudan’s food crisis as ‘the worst in the world’. The
UN said there was ‘catastrophic food insecurity’ in the country. It urged donor nations who had
pledged $618 million in aid to fulfil their promises.
• In May 2016, the UN warned that more than 5 million people in South Sudan would face
severe food shortage in the coming months.
Case study analysis
1 Describe the location of Sudan and South Sudan.
2 a With the help of Figure 3.47, explain the causes of food shortages in recent decades.
b Suggest what needs to happen for the situation to improve.
3 How bad has the food shortage situation in South Sudan been in recent years?
4 Use the internet to find out about the current situation in Sudan and South Sudan.
• Yields are twice to four times greater than for traditional varieties.
• The shorter growing season has allowed the introduction of an extra crop in some areas.
• Farming incomes have increased, allowing the purchase of machinery, better seeds, fertilisers and
• The diet of rural communities is now more varied.
• Local infrastructure has been upgraded to accommodate a stronger market approach.
• Employment has been created in industries supplying farms with inputs.
• Higher returns have justified a significant increase in irrigation.
• High inputs of fertiliser and pesticide are required to optimise production. This is costly in both
economic and environmental terms. In some areas rural indebtedness has risen sharply.
• HYVs require more weed control and are often more susceptible to pests and diseases.
• Middle and higher-income farmers have often benefited much more than the majority on low incomes,
thus widening the income gap in rural communities. Increased rural-to-urban migration has often been the
• Mechanisation has increased rural unemployment.
• Some HYVs have an inferior taste.
• The problem of salinisation has increased along with the expansion of irrigated areas.
In recent years a much greater concern has arisen about Green Revolution agriculture. The problem is that the
high-yielding varieties introduced during the Green Revolution are usually low in minerals and vitamins.
Because the new crops have displaced the local fruits, vegetables and legumes that traditionally supplied
important vitamins and minerals, the diet of many people in the developing world is now extremely low in
zinc, iron, vitamin A and other micronutrients.
The Green Revolution has been a major factor in enabling global food supply to keep pace with population
growth, but with growing concerns about a new food crisis, new technological advances may well be required to
improve the global food security situation.
(b) raise awareness of the pressures of increasing population growth and consumption patterns on sustainable
ecosystem functioning.
1 List three physical and three human causes of food shortages.
2 What is malnutrition and how can it impact on people and countries?
3 Describe the different types of food aid.
4 Why is food aid sometimes controversial?
5 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Green Revolution farming.
6 Comment briefly on UNEP’s options for improving food security.
Key questions
• What are the stages of an industrial system?
• What are the factors influencing the distribution and location of factories and industrial
3.3 Industry
Figure 3.50 Pulp and paper mill, British Columbia, Canada
High-technology industry
High-technology industry is the fastest growing manufacturing industry in the world. It all began in the 1960s
in ‘Silicon Valley’ (the Santa Clara valley), south of San Francisco. Since then it has spread across the world.
Virtually all developed countries and NICs have at least one high-technology cluster (companies grouped
together in one region). ‘High-tech’ companies use or make silicon chips, computers, software, robots, aerospace
components and other very technically advanced products. These companies put a great deal of money into
scientific research. Their aim is to develop newer, even more advanced products. Think of the latest products
from companies such as Apple, Samsung and Sony.
High-technology industries often cluster together in science parks, the idea for which was originally created
in the USA. They are often found in close proximity to leading universities because of the need to employ well-
qualified graduates in science and technology, and to be aware of the latest research taking place in universities.
The Cambridge Science Park is a major example in the UK. The clustering of high-technology industry means
that companies can collaborate easily on joint projects, and highly skilled workers can move easily from one
company to another.
Table 3.12 Classification of industry
Classification Characteristics
Large scale and Depending on the size of plant and machinery, and the numbers
small scale employed
Heavy and light Depending on the nature of processes and products in terms of
unit weight
Market oriented Depending on the location of the industry or firm, which is drawn
and raw either towards the market or the raw materials required —
material usually because of transportation costs
Processing and Processing involves the direct processing of raw materials;
assembly assembly is to do with putting together parts and components
Capital Depending on the ratio of investment in plant and machinery to
intensive and the number of employees
labour intensive
Fordist and Fordist industries, named after the assembly-line methods used
flexible in the early automobile industry, mass produce on a large scale,
making standardised products
Flexible industries make a range of specialised products
using high technology to respond quickly to changes in demand
National and Many firms in the small-to medium-size range manufacture in
transnational only one country
Transnationals, which are usually extremely large
companies, produce in at least two countries but may
manufacture in dozens of nations
Interesting note
The Boeing aircraft factory in Washington State, USA is the largest building in the world by
volume. This is the assembly site for the company’s largest aircraft.
1 Explain the industrial systems diagram shown in Figure 3.51.
2 With regard to manufacturing industry, explain the difference between:
a heavy and light
b processing and assembly
c capital intensive and labour intensive.
3 Suggest why high-technology industries often cluster together.
Industrial agglomeration
Industrial agglomeration is the clustering together of economic activities. Agglomeration can result in
companies enjoying the benefits of external economies of scale. This means the lowering of a firm’s costs due to
external factors. The success of one company may attract other companies from the same industry group.
External economies of scale can be subdivided into:
• urbanisation economies, which are the cost savings resulting from urban location due to factors such
as the range of producer services available and the investment in infrastructure already in place
• localisation economies, which occur when a firm locates close to suppliers (backward linkages) or
firms that it supplies (forward linkages). This reduces transport costs, allows for faster delivery, and facilitates
a high level of personal communication between firms.
Industrial estates
An industrial estate is an area zoned and planned for the purpose of industrial development. Industrial
estates are also known as industrial parks and trading estates. A more ‘lightweight’ version is the business park
or office park, which has offices and light industry, rather than larger-scale industry.
Industrial estates can be found in a range of locations, from inner cities to rural areas. Industrial estates are
usually located close to transport infrastructure, especially where more than one form of transport meet. The
logic behind industrial estates includes:
• concentrating dedicated infrastructure in a small area to reduce the per-business expense of that
• attracting new business by providing an integrated infrastructure in one location
• separating industry from residential areas to try to reduce the environmental and social impact
• eligibility of industrial estates for grants and loans under regional economic development policies.
• At the urban scale the relative shift from inner city to suburbs increased as the twentieth century
progressed. Although there has been much debate about the demise of the inner city in the developed world,
many would agree that the loss of employment, much of it in manufacturing, was the initiating factor in the
cycle of inner city decline.
1 Describe and explain two physical factors and two human factors that affect the location of
2 Why does industrial agglomeration occur?
3 What is an industrial estate?
4 Suggest reasons for the shift of manufacturing industry from urban to rural areas.
Case study: Bangalore — India’s high-tech city
Bangalore, the capital city of Karnataka State (Figure 3.53), is the most important city in India for
high-technology industry. Bangalore’s pleasant climate, moderated by its location on the Deccan
Plateau over 900 m above sea level, is a significant attraction to foreign and domestic companies
alike. Known as the ‘Garden City’, Bangalore claims to have the highest quality of life in the country.
Because of its dust-free environment, large public-sector undertakings, such as Hindustan
Aeronautics Ltd and the Indian Space Research Organisation, were established in Bangalore by the
Indian government. In addition, the state government has a long history of support for science and
technology. There are many colleges of higher education in this sector and there has been large-
scale investment in science and technology parks. The city prides itself on a ‘culture of learning’,
which gives it innovative leadership within India.
In the 1980s Bangalore became the location for the first large-scale foreign investment in high
technology in India when Texas Instruments selected the city above a number of other possibilities.
Other TNCs soon followed as the reputation of the city grew. Important backward and forward
linkages were steadily established over time. This was a classic example of the process of
cumulative causation. Apart from ICT industries, Bangalore is also India’s most important centre for
aerospace and biotechnology.
Interesting note
Bangalore has a very skewed female–male gender ratio with 908 women for every 1000 men.
Suggest a reason for such a considerable imbalance.
Key questions
• What are the reasons for the growth of tourism in relation to the main attractions of the
physical and human landscape?
• What are the benefits and disadvantages of tourism to receiving areas?
• Why is careful management of tourism required in order for the industry to be sustainable?
3.4 Tourism
Figure 3.55 Tourists in the ancient city of Ayutaya, Thailand
Recent data
In 2012 international tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) worldwide exceeded 1 billion for the first time ever,
reaching a total of 1035 million tourists. By 2015 it had reached 1186 million. In 1950 there were only 25 million
international tourists. The World Tourism Organization forecasts an increase to 1.8 billion in 2030. International
tourism receipts reached $1260 billion in 2015. International tourism now represents 7 per cent of the world’s
exports in goods and services. As a global export category, tourism ranks third after fuels and chemicals.
Europe remains the world region with the greatest number of both tourist arrivals and tourism receipts
(Figure 3.58). People from developed countries still dominate global tourism, but many emerging economies
have shown very fast growth rates in recent years. When people can afford to travel they usually do. Tourist-
generating countries have a big impact on the flow of money around the world.
Fifty-three per cent of inbound tourism is for the purpose of leisure, recreation and holidays (Figure 3.59 and
3.60). The second most important reason is visiting friends and relatives. Inbound tourism by mode of transport
in 2015 comprised:
• air, 54 per cent
• road, 39 per cent
• water, 5 per cent
• rail, 2 per cent.
Seasonality is the major problem with tourism as a source of employment, having a major impact on incomes
and the quality of life during the less popular times of the year. Many popular tourist destinations try to extend
the tourist season by staging music festivals and other events.
Figure 3.58 International tourist arrivals and international tourism receipts, 2015
Interesting note
In 2015, the countries with the largest numbers of international tourist arrivals were France (84.5
million), USA (77.5 million), Spain (68.2 million), China (56.9 million) and Italy (50.7 million).
1 Describe the growth of global tourism (Figure 3.56).
2 What were the factors responsible for the early development of tourism?
3 Discuss the economic, social and political factors affecting modern tourism.
4 Produce a bullet-point summary of the information shown in Figure 3.58.
5 Write a brief summary of Figure 3.59.
Figure 3.62 Cruise ship on the River Nile — tourism is Egypt’s main source of foreign currency
• Tourism benefits other sectors of the economy, providing jobs and income through the supply chain. It
can set off the process of cumulative causation whereby one phase of investment can trigger other
subsequent phases of investment.
• It provides governments with considerable tax revenues, which help to pay for education, health and
other things for which a government has to find money.
• By providing employment in rural areas it can help to reduce rural-to-urban migration. Such migration is
a major problem in many developing countries.
• A major tourism development can act as a growth pole, stimulating the economy of the larger region.
• It can create openings for small businesses such as taxi firms, beach facility hire companies and small
• It can support many jobs in the informal sector (Figure 3.63), which plays a major role in the economy
of many developing countries.
Figure 3.63 Beach artist, Agadir, Morocco — an example of informal sector employment
However, critics argue that the value of tourism is often overrated because of the following:
• Economic leakages (Figure 3.64) from developing to developed countries run at a rate of 60–75 per
cent. Economic leakages are the part of the money a tourist pays for a foreign holiday that does not benefit
the destination country because it goes elsewhere. With cheap package holidays, by far the greater part of
the money paid stays in the country where the holiday was purchased.
Figure 3.64 Economic leakages
• Tourism is labour intensive, providing a range of jobs especially for women and young people.
However, most local jobs created are menial, low-paid and seasonal. Overseas labour may be brought in to fill
middle and senior management positions.
• Money borrowed to invest in the necessary infrastructure for tourism increases the national debt.
• At some destinations tourists spend most of their money in their hotels, with minimum benefit to the
wider community.
• Tourism might not be the best use for local resources, which could in the future create a larger
multiplier effect if used by a different economic sector.
• Locations can become over-dependent on tourism, which causes big problems if visitor numbers fall.
• The tourist industry has a huge appetite for resources, which often impinge heavily on the needs of
local people. A long-term protest against tourism in Goa highlighted the fact that one five-star hotel
consumed as much water as five local villages, and the average hotel resident used 28 times more electricity
per day than a local person.
• International trade agreements such as the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) allow the
global hotel giants to set up in most countries. Even if governments favour local investors there is little they
can do.
1 Compare the direct and indirect effects of tourism.
2 Explain how economic leakages occur.
3 Explain the sequence of changes illustrated in Doxey’s Index (Figure 3.66).
4 Research the social impact of international tourism in one destination.
Protected areas
Over the course of the last 130 years or so, more and more of the world’s most spectacular and ecologically
sensitive areas have been designated for protection at various levels. The world’s first National Park was
established at Yellowstone in the USA in 1872. Now there are well over 1000 worldwide. Many countries have
National Forests, Country Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, World Heritage Sites and other
designated areas that merit special status and protection. Wilderness areas with the greatest restrictions on access
have the highest form of protection.
In many countries and regions there are often differences of opinion when the issue of special protection is
raised. For example, in some areas jobs in mining, forestry and tourism may depend on developing presently
unspoilt areas. So it is not surprising that values and attitudes can differ considerably when big decisions about
the future of environmentally sensitive areas are being made. Often, a clear distinction has to be made between
the objectives of preservation and conservation. Preservation is maintaining a location exactly as it is and not
allowing development. Conservation is allowing for developments that do not damage the character of a location.
Tourist hubs
The concept of tourist hubs or clusters is a model that has been applied in a number of locations. The idea is
to concentrate tourism and its impact in one particular area so that the majority of the region or country feels
little of the negative impacts of the industry. Benidorm in Spain and Cancun in Mexico are examples where this
model was adopted but both locations show how difficult it is to confine tourism within preconceived boundaries
as the number of visitors increases and people want to travel beyond the tourist enclaves.
Quotas seem to be one of the best remedies on offer. The UK Centre for Future Studies has suggested a
lottery-based entrance system, an idea endorsed by Tourism Concern. Here, the number of visitors would not be
allowed to exceed a sustainable level. This is an idea we are likely to hear much more about in the future.
Ecotourism in Ecuador
Ecuador’s tourism strategy has been to avoid becoming a mass market destination and to market ‘quality’ and
‘exclusivity’ instead, in as eco-friendly a way as possible.
Ecotourism has helped to bring needed income to some of the poorest parts of the country. It has provided
local people with a new alternative way of making a living. As such it has reduced human pressure on
ecologically sensitive areas.
The main geographical focus of ecotourism has been in the Amazon rainforest around Tena, which has
become the main access point. The ecotourism schemes in the region are usually run by small groups of
indigenous Quichua Indians (Figure 3.70).
1 Define ‘sustainable tourism’.
2 What do you understand by the term ‘destination footprint’?
3 Which environments in the region in which you live are protected, and why?
4 What do you think of the idea of quotas for visitor numbers at certain locations?
5 What do you understand by the concept ‘slow travel’?
6 Describe the operation of ecotourism in Ecuador’s rainforest.
Case study: Jamaica — the benefits and disadvantages
associated with the growth of tourism
Economic importance
Tourism has become an increasingly vital part of Jamaica’s economy in recent decades. The
contribution of tourism to total employment and GDP has risen substantially. It has brought
considerable opportunities to its population, although it has not been without its problems. Jamaica
has been determined to learn from the mistakes of other countries and ensure that the population will
gain real benefits from the growth of tourism.
Tourism’s direct contribution to GDP in 2014 amounted to 8.1 per cent of total GDP. Adding all
the indirect economic benefits increased the figure to 27.2 per cent of total GDP. Direct employment
in the industry amounted to 90,000 but the overall figure, which includes indirect employment, is over
three times as large. In the most popular tourist areas the level of reliance on the industry is
extremely high.
In 2015, tourist arrivals totalled 2.12 million. In addition, 1.5 million visited on cruise ships. The
tourist industry in Jamaica has been growing at an annual average rate of about 4 per cent. Most
visitors arrive from the USA and the UK.
Tourism is the largest source of foreign exchange for the country. The revenue from tourism
plays a significant part in helping central and local government fund economic and social policies.
Special industry taxes have gone directly into social development, healthcare and education, all of
which are often referred to as ‘soft infrastructure’. However, tourism has also spurred the
development of ‘hard infrastructure’ such as roads, telecommunications and airports. Also, as
attitudes within the industry itself are changing, larger hotels and other aspects of the industry have
become more socially conscious. Classic examples are the funding of local social projects.
National Parks and ecotourism
Figure 3.71 shows the location of Jamaica’s National and Marine Parks. Further sites have been
identified for future protection. The Jamaican government sees the designation of the parks as a
positive environmental impact of tourism. Entry fees to the Parks pay for conservation. The desire of
tourists to visit these areas and the need to conserve the environment to attract future tourism drives
the designation and management process.
Key questions
• How important are non-renewable fossil fuels, renewable energy supplies, nuclear power
and fuelwood, globally and in different countries at different levels of development?
• What are the benefits and disadvantages of nuclear power and renewable energy sources?
3.5 Energy
Figure 3.73 Oil refinery, Milford Haven, UK
Interesting note
The individual countries consuming the most energy in 2015, as a percentage of the world total,
were: China (22.9), USA (17.3), India (5.3), Russia (5.1) and Japan (3.4).
1 List the non-renewable sources of energy.
2 Describe the changes in world energy consumption shown in Figure 3.75.
3 To what extent do the types of energy consumption vary by world region?
4 Provide a bullet-point summary of Figure 3.77. Refer to all classes in the key.
5 a What is fuelwood?
b Why is it such an important source of energy in the developing world?
This decade will be crucial to the future of nuclear energy, with many countries making final decisions to
extend or begin their nuclear electricity capability. The nuclear energy issue is likely to be a major political
battleground in some countries.
1 State three advantages and three disadvantages of nuclear power.
2 When did the nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl occur?
3 Why might nuclear electricity become more important in the future?
Of the traditional five major sources of energy, HEP is the only one that is renewable. It is by far the most
important source of renewable energy. The ‘big four’ HEP nations of China, Brazil, Canada and the USA
account for almost 54 per cent of the global total (Table 3.15).
Table 3.15 HEP consumption, 2015: major countries
Most of the best HEP locations are already in use, so the scope for more large-scale development is limited.
However, in many countries there is scope for small-scale HEP plants to supply local communities.
Although HEP is generally seen as a clean form of energy, it is not without its problems, which include:
• large dams and power plants can have a huge negative visual impact on the environment
• the obstruction of the river for aquatic life
• deterioration in water quality
• large areas of land may need to be flooded to form the reservoir behind the dam
• submerging large forests without prior clearance can release significant quantities of methane, a
greenhouse gas.
Biofuels are fossil fuel substitutes that can be made from a range of crops, including oilseeds, wheat and
sugar. They can be blended with petrol and diesel. The biggest producers of biofuels are the USA (41.4 per cent),
Brazil (23.6 per cent) and Germany (4.2 per cent). By increasing biofuel production these countries have reduced
the amount of oil they need to consume, which is the main reason behind biofuel production. Advocates of
biofuels also argue that biofuels come from a renewable resource (crops); they can be produced wherever there is
sufficient crop growth, helping energy security; and they often produce cleaner emissions than petroleum-based
However, there are clear disadvantages in biofuel production. Increasing amounts of cropland have been used
to produce biofuels, adding to the ‘global food crisis’. Large amounts of land, water and fertilisers are needed for
large-scale crop production. The manufacture of biofuels also uses significant amounts of energy, creating
greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, biofuels have a lower energy output than traditional fuels. Initially,
environmental groups such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace were very much in favour of biofuels, but as
the damaging environmental consequences have become clear, such environmental organisations were the first to
demand a rethink of this energy strategy.
Global biofuel production increased from 19,651 thousand tonnes of oil equivalent in 2005 to 74,847
thousand tonnes of oil equivalent in 2015.
Geothermal electricity
Geothermal energy is the natural heat found in the Earth’s crust in the form of steam, hot water and hot rock
(Figure 3.83). Rainwater may percolate several kilometres down in permeable rocks, where it is heated due to the
Earth’s geothermal gradient. This is the rate at which temperature rises as depth below the surface increases. The
average rise in temperature is about 30°C per km, but the gradient can reach 80°C near plate boundaries. This
source of energy can be used directly for industry, agriculture, bathing and cleansing. For example, in Iceland hot
springs supply water at 86°C to 95 per cent of the buildings in and around Reykjavik.
Solar power
From a relatively small base the installed capacity of solar electricity is growing rapidly. In 2012, global solar
power capacity passed 100,000 MW, but by the end of 2016 it had reached 305 GW. This amounts to about 1.5
per cent of all global electricity generation. Experts say that solar power has huge potential for technological
improvement, which could make it a major source of global electricity in years to come. China, Japan, Germany,
the USA and Italy currently lead the global market for solar power.
Solar electricity is currently produced in two ways:
• Photovoltaic systems — these are solar panels that convert sunlight directly into electricity (Figure
• Concentrating solar power (CSP) systems — these use mirrors or lenses and tracking systems to focus
a large area of sunlight into a small beam. This concentrated light is then used as a heat source for a
conventional thermal power plant.
Table 3.16 outlines advantages and disadvantages of solar power.
Figure 3.85 Solar electricity being generated by photovoltaic panels in Spain
by the strength of the waves. The first experimental wave farm was opened in Portugal in 2008 at the
Agucadoura Wave Park. However, due to technical problems the facility was shut down 2 months after opening.
A number of research projects are in operation, including one off the shores of Oregon in the USA. The costs and
benefits of wave energy are broadly similar to those of tidal power.
1 Explain the difference between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.
2 Give two advantages and two disadvantages for each of the following forms of renewable
energy: wind, biofuels, solar, geothermal, tidal.
3 Apart from hydroelectricity, why does renewable energy contribute so little to global
energy supply?
4 For the country in which you live, find out which forms of renewable energy are used and
how much they contribute to total energy production.
Case study: Energy supply in China
China overtook the USA in total energy usage in 2009. The demand for energy in China
continues to increase significantly as the country expands its industrial base. In 2015, China’s energy
consumption breakdown by energy sources was as follows:
• coal 63.7 per cent
• oil 18.6 per cent
• hydroelectricity 8.5 per cent
• natural gas 5.9 per cent
• nuclear energy 1.3 per cent
• renewables 2.1 per cent.
China’s energy policy has evolved over time. As the economy expanded rapidly in the 1980s and
1990s, much emphasis was placed on China’s main energy resource, coal. China was also an
exporter of oil until the early 1990s; it is now a very significant importer. Chinese investment in
energy resources abroad has risen rapidly. Long-term energy security is viewed as essential if the
country is to maintain the pace of its industrial revolution.
In recent years China has tried to take a more balanced approach to energy supply and at the
same time reduce its environmental impact through:
• energy conservation
• placing a strong emphasis on domestic resources
• diversified energy development
• environmental protection
• mutually beneficial international cooperation.
The development of clean coal technology is an important aspect of China’s energy policy. China
is constructing clean coal plants at a rapid rate and gradually retiring older, more polluting power
plants. China has recently built a small experimental facility near Beijing to remove carbon dioxide
from power station emissions and use it to provide carbonation for beverages. Overall coal
consumption in China actually declined for the first time in 2015.
The further development of nuclear and hydropower is another important strand of Chinese policy.
The country also aims to stabilise and increase the production of oil while augmenting that of natural
gas and improving the national oil and gas network.
China’s strategic petroleum reserve
Priority was also given to building up the national oil reserve. In 2007 China announced an
expansion of its crude reserves into a two-part system. Chinese reserves would consist of a
government-controlled strategic reserve complemented by mandated commercial reserves. The
government-controlled reserves are being completed in three phases. This will protect China to a
certain extent from fluctuations in the global oil price, which can arise for a variety of reasons.
Renewable energy policy
Total renewable energy capacity in China reached 502 GW in 2015, up from 226 GW in 2009.
This included:
• 319.4 GW of hydroelectricity
• 129.3 GW of wind energy
• 43.2 GW of solar PV
• 10.3 GW of biomass.
China’s wind power capacity grew rapidly between 2005 and 2015 and is now the largest in the
world by a considerable margin. Its wind turbine manufacturing industry is now the largest in the
world, and it is now also the largest manufacturer of solar PV. China is very serious about tackling air
pollution and plans to have a total renewable capacity of more than 800 GW by 2021 (Table 3.17).
Table 3.17 China’s projected renewable electricity capacity (GW), 2015–21
The Three Gorges Dam
The Three Gorges Dam across the Yangtze river is the world’s largest electricity generating plant
of any kind (Figure 3.86). This is a major part of China’s policy in reducing its reliance on coal. The
dam is over 2 km long and 100 m high. The lake impounded behind it is over 600 km long. All of the
originally planned components were completed in late 2008. There are 38 main generators giving
the scheme a massive 22,500 MW generating capacity. The dam supplies Shanghai and
Chongqing in particular with electricity. This is a multipurpose scheme that also increases the river’s
navigational capacity and reduces the potential for floods downstream. However, there was
considerable opposition to the dam for a number of reasons (see page 123).
3.6 Water
Figure 3.87 Reservoir with water tower in Wales
Figure 3.88 Alternative water supply and management methods in Alberta, Canada
An alternative to building new dams and reservoirs is to increase the capacity of existing reservoirs by
extending the height of the dam. For example, the San Vicente Dam Raise Project in southern California is
adding 36 m to the existing 67 m structure. At a cost of $530 million it will more than double the current capacity
of the reservoir.
Cloud seeding
Cloud seeding is a technique used to increase rainfall (or snowfall) in an area. It can be used directly over an
agricultural area where rainfall is required immediately, or mountain or ‘orogenic’ cloud seeding can be used for
snowpack augmentation, particularly in snowmelt-dominated basins like those originating in the Rocky
Mountains in the USA and Canada (Figure 3.88 and 3.90). The more snow that falls in winter, the more water
there is from snowmelt in spring. Cloud seeding is also sometimes used in major ski resorts to increase snowfall.
• Households may be encouraged to use water butts and to trap rainwater by other methods, thus taking
less from the piped public supply. They may also be encouraged to use ‘grey water’ to water gardens, for
example. Grey water is water that has already been used, such as bath water.
1 Define:
a a dam
b a reservoir.
2 Write a paragraph to explain Figure 3.89.
3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of desalination?
4 Look at Figure 3.90 and explain how cloud seeding works.
Figure 3.91 Water used for agriculture, industry and domestic purposes in the developed and developing worlds
Figure 3.92 Water collection and distribution in central Asia
In terms of agriculture, more than 80 per cent of crop evapotranspiration comes directly from rainfall, with
the remainder from irrigation water diverted from rivers and groundwater. However, this varies considerably by
region. In the Middle East and North Africa, where rainfall is low and unreliable, more than 60 per cent of crop
evapotranspiration originates from irrigation.
Water shortages
110,000 km3 of precipitation falls onto the Earth’s land surface each year. This would be more than adequate
for the global population’s needs, but much of it cannot be captured and the rest is very unevenly distributed. For
• Over 60 per cent of the world’s population live in areas receiving only 25 per cent of global annual
• The arid regions of the world cover 40 per cent of the world’s land area, but receive only 2 per cent of
global precipitation.
• The Congo river and its tributaries account for 30 per cent of Africa’s annual runoff in an area
containing 10 per cent of Africa’s population.
Water scarcity is to do with the availability of potable water. Physical water scarcity is when physical
access to water is limited. This is when demand outstrips a region’s ability to provide the water needed by the
population. It is the arid and semi-arid regions of the world that are most associated with physical water scarcity.
Here temperatures and evapotranspiration rates are very high and precipitation low. In the worst affected areas,
points of access to safe drinking water are few and far between. Egypt is a clear example of physical water
scarcity, having to import more than half of its food because it does not have enough water to grow it
Economic water scarcity exists when a population does not have the necessary monetary means to utilise an
adequate source of water. The unequal distribution of resources is central to economic water scarcity, where the
crux of the problem is lack of investment. This occurs for a number of reasons, including political and ethnic
conflict. Figure 3.93 shows that much of sub-Saharan Africa is affected by this type of water scarcity.
Figure 3.93 Physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity worldwide
Securing access to clean water is a vital aspect of development. The lack of clean, safe drinking water is
estimated to kill over 4000 children per day. While deaths associated with dirty water have been virtually
eliminated from developed countries, in developing countries most deaths still result from water-borne disease.
Water scarcity has been presented as the ‘sleeping tiger’ of the world’s environmental problems, threatening to
put world food supplies in jeopardy, limit economic and social development, and create serious conflicts between
neighbouring drainage basin countries. The UN estimates that two-thirds of the world’s population will be
affected by ‘severe water stress’ by 2025. The situation will be particularly severe in Africa, the Middle East and
south Asia. The UN notes that already a number of the world’s great rivers are running dry (Figure 3.94), such as
the Colorado in the USA, and that groundwater is also being drained faster than it can be replenished. Many
major aquifers have been seriously depleted, which will present serious consequences in the future. In China, the
over-exploitation of aquifers has been a major factor in the decline in
rice production in some areas.
Figure 3.94 The dried-up bed of the Rio Oja, northern Spain
The Middle East and North Africa face the most serious problems. Since 1972 the Middle East has
withdrawn more water from its rivers and aquifers each year than is being replenished. Yemen and Jordan are
withdrawing 30 per cent more from groundwater resources annually than is being naturally replenished.
Israel’s annual demand exceeds its renewable supply by 15 per cent. In Africa, about 200 million people live in
water-stressed or water-scarce areas.
A country is judged to experience water stress when water supply is below 1700 m3 per person per year.
When water supply falls below 1000 m3 per person a year, a country faces water scarcity for all or part of the
The Water Project, a leading NGO, has recently stated the following with regard to water:
• At any one time, half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from water-borne
• Over one-third of the world’s population has no access to sanitation facilities.
• In developing countries, about 80 per cent of illnesses are linked to poor water and sanitation conditions.
• One out of every four deaths of children under the age of 5 worldwide is due to a water-related
• In developing countries, it is common for water collectors — usually women and girls — to have to
walk several kilometres every day to fetch water. Once filled, pots and jerry-cans can weigh as much as 20
The link between poverty and water resources is very clear, with those living on less than $1.25 a day
roughly equal to the number without access to safe drinking water. Access to safe water is vital in the prevention
of diarrhoeal diseases, which result in 1.5 million deaths a year, mostly among children under 5. Improving
access to safe water can be among the most cost-effective means of reducing illness and mortality. The UN
World Water Development Report stated: ‘The real tragedy is the effect it has on the everyday lives of poor
people, who are blighted by the burden of water-related disease, living in degraded and often dangerous
environments, struggling to get an education for their children and to earn a living, and to get enough to eat. The
brutal truth is that the really poor suffer a combination of most, and sometimes all, of the problems in the water
The future
Scientists expect water scarcity to become more severe, largely because:
• the world’s population continues to increase significantly
• increasing affluence is inflating per capita demand for water
• of the increasing demands of biofuel production — biofuel crops are heavy users of water
• climate change is increasing aridity and reducing supply in many regions
• many water sources are threatened by various forms of pollution.
Water management
The general opinion in the global water industry is that in the past the cost of water in the developed world
has been too low to encourage users to save water. Higher prices would make individuals and organisations, both
public and private, think more carefully about how much water they use. Higher prices would:
• encourage the systematic re-use of used or ‘grey’ water
• spur investment in recycling and reclamation systems
• lead to greater investment in the reduction of water losses.
However, many consumers still see water as a ‘free’ or very low-cost resource, and campaign groups are
concerned that higher prices would have an unfair impact on people on low incomes. Water pricing for both
domestic and commercial users is a sensitive issue. It has also become much more of a political issue as more
and more countries have privatised their water resources.
Conserving irrigation water would have more impact than any other measure. Most irrigation is extremely
inefficient, wasting half or more of the water used. A 10 per cent increase in irrigation efficiency would free up
more water than is evaporated by all other users. The most modern drip irrigation systems are up to 95 per cent
efficient, but require significant investment.
Although some industries have significantly reduced their use of water per unit of production, most water
analysts believe that much more can be done. For example, production of 1 kg of aluminium can require up to
1500 litres of water. Other industries, such as paper production, are also very water intensive. Some countries,
such as Japan and Germany, have made considerable improvements in industrial water use. For example,
Japanese industry recycles more than 75 per cent of process water.
As water scarcity becomes more of a problem, the investment required to tackle this global challenge will rise.
Table 3.18 shows the estimated investment needed by regions of the world for the period 2005–30. There are
very large contrasts between the different regions. Delivering water to the points where it is required is a costly
business in terms of both constructing and maintaining infrastructure. Overall, the sums of money illustrated in
Table 3.18 are huge and money may need to be diverted from other sectors of national government funding.
However, investment in water as a proportion of GDP has fallen by half in most countries since the late
Urban sanitation services are very heavy users of water. Demand could be reduced considerably by
adopting dry or low-water-use systems, such as dry composting toilets with urine separation systems. A number
of pilot projects are in operation, such as in the Gebers Housing Project in Stockholm.
1 Describe the differences shown in Figure 3.91.
2 Define:
a physical water scarcity
b economic water scarcity.
3 In which world region is economic water scarcity most widespread?
4 Why is water scarcity likely to become more severe in the future?
5 Give two examples of water management.
Interesting note
The water level in the Colorado-fed Lake Mead, the USA’s largest reservoir, has dropped by
more than 30 m since the beginning of the twenty-first century. The basin is now only just over half
Key questions
• How can economic activities pose threats to the natural environment, locally and globally?
• How important are sustainable development and management to economic development?
• How important is resource conservation?
Pollution is contamination of the environment. It can take many forms — air, water, soil, noise, visual and
others. Pollution has a major impact on people and the environment. Figure 3.99 shows how people are exposed
to chemicals and how exposure to these chemicals can affect human health. The methods of exposure to
pollutants are:
• breathing in chemical vapours and dust (inhalation)
• drinking or eating the chemical (ingestion)
• absorbing the chemical through the skin (absorption).
Air pollution
Of all types of pollution, air pollution has the most widespread effects on human health and the environment.
Air pollution affects people and the environment at a range of scales, from local to global. In many parts of the
developing world indoor air pollution is more severe than that experienced outdoors. This is the result of the use
of biomass fuels for cooking and heating. In many poor countries this is the only option available.
Virtually every substance is toxic at a certain dosage. The most serious polluters are the large-scale
processing industries, which tend to form agglomerations as they have similar locational requirements (Table
3.19). The impact of a large industrial agglomeration may spread well beyond the locality and region to cross
international borders. For example, prevailing winds in Europe generally carry pollution from west to east. Thus
the problems caused by acid rain in Scandinavia have been due partly to industrial activity in the UK. Dry and
wet deposition can be carried for considerable distances. For example, pollution found in Alaska in the 1970s
was traced back to the Ruhr industrial area in Germany.
Pollution is the major externality of industrial and urban areas. Externalities are the side-effects —
positive and negative — of an economic activity that are experienced beyond its site. Pollution is at its most
intense at the focus of pollution-causing activities, declining with distance from such concentrations (Figure
3.100). For some sources of pollution it is possible to map the externality gradient and field. In general, health
risk and environmental damage are greatest immediately around the source of pollution and the risk decreases
with distance from the source. However, atmospheric conditions and other factors can complicate this pattern.
Interesting note
• The countries with the largest total carbon dioxide emissions are China, the USA, India,
Russia and Japan. In terms of emissions per capita, the USA and Russia are the largest
Water pollution
Each year about 450 km3 of wastewater are discharged into rivers, streams and lakes around the world
(Figure 3.101). While rivers in more affluent countries have become steadily cleaner in recent decades, the
reverse has been true in much of the developing world. It has been estimated that 90 per cent of sewage in
developing countries is discharged into rivers, lakes and seas without any treatment. The UN estimates that
almost half the population in many developing world cities do not have access to safe drinking water. For
example, the Yamuna river, which flows through Delhi, has 200 million litres of sewage drained into it each day.
For many people the only alternative to using this water for drinking and cooking is to turn to water vendors who
sell tap water at greatly inflated prices.
Although most people in developed countries think that their water supplies are clean and healthy there is
growing concern in some quarters about traces of potentially dangerous medicines that may be contaminating tap
water and putting unborn babies at risk, according to a report published in the UK in September 2008. One
newspaper headline read: ‘Is our water being poisoned with a cocktail of drugs?’. Scientists are worried that
powerful and toxic anti-cancer drugs are passing unhindered through sewage works and making their way back
into the water supply.
Figure 3.102 London’s Heathrow airport (UK), with surrounding noise levels
The increase in air traffic is one of the major contributors to noise pollution (and air pollution). A large area
is currently affected by aircraft noise from Heathrow airport, near London, stretching from the southern outskirts
of Maidenhead in the west to the edge of Camberwell in the east (Figure 3.102). In this area, 600,000 people are
affected by noise levels of 55 decibels or over. People living close to the airport are affected by noise levels of 75
decibels. Significant annoyance from aircraft noise begins at 50 decibels.
The proposed third runway at Heathrow will increase the number of flights from 420,000 a year to 700,000
and will bring far more people within the area affected by aircraft noise. A recent study has highlighted the link
between exposure to noise and ill-health, noting in particular exposure to night-time aircraft noise and high blood
pressure. The latter can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
Light pollution is excessive or obtrusive artificial light. It is an externality of a developed society. Its sources
include the interior and external lighting of all sorts of buildings, advertising and street lighting. It is most severe
in highly industrialised and densely populated areas. It can have a serious impact on human health, causing
fatigue, loss of sleep, headaches and loss of amenity.
modern history.
Harbin, China An explosion at a large petrochemical plant in the
northeast Chinese city of Harbin in 2005 released toxic
pollutants into a major river. Benzene levels were 108
times above national safety levels. Benzene is a highly
poisonous toxin, which is also carcinogenic. Water
supplies to the city were suspended. Five people were
killed in the blast and more than 60 injured. Ten
thousand residents were temporarily evacuated.
1 Define ‘pollution’.
2 What are the means of human exposure to pollutants?
3 Which industries are the largest polluters?
4 Describe the sources and effects of two major air pollutants.
5 Briefly explain Figure 3.100.
6 Why is water pollution much more of a problem in the developing world than in the
developed world?
7 What are the main sources of noise pollution?
8 Define light pollution.
9 What is the difference between incidental pollution and sustained pollution?
Acid deposition
Acid deposition (Figure 3.103) refers to the mix of air pollutants that together lead to the acidification of
fresh water bodies and soils:
• Dry deposition: the direct uptake by the ground of pollutants in the form of particles, aerosols and
gases in the absence of precipitation.
• Wet deposition: acid rain, snow, fog and mist.
Figure 3.103 Acid deposition
Acid deposition began entering the atmosphere in large amounts during the Industrial Revolution. Acidity is
measured on the pH scale, which ranges from 0 to 14. Pure water is neutral and has a pH of 7. However, natural
rainwater is slightly acidic mainly because of dissolved CO2, which produces carbonic acid (H2CO3). Thus, the
pH of unpolluted rainwater ranges from pH 5 to pH 6. Acid rain is generally viewed as rainwater with a pH of
less than 5. In some parts of the northern hemisphere the pH of the rainwater has been recorded as low as 2.
Rotting vegetation and erupting volcanoes release some chemicals that can cause acid deposition, but the vast
majority of these chemicals result from human activity. Acid precipitation is mainly caused by the conversion of
sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen (NOx), produced when fossil fuels are burned, into the sulfates and nitrates
of dry deposition and the sulfuric acid and nitric acids of wet deposition. Wet deposition occurs when sulfur
dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere where they can react with water, oxygen and other
chemicals to form mild solutions of sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Coal-burning power plants are major producers
of sulfur dioxide, but all processes that burn coal and oil contribute to emissions of this gas. A range of industries
also produce significant amounts of sulfur dioxide. In contrast, nitrogen oxides emanate mainly from vehicle
Dry deposition is logically more important in areas of low precipitation. When it falls to the surface it can
stick to the ground, buildings, cars and vegetation. It can be washed from these surfaces by precipitation at a later
time. About half of the acidity in the atmosphere falls back to Earth through dry deposition. Dry
deposition generally occurs relatively close to emission sources. In contrast, wet deposition can be carried great
distances, sometimes thousands of miles, and thus it is a significant factor in trans-boundary pollution.
Acid deposition has a wide range of environmental implications, which include:
• damaging forests, especially those at higher elevations. Trees’ leaves and needles are harmed by acids
(Figure 3.104).
• robbing the soil of essential nutrients and releasing aluminium in the soil, which makes it hard for
trees to take up water
• increasing the acidity of lakes, streams, wetlands and other aquatic environments. This causes water
bodies to absorb the aluminium, which makes its way from soil into lakes and streams. This can make waters
toxic to crayfish, clams, fish and other aquatic animals.
• reducing crop yields because of increased acidity
• reducing visibility and harming public health
• accelerating the decay of building materials and paints. Acid deposition can cause significant damage
to historical buildings and other structures over time (Figure 3.105).
• Repairing the damage — this mainly involves liming acid waters. Such measures are expensive and
may not be sustainable in the long term.
1 Distinguish between wet and dry deposition.
2 Explain how forests can be damaged by acid deposition.
3 How can acid deposition adversely affect (a) soils and crops and (b) lakes?
4 What strategies can be used to manage acid deposition?
Figure 3.107 Great Barrier Reef, Australia — increasing acidity in oceans is having an impact on coral reefs
• Melting of ice caps and glaciers: satellite photographs show ice melting at its fastest rate ever. The
area of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean has decreased by 15 per cent since 1960, while the thickness of the ice
has reduced by 40 per cent. In 2007, the sea ice around Antarctica had melted back to a record low. At the
same time, the movement of glaciers towards the sea has speeded up. A satellite survey between 1996 and
2006 found that the net loss of ice rose by 75 per cent. Temperatures in western Antarctica have increased
sharply in recent years, melting ice shelves and changing plant and animal life on the Antarctic Peninsula
(Figure 3.108). Ice melting could cause sea levels to rise by a further 5 m (on top of thermal expansion).
Hundreds of millions of people live in coastal areas within this range.
Figure 3.112 Darkhan, Mongolia: (a) on a clear day and (b) during one of the regular dust storms that are
contributing to soil degradation. The number and strength of dust storms have increased in recent years
International action
Increasingly, successful policies developed in one country are being followed elsewhere. A good example is
the role of ecotourism in rainforest conservation (Figure 3.118). International organisations are the only hope of
getting to grips with the really big problems, such as climate change. The success of international cooperation in
tackling the hole in the ozone layer gives us reasonable hope for the future.
1 What is meant by the terms:
a resource management
b sustainable development?
2 Explain the sequence of events shown in Figure 3.116.
3 Look at Figure 3.118. Describe and explain how ecotourism can enhance rainforest
Product stewardship
Product stewardship is an approach to environmental protection in which manufacturers, retailers and
consumers are encouraged or required to assume responsibility for reducing a product’s impact on the
environment. Also called ‘extended producer responsibility’, it is a growing aspect of recycling. In many cases
this is a system of environmental responsibility whereby producers take back a product, recycling it as far as
possible, after the customer has finished with it. For manufacturers, this includes planning for — and if necessary
paying for — the recycling or disposal of the product at the end of its useful life. This may be achieved, in part,
by redesigning products to use fewer harmful substances, to be more durable, re-useable and recyclable, and to
make products from recycled materials.
Substitution is the use of common and thus less valuable resources in place of rare, more expensive resources.
An example is the replacement of copper by aluminium in the manufacture of a variety of products. Historically,
when non-renewable resources have been depleted, new technologies have been developed that effectively
substitute for the depleted resources. New technologies have often reduced pressure on these resources even
before they are fully depleted. For example, fibre-optic cables have replaced copper ones in many electrical
1 Explain the term ‘conservation of resources’.
2 Define:
a re-use
b recycling.
3 What is product stewardship?
4 How can substitution help to conserve important resources?
Energy efficiency
Meeting future energy needs in developing, emergent and developed economies while avoiding serious
environmental degradation will require increased emphasis on radical new approaches, which include:
• much greater investment in renewable energy
• conservation
• recycling
• carbon credits
• ‘green’ taxation.
Managing energy supply is often about balancing socio-economic and environmental needs. We have all
become increasingly aware that this requires detailed planning and management. Carbon credits and carbon
trading are an important part of the EU’s environment and energy policies. Under the EU’s emissions trading
scheme, heavy industrial plants have to buy permits to emit greenhouse gases over the limit they are allowed
(carbon credits) by government. However, this could be extended to other organisations such as banks and
supermarkets. From 2008 the UK government has been offering the free provision of visual display electricity
meters so that people can see exactly how much energy they are using at any time. Many countries are looking
increasingly at the concept of community energy. Much energy is lost in transmission if the source of supply is
a long way away. Energy produced locally is much more efficient. This will invariably involve microgeneration
(Figure 3.122).
1 Briefly explain the use of carbon credits and carbon trading.
2 What is the advantage of community energy?
3 Define microgeneration.
4 Give three energy conservation measures that individual people can take.
End-of-theme questions
Topic 3.1 Development
Figure 3.131 The environmental impact of the increasing demand for meat
1 a Compare the production of wheat grain and beef from 1 hectare of land (Figure
b Which type of farming will feed the most people?
2 a To what extent and why does the consumption of meat vary between developed and
developing countries?
b Why is the global demand for meat increasing at a significant rate?
3 Discuss the impact of this increasing demand for meat on the environment (Figure 3.131).
THEME 4 Geographical skills and investigations
4.1 Geographical and mathematical skills
4.2 Geographical investigations: coursework and the alternative to coursework
This theme Looks at a range of skills that geographers should be able to use. These include:
• mathematical skills, e.g. means, range and inverse proportions • mapwork skills, e.g. grid
and square references, distance, direction and land use • graphical skills, e.g. scatter graphs, pie
charts and triangular graphs • fieldwork skills, e.g. sampling, pilot studies and questionnaires.
Most Ordnance Survey maps that we use are either at a 1:50,000 or a 1:25,000 scale. On a 1:50,000 map, 1
cm on the map relates to 50,000 cm on the ground. On a 1:25,000 map every 1 cm on the map relates to 25,000
cm on the ground. In every kilometre there are 100,000 centimetres (1000 × 100 cm). So:
• on a 1:50,000 map every 2 cm corresponds to a kilometre
• on a 1:25,000 map every 4 cm corresponds to a kilometre.
A 1:25,000 map is more detailed than a 1:50,000 map and is therefore an excellent source for geographical
enquiries. 1:50,000 maps provide a more general overview of a larger area. You may come across other scales,
for example 1:10,000 and 1:2500.
Measurement on maps is made easier by grid lines. These are the regular horizontal and vertical lines you can
see on an Ordnance Survey map.
The horizontal lines are called northings and the vertical lines are called eastings. They help to pinpoint the
exact location of features on a map.
Directions can be expressed in two ways:
• compass points, for example southwest
• compass bearings or angular directions, for example 45°
Sixteen compass points are commonly used. Some of these are shown in Figure 4.3.
Compass bearings are more accurate than compass points but they can be quite confusing. Compass bearings
show variations from magnetic north. This is slightly different from the grid north on the Ordnance Survey map
(which is the way in which the northings go). True north is different again — this is the direction of the North
The gradient of a slope is its steepness. We can get a rough idea of the gradient by looking at the contour
pattern. If the contour lines are close together the slope is steep, and if they are far apart the land is quite flat.
However, these are not very accurate descriptions. To measure gradient accurately we need two
• the vertical difference between two points (this can be worked out using the contour lines or spot
• the horizontal distance between two places — this may or may not be a straight line (for example, a
meandering stream would not be straight).
Figure 4.4 Part of the 1:25,000 map showing Marmaloda Glacier and Lago di Fadala in the Dolomites,
northeastern Italy
Figure 4.5 Cable car from Lago di Fadala to Marmaloda Glacier
(H) by the difference in horizontal distance (D) and multiply by 100 per cent ([H/D] × 100%). This expresses
the gradient as a percentage.
Study the OS map shown in Figure 4.2.
1 How far is it:
a in a straight line
b by road
from the school in Goodwill to the school in the middle of Dundee?
2 What is the length of the coastline (to the nearest kilometre) as shown on the map
3 Approximately how long is the airstrip?
4 How wide is:
a the coral in Long Bay
b the mangrove forest between Minto and Salt Marsh?
5 What is the six-figure grid reference for:
a the two schools at Dundee
b Greenwood Great House?
6 What is found at 705023?
7 Give the four-figure grid reference for Chatham and for Davis Town.
8 Suggest reasons why there is an airstrip in grid square 6905.
9 In what direction is:
a Long Bay from Davis Town
b Goodwill from Rose Hill?
10 Copy Figure 4.3 and complete the missing compass points.
Study Figure 4.4 and 4.5.
11 In what direction is the cable car moving (towards the glacier)?
12 Approximately what is the altitude of:
a the lake
b the Marmaloda Glacier?
(Note that contours are shown at 25 m intervals.)
13 Using map evidence, suggest why a hydroelectric power station was built at the head of
Lago di Fadala.
Study Figure 4.6.
Figure 4.6 Part of the 1:25,000 map of northern Montserrat in the Caribbean
14 What is the height of
a Silver Hill (8658)
b Baker Hill (8455)?
(Note that the contours on this map are drawn at 50 feet intervals; assume that 3 feet equals
1 m.)
15 In what direction does Little Bay (8457) face?
16 How steep is the slope between Silver Hill and the coastline at Thatch Valley (8659)?
Measure from the peak of Silver Hill to the nearest point of the coast in Little Redonda. Express
your answer as a ‘one in x slope’.
17 Describe the relief (height and gradient) of squares 8658 (Silver Hill), 8457 (Potato Hill)
and 8655 (Judy Piece).
18 Following an eruption of the Soufrière volcano in 1997, much of the southern third of the
island was evacuated. Plans were made to develop the northern part of Montserrat. Study the
a Comment on the problems of developing the northern part of the island.
b Which, in your opinion, is the best location to develop housing, services and
economic activity?
Give reasons for your answer.
A cross-section is a view of the landscape as it would appear if sliced open, or if you were to walk along it. It
shows variations in gradient and the location of important physical and human features. Here’s how to draw a
1 Place the straight edge of a piece of paper between the two end points (Figure 4.7).
a Mark off every contour line (in areas where the contours are very close together you could
measure every second contour or significant contours, for example every 100 m).
b Mark off important geographical features.
2 Align the straight edge of the piece of paper against a horizontal line on graph paper, which is exactly
the same length as the line of the section. Use a vertical scale of 1 cm:50 m, or 1 cm:100 m; if you use a
smaller scale (for example 1 cm:5 m) you will end up with a slope that looks Himalayan!
a Mark off with a small dot each of the contours and the geographic features.
b Join up the dots with a freehand curve.
c Label the features.
d Remember to label the horizontal and vertical scales, the title, and the grid references for the
starting and finishing points.
Figure 4.7 Drawing a cross-section—the Massif Central in France
Figure 4.8 shows a cross-section of an extinct volcano in France. See how steep the volcano looks when a
scale of 1 cm:50 m is used compared with 1 cm:100 m.
Coastal landforms
Describing coastal scenery
• Does the coastline have steep slopes and cliffs, suggesting a coastline of erosion? Or are there wide
expanses of sand and mud suggesting deposition?
• Are there many headlands and bays indicating local changes in processes?
• Is the coastline broken by river mouths or estuaries?
• What is the direction of the coastline?
• Is there any evidence of longshore drift, for example spits, bars, tombolos?
• Are any of the features named? Give names and grid references.
• Is there any map evidence of human attempts to protect the coastline, for example groynes, sea walls,
• Does the map tell you whether the stretch of coastline is protected or open?
Rural settlements
Geographers should be able to find various types of information when studying rural settlements on a map.
They should be able to comment on the following key terms:
• Site: the immediate location of a settlement — that is, the land upon which it is built, for example on a
floodplain, close to a river, on a south-facing slope, on a crossroads, or at a wet point or dry point.
Using Figure 4.13, give reasons why this area may be volcanic in origin.
Figure 4.13 Extract from the 1:25,000 map of Lac d’Aydat in the Massif Central, France
Industrial location
The factors determining industrial location are changing. In the early part of the twentieth century, heavy
industries like iron and steel and car manufacturing were located close to raw materials and/or markets. Today,
manufacturing industry is drawn to out-of-town or edge-of-town sites. One of the factors is space and another is
cost. There is more, cheaper land available away from the built-up urban areas. Another factor is accessibility:
edge-of-town sites are closer to communications (motorways and railways) and the residential areas where
workers live. For many heavy industries, location by a deepwater channel is important for the import of raw
material and the export of finished goods.
Figure 4.16 1:50,000 map of St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Study Figure 4.16.
1 Describe the site of St Catharines.
2 Suggest contrasting reasons for the lack of settlement in parts of squares 4081 and 4679.
3 a What industries are located in 4681 and 4781?
b Suggest reasons for the large-scale industry in squares 4581 and 4681.
4 Describe the distribution of shopping centres, as shown on the map.
5 Contrast the pattern of roads in square 4280 with those in 4183 and 4083.
6 Give a four-figure grid reference for:
a Martindale Pond
b Port Weller Harbour.
7 Give a six-figure grid reference for Niagara College (near the centre of St Catherines).
Map scale
If the map scale is 1:50,000 every 1 cm on the map represents 50,000 cm on the ground (in reality). The
representative fraction is expressed as 1/50,000 — no units are given, as it could be cm, m, km etc.
For example, the mean number of services in eight villages was found to be:
There are other types of average. The mode refers to the group/value that occurs most often. In this example
there are two modes, 1 and 4. A pattern that has two peaks (or two modes) is called bimodal, whereas a pattern
with one peak is unimodal.
The median is the middle value when all the data are placed in either ascending or descending order. In this
case, we have 8, 7, 5, 4, 4, 2, 1, 1. When there are two middle values (as in this case), we take the average of the
two values, which is this case is very easy as both middle values are 4, hence the median is 4.
The range is the difference between the highest and lowest value. In this example it is 8 − 1 = 7.
with forested is 1:2 (one-third has been deforested and there are two-thirds left).
The world’s population is approximately 7.5 billion, and China’s population is approximately 1.3
billion. Express China’s population as a percentage of the world’s population.
Standard notation
Standard notation is the number that we would normally write, e.g. 567. The expanded standard index
notation shows that 567 is 5.67 × 102.
A positive index is a power value that is positive, for example 22 = 2 × 2 = 4, or 33 = 3 ×3 × 3 = 27.
Negative indices are powers that have a minus sign, for example 2−3 =
Significant figures
The significant figures are the numbers that give some meaning to the measurement/size of a feature.
Numbers are often rounded up or down to make them easier to understand. The world’s population is said to be 7
billion — this is one significant figure — seven times a billion. The world’s population was 7,503,875,592 at
20.30 hours on 11 May 2017. This figure is too detailed (and now out of date). A value of 7 billion (one
significant figure) or 7.5 billion (two significant figures) gives a better ‘feel’ for the size of the world’s
Express 7,503,875,592 in terms of:
a 4 significant figures
b 7 significant figures
c 9 significant figures.
Pictograms (or picture graphs) use pictures or symbols to represent the data. The number of times a symbol
occurs can represent the value or amount — in this way the pictogram acts very much like a bar chart (Figure
Line graphs
A line graph shows points plotted on a graph whereby the points are connected to form a line. This type of
graph is used to show continuing data. It shows the relationship between two variables, which are clearly labelled
on both axes of the graph. Many line graphs show changes over time. However, time does not have to be one of
the variables of a line graph. Examples of the use of line graphs include:
• temperature changes during the course of a day
• pedestrian counts by time of day
• temperature change with altitude.
The axes of a line graph should begin at zero and the variable for each axis should be clearly labelled. Be
careful with the choice of scale, as this will determine the visual impression given by the graph. Figure 4.25 is an
example of a line graph. Here, only one line has been drawn but it is valid to show a number of lines so long as
the course of each line is absolutely clear from start to finish.
Pie charts are subdivided circles. These are frequently used on maps to show variations in the composition of
a geographical feature, for example gross regional domestic product (Figure 4.26). The pie chart may also be
drawn proportional in size, to show an extra dimension, in this case the size of GRDP.
Table 4.1
Year Population (billions)
1800 1
1930 2
1960 3
1974 4
1987 5
1999 6
2011 7
2024 8
Figure 4.26 Example of the use of pie charts: employment and gross regional domestic product (GRDP) in
South Korea, 2000
Bar charts
In a bar chart, the length of the bar represents the quantity of the component being measured, for example
places or time intervals. The vertical axis has a scale that measures the quantity. There are four main types of bar
• Simple bar chart — each bar indicates a single factor, for example Figure 1.3, page 3.
• Multiple or group bar chart — features are grouped together on one graph to help comparison, for
example Figure 3.30, page 189.
• Compound bar chart — various elements or factors are grouped together on one bar (the largest or
most stable element or factor, i.e. the one with least variation, is placed at the bottom of the bar to avoid
• Percentage compound bar chart — this is a variation on the compound bar chart. It is used to
compare features by showing the percentage contribution, for example Figure 3.76, page 222. These graphs
do not give a total in each category but compare relative changes in terms of percentages.
A histogram is a special type of bar graph (Figure 4.28). It shows the frequency distribution of data. The x-
axis must be a continuous scale, with the values marked on it representing the lower and upper limits of the
classes within which the data have been grouped. The y-axis shows the frequency within which values fall into
each of the classes. A vertical rectangle or bar represents each class. The bars must be continuous without any
gaps between them.
Table 4.2
Figure 4.28 Example of a histogram and the data used
Kite diagrams
A kite diagram is a form of line graph where the scale is split in two, i.e. half the values are shown above a
horizontal line and half below. They are most commonly used to show vegetation distribution, for example along
a sand dune or across a footpath and its surrounding area (Figure 4.29).
Flow-line diagrams
Flow-line diagrams and maps are used to illustrate movements or flows (Figure 4.30). One might be used to
show the variation in volumes of traffic from different smaller settlements into a larger settlement. Straight lines
are used but the width of the individual flow lines will be proportional to the amounts of traffic they represent.
Thus, a line 10 mm wide may represent 500 vehicles an hour along a road. On the same scale a line 2 mm wide
would represent 100 vehicles an hour. Flow lines could also be used to show the number of buses coming into a
town on a particular day.
Figure 4.30 Flow-line diagram to show sources of water contributing to the River Nile
Dispersion diagrams
A dispersion diagram is very useful for showing the range of a data set, the tendency to group or disperse,
and for comparing two sets of data. It involves plotting the values of a single variable on a vertical axis. The
horizontal axis shows the frequency. The resulting diagram shows the frequency distribution of a data set (Figure
Figure 4.31 Dispersion diagrams showing the distribution of lichens on east-and west-facing gravestones
Ray diagrams
There are two main types of ray diagram: wind roses and desire lines. Ray diagrams are made up of straight
lines (rays), which show a connection or movement between two places.
Wind rose diagrams (Figure 4.32) show the variations in wind direction for a certain time period. The
direction of each ray to the centre is the direction from which the wind is blowing. Each ray is proportional in
length to the number of days the wind blew from that direction.
Figure 4.32 Example of a wind rose diagram
Desire-line diagrams show movement from one place to another. This type of diagram could be used to show
where people live and the supermarket they use. If there are four supermarkets in an area then the rays would
focus on four points rather than just one as in a wind rose diagram. Desire-line diagrams are therefore more
complicated than wind rose diagrams.
Isoline diagrams
Isolines join points of equal value on a map. They are similar to contours on an Ordnance Survey map.
Isolines can only be drawn when the values under consideration change in a fairly gradual way over the area of
the map. Data for quite a large number of locations are required in order to draw a good isoline map. Isoline
maps are unsuitable for patchy data. Figure 4.35 is an isoline map showing pedestrian flow in and around a
central business district.
Figure 4.35 An isoline map
Scatter graphs
Scatter graphs show how two sets of data are related to each other, for example population size and number
of services, or distance from the source of a river and average pebble size. To plot a scatter graph, decide which
variable is independent (population size/distance from the source) and which is dependent (number of
services/average pebble size). The independent is plotted on the horizontal or x-axis and the dependent on the
vertical or y-axis. For each set of data, project a line from the corresponding x- and y-axis, and where the two
lines meet mark the point with a dot or an X (Figure 4.36).
Choropleth maps
Choropleth maps can use variations in colour or different densities of black and white shading. The following
steps should be followed in the construction of a choropleth map:
• Look at the range of data and divide it into classes. There should be no less than four classes and no
more than eight.
• Allocate a colour to each class. The convention is that shading gets darker as values increase.
• Now apply each colour to the applicable areas of the map.
• Provide a key, scale and north point.
The choropleth map is a popular technique, frequently used in atlases, textbooks and many other types of
publication. It can convey a lot of information in a straightforward and visually appealing way.
The main disadvantage of the choropleth is that it can show abrupt changes at boundary lines, when in reality
change is much more gradual. It also gives the impression of uniformity within individual areas on the map,
when in reality a reasonable degree of variation may be present. Careful selection of class sizes can reduce this
Proportional circles
Proportional circles are the next step up from pie charts. While pie charts are viewed as a basic graphical
technique, proportional circles are a higher-level technique. Proportional circles are useful when illustrating the
differences between two or more amounts. They are particularly effective when placed on location maps. In
Figure 4.37 the three circles shown are proportional in area to the total number of offences recorded in the three
urban areas. The method used to decide the radius of each circle is as follows:
1 Write out each of the total figures for which circles are to be drawn in the first column.
2 Find the square root for each figure and write this down in a second column.
3 Use the square root for the radius of each circle. By doing this the area of each of the circles will be
mathematically proportional to the figures they are representing. For the radii you can use any units you
want providing they are the same for each of the circles.
Table 4.4 shows a simple example.
Triangular graphs
Triangular graphs are used to show data that can be divided into three parts, for example soil (sand, silt and
clay), employment (primary, secondary and tertiary), or population (young, adult and elderly) (Figure 4.38).
They require that the data are in the form of a percentage and that the percentages total 100%. The main
advantages of the triangular graph are:
• they allow a large number of data to be shown on one graph (think how many pie charts or bar charts
would be needed to show all the data on Figure 4.38)
• groupings are easily recognisable, for example in the case of soils groups of soil texture can be
• dominant characteristics can be shown easily
• classifications can be drawn up.
Triangular graphs can be tricky and it is easy to get confused, especially if care is not taken, but they do
provide a fast, reliable way of classifying large amounts of data that have three components.
Figure 4.38 Triangular graph to show population composition in selected countries
1 Construct a scatter graph using the data in Table 4.5.
Table 4.5
Site Discharge (m3/sec) Suspended load (g/m3)
1 0.45 10.8
2 0.42 9.7
3 0.51 11.2
4 0.55 11.3
5 0.68 12.5
6 0.75 12.8
7 0.89 13.0
8 0.76 12.7
9 0.96 13.0
10 1.26 17.4
2 On a copy of Figure 4.39 and using the data in Table 4.6, show how the workforce of
Korea has changed over time.
Table 4.6 Percentage of Korean workforce employed in primary, secondary and tertiary industries, 1970–2015
It is useful in this section to briefly state the sequence of investigation you are going to follow. This should
ensure that you are clear about the remaining stages of the investigation and that you tackle the route to
geographical enquiry in a logical manner.
1 Draw a diagram to illustrate the route to geographical enquiry.
2 a What is a hypothesis?
b Give two examples.
3 Why is it important to study the geographical background of your coursework topic?
4 How would you go about justifying the geographical location of your enquiry?
The reasons for sampling
For many geographical investigations it is impossible to obtain ‘complete’ information. This is usually
because it would just take too long in terms of both time and cost. For example, if you wanted to study the
shopping habits of all 1000 households in a suburban area by using a doorstep questionnaire, it would be a huge
task to visit every household.
However, it is valid to take a ‘sample’ or proportion of this total ‘population’ of 1000 households, providing
you follow certain rules. The idea is that you are selecting a group that will be representative of the total
You might decide to take a 5% or 10% sample, which would involve talking to 50 or 100 of the 1000
households in the area. But how do you decide which 50 or 100 households to sample? There are three
recognised methods of sampling that are considered scientifically valid. All three methods avoid bias, which
would make results unreliable.
Sampling types
Before selecting the sampling method you need to consider how you are going to take a sample at each
location. There are three alternatives:
• Point sampling — making an observation or measurement at an exact location, such as an individual
house or at a precise six-figure grid reference.
• Line sampling — taking measurements along a carefully chosen line or lines, such as a transect across a
sand dune ecosystem.
• Quadrat (or area) sampling — quadrats are mainly used for surveying vegetation and beach deposits.
A quadrat is a gridded frame.
All three sampling types are shown in Figure 4.41. Here all of the sampling types are illustrated using the
systematic method of sampling. When you have read the next section you might think how these diagrams would
look using random and stratified sampling.
Sampling methods
Random sampling
This method involves selecting sample points by using random numbers (Figure 4.42 and 4.43). Tables of
random numbers can be used or the numbers can be generated by most calculators. The use of random numbers
guarantees that there is no human bias in the selection process.
Figure 4.42 Section of a table of random numbers
Figure 4.43 How a grid and map can be used for random sampling
Systematic sampling
With this method the sample is taken in a regular way. It might, for example, involve every tenth house or
person. When using an Ordnance Survey map it might mean analysing grid squares at regular intervals.
Stratified sampling
Here the area under study divides into different natural areas. For example, rock type A may make up 60%
of an area and rock type B the remaining 40%. If you were taking soil samples for each type, you should ensure
that 60% of the samples were taken on rock type A and 40% on rock type B (Figure 4.44).
Figure 4.44 Random, systematic and stratified sampling
Pilot surveys
A pilot study or trial run can play an important role in any geographical investigation. A pilot study involves
spending a small amount of time testing your methods of data collection. For example:
• If you are using equipment, does all the equipment work and can everyone in the group use it
• If your data collection involves a questionnaire, can the people responding understand all the questions
• If a method of sampling is used, does everyone know how to select the sample points accurately?
A small-scale pilot study allows you to make vital adjustments to your investigation before you begin the
main survey. This can save a great deal of time in the long run.
1 Why is sampling so important in geographical investigation?
2 Work in groups to provide outlines of different geographical investigations that would
a random sampling
b systematic sampling
c stratified sampling.
3 Why might it be beneficial to conduct a pilot study prior to beginning a geographical
Interviews are more detailed interactions than questionnaires. They generally involve talking to a relatively
small number of people. A study of an industrial estate might involve interviews if you were trying to find out
why companies chose to locate on the estate. An interview is much more of a discussion than a questionnaire,
although you should still have a pre-planned question sheet. It can be a good idea to record interviews but you
should ask the interviewee’s permission first.
It may be sensible to work in pairs when conducting questionnaires as some people can act in an unfriendly
manner when approached in the street. Working in pairs can also speed the process up considerably, with one
person asking the questions and the other noting the answers. Also, be aware that shopping malls, individual
shops and other private premises may not allow you to conduct questionnaires without seeking permission
1 Design a questionnaire that might be used as part of an investigation into tourism in a
small resort.
2 Briefly outline a geographical investigation in your local area that could involve the use of
Annotated photographs
Annotated photographs should be seen as complementing field sketches rather than just being an alternative
to them. Like field sketches, good, fully annotated photographs are regarded as a higher-level skill. Always
record the precise location and conditions of the photographs you take. This should include a grid reference, the
direction the photograph was taken in, weather conditions and time of day. Such information will make
annotation quicker and easier in the long run.
An annotated photograph shows your key perceptions about a location you have visited on fieldwork. A
series of such photographs might show:
• how the type and quality of housing varies in an inner city or suburban area
• how a river and its valley changes from source to mouth.
Annotations should be in the form of short, sharp sentences (Figure 4.47). Moderate abbreviation is fine
providing the meaning of the comment remains clear. Some annotations will be just descriptive, but where the
opportunity arises some explanation should also be included. Annotation can be most effective when the
photograph is placed on the page in landscape format, which will allow more space for annotations on all four
sides. As with field sketches, a series of annotated photographs could form a very effective part of your analysis.
You should look to correlate annotated photographs with the tables and graphs showing your data analysis.
Photographs are also useful to show how you carried out surveys and field measurements.
1 a Draw a field sketch of an urban or rural environment within easy reach of your
b Suggest why this location has geographical interest.
2 Annotate a photograph of a location of interest you have visited.
Recording tables
The most straightforward method of observation is noting whether a physical or human feature exists in an
area or not. Figure 4.48 is an example of a recording table showing park facilities. The objective here is to
compare the facilities in four parks before attempting to explain the differences between them. Recording is done
by placing a tick in the appropriate square. Notice that there is a final column to accommodate any unexpected
Scoring systems
Scoring systems are used in quality of life and other types of survey. Figure 4.49 is an example of a scoring
system used to study variations in environmental quality in different parts of a residential area. Figure 4.49a
shows that in this example ten local environmental factors are being observed. Figure 4.49b shows how the
scoring system works. Here a score of 5 is the maximum possible for the best environmental conditions. The
minimum score is 1. For each location the individual environmental scores are added together to achieve a total
environmental score. In this example, the lowest possible total score is 10, and the highest is 50. It can be useful
to practise the system in class using photographs before going out to conduct fieldwork.
Figure 4.49 Example of an environmental scoring system
Tally charts
Counts of various kinds are an element of many geographical investigations. Figure 4.50 is an example of a
tally chart used to record visitor numbers at key locations in a park. The convention is to show counts in groups
of five, with the fifth count as a line drawn across the previous four counts.
Pedestrian counts often form part of urban geography investigations. You could see how pedestrian counts
decline with distance from the centre of the CBD. Pedestrian counts could be conducted every 50 m or 100 m
from this point.
1 Produce a recording table that could be used as part of a geographical investigation in
your local area.
2 Look at the scoring system shown in Figure 4.49. Discuss the merits and limitations of this
Coursework assessment
Before you begin your coursework enquiry you should be aware of how your coursework will be assessed.
The mark scheme for the assessment of coursework is in the syllabus document. This is in the form of a matrix,
which shows what you need to do to meet each of the five assessment criteria.
1 What is the difference between analysis and interpretation?
2 Write an analysis and interpretation of the isoline pattern shown in Figure 4.35.
3 What might you include in the evaluation of your coursework?
Case studies
Analysing sand dunes
Investigating rivers
Streams and small rivers are a popular focus for geographical investigation because most schools will not be
too far from a suitable example. Figure 4.53 shows some of the measurements that can be taken at various
locations along the course of a river. For safety reasons it is best to avoid working in streams above the height of
your knees.
For most river studies you will want to produce a cross-section of the river channel. The method is as follows:
• Use a tape measure to assess the channel width. This should be done at right-angles to the course of
the river. If you want to produce a cross-section of the river when discharge is at its highest you should look
for evidence of the highest point the water reaches on each bank. This will give the bankfull width.
Figure 4.53 Taking river measurements
Command words
The table gives examples of command words but it is not an exhaustive list of those that may appear in
Abrasion (or corrasion) A type of erosion in which rock fragments carried by waves or a river scrape
and grind away a surface such as a cliff face.
Accessibility The ease with which a place can be reached. An area with high accessibility will generally
have a well-developed transport network and be centrally located.
Active volcano A volcano currently showing signs of activity.
Afforestation Planting of trees in areas that have not previously held forests. Trees may be planted to
increase interception by vegetation, to bind soil together and to reduce overland runoff and thus soil erosion.
Age-specific mortality rate Mortality rate for a specific age or age range, for example the infant
mortality rate or child mortality rate.
Agricultural technology The application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal
and vegetable products.
Air pressure The pressure at any point on the Earth’s surface that is due to the weight of the air above it;
it decreases as altitude increases. At sea level the average pressure is 1013 millibars (mb). Areas of relatively
high pressure are called anticyclones; areas of low pressure are called depressions.
Altitude Measurement of height, usually given in metres above sea level. Temperature declines, on
average, 1°C for every 100 m (and therefore rises 1°C with every decrease in altitude of 100 m).
Anti-natalist policies Policies that aim to reduce population growth.
Aquifer A rock that allows water to move through it, such as a layer of sandstone. The aquifer must occur
above a layer of rock that prevents the water seeping away, such as clay.
Arable farms The cultivation of crops; there is no involvement with livestock.
Arch A natural bridge-like feature formed by erosion. Arches are formed from the erosion of a headland
where two caves meet and break through the headland.
Arid Arid areas are usually defined as areas that receive less than 250 mm of rainfall each year.
Ash Very fine-grained volcanic material.
Aspect The direction in which something faces.
Attrition The process by which particles of rock being transported by a river or the sea are rounded and
become smaller in size by being struck against one another. Particles become smaller and more rounded as the
distance downstream in a river increases. Particles near the shoreline become smaller and more rounded due to
more frequent attrition.
Backwash The movement of water back down the beach due to the effect of gravity.
Bar A depositional feature — a long ridge of sand or pebbles running parallel to a coastline that is
submerged at high tide. Some bars develop as offshore bars when waves disturb sediments on the sea bed and
form them into a submarine ridge or bar, while others form from the development of a spit across the whole of
a small bay.
Bay A wide, open, curving indentation of the sea.
Beach A feature of coastal deposition, consisting of pebbles on exposed coasts or sand on sheltered coasts.
It is usually defined by the high and low water marks.
Bid rent A model that states that land value and rent decrease as distance from the central business district
Biodiversity Biological diversity — a measure of the variety of the Earth’s plant and animal species, of
genetic differences within species, and of the ecosystems that support those species.
Biofuel Any fuel produced from organic (once living) matter, either directly from plants or indirectly
from industrial, commercial, domestic or agricultural wastes. These fossil fuel substitutes can be made from a
range of crops, including oilseeds, wheat and sugar.
Birth rate The number of live births per thousand population in a year.
Braided channel The subdivision of a river into several channels caused by deposition of sediment as
small islands in the main channel. Braided channels are common in glacial meltwater streams.
Brand A distinguished name and/or symbol intended to identify a product or producer.
Brown Agenda The range of environmental problems associated with large cities.
Brownfield site A site that has previously been used but has become derelict. It must be made safe so
that housing can be built on it.
By-product Something left over from the main production process that has some value and can therefore
be sold.
Carbon credit A permit that allows an organisation to emit a specified amount of greenhouse gases.
Carbon trading When a company that does not use up the level of emissions it is entitled to can sell the
remainder of its entitlement to another company.
Carrying capacity The largest population that the resources of a given environment can support.
Cave Coastal caves are large holes formed where relatively soft rock containing lines of weakness is
exposed to severe wave action.
Central business district (CBD) The part of a town or city where most of the commercial activity is
Chamber The reservoir of magma located deep inside a volcano.
Cinders Small rocks and other coarse volcanic materials.
Cliff A rock-face along a coastline, where coastal erosion, weathering and mass movements are active and
the slope rises steeply (over 45°) and for some distance. The nature of the cliff depends on the nature of the
rocks, their hardness and their jointing pattern.
Climate The combination of weather conditions at a particular place over a period of time — usually a
minimum of 30 years. Climate thus includes the averages, extremes and frequencies of all meteorological
elements such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, wind, humidity and sunshine.
Cloud Water vapour condensed into minute water particles that float in the atmosphere. Clouds are
formed by the cooling of air containing water vapour, which generally condenses around tiny dust or ice
Coastal management strategies Measures taken to prevent coastal erosion and/or flooding. To
reduce erosion, several different forms of coastal protection are used. These can be divided into hard
engineering and soft engineering.
Coastline The area of contact between land and sea.
Collision boundary A plate boundary where two plates are converging. These include destructive
boundaries, where an oceanic plate meets a continental plate, and collision boundaries, where the two plates
are both continental plates.
Commercial farming Farming for profit, where food is produced for sale in the market.
Communications systems The ways in which information is transmitted from place to place in the
form of ideas, instructions and images.
Community energy Energy produced close to the point of consumption.
Community tourism A form of tourism that aims to include and benefit local communities, particularly
in developing countries.
Commuter A person who travels into a large town or city for work but lives in a different settlement.
The term also applies to a person who travels to work from the suburbs to the centre of a large urban area.
Concentric model (Burgess) A model of urban land where different activities occur at different
distances from the urban centre. The result is a sequence of concentric circles or rings.
Cone volcano Steep volcano formed of sticky (viscous) acidic lava, ash and cinders.
Confluence The point at which two rivers meet.
Conservation Allowing for developments that do not damage the character of a location.
Conservation of resources The management of the human use of natural resources to provide the
maximum benefit to current generations while maintaining capacity to meet the needs of future generations.
Conservative plate boundary (or transform plate boundary) Where two plates slide past one
another without loss of material.
Constructive plate boundary A plate boundary where new material is being formed by the upwelling
of magma from within the Earth’s interior.
Constructive wave A wave with a long wavelength and a low height. Constructive waves help to build
up beaches by deposition.
Consumer culture The equating of personal happiness with consumption and the purchase of material
Convectional rainfall Rainfall associated with hot climates, resulting from the rising of convection
currents of warm air. Air that has been warmed by the extreme heating of the ground surface rises to great
heights and is cooled quickly. The water vapour carried by the air condenses and rain falls heavily.
Convectional rainfall is usually associated with thunderstorms.
Coral Living organisms that may form large reefs. Coral reefs provide a habitat for a wide diversity of
living organisms.
Counterurbanisation The process of population decentralisation as people move from large urban areas
to smaller urban settlements and rural areas.
Crater Depression at the top of a volcano following a volcanic eruption. It may contain a lake.
Cross-profile The cross-section of a river valley.
Cruciform settlement A settlement at an intersection of roads that usually consists of lines of buildings
radiating out from the intersection.
Cultural diffusion The process of the spreading of cultural traits from one place to another.
Cumulative causation The process whereby a significant increase in economic growth can lead to even
more growth as more money circulates in the economy.
Dam Structure built to hold back water in order to prevent flooding, to provide water for irrigation and
storage, and to provide hydroelectric power.
Death rate The number of deaths per thousand population in a year.
Decentralisation The movement of people or industry away from the centre of the city to the suburbs or
the edge of town.
Decimal A number between two whole numbers, e.g. 4.2.
Deforestation Destruction of forest for timber, fuel, charcoal burning and clearing for agriculture and
extractive industries, such as mining. It causes fertile soil to be blown away or washed into rivers, leading to
soil erosion, drought, flooding and loss of wildlife.
Delta A landform formed when a river, heavily laden with sediment, enters a body of standing water, such
as a lake or a sea, with negligible currents. The lack of velocity in the lake or sea causes the river to deposit its
Demographers People who study human populations.
Demographic divide The difference between countries where population growth remains high and those
with very slow-growing, stagnant or declining populations.
Demographic momentum Although the global population growth rate has been declining for decades,
the number of people added each year remains very high because there are currently so many women in the
child-bearing age range.
Demographic transition model A model illustrating the historical shift of birth and death rates from
high to low levels in a population.
Densely populated Having a high population density.
Dependency ratio The ratio of the number of people under 15 and over 64 years to those in the 15–64
age group.
Depopulation A decline in the number of people in a population.
Deposition The laying down of material carried by rivers or the sea because of a reduction of velocity or
discharge (both causing a loss of energy), often caused by increased friction with vegetation or coarse particles.
Deprivation A condition in which a population group suffers from a poor quality of economic, social and
environmental conditions.
Desalination The process of removing salt from seawater so that it can be used for human consumption
or for irrigation.
Desert A dry area with limited vegetation. Deserts can be either hot or cold. Characteristics common to
all deserts include irregular rainfall of less than 250 mm per year.
Desertification The gradual transformation of habitable land into desert.
Destination footprint The environmental impact caused by an individual tourist on holiday in a
particular destination.
Destructive plate boundary Plate boundary where an oceanic plate meets a continental plate. The
oceanic plate is more dense than the continental plate, so it sinks below the continental crust.
Destructive wave A wave with a high height and a short wavelength, which helps erode beach materials
and cliffs.
Development The use of resources to improve the quality of life in a country.
Development gap The differences in wealth, and other indicators, between the world’s richest and
poorest countries.
Diffusion The spread of a phenomenon over time and space.
Direct proportion In mathematical terms, a direct proportion exists between two values when one is a
multiple of the other, e.g. 1 cm = 10 mm.
Discharge The volume of water passing a certain point per unit of time. It is usually expressed in cubic
metres per second (cumecs).
Dispersed settlement A settlement pattern in which most of the houses are scattered in the countryside
rather than being concentrated in towns and villages.
Dormant volcano A volcano that has not erupted for a very long time but could erupt again.
Dormitory (commuter) settlement A settlement that has a high proportion of commuters in its
Drainage basin The area of land drained by a river system (a river and its tributaries).
Drought An extended period of dry weather leading to conditions of extreme dryness. Absolute drought is
a period of at least 15 consecutive days with less than 0.2 mm of rainfall. Partial drought is a period of at least
29 consecutive days during which the average daily rainfall does not exceed 0.2 mm.
Dry point site An area free from flooding in an otherwise wet region, for example a hilltop site
surrounded by a marsh.
Dust storm A severe windstorm that sweeps clouds of dust across an extensive area, especially in an arid
Earthquake A sudden movement of the Earth’s crust.
Economic leakage The part of the money a tourist pays for a foreign holiday that does not benefit the
destination country because it goes elsewhere.
Economic water scarcity When a population does not have the necessary monetary means to utilise an
adequate source of water.
Economies of scale The reduction in unit cost as the scale of an operation increases.
Ecosystem An integrated unit consisting of a community of living organisms (animals and plants) and
the physical environment (air, soil, water and climate) that they inhabit. Individual organisms interact with
each other and with their habitat.
Ecotourism A specialised form of tourism where people experience relatively untouched natural
environments such as coral reefs, tropical forests and remote mountain areas, and ensure that their presence
does no further damage to these environments.
Emigration rate The number of emigrants per thousand population leaving a country of origin in a year.
Energy ladder The transition from fuelwood and animal dung to ‘higher-level’ sources of energy, such
as electricity, as part of the process of economic development.
Energy mix The relative contribution of different energy sources to a country’s energy consumption.
Enhanced greenhouse effect Global warming caused by large-scale pollution of the atmosphere by
economic activities.
Environmental impact statement A document required by law detailing all the impacts on the
environment of a construction project above a certain size.
Epicentre The point on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus of an earthquake. The strength of the
shockwaves generally decreases away from the epicentre.
Erosion Wearing away of the Earth’s surface by a moving agent, such as a river, glacier or the sea. In a
river, there are several processes of erosion, including hydraulic action, abrasion, attrition and solution. In
coastal areas, hydraulic action is the most potent form of erosion.
Evaporation The process in which a liquid turns to a vapour.
Evapotranspiration The combined water losses of evaporation and transpiration.
Extensive farming Where a relatively small amount of agricultural produce is obtained per hectare of
land, so such farms tend to cover large areas of land. Inputs per unit of land are low.
Externalities The side-effects — positive and negative — of an economic activity that are experienced
beyond its site.
Extinct volcano A volcano that has shown no signs of volcanic activity in historic times.
Fetch The distance of open water over which wind can blow to create waves. The greater the fetch the
more potential power waves have when they hit the coast.
Flood A discharge great enough to cause a body of water to overflow its channel and submerge (flood) the
surrounding area.
Floodplain An area of periodic flooding along the course of a river valley. When river discharge exceeds
the capacity of the channel, water rises over the channel banks and floods the adjacent low-lying lands.
Focus The position within the Earth where an earthquake occurs. Earthquakes can be divided into
shallow-focus and deep-focus earthquakes, depending on how far below the surface they occur.
Food energy efficiency Producing food with the least possible use of energy. For example, the
efficiency of food production can be improved by reducing the number of levels in the food production chain.
An obvious example is eating and producing less meat.
Footloose industry An industry that is not tied to a certain area because of energy requirements or other
Form The shape of a settlement, mainly influenced by its physical geography and topography.
Formal sector That part of an economy known to the government department responsible for taxation,
and to other government offices.
Fossil fuel A fuel comprising hydrocarbons (coal, oil and natural gas), formed by the decomposition of
prehistoric organisms in past geological periods.
Fraction Part of a whole — for example, of Borneo’s rainforest has been deforested.
Function A classification of settlements based on their socio-economic functions, for example market
towns, commuter towns and ports.
Gabion A wire basket filled with rocks or stones used for stabilising slopes and protecting the base of
cliffs in areas of coastal erosion.
Gentrification The movement of higher social or economic groups into an area after it has been
renovated and restored. This may result in the out-migration of the people who previously occupied the area. It
most commonly occurs in the inner city.
Geothermal energy The natural heat found in the Earth’s crust in the form of steam, hot water and hot
Gini coefficient A technique used to show the extent of income inequality.
Global city A city that is judged to be a significant nodal point in the global economic system. Global
cities are major financial and decision-making centres.
Global civil society All organisations or individuals, independent from the state, who aim to improve
society through communal efforts at a national or international level.
Globalisation The increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of the world economically,
culturally and politically.
Gorge A narrow, steep-sided valley that may or may not have a river at the bottom. A gorge may be
formed as a waterfall retreats upstream.
Greenfield site An area of agricultural land or some other undeveloped site that is a potential location for
commercial development or industrial projects but has not yet been developed. Such sites are normally on the
edge of towns and have good transport links.
Green Revolution The development of high-yielding varieties of seed and modern agricultural
techniques in developing countries.
Green village A village that consists of dwellings and other buildings, such as a church, clustered around
a small village green or common, or other open space.
Gross national product The total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year, plus
income earned by the country’s residents from foreign investments and minus income earned within the
domestic economy by overseas residents.
Gross national product per capita The total GNP of a country divided by the total population.
Groundwater Water stored underground in a permeable rock, e.g. chalk or sandstone.
Growth pole A particular location where economic development is focused, setting off wider growth in
the region as a whole.
Groyne Wooden or concrete barrier built at right angles to a beach in order to block the movement of
material along the beach by longshore drift.
Hamlet A small rural settlement that is more than just an isolated dwelling but not large enough to be a
village. Typically it has 11–100 people. In the UK, it may have a church and a pub, but very little else.
Hard engineering Any coastal (or river) protection scheme that involves altering the natural
environment with concrete, stone, steel, metal etc., for example the use of sea walls, gabions, groynes and
revetments. Artificial structures are built in order to protect the natural environment from erosion.
Headland A point of land projecting into the sea, also known as a cape or a promontory.
Hierarchy The organisation and structure of settlement based on size and the number of functions that a
settlement has. At the top of the hierarchy are cities and conurbations. At the base are individual farmsteads
and hamlets.
High-order goods/services/functions Expensive services and goods (comparison goods) such as
electrical goods and furniture, that the shopper will buy only after making a comparison between various
models and different shops.
Hotspot A relatively small area of the Earth where magma rises through a continental or oceanic plate. As
the plate moves across the hotspot a chain of volcanoes may form, e.g. the Canary Islands and the Hawaiian
Human development index (HDI) The United Nations measure of the disparities between countries
using life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling for adults aged 25 years, expected years of schooling
for children of school entering age, and GNI per capita (PPP$).
Humidity The quantity of water vapour in a given volume of air (absolute humidity), or the ratio of the
amount of water vapour in the atmosphere to the maximum amount the air can hold (relative humidity). At
dew point the relative humidity is 100 per cent and the air is said to be saturated. Condensation (the conversion
of vapour to liquid) may then occur.
Hurricane (tropical cyclone) A region of very low atmospheric pressure in tropical regions. Hurricanes
originate in latitudes between 5° and 20° north or south of the equator, when the surface temperature
of the ocean is above 27°C. A central calm area, called the eye, is surrounded by inwardly spiralling winds
(anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere) of up to 320 km/hr.
Hydraulic action The erosive force exerted by water alone. It is particularly effective on jointed rocks,
especially during storm conditions.
Hydrological cycle The water cycle, by which water is circulated between the Earth’s surface and its
Hypermarket A very large self-service store selling a wide range of household and other goods, usually
on the outskirts of a town or city.
Immigration rate The number of immigrants per thousand population entering a receiving country in a
Incidental pollution A one-off pollution incident.
Industrial agglomeration The clustering together of economic activities.
Industrial estate An area zoned and planned for the purpose of industrial development.
Infant mortality rate The number of deaths of children under 1 year of age per thousand live births per
Infiltration The movement of water into the soil. The rate at which water enters the soil (the infiltration
rate) depends on the intensity of rainfall, the permeability of the soil, and the extent to which it is already
saturated with water.
Informal sector That part of the economy operating outside official recognition.
Inner city The area that surrounds the central business district of a town or city. In many cities this is one
of the older industrial areas and may suffer from decay and neglect, leading to social problems. Inner cities are
characterised by poor-quality terraced housing with old manufacturing industry nearby.
Inputs The elements that are required for processes to take place, such as raw materials, labour, energy
and capital. For example, a farm requires a range of inputs, such as labour and energy, before anything else can
Intensive farming Agriculture characterised by high inputs per unit of land to achieve high yields per
Interception The precipitation that is collected and stored by vegetation.
Internally displaced people People forced to flee their homes due to human or environmental factors,
but who remain in the same country.
Internet A group of protocols by which computers communicate.
Inverse proportion In mathematical terms, an inverse proportion exists when one value increases at the
same rate as another decreases, i.e.
Involuntary (forced) migration When people are made to move against their will due to human or
environmental factors.
Irrigation Supplying dry land with water by systems of ditches and also by more advanced means.
Knick-point An indent or abrupt change in the smooth, concave long profile of a river. A knick-point
usually marks the location of a waterfall.
Lagoon A coastal body of shallow, salt water, usually with limited access to the sea. The term is normally
used to describe the shallow sea area cut off by a coral reef or a bar.
Landfill A site at which refuse is buried under layers of earth.
Land tenure The ways in which land is or can be owned.
Lava Molten magma that has reached the Earth’s surface. It may be liquid or may have solidified.
Least developed countries (LDCs) The poorest of the developing countries. They have major
economic, institutional and human resource problems.
Levée A raised bank found along the side of a river channel.
Life expectancy at birth The average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live under
current mortality levels.
Linear settlement Housing that has grown up along a route such as a road. Many settlements show this
pattern, since roads offer improved access to employment centres.
Load Material transported by a river. It includes material carried on and in the water (suspended load),
material carried in solution (soluble load) and material bounced or rolled along the riverbed (bedload).
Long profile The cross-section of a river from its source to its mouth.
Longshore drift The movement of material along a beach by wave action. When a wave breaks
obliquely (at an angle to the beach), pebbles are carried up the beach in the direction of the wave (swash). The
wave returns to the sea (backwash) at right-angles to the beach (direction of steepest slope), carrying material
with it.
Loss of sovereignty This results from the ceding of national autonomy to other organisations.
Low-order goods/services/functions Items or services that are purchased/required frequently
(convenience goods), such as milk or bread. People are not prepared to travel far to buy such items.
Magma Molten rock within the Earth. When magma reaches the surface it is called lava.
Malnutrition Weakness and poor health caused by not eating enough food or from eating food without
the necessary nutrients.
Managed retreat When the coastline is allowed to retreat (erode) in certain areas where the population
density or the value of land is low, so that nature takes its course.
Mangroves Salt-tolerant forests of trees and shrubs that grow in the tidal estuaries and coastal zones of
tropical areas.
Mass media A section of the media specifically designed to reach a large audience. The term was coined
in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks, and mass-circulation newspapers and magazines.
Mass migration A large-scale migration between a particular origin and a particular destination.
Maximum-minimum thermometer A thermometer that shows both the maximum temperature in a
given time period and the minimum temperature in the same time period. Also known as Six’s thermometer.
Mean In mathematical terms, this is a type of average. It is found by totalling (Σ) the values for all
observations (Σx) and then dividing by the total number of observations
Meander A shaped curve in a river that is flowing sinuously across relatively flat country.
Median In mathematical terms, this is the middle value when all the data are placed in either ascending or
descending order.
Megacity A city with more than 10 million inhabitants.
Megalopolis The term used to describe an area where many conurbations exist in relatively close
Mercalli scale A scale of earthquake intensity based on descriptive data.
Microgeneration Using generators that produce electricity with an output of less than 50 kW.
Migration The movement of people across a specified boundary — national or international — to
establish a new permanent place of residence.
Millionaire city A city with more than 1 million inhabitants.
Mixed farming Cultivating crops and keeping livestock together on a farm.
Mode In mathematical terms, this refers to the group/value that occurs most often in a set of figures. A
pattern that has two peaks (or two modes) is called bimodal, whereas a pattern with one peak is unimodal.
Monsoon rain The rainy phase of a seasonally changing pattern of rainfall.
Mouth The point where a river enters the sea or a lake.
Multiplier effect The idea that an initial amount of spending or investment causes money to circulate in
the economy, bringing a series of economic benefits over time.
Natural hazard A natural event that puts people, property and livelihoods at risk.
Natural vegetation The vegetation type that would be found in an area if there was no human impact.
For example, the natural vegetation of the British Isles is oak woodland, as that is the species best able to
tolerate the temperate climate of that part of the world.
Negative index In mathematical terms, negative indices are powers that have a minus sign, e.g.
Newly industrialised country (NIC) A nation that has undergone rapid and successful industrialisation
since the 1960s.
Nucleated settlement A settlement in which houses and other buildings are tightly clustered around a
central feature such as a church, village green or crossroads.
Optimum population The best balance between a population and the resources available to it. This is
usually viewed as the population giving the highest average living standards in a country.
Organic farming Agriculture that does not use manufactured chemicals such as chemical fertilisers,
pesticides, insecticides and herbicides.
Out-of-town location A location found on the edge of town (often a greenfield site) where land prices
are lower, land is available for development, and accessibility for private cars is high.
Outputs Finished products that are sold to customers or consumed, for example what a farm produces,
such as milk, eggs, meat and crops.
Overgrazing The grazing of natural pastures at stocking intensities above the livestock carrying capacity.
Overland flow Overland movement of water after rainfall.
Overpopulation When there are too many people in an area relative to the resources and the level of
technology available.
Oxbow lake A curved lake found on the floodplain of a river. Oxbows are caused by the loops of
meanders being cut off at times of flood and the river subsequently adopting a shorter course.
Package tour The most popular form of foreign holiday where travel, accommodation and meals may all
be included in the price and booked in advance.
Padi-fields Flooded parcels of land used for growing rice.
Pastoral farming The rearing of livestock, such as dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep and pigs.
Percentage A number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100 (%).
Physical water scarcity When physical access to water is limited.
Plantation A large farm or estate where one crop is produced commercially, such as palm oil in Malaysia
or tea in Sri Lanka. Plantations are usually owned by large companies, often multinational corporations. Many
plantations were established in countries under colonial rule, using slave labour.
Plunge pool A deep pool at the bottom of a waterfall. It is formed by the hydraulic action of the water
and abrasion by the more resistant rock.
Pollution Contamination of the environment. It can take many forms, for example air, water, soil, noise
and visual.
Population density The average number of people per square kilometre in a country or region.
Population distribution The way that the population is spread out over a given area, from a small
region to the Earth as a whole.
Population explosion The rapid population growth of the developing world in the post-1950 period.
Population policy Encompasses all of the measures taken by a government aimed at influencing
population size, growth, distribution or composition.
Population pyramid A bar chart, arranged vertically, that shows the distribution of a population by age
and gender.
Population structure The composition of a population, the most important elements of which are age
and sex (gender).
Positive index In mathematical terms, a positive index is a power value that is positive, e.g. 22 = 2 × 2
= 4, or 33 = 3 × 3 ×3 = 27.
Potable water Water that is free from impurities, pollution and bacteria, and is thus safe to drink.
Pothole A small hollow in the rock bed of a river. Potholes are formed by the erosive action of rocky
material carried by the river (abrasion), and are commonly found along the river’s upper course, where it tends
to flow directly over solid bedrock.
Precipitation Water that falls to the Earth from the atmosphere. It is part of the hydrological cycle.
Forms of precipitation include rain, snow, sleet, hail, dew and frost.
Preservation Maintaining a location exactly as it is and not allowing development.
Prevailing wind The direction from which the wind most commonly blows in a region. In the British
Isles, for example, the prevailing wind is southwesterly, blowing from the Atlantic Ocean, and bringing moist
and mild conditions.
Primary product dependent When a country relies on one or a small number of primary products for
most of its export earnings.
Primary sector Industries that exploit raw materials from land, water and air.
Pro-natalist policies Policies that promote larger families.
Pro-poor tourism Tourism that results in increased net benefits for poor people.
Processes The operations that take place on a farm, such as ploughing and harvesting, or the industrial
activities that take place in a factory to make the finished product.
Product chain The full sequence of activities needed to turn raw materials into a finished product.
Product stewardship An approach to environmental protection in which manufacturers, retailers and
consumers are encouraged or required to assume responsibility for reducing a product’s impact on the
Programme food aid Food that is provided directly to the government of a country for sale in local
markets. This usually comes with conditions from the donor country.
Project food aid Food that is targeted at specific groups of people as part of longer-term development
Purchasing power parity Income data that have been adjusted to take account of differences in the cost
of living between countries.
Push and pull factors Push factors are negative conditions at the point of origin that encourage or force
people to move. In contrast, pull factors are positive conditions at the point of destination that
encourage people to migrate.
Pyroclastic flow Superhot (700°C) flows of ash, pumice (volcanic rocks) and steam moving at speeds of
over 500 km/hr.
Quaternary sector Industries using high technology to provide information and expertise.
Quota Agreement between countries to take only a predetermined amount of a resource.
Rainfall A form of precipitation in which drops of water fall to the Earth’s surface from clouds. The drops
are formed by the accumulation of fine droplets that condense from water vapour in the air. The condensation
is usually brought about by rising and subsequent cooling of air.
Rain gauge An instrument used to measure precipitation, usually rain. It consists of an open-topped
cylinder, inside which there is a close-fitting funnel that directs the rain to a collecting bottle inside a second,
inner cylinder.
Ranching A commercial form of pastoral farming which involves extensive use of large areas of land for
grazing cattle or sheep. Ranches may be very large, especially where the soil quality is poor. In the Amazon
basin some deforested areas are used for beef cattle ranching.
Range The distance that people are prepared to travel to obtain a good or service.
Range In mathematical terms, this is the difference between the highest and lowest values. For example,
in a set of data, if the highest value is 8 and the lowest value is 1, then the range is 8 − 1 = 7.
Rate of natural change The difference between the birth rate and the death rate. If it is positive it is
termed natural increase. If it is negative it is known as natural decrease.
Rate of net migration The difference between the rates of immigration and emigration.
Ratio In mathematical terms, a ratio is a method of comparing relative size or proportions.
Rationing A last-resort management strategy when demand is massively out of proportion to supply.
For example, individuals might only be allowed a very small amount of fuel and food per week.
Re-use Extending the life of a product beyond what was the norm in the past, or putting a product to a
new use and extending its life in this way.
Recycling The concentration of used or waste materials, their reprocessing, and their subsequent use in
place of new materials.
Refugees People forced to flee their homes due to human or environmental factors and who cross an
international border into another country.
Relief food aid Food that is delivered directly to people in times of crisis.
Remittances Money sent by migrants back to their families in their home communities.
Renewable energy Sources of energy, such as solar and wind power, that are not depleted as they are
Representative fraction On a map, the representative fraction is expressed as, for example, 1/50,000
— no units are given as they could be cm, m, km etc.
Resource management The control of the exploitation and use of resources in relation to
environmental and economic costs.
Revetment A form of hard engineering in which the energy of the waves is absorbed by wooden planks
or reflected by concrete structures.
Ria A drowned V-shaped valley and its tributaries.
Richter scale An open-ended scale to record the magnitude of earthquakes: the higher the number on the
scale the greater the strength of the earthquake.
River cliff A steep slope forming the outer bank of a meander. It is formed by the undercutting of the
river current, which is at its fastest when it sweeps around the outside of the meander.
Robotics technology Technology associated with the design, construction and operation of robots in
Rural depopulation Population decline in a rural area. It is usually the most isolated rural areas that
are affected.
Rural-to-urban migration The movement of significant numbers of people from the countryside to
towns and cities.
Rural-urban fringe The boundary area of a town or city, where new building is changing land use from
rural to urban. It is often a zone of planning conflict.
Saltation The bouncing of rock particles along a riverbed. It is the means by which bedload (material that
is too heavy to be carried in suspension) is transported downstream.
Sand dune A mound or ridge of wind-drifted sand common on coasts and in deserts. In coastal areas,
sand is trapped by vegetation, notably sea couch grass and marram grass, to form stable dunes.
Sea level An average level of the sea, between high water mark and low water mark.
Secondary sector Industries that manufacture primary materials into finished products.
Sector model (Hoyt) A model of urban land use in which the various land use zones are shaped like
wedges radiating from the central business district.
Shanty town Unplanned, illegal shelters constructed from cheap or waste materials (such as cardboard,
wood and cloth). Shanty towns are commonly located on the outskirts of cities in developing countries, or
within large cities on derelict land or near rubbish tips.
Shield volcano A gentle, low-angled volcano formed of runny, basaltic lava, e.g. Mauna Loa in Hawaii.
The lava is capable of flowing long distances before cooling.
Shifting cultivation A farming system in which farmers move on from one place to another when the
land becomes exhausted. The most common form is slash-and-burn agriculture: land is cleared by burning, so
that crops can be grown. After a few years soil fertility is reduced and the land is abandoned. A new area is
cleared while the old land recovers its fertility.
Significant figures In mathematical terms, these are the numbers that give some meaning to the
measurement/size of a feature.
Site The immediate area in which a settlement is located.
Situation The relative location in which a settlement is found.
Slum An area of poor-quality housing. Slums are typically found in parts of the inner city in developed
countries and in older parts of cities in developing countries. Slum housing is usually densely populated, in a
poor state of repair, and has inadequate services.
Social norms The general attitudes of a population to important issues such as family size, contraception,
religion, politics etc.
Soft engineering Any form of coastal (or river) protection that involves the use of natural means, e.g.
sand dunes, saltmarshes, tree planting and/or beach replenishment.
Soil The outermost layer of the Earth’s solid surface, consisting of weathered rock, air, water and decaying
organic matter overlying the bedrock. Soil comprises minerals, organic matter (called humus) derived from
decomposed plants and organisms, living organisms, air and water.
Soil erosion The wearing away and redistribution of the Earth’s soil. It is caused by the action of water,
wind and ice, and also by unsustainable methods of agriculture.
Solution (or corrosion) The process by which the minerals in a rock, notably calcium ions, are
dissolved in acid water. Solution is one of the processes of erosion.
Sparsely populated Describing an area with a low population density.
Sphere of influence The specific area served by a settlement for a variety of functions such as
education, healthcare, shopping and recreation.
Spit A ridge of sand or shingle connected to the land at one end and the open sea at the other end. It is
formed by the interruption of longshore drift due to wave refraction, river currents, secondary winds and/or
changes in the shape of the coastline.
Spring line settlement A line of settlements in an area where water emerges in a series of springs.
Stack An isolated, upstanding pillar of rock that has become separated from a headland by coastal erosion.
It is usually formed by the collapse of an arch.
Standard notation In mathematical terms, this is the number that we would normally write, e.g. 567.
Stevenson screen A box designed to house weather-measuring instruments, such as thermometers. It is
kept off the ground by legs, has louvred sides to encourage the free passage of air, and is painted white to
reflect heat radiation.
Stump An eroded stack that is exposed only at low tide.
Subduction zone The area where one tectonic plate slides beneath another, a process known as
subduction. One plate (usually a dense oceanic plate) plunges underneath a less dense continental plate. As it
sinks, it melts and is destroyed, forming magma, which in turn may reach the surface through volcanic activity.
Subsidy Financial aid supplied by the government to an industry for reasons of public welfare.
Subsistence farming The most basic form of agriculture, where the produce is consumed entirely or
mainly by the family that works the land or tends the livestock. If a small surplus is produced it may be sold or
Suburb Outer part of an urban area. Suburbs generally consist of residential housing and shops of a low
order (newsagent, small supermarket). Often, suburbs represent the most recent growth of an urban area. Their
growth may result in urban sprawl.
Supervolcano a volcano with a volcanic explosive index (VEI) of 8 or more.
Suspension The movement of fine-grained material, such as clay and silt, in a river by turbulent flow.
Sustainable development A carefully calculated system of resource management that ensures that the
current level of exploitation does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Sustainable tourism Tourism organised in such a way that its level can be sustained in the future
without creating irreparable environmental, social and economic damage to the receiving area.
Sustained pollution Long-term pollution.
Swash The movement of material up the beach in the direction of the prevailing wind.
System A situation in which there are recognisable inputs, processes and outputs.
Terrace A levelled section of a hilly cultivated area.
Tertiary sector The part of the economy that provides services to businesses and to people.
Thermal expansion An increase in water volume due to temperature increase.
Threshold The minimum number of people necessary before a particular good or service will be
provided in an area.
Tombolo A bar that links an island to the mainland.
Total fertility rate The average number of children a women has during her lifetime.
Tourist-generating countries Countries from which many people take holidays abroad.
Toxic Poisonous. Toxicity is a measure of the degree to which something is poisonous.
Traction The movement of large-sized materials in a riverbed by rolling.
Transnational corporation (TNC) A firm that owns or controls productive operations in more than one
country through foreign direct investment (FDI).
Transpiration The loss of water from a plant by evaporation.
Transport systems The means by which materials, products and people are transferred from place to
Tributary A stream or river that joins a larger river.
Tropical rainforest Dense forest usually found on or near the equator where the climate is hot and wet.
The vegetation in tropical rainforests typically includes a canopy formed by high branches of tall trees
providing shade for lower layers, an intermediate layer of shorter trees and tree roots, lianas, and a ground
cover of mosses and ferns.
Tsunami A large and unusual wave in the water generated by a submarine earthquake, volcanic eruption
or landslide.
Underemployment A situation where people are working less than they would like to and need to in
order to earn a reasonable living.
Underpopulation When there are too few people in an area to use the resources available effectively.
Urbanisation The process by which the proportion of a population living in or around towns and cities
increases through migration and natural increase.
Urbanisation of poverty The gradual shift of global poverty from rural to urban areas with increasing
Urban land use A simplified model of the land use (such as industry, housing and commercial activity)
that may be found in towns and cities.
Urban renewal An urban area where existing buildings are either renovated or demolished and rebuilt.
Urban sprawl Outward spread of built-up areas caused by their expansion. Unchecked urban sprawl may
join cities into conurbations.
V-shaped valley A river valley with a V-shaped cross-section. These valleys are usually found near the
source of a river, where the steeper gradient means that there is a great deal of abrasion along the stream bed,
and there is more vertical erosion than lateral (sideways) erosion.
Vent The channel through which volcanic material is ejected.
Village A small assemblage of houses; smaller than a town and larger than a hamlet.
Volcano A cone-shaped mountain formed by material (magma, ash and cinders) erupted from below the
Earth’s surface.
Voluntary migration When the individual has a free choice about whether to migrate or not.
Waste product A product of a manufacturing industry that has no value and must be disposed of.
Costs are incurred in the disposal of waste products.
Waterfall A cascade of water in a river or stream. It occurs when the river flows over a bed of rock that
resists erosion. Weaker rocks downstream are worn away, creating a steep, vertical drop and a plunge pool into
which the water falls.
Water scarcity When water supply falls below 1000 m3 per person per year — the country faces water
scarcity for all or part of that year.
Watershed A ridge or other line of separation between two river basins or drainage systems.
Water stress When water supply in a country is below 1700 m3 per person per year.
Water supply The volume of clean (potable) water available for a community or region.
Wave Circular or elliptical movement of water near the surface of the sea.
Wave-cut platform A gently sloping rock surface found at the base of a coastal cliff. It is covered by
water at high tide but is exposed at low tide. It is formed by the erosion (by waves) of a former cliff face.
Wave refraction The way in which a wave changes shape and loses speed as it comes into contact with
the sea bed. If refraction is complete, waves break parallel to the coastline. If refraction is not complete,
longshore drift occurs.
Weather Day-to-day variation of atmospheric and climatic conditions at any one place over a short period
of time. Such conditions include humidity, precipitation, temperature, cloud cover, visibility and wind,
together with extreme phenomena such as storms and blizzards. Weather differs from climate in that the latter
is a composite of the average weather conditions of a locality or region over a long period of time (at least 30
Wet point site A settlement with a reliable supply of water in an otherwise dry area.
Xerophyte A plant adapted to live in dry conditions. Common adaptations include a reduction in leaf size,
leaf hairs to trap a layer of moist air, water storage cells, sunken stomata and permanently rolled leaves or
leaves that roll up in dry weather (as in marram grass).
Photo credits
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(Nelson Thornes, 2000), copyright © Garrett Nagle 2000, reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press;
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reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press; p.161 Figure 2.101: G. Nagle, ORG GCSE Geography
(Through Diagrams) (Oxford University Press, 1998), copyright © Garrett Nagle 1998, reprinted by permission
of Oxford University Press;
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and Change (Cambridge University Press, 2010), © Cambridge University Press 2010, reprinted with permission;
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2003), Figure 4.54: David Holmes and Sue Warn, Fieldwork Investigations: a self-study guide (Hodder
Education, 2003).
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abrasion 113, 117, 131
accessibility 41
Achill beach 135
acid deposition 246–248
acid rain 246, 247, 260
active volcanoes 91
adult literacy 173–174
afforestation 122
Afghanistan 21
age-specific mortality rate 6
agricultural systems 194–196, 253
agricultural technology 198
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) 8, 10
air pollution 64, 66, 69, 77, 82, 242–245, 260
air pressure 149, 152, 159
air traffic 245
Akosombo Dam, Ghana 131
Alaska 99
albedo values 110
alternative energy sources 225–229
altitude 158
Amin, Idi 21
Amnesty International 24
anemometers 149, 150, 152, 153
aneroid barometers 152
animals 160, 165
annotated photographs 280–281, 298, 299
Antarctica 34, 36, 249
Antigua 96, 134, 135, 138
anti-natalist policies 16, 17–18
aquifers 112, 233, 236
Arabat spit 135
arable farms 195, 253
arches 132
area sampling 294
Argentina 253
arid areas 110
artesian wells 233
ash 90, 91, 97
aspect of settlement 40
assembly industries 206
assessment vi, 302
Aswan Dam 127
Atbara river 127, 128
atoll reefs 137, 138
attrition 113, 131
Australia 13, 15–16, 254
Axe, River 115
backshore 133
backwash 129, 130
Bangalore 209–210
floods 122, 125, 126
food production 199–200
population 14–15, 16, 30, 31, 32
settlements 41
Barbados 73
Barber, Benjamin 191
bar charts 286
barographs 152
barometers 149, 152
Barra da Tijuca, Brazil 59, 75
barrier reefs 137, 138, 249, 254
bars 133, 134
bays 130, 132–133
beaches 133, 134, 145
Bellandur Lake, India 65
benzene 243, 244, 246
Bhopal accident 77, 245, 246
bid rent 48, 49
bimodal patterns 282
biodiversity 159
biofuels 161, 227, 229, 236
birth rate
definition 4
population dynamics 4–6, 9, 11–13
population policy 16–17
population structure 30, 31
urbanisation 70
world population increase 3
Blikkiesdorp, Cape Town 55
Boeing 207
boreholes 233
Brahmaputra river 122
braided channels 119
brain-drain effect 25, 70
brands 187, 191
deforestation 162
development gap 177
inequalities 182–183
population 23, 36
settlements 42, 59, 76
urbanisation 74–75, 79
breakwaters 144, 145
Brown Agenda 77
brownfield sites 66
Brunei 53, 59
building design 100–102
Bulgaria 13
Burgess’s concentric model 49
by-products 205
Cairo 41, 157
California 238, 239
Canada 13, 36–37, 41, 197
Cape Peninsula, South Africa 132, 135
Cape Town 54–55, 73
capital-intensive industries 206
carbon credits 258
carbon dioxide 243, 244, 248, 249
carbon trading 258
Caribbean 70, 96, 97, 102–104, 147
carrying capacity 109, 122, 125, 251
Castries 78
caves 132
Central Arizona Project (CAP) 239
central business district (CBD) 49, 50–51, 52
chamber (of volcano) 90
channelisation 124
charcoal 223
Cheong Gye Cheon River 69
Chernobyl accident 21, 225, 245, 246
case studies 80–83, 229, 259–260
floods 122
globalisation 189
Harbin accident 246
inequalities 179
pollution 64, 244, 259–260
population 4, 14, 17–18, 22–23
Three Gorges Dam 123, 230
urbanisation 70, 71
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 243, 248
choropleth maps 290
Christchurch earthquakes 104–105
cinders 97
circular (radial) graphs 289
central business district 50–51
industrial areas 55–56
residential zones 51
settlement hierarchy 43, 44
transport routes 56
urbanisation 71, 76, 78
urban land use 48–50
clean coal technology 229
cliffs 132, 145
climate 156–167
definition 156
end-of-theme questions 170
equatorial and hot desert climates 156–157
factors affecting 157–159
hot deserts 164–167
tropical rainforests 159–163
climate change 26, 236, 250
Cloke’s model of rural change 42
clouds 154, 158
cloud seeding 233–234
coal 221, 222, 229, 247
coastal management strategies 144, 145–146
coastline 139
coasts 129–148
bars and spits 134–136
beaches 133–134
case studies 140, 143–144, 146, 148
coastal development 147
coastal flooding 83
coastal hazards and opportunities 139–144
coastal management 144–146
deposition 133–139
describing coastal scenery 273–274
end-of-theme questions 169
landscapes of erosion 131–133
marine processes 129–131
tourism 147
collision boundaries 94, 95, 96
Colorado River 239
command words 305
commercial farming 195
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 198, 255
Common Fisheries Policy 255
communications systems 187
community energy 259
community tourism 220
commuter (dormitory) settlements 44
compass points 266, 267
composite (cone) volcanoes 90, 91
compound bar charts 286
compound line graphs 285
concentrating solar power (CSP) systems 228, 229
concentric model (Burgess) 49
cone volcanoes 90, 91
confluence 109
conservation 218
conservation of resources 256, 257–259
conservative plate boundaries 94, 95, 96
constructive plate boundaries 94–95, 96
constructive waves 129, 130
consumer culture 187
contour lines 267, 268, 270, 271
convectional rainfall 110, 156
convergent (collision) boundaries 94, 95, 96
convergent (destructive) plate boundaries 94, 95, 96
Cook, Thomas 212
coral 137, 138, 254
coral reefs 137–138, 139, 148
core-frame concept 51, 52
corrasion 113
corrosion 113
counterurbanisation 23
coursework 292–304
analysis and interpretation 301
assessment vi, 302
collection, selection and collation of data 293–300
defining the objectives of study 293
evaluation and suggestions for further work 301–302
identification of issue, question or problem 292–293
making effective conclusions 301
presentation and recording of results 301
crater (of volcano) 90, 91
cross-profiles 114
cross-sections 270, 271, 303–304
cruciform settlements 40
Cuba 73
cultural diffusion 190, 191
cumulative causation 35, 179, 180
Curituba, Brazil 79, 80
Cuyahoga River 65
cyclones 14, 143–144
cyclonic rainfall 110
daily (diurnal) temperature range 150, 151
dams 113, 232
hydroelectric power 225
longshore drift 131
managing floods 122, 123, 125–128
water supply 232–233
Danum Valley Conservation Area (DVCA) 163
data collection 293–300
death rate
definition 4
population dynamics 3–6, 7–9, 11–13
population policy 17
population structure 30, 31
urbanisation 70
Death Valley 166–167
decentralisation 23, 75, 82
decimals 283
deep-focus earthquakes 91
definition 122, 251
Pearl River delta 260
soil erosion 251, 252
tropical rainforests 161–163
deltas 119, 120–121
demographers 2
demographic divide 9, 10
demographic momentum 3
demographic transition model 5, 6, 30
densely populated areas 13, 34, 36–37
dependency ratio 10, 25, 32, 33
depopulation 12, 23
acid deposition 246–248
beaches 133–134
coasts 133–139
coral reefs 137–138
definition 107
mangroves 139
rivers 107, 114, 118, 119
sand dunes 136–137
deprivation 14
desalination 77, 233
desertification 252
deserts see hot deserts
desire-line diagrams 288
destination footprint 217
destructive plate boundaries 94, 95, 96
destructive waves 129, 130
Detroit 67–68
development 172–193
definition 172
employment structure 184–186
end-of-theme questions 261
global impacts of globalisation 189–191
globalisation 186–189
indicators 172–176
inequalities between countries 176–178
inequalities within countries 179–183
measures of national income 172–173
production by economic sectors 183–184
Tata Group case study 193
development gap 173, 177–178, 181
Dhaka, Bangladesh 14, 15, 71
Dharavi slum, Mumbai 66, 73
diffusion 187
direct hazards 98
direction (compass points) 266
direct proportion 283
disaster aid 125
discharge (of river) 107, 108, 113
dispersed settlements 38, 39, 42
dispersion diagrams 288
divergent (constructive) plate boundaries 94–95, 96
dormant volcanoes 91
dormitory (commuter) settlements 44
drainage basins 109, 110–113
drought 164
dry deposition 246, 247
dry point sites 40 Dubai
dust storms 252
building design 100–102
case studies 104–105, 106
causes of 96–97
dealing with 100
definition 91
distribution of 92–93
end-of-theme questions 168
hazards and impacts 98–99
intensity scales 91–92
migration 21
plate tectonics 93–95
Earth, structure of 93, 94
economic core region 180, 181, 182
economic development development
end-of-theme questions 261–264
energy 221–230
environmental risks 241–260
food production 194–204
industry 205–210
overview 171
tourism 211–220
water 231–240
economic leakages 215
economic sectors 183–184
economic water scarcity 235
economies of scale 198, 208
ecosystems 160
ecotourism 217, 220, 256
Ecuador 218
edge towns/cities 59
education 7, 10, 12, 173–174, 182
Egypt 21, 126–128
Eldfell volcano, Iceland 92
electricity access 223
El Niño/La Niña events 128, 249
emigration 4, 5, 25
emigration rate 5
employment 181, 184–186
energy 221–230
China case study 229–230
end-of-theme questions 263
non-renewable and renewable energy 221–224 nuclear
power benefits and disadvantages 224–225 renewable
energy benefits and disadvantages 225–229 energy
efficiency 258–259
energy ladder 223
energy mix 221
enhanced global warming 248–250
enhanced greenhouse effect 248
environmental impact statements 148, 255
environmental risks 241–260
acid deposition 246–248
China’s Pearl River delta 259–260
end-of-theme questions 264
enhanced global warming 248–250
example environments under threat 253–254
globalisation 190
Great Barrier Reef 254
Niger delta and oil 253
Pampas of Argentina 253
pollution 241–246
resource conservation 256–259
soil erosion and desertification 250–253 sustainable
development and management 254–256 threat to
natural environment 241–248
urbanisation 77, 78
epicentre 91, 99
equatorial climate 156
coasts 130, 131–133, 140
definition 107
rivers 107, 113, 114–115
Ethiopia 128
Etna, Mt 100
European Union 191, 255
evaporation 110
evapotranspiration (EVT) 109, 110, 111, 113, 235
extensive farming 196
externalities 243, 244
extinct volcanoes 91
famine 17, 201–202
agricultural systems 194–196
natural and human inputs 196–200
favelas 74–75
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) 28
female literacy 7, 174
fertility 3, 6–8, 16, 18–19, 30–31
fetch 129
field capacity 112
field sketches 297–298
fieldwork 293
fish stocks 255
flexible industries 206
floodplains 114, 118
flood relief channels 125
Bangladesh 14
causes 121
definition 114
managing impact 122–128
migration 21
river hazards and opportunities 121–122
Shanghai 83
flow-line diagrams 287
focus (of earthquake) 91
food aid 202–203
food energy efficiency 204
food production 194–204
agricultural systems 194–196
case studies 199–200, 201–202
development 183, 184
end-of-theme questions 262
food shortages 200–204
natural and human inputs 196–200
soil degradation 253
soil erosion 253
footloose industries 206
forced migration 21, 22, 252
foreshore 133
forests 234, 247 see also rainforests
formal sector 181
form of settlement 39
fossil fuels 221, 225
fractions 283
France 18–19, 45
Friends of the Earth 203
fringing reefs 137, 138
fuelwood 223–224
Fuji, Mt 98
function of settlement 275
gabions 144, 145
Gambia 33
Ganges river 122, 199–200
gender ratio 18
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) 215
gentrification 54, 55
geographical investigations 292–304
analysis and interpretation 301
collection, selection and collation of data 293–300
defining the objectives of study 293
evaluation and suggestions for further work 301–302
identification of issue, question or problem 292–293
making effective conclusions 301
presentation and recording of results 301
geographical skills 266–291
coastal landforms 273–274
cross-sections 270
describing river landscapes 270–273
direction 266
grid/square references 266
overview 265
relief and gradient 267–268
rural settlements 274–277
scale 266
sketch maps and annotated photographs 280–281
urban settlements 277–279
volcanic landscapes 274
geothermal energy 227, 228
Geysir, Iceland 98
Gini coefficient 179, 180
glaciers 249
global cities 190
global civil society 191
global economy 186, 189
definition 186
development 186–189
global impacts 189–191
local impacts 191, 192–193
national impacts 191
global population 2–3, 22
global tourism 211, 212, 213, 217
global urban uniformity 190
global warming 248–250
global water crisis 231–234
GNP see gross national product
Gongju-Yongi, South Korea 76
gorges 114, 115, 117
gradient 113, 267–268, 270
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) 128
graphical techniques 284–291
bar charts 286
choropleth maps 290
dispersion diagrams 288
flow-line diagrams 287
histograms 286
isoline diagrams 289
kite diagrams 287
line graphs 284–285
pictograms 284
pie charts 285–286
proportional circles 290
radial (circular) graphs 289
ray diagrams 288
scatter graphs 289–290
semantic differential profiles 288
triangular graphs 290–291
Great Barrier Reef 137, 138, 249, 254
greenfield sites 55, 66, 208
greenhouse gases 225, 243, 248, 249, 253, 258
Green Revolution 203, 204
green villages 40
grey water 234, 237
grid references 266
Gross National Income (GNI) 31 gross
national product (GNP) 172, 173 gross
national product per capita 173
groundwater 109, 112, 113, 233, 236
group bar charts 286
growth pole 214
groynes 130, 144, 145
Gulf Stream 249
Haiti 21, 101, 102, 104
hamlets 39, 42, 43, 44
Harbin accident 246
hard engineering 122, 123, 144, 145
Hawaii 90
hazards see natural hazards
headlands 130
Heathrow airport 245
heavy industry 205, 206 HEP
see hydroelectric power
hierarchy of settlements 42, 43–44
High Aswan Dam 126, 127
high-order goods/services/functions 43
high-technology industry 206, 209–210
Himalayas 122, 126
histograms 286
Hong Kong 48, 86
hot deserts
climate and vegetation 157, 161, 164–167
definition 164
desertification 252
water 233, 238
hotspots 90, 93
housing issues 65, 69, 73–74, 101–102, 126
Hoyt’s sector model 49–50
Human Development Index (HDI) 15, 16, 174, 175–176
Human Development Report 175
humidity 110, 149, 152
hurricanes 141, 142–144, 146
hydraulic action 113, 117, 131
hydraulic radius 108
hydroelectric power (HEP) 221, 222, 225, 229, 230, 232
hydrological cycle 109
hygrometer 150
hypermarkets 57
hypotheses 292, 293
ice caps 249
Iceland 98, 227
immigration 4–5, 13, 16, 25, 28
immigration rate 5
incidental pollution 245
air pollution 64
Bangalore high technology 209–210
Bhopal accident 77, 245, 246
earthquakes 102
floods 121
food production 199–200, 203
globalisation 189, 193
population dynamics 4, 14
population policy 16–17
urbanisation 71
indirect hazards 98
Indonesia 101, 102, 189
industrial agglomeration 208
industrial areas 55–56
industrial estates 208
industry 205–210
air pollution 242
Bangalore high-tech case study 209–210
end-of-theme questions 262
environmental impact statements 255
factors affecting location 207–208
industrial agglomeration 208
industrial systems and types 205–207
between countries 176–178
within countries 179–183
urban growth 65
infant mortality rate 7, 10, 11, 30, 31, 174
infiltration 111, 112, 113
informal sector 181
in-migration 32
inner city 49, 51, 53, 65, 67
inputs 194, 196–200, 205
insurance 125–126
intensive farming 196
interception 110
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 15
internally displaced people 21
internet 187, 191
interviews 297
inverse proportion 283
involuntary (forced) migration 21, 22
Iraq 21
irrigation 126, 197, 234, 235, 237
isobars 152
isoline diagrams 289
Jamaica 46–47, 136, 146, 219–220
Japan 30, 31, 32, 98
Kalahari desert 252
Kariba Dam, Zimbabwe 232
Kathmandu 106
Kazakhstan 36
Kenmare, Ireland 86
Kenya 11–12
Kick ’em Jenny (volcano) 96
Kilauea volcano 92
Kilimanjaro 91
Kimmeridge Bay 115
Kissimmee River Restoration Project 124–125
kite diagrams 287
knick-points 114
Korea 41, 76, 87
Kowloon 86
Krakatoa volcano 90, 92, 99
labour-intensive industries 206
lagoons 134
landfill 258
land tenure (ownership) 182, 198
land use 48–50, 66
land use zoning 126
land value 48–49
Latin America 49, 50, 70
latitude 157
lava 90, 91, 100
leachate pollution 258
lead 243
least developed countries (LDCs) 8, 176, 177
levées 114, 119, 122, 125
Leyte, Philippines 143
life expectancy
demographic transition 6, 30, 31
development 174
population dynamics 8, 11, 12
life expectancy at birth 8, 175
light industry 205, 206
light pollution 65, 244, 245
linear settlements 39, 43
line graphs 284–285
line sampling 294
literacy 7, 173–174
Livingstone Falls 115
load 113
localisation economies 208
London 190
long profiles 114
longshore drift 130, 131, 136
Lorenz curve 65
loss of sovereignty 191
loss sharing 125
low-order goods/services/functions 42, 44
Lozère, France 45
magma 90, 91, 93
Malaysia 14, 39, 40
malnutrition 13, 200
managed retreat 144, 145
Manaus, Brazil 156
mangroves 139
mantle 94
manufacturing industry 37, 185, 205, 208
population 34, 36
scale 266, 281
world v
Marine Parks 219, 220, 254
marine processes 129–131
mass media 187
mass migration 27
mass tourism 191
mathematical skills 281–291
decimals, fractions, percentages and ratios 283
graphical techniques 284–291
map scale 281
means, averages and range 282–283 positive
and negative relationships 283–284
significant figures 283
standard notation 283
Mauna Loa volcano 90, 92
maximum-minimum thermometer 150
mean 282
mean daily temperature 150, 151
meanders 114, 118
median 282–283
median-line bar graphs 286
megacities 71, 72
megalopolis 37, 43
Meghna River 121, 122
Mehta, Mukesh 66
Mercalli scale 91, 92
methane 248, 249, 258
Mexico 27–28, 50, 71, 73
Miami Beach 146
microgeneration 259
migration 20–28
counterurbanisation 23
definition 20
depopulation 23
end-of-theme questions 84
globalisation impacts 190, 192, 193
impacts of 24–28
internal population movements 22–23
nature of 20
population density and distribution 36
population dynamics 4, 9, 16
push and pull factors 20
reasons for 20
trends 22
urbanisation 70
voluntary and involuntary 20–22
Millennium Development Goals 71
millionaire cities 73, 80
Mississippi river 125
mixed farming 195
mode 282
monsoon rains 199
Montego Bay, Jamaica 46–47
Montserrat 91, 92, 98, 102–104
mortality 5, 6, 8–9, 10 see also death rate;infant mortality rate
mouth (of river) 119
multiple bar charts 286
multiple line graphs 285
multiplier effect 215
Nairobi 73
National Health Service (NHS) 25
national income 172–173
National Parks 217, 219, 220
natural change, rate of 4, 5, 12
natural environment
coasts 129–148
earthquakes and volcanoes 90–106
end-of-theme questions 168–170
overview 89
rivers 107–128
weather 149–155
natural gas 221, 222, 229, 253
natural greenhouse effect 248
natural hazards 97, 98–102
natural vegetation 145, 159, 160, 164–167, 170
negative index 283
negative relationship 283
Nepal 106, 196
Netherlands 13
net migration, rate of 4, 5, 16
new international division of labour (NIDL) 188
newly industrialised countries (NICs) 177, 185, 189
New York
globalisation 190
land use 60–63
population density 37
settlements 40, 41
urbanisation 67, 71
New Zealand 104–105
Niagara Falls 115, 116–117
NICs see newly industrialised countries
Niger 30, 31, 32
Niger delta 253, 254
Nile delta 126–128
noise pollution 64, 244–245
non-renewable energy supplies 221, 222
nuclear energy 221, 222, 224–225, 229
nucleated settlements 39
observations 297–300
oil 221, 222, 229, 253
‘one-child’ policy 14, 17, 18
optimum population 13, 17
Ordnance Survey maps 266, 268–270
organic farming 196
orographic rainfall 110
out-migration 16, 32
out-of-town location 57, 58
outputs 194, 205
overfishing 254
overgrazing 251, 252
overland flow 111
overpopulation 13, 14–15
oxbow lakes 114, 118
ozone 242, 248, 256
package tours 212
Padi-fields 199
Pakistan 21, 101, 102
Palisadoes, Jamaica 130, 136, 146
Pampas, Argentina 253
Paris 41, 42
particulate matter 243
pastoral farming 195, 253
peak land value intersection (PLVI) 52
Pearl River delta, China 259–260
peat bogs 249
Pelée, Mt 96
percentage 283
percentage compound bar charts 286
periphery 50, 180, 181, 182
permafrost 249
Peru 101, 102
Philippines 98
photographs, annotated 280–281, 298, 299
photovoltaic (PV) systems 228, 229
physical water scarcity 235
pictograms 284
pie charts 285–286
pilot surveys 295
Pinatubo, Mt 91, 92, 97, 100
plantations 161
plastic 256, 257, 258
plate tectonics 92, 93–95, 96
plunge flow 115
plunge pool 117
point sampling 294
air pollution 64, 66, 69, 77, 82, 242–245, 260
definition 241
environmental impact statements 255
environmental risks 241–246, 253, 254
globalisation 192
incidental and sustained pollution risks 245–246
light pollution 65, 244, 245
noise pollution 64, 244–245
Pearl River delta, China 259, 260
urbanisation 69, 77, 82
water pollution 65, 69, 77, 82, 236, 244, 250
Popacatapetl 92
population density
definition 34
and distribution 34–37
earthquakes 98
end-of-theme questions 85
population dynamics 12, 15
residential zones 51
urban change 82
population distribution 34, 35–37, 85
population dynamics 2–19
case studies 11–12
causes of change in population size 4–5
demographic transition model 5–6
end-of-theme questions 84
natural hazards 97
overpopulation and underpopulation 13–16
population policy 16–19
reasons for contrasting rates of change 6–10
recent demographic change 3–4
world population increase 2–3
population explosion 3
population policy 16, 17–19
population pyramids 29, 30, 31, 32
Population Reference Bureau 3, 4
population structure 29, 30–33, 84
positive index 283
positive relationship 283
potable water 234
potential evapotranspiration (P.EVT) 110, 111
potholes 114, 115
development 178, 180, 181
natural hazards 98
population dynamics 10, 11, 15, 33
water shortages 236
precipitation 109, 110, 197
preservation 218
prevailing winds 158, 242
primary data 293
primary hazards 99
primary product dependent 185
primary sector 183, 184, 185
processes 194, 205
product chain 184
production by economic sectors 183–184
product stewardship 255, 258 programme
food aid 202
project food aid 202
pro-natalist policies 16, 18–19
pro-poor tourism 220
proportional circles 290
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) 31, 173
push and pull factors 20
Putrajaya, Malaysia 76
pyroclastic flows 97
quadrat sampling 294
quality of life 172
quaternary sector 183, 184, 185
questionnaires 296–297
Quichua Indians 218
quotas 218, 257
radial (circular) graphs 289
radioactive waste 224
rainfall 110, 149, 151, 156, 157, 250
rainforests 159–163, 256
rain gauges 149, 150, 151
Rainier, Mt 91
ranching 195
random sampling 294, 295
range (goods) 43
range (mathematics) 283
rate of natural change 4, 5
rate of net migration 4, 5
ratio 283
rationing 257
ray diagrams 288
recording tables 299
recycling 237, 255, 256, 257
red-lining 145
reefs 137–139, 145, 148, 249, 254
refugees 21, 22
relief and gradient 267–268
relief food aid 202
remittances 25, 26, 28
renewable energy 221, 222, 225–229
representative fraction 281
reservoirs 125, 232–233
residential zones 51, 53
resource conservation 256–259
resource management 254–255
re-use of resources 256, 257
revetments 145, 146
Rhine gorge 115
Rhône delta 120–121
rias 134
Richter scale 91, 98, 99
rift valleys 93, 94, 95
Rio de Janeiro 65, 74–75
risk assessment 98
river cliffs 118
rivers 107–128
case studies 116–117, 120–121, 123, 124–125, 126–128, 303–304
changing-channel characteristics 107–109
describing river landscapes 270–273
drainage basins 109–113
end-of-theme questions 168–169
managing impact of floods 122–128
river hazards and opportunities 121–122
river processes 113–121
water pollution 244
robotics technology 187
rural depopulation 23
rural settlements 42, 43, 274–277
rural-to-urban migration 6, 14, 22, 32, 70
rural-urban fringe 56, 57, 59
Saffir-Simpson scale 142
Sahara desert 164, 165, 252
St Helens, Mt 92, 100
St Lucia 95, 147
saltation 113
sampling 294–295
sand dunes 136, 137, 302–303
sandification 162
Sandy, Hurricane 146
San Vicente Dam Raise Project 233
scale 266
scatter graphs 283–284, 289–290
science parks 206
scoring systems 299–300
sea level 15, 114, 248–249
seas iv, 158
sea walls 140, 144, 145
secondary data 293
secondary hazards 99
secondary sector 183, 184, 185
sector model (Hoyt) 49–50
Seine river 41, 42
seismographs 91
seismometers 100
semantic differential profiles (SDPs) 288
Seoul 48, 63–64, 69, 76, 78
Serbia 13
service provision 23, 42, 44, 45, 50, 85
settlements 38–47
case studies 45, 46–47
definition 38
end-of-theme questions 85
growth and function 40–42
hierarchy 42–44
pattern 38–39
rural settlements 38
Seveso accident 246
shallow-focus earthquakes 91
Shanghai 80–83
shanty towns 74
shape of settlement 275
shield volcanoes 90, 91
shifting cultivation 161, 195, 251
significant figures 283
Silicon Valley 41, 206
simple bar charts 286
simple line graphs 285
Singapore 51, 53, 65
site of settlement 40, 274, 275
situation of settlement 40, 274, 275
Six’s thermometer 150
sketch maps 280–281
slums 66, 71, 73–75, 181
social norms 6
soft engineering 122, 124–125, 145
soil erosion 162, 250–253
soil moisture 111–112
soils 160, 165, 166, 197
solar power 228, 229
solar radiation (insolation) 157, 158
solution 113, 131
Sonoran Desert 166
Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat 90, 92, 95, 96, 102–104
Soufrière mud springs, St Lucia 95
South Africa 39, 41, 54–55, 70
South Asian tsunami 99
South Korea 41, 87
South Sudan 201–202
Spain 23
sparsely populated areas 34
specific heat capacity 158
sphere of influence 44
spits 134, 135, 136 spring
line settlements 40 square
references 266
squatter settlements (slums) 66, 71, 73–75, 181
Sri Lanka 99
stacked line graphs 285
stacks 132
standard notation 283
Stevenson screen 149, 150
stratified sampling 295
stratospheric ozone depleters 243
stumps 132
subduction zones 91, 96
subsidies 204, 257
subsistence farming 195
substitution of resources 258
suburbs 50
Sudan 36, 127, 128, 201–202
sulfur dioxide 82, 243, 246, 247
Sumatra 99
sunshine recorders 149, 153
supervolcanoes 97
suspension 113
sustainable development 73, 220, 254, 255, 256
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 73
sustainable tourism 217
sustained pollution 245
swash 129, 130
Syria 21
systematic sampling 295
systems 194
Tacloban, Philippines 143
tally charts 300
Tambora volcano 90
Tata Group 193
technology 187, 206, 209–210
tectonic plates 93–95, 96
Teidi volcano 92
temperature 150–151, 156, 157, 158
terraces 196, 199
tertiary sector 183, 184, 185
Thailand 189
Thames, River 123
theories 293
thermal expansion 249
thermometers 149, 150
Thingvellir, Iceland 95
Three Gorges Dam 123, 230
Three Mile Island 225
threshold population 44
throughfall 110
throughflow 111
tidal power 228–229
Toba, Mt 97
Todaro model 23
Tokyo 71, 190
tombolos 135, 136
total fertility rate 6, 7, 11
tourism 211–220
benefits and disadvantages 214–216
case study 219–220
coastal hazards and opportunities 140, 147
end-of-theme questions 262–263
globalisation 191, 192
growth of 211–214
management and sustainability 217–218
tourist-generating countries 213
toxic pollutants 242, 243
traction 113
traffic congestion 66, 69, 77–78
transform plate boundaries 94, 95, 96
transnational corporations (TNCs) 186, 187, 192
transpiration 110
transport 56, 77–78, 80, 82–83, 140
transport (river) 113
transport systems 187
transport zone (river) 107
triangular graphs 185, 290–291
tributaries 109, 114
tropical belt 249–250
tropical cyclones 143–144
tropical rainforests 159, 160–163
tropical storms 141–144
Trump, Donald 28
tsunamis 96, 99, 138
Typhoon Haiyan 143–144
Uganda 21
UK see United Kingdom
UN see United Nations
underemployment 14
underpopulation 13, 15–16
unimodal patterns 282
United Arab Emirates 148
United Kingdom (UK)
floods 121
globalisation 192
population dynamics 13
population structure 30, 31, 32
residential zones 53
settlements 39, 44
United Nations (UN)
food production 200, 201, 202, 204
Human Development Index 174, 175
squatter settlements (slums) 71
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 204
United Nations Fund for Population Activities 17
United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) 22
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 15
United States of America (USA)
case studies 140, 238–240
inequalities 179
migration 27–28
population density and distribution 36, 37
settlements 40, 41
water supply 238–240
urbanisation 70–83
case studies 74–75, 80–83
coasts 140
definition 70–71
end-of-theme questions 87
floods 122
megacities 72
natural hazards 97
new cities 76
population dynamics 6, 23
squatter settlements (slums) 71, 73–75
strategies to reduce negative impact 77–83
urbanisation economies 208
urbanisation of poverty 181
urban land use 48, 49–50, 277
urban renewal 54
urban settlements 48–69
case studies 54–55, 59, 60–63, 67–68, 69
end-of-theme questions 86–87
geographical skills 277–279
internal structure of towns and cities 50–59
problems of urban growth 64–66
urban land use 48–50
urban sprawl 56
urban uniformity 190
USA see United States of America
vegetation 145, 159, 160, 164–167, 170
rivers 107, 108, 113, 118, 119, 304
waves 129
wind 149, 153
vent (of volcano) 90, 91
Vesuvius, Mt 217
Victoria Falls 117
villages 39, 40, 42, 43, 44 volcanic
explosive index (VEI) 97
case study 102–104
causes of 96–97
definition 90
describing volcanic landscapes 274
distribution of 92–93
end-of-theme questions 168
managing 100
plate tectonics 93–95
predicting 100
types 90–91
volcanic eruptions 98
volcanic strength 97
Volta river 131
voluntary migration 21
V-shaped valley 114
Walvis Bay, Namibia 134
waste products 205
waste reduction 257–258
wastewater 244
water 231–240
end-of-theme questions 264
global water crisis 231
variation in water use 234–235
water management 237–240
water shortages 235–236
water supply methods 231–234
waterfalls 114, 115, 116–117
water pollution 65, 69, 77, 82, 236, 244, 260
Water Project 236
water scarcity 13, 235, 236, 237
watersheds 109
water stress 236
water supply
definition 231
floods 125
globalisation impacts 192
hot deserts 166
methods 231–234
population dynamics 6, 35
settlements 40
urbanisation 75, 77, 79
USA case study 238–240
variation in water use 234–235
water management 237–240
water shortages 235–236
water table 112, 233
wave-cut platform 132
wave power 228–229
wave refraction 130, 131, 134
waves 129–131, 132, 134, 228–229
wealth 172, 173
weather 149–155
air pressure, wind speed and direction 152–153
end-of-theme questions 170
measuring 149–154
rainfall 151
recording 154–155
relative humidity 152
sunshine hours 153
temperature 150–151
weather stations 149–150
wells 233
wet-and dry-bulb thermometers 150, 152
wet deposition 246, 247
wet point sites 40
wilting point 112
wind direction 152, 153
wind power 226, 229
wind rose diagrams 153, 288
winds, and climate 158
wind speed 152–153
wind vanes 149, 150, 152, 153
Woodstock, Cape Town 54–55
Wookey Hole 115
World Bank 15, 24, 174, 203, 260
World Food Programme (WFP) 143, 201, 202
World Health Organization 9, 33, 66
world map v
world population 2–3, 22
World Trade Organization 188
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 253
xerophytes 164
Yangtze river 123, 230
Yellowstone magma chamber 97
Yugoslavia 21
Zambezi river 117
zone in transition 49