October PROSPER & GAP Model Instructions
October PROSPER & GAP Model Instructions
October PROSPER & GAP Model Instructions
Prepared by:
Kareem Basha
Challenge PE – North team
July 2014
Table of contents:
1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………… 2
2. PROSPER Modelling ………………………………………………………………………….. 2
2.1. Using QuickLook tool to estimate POI ……………………………………………………. 5
2.2. Important notes while using PROSPER …………………………………………………... 7
2.3. Model uncertainties …………………………………………………………………………... 7
2.4. PROSPER outcomes ………………………………………………………………………….. 8
3. GAP Modelling ………………………………………………………………………………… 9
3.1. Matching GAP Model ………………………………………………………………………… 11
3.2. GAP Model Optimization ……………………………………………………………………. 12
3.3. Copying the model …………………………………………………………………………… 16
Project: October field production optimization using PROSPER & GAP Models.
Team members:
Project phases:
1. PROSPER Modelling.
2. GAP Modelling.
2. PROSPER Modelling
October team worked together to do the modelling for 42 open wells in October, there were
5 groups with 5 SPA’s working on updating the existing PROSPER models. Modelling
procedures for each well were as follows:
a) Reviewing well history (E-well book) to best understand your well performance
b) Updating old PROSPER model, here. In case of new wells or Sidetracks, a new
model is constructed.
c) For the old/ new PROSPER model, do the following to update and match the model:
Check producing zone from Bar chart and choose the suitable PVT
available here where you can find the PVT database in excel formats or you
can use the (.txt) format to import directly to PROSPER, here.
Importing method: from PROSPER do the following:
PVT DATA > Match Data > Import > Import file (select the file) > Continue > File
format (Tab Delimited) > Continue > Define the columns > Continue > Done.
If there is a well head sample from a well measured oil gravity API, it
is better to update the PVT with the actual API as it highly affects the
Select suitable PVT correlations that best matches your parameters.
To construct IPR and VLP curves, try to find the latest point at which
there is sufficient data (Well test / PLT, GLS, and S.S), this point
should be after any workover, WSO, Add-perf or Re-perf that could
change well productivity.
Well test data, here. PLT data here. Or from EC web here.
GLS data, here.
Reservoir pressure data, here, Reservoir pressure should be
converted to mid-perf depth (TVD THF).
In case there is only PLT or well test available at some date and
no GLS or S.S at the same date:
Use well test data from the PLT; double check WC from WC
Try to find reservoir pressure from an offset well at that
date, ask RE’s for advice to best estimate Pr. Compare this
pressure with the pressure from the shut-in pass in the PLT,
they should be reasonably close.
Find well head parameter (WHP, WHT, Gas-lift injection rate,
downstream pressure) during PLT from the analysis report or
from the automation at the PLT date, automation sheet is
available here.
Make sensitivity on the POI (Point of injection) using
correlation comparison. (Use Petroleum Experts 2 if
deviation <60° and Petroleum Experts 4 if deviation > 60°),
double check using QuickLook tool by setting the POI and
orifice diameter and try to get best match.
Use all these data to construct system IPR/ VLP and adjust
productivity index (PI) value, QC the adjusted value from
offset wells or the range of PI in the field, if accepted, OK, if
not, then re-visit your input data.
Update the model from sorting list, update WC and Gas-lift
injection rate, update reservoir pressure and then re-adjust PI
value, this step to match the model to the sorting list, our
The following figures are showing an example of using QuickLook tool to estimate gas-lift
injection depth:
Matching parameter,
Adjust orifice diameter downstream pressure
to model valve leaking
(bigger orifice) or scale
Make sensitivity on POI,
(smaller orifice)
start from the deepest
Make sure you are
using the right
Case 3 Case 4
POI V#4 @ 7945’ THF POI V#3 @ 7100’ THF
Make sure you keep a record for each input in PROSPER in the PROSPER Data
sheet here , to make it easier for subsequent users to use the model and understand
where the numbers are coming from. It is better to do the documentation from the
beginning while the data is fresh in your mind and not leave it to the last moment.
Reference depth for casing point, reservoir pressure, flowing pressure, reservoir
temperature is at mid-perfs. To convert the pressures into mid-pers use the Depth
converter here, or can be done in the PROSPER Data Sheet as well in the same
Make sure the reservoir pressure and water cut values are the same in the IPR and
VLP sections.
Make sure the depth of injection and gas-lift gas rate values are the same in the gas
lift data and VLP sections.
Before constructing the IPR/VLP, make sure to estimate U value (Heat transfer
coefficient) first and transfer it to your model if reasonable. It should be something
around 8 BTU/h/ft2/F for oil wells and 3 BTU/h/ft2/F for gas wells.
Before adjusting the productivity index (PI), or using QuickLook tool, make sure you
are using the proper vertical correlation (for example: Petroleum experts 2 not
petroleum experts 4 )
If there are multiple tests in the VLP section, make sure you select the test of
interest while adjusting the productivity index.
Make sure that the Rate method under System (3 variables) screen is automatic –
Geometric, this give more accurate results.
If you have done any changes to an existing model, make sure to write your name in
the summary screen with the date of this change, and a brief description of that
change. You can access this screen by double clicking on OPTIONS SUMMARY.
The general rule says that model results will be as good as the input data, so the better
quality of the input data, the most accurate and more reliable the model. Main challenge in
October field or in GoS was the lack of data and data quality; accordingly, many assumptions
have been done to complete the model. There are many assumptions made while doing the
PROSPER modelling for October field as follows:
1. PVT data are accurate and representative for each well assuming the reservoir fluid
properties are the same across the entire reservoir.
2. In wells producing from two different zones, the well is modelled as being producing
from the zone with the most contribution. For example, a well that is producing from
Nubia and Raha is modelled as Nubia producer.
3. Estimated reservoir pressures from offset wells are assumed to be accurate
assuming there is good reservoir communication between offsets.
4. Gas-lift injection rate measurements are assumed to be accurate as this is was the
only source to calculate the gas-lift injection rate, it worth highlighting that there are
some uncertainties in the gas-lift injection rates as per the gas balance study
performed in Feb. 2014 and showed around 20% losses from automation sensors on
5. In case there is no GLS, the injection depth estimated from QuickLook tool is
assumed to be the right POI.
6. For wells with old well tests that still have the same BFPD in the sorting list with
only updated WC and Gas-lift injection rate, it is assumed that these are still
producing the same rate as there is no recent well tests.
7. For wells where there are no well test data available, virtual test based on well head
parameters is used to match the model.
PROSPER modelling showed a bunch of opportunities either directly from the modelling itself or
indirectly while reviewing wells history where some other opportunities have been identified such as
re-perforating some intervals in some wells and checking chemical injection systems in other wells.
Total estimated gain from these opportunities is ± 1600 BOPD and can be summarized in the
following table.
Estimated gain,
P/F Well Recommendations
POI V#8.
OCT_C-3 150
GLS, based on which GLVC may be performed to go one deeper valve (V#9, RDO)
Well matched to IGOR data. POI V#3, well authorized for GLS, Based on PROSPER,
OCT_C-6S T1 500
V#7 may be changed to RDO.
OCT_D-8 Well test.
D POI from RDO, Orifice 19/64" (Severe plugging) well has scale tendency from
history, evaluate tbg cleaning.
Well has communication … there is leak in date after WSO 2009 so we neglect the
quick look match as it is not applicable. Recommend to perform GLS.
W/O due to severe T/A communication (in plan with Comet Rig).
OCT_G-11S T1
GLS as a baseline & optimization test after the W/O
Check efficiency of the current asphaltene inj. + update WHS analysis. Stop
G OCT_G-12 chemical injection, collect sample, send it to lap & Nalco for analysis.
Run GLS once it is possible
• GLS for possible GLVC (Last WxW outcome dated June-2014)
• PLT (Last WxW outcome dated June-2014)
OCT_G-13 60
• As per the model results, GLVC for V#6 (now RDO) with new active valve will
add +/- 60 BOPD
H OCT_H-9 POI is V#3, GLS for possible GLVC to inject from a deeper valve V#6 RDO) 250
PLT log (Nov. 13) showing high GR in top of the upper perfs. Indicating scal
accumulation, Acid stimulation may be recommended.
POI @ 8928’ V#5 , with orifice size 27, indicating erosion, or valve leakage.
Well has TA communication.
OCT_J-4B Well has an obstruction @ 9865 RKB (3 valves below) 50
GLS is recommended, based on which GLVC may be recommended , V#6 to be
converted to RDO (Maximum depth of injection).
Test the well (New well)
GLS to check GLS (POI)
POI V#6.
GLS for possible GLVC to go one deeper valve (RDO V#7).
OCT_J-9A 70
Well has scale tendency, Tubing cleaning, Perf. Acid wash may be considered to
improve well performance.
OCT_J-11S T1 Need to be tested. (WO Jun. 13)
• Change gas lift leaking valve #6 (RDO) GLS Aug-2006 with normal valve
OCT_K-1 • Reperf exsiting interval to improve PI 200
• Expected gain 200 BOPD
OCT_K-4 Well Authorized for WO
POI V#5.
ET_A-1 50
GLS, Based on it , GLVC and change V#6 to RDO. (Maximum depth of injection)
Flowing survey, evaluate Pwf, and PI, based on PI Acid stimulation job may be
recommended, the well productivity declined by 50% in 2 years.
POI V#6.
NO159-5A 100
ET-A GLS for possible GLVC to change V#8 to RDO. (Maximum depth of injection)
POI V#7.
NO159-6S T1 70
GLS for possible GLVC to inject from deeper valve (V#8, RDO)
The next step in this project was to build a GAP model where all system data can be integrated
together to be able to optimize the whole system; the model was built into steps as follows:
1. Model skeleton: the model structure was first built including all wells (Open and shut-in
wells), production pipelines between platforms, all connected to the separator at October
complex. Flow lines were not modelled for the sake of simplicity as long as they are very
short joints that will not add significant pressure drop.
2. Pipelines data: after building the structure of the model , next step was to start loading the
data into the model, starting with the pipelines data;
a. Upstream and downstream of the pipe.
b. Size of the pipe.
c. Length.
d. Pipeline profile (elevation).
October field pipeline network data sheet can be found here.
3. Wells data: after loading pipelines data, next step was to load wells data from PROSPER,
this step is subdivided into two steps:
a. IPR generation: used to transfer the IPRs from the PROSPER files to the GAP well
models, the result is that the IPR is imported in the well IPR section as shown
GAP uses its current type of IPR model for the well regardless of the IPR model used in the
generation by PROSPER. GAP takes the reservoir pressure and PVT information from PROSPER
along with three IPR data points. These points become the Match points in the GAP model, and
GAP fits its IPR coefficients to these points.
Check the “ ” option and Click the button. Once all the well files
have been read the screen shown below is presented.
To check and edit the values, the buttons shown above can be used to fill in
the table with numbers.
The reason for using a high range of values is so that GAP will always interpolate
between the values entered. If the range of data points entered is sparse, then GAP
will have to extrapolate on the values which may give incorrect results.
The following values can be used as possible intervals to enter the data for the VLP
curves. These values are only provided as guidance:
No. of Distribution
From To Used Parameters
points of points
Low value
AOF (Absolute Geometric
Liquid rate (Say 100 20 100 – 10000 BFPD
open flow) of well spacing
Top Node Linear 50 – 500 Psi (Separator pressure
pressure Reservoir pressure 10
pressure spacing 67 psi)
Water cut 0% 100 % 10 0 – 100 %
A value
less than Geometric 250 – 5000 SCF/STB
GOR 25000 scf/stb 10
solution spacing
GLR Linear
0 25600 scf/stb 10 0 – 5000 SCF/STB
injected spacing
Maximum value
that could be
Gas lift Linear
0 injected in the well 10 0 – 6 MMSCFD
Gas Rate spacing
(for example 6
After loading all wells and pipelines data, generating IPR and VLP curves, run the model to check
the results. Check data at each node and compare it to the actual data, you have to check the
When everything is ok, the model should give you good results close enough to the actual data.
Our model showed very good matching.
Note: There were some troubles with pipelines from H platform to the complex, it sometimes
showed back flow, i.e. flow into wells, to overcome this point, the pipelines from H to Complex
were bypassed given that it is only a short joint ( ≈200 ft.) and there is no significant pressure
drop on it.
1800 80%
1600 60%
1400 40%
% Difference
1200 20%
1000 0%
800 -20%
600 -40%
400 -60%
200 -80%
0 -100%
Accepting GAP model matching results, five optimization scenarios have been assumed.
Optimization method in all scenarios was Oil rate only as the objective is to maximize the oil
a) First scenario: Given the available amount of gas (Total IG) according to the sorting list
(117.2 MMSCFD), optimize the gas-lift injection rate in all wells by giving the GAP a range of
values of IG in each well, from 0 to 6 MMSCFD and let the model redistribute the same
amount of gas-lift over all wells in a way that will maximize the oil production.
b) Second Scenario: Reviewing the results from the 1st scenario, selected wells with high
value changes, either gas saving or oil gain, to limit the optimization to some wells rather
than all wells, using new IG rates from 1st scenario in the selected wells and keeping IG rates
in other wells as original case and running the model with fixed IG rate in all wells.
Optimization summary
Optimization summary
Sorting Gain/Loss
Well Actual Optimized
actual BOPD BOPD
ET_A-1 826 864.271 965.81819 102
NO159-5A 279 290.782 353.82489 63
NO159-6S T1 562 587.686 641.23533 54
OCT_C-2B 750 761.935 861.48363 100
OCT_C-3 1680 1699.225 1824.4305 125
OCT_C-6S T1 352 375.773 1081.0041 705
OCT_H-9 781 795.626 1038.5354 243
OCT_J-9A 459 487.609 561.91929 74
Net oil gain (BOPD) 1420
d) Fourth Scenario: Repeating the 1st scenario, redistributing the gas-lift injection gas on all
wells, but this time with the new generated VLP curves for the 8 wells with new POI.
e) Fifth Scenario: Repeating the 2nd scenario, by changing the IG rate in wells of good value
along with wells with new POI and keeping the IG rates constant in the other wells as
original case.
400 from optimized wells
+ 400 from additional gas
773 800
42 22 8 42 26
It is obvious from the above results that both 2nd and 5th scenarios are most reasonable as
optimization included limited number of wells which makes the optimization job easier. However, the
2nd scenario seems to be simpler than 5th scenario as it only includes changing the Gas-lift rate in
Given that both PROSPER and GAP models have some uncertainties due to lack of data and
old well tests, these results are not that accurate but can be used as a guide, however these
results showed some facts:
1. There is a room for optimization which can achieve around 1000 BOPD (Risk weighted) by
doing some wellwork and optimizing IG rate in some wells. (Case #5)
2. Regular surveillance data and well testing are necessary to update the model and reduce
3. District engineers are doing a good job in optimizing wells and gas-lift rates; this was obvious
from 1st scenario results after applying a risk factor and considering model uncertainty.
In case you want to copy the model to check the effect of any specific change to the system, or
changes to VLP ranges, Do Not copy the file (.gap) to any other location or even to the same location
of the original file as any changes in IPR or VLP curves will be applied to all versions using the same
(.vlp) file and this may damage your original model, the best way is to copy the model with all files to
make sure any change will not affect the original model, to do so; use Archive option, this option
offers the capability of creating an Archive of the whole project. It is in a sense a ZIP file that includes
all the associated files required when running the model.
c. Choose the new location to which you want to copy the file, then click save.
e. Go to the new location and open the file (.gar), the following screen will appear:
g. GAP will open the new file but will require you to edit file paths as appears in the dialogue
box below: