Geography-Hodder Education (2018)
Geography-Hodder Education (2018)
Geography-Hodder Education (2018)
Revision activities
These activities have been designed to focus your revision. If you can
complete these activities, congratulate yourself and give yourself a
reward. If you find some of the activities challenging, read over your
notes again and speak to your teacher if you need further help.
It is vital that you can give specific examples, particularly in the
questions requiring extended answers. This demonstrates the
detailed knowledge examiners are looking for to award the higher
grades. Often, your example does not require lots of detail but should
be used to back up a point being made rather than simply recounted
out of context.
Exam practice
These questions closely resemble the style of the question that you
will face in the examination. Use them to consolidate your revision
and practise your exam skills.
Exam tips
Expert tips are given throughout the book, including identifying
common mistakes and suggesting strategies for getting the best out
of the time you have in the examination room. These will therefore
help to boost your final grade.
Go online to check your answers to the ‘now test yourself’ questions
and the ‘exam practice’ questions at
My revision planner
Management of ecosystems
How can damaged environments and natural habitats be managed
and restored?
Now test yourself answers and exam practice
answers at
Fieldwork enquiry at
Theme 1 Landscapes and
Physical Processes
Distinctive landscapes
Exam tip
When asked to consider factors that make landscapes distinctive,
remember to discuss physical and human features such as:
• geology
• people and culture
• vegetation
• land use.
Revision activity
Create a spider diagram to illustrate the distinctive characteristics of a
landscape in the UK that you have studied. Remember to include
both physical and human features.
Revision activity
For a distinctive landscape that you have studied, draw a spider
diagram to show the impacts of visitor pressure. Use colour to code
these impacts into positive and negative.
Exam tip
Make sure you know what makes different landscapes distinctive:
upland, lowland, river and coastal. You also need to be able to
• the type of landscape it is
• its location (where it is)
• its smaller-scale human and physical features.
Exam practice
1 Outline the human and physical features of a distinctive landscape
that you have studied.
2 What are honeypot sites and how can they help to protect
distinctive landscapes?
3 For a distinctive landscape that you have studied, discuss whether
the impacts of human activity are largely positive or negative.
Exam tip
When describing ways in which visitor numbers can be managed,
remember to link the management technique to how it minimises the
impact that visitors have on the landscape.
Exam practice
For a distinctive landscape that you have studied:
1 Identify how that landscape has become damaged due to visitors.
2 Explain why this damage has occurred due to increased visitor
3 Describe ways in which the landscape has been repaired.
Fluvial erosion
The type of erosional process that occurs in a river will depend on a
number of factors including the velocity of the water and the rock and
soil type of the channel. The erosional processes of the river channel
• Abrasion: stones and material carried by the river hitting the river
bed and banks, wearing them away.
• Hydraulic action: the sheer force of water hitting the river bed and
banks, compressing air in gaps in the soil and rock which causes
material to be washed away.
• Solution: the slightly acidic river water dissolves chalk and
limestone rocks which are made from calcium carbonate.
The erosional processes of the river bed load include:
• Attrition: stones carried by the river collide together and are broken
down, becoming rounder and smaller.
• Abrasion: stones and material carried by the river hitting the river
bed and banks become eroded themselves to become rounder and
The river transports (moves) its load in a number of ways which
depend on the speed of flow and the weight of the load.
A river deposits material when the speed of flow is too slow for it to
carry the load. This may happen:
• Where there has been a lack of rainfall, so there is less water
moving in the river channel.
• On the inside of a meander because the majority of the water is on
the outside of the bend. Therefore, the water on the inside of the
bend is moving slowly and cannot transport load.
• At the mouth of the river, where the river water flows against the
direction of the sea.
V-shaped valleys
V-shaped valleys are found in the upper course of a river valley,
where the river is usually small and the land is steep.
Exam tip
When asked to explain the formation of a river landform, remember to
describe the sequence of how the landform develops as well as
explaining the processes involved.
Exam tip
You may be asked about a landform’s associated smaller-scale
features, so make sure you know how the plunge pool is formed.
A gorge is a steep-sided narrow valley with a river running along the
bottom of it. A gorge is formed when a waterfall collapses and retreats
upstream, and has characteristic vertical sides.
Exam tip
Remember a slip-off slope (point bar) is a smaller-scale feature of a
meander and you may be asked to explain its formation.
Figure 4 Block diagram of a gorge.
Figure 5 Waterfalls formed by differential erosion.
Meanders are usually found in the middle and lower courses of a river
valley. They are bends in the river usually seen when the river is on a
wide floodplain. Caused by both erosion on the outside of the bank
and deposition on the inside of the bank, meanders can often be seen
to ‘move’ or ‘migrate’ across the valley floor as the river channel
changes position.
Figure 6 Characteristics of a meander.
Revision activity
Make two flashcards, one for the outside bank of a meander and one
for the inside bank. On these cards write bullet points of the key
features of both the water and the bank at these points and
remember to use all this information in an explanation of the landform
Exam practice
Explain two different ways that waterfalls can form in Wales.
• When the river floods, the floodplain becomes covered with water.
• As the water is shallower on the land than it is in the river, material
(silt) is deposited.
• The silt makes the soil fertile.
Revision activity
Make an individual flashcard for each river landform that you have
studied. For each card you should:
• include a diagram of the landform
• label the diagram with key features
• bullet point the processes involved in its formation
• give a located example that you have studied.
Exam practice
1 Give two factors that influence which method of transportation a
river’s bed load is moved by.
2 Describe the formation of a V-shaped valley. Use a diagram to
help your answer.
3 ‘Erosional processes are the most important factor in the formation
of river landforms.’ To what extent to do you agree with this
Rockfalls and landslides
Once rock has been eroded from the upper part of a cliff, the material
moves down towards the beach resulting in mass movement, for
example rockfalls and landslides.
Coastal erosion
The processes that erode the cliff are:
• Hydraulic action: the force of waves crashing into cliffs. Air trapped
in the cracks is compressed, which breaks up the rock.
• Abrasion: waves hurl sand and pebbles against the cliff, which
wears the land away.
• Solution: salt water dissolves rocks made of calcium carbonate.
The processes that erode the beach material are:
• Abrasion: waves hurl sand and pebbles against the cliff, which
wears the land away.
• Attrition: pebbles are rolled back and forth. They collide with each
other which makes them smaller and rounder, eventually turning
them into sand.
Revision activity
Draw a mind map to show all the different ways in which a coastline
can be eroded.
Revision activity
Create a flashcard for each large-scale coastal landform. Use a
diagram to explain its formation and make note of any smaller-scale
features that may be present.
Beaches and spits
Beaches and spits are formed when the swash is stronger than the
backwash and deposition occurs:
• A beach is a build-up of sand, shingle and pebbles deposited by
• Longshore drift transports beach material along the coast. Where
the coast changes direction, for example at a river mouth, beach
material is carried out to sea. This creates a new strip of land which
projects out into the sea and remains attached to the land at one
end, called a spit. Spurn Point on the Holderness coastline at the
mouth of the River Humber is an example of a spit.
• Fine silts and sands that are transported by the river are deposited
at the river mouth and form an offshore bar. The mouth of the Dyfi
Estuary (see the longshore drift example) is an offshore bar. This
material can then be washed onshore by the swash action.
Revision activity
Make a revision card for a located coastal environment that you have
studied, and include on it:
• a map of the location
• what coastal landforms are found there
• why those landforms are found there
• the direction of longshore drift (if appropriate)
• the source of sediment supply (if appropriate).
Rock pools
• Rocks pools are small hollows in rocks found at the coastline such
as in a wave-cut platform.
• At high tide the pools are covered by the sea, and at low tide some
seawater remains in the hollow, creating a rock pool.
• The rock pools are enlarged by the process of abrasion at high tide
as small rocks within the pool whirl around due to the movement of
the waves and gradually increase the size of the hollow.
Exam practice
For a located coastal environment in the UK, explain the processes
that have created the landforms specific to that environment.
The type of rock that is being eroded and the way in which the rock
types are laid down will affect the rate of change.
Figure 16 The Bishopston River, South Gower: sink hole causing the
river to go underground.
Exam tip
If you are asked to ‘explain why’ in a question about geology, make
sure that you link the landform to the geological structure. You need
to make it clear that the landform results because of the geology.
Revision activity
1 For an area of coastline that you have studied, complete the
following bullet points:
•Name the feature
•Where is it located?
•What coastal processes occur here?
•What are the geological characteristics of this coastline?
•Which factor is the most dominant cause of the landforms
2 Repeat this exercise for a river feature that you have studied.
Climate will affect the rate of change of river and coastal landforms:
• Coasts: the prevailing wind affects the angle at which the waves
break on to the coastline, and therefore the direction of erosion and
transportation. The waves break on to the beach at this angle,
pushing material up and across the beach. Therefore, the wind
direction determines where depositional features form (for example a
• Rivers: the more water that is flowing in a river, the higher the
erosion rates will be. The highest erosion rates in UK rivers are
found during the winter months when there is more rainfall.
• Extreme weather events may also alter the landscape. A powerful
storm can change the appearance of a coastline overnight. The
more severe the storm, the more destructive waves it creates. This is
due not only to the increased wind speed, but also to the fetch – the
distance the wave has travelled before breaking onshore. As a
result, the most powerful and destructive storms that hit the UK are
usually from the south-west. This is due to the large distance of open
water that the Atlantic Ocean provides, which increases the fetch of
the waves.
Figure 18 The river regime of the River Severn shows the variation in
a river’s discharge (the volume of water flowing through a river at any
point) over a year.
Human activity
The impact of human activity on both river and coastal landscapes
may be both intended and unintended:
• Intended human activity includes management strategies to reduce
the impact of erosion of both river and coastal landforms.
• For rivers, an example is the management of meanders in a built-up
area, where people are concerned about erosion on an outside bank
affecting buildings and services. Management strategies to help
reduce the amount of erosion include gabions (cages filled with
rock), which absorb the power of the water, or reinforced concrete
banks which resist the force of the water. These methods are used
extensively on rivers running through built-up areas, for example the
River Thames throughout central London.
• For coasts, an example is the management of beaches where the
coastline is left exposed to erosion as the process of longshore drift
moves large amounts of beach material along the coastline. As a
result, human settlements close to the coast are vulnerable due to
cliff collapse or flooding, for example St Bees Beach in Cumbria.
Exam practice
1 Compare the influence of two different types of geological
structures on the shape of coastlines.
2 Explain why climate influences the rate of erosion in river
3 ‘Human intervention at the coastline will always have unintended
consequences.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Exam tip
When giving an example of the influence of human activity on either a
river or a coastal landscape, make sure you explain the link between
what it is that people are doing and the change in the natural
Exam tip
When asked to discuss the interrelationships between drainage basin
processes, you will need to explain why a ‘store’ in one part of the
basin may affect the ‘flow’ in another part.
Exam practice
1 Name two stores and two flows in a drainage basin.
2 Explain the impact on the rest of the drainage basin system of
cutting down a large area of trees.
Exam tip
When asked to ‘explain why’ a factor increases the risk of flooding,
you must state what it is about the factor that would lead the river to
A hydrograph is a good way to see how a river will react to a storm
event. It shows the total rainfall amount represented by a bar graph
and the river discharge as a line graph. These are plotted against
time. The shape of the hydrograph indicates whether a river is likely to
flood after a storm event.
Factor Impact
Urbanisation Decreases lag time, steep rising limb, high peak
Porous rocks Increases lag time, gentle rising limb, lower peak
Impermeable Decreases lag time, steep rising limb, high peak
Broad-leaved trees Increases lag time, gentle rising limb, lower peak
Exam practice
1 List three factors which may affect flooding in the UK.
2 Describe how porous rocks will influence the shape of a
3 ‘Urbanisation is the most important factor in causing flooding in the
UK today.’ To what extent do you think this is true?
Conflicting views
Different groups of people often have very different views when
considering the best way to manage a floodplain or when considering
future development on a floodplain.
Floodplain development
An increase in the demand for housing is leading to more pressure to
build on floodplains. Houses built on floodplains are at a higher risk of
Revision activity
Make a table of the advantages and disadvantages of dredging as a
method of floodplain management.
Exam practice
Evaluate the effectiveness of soft engineering as a strategy for
managing UK floodplains in the future.
Theme 2 Rural–Urban Links
Urban–rural continuum
Often, the concept of a settlement hierarchy is difficult to apply
because of the changing nature of many villages and towns. An
urban–rural continuum allows us to consider the two extremes and
then place all other types of settlements in between. We can then
describe a particular settlement as ‘more rural’ or ‘more urban’ in
character. The diagram below illustrates this.
Exam tip
It is important that you are able to describe the location of areas of
high population density in Wales and the rest of the UK.
Revision activity
Draw a spider diagram to illustrate the influencing factors that a large
urban area that you have studied has over its neighbouring rural
Since the 1980s, the UK has been experiencing counter-
urbanisation. This process involves the movement of people, such as
young families or retired people, away from the inner cities to either:
• the urban–rural fringe
• suburbanised villages in rural areas that are easily accessible to the
city, or
• remote rural areas.
Revision activity
For a rural settlement that you have studied, create a fact file to
explain the reasons for and describe the consequences of people
moving into the village. Try to include:
• location and population size
• what attracts people to the village
• changes to buildings
• changes to the occupations of the residents
• changes to the local school
• changes to the services the village offers
• issues related to transport.
Patterns of commuting
Commuting significant distances to work is common for many people.
As cities such as London and Cardiff offer many more job
opportunities than the rural areas that surround them, many people
commute to the city to work. People often choose to live in a cheaper
rural area and travel a longer distance to work rather than pay the
higher house prices that are found in cities. For others, the internet
and mobile phones remove the necessity to commute as they allow
them to work from home. The table below shows the factors that both
encourage and discourage commuting.
Exam tip
When describing issues that arise from commuting, refer to specific
information for an urban area that you have studied so you can show
your depth of knowledge.
Exam practice
1 Give the definition of the term ‘counter-urbanisation’.
2 Suggest and describe two examples of economic impacts of
3 For an example that you have studied, describe the pattern of
4 Explain the issues created by commuting in your named example.
Revision activity
For an urban area that you have studied, use a spider diagram to
illustrate the issues that have resulted from commuters travelling to
that town or city.
Revision activity
Draw a double-bubble diagram like the one below and decide which
of the changes are caused by technological change, which are
caused by the urban sphere of influence and which are the result of
both. Colour code your diagram.
Exam tip
Link the strategy employed to how it makes the community
sustainable. For example, if a new bus service was to go through a
remote rural community three times a day, this would make the
community more sustainable because it is enabling people to
continue living there while they may work in a nearby urban area,
therefore reducing the number of cars on the road and increasing
Revision activity
For a rural community that you have studied, pick one of the above
strategies and research how that rural area is addressing the issue.
Then write a proposal to the local planning office to show how it could
be made more sustainable.
Exam practice
1 What do you understand by the phrase ‘rural poverty and
2 Explain why some rural communities suffer from rural deprivation.
3 Discuss the challenges that are faced in creating sustainable rural
Revision activity
Using the double bubble that you have drawn for the Now test
yourself activity, construct a table similar to the one below to help you
revise impacts of migration.
Factors Inward migration Domestic migration
Social impacts
Demographic impacts
Economic migration
Revision activity
• On an A5 revision card, draw a two-column table.
• List the challenges in the left-hand column.
• In the right-hand column explain what impact these challenges may
have on the UK.
• Then colour code the challenges: red for positive and blue for
• Recommend possible solutions to the challenges that you have
Exam tip
Ensure that you are able to identify the difference between economic,
health and social challenges as the exam question may just ask
about a specific type of challenge.
Exam tip
When a question asks you to ‘describe a trend’, you must focus your
answer on describing how the trend is changing, giving the highest
and lowest points and an overall statement about the trend rather
than explaining why this trend is occurring.
How the planning authorities overcome these challenges will vary from
place to place.
Exam practice
1 Describe any two Egan’s wheel parts.
2 ‘Achieving a sustainable community is equally as difficult on a
greenfield site as on a brownfield site.’ Discuss why this statement
may be true.
Exam tip
For any examples of developments that you learn, ensure that you
can describe where they are located or even draw a sketch map.
Revision activity
Think about your closest urban town or city centre retail area. What
changes have taken place there in the past five years? List these
down the left-hand side of a piece of paper. On the right-hand side
explain why each change will encourage more people to shop in that
Exam practice
‘The characteristics of a sustainable urban community as shown by
Egan’s wheel are not all achievable in one urban area.’ Give reasons
for and against this statement.
Exam tip
When answering a question where you need to describe the
distribution in relation to data given in a table, remember to:
• give the overall pattern
• give examples of the highest and lowest
• quote some of the figures from the table.
Spotting anomalies in the data is also creditworthy.
Revision activity
Pick three global cities and make a list of the characteristics that you
think make them global cities.
Exam practice
1 Look at Figure 8, showing the locations of global cities. Describe
their distribution.
2 Explain why cities in NICs are growing at the fastest rate.
3 Describe the characteristics that cities need to have to become
classified as a global city.
Way of life
Mumbai is a city of contrasts and as such it has a varied social and
cultural pattern. The contrast is between rich and poor people. The
emerging educated middle classes have expensive properties while
the majority are living in extreme poverty in slums and bustees and
work in the informal economy in such roles as street vendors and
rubbish recyclers.
Way of life
Cardiff is a multicultural city and as such people across the city can
live very different lives. Two of the causes of this are:
• Ethnic minorities: economic migrants have been coming to Cardiff
since the 1800s. This has led to eight per cent of Cardiff’s present
population being from ethnic minorities, giving a great mix of food,
culture, religion and language.
• Income levels: the range of incomes that people earn when
working in Cardiff is vast, from the minimum wage up to six-figure
Revision activity
Using an A5 card, create a fact file for Cardiff so that you can learn
the specific facts about that city and the issues affecting it. Repeat
this for Mumbai.
Exam tip
If an exam question asks you to compare, try to use connective
words that link the two aspects in the same sentence, for example,
whereas, compared to, however and so on.
Exam practice
1 What is meant by the term ‘global city’?
2 Why are challenges in informal settlements difficult to overcome?
Revision activity
Draw a double-bubble diagram like the one on page 32 to show how
people’s lives in Cardiff and Mumbai benefit from global connections
through: a) trade and tourism and b) media and communications.
Exam practice
1 Describe what a transport hub is.
2 Explain why tourism enables global cities to be connected.
3 For two global cities that you have studied, describe the
connections that they have to the rest of the world and decide
which type of connection is most important to that city.
Theme 3 Tectonic Landscapes
and Hazards
Revision activity
1 On a sheet of A5 card make a copy of Figure 2. Annotate your
diagram to explain why plates move over the surface of the Earth.
2 Draw a table and list the names of the seven large plates.
3 Describe the location of the constructive and destructive plate
Exam tip
It is important to focus on the command word when answering a
question. The two most commonly used command words are
describe and explain. Describe invites you to ‘paint a picture’ of what
something is like by using lots of adjectives. Explain directs you to
say why it is like that.
Revision activity
Sketch a diagram of a destructive plate margin. Label the following
• fold mountains
• subduction zone
• ocean trench
• magma
• explosive volcano
• ocean crust
• continental crust.
Volcanic hotspots
A hotspot is a small area of the Earth’s crust which has an unusually
high amount of volcanic activity. Iceland has formed above a hotspot
on the Mid-Atlantic ridge, although most hotspots are located away
from plate boundaries, for example the Hawaiian Islands. One
suggestion about the way in which hotspots form is:
• Intensive radioactivity in the Earth’s interior creates a huge column
of upwelling magma, known as a mantle plume.
• The plume pushes upwards, melting and pushing through the crust
• The plume lies at a fixed position under the tectonic plate. As the
plate moves over this ‘hotspot’, the upwelling magma creates a
succession of new volcanoes that migrate along with the plate.
Larger-scale features
These include shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes and caldera.
Feature Shield volcano Stratovolcano
Example Mauna Loa, Hawaii Mount Merapi,
Location Constructive plate margins and Destructive plate
above hotspots margins
Shape Circular shape, gently sloping Conical shape, steep-
sides sided
Formation Basaltic magma, high in Lava is acid, has high
temperature, with a low silica viscosity and cools
and gas content finds its way to quickly. Explosive
the Earth’s surface through eruptions of ash, lava
cracks in the crust. Magma and lava bombs form
produces fluid lava which flows a cone-shaped
long distances before volcano with steep
solidifying. Frequent eruptions, sides as the lava
gentle oozings of lava form doesn’t flow very far
large cone-shaped mountains before it solidifies
Composition Lava with no layers Alternate layers
(strata) of ash and
A caldera (from the Spanish word for cauldron) is a large-scale
volcanic crater that could be several kilometres in diameter. It is
formed either:
• when a magma chamber is emptied and the roof collapses
• through a massive explosive volcanic eruption.
Figure 7 Stratovolcano.
Smaller-scale features
Smaller-scale features include:
• Hot cinders released when lava erupts cool quickly and build up
around the vent forming a steep, round hill known as a cinder cone.
• A lava tube forms beneath the surface of the ground when low-
viscosity lava develops a hard crust through which lava flows.
• A geyser is a vent in the Earth’s surface that periodically ejects a
column of hot water and steam. A geyser erupts when superheated
groundwater, confined at depth, becomes hot enough to blast its way
to the surface. Old Faithful, located in Yellowstone Park, USA, is the
world’s best-known geyser.
Revision activity
Make a copy on a sheet of A5 card of a stratovolcano, as shown in
Figure 7. Label this diagram with the following features: ash, lava
flow, main vent, secondary vent, magma chamber, crater, secondary
Exam practice
Describe how tectonic processes at a destructive plate margin have
resulted in the formation of any large-scale feature, such as an ocean
trench or a volcano.
Exam tip
Diagrams need to be clear and detailed and must highlight important
features. Annotation is more than labelling, it is a command word that
demands that you add explanatory notes to your diagram.
Revision activity
Research the news reports on the Merapi eruption. Imagine you are a
reporter covering the after-effects of the eruption, and write a script
for a 60-second TV news report on how the eruption is affecting a
family that once lived close to the volcano.
Example of a volcanic eruption: Mount Merapi,
Mount Merapi is a stratovolcano located in Java. Merapi erupted in
2010 with a magnitude of 4 on the VEI. The region is densely
Impacts Social Economic and environmental
Primary • Ash clouds caused • Ash falls destroyed crops
breathing problems and 1900 farm animals died
• 353 deaths, largely • Ash clouds caused
from pyroclastic hundreds of flights to and
flows from Indonesia to be
• 570 people injured cancelled
• 320,000 people • 27 million m3 of ash and
evacuated from the rock were deposited in the
area River Gendol
Secondary • An area 20 km • 1300 ha of farmland were
around the volcano abandoned
was declared a • Food prices rose. The
danger zone people of Indonesia are poor
• Thousands of and could not afford the
people spent weeks higher prices
living in 700 • $700 million revenue was
emergency shelters lost due to agricultural losses
• There were not and fewer tourists
enough toilets or
clean drinking water
Revision activity
On a sheet of A5 card, build up a Five Ws case study of the Italy
The Five Ws are questions which will help you to gather information
or problem-solve. They will provide you with a complete story of the
• What happened?
• When did it take place?
• Where did it take place?
• Why did it happen?
• Who did it affect?
Each question should have a factual answer.
Revision activity
Complete a diagram, such as the one below, summarising the
physical and human (social and economic) factors that affect
vulnerability. Use different colours for physical and human.
Now test yourself
1 What is a tsunami?
2 ‘People who live in low-income countries (LICs) are likely to be
more vulnerable to tectonic hazards than people who live in high-
income countries (HICs).’ To what extent do you agree with this
Exam practice
Study the photograph which shows the impact of the tsunami on the
coast of Japan.
Use evidence in the photograph only to describe two ways in which
the tsunami affected the lives of people who live in the coastal areas
of Japan.
Exam tip
You must only use evidence in the photograph. Make sure you
develop points so that you gain all of the marks available in a
How might the risks associated with
tectonic hazards be reduced?
Prevention is not an option. This leaves two possible ways of
managing tectonic hazards: prediction through monitoring and
hazard mapping, and preparation including new building technology
and emergency planning.
Revision activity
1 Choose five ways in which volcanoes are monitored and five ways
in which people can prepare for a tectonic event. Draw and label a
picture of each on a sticky note. Stick them where you can see
them until you can remember each one.
2 Complete a wheel of knowledge for the topics in this theme (see
Monitoring techniques used to predict volcanic eruptions include:
• Remote sensing: satellites monitor gas emissions and use thermal
imaging to study changes in the temperature of the volcano.
• Visual signs: cameras are used to look for visual signs of change in
the volcano.
• Seismometers measure earthquake activity. Activity increases
before an eruption due to rising magma.
• Tiltmeters monitor changes in the shape of a volcano that occur as it
fills with magma.
• Global positioning systems (GPS) detect movements of as little as 1
• Gas emissions: these increase before an eruption, particularly
emissions of sulphur dioxide.
Hazard mapping
A hazard map highlights areas affected by, or vulnerable to
earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. This allows local authorities to:
• limit access to hazardous areas
• control development in areas at risk from tectonic events.
Exam tip
Questions which require extended writing are marked using a levels
mark scheme. To achieve the top level and gain full marks your
answer needs to demonstrate exceptional application of knowledge
and understanding, a comprehensive chain of reasoning and a
balanced appraisal.
Emergency planning
• An exclusion zone can be set up near a volcano.
• Evacuation routes enable residents to leave the area.
• Lava flows can be diverted.
• Emergency services need to be trained and have the necessary
• People can be educated through TV and social media on what they
should do to protect themselves in the event of a volcanic eruption,
earthquake or tsunami. Rehearse earthquake drills, for example.
• People may put together emergency kits containing first-aid items,
blankets and tinned food, and store them in their homes.
• Roads and bridges can be designed to withstand the power of
Figure 10 Features of an earthquake-resistant building.
Exam practice
Explain why people who live in lower income countries are likely to be
more vulnerable to the impact of tectonic hazards.
Theme 4 Coastal Hazards and
their Management
Vulnerable coastlines
Revision activity
Carry out your own internet research. On a sheet of A5 card, build up
a Five Ws case study of the storm surge which hit the east coast of
Britain in December 2013. The Five Ws are questions which will help
you to gather information or problem-solve. They will provide you with
a summary of the winter storm.
• What happened?
• When did it take place?
• Where did it take place?
• Why did it happen?
• Who did it affect?
Each question should have a factual answer.
Revision activity
On a sheet of A5 card complete a summary which highlights:
1 The social and economic factors which increase the vulnerability
of people who live on the Nile Delta.
2 The impacts of sea level rise on the people who live on the Nile
Exam practice
Study the photograph.
Use evidence in the photograph only to describe two ways in which
the cyclone affected the lives of people who live in the coastal
communities affected by Cyclone Phailin.
Exam tip
You must only use evidence in the photograph. Make sure you
develop points so that you gain all of the marks available in a
Hard engineering
Hard engineering uses structures or machinery to control coastal
processes. It is an expensive and short-term option. It has a high
impact on the landscape and environment and it is unsustainable.
Image Method Description Advantages Disadvantages
Sea walls Concrete Provide Expensive,
(£6000 per sea walls excellent affect access to
metre) reflect the defence the beach,
energy of where wave recurved sea
waves and energy is walls can
prevent high. Have a increase
flooding. long life erosion of
They are span beach material
waves are
back on
They are
often used
to protect
Groynes Wooden Relatively Beaches further
(£5000 barriers cheap, along the coast
each) (usually), retain a wide are starved of
built down a sandy beach beach material
beach, trap
sand being
drift. The
wider beach
reducing the
rate of cliff
Rip rap Large Relatively Unattractive,
(£1000 per boulders of cheap and access to
metre) hard rock efficient beach becomes
are placed difficult, costs
along the increase when
base of a rock is imported
cliff and
absorb the
energy of
the waves
Gabions Steel cages, Cheap and Visually
(£100 per containing efficient unattractive.
metre) boulders, Shorter life
absorb the span than a
energy of sea wall
the waves
Revetments Traditionally Cheaper Short life span
(£2000 per these are and less and unsuitable
metre) wooden intrusive where wave
fence-like than a sea energy is high
structures wall. Cause
that allow less erosion
seawater of beach
and material
sediment to
through, but
energy. A
builds up
behind the
Revision activity
On five sticky notes draw and label a sketch of each method of sea
defence. Label each sketch with two advantages and two
disadvantages. Stick them where you can see them. Look at them
every night and every morning until you can remember them.
Soft engineering
Soft engineering involves working with nature. It is often less
expensive than hard engineering, and is usually more sustainable with
less impact on the environment. Examples include:
Method Description Advantages Disadvantages
Beach Beaches are made • It is • Offshore
nourishment higher and wider by relatively dredging of
importing sand and cheap, sand and
shingle from further approximately shingle
along the coast or £20 per m3 increases
dredging it from the • It retains erosion in
sea bed the natural other areas
look of the and affects
beach ecosystems
• Beach
is necessary
on a regular
Sand dune Sand dunes act as a • Dunes are • Management
stabilisation natural defence left is time
against coastal undisturbed, consuming,
flooding and erosion hence for example
maintaining planting
the natural marram
ecosystem grass and
• Boardwalks fencing off
are areas
constructed, • Cost is
sections of expensive,
sand dunes around
are marked £2000 per
as out of 100 m
bounds, so
the dunes
to tourists
Managed Areas of coast are • It retains • The cost
retreat allowed to erode and the natural depends on
(managed flood naturally, balance of the amount
realignment) creating a new the coastal of
intertidal zone which system compensation
acts as a natural • Eroded that needs
buffer against storms material to be paid to
and rising sea levels. encourages landowners
Usually used in areas the and
where land is low development homeowners
value of beaches • People
and salt lose their
marshes livelihoods
and homes
The village of Borth is built on the southern end of a pebble ridge that
sticks out into the Dyfi Estuary. Wooden groynes, built in the 1970s,
trapped sand on the beach which protected the village. By the 1990s
these groynes were in poor condition. Ceredigion Council needed to
decide on its future management strategy. Should the council ‘hold
the line’ or carry out a ‘managed retreat’? If it decided on a managed
retreat then:
• Storm waves would flood Borth in the next 10–15 years.
• Property in Borth worth £10.75 million would be lost.
• The peat bog north-east of Borth, recognised by UNESCO and a
Special Area of Conservation, would be flooded and its existing
ecosystem lost.
• The nearby Ynyslas sand dunes which attract thousands of
holidaymakers every year would be cut off from the town.
• Many local businesses would suffer if tourist numbers fell.
It was estimated that new coastal defences would cost £7 million. In
2000 a decision was made to ‘hold the line’. In 2010 work began:
• Four rock groynes were built to trap sediment being moved along
the beach by longshore drift and maintain a wide beach in front of
the village. The rock for the groynes was purchased from the local
• An artificial rock reef was built parallel to the shore to break the
power of the waves, hence reducing erosion and encouraging the
deposition of sand and pebbles.
• Beach nourishment was put in place to increase the width of the
beach so that waves will break further offshore.
The scheme was completed in 2015 at an actual cost of £18 million.
The scheme so far has been successful in preventing further damage
and flooding.
Revision activity
Find out where Borth is on the Welsh coastline. On sticky notes make
a list of all of the different groups of people you think would be
involved in making the decision to ‘hold the line’ at Borth. Write each
‘group’ on an individual note. Now move the sticky notes around to
show the following:
• People who would have helped make the decision to protect the
coastline and people who would not have helped.
• People positively and negatively affected by the decision to protect
• People affected by the decision in the short term and people
affected in the long term.
Now test yourself
1 Describe the differences between ‘hold the line’ and ‘managed
retreat’ coastal management strategies.
2 Explain why two different groups of people may have different
views about what should be done to manage a stretch of coastline.
3 If you were responsible for devising a management strategy for a
stretch of coastline, how would you take into consideration the
views of all of the different groups of people shown above?
Exam tip
It is important to focus on the command word when answering a
question. The two most commonly used command words are
describe and explain. Describe invites you to ‘paint a picture’ of
what something is like by using lots of adjectives. Explain directs you
to say why in this case people have different views.
2 Below the flood warnings map you will find a link to ‘What to do
before a flood’ and ‘What to do during or after the flood’. Imagine
that a forecast has predicted that your area is at high risk of
flooding. Produce a 60-second radio alert informing the public
about what to do in the event of a flood.
3 Draw a labelled sketch map to show areas of Towyn and Rhyl that
are at risk of flooding.
4 Below your map give two ways in which this hazard map would be
useful in reducing the risks to people of coastal flooding.
Exam practice
Describe how hard engineering strategies may be used to reduce the
risk of coastal erosion and flooding in one location you have studied.
Exam tip
It is important to use examples in your answers to exam questions. In
a points marked question these will give you extra marks. In a levels
marked question they will encourage the examiner to give you a
higher level. Often in a levels marked question a lack of examples will
mean you cannot achieve full marks.
Figure 10 Tropical storm tracks and the areas where they form.
Revision activity
1 What different names are given to tropical storms in different parts
of the world?
2 Carry out internet research and list ten countries affected by
tropical storms.
Why some coastlines are at greater risk than
As well as the general rise in sea levels, there are local factors that
mean some coastlines are more at risk than others:
• Some coasts are sinking or subsiding. River estuaries and deltas
sink under their own weight as more sediment is deposited. Parts of
the city of New Orleans in the USA are subsiding by 28 mm per year.
Northern parts of the UK were covered by thick layers of heavy ice
during the last ice age. When the ice melted the land in this part of
the UK began to rise slowly and the southern part of the UK began to
• Rocks which make the coast may be hard or soft. Clay rocks of the
Holderness Coastline give it some of the highest erosion rates in the
• Coastal storms affect some coastlines more than others. Tropical
storms only affect coastlines in some parts of the world (see Figure
12). Some coastlines such as the Thames Gateway are more
vulnerable to storm surges.
• Some coastlines are threatened by tsunami. In December 2004, the
Indian Ocean tsunami affected thirteen countries and killed over
230,000 people.
Exam tip
Questions which demand extended writing are marked using a levels
mark scheme. To achieve the top level and gain full marks, your
answer needs to demonstrate exceptional application of knowledge
and understanding, a comprehensive chain of reasoning and a
balanced appraisal.
Exam practice
‘Small island developing states are more vulnerable to coastal
hazards than any other location.’ Do you agree with this statement?
Explain your answer.
Revision activity
Complete a wheel of knowledge for the topics in this theme (see
During the Medieval Warm Period ice-free seas allowed the Vikings to
colonise Greenland. The Little Ice Age was a colder period in northern
Europe where temperatures were on average 1–1.5 °C colder than
Over a longer period of time, the past 400,000 years, there have been
natural cycles of cooling and warming. The periods of cool
temperatures, where average global temperatures are below 15 °C,
are known as glacials and periods of warmth are known as
• Fossils of plants and animals found in places where they could not
live today.
• Ice cores from the Antarctic show that the amounts of carbon
dioxide (CO2) and methane in the atmosphere have changed over
the past 420,000 years.
• Glaciation in places now free of ice.
• Studies of tree rings, known as dendrochronology, show that
growing seasons have varied in length in the past.
• Historical records such as diary extracts, crop yields for local
registers and paintings, such as of ice fairs on the River Thames
during the Little Ice Age.
Recent evidence of climate change includes:
• Increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere.
• Shifting seasons leading to changes in the migration patterns of
birds and insects.
• Glaciers and ice sheets melting and retreating.
• Measurements by the Met Office show that average global
temperatures have increased by 0.6 °C in the past 100 years.
Figure 4 The Keeling curve plots the change in the amount of CO2 in
the Earth’s atmosphere. Measurements started in 1958.
Exam practice
Figure 5 Average monthly Arctic sea ice extent, March 1979–2016.
Describe the change in the extent of Arctic sea ice between 1979 and
Revision activity
On a sheet of A5 card, complete a spider diagram summarising the
evidence for climate change. Include drawings to help you to
remember each point.
Exam tip
If a question asks for a description of change in a graph, use figures
to back up your description.
Revision activity
1 Complete a set of flashcards with questions and answers on the
causes of climate change, the carbon cycle and the greenhouse
effect. Test yourself using these cards.
2 Complete a spider diagram on a piece of A5 card to add to your
set. Use the information in Figure 7 and your own research to show
how the actions of people are increasing the level of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere, for example cattle release methane as
they digest their food.
Exam practice
Figure 10 Global temperature changes, 1880–2015 (source:
Exam tip
Questions worth less than 6 marks are usually marked using a point
marking scheme. You will score 1 mark for every relevant point that is
made. Look to develop points to gain full marks and use a ‘chain of
reasoning’ to build an answer.
Revision activity
Imagine you live in an area affected by hurricanes. Devise a
‘Hurricane Action Plan’.
• Discuss the type of hazards that could affect your family.
• Locate the safest places in your home or community for each
• Decide on a place to meet and actions you need to take once the
storm has passed.
• Make up a slogan for your local council that will help people.
Exam practice
Explain why tropical low-pressure systems are described as the most
destructive of weather hazards.
Exam tip
Identify key terms in a question and plan your answer to address
each one. In this question the key terms are ‘tropical low-pressure
systems’, ‘weather hazard’, ‘destructive’. You could split your answer
into three paragraphs, each addressing one key term.
Revision activity
Build up a Five Ws case study of the California drought. The Five Ws
are questions whose answers are considered basic in information
gathering or problem-solving. They constitute a formula for getting
the complete story on a subject.
• What happened?
• When did it take place?
• Where did it take place?
• Why did it happen?
• Who did it affect?
Each question should have a factual answer. Use the information you
have gathered to complete your own newspaper-style report on the
California drought.
Urban microclimate
• Urban heat islands: the result of the release and reflection of heat
from buildings and the absorption by concrete, brick and tarmac of
heat during the day, and its release at night.
• Urban precipitation: in the summer months, the extra heat
generated may cause air to rise, which leads to convectional
• Urban winds: urban areas are less windy than surrounding rural
Revision activity
Complete the table below to explain frontal rainfall:
Number Explanation
1 Warm air is lighter than cold and it rises above the colder
Use evidence from the satellite photograph and weather map to write
a weather forecast for the UK for 20 October 2014.
Exam practice
Revision activity
Draw a table on a sheet of A5 card with four columns, as below.
Carry out further research and complete the table by giving important
facts about each of the major biomes identified on the map above.
One has been completed as an example:
Biome Distribution Climate Plants and
Coniferous Found between 50° Long winters, Coniferous trees
forest and 60° north of the temperatures well such as pine and
equator and in below freezing. animals such as
mountain areas Heavy snowfall reindeer
Exam practice
1 Use the map above to describe the distribution of the tropical
rainforest biome.
2 Give two features of the climate of the tropical rainforest
Ecosystems develop over time through succession:
• Hardy pioneer species colonise a bare area of ground.
• Weathered rocks and the decay of plants increase the supply of
nutrients and allow new plants to grow which support insect and
animal life.
• Soils become deeper which allows bigger plants and a greater
variety of plants to live in the area.
• Given enough time, a dominant species, such as oak trees, will
invade and the succession is complete. The ecosystem has
achieved a sense of balance and although there are many daily
changes the overall mixture of plants and animals species remains
stable. This is the climax community.
Important processes in an ecosystem include the carbon cycle (see
page 76), water cycle, nutrient cycle and food web. The greater the
inputs of water, nutrients and energy, the greater the volume and
diversity of plants and animals that can be supported.
Food webs
• The Sun is the source of all energy for all life on Earth. It provides
both heat and light energy.
• Plants (producers) convert energy from the Sun into food through
• Herbivores (primary consumers) eat the plants.
• Carnivores (secondary consumers) eat the herbivores and so
energy moves through the food chain.
• Food chains are connected to make a food web.
• The number of living organisms decreases at each stage of the
food chain because energy is lost, used up in transpiration,
movement and breathing.
Revision activity
1 Complete a set of ten flashcards with questions and answers of
ways in which plants and animals have adapted to life in the
rainforest. Now do the same for life in the savannah grassland.
2 Use a double-bubble diagram such as the one on page 32 to
compare the rainforest ecosystem with the savannah grassland
ecosystem. Compare their location, climate and examples of plant
and animal adaptation.
What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity is a measure of the variety of plants and animals that live
in an ecosystem. Areas which have a rich biodiversity include
rainforests, for example, while a hot, dry desert would have a low
Endemic species are those which are unique to a given region or
location and are seen nowhere else in the world.
Those places on the Earth that have a rich biodiversity and a large
number of endemic species are particularly important to conserve.
Revision activity
1 Make a copy of the Figure 21. Annotate your diagram to explain
the creation of the sand dune ecosystem.
2 Draw a spider diagram to summarise the threats to the sand dune
ecosystem from human activities.
Exam tip
Make sure that you understand the meaning of key terms such as
distribution. Distribution refers to the way something is spread out or
arranged over a geographic area.
Exam practice
Npower, one of the operators, states that the farm will produce
enough power to supply 400,000 residential households per year.
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) states that
windfarms can harm birds through disturbance and collision.
Thousands of migrating birds may fly through the Gwynt y Môr
windfarm area.
WWF Cymru supports the decision: ‘We have a real opportunity with
Gwynt-y-Môr to use the powerful resource off the Conway coast to
help global efforts to fight climate change.’
Revision activity
Do you think the Gwynt y Môr wind farm should have been built?
Prepare a speech that could be debated in the Welsh Assembly
Revision activity
Complete a summary on a sheet of A5 card broken down into these
• title
• location of the example (including a map like the one above)
• at least three reasons for the destruction of the rainforest
• at least six ways in which humans have ‘gained’ or ‘lost’ because of
this destruction.
Exam practice
Revision activity
Find out what is meant by slash and burn agriculture.
There are three major kinds of habitat loss:
• Habitat destruction, for example deforestation, draining wetlands
and damming rivers.
• Habitat fragmentation, for example by urban development, dams
and water diversions. Habitats become divided into separate
fragments, creating isolated populations. These ecological islands
affect biodiversity by reducing the amount of suitable habitat and by
restricting migration between different communities and hence
opportunities to breed and feed.
• Habitat degradation, for example pollution, introduction of new
species and disruption of ecosystem processes such as nutrient
Revision activity
Complete a revision card on sustainable use of ecosystems. This
card should have:
• a definition of the term ‘sustainable’
• at least four ways in which the rainforest can be sustainably
managed and four ways in which savannah grasslands can be
sustainably managed.
Exam tip
Questions which are worth 6 marks are marked with a banded mark
scheme, similar in style to the one below:
Band Mark Descriptor
3 5–6 Detailed and specific description of ways in which
climate is important in the development of the savannah
2 3–4 Description of ways in which climate is important in the
development of an ecosystem.
Maximum band 2 if no named examples
1 1–2 Valid but simplistic description or list of points
0 Answer is incorrect or irrelevant
It is important in such questions to plan an answer, focus on the key
words in a question and ensure that specific examples are used to
gain a band 3 mark.
Development gap
The development gap that exists between richer and poorer
countries was first described by Willy Brandt, a German politician. The
Brandt Report was published in 1980 and divided the world into the
less developed ‘global south’ and the more developed ‘global north’.
The line dividing the richer and poorer countries became known as the
‘north–south divide’ or the Brandt line.
Figure 1 The world’s richest and poorest countries.
Development continuum
It is simplistic to divide the world into rich and poor. In reality there is a
development continuum, a sliding scale, from the very poor
countries to the super-rich countries. Countries can move up and
down this continuum. The World Bank divides countries into four
categories of wealth according to their gross national income (GNI)
per capita:
• High-income countries (HICs) with a GNI of $12,736 or more.
• Upper-middle-income countries with a GNI between $4126 and
• Lower-middle-income countries with a GNI between $1046 and
• Low-income countries (LICs) with a GNI of $1045 or less.
Revision activity
1 Which continent has the greatest number of low-income countries?
2 Describe how patterns of development have changed since the
Brandt line was drawn in 1980.
Revision activity
1 Suggest reasons to explain why is it important to be able to
measure development.
2 Explain why the United Nations uses the human development
index (HDI) to measure development.
Revision activity
1 Give three reasons to explain why Malawi remains a low-income
2 Read the example box on page 102 on Malawi. Complete a
PowerPoint presentation of six slides that you would use in a
speech to an international conference in which you explain how
Malawi’s trade hinders its economic progress.
Exam practice
Figure 2 GNI/infant mortality rate per country.
Exam tip
A scattergraph is used to test for a relationship between two
variables. A line of best fit is drawn through the middle of the points to
show the nature of the connection:
• If the points cluster in a band running from lower left to upper right,
there is a positive correlation.
• If the points cluster in a band from upper left to lower right, there is
a negative correlation.
• If it is hard to see where you would draw a line, and if the points
show no significant clustering, there is probably no correlation.
Causes and consequences of
uneven development at the global
What are the causes and
consequences of uneven
How has global trade led to uneven patterns of
Trade involves the buying and selling of goods and services between
• HICs generally export valuable manufactured goods and services
such as electronics, cars and financial services. They import
cheaper primary products such as sugar, flowers, tea and coffee.
• In LICs the opposite is true. This means that LICs earn little and
remain in poverty, the country is forced to borrow money to pay for
its imports and the country goes into debt.
The price of primary products fluctuates on the world market. Prices
are set in HICs and producers in LICs lose out when the price drops.
LICs are dependent on the world trade system yet they have little
control over how it operates.
Increasing trade and reducing their balance of trade deficit are
essential for the development of LICs. Sometimes HICs impose tariffs
(import duties) and quotas on imported goods and give subsidies to
their own farmers.
Revision activity
1 Sketch an outline map of India on a sheet of A5 card. Annotate
your map with reasons for the growth of India as an NIC.
2 Locate and label Bangalore and Mumbai on your outline map.
3 Fill in your outline with ways in which you think the rapid growth of
the economy will affect the lives of the Indian people. Add your card
to your set of revision cards.
4 Carry out your own research and complete a revision card for
either the Bagmane Technological Park or the Hindi movie industry.
Revision activity
1 Explain why MNCs open factories in different countries around the
2 Complete a summary of Nike in Vietnam (see page 104) on a
sheet of A5 card. Include:
– reasons why Nike located in Vietnam
– the good and bad things for the people who live in Vietnam (use
different colours)
– use the internet to print photographs of Nike products to add to
your revision card.
Exam practice
Exam tip
Twenty-five per cent of the marks in the examination will test skills.
Research the WJEC website, study pages 33 and 34 of the
Geography GCSE specification or pages 30 and 31 of the Eduqas
Geography A GCSE specification. Make a list of the skills you need
to know about. Carry out a traffic lights exercise to check your
knowledge and understanding.
Revision activity
1 Describe the growth in tourism in Vietnam.
2 Research the internet and find and print photographs of the tourist
attractions. Now print an outline map of Vietnam. Locate the
attraction on your map and add your photograph of the attraction.
3 Annotate your map with reasons for the growth of tourism in
Exam practice
1 Draw a suitable graph to show the information in the table below.
Justify your choice of graph.
Cruise passengers worldwide 4.0 5.5 8.0 11.5 16.5 25.0
Year 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
2 Describe the trend shown by your graph.
3 Give two reasons to explain this trend.
What are the responses to uneven
development at the global scale?
How international aid can reduce inequality
Aid is a transfer of resources from a richer country to a poorer country.
It includes money, equipment, training and loans. Different types of aid
• Bilateral aid: between two countries, it is often tied aid, meaning that
the receiving country must spend money on goods and services from
the donor country.
• Multilateral aid: money donated by richer countries via organisations
such as the IMF, the United Nations (UN) and the World Bank.
• Short-term emergency aid: gives immediate relief during or after a
natural disaster such as drought; it includes food, medicines and
• Long-term development aid: a sustained programme of aid which
aims to improve standards of living, for example education for young
• Debt abolition: when richer countries cancel debt owed to them by
poorer countries.
• Aid from non-governmental organisations (NGOs): given through
charities such as Oxfam and Save the Children.
Revision activity
On a sheet of A5 card draw a sketch map to show the location of the
COVAMS project in Middle Shire. Annotate your map to show how
aid is helping the farmers of Malawi.
Development targets
The UN is supported by 192 countries. One of its aims is to encourage
human development. To help achieve this goal, in 2015 the UN set
seventeen Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved by 2030.
These build on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which ran
from 2000 to 2015. To find out more about the work of the UN visit its
Revision activity
1 Put the reasons in favour and the reasons against giving aid on
relevant sides of a set of scales. What do you think? Is aid making
a difference to the lives of people in poorer countries?
2 List some advantages for the donor country of giving aid.
Exam practice
Discuss how receiving international aid could improve the lives of
people who live in the least developed countries.
The accuracy of your writing will be assessed in your answer to this
Exam tip
Writing accurately will be assessed in certain questions that require
extended writing. Writing accurately takes into account the use of
specialist geographical language and the accuracy of spelling,
punctuation and grammar.
Questions such as the one above are worth a total of 11 marks out of
the 80 for the entire paper. It is important therefore that these
questions are given particular attention.
Revision activity
1 Use Figure 10 to describe how global water consumption has
changed since 1900.
2 Suggest reasons to explain why the average American uses 1300
litres of water a day compared to the average African using only 22
litres a day.
3 Use evidence from the photograph below to suggest how building
a well would encourage ‘bottom-up’ development in the Sahel.
Figure 11 African women of the Sahel spend a lot of time doing work
that does not contribute directly to family or state income.
Water footprints
A person’s water footprint measures the total amount of water used in
everyday life for drinking, cooking and washing, together with the
water that is used to grow food and to produce goods and services.
The water footprint tells us how much water is being consumed by an
individual, a particular country or globally:
• 70 per cent of the water we use is to produce our food, 20 per cent
is used by industry and 10 per cent is used in the household.
• In agriculture, the majority of water is used for irrigation.
• Industry uses large quantities in manufacturing and cooling
• In the home, most water is used in toilets, washing machines and
showers or baths.
• A large quantity of water is lost through evaporation and leaks in
The water used to produce our food and the goods we purchase is
known as the embedded water (or virtual water). For example, to
produce 1 kg of beef requires about 15,000 litres of water, used to
grow grass and provide drinking water.
Water security
Water security is when:
• people have enough safe and affordable water to stay healthy
• there is sufficient water for agriculture and industry
• the supply is sustainable and ecosystems that supply water are
• people are protected from water-related hazards such as drought.
Economic water scarcity is when water is available, but for some
reason it is inaccessible or unusable. This might be because it is
groundwater that is expensive to extract or that the cost of
transporting it is too expensive or that the supply of water has become
Physical water scarcity is when there is not enough water available.
The most common reason for this is low precipitation rates.
Revision activity
Try to estimate your daily water footprint. You may find websites that
will help you do this.
Exam practice
Give two reasons to explain why the consumption of water has
increased globally.
Revision activity
Use Figure 12 to describe areas of the world that are predicted to be
under extreme water stress in 2070.
Revision activity
1 Make a list of countries through which the River Mekong flows.
2 Why is international management of the Mekong River and its
tributaries important?
Exam practice
Explain why the demand for water is higher in high-income countries
than in low-income countries.
Exam tip
Always look to give specific examples in your answer. In response to
this question the examiner would expect you to refer to specific HICs
and LICs to gain full marks.
Exam practice
State Percentage of population living in poverty
Bihar 34
Kerela 7
Maharashtra 17
1 Display this information using a suitable graph.
2 Suggest two reasons to explain why a large percentage of the
population of Bihar in India live in poverty.
Revision activity
1 Use Figure 15 to describe the distribution of areas where more
than 30 per cent of the population live in poverty.
2 Identify one social, one economic, one cultural, one political and
one environmental reason for regional differences within India.
Exam practice
Name the process which results in a growing range of economic
activities. Underline the correct answer from the following words:
deindustrialisation, regeneration, diversification.
Revision activity
Create a flow diagram to show a possible positive economic multiplier
following the construction of the M4 relief road around Newport.
Exam practice
Study the OS map below:
Figure 19 OS map showing location of the Amazon Distribution
Centre. Scale 1:50,000.
Exam tip
Maps are an essential tool for geographers. It is certain that in your
GCSE examination there will be at least one question which will
contain an OS map and it is likely that other questions will contain
simple maps and sketch maps. It is therefore essential that you have
basic map-reading skills and can:
• read symbols, give grid references and direction, measure
distance, use scales and understand contour lines
• describe geographical features shown on a map.
Theme 7 Social Development
Development indicators based around gender measure the progress
that a country is making towards equal rights for both men and
women. Many HICs still have gender equality issues. Some social
indicators that can give an indication of gender equality are:
• male and female literacy rates
• fertility rate
• male and female life expectancy
• male and female food consumption
• employment type.
Development issues based around health measure the progress that a
country is making towards a healthy life for all of its citizens. A range
of indicators are used to measure not only the health of the citizens,
but also the state of the main health service provided within that
country. Such indicators include:
• average life expectancy
• infant mortality rate
• percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) spent on healthcare
• length of hospital waiting lists and waiting times
• mortality rate of specific health conditions such as cancer and heart
Exam tip
When asked about gender indicators or health indicators, you should
include a number of examples of each and explain how these
measures are beneficial.
Exam practice
1 Adult literacy rate is a social development indicator. Describe what
is being measured by this indicator.
2 Explain why people use the term ‘continuum of social
3 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using the HDI to
measure social development.
Population pyramids
Which of the above factors has the greatest influence on a country’s
population will vary but we can see how the structure of the population
is altered by looking at population pyramids. These graphs divide
the population into five-year age groups which are shown as
horizontal bars and then the graph is split into two to show males and
females. Two examples of population pyramids are shown in the
following table, together with factors which may affect their structure
(the data is representative of 2014).
Sub-Saharan Africa: Nigeria (birth rate 38 South Asia: India
and death rate 13) (birth rate 19.8 and
death rate 7.3)
A high infant mortality rate of 74 deaths/1000 An infant mortality
live births rate of 43
Average life expectancy of 52 years deaths/1000 live
Large families: fertility rate 5.25
Average life
Low use of contraception expectancy of 67.8
In 2012, 3 per cent of the population had years
HIV/AIDS Family size
Poor sanitation and drinking water decreasing: fertility
rate 2.5
A high risk of catching a major infectious
disease Medium use of
Literacy rates in 2010 were only 61.3 per cent
In 2012, 0.3 per
0.4 doctors per 1000 population cent of the
Civil unrest since 2002 by Boko Haram population had
The Nigerian government has a large amount of
foreign debt Poor sanitation and
drinking water
In 2014, Nigeria ranked 181 out of 191 countries
in the world assessed for its political stability – a A high risk of
high chance of civil, unrest, terrorism or a coup catching a major
infectious disease
Expenditure on health is 5.3 per cent of GDP
(2011) Literacy rates in
2010 were only 62.8
per cent
0.65 doctors per
1000 population
In 2015, India was
considered to have
the seventh largest
economy in the
world but it
continues to face
issues of poverty
and corruption
In 2014, India
ranked 165 out of
191 countries in the
world assessed for
its political stability –
a medium chance of
civil, unrest,
terrorism or a coup
Expenditure on
health is 3.9 per
cent of GDP (2011)
Revision activity
1 Draw the outline of the two population pyramids. Add labels to
show key characteristics of each pyramid.
2 For each country, draw a table similar to the one below to show the
social, economic and political factors that have created the current
population structure
Social factors Economic factors Political factors
Exam tip
The specification asks you to look at an example of a South Asian
and a sub-Saharan African country, therefore you must learn a
detailed example of each.
Revision activity
Draw a mind map to summarise all your information on issues in
primary education. Begin with ‘primary education’ in the middle of the
page and then add three arms: one each for causes, consequences
and solutions. Remember to include case study information.
International agreements
In Europe there are international agreements in place with regard to
the movement of people across countries. One of these agreements is
known as the Schengen agreement, which was signed in 1995. This
created Europe’s Schengen Zone which enables passport-free
movement of people between the countries that have signed the
agreement. In 2016, there were 26 Schengen countries: 22 European
Union (EU) members and four non-EU (Norway, Iceland, Switzerland
and Liechtenstein). There are therefore six EU countries which have
not signed up to this agreement and prefer to manage their own
borders (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and the UK).
This itself has created issues. For example, the restriction of free
movement into the UK has led to an increase in the number of illegal
migrants trying to get into the country. One route used by illegal
migrants was to get to Calais and attempt to cross the English
Channel illegally by stowing away in lorries or vans, or by attempting
to get through the Eurotunnel. This led to a slum area developing in
Calais known as ‘the jungle’, where migrants lived while attempting to
find a route to the UK. The jungle was demolished in 2016 in an
attempt to reduce the number of illegal immigrants coming to the UK.
Revision activity
Draw a bubble diagram to show the responses to the European
refugee crisis. Shade in the bubbles that are national responses in
one colour and those that are international responses in another
Figure 2 Migration routes across Europe.
Exam practice
‘Eradicating child labour is a key factor in the further development of
countries in both South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.’ To what extent
do you think this is true?
Exam tip
If an exam question asks you for the consequences of child labour or
lack of primary education then remember to link the effect to the
issue. You have to not only state what the consequence is but also
explain how that results because of the issue.
Challenges of malaria
Malaria is caused by parasites that are spread to people through the
bites of infected mosquitoes. It is a preventable disease, yet in 2015,
there were an estimated 214 million malaria cases and some 438,000
malaria deaths, the majority of which were in African countries.
Exam tip
If a question asks you to explain the challenges that malaria presents
then you must be able to link the challenge back to the country or
location it is in and why the conditions there make it a challenge.
Challenges of HIV
There were approximately 36.9 million people in the world living with
HIV/AIDS by the end of 2014, and 2.6 million of these were children.
Sub-Saharan Africa has the most widespread HIV/AIDS epidemic in
the world. In 2013, an estimated 24.7 million people were living with
HIV, which accounts for 71 per cent of the global total.
Revision activity
Draw a table to compare the impacts of and strategies to tackle
malaria and HIV infection.
Exam practice
1 What is meant by the term infant mortality rate?
2 Why is this an important measure of development?
3 Explain why either malaria or HIV is difficult to control and manage
in sub-Saharan Africa.
4 Describe the international responses to either malaria or HIV.
Exam practice
‘In the twenty-first century, bottom-up approaches rather than top-
down approaches are the way forward to speed up development in
sub-Saharan Africa.’ To what extent do you agree with this
Revision activity
Research one bottom-up approach and one top-down approach to
improving health in sub-Saharan Africa. Then draw a table similar to
the one below highlighting the key features and the extent to which
they are socially, environmentally and economically sustainable.
Scheme – key Socially Environmentally Economically
features sustainable sustainable sustainable
Theme 8 Environmental
Ecological footprint
Consumerism also drives the food industry. In the 1950s and 1960s, it
was only possible to buy fruits like strawberries and apples when they
were in season in the UK. At that time the UK produced a much higher
proportion of its food than we do today and consumers were more in
touch with the growing seasons of the food they ate. However, with
increased globalisation we now have seasonal fruits available in our
supermarkets throughout the year. These foods are sourced from all
over the world, for example:
• lamb from New Zealand
• beef from South America
• apples from Chile
• green beans from Kenya.
All of these foods can be grown or raised in the UK but may not be
available all year round and therefore thousands of food miles (both
air and sea) are covered each year in transporting these foods from
their source country to the place they are consumed. This
transportation has a large impact on the environment through
pollution, and in changing the use of the areas of land that are used to
grow the food. These both have an impact on the ecological
footprint of the way that we consume food. When considering the
ecological footprint of goods that we consume, the following factors
are taken into consideration:
• the energy used in their formation
• the land area taken to produce the goods
• the amount of carbon produced from production to consumption
• the impact on the ecosystem where produced
• the waste that is created from producing and consuming the
Exam tip
An exam question may ask you to ‘explain the links between …’.
Remember that links can go both ways and therefore look at both
how consumerism affects global interdependence and also how
global interdependence affects consumerism.
Now test yourself
1 What do you understand by the term ‘consumerism’?
2 Explain why consumerism has an impact on the ecological
footprint of a population.
• Palm oil is widely accepted as a healthy alternative to other cooking
oils and in an increasingly health-conscious Western world demand
has increased.
• It can also be used as a biofuel which provides a greener solution
to the energy crisis.
• 66 million tonnes of palm oil are used annually.
• Palm oil is used in many products including biscuits, margarine,
make-up and soap.
• Borneo is thought to contain six per cent of the world’s species due
to its vast areas of rainforest.
• Palm oil plantations are grown as a monoculture and therefore
reduce the biodiversity compared to the rainforest they replace.
• Large areas of rainforest are destroyed, not only for the plantation
itself but also for the infrastructure that is needed for the plantation.
• Local indigenous people and animals become displaced.
• Air and water pollution, together with soil erosion, frequently result.
Global interdependence
• Palm oil has higher yields and lower production costs compared to
many of its alternatives and therefore is a highly profitable produce
for the newly industrialised countries (NICs) that the island of
Borneo is governed by.
• Indonesia and Malaysia are the largest palm oil producing countries
in the world and it forms a major part of their exports.
• Huge profits are made for the multinational corporations that invest
in the plantations. In recent years these corporations have been
asked to support sustainable use of land for palm oil production.
• The biggest importers of palm oil are India, the European Union
and China.
• In 2010, over 3 million tonnes of wild shrimp were caught by
fishermen in mangrove forests.
• Fish (including shrimp) are the second largest export for
Bangladesh at a value of $569.9 million in 2016.
• Large businesses cut down areas of mangrove forests so that the
area can be developed for aquaculture.
• Trees in mangrove forests can tolerate both salt and fresh water
and therefore are a valuable habitat for a wide range of animals and
• The roots of the trees hold together the mud and act as a natural
defence to coastal flooding.
• The sheltered water created by the trees creates the ideal breeding
ground for fish and shrimps.
• 25 million hectares of mangrove forest in Bangladesh have been
destroyed, largely to make way for shrimp farms.
• Shrimp farms produce organic waste and chemicals which may
pollute natural water sources.
Global interdependence
• Due to high demand from countries such as the USA, Japan and
Western Europe, shrimp farming began in the 1970s to increase the
supply of shrimps, which now accounts for 55 per cent of all
shrimps produced.
• Most shrimp farms are in China, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil,
Ecuador and Bangladesh.
Figure 2 A mangrove forest in Bangladesh.
• Drier summers may increase income through tourism.
• The economic cost of flood damage (repairs to buildings, roads,
lost days’ work, replacing valuables and so on) is predicted to
increase to around £27 billion by 2080.
• Insurance premiums will rise as more claims are made. Some
areas may become uninsurable.
• Increased food price volatility may cause an increase in the cost of
food in the UK.
• New crops such as oranges could be grown in the UK, which will
reduce imports.
• Milder and wetter winter weather.
• A higher frequency of storms, which may also be more severe.
• Increased risk of flooding, particularly in the south-east of England.
• Extremely wet winters are five times more likely over the next 100
years, which may lead to an increased risk of flooding, particularly
in the south-east of England.
• Warmer drier summers are likely, which could bring an increased
risk of droughts and heatwaves.
• Species of animals and plants may migrate north as they no longer
fit the habitat that they currently exist in. Some species may
become extinct. New species which previously were unable to exist
here may spread into the UK.
• Reduction in food supply due to salinisation of the soil.
• Increased water supply scarcity due to contamination from
saltwater and irregularity of rainfall.
• Increase in the number of tropical storms destroys what little
resources the islanders have.
• Increase in water-borne diseases which threaten lives.
• Some islanders have already decided to leave and move to New
Zealand, becoming environmental refugees.
• The economy is based on the export of copra (dried coconut kernel
used to extract coconut oil) and the sale of fishing licences. These
are under threat due to flooding and warmer seas.
• The country has sold its internet domain ‘.tv’, which has guaranteed
an income of $50 million over twelve years. This money is being
used to help pay for flood defences.
• The warming of the ocean around Tuvalu decreases the
biodiversity on the delicate coral reefs and therefore restricts a food
• Increased amounts of stagnant water due to frequent flooding.
The soil of Tuvalu is prone to increasing salinisation due to sea level
rise, which threatens the habitats of some plants such as coconut
trees and pulaka.
Alternative geographical future
• The islanders will need to adapt to a life living below sea level,
relying completely on robust sea defences to prevent flooding
• A large proportion of the population may wish to migrate to begin a
new life in a less threatened environment.
• The loss of identity of the population as they become settled in
other countries.
Exam tip
You must learn the impacts of climate change in two contrasting
environments. The UK must be one and your teacher will choose
another. Make sure you know the differences in impacts of climate
change between these two environments and why the impacts differ.
International agreements
There have been several attempts to draw up international
agreements to restrict emissions from countries. The main ones are:
• The Kyoto Protocol, which was signed in 1997 and committed
countries to targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions between
2008 and 2012.
• The Paris Agreement, which was signed in 2015 and recognised
that countries must keep global temperature increases to below 2 °C
above pre-industrial levels. It also recognised that newly
industrialised countries (NICs) need to cut emissions at different
rates from high-income countries (HICs).
International agreements are made increasingly difficult by the
different values and attitudes held by various countries. For example,
a country in sub-Saharan Africa which suffers increased and
prolonged periods of drought may be very willing to sign up to
agreements on climate change. However, rapidly industrialising
countries with a large manufacturing-based economy may be more
National governments
Most national governments also put policies in place with the aim of
helping their country to meet internationally agreed targets. Examples
for the UK include:
• The Climate Change Act of 2008. This Act sets out that UK
emissions must be cut by at least 80 per cent by 2050.
• In 2009, the Welsh government agreed to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by 40 per cent by 2020.
To help achieve these targets the government has invested in new
technologies such as:
• Low carbon energy sources: investment in alternative sources of
energy such as solar, wind, hydroelectric power and tidal.
• Carbon capture: a method of capturing the carbon dioxide that is
emitted from burning fossil fuels.
• Increased efficiency in new buildings: so that less heating or cooling
will be required.
• Car fuel standards: the development of electric cars together with
energy-saving technology that turns engines off when stationary,
both of which reduce fuel consumption.
Local government
Local governments have their own strategies to meet targets. This is
the example for Swansea:
Individual actions
The actions that individuals can take to reduce greenhouse emissions
• Insulate all windows, doors and lofts in buildings to reduce heat loss.
• Install solar panels to heat water or generate electricity and use
energy-efficient appliances.
• Walk, cycle or use public transport.
• Buy locally sourced foods to reduce food miles.
Revision activity
Copy the table below. Try to include two examples under each type
of strategy and then give an advantage and disadvantage of each
strategy. (Think about how effective the strategy may be.)
Strategy Advantages Disadvantages
International agreement
National agreement
Local government
Individual actions
Exam practice
1 Give two ways in which agri-businesses impact negatively on the
2 Explain why the disposal of waste impacts on the environment.
3 Describe the long-term impacts of climate change on the UK.
4 How might people’s lifestyles change in the future in a warmer
Exam tip
You need to understand ‘the role of individuals and governments in
adopting new technologies and lifestyles to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions’. If you are asked a question about ‘the role’ of a particular
group of people, remember you must discuss not only what they do
to reduce climate change but also whether this is more or less
effective than another group of people.
Management of ecosystems
How can damaged environments and
natural habitats be managed and
Environmental strategies to manage habitat and
Habitats and biodiversity are under threat from human activities
within the ecosystem, which can lead to a permanent change in the
plants and animals which occupy that land area. To combat this and to
try to preserve ecosystems, environmental strategies are being
used to manage a range of habitats.
Example of a managed habitat: tropical rainforest
in Borneo
Natural ecosystem
• It is naturally covered in tropical rainforest, a biodiverse ecosystem
containing six per cent of the world’s wildlife.
• Endangered species include the Sumatran rhinoceros, Borneo
pygmy elephant, giant pitcher plants and the orangutan.
Environmental strategies
• Debt-for-nature swap: the USA and Indonesia have agreed a
debt-for-nature swap which will divert $28.5 million intended to
repay Indonesia’s debts to the USA into environmental strategies
for improving land-use techniques in the Indonesian part of Borneo.
• The Heart of Borneo project was established in 2007. This
established a protected area (similar to a national park) of largely
untouched rainforest in the middle of Borneo which aims to
conserve and maintain the biodiversity of the forest.
• Development of ecotourism within the Heart of Borneo is a main
strategy for social and economic development on the island.
• Raising public awareness: Greenpeace and WWF campaign to
raise public awareness of the fact that rainforests are being
destroyed to make palm oil to go into products such as toothpaste.
They encourage the public to buy products with sustainably sourced
Environmental strategies
• The Masai Mara national reserve (similar to a national park) is 1510
km2 of protected savannah in south-western Kenya. Here, not only
is wildlife protected but it also protects the lands that native tribes
• Encouragement of sustainable tourism to provide an income for
local people so that they do not turn to poaching or trafficking
• A debt-for-development swap agreed in 2006 between the Kenyan
and Italian governments sets out that €44 million over ten years be
paid by the Kenyan government on development schemes
(including conservation) rather than be paid back to Italy.
• The Amboseli–Chyulu corridor is a wildlife corridor which
connects the Amboseli National Park to the Chyulu Hills and allows
free movement of animals such as lions, zebras, elephants and
giraffes. This corridor was under threat until Disneynature and the
African Wildlife Foundation helped to protect 20,000 ha of the
Exam practice
‘A debt-for-nature swap is the most effective environmental strategy
to manage habitat and biodiversity.’ To what extent do you agree?
Aftershocks Ground tremors occurring after a major
earthquake but associated with the same focus
Ageing population Country which has a high proportion of
people aged over 65
Agro-forestry A land-use management system in which trees
or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland
AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is the final stage
of HIV infection, which may lead to death unless treated
Air masses Large volumes of air with the same temperature
and humidity throughout
Aquaculture The commercial farming of fish and shellfish
Aquifer A permeable rock which stores and transfers water
Arch A natural opening in a cliff where the sea is able to flow
Area of Outstanding National Beauty (AONB) A part of the
countryside that is designated for conservation due to its
natural beauty
Ash cloud A large cloud of smoke and debris that forms over a
volcano after it erupts
Asylum seekers People who have applied for legal
recognition as refugees in another country and are waiting for a
Backswash The flow of water back into the sea after a wave
has broken on to the shore
Bay A recessed area of coastline often found between two
Beach nourishment Sand and shingle are added to a beach
to make it higher and wider
Beach Created by deposition (usually sand, shingle or
pebbles) and lies between the high water mark and the low
water mark
Bed load The material carried by the river being bounced or
rolled along its bed
Bedding plane Clearly seen layers of rock in a cliff face
Biodiversity A measure of the variety of plants and animals
that live in an ecosystem
Biodiversity The variety of living things
Biome A large-scale ecosystem where climate, vegetation and
soils are broadly the same within the area
Birth rate The number of babies born in an area per 1000 of
Bottom-up approach Projects that are planned and led by
local communities to help their local area
Brownfield site An area for redevelopment that has previously
been built on
Caldera A volcanic cone where the original top and centre
have been removed, either through a massive eruption or
through collapse, leaving the base of the cone as a large ring-
shaped ridge
Capacity The ability of a country or region to react to and
recover from a natural hazard
Carbon cycle The process by which carbon moves from the
atmosphere to the Earth and oceans, through various plants
and animals, and then back into the atmosphere again
Carbon dioxide (CO2) A colourless and odourless gas, made
of carbon and oxygen, found in the atmosphere
Carbon flows The movement of carbon between stores in the
carbon cycle
Carbon stores In the short term, carbon is kept or stored in
the atmosphere, oceans and biosphere; in the long term,
carbon is stored in fossil fuels
Carbonation Where chemicals in rainwater such as carbonic
acid react with chemicals in rocks such as limestone
Carrying capacity The maximum population size that an
environment can sustain
Caste system An Indian class system which involves
determining social class by the one you were born into
Cavern A large underground cave which has been created due
to enlargement of joints in carboniferous limestone
Central business district (CBD) The main shopping and
service area in a city
Child labour Work that deprives children of their childhood,
their potential and their dignity
Cinder cone A steep-sided conical hill formed by the explosive
eruption of cinders (glassy volcanic fragments) that accumulate
around a vent
Cliff regrading Reducing the angle of a cliff to reduce mass
Climate change A large-scale, long-term shift in the Earth’s
weather patterns, especially in average temperatures
Climate The average weather over a long period (at least 30
years) of time
Commodities Raw materials or primary agricultural products
that can be bought and sold, such as tea or copper
Commuter belt The area around a town or city where people
travel to work in the urban area
Concordant coastline Rocks are formed parallel to the sea so
that erosion rates along the coastline are even
Constructive margin A plate boundary, sometimes called a
divergent plate margin, where the crustal plates move apart
from each other
Consumerism An ideology that encourages the acquisition of
goods and services in ever-increasing amounts
Consumerism The idea that it is good if people buy an
increasing amount of goods or services
Continuum of social development A way of thinking about
social development as a continuous process that does not
have an end point
Convection When heat in a gas or liquid is transferred from a
warmer to a cooler place by upward movement
Convectional rainfall When the land warms up and heats the
air above it, causing the air to expand and rise. As the air rises
it cools and condenses, and large cumulonimbus clouds are
formed, leading to heavy rainfall. This type of rainfall is
common in tropical areas
Correlation The degree of association between two sets of
data: can be either positive (as one increases so does the
other) or negative (as one increases the other decreases)
Cost-benefit An analytical tool for assessing the pros and
cons of a decision
Counter-urbanisation The movement of people out of towns
and cities to rural areas
Cruise holiday A voyage on a ship or boat taken for pleasure
and usually stopping at several places
Crust The solid outermost layer of the Earth lying above the
Cycle of deprivation The cycle where a family living in poverty
is unable to improve its lifestyle due to the negative factors of
low income, poor housing and education, which keeps it in a
state of poverty
Death rate The number of people dying in an area per 1000 of
Debt-for-nature swap An agreement that poorer nations will
spend money on conservation projects and in return richer
countries will cancel part of the debt the poor countries owe
Deindustrialisation Fall in the percentage contribution of
secondary industry to an economy in terms of its value and
importance as an employment sector
Delta A landform created by the deposition of sediment carried
by a river as the flow leaves its mouth and enters slower-
moving or standing water, for example an ocean, sea or lake
Depopulation The reduction in the population of an area
Deposition The dropping of the material carried by the river
Deprivation The lack of key features that are regarded as
necessary for a reasonable standard of living
Desertification The spread of desert, or desert conditions,
from an established desert area into the surrounding area
Destructive margin A plate boundary, sometimes called a
convergent or tensional plate margin, where oceanic and
continental plates move towards each other
Development continuum A linear scale from ‘highly
developed’ countries to those with a ‘low level’ of development
Development gap The gap that exists in the measurement of
development between the world’s richest and poorest countries
Development gap The widening difference in levels of
development between the world’s richest and poorest countries
Discordant coastline Rocks are formed at right angles to the
sea and so erosion rates vary along the coastline depending
on rock type
Diversification The process which results in a growing range
of economic activities
Drainage basin An area of land drained by a river and its
Drought A lack of precipitation in an area for a long period of
Dyke An artificial earthen wall built to prevent flooding by the
Earthquake A tremor of the surface of the Earth resulting from
shockwaves generated by the movement of rock masses within
the Earth, particularly near boundaries of tectonic plates
Eco-housing Houses that are built to make them
environmentally sustainable
Ecological footprint A measure of the impact on the natural
environment a person’s lifestyle has. It is measured as the land
area that it takes to sustain this lifestyle
Ecological island An area of land, isolated by natural or
artificial means from the surrounding land
Economic factors Factors that relate to cost and finance
Economic migrants People who move with the hope of
earning more money elsewhere
Economic sustainability Development that ensures everyone
has the right to economic improvement in the long term
Ecosystem A community of plants and animals and how they
interact with the environment within which they live
Ecosystem The links between plants, animals and the non-
living things around them such as rocks, soil, water and climate
Ecotourism Tourism directed towards exotic natural
environments, intended to support conservation efforts and
observe wildlife
Ecotourism Tourism which has a very low environmental
Embryo dune The youngest dune at the front of the dunes,
nearest the sea
Enclave tourism Where tourist activities are planned and
congregated in one small geographic area
Endemic A species which is only found in a given region or
location and nowhere else in the world
Environment Agency A non-departmental public body with
responsibility for the protection and enhancement of the
environment in England (and until 2013 also Wales)
Environmental challenges Problems caused by human use
of the natural landscape or resources
Environmental refugees People who are forced to leave their
home region due to changes in their local environment which
could include drought, desertification and sea level rise
Environmental refugees People who have been forced to
leave their traditional habitats because of a marked
environmental disruption such as flooding
Environmental strategies Methods of managing an area
where the primary objective is to care for the environment
Environmental sustainability Improvements in the standard
of living that do not cause long-term damage to the
Epicentre The point on the Earth’s surface immediately above
the focus
Erosion The wearing away of the land
Ethical tourists Tourists who consider the needs of the local
people and who have a minimum impact on the environment
Evidence The body of facts or information which indicates
whether a belief or theory is true
Exports Goods and services produced in one country and
shipped to another
Fallow A field left to naturally regain its nutrients after growing
crops for a number of years
Ferrel cell The mid-latitude cell in the tricellular model of
atmospheric circulation
Fertility rate The average number of births to a woman in her
Fixed or grey dunes Found further inland where conditions for
plant growth improve
Floodplain A flat piece of land on either side of a river forming
the valley floor
Flow The movement of water
Fluvial Referring to a river and its landforms
Focus The source of a shockwave, which can be at varying
Fold mountains Mountains that form by folding of layers in the
upper part of the Earth’s crust. Most commonly formed where a
continental plate collides with another or with an oceanic plate
Food chain The interconnections between different organisms
(plants and animals) that rely on one another as their source of
Food miles The distance that food travels from where it is
grown or reared to where it is consumed
Food web The system of interlocking and interdependent food
Fore dunes Older and slightly higher dunes just shorewards of
embryo dunes
Freeze–thaw action The breakdown of rocks due to water
entering cracks and repeatedly freezing and thawing
Front The boundary where two air masses meet
Gender inequality index (GII) A measurement of gender
Genetic modification The placing of a gene from one
organism into another so that the latter can take on a quality of
the former that it doesn’t otherwise have
Geyser A hot spring that is under pressure and erupts, sending
jets of water and steam into the air. The heat results from the
contact of groundwater with magma bodies
Glaciation The process by which the land is covered by
Global cities Cities that play an important role in the global
economic system of finance and trade
Global cooling A decrease in global temperatures
Global interdependence When countries depend on each
other to buy or sell goods
Global warming The pattern of increasing global temperatures
Globalisation Flows of people, ideas, money and goods
making a global web that links people and places
Globalisation The global web of links between countries
involving people, trade, ideas and cultures
Globalisation The process by which the world’s economies,
societies and cultures have become integrated through
networks of communication, transportation and trade
Gorge A steep-sided narrow valley formed by a retreating
Greenfield site An area of land that has not been used before
for building
Greenhouse effect The natural process that results in the
warming of the Earth’s atmosphere
Gross domestic product (GDP) The total value of goods and
services produced by a country in a year
Gross domestic product (GDP) The total value of goods and
services produced in a country in a year
Gross national income (GNI) per capita A measure of the
total economic output of a country, including income from
foreign investments, divided by its population (per capita
means per person)
Gross national income (GNI) per capita The average income
in a country per person
Groundwater flow The flow of water through rocks
Groynes A low wall or barrier on a beach built at right angles
to the sea to restrict longshore drift
Gully erosion Channels formed on a poorly vegetated hillside
by soil erosion
Habitat A place where plants or animals normally live
Habitat The natural home or environment of an animal, plant
or other organism
Hadley cell The portion of the tricellular model of air circulation
where air rises at the equator due to convection, spreads in the
upper troposphere and then sinks over the tropics before
returning to the equator
Hard engineering Building an artificial structure to control
coastal processes. It is usually expensive, has a high impact
on the environment and is unsustainable
Hazard map A map that highlights areas affected by or
vulnerable to a particular hazard
Hazard map A map that highlights areas that are affected by,
or vulnerable to, a particular hazard
Headland An area of land that juts into the sea
Heatwave An extended period of hot weather relative to the
expected conditions at that time of year
High pressure Descending air leads to high pressure at the
Earth’s surface
High-income countries (HICs) Countries with a GNI per
capita of $11,456 or more
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus is a virus that attacks the
body’s immune system and weakens its ability to fight
infections. If left untreated, HIV may lead to AIDS
Hold the line Existing coastal defences are repaired but no
new defences are set up
Honeypot site A place of special interest that attracts tourists
Human development index (HDI) A measure of the
development in a country taking into account wealth, education
and average life expectancy
Hydrograph A line graph used to display the discharge of a
river over a period of time
Hydropolitics Politics affected by the availability of water and
water resources
Imports Goods and services brought into one country from
Indigenous Originating in a particular area, region or nation;
usually applied to flora, fauna and people
Infant mortality rate Number of deaths of children under one
year of age occurring per 1000 live births in an area per year
Infant mortality rate The number of babies per 1000 live
births who die under the age of one
Infiltration The movement of water into the soil
Informal economy Forms of employment that are not officially
recognised, for example the money earned from irregular jobs
or from working for yourself on the streets
Informal economy The jobs that are done by self-employed
people which are neither declared to, nor regulated by, the
Infrastructure The basic structures and services needed by
any society, for example roads, railways, water and electricity
Infrastructure The collective name for all the communication
links and basic utility links that are built across a country to
facilitate movement
Insolation Solar radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface
(energy received per cm² per minute)
Interception When rainfall does not reach the ground as it is
blocked by trees, buildings and so on
Interdependent Where countries are linked together in a
complex web, economically, socially, culturally and politically,
so that they are dependent on each other
Interlocking spurs Hard, resistant rocks that a river cannot
easily erode and therefore the river goes around them
Intermediate technology Low-cost, often labour-intensive
technology, based on local resources, that is appropriate to
economically less developed countries
International refugees People who are forced to leave where
they live to move to another country
Intertidal zone The area that is above water at low tide and
under water at high tide
Intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) A zone of
convergence at the equator where the trade winds meet
Isostatic change Change in the height of land relative to the
sea, often because of the melting of ice from the last ice age
Key services The processes by which the environment
produces resources used by humans such as clean air, water,
food and materials
Lag time The time between the peak rainfall and peak
discharge in a river
Lahar Mudflow associated with volcanic activity. Surface water
mixes with volcanic ash to produce the lahar
Latitude A measure of position north or south of the equator
Lava flow A stream of lava flowing from a volcanic vent
Lava tube A hollow tunnel formed when the outside of a lava
flow cools and solidifies and the molten material passing
through it is drained away
Leaching The process of washing out from soils of soluble
Leakage The way in which revenue generated by tourism is
lost to other countries’ economies
Life expectancy The average age a person is expected to live
to in a population
Liquefaction Occurs when vibrations cause soil particles to
lose contact with one another. As a result soil behaves like a
liquid, has an inability to support weight and can flow down
very gentle slopes
Literacy rate The percentage of people in a population who
can read or write
Location A particular place or position
Longshore drift The process by which sediment is moved
along the coastline
Low pressure Rising air leads to low pressure at the Earth’s
Low-elevation coastal zones (LECZs) Coastal areas that are
less than 10 m above sea level
Low-income countries (LICs) Countries with a GNI per capita
of $1045 or less
Lowland An area of land that is lower than the land around it
Magma Molten rock located below the Earth’s surface within
the mantle or crust
Magnitude A quantitative measure of the size of a natural
event such as a tropical storm
Magnitude A quantitative measure of the size of an
earthquake using the Richter scale
Malaria A serious tropical disease which if left untreated can
be fatal; symptoms include fever, headaches, vomiting and
muscle pain
Managed retreat Involves allowing the sea to breach existing
defences and flood the land behind it
Mass movement When soil, rocks or stones move down a
Meander A bend in the river formed by lateral (sideways)
Mega-cities Cities with over ten million residents
Migration The movement of people from one place to another
Monoculture Large-scale farming of one crop type
Monoculture The cultivation of a single crop in a given area
Multiplier effect The ‘snowballing’ of economic activity, for
example new jobs are created, people who take them have
money to spend in shops, which means that more shop
workers are needed
National park An area of special countryside which is
protected by the state for people to enjoy and to preserve the
National Park An area which is protected because of its
beautiful countryside, wildlife and cultural heritage
Natural population change The change in population from
births and deaths only
Newly industrialised countries (NICs) Middle-income
countries where the pace of economic growth is faster than in
other developing countries
Newly industrialised country (NIC) A country in which
development has been rapid over its recent history, often
greater than seven per cent a year
NGO A non-governmental organisation (NGO) is a not-for-
profit organisation that is independent from states and
international governmental organisations
Non-renewable Resources considered to be finite as their rate
of use far outstrips the rate at which they are formed
North Atlantic Drift An ocean current which stretches from the
Gulf of Mexico to north-western Europe (also known as the
Gulf Stream)
Nutrient cycle The movement of nutrients in the ecosystem
between the stores in the hydrosphere, lithosphere,
atmosphere and biosphere
Ocean ridge A narrow, largely continuous underwater
mountain system formed by the extrusion of lava at a divergent
plate margin
Ocean trench A long, narrow, deep depression in the ocean
floor formed at a subduction zone where the denser plate is
forced below the less dense one
Offshore bar An area of deposition that is slightly off the
coastline in the estuary of a river
Outsourcing Transferring of work to outside suppliers rather
than completing it internally
Overland flow The flow of water across the ground surface
Percolation The movement of water from the soil into the
Photosynthesis The process in which green plants absorb
light energy from the Sun using chlorophyll in their leaves to
transform water and CO2 into a sugar called glucose
Plagioclimax The plant community that exists when human
actions prevent the climatic climax vegetation being reached
Plate boundary or margin The place where two or more
plates in the Earth’s crust meet
Plunge pool A deepened part of the river bed at the base of
the waterfall caused by the impact of the falling water
Polar cell A cell in the tricellular model of atmospheric
Political factors Factors that relate to decisions made by
government, either national or local
Population density The average number of people per square
kilometre. Usually expressed as densely or sparsely populated
Population pyramid A graph that shows the age and gender
distribution of a population
Population The number of people living in an area
Precipitation Any form of water falling from the sky
Prevailing wind The direction from which wind most frequently
blows in a particular place
Primary jobs Jobs that involve getting raw materials from the
environment, for example fishing, mining and farming
Pull factors Factors that attract people to a place
Pull factors Factors that attract people to a place
Push factors Factors that make people want to leave a place
Pyroclastic flow The cloud of gas, ash, dust, stones and rocks
emitted during a highly explosive volcanic eruption
Pyrophytes Plants that have adapted to tolerate fire
Quotas Limits on the amount of goods imported
Rainwater harvesting The collection of water from surfaces
on which rain falls, and storing this water for later use
Re-urbanisation People moving from the countryside back to
urban areas
Renewable Resources which either are never-ending or
replenish quickly enough that their use does not lead to
Responsible travel Travel where local families benefit
economically through jobs and services
Richter scale A measure of the magnitude of an earthquake. It
uses a logarithmic scale, that is each level is ten times stronger
than the one below, from 1 to 10
Rift valley A lowland region that forms by the subsidence of
land between two parallel faults where the Earth’s tectonic
plates move apart or rift
Rising limb The part of a hydrograph where the discharge of a
river is increasing after a rainfall event
Risk The probability of a hazard event causing harmful
consequences (death, injury, loss of property, damage to
environment and so on)
River estuary The wide mouth of a river where it meets the
Rock pool A pool of seawater between shoreline rocks
Rural periphery On the edge or margins; areas which have a
poor economic status and thus suffer from the associated
social conditions
Rural An area of countryside characterised by wide open
Sahel A region in north-central Africa south of the Sahara
Desert in an area prone to drought
Salination The process that increases the salt content of water
or soil
Sand dune stabilisation Planting vegetation, such as marram
grass, or building wooden fences helps sand to build up and
the dunes stabilise, which then provides a barrier and absorbs
wave energy
Schengen agreement An EU agreement whereby border
checks between some member states have largely been
Sediment The material carried by the sea
Seismometer (or seismograph) An instrument used to detect
and record earthquakes
Shield volcano A volcanic cone with gentle slopes made up of
layers of fluid basaltic lava
Shoreline management plan (SMP) An assessment of the
risks associated with coastal processes
Sink hole A hole in the ground caused by a collapse of the
surface layer, often found in carboniferous limestone areas
where caverns are present
Slip-off slope A bank of gently sloping deposited material
found on the inside bend of a meander
Slope processes The processes involved in moving material
from the cliffs on to the beach
Small island developing states (SIDs) Low-lying coastal
countries that tend to share similar development challenges,
including small but growing populations, limited resources,
remoteness, susceptibility to natural disasters, vulnerability to
external shocks, excessive dependence on international trade
and fragile environments
Social development A measure of how well a society is
changing for the better or how living standards are improving
Social factors Factors that relate to people’s health, lifestyle
and community
Social sustainability Development that is inclusive and
ensures an improvement in the standard of living for all
Soft engineering Works with natural systems, using natural
materials and processes. It is often less expensive, has a low
impact on the environment and is more sustainable
Sphere of influence A region within which an urban area
provides an important economic and social influence
Spit A sand or shingle beach that is joined to the land but
projects outwards into the sea in the direction of the prevailing
Stack A vertical pillar of rock left behind after the collapse of an
Stem flow Movement of water that has been intercepted down
the stem or trunk of a plant
Store A place where water is stationary within the water cycle
Storm surge A rapid rise in sea level caused by storms forcing
water into a narrowing sea area such as an estuary
Storm surge The pushing of water against a coastline to
abnormally high levels, usually a combination of extreme low
pressure and winds pushing water into a narrowing feature
such as a bay or estuary
Stratosphere The second major layer of Earth’s atmosphere,
above the troposphere
Stratovolcano A conical volcano with steep sides made up of
alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic material, such as ash.
Also known as a composite volcano
Subduction The process in which an oceanic plate collides
with and is forced down under another crustal plate and drawn
back into the mantle
Subsidies Benefits given by the government usually in the
form of a cash payment or a tax reduction
Subsistence A farming system where farmers produce just
enough to sustain themselves and their families
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) A chemical compound of sulphur and
oxygen, a toxic gas with a pungent smell
Sustainable community A community which is able to support
the needs of all its residents with minimal environmental
Sustainable Using ecosystems to meet the needs of the
current generation without compromising the needs of future
Swash The movement of water up the beach as a wave
Tariffs Taxes imposed on imports
Tectonic plates The Earth’s crust and upper part of the mantle
is split up into large sections
Temperate maritime climate Characterised by the absence of
extreme climatic conditions, with mild winter temperatures and
warm summers; rainfall is frequent but not extreme; found
between 23.5° and 66.5° of latitude
Tertiary jobs Jobs that provide a service, for example
teaching, medical and retail
Throughflow The flow of water through the soil
Top-down approach Large-scale projects that are decided on
by national governments
Tourism Any activity where a person voluntarily visits a
place away from home and stays there for at least one
Transpiration Water given off by plants
Transportation The movement of material by the flow of
Tropical storm A severe low-pressure weather system which
develops over tropical maritime areas
Tropical storm An intense low pressure weather system that
can last for days to weeks within the tropical regions of Earth.
Known as hurricanes in North America, cyclones in India and
typhoons in Japan and East Asia
Tropopause The boundary separating the troposphere, where
all weather takes place, from the stratosphere
Tsunami Also known as a ‘seismic sea wave’. When an
earthquake lifts or drops part of the ocean floor the water
above rises and forms a series of waves called a tsunami. In
the open ocean, the tsunami wave is only about a metre high.
As it approaches shallower water, near to the coast, the wave
builds to a great height
United Nations (UN) An intergovernmental organisation to
promote international cooperation
Upland A landscape that is hilly or mountainous
Urban core An area that enjoys economic, social and political
superiority in comparison to its surrounding area
Urban–rural continuum A continuum along which all
settlements are placed
Urban A built-up environment where a lot of people live
Urbanisation The growth of towns and cities
V-shaped valley A narrow valley with steep sloping sides
found in the river’s upper course
Variables Factors that can change and influence an
Vertical erosion Erosion of the river channel that results
in its deepening rather than widening
Visitor pressure The increased impact on the landscape,
resources and services of an increased number of people due
to tourism
Volcanic explosivity index (VEI) A measure of the
explosiveness of volcanic eruptions. It measures how much
volcanic material is ejected, the height of the material thrown
into the atmosphere and how long the eruptions last. The scale
is logarithmic on a scale of 1–8
Volcano A mountain created by the eruption and deposition of
lava and ash from a vent in the ground
Vulnerability The potential to be harmed by a natural hazard.
Some people and places are more vulnerable than others
Vulnerability The potential to be harmed by a natural hazard.
Some people and places are more vulnerable than others
Water cycle The movement of water between the stores of
water in the hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere and
Water footprint The total volume of freshwater consumed and
polluted by people. It is calculated by adding the direct and
indirect water use of people
Water security When the population of a country has
sustainable access to adequate quantities of acceptably clean
Water stress When the demand for water exceeds the
available supply or when poor quality of water restricts its use
Water table The upper boundary of the underground saturated
part of the soil or rock
Waterfall Water falling from a higher level to a lower level due
to a change in rock structure or as a result of glacial erosion
Wave-cut notch A slot with overhanging rocks that has been
cut into the bottom of a cliff by wave action
Wave-cut platform A coastal landform made of a rocky shelf
in front of a cliff
Weather The atmospheric conditions at a particular place and
time; includes temperature, precipitation, wind and sunshine
Weathering The breakdown of rocks in place by elements of
the weather
Wetland restoration The process of transforming a wetland
area which has been affected by human activity into an area
that can sustain a native habitat
Wildlife corridor A strip of habitat that allows wild animals to
move from one ecosystem to another
World Bank An international financial institution that provides
loans to developing countries for capital programmes
Xerophytes Plants that can survive drought